Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self,
              errFile = sys.stderr,
              warnFile = sys.stderr,
              diagFile = sys.stdout):
     OutputGenerator.__init__(self, errFile, warnFile, diagFile)
     # Keep track of all extension numbers
     self.extension_numbers = set()
Beispiel #2
 def beginFile(self, genOpts):
     OutputGenerator.beginFile(self, genOpts)
     # Dictionaries are keyed by the name of the entity (e.g.
     # self.structs is keyed by structure names). Values are
     # the names of related entities (e.g. structs contain
     # a list of type names of members, enums contain a list
     # of enumerants belong to the enumerated type, etc.), or
     # just None if there are no directly related entities.
     # Collect the mappings, then emit the Python script in endFile
     self.basetypes = {}
     self.consts = {}
     self.enums = {}
     self.flags = {}
     self.funcpointers = {}
     self.protos = {}
     self.structs = {}
     self.handles = {}
     self.defines = {}
     self.alias = {}
     # Dictionary containing the type of a type name
     # (e.g. the string name of the dictionary with its contents).
     self.typeCategory = {}
     self.mapDict = {}
Beispiel #3
    def genEnum(self, enuminfo, name, alias):
        OutputGenerator.genEnum(self, enuminfo, name, alias)

        # Add a typeCategory{} entry for the category of this type.
        self.addName(self.typeCategory, name, 'consts')

        self.consts[name] = None
    def beginFeature(self, interface, emit):
        # Start processing in superclass
        OutputGenerator.beginFeature(self, interface, emit)

        if interface.tag != 'extension':
            self.logMsg('diag', 'beginFeature: ignoring non-extension feature', self.featureName)

        # These attributes must exist
        name = self.featureName
        number = self.getAttrib(interface, 'number')
        ext_type = self.getAttrib(interface, 'type')
        revision = self.getSpecVersion(interface, name)

        # These attributes are optional
        OPTIONAL = False
        requires = self.getAttrib(interface, 'requires', OPTIONAL)
        requiresCore = self.getAttrib(interface, 'requiresCore', OPTIONAL, '1.0')
        contact = self.getAttrib(interface, 'contact', OPTIONAL)
        promotedTo = self.getAttrib(interface, 'promotedto', OPTIONAL)
        deprecatedBy = self.getAttrib(interface, 'deprecatedby', OPTIONAL)
        obsoletedBy = self.getAttrib(interface, 'obsoletedby', OPTIONAL)
        provisional = self.getAttrib(interface, 'provisional', OPTIONAL, 'false')

        filename = + '/' + name + self.file_suffix

        self.extensions.append( Extension(self, filename, name, number, ext_type, requires, requiresCore, contact, promotedTo, deprecatedBy, obsoletedBy, provisional, revision) )
Beispiel #5
    def genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias):
        OutputGenerator.genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias)

        typeElem = typeinfo.elem

        if alias:
            body = 'typedef ' + alias + ' ' + typeName + ';\n'
            body = ''
            (protect_begin, protect_end) = self.genProtectString(typeElem.get('protect'))
            if protect_begin:
                body += protect_begin
            body += 'typedef ' + typeElem.get('category')

            # This is an OpenXR-specific alternative where aliasing refers
            # to an inheritance hierarchy of types rather than C-level type
            # aliases.
            if self.genOpts.genAliasMacro and self.typeMayAlias(typeName):
                body += ' ' + self.genOpts.aliasMacro

            body += ' ' + typeName + ' {\n'

            targetLen = 0
            for member in typeElem.findall('.//member'):
                targetLen = max(targetLen, self.getCParamTypeLength(member))
            for member in typeElem.findall('.//member'):
                body += self.makeCParamDecl(member, targetLen + 4)
                body += ';\n'
            body += '} ' + typeName + ';\n'
            if protect_end:
                body += protect_end

