Beispiel #1
def test():
    import random
    import textwrap

    from cctbx.uctbx import unit_cell
    from libtbx.test_utils import approx_equal

    def random_direction_close_to(vector):
        return vector.rotate_around_origin(
            matrix.col((random.random(), random.random(),
            random.gauss(0, 1.0),

    # make a random P1 crystal and parameterise it
    a = random.uniform(10, 50) * random_direction_close_to(
        matrix.col((1, 0, 0)))
    b = random.uniform(10, 50) * random_direction_close_to(
        matrix.col((0, 1, 0)))
    c = random.uniform(10, 50) * random_direction_close_to(
        matrix.col((0, 0, 1)))
    xl = Crystal(a, b, c, space_group_symbol="P 1")

    xl_op = CrystalOrientationParameterisation(xl)
    xl_ucp = CrystalUnitCellParameterisation(xl)

    null_mat = matrix.sqr((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))

    # compare analytical and finite difference derivatives
    an_ds_dp = xl_op.get_ds_dp()
    fd_ds_dp = get_fd_gradients(xl_op, [1.0e-6 * pi / 180] * 3)
    for e, f in zip(an_ds_dp, fd_ds_dp):
        assert approx_equal((e - f), null_mat, eps=1.0e-6)

    an_ds_dp = xl_ucp.get_ds_dp()
    fd_ds_dp = get_fd_gradients(xl_ucp, [1.0e-7] * xl_ucp.num_free())
    for e, f in zip(an_ds_dp, fd_ds_dp):
        assert approx_equal((e - f), null_mat, eps=1.0e-6)

    # random initial orientations with a random parameter shift at each
    attempts = 100
    for i in range(attempts):

        # make a random P1 crystal and parameterise it
        a = random.uniform(10, 50) * random_direction_close_to(
            matrix.col((1, 0, 0)))
        b = random.uniform(10, 50) * random_direction_close_to(
            matrix.col((0, 1, 0)))
        c = random.uniform(10, 50) * random_direction_close_to(
            matrix.col((0, 0, 1)))
        xl = Crystal(a, b, c, space_group_symbol="P 1")
        xl_op = CrystalOrientationParameterisation(xl)
        xl_uc = CrystalUnitCellParameterisation(xl)

        # apply a random parameter shift to the orientation
        p_vals = xl_op.get_param_vals()
        p_vals = random_param_shift(
            p_vals, [1000 * pi / 9, 1000 * pi / 9, 1000 * pi / 9])

        # compare analytical and finite difference derivatives
        xl_op_an_ds_dp = xl_op.get_ds_dp()
        xl_op_fd_ds_dp = get_fd_gradients(xl_op, [1.0e-5 * pi / 180] * 3)

        # apply a random parameter shift to the unit cell. We have to
        # do this in a way that is respectful to metrical constraints,
        # so don't modify the parameters directly; modify the cell
        # constants and extract the new parameters
        cell_params = xl.get_unit_cell().parameters()
        cell_params = random_param_shift(cell_params, [1.0] * 6)
        new_uc = unit_cell(cell_params)
        newB = matrix.sqr(new_uc.fractionalization_matrix()).transpose()
        S = symmetrize_reduce_enlarge(xl.get_space_group())
        X = S.forward_independent_parameters()

        xl_uc_an_ds_dp = xl_ucp.get_ds_dp()

        # now doing finite differences about each parameter in turn
        xl_uc_fd_ds_dp = get_fd_gradients(xl_ucp, [1.0e-7] * xl_ucp.num_free())

        for j in range(3):
            assert approx_equal((xl_op_fd_ds_dp[j] - xl_op_an_ds_dp[j]),
                                eps=1.0e-6), textwrap.dedent("""\
        Failure in try {i}
        failure for parameter number {j}
        of the orientation parameterisation
        with fd_ds_dp =
        and an_ds_dp =
        so that difference fd_ds_dp - an_ds_dp =
                                    diff=xl_op_fd_ds_dp[j] - xl_op_an_ds_dp[j],

        for j in range(xl_ucp.num_free()):
            assert approx_equal((xl_uc_fd_ds_dp[j] - xl_uc_an_ds_dp[j]),
                                eps=1.0e-6), textwrap.dedent("""\
        Failure in try {i}
        failure for parameter number {j}
        of the unit cell parameterisation
        with fd_ds_dp =
        and an_ds_dp =
        so that difference fd_ds_dp - an_ds_dp =
                                    diff=xl_uc_fd_ds_dp[j] - xl_uc_an_ds_dp[j],