def check_copy_list_mod_time(cls, copy_list, test_case = None):
     """Return a tuple (if all files equal, total file number)
     Check that the files in the copy list all have the same
     modification time
     copy_list : list
         copy_list as per package.make_system_copy_list
     test_case : TestUnit
         If not None run the assertEquals on it
     file_count = 0
     all_time_equal = True
     for copy_item in copy_list:
         src = copy_item[0]
         dst = copy_item[1]
         if isinstance(src, Path):
             #this is a straight file to file copy
             time_diff = abs(src.stat().st_mtime - dst.stat().st_mtime)
             all_time_equal = (all_time_equal and time_diff == 0)
             file_count += 1
             if test_case is not None:
                 test_case.assertEquals(time_diff, 0, 
                    "mtime diff %s / %s is 0.1" % (str(src), str(dst)))
             for src_file in src:
                 file_count += 1
                 dst_file = Path(dst/src_file.basename())
                 time_diff = abs(src_file.stat().st_mtime - 
                 all_time_equal = (all_time_equal and time_diff < 0.1)
                 if test_case is not None:
                     test_case.assertTrue(time_diff < 0.1, 
                        "mtime diff %s / %s is < 0.1" % \
                        (str(src_file), str(dst_file)))
         return (all_time_equal, file_count)