def pilot_help(self): """Displayed if 'help' : show the available functions""" clear() pilot_help = True while pilot_help: print("Help Menu\n\n") print( "{}\nType 'gainxp:#', with # as the amount of XP you want to add\n" .format(Color('gainxp', 'BOLD'))) print( "{}\nType 'mission:#', with # as the amount of missions you want to add\n" .format(Color('mission', 'BOLD'))) print( "{}\nType 'slot:#', with # as the upgrade slot you want to edit\n" .format(Color('slot', 'BOLD'))) print("{}\nType 'psup' to increase you Pilot Skill\n".format( Color('psup', 'BOLD'))) print("{}\nType 'back' to go back te the Main Menu\n".format( Color('back', 'BOLD'))) print("\n\nType anything to go back") input() pilot_help = False
def initiate_app(self): initiate = True while initiate: print("Check for {}".format(fm.dir_path)) if fm.FilesManager().pilots_dir_exist(): = True else: validate = True while validate: print( "To allow you to save you pilots, you need to give the permission to create a {} repertorie" .format(fm.dir_path)) print( Color( "Caution : I'm a noob, I don't know where you repertorie will be created ... You should say no", 'RED')) print("Do you allow it ? (Y/N)") choice = input() if choice.lower() == 'y': fm.FilesManager().create_pilot_dir() = True validate = False elif choice.lower() == 'n': = False validate = False else: pass initiate = False
def __repr__(self): if self.owner is False: result = str(self.value) else: result = str(Color(self.value, self.owner.color)) return result
def main_menu(self): """Main menu function, primary loop""" main_menu = True while main_menu: clear() print(Color(main_title, 'BLUE')) print(submain_title) print(" +++ version {} +++\n\n".format( version)) # -- Menu -- # TODO: Better pilot display i = 1 for pilot in pilot_list: # List and display the pilots print(Color("{} : {}".format(i, pilot), 'BOLD')) i += 1 print(Color("0 : New Pilot", 'BOLD')) print(Color("x : Delete a pilot", "BOLD")) print( "\nWhat do you want to do ? (Type 'quit' to close the program)" ) choice = input() # -- Choice -- # TODO: Create "functions" like 'help', 'save', 'load' ... try: if choice == '0': self.new_pilot() elif int(choice) in range(1, len(pilot_list) + 1): self.pilot_menu(pilot_list[int(choice) - 1]) except: if choice == 'x': self.delete_pilot() elif choice == 'quit': main_menu = False else: pass
def new_pilot(self): """New Pilot Menu Loop""" clear() new_pilot = True while new_pilot: print(newpilot_title + "\n") # -- Menu -- print(Color("Creating a new pilot", 'BOLD')) print("Choose you callsign :\n") callsign = input() print("\nChoose the player") player = input() noship = True while noship: print("\nChoose your first ship :") print("1 : X-Wing (XP +5)") print("2 : Y-Wing (XP +8)") ship = input() if ship == '1': the_new_pilot = core.Pilot(player, callsign) the_new_pilot.set_first_ship('X-Wing') pilot_list.append(the_new_pilot) noship = False new_pilot = False self.pilot_menu(pilot_list[len(pilot_list)]) # TODO: This doesn't work, I want it to directly go the this pilot menu elif ship == '2': the_new_pilot = core.Pilot(player, callsign) the_new_pilot.set_first_ship('Y-Wing') pilot_list.append(the_new_pilot) noship = False new_pilot = False self.pilot_menu(pilot_list[len(pilot_list)]) else: pass
