def workflow(id=None, dn=None): """ Implementation of the /workflow route Enforces ontological constraints on workflows types retrieved from ontology_terms. /workflow?do_uri=:uri - GET workflows having dataobject member giving by :uid """ #Desperately need to add field error checking. Note, we have access to db.query_map api_version, root_url, root = get_api_version(request.url) if apidebug: print('APIDEBUG: You are: %s' % str(dn)) print('APIDEBUG: workflow url request is %s' % request.url) if request.method == 'POST': #check for valid workflow type wtype = json.loads('type') ont_entry = rdb.getRecord('ontology_terms', {'path': '/Workflow/Type'}, dn)[0] vocab = rdb.getRecord('ontology_terms', {'parent_uid': ont_entry['uid']}, dn) valid = tuple(x['name'] for x in vocab) if (wtype in valid): ##Add logic to check for fields or exceptions from query type_uid = ont_entry.get('uid') p = json.loads( payload = { "name": p['name'], "description": p['description'], "type_uid": type_uid, "value": wtype } r = rdb.addWorkflow(payload, dn=dn) #should return ENTIRE record created. use rdb.getworkflow internally else: payload = { "url": request.url, "body":, "hint": valid, "uid": -1 } raise InvalidAPIUsage(message='Invalid workflow type specified', status_code=400, payload=payload) elif request.method == 'GET': if id: darg = dict(request.args.items(multi=True) + [('uid', id)]) if apidebug: print('APIDEBUG: darg is %s' % darg) r = rdb.getWorkflow({'uid': id}, dn=dn) else: if 'do_uri' in request.args: #find data object by uri r = rdb.getRecord('dataobject', {'uri': request.args['do_uri']}, dn=dn) if len(r) == 1: do_uid = r[0].get('uid') #find dataobject instances based on do_uid doi_list = rdb.getRecord('dataobject_instance', {'do_uid': do_uid}, dn=dn) result = [] for doi in doi_list: result.append( rdb.getWorkflow({'uid': doi['work_uid']}, dn=dn)[0]) r = { 'result': result, 'count': len(result), 'link-requested': request.url, 'status': 'ok' } else: r = {'uid': '0', 'msg': 'not found'} #general searches else: r = rdb.getWorkflow(request.args, dn=dn) #add workflow type here in return. Use complete path? if apidebug: print('APIDEBUG: workflow returning "%s" len %d' % ( r, len(r), )) if apidebug: print('APIDEBUG: workflow %s' % (r, )) return Response(json.dumps(r, cls=MPOSetEncoder), mimetype='application/json', status=200)
def workflow(id=None, dn=None): """ Implementation of the /workflow route Enforces ontological constraints on workflows types retrieved from ontology_terms. /workflow?do_uri=:uri - GET workflows having dataobject member giving by :uid """ #Desperately need to add field error checking. Note, we have access to db.query_map api_version,root_url,root=get_api_version(request.url) if apidebug: print ('APIDEBUG: You are: %s'% str(dn) ) print ('APIDEBUG: workflow url request is %s' %request.url) if request.method == 'POST': #check for valid workflow type wtype = json.loads('type') ont_entry = rdb.getRecord('ontology_terms', {'path':'/Workflow/Type'}, dn )[0] vocab=rdb.getRecord('ontology_terms', {'parent_uid':ont_entry['uid']}, dn ) valid= tuple(x['name'] for x in vocab) if (wtype in valid): ##Add logic to check for fields or exceptions from query type_uid = ont_entry.get('uid') p=json.loads( payload={"name":p['name'],"description":p['description'],"type_uid":type_uid,"value":wtype} r = rdb.addWorkflow(payload,dn=dn) #should return ENTIRE record created. use rdb.getworkflow internally else: payload={"url":request.url, "body", "hint":valid, "uid":-1} raise InvalidAPIUsage(message='Invalid workflow type specified',status_code=400, payload=payload) elif request.method == 'GET': if id: darg=dict(request.args.items(multi=True)+[('uid',id)]) if apidebug: print('APIDEBUG: darg is %s' %darg) r = rdb.getWorkflow({'uid':id},dn=dn) else: if 'do_uri' in request.args: #find data object by uri r = rdb.getRecord('dataobject',{'uri':request.args['do_uri']}, dn=dn) if len(r)==1: do_uid=r[0].get('uid') #find dataobject instances