        self.appendSection('struct', body)
Beispiel #6
    def endFile(self):
        # Print out all the dictionaries as Python strings.
        # Could just print(dict) but that's not human-readable
        dicts = [ [ self.basetypes,     'basetypes' ],
                  [ self.consts,        'consts' ],
                  [ self.enums,         'enums' ],
                  [ self.flags,         'flags' ],
                  [ self.funcpointers,  'funcpointers' ],
                  [ self.protos,        'protos' ],
                  [ self.structs,       'structs' ],
                  [ self.handles,       'handles' ],
                  [ self.defines,       'defines' ],
                  [ self.typeCategory,  'typeCategory' ],
                  [ self.alias,         'alias' ],
        for (entry_dict, name) in dicts:
            write(name + ' = {}', file=self.outFile)
            for key in sorted(entry_dict.keys()):
                write(name + '[' + enquote(key) + '] = ', entry_dict[key],

        # Dictionary containing the relationships of a type
        # (e.g. a dictionary with each related type as keys).
        write('mapDict = {}', file=self.outFile)

        # Could just print(self.mapDict), but prefer something
        # human-readable and stable-ordered
        for baseType in sorted(self.mapDict.keys()):
            write('mapDict[' + enquote(baseType) + '] = ', file=self.outFile, end='')
            pprint(self.mapDict[baseType], self.outFile)

Beispiel #7
    def genType(self, typeinfo, name, alias):
        OutputGenerator.genType(self, typeinfo, name, alias)
        typeElem = typeinfo.elem
        # If the type is a struct type, traverse the embedded <member> tags
        # generating a structure. Otherwise, emit the tag text.
        category = typeElem.get('category')

        # Add a typeCategory{} entry for the category of this type.
        self.addName(self.typeCategory, name, category)

        if category in ('struct', 'union'):
            self.genStruct(typeinfo, name, alias)
            if alias:
                # Add name -> alias mapping
                self.addName(self.alias, name, alias)

                # Always emit an alias (?!)
                count = 1

                # May want to only emit full type definition when not an alias?
                # Extract the type name
                # (from self.genOpts). Copy other text through unchanged.
                # If the resulting text is an empty string, don't emit it.
                count = len(noneStr(typeElem.text))
                for elem in typeElem:
                    count += len(noneStr(elem.text)) + len(noneStr(elem.tail))

            if count > 0:
                if category == 'bitmask':
                    requiredEnum = typeElem.get('requires')
                    self.addName(self.flags, name, requiredEnum)

                    # This happens when the Flags type is defined, but no
                    # FlagBits are defined yet.
                    if requiredEnum is not None:
                        self.addMapping(name, requiredEnum)
                elif category == 'enum':
                    # This case does not seem to come up. It nominally would
                    # result from
                    #   <type name="Something" category="enum"/>,
                    # but the output generator doesn't emit them directly.
                    self.logMsg('warn', 'PyOutputGenerator::genType: invalid \'enum\' category for name:', name)
                elif category == 'funcpointer':
                    self.funcpointers[name] = None
                elif category == 'handle':
                    self.handles[name] = None
                elif category == 'define':
                    self.defines[name] = None
                elif category == 'basetype':
                    # Don't add an entry for base types that are not API types
                    # e.g. an API Bool type gets an entry, uint32_t does not
                    if self.apiName(name):
                        self.basetypes[name] = None
                        self.addName(self.typeCategory, name, 'basetype')
                        self.logMsg('diag', 'PyOutputGenerator::genType: unprocessed type:', name, 'category:', category)
                self.logMsg('diag', 'PyOutputGenerator::genType: unprocessed type:', name)
    def genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias):
        OutputGenerator.genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias)

        # @@@ (Jon) something needs to be done here to handle aliases, probably

        self.makeThreadSafetyBlocks(cmdinfo.elem, 'param')

