Beispiel #1
    def graph_implementation(arg_objs, size, data=None):
        """Reduces the atom to an affine expression and list of constraints.

        arg_objs : list
            LinExpr for each argument.
        size : tuple
            The size of the resulting expression.
        data :
            Additional data required by the atom.

            (LinOp for objective, list of constraints)
        x = arg_objs[0]
        t = lu.create_var(size)

        # log(1 + exp(x)) <= t <=> exp(-t) + exp(x - t) <= 1
        obj0, constr0 = exp.graph_implementation([lu.neg_expr(t)], size)
        obj1, constr1 = exp.graph_implementation([lu.sub_expr(x, t)], size)
        lhs = lu.sum_expr([obj0, obj1])
        ones = lu.create_const(np.mat(np.ones(size)), size)
        constr = constr0 + constr1 + [lu.create_leq(lhs, ones)]

        return (t, constr)
Beispiel #2
    def graph_implementation(arg_objs, size, data=None):
        """Reduces the atom to an affine expression and list of constraints.

        arg_objs : list
            LinExpr for each argument.
        size : tuple
            The size of the resulting expression.
        data :
            Additional data required by the atom.

            (LinOp for objective, list of constraints)
        x = arg_objs[0]
        t = lu.create_var(size)

        # log(1 + exp(x)) <= t <=> exp(-t) + exp(x - t) <= 1
        obj0, constr0 = exp.graph_implementation([lu.neg_expr(t)], size)
        obj1, constr1 = exp.graph_implementation([lu.sub_expr(x, t)], size)
        lhs = lu.sum_expr([obj0, obj1])
        ones = lu.create_const(np.mat(np.ones(size)), size)
        constr = constr0 + constr1 + [lu.create_leq(lhs, ones)]

        return (t, constr)
Beispiel #3
    def graph_implementation(arg_objs, size, data=None):
        """Reduces the atom to an affine expression and list of constraints.

        arg_objs : list
            LinExpr for each argument.
        size : tuple
            The size of the resulting expression.
        data :
            Additional data required by the atom.

            (LinOp for objective, list of constraints)
        x = arg_objs[0]
        axis = data[0]
        t = lu.create_var(size)

        # sum(exp(x - t)) <= 1
        if axis is None:
            prom_t = lu.promote(t, x.size)
            expr = lu.sub_expr(x, prom_t)
            obj, constraints = exp.graph_implementation([expr], x.size)
            obj = lu.sum_entries(obj)

        elif axis == 0:
            prom_size = (x.size[0], 1)
            ones = lu.create_const(np.ones(prom_size), prom_size)
            prom_t = lu.mul_expr(ones, t, x.size)
            expr = lu.sub_expr(x, prom_t)
            obj, constraints = exp.graph_implementation([expr], x.size)

            const_size = (1, x.size[0])
            ones = lu.create_const(np.ones(const_size), const_size)
            obj = lu.mul_expr(ones, obj, size)

        else:  # axis == 1
            prom_size = (1, x.size[1])
            ones = lu.create_const(np.ones(prom_size), prom_size)
            prom_t = lu.rmul_expr(t, ones, x.size)
            expr = lu.sub_expr(x, prom_t)
            obj, constraints = exp.graph_implementation([expr], x.size)

            const_size = (x.size[1], 1)
            ones = lu.create_const(np.ones(const_size), const_size)
            obj = lu.rmul_expr(obj, ones, size)

        ones = lu.create_const(np.ones(size), size)
        constraints += [lu.create_leq(obj, ones)]

        return (t, constraints)
Beispiel #4
    def graph_implementation(arg_objs, size, data=None):
        """Reduces the atom to an affine expression and list of constraints.

        arg_objs : list
            LinExpr for each argument.
        size : tuple
            The size of the resulting expression.
        data :
            Additional data required by the atom.

            (LinOp for objective, list of constraints)
        x = arg_objs[0]
        axis = data[0]
        t = lu.create_var(size)

        # sum(exp(x - t)) <= 1
        if axis is None:
            prom_t = lu.promote(t, x.size)
            expr = lu.sub_expr(x, prom_t)
            obj, constraints = exp.graph_implementation([expr], x.size)
            obj = lu.sum_entries(obj)

        elif axis == 0:
            prom_size = (x.size[0], 1)
            ones = lu.create_const(np.ones(prom_size), prom_size)
            prom_t = lu.mul_expr(ones, t, x.size)
            expr = lu.sub_expr(x, prom_t)
            obj, constraints = exp.graph_implementation([expr], x.size)

            const_size = (1, x.size[0])
            ones = lu.create_const(np.ones(const_size), const_size)
            obj = lu.mul_expr(ones, obj, size)

        else:  # axis == 1
            prom_size = (1, x.size[1])
            ones = lu.create_const(np.ones(prom_size), prom_size)
            prom_t = lu.rmul_expr(t, ones, x.size)
            expr = lu.sub_expr(x, prom_t)
            obj, constraints = exp.graph_implementation([expr], x.size)

            const_size = (x.size[1], 1)
            ones = lu.create_const(np.ones(const_size), const_size)
            obj = lu.rmul_expr(obj, ones, size)

        ones = lu.create_const(np.ones(size), size)
        constraints += [lu.create_leq(obj, ones)]

        return (t, constraints)
Beispiel #5
    def graph_implementation(arg_objs, size, data=None):
        """Reduces the atom to an affine expression and list of constraints.

        arg_objs : list
            LinExpr for each argument.
        size : tuple
            The size of the resulting expression.
        data :
            Additional data required by the atom.