based on do_uid doi_list = rdb.getRecord('dataobject_instance',{'do_uid':do_uid}, dn=dn ) result=[] for doi in doi_list: result.append(rdb.getWorkflow({'uid':doi['work_uid']},dn=dn)[0]) r={'result':result,'count':len(result),'link-requested':request.url, 'status':'ok'} else: r={'uid':'0','msg':'not found'} #general searches else: r = rdb.getWorkflow(request.args,dn=dn) #add workflow type here in return. Use complete path? if apidebug: print ('APIDEBUG: workflow returning "%s" len %d'% (r,len(r),)) if apidebug: print ('APIDEBUG: workflow %s'% (r,) ) return Response(json.dumps(r,cls=MPOSetEncoder),mimetype='application/json',status=200)
def collectionElement(id=None, oid=None, dn=None): """ /collection/:id/element - GET a list of objects in a collection - POST to add to the collection /collection/:id/element/:oid - GET details of a single object in a collection. Should resolve oid to full record from relevant table. /collection/:id/element?detail=full[sparse] - GET collection information with full details [or default sparse as /collection/<id>] """ api_version, root_url, root = get_api_version(request.url) if request.method == 'POST': payload = json.loads( #make sure the element hasn't been added to the collection already #elems must be a list of uids that are not already in this collection, if it exists. elems = payload.get('elements') if elems: if not isinstance(elems, list): elements = [elems] else: elements = elems else: elements = [] #remove elements already in the collection for e in elements[:]: r = rdb.getRecord('collection_elements', { 'uid': e, 'parent_uid': id }, dn=dn) if len(r) != 0: elements.remove( e) #maybe add to response message this was done payload['elements'] = elements #add elements one and a time and create list of returned records r = [] for e in elements: rr = rdb.addRecord('collection_elements', json.dumps({ 'uid': e, 'parent_uid': id }), dn=dn) r.append(rr) morer = rdb.getRecord('collection_elements', {'uid': rr['uid']}, dn=dn) publishEvent('mpo_collection_elements', onlyone(morer)) elif request.method == 'DELETE': if oid: r = rdb.deleteCollectionElement({ 'parent_uid': id, 'uid': oid }, dn=None) else: r = [] elif request.method == 'GET': if oid: r = rdb.getRecord('collection_elements', { 'parent_uid': id, 'uid': oid }, dn=dn) else: r = rdb.getRecord('collection_elements', {'parent_uid': id}, dn=dn) #Find original item and add it to record. for record in r: print('collection element r', record) r_uid = record['uid'] #getRecordTable returns a python dict record['type'] = rdb.getRecordTable(r_uid, dn=dn) #set default field values detail = { 'related': 'not sure', 'link-related': root_url, 'related': 'cousins', 'name': 'what is this?', 'description': 'empty', 'time': 'nowhen' } #Translation for specific types if record['type'] == 'workflow': detail = rdb.getWorkflow({'uid': r_uid}, dn=dn)[0] print('element workflow', detail) detail['related'] = rdb.getWorkflowCompositeID( r_uid, dn=dn).get('alias') links = {} links['link1'] = root_url + '/workflow/' + r_uid links['link2'] = root_url + '/workflow?alias=' + detail[ 'related'] detail['link-related'] = links elif record['type'] == 'dataobject': detail = rdb.getRecord('dataobject', {'uid': r_uid}, dn=dn)[0] detail['related'] = detail.get('uri') detail['link-related'] = root_url + '/dataobject/' + r_uid elif record['type'] == 'dataobject_instance': do_uid = (rdb.getRecord('dataobject_instance', {'uid': record['uid']}, dn=dn)[0]).get('do_uid') detail = rdb.getRecord('dataobject', {'uid': do_uid}, dn=dn)[0] detail['related'] = detail.get('uri') detail['link-related'] = root_url + '/dataobject/' + do_uid elif record['type'] == 'collection': thisdetail = rdb.getRecord('collection', {'uid': r_uid}, dn=dn)[0] detail['related'] = None detail[ 'link-related'] = root_url + '/collection/' + r_uid + '/element' detail['description'] = thisdetail.get('description') detail['name'] = thisdetail.get('name') detail['time'] = thisdetail.get('time') record['name'] = detail['name'] record['description'] = detail['description'] record['time'] = detail['time'] record['related'] = detail['related'] record['link-related'] = detail['link-related'] istatus = 200 # if len(r) == 0: # #istatus = 404 # r=[{'mesg':'No records found', 'number_of_records':0, 'status':404}] return Response(json.dumps(r, cls=MPOSetEncoder), mimetype='application/json', status=istatus)
