async def run_client(self, sock, address): response_queue = Queue(maxsize=1) if self.parallel else None try: async with sock: data_as_str = '' while True: rawdata = await sock.recv(self.buffer_size) if not rawdata: return data_as_str += rawdata.decode('utf-8').strip() try: request = json.loads(data_as_str) except ValueError: continue response = await self.memoized_handler( request, response_queue=response_queue) data_as_str = '' await sock.sendall(response.encode('utf-8')) except CancelledError: await sock.close()
for one_proc_id in all_adb_process_ids: try: psutil.Process(one_proc_id).terminate() except Exception: logger.exception('Error:') except Exception: logger.exception('Error:') def free(self): self.stop_all_back_procs() self.stop_back_handler(force=True)'call free .....') # 定义队列及关键共享数据 messages = Queue() subscribers = set() app_vmjob_list = set() # Dispatch task that forwards incoming messages to subscribers async def dispatcher(): async for msg in messages: for q in list(subscribers): await q.put(msg) # Publish a message async def publish(msg): await messages.put(msg)
def __init__(self): self.outgoing = Queue() self.incoming = Queue() self.closure = None self.closing = Event()
class AsyncTcpCallbackServer(object): ''' 1) receives json as utf-8 encoded bytestream 2) sends json object to callback as native python object (dict) - callback should return a string type 3) encodes string as utf-8 encoded bytestring and sends to client ''' def __init__( self, address, port, request_handler, memoized=True, buffer_size=1 << 13, parallel=True, cpus=None, search_path=None, worker_subprocess_timeout=600, ): ''' address: the address the listening socket will bind to. port: the port the listening socket will bind to. request_handler: an importable async function handling the received request as a dict. If 'parallel' is True, this can be either the dot-path to the function or the function itself. You may need to provide an additional search path in 'search_path' if the handler can't be found. This usually happens if your handler is defined in a script but not in a library. memoized: True is responses are to be cached. Defaults to True. buffer_size: the maximum amount of data to be received at once from the client connection. Defaults to 8KB. parallel: if True, handle all received requests in parallel, using a pool of processes. Defaults to True. cpus: number of processes if 'parallel' is True. Defaults to None which means match the number of CPUs on the host machine. search_path: path of the module containing the 'request_handler' definition. Will be prepended to sys.path when workers boot. worker_subprocess_timeout: timeout in seconds after which the subprocesses will be killed if no new request is queued up. Defaults to 5 seconds. ''' self.address = address self.port = port self.buffer_size = buffer_size self.memoized = memoized self.request_handler = request_handler self._saved_responses = {} self.parallel = parallel self.cpus = cpus or cpu_count() if parallel: self.requests = Queue() self.authkey = token_bytes() self.search_path = search_path # tag the socket path with the pid so we can run the multiple servers, # as is the case when running the tests while in a container that runs the official server. self.unix_socket_path = f'/var/run/{current_process().pid}' = Channel(self.unix_socket_path, family=socket.AF_UNIX) self.subprocess_launch_request = Queue(maxsize=self.cpus) self.worker_subprocess_timeout = worker_subprocess_timeout async def run_client(self, sock, address): response_queue = Queue(maxsize=1) if self.parallel else None try: async with sock: data_as_str = '' while True: rawdata = await sock.recv(self.buffer_size) if not rawdata: return data_as_str += rawdata.decode('utf-8').strip() try: request = json.loads(data_as_str) except ValueError: continue response = await self.memoized_handler( request, response_queue=response_queue) data_as_str = '' await sock.sendall(response.encode('utf-8')) except CancelledError: await sock.close() async def memoized_handler(self, request, response_queue=None): if self.memoized: hashable_request = str(request).strip() if hashable_request not in self._saved_responses: if response_queue: await self.requests.put((response_queue, request)) # next available 'worker' task will put the response on the queue. self._saved_responses[ hashable_request] = await response_queue.get() await response_queue.task_done() else: self._saved_responses[ hashable_request] = await self.request_handler(request) return self._saved_responses[hashable_request] else: if response_queue: await self.requests.put((response_queue, request)) response = await response_queue.get() await response_queue.task_done() else: response = await self.request_handler(request) return response async def worker(self, id, subprocess_timeout=5): ''' There is exactly one 'worker' task per subprocess. This is the link between one client connection and one subprocess. It waits for a (response_queue, request) from the 'self.requests' queue, sends the request to the subprocess, waits to receive the response and puts it in the client's response queue. The subprocess is started on-demand, so as not to consume CPU and memory when the server is idle. ''' subprocess_task = None subprocess_connection = None subprocess_launch_response = Queue( maxsize=1 ) # receives the (connection, task) for a requested worker subprocess try: while True: if subprocess_connection: try: response_queue, request = await timeout_after( subprocess_timeout, self.requests.get()) except TaskTimeout: await subprocess_task.cancel() await subprocess_connection.close() subprocess_connection = None subprocess_task = None continue else: response_queue, request = await self.requests.get() await self.subprocess_launch_request.put( (id, subprocess_launch_response)) subprocess_connection, subprocess_task = await subprocess_launch_response.get( ) await subprocess_connection.send(request) response = await subprocess_connection.recv() await response_queue.put(response) await self.requests.task_done() except CancelledError: if subprocess_task: await subprocess_task.cancel() if subprocess_connection: await subprocess_connection.close() async def subprocess_launcher(self): ''' Launches a subprocess whenever a 'worker' task requests it. ''' async with while True: try: worker_id, response = await self.subprocess_launch_request.get( ) subprocess_task = await aside(worker_main, worker_id,, self.authkey, self.request_handler, self.search_path) subprocess_connection = await authkey=self.authkey) await response.put( (subprocess_connection, subprocess_task)) except CancelledError: break async def run_server(self): try: if self.parallel: subprocess_launcher_task = await spawn( self.subprocess_launcher()) worker_tasks = [] for id in range(self.cpus): worker_tasks.append(await spawn( self.worker(id, self.worker_subprocess_timeout))) async with curiosocket.socket( curiosocket.AF_INET, curiosocket.SOCK_STREAM) as listening_socket: listening_socket.setsockopt(curiosocket.SOL_SOCKET, curiosocket.SO_REUSEADDR, True) listening_socket.bind((self.address, self.port)) listening_socket.listen(100) while True: client_socket, remote_address = await listening_socket.accept( ) await spawn( self.run_graceful_client(client_socket, remote_address)) except CancelledError: if self.parallel: await wait(worker_tasks).cancel_remaining() await subprocess_launcher_task.cancel() if exists(self.unix_socket_path): remove(self.unix_socket_path) async def run_graceful_client(self, sock, address): client_task = await spawn(self.run_client(sock, address)) await SignalSet(SIGINT, SIGTERM).wait() await client_task.cancel() async def run_graceful_server(self): server_task = await spawn(self.run_server()) await SignalSet(SIGINT, SIGTERM).wait() await server_task.cancel() def run(self): with catch_warnings(): filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning) return run(self.run_graceful_server())
async def declare_queue(self, channel_number, name): queue_declare = pika.spec.Queue.Declare(queue=name) frame_value = pika.frame.Method(channel_number, queue_declare) await self.sock.sendall(frame_value.marshal()) await self.assert_recv_method(pika.spec.Queue.DeclareOk) return Queue(name=name)
async def _run_all(ble, system): """Curio run loop """ print('inside curio run loop') # Instantiate the Bluetooth LE handler/queue ble_q = BLEventQ(ble) # The web client out_going queue web_out_queue = Queue() # Instantiate socket listener #task_socket = await spawn(socket_server, web_out_queue, ('',25000)) task_tcp = await spawn(bricknil_socket_server, web_out_queue, ('', 25000)) await task_tcp.join() # Call the user's system routine to instantiate the processes await system() hub_tasks = [] hub_peripheral_listen_tasks = [] # Need to cancel these at the end # Run the bluetooth listen queue task_ble_q = await spawn( # Connect all the hubs first before enabling any of them for hub in Hub.hubs: hub.web_queue_out = web_out_queue task_connect = await spawn(ble_q.connect(hub)) await task_connect.join() for hub in Hub.hubs: # Start the peripheral listening loop in each hub task_listen = await spawn(hub.peripheral_message_loop()) hub_peripheral_listen_tasks.append(task_listen) # Need to wait here until all the ports are set # Use a faster timeout the first time (for speeding up testing) first_delay = True for name, peripheral in hub.peripherals.items(): while peripheral.port is None: hub.message_info( f"Waiting for peripheral {name} to attach to a port") if first_delay: first_delay = False await sleep(0.1) else: await sleep(1) # Start each hub task_run = await spawn( hub_tasks.append(task_run) # Now wait for the tasks to finish ble_q.message_info(f'Waiting for hubs to end') for task in hub_tasks: await task.join() ble_q.message_info(f'Hubs end') for task in hub_peripheral_listen_tasks: await task.cancel() await task_ble_q.cancel() # Print out the port information in debug mode for hub in Hub.hubs: if hub.query_port_info: hub.message_info(pprint.pformat(hub.port_info))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.queue = Queue() self.subscribers = set()
class Cmd: plugin_list = {} stage = '' pre_step = [] post_step = [] inputs_from = [] N_THREADS = 1 msg_queue = Queue() def __init__(self, config, skip=False): self.config = config self._find_executable() self.skip = skip self.queue = {} logging.debug(f'{} skip={skip}') @staticmethod def register_plugin(new_plugin): # First do the registration of this flow step with the registry stage_plugins = Cmd.plugin_list.setdefault(new_plugin.stage, {}) stage_plugins[] = new_plugin logger.debug(f'registered {new_plugin} to plugin_list') def _find_executable(self): os_ = platform.system() if os_ == 'Linux': logging.debug('linux') #raise UnsupportedOSError elif os_ == 'Windows': logging.debug('Windows') raise UnsupportedOSError elif os_ == 'Darwin': logging.debug('Mac') else: raise UnsupportedOSError if 'program' in self.config: self.executable = self.config['program'] else: #raise UnknownExecutableError(f'Could not find executable for {self.__class__.