            (LinOp for objective, list of constraints)
        x = arg_objs[0]
        t = lu.create_var((1, 1))
        # sum(exp(x - t))
        prom_t = lu.promote(t, x.size)
        expr = lu.sub_expr(x, prom_t)
        obj, constraints = exp.graph_implementation([expr], x.size)
        obj, constr = sum_entries.graph_implementation([obj], (1, 1))
        # obj <= 1
        one = lu.create_const(1, (1, 1))
        constraints += constr + [lu.create_leq(obj, one)]
        return (t, constraints)
Beispiel #6
    def graph_implementation(arg_objs, size, data=None):
        """Reduces the atom to an affine expression and list of constraints.

        arg_objs : list
            LinExpr for each argument.
        size : tuple
            The size of the resulting expression.
        data :
            Additional data required by the atom.

            (LinOp for objective, list of constraints)
        x = arg_objs[0]
        t = lu.create_var((1, 1))
        # sum(exp(x - t))
        prom_t = lu.promote(t, x.size)
        expr = lu.sub_expr(x, prom_t)
        obj, constraints = exp.graph_implementation([expr], x.size)
        obj, constr = sum_entries.graph_implementation([obj], (1, 1))
        # obj <= 1
        one = lu.create_const(1, (1, 1))
        constraints += constr + [lu.create_leq(obj, one)]
        return (t, constraints)
Beispiel #7
    def graph_implementation(arg_objs, size, data=None):
        """Reduces the atom to an affine expression and list of constraints.

        arg_objs : list
            LinExpr for each argument.
        size : tuple
            The size of the resulting expression.
        data :
            Additional data required by the atom.

            (LinOp for objective, list of constraints)
        x = arg_objs[0]
        t = lu.create_var(size)

        # log(1 + exp(x)) <= t <=> exp(-t) + exp(x - t) <= 1
        obj0, constr0 = exp.graph_implementation([lu.neg_expr(t)], size)
        obj1, constr1 = exp.graph_implementation([lu.sub_expr(x, t)], size)
        lhs = lu.sum_expr([obj0, obj1])
        ones = lu.create_const(np.mat(np.ones(size)), size)
        constr = constr0 + constr1 + [lu.create_leq(lhs, ones)]
        s = data[0]
        if isinstance(s, Parameter):
            s = lu.create_param(s, (1, 1))
        else: # M is constant.
            s = lu.create_const(s, (1, 1))

        #Wrong sign?
        obj0, constr0 = exp.graph_implementation([lu.neg_expr(t)], size)
        obj1, constr1 = exp.graph_implementation([lu.sub_expr(s, lu.sum_expr([t, x]))], size)
        obj2, constr2 = exp.graph_implementation([lu.sub_expr(lu.neg_expr(s), lu.sum_expr([t, x]))], size)
        obj3, constr3 = exp.graph_implementation([lu.sub_expr(lu.neg_expr(t), lu.mul_expr(2, x, size))], size)

        lhs = lu.sum_expr([obj0, obj1, obj2, obj3])
        ones = lu.create_const(np.mat(np.ones(size)), size)
        constr = constr0 + constr1 + constr2 + constr3 + [lu.create_leq(lhs, ones)]

        return (t, constr)
    def graph_implementation(arg_objs,size,data=None):
        x = arg_objs[0]
        beta,x0 = data[0],data[1]
        beta_val,x0_val = beta.value,x0.value

        if isinstance(beta,Parameter):
            beta = lu.create_param(beta,(1,1))
            beta = lu.create_const(beta.value,(1,1))
        if isinstance(x0,Parameter):
            x0 = lu.create_param(x0,(1,1))
            x0 = lu.create_const(x0.value,(1,1))

        xi,psi = lu.create_var(size),lu.create_var(size)
        one = lu.create_const(1,(1,1))
        one_over_beta = lu.create_const(1/beta_val,(1,1))
        k = np.exp(-beta_val*x0_val)
        k = lu.create_const(k,(1,1))

        # 1/beta * (1 - exp(-beta*(xi+x0)))
        xi_plus_x0 = lu.sum_expr([xi,x0])
        minus_beta_times_xi_plus_x0  = lu.neg_expr(lu.mul_expr(beta,xi_plus_x0,size))
        exp_xi,constr_exp = exp.graph_implementation([minus_beta_times_xi_plus_x0],size)
        minus_exp_minus_etc = lu.neg_expr(exp_xi)
        left_branch = lu.mul_expr(one_over_beta, lu.sum_expr([one,minus_exp_minus_etc]),size)

        # psi*exp(-beta*r0)
        right_branch = lu.mul_expr(k,psi,size)

        obj = lu.sum_expr([left_branch,right_branch])

        #x-x0 == xi + psi, xi >= 0, psi <= 0
        zero = lu.create_const(0,size)
        constraints = constr_exp
        prom_x0 = lu.promote(x0, size)

        return (obj, constraints)