def collectionElement(id=None, oid=None, dn=None): """ /collection/:id/element - GET a list of objects in a collection - POST to add to the collection /collection/:id/element/:oid - GET details of a single object in a collection. Should resolve oid to full record from relevant table. /collection/:id/element?detail=full[sparse] - GET collection information with full details [or default sparse as /collection/<id>] """ api_version,root_url,root=get_api_version(request.url) if request.method == 'POST': payload = json.loads( #make sure the element hasn't been added to the collection already #elems must be a list of uids that are not already in this collection, if it exists. elems = payload.get('elements') if elems: if not isinstance(elems,list): elements=[elems] else: elements=elems else: elements=[] #remove elements already in the collection for e in elements[:]: r = rdb.getRecord('collection_elements',{'uid':e,'parent_uid':id}, dn=dn) if len(r)!=0: elements.remove(e) #maybe add to response message this was done payload['elements'] = elements #add elements one and a time and create list of returned records r=[] for e in elements: rr=rdb.addRecord('collection_elements',json.dumps({'uid':e,'parent_uid':id}),dn=dn) r.append(rr) morer = rdb.getRecord('collection_elements',{'uid':rr['uid']},dn=dn) publishEvent('mpo_collection_elements',onlyone(morer)) elif request.method == 'DELETE': if oid: r = rdb.deleteCollectionElement({'parent_uid':id,'uid':oid}, dn=None) else: r = [] elif request.method == 'GET': if oid: r = rdb.getRecord('collection_elements',{'parent_uid':id,'uid':oid}, dn=dn) else: r = rdb.getRecord('collection_elements',{'parent_uid':id}, dn=dn) #Find original item and add it to record. for record in r: print ('collection element r',record) r_uid=record['uid'] #getRecordTable returns a python dict record['type']=rdb.getRecordTable( r_uid, dn=dn ) #set default field values detail={'related':'not sure','link-related':root_url,'related':'cousins', 'name':'what is this?','description':'empty','time':'nowhen'} #Translation for specific types if record['type']=='workflow': detail=rdb.getWorkflow({'uid':r_uid},dn=dn)[0] print('element workflow',detail) detail['related']=rdb.getWorkflowCompositeID(r_uid,dn=dn).get('alias') links={} links['link1']=root_url+'/workflow/'+r_uid links['link2']=root_url+'/workflow?alias='+detail['related'] detail['link-related']=links elif record['type']=='dataobject': detail=rdb.getRecord('dataobject',{'uid':r_uid},dn=dn)[0] detail['related']=detail.get('uri') detail['link-related']=root_url+'/dataobject/'+r_uid elif record['type']=='dataobject_instance': do_uid=(rdb.getRecord('dataobject_instance',{'uid':record['uid']},dn=dn)[0]).get('do_uid') detail=rdb.getRecord('dataobject',{'uid':do_uid},dn=dn)[0] detail['related']=detail.get('uri') detail['link-related']=root_url+'/dataobject/'+do_uid elif record['type']=='collection': thisdetail=rdb.getRecord('collection',{'uid':r_uid},dn=dn)[0] detail['related']=None detail['link-related']=root_url+'/collection/'+r_uid+'/element' detail['description']=thisdetail.get('description') detail['name']=thisdetail.get('name') detail['time']=thisdetail.get('time') record['name']=detail['name'] record['description']=detail['description'] record['time']=detail['time'] record['related']=detail['related'] record['link-related']=detail['link-related'] istatus=200 # if len(r) == 0: # #istatus = 404 # r=[{'mesg':'No records found', 'number_of_records':0, 'status':404}] return Response(json.dumps(r,cls=MPOSetEncoder),mimetype='application/json',status=istatus)