Beispiel #1
        def generatePredictOrder(self, engine: CoreEngine, predict: PredictData,debugPrams:{}=None) -> PredictOrder:

            if debugPrams is None:
                debugPrams = {}

            code = predict.collectData.occurBars[-1].symbol
            name = self.sw.getSw2Name(code)
            order = PredictOrder(dimen=predict.dimen, code=code, name=name)
            predict_sell_pct = predict.getPredictSellPct(engine.getEngineModel())
            predict_buy_pct = predict.getPredictBuyPct(engine.getEngineModel())
            start_price = engine.getEngineModel().getYBasePrice(predict.collectData)
            order.suggestSellPrice = start_price * (1 + predict_sell_pct / 100)
            order.suggestBuyPrice = start_price * (1 + predict_buy_pct / 100)
            order.power_rate = engine.queryQuantData(predict.dimen).getPowerRate()

            ##for backTest
            occurBar: BarData = predict.collectData.occurBars[-2]
            skipBar: BarData = predict.collectData.occurBars[-1]
            buy_price = skipBar.close_price
            predict_sell_pct = 100 * (order.suggestSellPrice - start_price) / start_price
            predict_buy_pct = 100 * (order.suggestBuyPrice - start_price) / start_price
            buy_point_pct = 100 * (buy_price - occurBar.close_price) / occurBar.close_price  ##买入的价格

            abilityData = engine.queryPredictAbilityData(predict.dimen)
            quantData = engine.queryQuantData(predict.dimen)
            delta = abs(quantData.sellCenterPct) - abs(quantData.buyCenterPct)
            if abs(delta) < 0.05:
                # 多空力量差不多
                power = 0
            if delta > 0:
                # 适合做多
                power= (quantData.sellCenterPct + quantData.buyCenterPct) / quantData.sellCenterPct
                power = - (quantData.sellCenterPct + quantData.buyCenterPct) / quantData.buyCenterPct

            extraCondition = True
            quant_power = debugPrams.get("quant_power")
            if not quant_power is None:
                extraCondition = extraCondition and predict.quantData.getPowerRate() >= quant_power

            predict_buy_pct_param = debugPrams.get("predict_buy_pct")
            if not predict_buy_pct_param is None:
                extraCondition = extraCondition and predict_buy_pct >= predict_buy_pct_param

            if extraCondition and predict_sell_pct - buy_point_pct > 1 \
                and abilityData.trainData.biasSellLoss < 10:
                order.status = PredictOrderStatus.HOLD
                order.buyPrice = buy_price
                order.status = PredictOrderStatus.STOP
            return order
Beispiel #2
        def generatePredictOrder(self, engine: CoreEngine, predict: PredictData,debugPrams:{}=None) -> PredictOrder:

            if debugPrams is None:
                debugPrams = {}
            quantData = engine.queryQuantData(predict.dimen)
            code = predict.collectData.occurBars[-1].symbol
            name = self.sw.getSw2Name(code)
            order = PredictOrder(dimen=predict.dimen, code=code, name=name)
            start_price = engine.getEngineModel().getYBasePrice(predict.collectData)

            _min, _max = quantData.getSellFloatEncoder().parseEncode(quantData.sellRange[0].encode)
            order.suggestSellPrice = start_price * (1 + (_min +  _max) / 2 / 100)
            _min, _max = quantData.getBuyFloatEncoder().parseEncode(quantData.buyRange[0].encode)
            order.suggestBuyPrice = start_price * (1 + (_min +  _max) / 2 / 100)

            order.power_rate = quantData.getPowerRate();

            ##for backTest
            return order