 def __init__(self,
              errFile = sys.stderr,
              warnFile = sys.stderr,
              diagFile = sys.stdout):
     OutputGenerator.__init__(self, errFile, warnFile, diagFile)
     self.extensions = []
     # List of strings containing all vendor tags
     self.vendor_tags = []
     self.file_suffix = ''
Beispiel #10
 def beginFeature(self, interface, emit):
     # Start processing in superclass
     OutputGenerator.beginFeature(self, interface, emit)
     # C-specific
     # Accumulate includes, defines, types, enums, function pointer typedefs,
     # end function prototypes separately for this feature. They're only
     # printed in endFeature().
     self.sections = {section: [] for section in self.ALL_SECTIONS}
     self.feature_not_empty = False
Beispiel #11
	def beginFeature(self, interface, emit):
		OutputGenerator.beginFeature(self, interface, emit)
		self.currentFeature = "// {0}".format(interface.attrib['name'])
		self.sections = dict([(section, []) for section in self.ALL_SECTIONS])
		self.surfaceExtensionVersionIndent = ""
		self.isSurfaceExtension = self.currentFeature in self.surfaceExtensions
		if self.isSurfaceExtension:
			self.surfaceExtensionVersionIndent = "\t"
Beispiel #12
 def __init__(self,
              errFile = sys.stderr,
              warnFile = sys.stderr,
              diagFile = sys.stdout):
     OutputGenerator.__init__(self, errFile, warnFile, diagFile)
     # Internal state - accumulators for different inner block text
     self.sections = {section: [] for section in self.ALL_SECTIONS}
     self.feature_not_empty = False
     self.need_platform_include = False
     self.may_alias = None
Beispiel #13
 def beginFeature(self, interface, emit):
     # Start processing in superclass
     OutputGenerator.beginFeature(self, interface, emit)
     # Verify that each extension has a unique number during doc generation
     extension_number = interface.get('number')
     if extension_number is not None and extension_number != "0":
         if extension_number in self.extension_numbers:
             self.logMsg('error', 'Duplicate extension number ', extension_number, ' detected in feature ', interface.get('name'), '\n')
Beispiel #14
	def beginFeature( self, interface, emit ):
		OutputGenerator.beginFeature( self, interface, emit )
		#if interface.attrib.get( 'protect' ):
			#write( interface.attrib[ 'name' ], file = self.testsFile )
		self.currentFeature = "// {0}".format( interface.attrib[ 'name' ] )
		self.sections = dict( [ ( section, [] ) for section in self.ALL_SECTIONS ] )
		self.platformExtensionVersionIndent = ""
		self.isPlatformExtension = self.currentFeature in self.platformExtensions
		if self.isPlatformExtension:
			self.platformExtensionVersionIndent = "\t"
Beispiel #15
 def endFile(self):
     # C-specific
     # Finish C++ wrapper and multiple inclusion protection
     write('#ifdef __cplusplus', file=self.outFile)
     write('}', file=self.outFile)
     write('#endif', file=self.outFile)
     if self.genOpts.protectFile and self.genOpts.filename:
         write('#endif', file=self.outFile)
     # Finish processing in superclass
Beispiel #16
    def genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName, alias):
        OutputGenerator.genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName, alias)

        if alias:
            # If the group name is aliased, just emit a typedef declaration
            # for the alias.
            body = 'typedef ' + alias + ' ' + groupName + ';\n'
            expand = self.genOpts.expandEnumerants
            (_, body) = self.buildEnumCDecl(expand, groupinfo, groupName)

        self.writeInclude('enums', groupName, body)
Beispiel #17
    def genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias):
        OutputGenerator.genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias)

        # if alias:
        #     prefix = '// ' + name + ' is an alias of command ' + alias + '\n'
        # else:
        #     prefix = ''

        prefix = ''
        decls = self.makeCDecls(cmdinfo.elem)
        self.appendSection('command', prefix + decls[0] + '\n')
        if self.genOpts.genFuncPointers:
            self.appendSection('commandPointer', decls[1])
    def beginFile(self, genOpts):
        OutputGenerator.beginFile(self, genOpts) =
        self.file_suffix = self.genOpts.conventions.file_suffix

        # Iterate over all 'tag' Elements and add the names of all the valid vendor
        # tags to the list
        root = self.registry.tree.getroot()
        for tag in root.findall('tags/tag'):

