def run(self): pygame.display.init() pygame.font.init() ui.loadImages('assets/ui') bullet.loadImages('assets/bullets') explosion.loadImages('assets/explosion') sound.loadSounds('assets/sounds') self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.event_manager = event.EventManager() self.interface = menu.Menu(self.screen) self.cursor = ui.IMAGES['cursor'] pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) while self.running: self.event_manager.get() if is not None: self.interface = self.interface.update( self.screen.blit(self.cursor, pygame.mouse.get_pos()) pygame.display.flip() self.clock.tick(my.FPS) pygame.display.set_caption("Tanks - v" + my.VERSION + " - FPS: " + str(round(self.clock.get_fps(), 1)))
def main(): # # Initialise screen and event manager event_manager = event.EventManager() pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600)) event_manager.register("quit", close) #initialise view, model player_view = view.View(event_manager, screen) game_model = model.Model(event_manager) fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock() ## Event loop (should be all the logic in this file apart from setup) while running: fpsClock.tick(settings.FRAME_TIME) event_manager.notify("update", fpsClock.get_time()/1000.0) event_manager.update()
def initialize(self, settings, opts=None, progressCB=None): """ Initialize the environment. """ self.settings = settings self.mCmdOpts = opts # -- Event Manager -- # # Create an event dispatcher that will: # - Connect to remote event manager objects. # - Emit events to remote event manager objects. self.mEventManager = event.EventManager() # -- Plugin manager -- # self.mPluginManager = maestro.util.plugin.PluginManager() self.mPluginManager.scan(pj(maestro.core.const.PLUGIN_DIR), progressCB) #self.pluginManager.scan(self.settings.plugin_paths, progressCB) plugins = self.mPluginManager.getPlugins(returnNameDict=True)'Environment found plug-ins:') for (name, p) in plugins.iteritems():' %s : %s' % (name, p))
def startIa(pipe=None, ia_color="YELLOW"): Communication = communication.CommunicationGlobale() arduino_constantes = Communication.getConst() logging.basicConfig( filename=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "log/last_" + str(ia_color) + ".log"), filemode='w', level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__.split('.')[0]) if pipe == None:"Demarrage d'une IA normal") time.sleep(10) # on attend que les communications s'établissent if TEST_MODE == False: #On teste si les systèmes demandés sont bien en lignes ready_list = Communication.getSystemReady() if ENABLE_FLUSSMITTEL == True and ( ('ADDR_FLUSSMITTEL_OTHER' not in ready_list) or ('ADDR_FLUSSMITTEL_ASSERV' not in ready_list)): logger.critical( "ERREUR: Incohérence de communication avec le gros robot, le systeme suivant a été demandé mais pas trouvé: ENABLE_FLUSSMITTEL: " + str(ENABLE_FLUSSMITTEL) + " ready_list: " + str(ready_list)) exit() if ENABLE_TIBOT == True and ( ('ADDR_TIBOT_OTHER' not in ready_list) or ('ADDR_TIBOT_ASSERV' not in ready_list)): logger.critical( "ERREUR: Incohérence de communication avec le petit robot, le systeme suivant a été demandé mais pas trouvé: ENABLE_TIBOT: " + str(ENABLE_TIBOT) + " ready_list: " + str(ready_list)) exit() if ENABLE_TOURELLE == True and 'ADDR_TOURELLE' not in ready_list: logger.critical( "ERREUR: Incohérence de communication avec la tourelle, le systeme suivant a été demandé mais pas trouvé: ENABLE_TOURELLE: " + str(ENABLE_TOURELLE) + " ready_list: " + str(ready_list)) exit() "Les systèmes attendu ont bien été détéctés. Flussmittel: %s Tibot: %s Tourelle: %s ready_list: %s", ENABLE_FLUSSMITTEL, ENABLE_TIBOT, ENABLE_TOURELLE, ready_list) else: print("---------------------TEST_MODE activé---------------------") logger.warning( "----------------------------------------TEST_MODE activé----------------------------------------" ) else:"Demarrage d'une IA depuis le simuateur") Communication = communication.CommSimulateur(pipe) Data = data.Data(Communication, arduino_constantes, ia_color) data.parametrerHokuyo() data.parametrerIa(Data.MetaData, ia_color) #TODO, remove ia_color TimeManager = event.TimeManager(Communication, Data) EventManager = event.EventManager(Communication, Data) print("IA Ready !") while Data.MetaData.getInGame() == False: time.sleep(0.01) TimeManager.startMatch() #On attend sagement la fin while True: time.sleep(0.1)
import ai import event e = event.EventManager() a = ai.Agent(e) a._reset_world() a.visited = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)] a.pos = (2, 0) goal = (1, 3) path = a._shortest_path(goal) plan = a._path2plan(path) print "visited :", a.visited print "cur_pos :", a.pos print "goal :", goal print "path :", path print "plan :", plan