Beispiel #1
    def handle(self, *args, **options):

        ai = AdamImport()

        ifile = 'F:\\adamexports\\adamcache\Incar\Data\INVEN.DBF'
        ofile = 'F:\\adamexports\csvfiles\INVEN.csv'
        out_type = 'csv'

        ai.DBFConverter(ifile, ofile, out_type)

        inv = pd.read_csv(ofile)
        ext = inv.ONHAND * inv.COST
        ext = sum(ext)
            r = PartsInv(invvalue=ext)
            print "updated inventory value to %s" % ext
            print "There was an error updating invvalue"

        ifile = 'F:\\adamexports\\adamcache\Sicar\Data\\rofile.dbf'
        ofile = 'F:\\adamexports\csvfiles\\rofile.csv'
        out_type = 'csv'

        ai.DBFConverter(ifile, ofile, out_type)

        rof = pd.read_csv(ofile)
        cutoff_date = + datetime.timedelta(-30)

        ttlcount = rof.RO_NUM.count()
        custsum = rof.CP_TOTAL.sum()
        intsum = rof.IN_TOTAL.sum()
        warsum = rof.WP_TOTAL.sum()
        extsum = rof.XP_TOTAL.sum()

        pcount = rof[rof['STATUS'].str.contains('P')]
        pcount = pcount['STATUS'].count()
        rof['DATE_IN'] = pd.to_datetime(rof['DATE_IN'])

        oldcount = rof[rof['DATE_IN'] < pd.to_datetime(cutoff_date)]
        oldcount = oldcount['RO_NUM'].count()

            r = ServiceRO(

            print "updated service RO values"
            print ttlcount, pcount, oldcount, custsum, intsum, warsum, extsum
            print "There was an error updating Service Ro Values"
Beispiel #2
def do_conversion(in_file, out_file):
    ai = AdamImport()
    ifile = ''.join([ADAM_PATH, in_file])
    ofile = ''.join([ADAM_EXPORT_PATH, out_file])
    out_type = 'csv'
    ai.DBFConverter(ifile, ofile, out_type)
    print "ran conversion %s to %s" % (in_file, out_file)
Beispiel #3
def sv_Get_RO_Count(type):

    type:valid options are totalcount, oldcount

    ai = AdamImport()

    ifile = 'F:\\adamexports\\adamcache\Sicar\Data\\rofile.dbf'
    ofile = 'F:\\adamexports\csvfiles\\rofile.csv'
    out_type = 'csv'

    if need_refresh(ofile):
        ai.DBFConverter(ifile, ofile, out_type)

    rof = pd.read_csv(ofile, engine='python')
    cutoff_date = + datetime.timedelta(-30)

    ttlcount = rof.RO_NUM.count()
    rof['DATE_IN'] = pd.to_datetime(rof['DATE_IN'])
    oldcount = rof[rof['DATE_IN'] < pd.to_datetime(cutoff_date)]
    oldcount = oldcount['RO_NUM'].count()
    if type == 'totalcount':
        return ttlcount
    elif type == 'oldcount':
        return oldcount
Beispiel #4
def do_conversion(ifile, ofile):
    ai = AdamImport()
    ifile = ''.join([ADAM_PATH, ifile])
    ofile = ''.join([ADAM_EXPORT_PATH, ofile])
    out_type = 'csv'

    #if need_refresh(ofile):
    ai.DBFConverter(ifile, ofile, out_type)
    print "conversion completed"
Beispiel #5
def pa_Get_Inventory_Value():
    ai = AdamImport()
    ifile = 'F:\\adamexports\\adamcache\Incar\Data\INVEN.DBF'
    ofile = 'F:\\adamexports\csvfiles\INVEN.csv'
    out_type = 'csv'

    if need_refresh(ofile):
        ai.DBFConverter(ifile, ofile, out_type)

    inv = pd.read_csv(ofile, engine='python')
    ext = inv.ONHAND * inv.COST
    ext = sum(ext)
    return ext
Beispiel #6
def export(request, path_id):
    # view to convert a DBF file on the fly and export it to a CSV
    ai = AdamImport()
    # get the id from the path and pull the correspoding DBF
    p = ADAMFiles.objects.get(id=path_id)
    p = str(p)
    ai.DBFConverter(p, 'output.csv', 'csv')
    f = open('output.csv')
    ofile = os.path.basename(p)
    ofile = ofile.replace('.dbf', '')
    ofile = ofile.replace('.DBF', '')
    response = HttpResponse(f, content_type="text/csv")
    params = 'attachment; filename=%s.csv' % ofile
    response['Content-Disposition'] = params
    return response
Beispiel #7
def detail(request, path_id):
    # view for the adam/<id> page returns an html rendered dataframe
    # create the object to convert DBF to pandas
    # this view is mainly for previewing data
    ai = AdamImport()
    # get the id from the path and pull the correspoding DBF
    p = ADAMFiles.objects.get(id=path_id)
    p = str(p)
    # conver the DBF to a dataframe
    datafr = ai.DBFConverter(p, 'output.csv', 'pandas')