        # Create subdirectory, if needed
Beispiel #19
    def genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias):
        OutputGenerator.genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias)

        return_type = cmdinfo.elem.find('proto/type')
        if self.genOpts.conventions.requires_error_validation(return_type):
            # This command returns an API result code, so check that it
            # returns at least the required errors.
            required_errors = self.genOpts.conventions.required_errors
            errorcodes = cmdinfo.elem.get('errorcodes').split(',')
            if not required_errors.issubset(set(errorcodes)):
                self.logMsg('error', 'Missing required error code for command: ', name, '\n')

        decls = self.makeCDecls(cmdinfo.elem)
        self.writeInclude('protos', name, decls[0])
Beispiel #20
    def genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias):
        OutputGenerator.genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias)

        if alias:
            # Add name -> alias mapping
            self.addName(self.alias, typeName, alias)
            # May want to only emit definition on this branch

        members = [member.text for member in typeinfo.elem.findall('.//member/name')]
        self.structs[typeName] = members
        memberTypes = [member.text for member in typeinfo.elem.findall('.//member/type')]
        for member_type in memberTypes:
            self.addMapping(typeName, member_type)
Beispiel #21
    def genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName, alias):
        OutputGenerator.genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName, alias)
        groupElem = groupinfo.elem

        if alias:
            # Add name -> alias mapping
            self.addName(self.alias, groupName, alias)
            # May want to only emit definition on this branch

        # Loop over the nested 'enum' tags.
        enumerants = [elem.get('name') for elem in groupElem.findall('enum')]
        for name in enumerants:
            self.addName(self.consts, name, groupName)
        self.enums[groupName] = enumerants
Beispiel #22
 def endFeature(self):
     # C-specific
     # Actually write the interface to the output file.
     if self.emit:
         if self.feature_not_empty:
             if self.genOpts.conventions.writeFeature(self.featureExtraProtect, self.genOpts.filename):
                 if self.genOpts.protectFeature:
                     write('#ifndef', self.featureName, file=self.outFile)
                 # If type declarations are needed by other features based on
                 # this one, it may be necessary to suppress the ExtraProtect,
                 # or move it below the 'for section...' loop.
                 if self.featureExtraProtect is not None:
                     write('#ifdef', self.featureExtraProtect, file=self.outFile)
                 write('#define', self.featureName, '1', file=self.outFile)
                 for section in self.TYPE_SECTIONS:
                     # OpenXR:
                     # If we need the explicit include of the external platform header,
                     # put it right before the function pointer definitions
                     if section == "funcpointer" and self.need_platform_include:
                         write('// Include for OpenXR Platform-Specific Types', file=self.outFile)
                         write('#include "openxr_platform.h"', file=self.outFile)
                         self.need_platform_include = False
                     contents = self.sections[section]
                     if contents:
                         write('\n'.join(contents), file=self.outFile)
                 if self.genOpts.genFuncPointers and self.sections['commandPointer']:
                     write('\n'.join(self.sections['commandPointer']), file=self.outFile)
                 if self.sections['command']:
                     if self.genOpts.protectProto:
                             self.genOpts.protectProtoStr, file=self.outFile)
                     write('\n'.join(self.sections['command']), end='', file=self.outFile)
                     if self.genOpts.protectProto:
                         write('#endif', file=self.outFile)
                 if self.featureExtraProtect is not None:
                     write('#endif /*', self.featureExtraProtect, '*/', file=self.outFile)
                 if self.genOpts.protectFeature:
                     write('#endif /*', self.featureName, '*/', file=self.outFile)
     # Finish processing in superclass
Beispiel #23
    def genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias):
        OutputGenerator.genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias)

        if alias:
            # Add name -> alias mapping
            self.addName(self.alias, name, alias)
            # May want to only emit definition on this branch

        # Add a typeCategory{} entry for the category of this type.
        self.addName(self.typeCategory, name, 'protos')

        params = [param.text for param in cmdinfo.elem.findall('param/name')]
        self.protos[name] = params
        paramTypes = [param.text for param in cmdinfo.elem.findall('param/type')]
        for param_type in paramTypes:
            self.addMapping(name, param_type)
Beispiel #24
    def genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias):
        OutputGenerator.genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias)

        typeElem = typeinfo.elem

        if alias:
            body = 'typedef ' + alias + ' ' + typeName + ';\n'
            body = 'typedef ' + typeElem.get('category') + ' ' + typeName + ' {\n'

            targetLen = 0
            for member in typeElem.findall('.//member'):
                targetLen = max(targetLen, self.getCParamTypeLength(member))
            for member in typeElem.findall('.//member'):
                body += self.makeCParamDecl(member, targetLen + 4)
                body += ';\n'
            body += '} ' + typeName + ';'

        self.writeInclude('structs', typeName, body)
Beispiel #25
    def genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias):
        """Generate struct (e.g. C "struct" type).

