def layout(node):
    if node.is_leaf():

        #~ Taxon Label Size and Margin Adjustment
        N = AttrFace("name", fsize=1200, fgcolor="#000000")
        N.margin_top = 250
        N.margin_right = 100  #outside
        N.margin_left = 1000  #inside
        N.margin_bottom = 250

        #~ Taxon Label Background Color Setting
        tmp = "<myTaxaonLabel>"
        #~ if not( : N.background.color="#FF9999"

        faces.add_face_to_node(N, node, 0, position="aligned")

    if (not node.is_leaf()):
        S = faces.AttrFace("support", fsize=200, fgcolor="#000000")
        S.margin_top = 20
        S.margin_right = 10
        S.margin_left = 20
        S.margin_bottom = 20
        faces.add_face_to_node(S, node, column=0, position="float")
        if "support" in node.features:
            # Creates a sphere face whose size is proportional to node's
            # feature "weight"
            C = CircleFace( * 20,
            # Let's make the sphere transparent
            C.opacity = 0.3
            # And place as a float face over the tree
            faces.add_face_to_node(C, node, position="float", column=1)
    style = NodeStyle()
    style["size"] = 0
    style["vt_line_width"] = 150
    style["hz_line_width"] = 150
    style["vt_line_type"] = 0  # 0 solid, 1 dashed, 2 dotted
    style["hz_line_type"] = 0

    bgcol1 = "#FFCCCC"
    bgcol2 = "#FFE5CC"
    bgcol3 = "#FFFFCC"
    bgcol4 = "#E5FFCC"
    bgcol5 = "#CCFFCC"
    bgcol6 = "#CCFFE5"
    bgcol7 = "#FFCCE5"
    bgcol8 = "#CCFFFF"
    bgcol9 = "#CCE5FF"
    bgcol10 = "#CCCCFF"
    bgcol11 = "#E5CCFF"
def layout(node):
    if node.is_leaf():
        #~ Taxon Label Size and Margin Adjustment
        N = AttrFace("name", fsize=1200,fgcolor="#000000")
        N.margin_top = 250
        N.margin_right = 100 #outside
        N.margin_left = 1000 #inside
        N.margin_bottom = 250
        #~ Taxon Label Background Color Setting
        tmp = "<myTaxaonLabel>" 
        #~ if not( : N.background.color="#FF9999"
        faces.add_face_to_node(N, node, 0, position="aligned")

    if (not node.is_leaf()) :
        S=faces.AttrFace("support", fsize=200, fgcolor="#000000")
        S.margin_top = 20
        S.margin_right = 10
        S.margin_left = 20
        S.margin_bottom = 20
        faces.add_face_to_node( S, node, column=0 , position = "float")
        if "support" in node.features:
        # Creates a sphere face whose size is proportional to node's
        # feature "weight"
            C = CircleFace(*20, color="RoyalBlue", style="sphere")
        # Let's make the sphere transparent 
            C.opacity = 0.3
        # And place as a float face over the tree
            faces.add_face_to_node(C, node, position="float",column=1)
    style = NodeStyle()
    style["size"] = 0
    style["vt_line_width"] = 150
    style["hz_line_width"] = 150
    style["vt_line_type"] = 0 # 0 solid, 1 dashed, 2 dotted
    style["hz_line_type"] = 0

Beispiel #3
def my_layout(node):

	style2 = NodeStyle()
	style2["fgcolor"] = "#000000"
	style2["shape"] = "circle"
	# style2["vt_line_color"] = "#0000aa"
	# style2["hz_line_color"] = "#0000aa"
	# style2["vt_line_width"] = 2
	# style2["hz_line_width"] = 2
	# style2["vt_line_type"] = 1 # 0 solid, 1 dashed, 2 dotted
	# style2["hz_line_type"] = 1
	node.img_style = style2
 	node.img_style["bgcolor"] = "LightSteelBlue"

	if node.is_leaf():
		# If terminal node, draws its name
		# name_faces = AttrFace("name")
		node.img_style["size"] = 40
		# node.img_style["shape"] = "sphere"
		node.img_style["fgcolor"] = "#FFFFFF"
		# node.img_style["fgcolor"] = "#9db0cf"
		# node.img_style["bgcolor"] = "#9db0cf"
		# node.img_style["faces_bgcolor"] = "#9db0cf"
		# node.img_style["bgcolor"] = "#9db0cf"
		# node.img_style["bgcolor"] = "#9db0cf"
		# If internal node, draws label with smaller font size
		# name_faces = AttrFace("name", fsize=15)
		# Adds the name face to the image at the preferred position
		# faces.add_face_to_node(name_faces, node, column=0, position="branch-top")
		# tempo = faces.ImgFace(plot_folder + "/" + + '.jpg')
		# faces.add_face_to_node(tempo, node, column=0, position="branch-bottom")
		node.img_style["size"] = 40
		node.img_style["shape"] = "sphere"
		node.img_style["fgcolor"] = "#FFFFFF"

	tempt = AttrFace('name', fsize=80)
	tempt.fgcolor = "Black"
	tempt.margin_top = 10
	tempt.margin_right = 10
	tempt.margin_left = 10
	tempt.margin_bottom = 10
	tempt.opacity = 0.5 # from 0 to 1
	tempt.inner_border.width = 1 # 1 pixel border
	tempt.inner_border.type = 1  # dashed line
	tempt.border.width = 1
	# tempt.background.color = "LightGreen"
	# tempt.penwidth = 40
	node.add_face(tempt, column=0, position="branch-top")
Beispiel #4
def my_layout(node):
	style2 = NodeStyle()
	style2["fgcolor"] = "#000000"
	style2["shape"] = "circle"
	node.img_style = style2
 	node.img_style["bgcolor"] = "LightSteelBlue"
	if node.is_leaf():
		node.img_style["size"] = 40
		node.img_style["fgcolor"] = "#FFFFFF"
		node.img_style["size"] = 40
		node.img_style["shape"] = "sphere"
		node.img_style["fgcolor"] = "#FFFFFF"

	tempt = AttrFace('name', fsize=80)
	tempt.fgcolor = "Black"
	tempt.margin_top = 10
	tempt.margin_right = 10
	tempt.margin_left = 10
	tempt.margin_bottom = 10
	tempt.opacity = 0.5 # from 0 to 1
	tempt.inner_border.width = 1 # 1 pixel border
	tempt.inner_border.type = 1  # dashed line
	tempt.border.width = 1
	node.add_face(tempt, column=0, position="branch-top")
	tempt = AttrFace('alias', fsize=80)
	tempt.fgcolor = "Black"
	tempt.margin_top = 10
	tempt.margin_right = 10
	tempt.margin_left = 10
	tempt.margin_bottom = 10
	tempt.opacity = 0.5 # from 0 to 1
	tempt.inner_border.width = 1 # 1 pixel border
	tempt.inner_border.type = 1  # dashed line
	tempt.border.width = 1
	node.add_face(tempt, column=0, position="branch-bottom")