    # *******************
    # modify the dataframe here before converting to HTML
    # be careful not to return too many rows or the http req will time out
    # *******************

    s = datafr.head()

    # *******************
    # *******************
    s_trunk = s.to_html()
    return HttpResponse(s_trunk)
Beispiel #8
from dbftopandas import AdamImport

ai = AdamImport()

i = 'f:\\adamexports\\adamcache\Sicar\Data\\rofile.dbf'
o = 'f:\\adamexports\csvfiles\\rofile.csv'
t = 'csv'

ai.DBFConverter(i, o, t)

#t = 'pandas'

#pd = ai.DBFConverter(i,o,t)

#print pd.head()

#headers = ai.GetColNames(i)

#print headers

#i = 'f:\\adamexports\\adamcache\Apcar\Data\\apinv.dbf'

#headers = ai.GetColNames(i)

#print headers

#data_types = ai.GetColNamesAndTypes(i)

#for d in data_types:
#    if data_types[d] == 'NoneType':
#        print d, data_types[d]
Beispiel #9
def pa_Get_Parts_Count(type, start_days, end_days, field, cost=1500):
    type takes either total, detail, detail_stock (this returns detail including stock parts)
    total retuns in int, sum of ONHAND
    detail return a dataframe obj with detailed records
    field can take DATEPURC or DATESOLD
    cost should be expressed as an integer in cents

    start_days should be a negative integer
    end_days should be a negative integer greater than start days

    #parts needed to be in stock for DPA
    stock_file = ''.join([ADAM_EXPORT_PATH, 'Extract.csv'])

    stock = pd.read_csv(stock_file)
    stock.columns = ['Ford', 'Alternate', 'QOH', 'Days1', 'Days2']
    ford = stock[['Ford']].dropna()
    ford['Alternate'] = ford['Ford']
    stock = stock[['Alternate']].dropna()
    stock = stock.append(ford['Alternate'], ignore_index=True)

    #pull the latest parts inventory from ADAM
    ai = AdamImport()
    ifile = ''.join([ADAM_PATH, '\Incar\Data\INVEN.DBF'])
    ofile = ''.join([ADAM_EXPORT_PATH, 'INVEN.csv'])
    out_type = 'csv'

    #refresh the data in necessary
    if need_refresh(ofile):
        ai.DBFConverter(ifile, ofile, out_type)

    #read the CSV in a dataframe and convert the dates
    inv = pd.read_csv(ofile, engine='python')
    startdate = + datetime.timedelta(start_days)
    enddate = + datetime.timedelta(end_days)

    #initialize the parameters from the query string
    fdDate = str(field)
    #change cost to an integer and multiply by 100 to make it in dollars
    intCost = int(cost) / 100

    #filter out the data
    inv = inv[inv['ONHAND'] > 0]
    inv = inv[inv['COST'] > intCost]
    inv[fdDate] = pd.to_datetime(inv[fdDate])
    inv = inv[(inv[fdDate] < pd.to_datetime(startdate))
              & (inv[fdDate] > pd.to_datetime(enddate))]
    inv['ext'] = inv['ONHAND'] * inv['COST']

    #if the type is total just give a total parts value
    if type == "total":
        inv_sum = inv['ONHAND'].sum()
        return inv_sum
    #if the type is detail prepare the data for detailed export
    elif type == "detail":

        #create a full part number field to filter on
        inv.SUFFIX = inv.SUFFIX.fillna('')
        inv['FULLPN'] = inv['PREFIX'] + inv['PARTNO'] + inv['SUFFIX']
        #print inv['PREFIX'],inv['PARTNO'],inv['SUFFIX'],inv['FULLPN']
        #create the filter to exclude stock parts
        invx = inv['FULLPN'].isin(stock['Alternate'])
        #print stock['Alternate'].loc[20:30]
        print invx
        #create a new inv dataframe with out the stock parts
        inv = inv[~invx]
        inv_detail = inv[[
            'DATESOLD', 'COST', 'ext', 'LOCATION'
        inv_detail = inv_detail.sort(fdDate)
        return inv_detail
    elif type == "detail_stock":
        #in this case, return everything including stock parts
        inv_detail = inv[[
            'DATESOLD', 'COST', 'ext', 'LOCATION'
        inv_detail = inv_detail.sort(fdDate)
        return inv_detail