        This is a special case of the <type> tag where the contents are
        interpreted as a set of <member> tags instead of freeform C
        C type declarations. The <member> tags are just like <param>
        tags - they are a declaration of a struct or union member.
        Only simple member declarations are supported (no nested
        structs etc.)

        If alias is not None, then this struct aliases another; just
        generate a typedef of that alias."""
        OutputGenerator.genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias)

        typeElem = typeinfo.elem

        if alias:
            body = 'typedef ' + alias + ' ' + typeName + ';\n'
            body = ''
             protect_end) = self.genProtectString(typeElem.get('protect'))
            if protect_begin:
                body += protect_begin
            body += 'typedef ' + typeElem.get('category')

            # This is an OpenXR-specific alternative where aliasing refers
            # to an inheritance hierarchy of types rather than C-level type
            # aliases.
            if self.genOpts.genAliasMacro and self.typeMayAlias(typeName):
                body += ' ' + self.genOpts.aliasMacro

            body += ' ' + typeName + ' {\n'

            targetLen = self.getMaxCParamTypeLength(typeinfo)
            for member in typeElem.findall('.//member'):
                body += self.makeCParamDecl(member, targetLen + 4)
                body += ';\n'
            body += '} ' + typeName + ';\n'
            if protect_end:
                body += protect_end

        self.appendSection('struct', body)
    def genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias):
        """Generate struct (e.g. C "struct" type).

        Add the struct name to the 'structs' dictionary, with the
        value being an ordered list of the struct member names."""
        OutputGenerator.genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias)

        if alias:
            # Add name -> alias mapping
            self.addName(self.alias, typeName, alias)
            # May want to only emit definition on this branch

        members = [member.text for member in typeinfo.elem.findall('.//member/name')]
        self.structs[typeName] = members
        memberTypes = [member.text for member in typeinfo.elem.findall('.//member/type')]
        for member_type in memberTypes:
            self.addMapping(typeName, member_type)
Beispiel #27
    def genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias):
        "Generate command."
        OutputGenerator.genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias)

        return_type = cmdinfo.elem.find('proto/type')
        if self.genOpts.conventions.requires_error_validation(return_type):
            # This command returns an API result code, so check that it
            # returns at least the required errors.
            # TODO move this to consistency_tools
            required_errors = set(self.genOpts.conventions.required_errors)
            errorcodes = cmdinfo.elem.get('errorcodes').split(',')
            if not required_errors.issubset(set(errorcodes)):
                self.logMsg('error', 'Missing required error code for command: ', name, '\n')

        body = self.genRequirements(name)
        decls = self.makeCDecls(cmdinfo.elem)
        body += decls[0]
        self.writeInclude('protos', name, body)
Beispiel #28
    def genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias):
        OutputGenerator.genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias)

        typeElem = typeinfo.elem

        if alias:

        structTypeName = None
        members = []
        for member in typeinfo.getMembers():
            memberName = getElemName(member)
            memberType = getElemType(member)
            if self.conventions.is_structure_type_member(memberType, memberName):
                structTypeName = member.get("values")


        self.structs.append(CStruct(typeName, structTypeName, members, typeinfo.elem.get('protect')))
Beispiel #29
    def genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias):
        OutputGenerator.genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias)

        if alias:
            # Add name -> alias mapping
            self.addName(self.alias, typeName, alias)
            # May want to only emit definition on this branch

