def test_check_content(ingestcheck, client, tmpdirsec, case): """Dump the content and check that we get the reference dump file back. """ require_icat_version("4.6.0", "Issue icatproject/icat.server#155") backend, filetype = case refdump = backends[backend]['refdump'] fileext = backends[backend]['fileext'] dump = os.path.join(tmpdirsec, "dump" + fileext) fdump = os.path.join(tmpdirsec, "dump-filter" + fileext) reffdump = os.path.join(tmpdirsec, "dump-filter-ref" + fileext) filter_file(refdump, reffdump, *backends[backend]['filter']) if filetype == 'FILE': icatdump(client, dump, backend) elif filetype == 'MEMORY': if 'b' in icat.dumpfile.Backends[backend][0].mode: stream = io.BytesIO() icatdump(client, stream, backend) icatdata = stream.getvalue() stream.close() else: stream = io.StringIO() icatdump(client, stream, backend) icatdata = stream.getvalue().encode('ascii') stream.close() with open(dump, "wb") as f: f.write(icatdata) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid file type %s" % filetype) filter_file(dump, fdump, *backends[backend]['filter']) assert filecmp.cmp(reffdump, fdump), "content of ICAT was not as expected"
def test_check_content(standardConfig, tmpdirsec): """Dump the resulting content and compare with a reference dump. """ dump = os.path.join(tmpdirsec.dir, "dump.yaml") fdump = os.path.join(tmpdirsec.dir, "dump-filter.yaml") reffdump = os.path.join(tmpdirsec.dir, "dump-filter-ref.yaml") filter_file(refdump, reffdump, *yaml_filter) args = standardConfig.cmdargs + ["-f", "YAML", "-o", dump] callscript("", args) filter_file(dump, fdump, *yaml_filter) assert filecmp.cmp(reffdump, fdump), "content of ICAT was not as expected"
def test_check_content(standardCmdArgs, tmpdirsec): """Dump the resulting content and compare with a reference dump. """ require_icat_version("4.6.0", "Issue icatproject/icat.server#155") dump = os.path.join(tmpdirsec, "dump.yaml") fdump = os.path.join(tmpdirsec, "dump-filter.yaml") reffdump = os.path.join(tmpdirsec, "dump-filter-ref.yaml") filter_file(refdump, reffdump, *yaml_filter) args = standardCmdArgs + ["-f", "YAML", "-o", dump] callscript("", args) filter_file(dump, fdump, *yaml_filter) assert filecmp.cmp(reffdump, fdump), "content of ICAT was not as expected"
def test_check_content_xml(standardConfig, tmpdirsec, backend): """Dump the content and check that we get the reference dump file back. """ refdump = backends[backend]['refdump'] fileext = backends[backend]['fileext'] dump = os.path.join(tmpdirsec.dir, "dump" + fileext) fdump = os.path.join(tmpdirsec.dir, "dump-filter" + fileext) reffdump = os.path.join(tmpdirsec.dir, "dump-filter-ref" + fileext) filter_file(refdump, reffdump, *backends[backend]['filter']) args = standardConfig.cmdargs + ["-f", backend, "-o", dump] callscript("", args) filter_file(dump, fdump, *backends[backend]['filter']) assert filecmp.cmp(reffdump, fdump), "content of ICAT was not as expected"
def test_check_summary_user_yaml(tmpdirsec, user): """Check the number of objects from a user's point of view. This checks which objects a given user may see and thus whether the (read) access rules work as expected. """ summary = os.path.join(tmpdirsec.dir, "summary.%s" % user) ref = refsummary[user] reff = os.path.join(tmpdirsec.dir, "summary-filter-ref.%s" % user) filter_file(ref, reff, *summary_filter) conf = getConfig(confSection=user) with open(summary, "wt") as out: callscript("", conf.cmdargs, stdout=out) assert filecmp.cmp(reff, summary), "ICAT content was not as expected"
def test_check_content(ingestcheck, standardCmdArgs, tmpdirsec, case): """Dump the content and check that we get the reference dump file back. """ require_icat_version("4.6.0", "Issue icatproject/icat.server#155") backend, filetype = case refdump = backends[backend]['refdump'] fileext = backends[backend]['fileext'] dump = os.path.join(tmpdirsec, "dump" + fileext) fdump = os.path.join(tmpdirsec, "dump-filter" + fileext) reffdump = os.path.join(tmpdirsec, "dump-filter-ref" + fileext) filter_file(refdump, reffdump, *backends[backend]['filter']) if filetype == 'FILE': args = standardCmdArgs + ["-f", backend, "-o", dump] callscript("", args) elif filetype == 'STDINOUT': args = standardCmdArgs + ["-f", backend] with open(dump, "wt") as outfile: callscript("", args, stdout=outfile) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid file type %s" % filetype) filter_file(dump, fdump, *backends[backend]['filter']) assert filecmp.cmp(reffdump, fdump), "content of ICAT was not as expected"