Beispiel #1
    def _setMotion(self, motion):
        Stops the current motion and starts this one
        eventPublisher = core.EventPublisher(self._eventHub)
        started = False

        if motion.type & Motion.IN_PLANE:
            if self._inPlaneMotion is not None:
            self._inPlaneMotion = motion

            self._inPlaneMotion.start(self._controller, self._vehicle,
                                      self._qeventHub, eventPublisher)
            started = True

        if motion.type & Motion.DEPTH:
            if self._depthMotion is not None:
            self._depthMotion = motion

            if not started:
                self._depthMotion.start(self._controller, self._vehicle,
                                        self._qeventHub, eventPublisher)
                started = True

        if motion.type & Motion.ORIENTATION:
            if self._orientationMotion is not None:
            self._orientationMotion = motion

            if not started:
                self._orientationMotion.start(self._controller, self._vehicle,
                                              self._qeventHub, eventPublisher)
    def testLookupByName(self):
        self.called = False
        def recieve(event):
            self.called = True

        # Create a publisher with an event hub
        eventHub = core.EventHub()
        mypub = core.EventPublisher(eventHub = eventHub,
                                    name = TestEventPublisher.EVTP_NAME)

        # Look it up and make sure it works
        epub = core.EventPublisher.lookupByName(TestEventPublisher.EVTP_NAME)
        self.assertNotEquals(None, epub)
        self.assertEquals(TestEventPublisher.EVTP_NAME, epub.getPublisherName())

        # Subscribe to the new one (which is wrapper of the same underlying
        # C++ object as self.epub)
        # BUG: This line below should work instead of the one two down
#        eventHub.subscribe("TestEvent", epub, recieve)
        eventHub.subscribe("TestEvent", mypub, recieve)

        # Send through our local
        mypub.publish("TestEvent", core.Event())

        # Make sure we got it
Beispiel #3
 def setUp(self):
     # Set up publisher and event handler
     self.epub = core.EventPublisher()
     self.epub.subscribe(TestTimer.TIMER_EVENT, self.handleTimer)
     self.event = None
     self.count = 0
Beispiel #4
    def testMakeEventHub(self):
        cfg = {'name': 'Test', 'type': 'EventHub'}
        cfg = core.ConfigNode.fromString(str(cfg))
        ehub = core.SubsystemMaker.newObject(cfg, core.SubsystemList())

        recv = Reciever()
        epub = core.EventPublisher(ehub)
        ehub.subscribeToType("Type", recv)

        epub.publish("Type", core.Event())
        self.assertEquals(1, recv.calls)
    def testSend(self):
        self.epub = core.EventPublisher(name = TestEventPublisher.EVTP_NAME)        # Handler for the function
        reciever = Reciever()

        # Register function to recieve the event
        self.epub.subscribe("TestEvent", reciever)

        # Test Basic event publishing
        self.epub.publish("TestEvent", core.Event())

        self.assertEquals(1, reciever.calls)
        self.assertEquals("TestEvent", reciever.etype)
    def test(self):
        epub = core.EventPublisher()
        recv = Reciever()

        # Create a queued event manager to listen queue up recieved events
        qepub = core.QueuedEventPublisher(epub)
        qepub.subscribe("TestEvent", recv)

        # Test Basic event publishing
        epub.publish("TestEvent", core.Event())
        self.assertEquals(0, recv.calls)

        # Release all messages
        self.assertEquals(1, recv.calls)
        self.assertEquals("TestEvent", recv.etype)
Beispiel #7
 def setUp(self):
     self.eventHub = core.EventHub()
     self.qeventHub = core.QueuedEventHub(self.eventHub)
     self.epub = core.EventPublisher()
Beispiel #8
 def setUp(self):
     self.ehub = core.EventHub()
     self.epubA = core.EventPublisher(self.ehub)
     self.epubB = core.EventPublisher(self.ehub)
 def setUp(self):
     self.epub = core.EventPublisher(name = TestEventPublisher.EVTP_NAME)