        members = [
            member.text for member in typeinfo.elem.findall('.//member/name')
        self.structs[typeName] = members
        memberTypes = [
            member.text for member in typeinfo.elem.findall('.//member/type')
        for member_type in memberTypes:
            self.addMapping(typeName, member_type)
Beispiel #30
    def endFeature(self):
        # Generate code for the feature
        if self.emit and self.needFeatureGeneration():
            if self.featureBreak:

            if (self.featureExtraProtect is not None):
                write('#ifdef', self.featureExtraProtect, file=self.outFile)


            if (self.featureExtraProtect is not None):
                write('#endif /*',

        # Finish processing in superclass
Beispiel #31
    def genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias):
        """Generate struct."""
        OutputGenerator.genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias)

        typeElem = typeinfo.elem

        body = self.genRequirements(typeName)
        if alias:
            body += 'typedef ' + alias + ' ' + typeName + ';\n'
            body += 'typedef ' + typeElem.get('category') + ' ' + typeName + ' {\n'

            targetLen = self.getMaxCParamTypeLength(typeinfo)
            for member in typeElem.findall('.//member'):
                body += self.makeCParamDecl(member, targetLen + 4)
                body += ';\n'
            body += '} ' + typeName + ';'

        self.writeInclude('structs', typeName, body)
Beispiel #32
    def genType(self, typeinfo, name, alias):
        "Generate type."
        OutputGenerator.genType(self, typeinfo, name, alias)
        typeElem = typeinfo.elem

        # Vulkan:
        # Determine the category of the type, and the type section to add
        # its definition to.
        # 'funcpointer' is added to the 'struct' section as a workaround for
        # internal issue #877, since structures and function pointer types
        # can have cross-dependencies.
        category = typeElem.get('category')
        if category == 'funcpointer':
            section = 'struct'
            section = category

        if category in ('struct', 'union'):
            # If the type is a struct type, generate it using the
            # special-purpose generator.
            self.genStruct(typeinfo, name, alias)
            if self.genOpts is None:
                raise MissingGeneratorOptionsError()
            # OpenXR: this section was not under 'else:' previously, just fell through
            if alias:
                # If the type is an alias, just emit a typedef declaration
                body = 'typedef ' + alias + ' ' + name + ';\n'
                # Replace <apientry /> tags with an APIENTRY-style string
                # (from self.genOpts). Copy other text through unchanged.
                # If the resulting text is an empty string, don't emit it.
                body = noneStr(typeElem.text)
                for elem in typeElem:
                    if elem.tag == 'apientry':
                        body += self.genOpts.apientry + noneStr(elem.tail)
                        body += noneStr(elem.text) + noneStr(elem.tail)
            if body:
                # Add extra newline after multi-line entries.
                if '\n' in body[0:-1]:
                    body += '\n'
                self.appendSection(section, body)
Beispiel #33
    def genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName, alias = None):
        OutputGenerator.genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName, alias)
        groupElem = groupinfo.elem

        # After either enumerated type or alias paths, add the declaration
        # to the appropriate section for the group being defined.
        if groupElem.get('type') == 'bitmask':
            section = 'bitmask'
            section = 'group'

        if alias:
            # If the group name is aliased, just emit a typedef declaration
            # for the alias.
            body = 'typedef ' + alias + ' ' + groupName + ';\n'
            self.appendSection(section, body)
            (section, body) = self.buildEnumCDecl(self.genOpts.genEnumBeginEndRange, groupinfo, groupName)
            self.appendSection(section, "\n" + body)
    def genType(self, typeinfo, name, alias):
        """Generate type."""
        OutputGenerator.genType(self, typeinfo, name, alias)
        typeElem = typeinfo.elem
        # If the type is a struct type, traverse the embedded <member> tags
        # generating a structure. Otherwise, emit the tag text.
        category = typeElem.get('category')

        body = ''
        if category in ('struct', 'union'):
            # If the type is a struct type, generate it using the
            # special-purpose generator.
            self.genStruct(typeinfo, name, alias)
            if alias:
                # If the type is an alias, just emit a typedef declaration
                body = 'typedef ' + alias + ' ' + name + ';\n'
                                  name, body)
                # Replace <apientry /> tags with an APIENTRY-style string
                # (from self.genOpts). Copy other text through unchanged.
                # If the resulting text is an empty string, don't emit it.
                body = noneStr(typeElem.text)
                for elem in typeElem:
                    if elem.tag == 'apientry':
                        body += self.genOpts.apientry + noneStr(elem.tail)
                        body += noneStr(elem.text) + noneStr(elem.tail)