def upgrades_menu(self, pilot, nb): """Pilot # upgrades menu""" upgrades_menu = True while upgrades_menu: clear() slot = pilot.ship.slots[nb] # -- Display Upgrades Menu -- # TODO: Better display print("UPGRADES MENU") print("Type : {} | Status : {}".format(slot.type, slot.status)) if slot.usage == False: print("No upgrade assigned") else: print("slot.usage") print("slot.text") print("\n\n") print("Buy and assign an upgrades :\n") list = pilot.get_upgrades_list(nb) i = 1 for elt in list: print("%10s %-25s %-1s" % ("[{}] ".format(i), "{} ({})".format(, elt.points), elt.text)) i += 1 # -- Menu -- print("x : Go back" ) # TODO: Maybe create a 'back' function, like the rest choice = input() # -- Choice -- try: if int(choice) in range(1, len(list) + 1): upgrade = list[int(choice) - 1] if upgrade.points > pilot.xp[0]: print( Color( "XP ERROR : You cannot purchase this upgrade", 'RED')) else: confirm = True while confirm: print("Buy and assign \"{}\" for {} XP ? (Y/N)". format(, upgrade.points)) validate = input() if validate.lower() == 'n': confirm = False elif validate.lower() == 'y': pilot.buy_upgrade(upgrade) pilot.assign_upgrade(nb, upgrade) confirm = False upgrades_menu = False except: if choice == 'x': upgrades_menu = False else: pass
def pilot_menu(self, pilot): """Pilot # menu""" pilot_error = '' pilot_menu = True while pilot_menu: clear() # -- Pilot -- # TODO: Create the others ships titles and put them all in a dict if pilot.ship.ship == 'X-Wing': print(xwingpilot_title + "\n\n") if pilot.ship.ship == 'Y-Wing': print(ywingpilot_title + "\n\n") # -- Show Pilot -- # TODO: Maybe create a static function to display this mess infos = "%-2s %-36s %2s" % (" ", "General Informations", " ") upgrades = "%-2s %-36s %2s" % (" ", "Upgrades", " ") print(infos + upgrades) up_width = 40 print(top(40) + top(up_width) * 2) call = "%-10s %-25s %5s" % ('|', 'Callsign : ' + pilot.callsign, '|') play = "%-10s %-25s %5s" % ('|', 'Player : ' + pilot.player, '|') types = [] i = 0 for slot in pilot.ship.slots: types.append("%-2s %-{}s %2s".format(up_width - 4) % ('|', '[' + str(i) + ']' + ":" + slot.type, '|')) i += 1 status = [] x = 2 for slot in pilot.ship.slots: if slot.status == 'LOCKED': stat = Color('LOCKED lvl' + str(slot.level) + ' ' * 23, 'RED') elif slot.status == 'FREE': stat = Color('FREE' + ' ' * 30, 'GREEN') elif slot.status == 'TAKEN': usage = Color(str(slot.usage), 'BLUE') stat = str(usage) + ' ' * (34 - len(usage)) else: stat = slot.status status.append("%-2s %-{}s %2s".format(up_width - 4) % ('|', str(' ' * x + str(stat)), '|')) print(call + types[0] + types[1]) print(play + status[0] + status[1]) print(bottom(40) + bottom(up_width) * 2) print(blank(40) + top(up_width) * 2) x = 2 stat0 = str(Color("|{}|".format(pilot.ship.stats[0]), 'RED')) + ' ' * x stat1 = str(Color("|{}|".format(pilot.ship.stats[1]), 'GREEN')) + ' ' * x stat2 = str(Color("|{}|".format(pilot.ship.stats[2]), 'YELLOW')) + ' ' * x stat3 = str(Color("|{}|".format(pilot.ship.stats[3]), 'BLUE')) + ' ' * x stats = "%-2s %-10s %-10s %-5s %-5s %-5s %4s" % ( '|', 'PS : {}'.format( pilot.pilotSkill), stat0, stat1, stat2, stat3, '|') print(stats + types[2] + types[3]) actions = "%-2s %-35s %2s" % ('|', 'Actions : ' + pilot.ship.repr_actions(), '|') print(actions + status[2] + status[3]) print(bottom(40) + bottom(up_width) * 2) missionxp = "%-2s %-16s %-16s %5s" % ( '|', 'Mission : ' + str(pilot.missions), 'XP : {}({})'.format( pilot.xp[0], pilot.xp[1]), '|') print(blank(40) + top(up_width) * 2) print(missionxp + types[4] + types[5]) print(bottom(40) + status[4] + status[5]) print(blank(40) + bottom(up_width) * 2) victories = "%-2s %-36s %2s" % ('|', 'Victories : 0', '|') print(victories + top(up_width) * 2) print(bottom(40) + types[6] + types[7]) print(empty(42) + status[6] + status[7]) print(empty(42) + bottom(up_width) * 2) print(empty(42) + top(up_width) * 2) print(empty(42) + types[8] + types[9]) print(empty(42) + status[8] + status[9]) print(empty(42) + bottom(up_width) * 2) print(empty(42) + top(up_width) * 2) print(empty(42) + types[10] + types[11]) print(empty(42) + status[10] + status[11]) print(empty(42) + bottom(up_width) * 