__name__}') raise UnknownExecutableError( f'Could not find executable for {}') def _get_filename_base(self, path): """ Return the base name without the extension """ basename, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path)) return basename def _get_filename_ext(self, path): """ Return the extension without anything else """ basename, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path)) return ext def _change_ext(self, path, new_ext): """Take the file name as is and return an abspath with the extension changed """ assert not new_ext.startswith( '.'), 'New extension must not start with a period' directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path)) basename = self._get_filename_base(path) return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(directory, f'{basename}.{new_ext}')) def iterate_with_progress(self, items, total=None): """ """ if not total: total = len(items) if self.skip: desc = f'{} [skipped]' else: desc = with tqdm(total=total, desc=desc) as pbar: for item in items: yield item pbar.update(1) async def _run_command(self, cmd): logger.debug(cmd) output = await subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return output async def _get_aws_signed_url(self, url): response = await asks_session.get(url, retries=3) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() def _aws_post_file(self, filename, signed_response): # This is the requests version just for posterity (run it in curio.run_in_thread) upload_url = signed_response['url'] upload_data = signed_response['fields'] upload_filename = upload_data['key'] with open(filename, 'rb') as f: files = {'file': (upload_filename, f)} req = Request('POST', upload_url, data=upload_data, files=files) prepared_req = req.prepare() http_response = session.send(prepared_req) http_response.raise_for_status() async def _aws_asks_post_file(self, filename, signed_response): upload_url = signed_response['url'] upload_data = signed_response['fields'] upload_filename = upload_data['key'] data = upload_data data['file'] = Path(filename) http_response = await, multipart=data) http_response.raise_for_status() @retry(sleep=curio.sleep, wait=wait_random_exponential(multiplier=1, max=60), stop=stop_after_delay(10)) async def _aws_upload_file(self, url, filename): # Get signed URL for AWS S3 # POst to signed URL #url_response = await curio.run_in_thread(self.get_aws_signed_url, url) url_response = await self._get_aws_signed_url(url) # Not sure why i can't use asks here to post the files #response = await curio.run_in_thread(self._aws_post_file, filename, url_response) response = await self._aws_asks_post_file(filename, url_response) return url_response @retry(sleep=curio.sleep, wait=wait_random_exponential(multiplier=1, max=60), stop=stop_after_delay(10)) async def _aws_run_command(self, url, input_files, cmd, output_filenames): """Post to aws to run the specified commands with input files, and return the output files """ json = { 'input_files': input_files, 'cmd': cmd, 'output_files': [os.path.basename(fn) for fn in output_filenames], } response = await, json=json) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() async def run_command_aws(self, cmd, input_filenames, output_filenames, url): logger.debug(f'Running in aws: {cmd}') endpoint_run_ocr = f'{url}/ocr' endpoint_get_signed_url = f'{url}/geturl' # First, upload the input_files input_files = [] for input_filename in input_filenames: logger.debug(f'Uploading file {input_filename} to S3') url_response = await self._aws_upload_file(endpoint_get_signed_url, input_filename) input_files.append((url_response['fields']['key'], os.path.basename(input_filename)))'Posting to aws {cmd}') response_dict = await self._aws_run_command(endpoint_run_ocr, input_files, cmd, output_filenames) logging.debug(response_dict['message']) #print (list(response_dict['output_files'].keys())) for output_filename in output_filenames: contents = response_dict['output_files'][os.path.basename( output_filename)] b64 = base64.b64decode(contents) async with aopen(str(output_filename), 'wb') as f: await f.write(b64) async def add_to_queue(self, output_filename, task_func, *task_args): self.queue[output_filename] = (task_func, *task_args) async def add_message(self, msg): #msg = f'{}: {msg}' msg = (, msg) await Cmd.msg_queue.put(msg) async def get_messages(self): msgs = [] while not Cmd.msg_queue.empty(): msg = await Cmd.msg_queue.get() msgs.append(msg) await Cmd.msg_queue.task_done() return msgs async def spawn_with_update(self, pbar, task): await task[0](*task[1:]) pbar.update(1) async def run_queue(self): t_list = [] # All currently executing tasks output_filenames = [] n = len(self.queue) if self.skip: desc = f'{} [skipped]' else: desc = with tqdm(total=n, desc=desc) as pbar: for output_filename, task in self.queue.items(): output_filenames.append(output_filename) if not self.skip: t = await spawn(self.spawn_with_update, pbar, task) t_list.append(t) if len(t_list) == self.N_THREADS: for t in t_list: await t.join() t_list = [] if not self.skip: # Flush out any remaining jobs in the queue (when N_THREADS is not an int factor of the task count) for t in t_list: await t.join() self.queue = {} # Empty all the jobs return ItemList([os.path.abspath(p) for p in output_filenames]) def error(self, msg): print(f'ERROR: {msg}') sys.exit(-1) async def write_yaml_to_file(self, filename, python_dict): with open(filename, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(python_dict, f) async def read_yaml_from_file(self, filename): with open(filename) as f: d = yaml.load(f) return d