                if body:
                    if category in OutputGenerator.categoryToPath:
                            OutputGenerator.categoryToPath[category], name,
                            body + '\n')
                                    '# NOT writing include file for type:',
                                    name, '- bad category: ', category)
                                '# NOT writing empty include file for type',
Beispiel #35
    def genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias):
        OutputGenerator.genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias)

        if alias:
            # Add name -> alias mapping
            self.addName(self.alias, name, alias)
            # May want to only emit definition on this branch

        # Add a typeCategory{} entry for the category of this type.
        self.addName(self.typeCategory, name, 'protos')

        params = [param.text for param in cmdinfo.elem.findall('param/name')]
        self.protos[name] = params
        paramTypes = [
            param.text for param in cmdinfo.elem.findall('param/type')
        for param_type in paramTypes:
            self.addMapping(name, param_type)
Beispiel #36
    def beginFeature(self, interface, emit):
        # Start processing in superclass
        OutputGenerator.beginFeature(self, interface, emit)

        # Decide if we're in a core <feature> or an <extension>
        self.in_core = (interface.tag == 'feature')

        # Verify that each <extension> has a unique number during doc
        # generation
        # TODO move this to consistency_tools
        if not self.in_core:
            extension_number = interface.get('number')
            if extension_number is not None and extension_number != "0":
                if extension_number in self.extension_numbers:
                    self.logMsg('error', 'Duplicate extension number ',
                                extension_number, ' detected in feature ',
                                interface.get('name'), '\n')
Beispiel #37
    def genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias):
        OutputGenerator.genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias)

        typeElem = typeinfo.elem

        if alias:
            body = 'typedef ' + alias + ' ' + typeName + ';\n'
            body = 'typedef ' + typeElem.get(
                'category') + ' ' + typeName + ' {\n'

            targetLen = 0
            for member in typeElem.findall('.//member'):
                targetLen = max(targetLen, self.getCParamTypeLength(member))
            for member in typeElem.findall('.//member'):
                body += self.makeCParamDecl(member, targetLen + 4)
                body += ';\n'
            body += '} ' + typeName + ';'

        self.writeInclude('structs', typeName, body)
Beispiel #38
    def beginFile(self, genOpts):
        OutputGenerator.beginFile(self, genOpts)
        # C-specific
        # Multiple inclusion protection & C++ wrappers.
        if genOpts.protectFile and self.genOpts.filename:
            headerSym = re.sub(r'\.h', '_h_',
            write('#ifndef', headerSym, file=self.outFile)
            write('#define', headerSym, '1', file=self.outFile)
        write('#ifdef __cplusplus', file=self.outFile)
        write('extern "C" {', file=self.outFile)
        write('#endif', file=self.outFile)

        # User-supplied prefix text, if any (list of strings)
        if genOpts.prefixText:
            for s in genOpts.prefixText:
                write(s, file=self.outFile)
Beispiel #39
    def genType(self, typeinfo, name, alias):
        OutputGenerator.genType(self, typeinfo, name, alias)
        typeElem = typeinfo.elem

        # Vulkan:
        # Determine the category of the type, and the type section to add
        # its definition to.
        # 'funcpointer' is added to the 'struct' section as a workaround for
        # internal issue #877, since structures and function pointer types
        # can have cross-dependencies.
        category = typeElem.get('category')
        if category == 'funcpointer':
            section = 'struct'
            section = category