2) # -- Menu -- print(pilot_error) print("What do you want to do ? (Type 'help' to show the menu)") choice = input() pilot_error = '' # -- Choice -- choice = choice.lower() # -- Decode -- # TODO: Maybe create a function to decode these fucntion. (They look like 'help' or 'gainxp:2') decode = False for elt in choice: if elt == ':': decode = True else: pass code = '' nb = '' if decode: for elt in choice: if elt == ':': break else: code += elt nan = True for elt in choice: if elt == ':': nan = False elif nan: pass else: nb += elt try: nb = int(nb) except: decode = False # -- Pilot functions -- if decode: if code == 'gainxp': pilot.gain_xp(nb) elif code == 'mission': pilot.add_mission(nb) elif code == 'slot': self.upgrades_menu(pilot, nb) else: pilot_error = Color( "ERROR : Unkonown command '{}'".format(code), 'RED') else: if choice == 'back': pilot_menu = False elif choice == 'help': self.pilot_help() elif choice == 'psup': if (pilot.pilotSkill + 1) * 2 > pilot.xp[0]: pilot_error = Color( "XP ERROR : You need {} XP to do that, you only have {} XP" .format((pilot.pilotSkill + 1) * 2, pilot.xp[0]), 'RED') else: pilot.increase_ps() else: pilot_error = Color( "ERROR : Unkonown command '{}'".format(choice), 'RED')
def __repr__(self): return str(Color(, self.color))
def ascii_version_of_card(*cards, return_string=True, atout=''): """ Instead of a boring text version of the card we render an ASCII image of the card. :param cards: One or more card objects :param return_string: By default we return the string version of the card, but the dealer hide the 1st card and we keep it as a list so that the dealer can add a hidden card in front of the list """ # we will use this to prints the appropriate icons for each card suits_name = ['Pique', 'Carreau', 'Coeur', 'Trèfle'] suits_symbols = ['♠', '♦', '♥', '♣'] # create an empty list of list, each sublist is a line lines = [[] for i in range(7)] for index, card in enumerate(cards): # "King" should be "K" and "10" should still be "10" if card.valeur == '10': # ten is the only one who's valeur is 2 char long rank = card.valeur space = '' # if we write "10" on the card that line will be 1 char to long else: rank = card.valeur[ 0] # some have a valeur of 'King' this changes that to a simple 'K' ("King" doesn't fit) space = ' ' # no "10", we use a blank space to will the void # get the cards couleur in two steps couleur = suits_name.index(card.couleur) suit = suits_symbols[couleur] if suit in ['♦', '♥']: rank = Color(rank, 'RED') suit = Color(suit, 'RED') if atout == suits_name[couleur]: # add the individual card on a line by line basis lines[0].append(str(Color('┌───────┐', 'YELLOW'))) lines[1].append( str(Color('│', 'YELLOW')) + '{}{} '.format(rank, space) + str(Color('│', 'YELLOW')) ) # use two {} one for char, one for space or char lines[2].append(str(Color('│ │', 'YELLOW'))) lines[3].append( str(Color('│ ', 'YELLOW')) + '{} '.format(suit) + str(Color('│', 'YELLOW'))) lines[4].append(str(Color('│ │', 'YELLOW'))) lines[5].append( str(Color('│ ', 'YELLOW')) + '{}{}'.format(space, rank) + str(Color('│', 'YELLOW'))) lines[6].append(str(Color('└───────┘', 'YELLOW'))) else: # add the individual card on a line by line basis lines[0].append('┌───────┐') lines[1].append('│{}{} │'.format( rank, space)) # use two {} one for char, one for space or char lines[2].append('│ │') lines[3].append('│ {} │'.format(suit)) lines[4].append('│ │') lines[5].append('│ {}{}│'.format(space, rank)) lines[6].append('└───────┘') result = [] for index, line in enumerate(lines): result.append(''.join(lines[index])) # hidden cards do not use string if return_string: return '\n'.join(result) else: return result