        if category in ('struct', 'union'):
            # If the type is a struct type, generate it using the
            # special-purpose generator.
            self.genStruct(typeinfo, name, alias)
            # OpenXR: this section was not under 'else:' previously, just fell through
            if alias:
                # If the type is an alias, just emit a typedef declaration
                body = 'typedef ' + alias + ' ' + name + ';\n'
                # Replace <apientry /> tags with an APIENTRY-style string
                # (from self.genOpts). Copy other text through unchanged.
                # If the resulting text is an empty string, don't emit it.
                body = noneStr(typeElem.text)
                for elem in typeElem:
                    if elem.tag == 'apientry':
                        body += self.genOpts.apientry + noneStr(elem.tail)
                        body += noneStr(elem.text) + noneStr(elem.tail)
            if body:
                # Add extra newline after multi-line entries.
                if '\n' in body[0:-1]:
                    body += '\n'
                self.appendSection(section, body)
Beispiel #40
    def genEnum(self, enuminfo, name, alias):
        """Generate enumerants.

        <enum> tags may specify their values in several ways, but are usually
        just integers."""
        OutputGenerator.genEnum(self, enuminfo, name, alias)
        (_, strVal) = self.enumToValue(enuminfo.elem, False)

        if self.misracppstyle() and enuminfo.elem.get('type') and not alias:
            # Generate e.g.: static constexpr uint32_t x = ~static_cast<uint32_t>(1U);
            # This appeases MISRA "underlying type" rules.
            typeStr = enuminfo.elem.get('type');
            invert = '~' in strVal
            number = strVal.strip("()~UL")
            if typeStr != "float":
                number += 'U'
            strVal = "~" if invert else ""
            strVal += "static_cast<" + typeStr + ">(" + number + ")"
            body = 'static constexpr ' + typeStr.ljust(9) + name.ljust(33) + ' {' + strVal + '};'
            self.appendSection('enum', body)
        elif enuminfo.elem.get('type') and not alias:
            # Generate e.g.: #define x (~0ULL)
            typeStr = enuminfo.elem.get('type');
            invert = '~' in strVal
            paren = '(' in strVal
            number = strVal.strip("()~UL")
            if typeStr != "float":
                if typeStr == "uint64_t":
                    number += 'ULL'
                    number += 'U'
            strVal = "~" if invert else ""
            strVal += number
            if paren:
                strVal = "(" + strVal + ")";
            body = '#define ' + name.ljust(33) + ' ' + strVal;
            self.appendSection('enum', body)
            body = '#define ' + name.ljust(33) + ' ' + strVal
            self.appendSection('enum', body)
Beispiel #41
    def genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias):
        OutputGenerator.genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias)
        if self.processCmds:
            # Create the declaration for the function prototype
            proto = cmdinfo.elem.find('proto')
            protoDecl = self.genOpts.apicall + noneStr(proto.text)
            for elem in proto:
                text = noneStr(elem.text)
                tail = noneStr(elem.tail)
                if (elem.tag == 'name'):
                    if text.startswith('vk'):
                        text = text[2:]
                    protoDecl += self.makeProtoName(text, tail)
                    protoDecl += text + tail

            returnType = noneStr(proto.text) + noneStr(proto.find('type').text)

            # TODO: Define a class or namedtuple for the dictionary entry
            self.featureCmdParams[name] = (returnType, protoDecl,
    def genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias):
        """Generate command.

        - Add the command name to the 'protos' dictionary, with the
          value being an ordered list of the parameter names."""
        OutputGenerator.genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias)

        if alias:
            # Add name -> alias mapping
            self.addName(self.alias, name, alias)
            # May want to only emit definition on this branch

        # Add a typeCategory{} entry for the category of this type.
        self.addName(self.typeCategory, name, 'protos')

        params = [param.text for param in cmdinfo.elem.findall('param/name')]
        self.protos[name] = params
        paramTypes = [param.text for param in cmdinfo.elem.findall('param/type')]
        for param_type in paramTypes:
            self.addMapping(name, param_type)
Beispiel #43
    def genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName, alias=None):
        OutputGenerator.genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName, alias)

        if alias:

        if getElemType(groupinfo.elem) == 'bitmask':
            bitmaskTypeName = getElemName(groupinfo.flagType.elem)

            bitmaskTuples = []
            for elem in groupinfo.elem.findall('enum'):
                (numVal, strVal) = self.enumToValue(elem, True)
                bitmaskTuples.append((getElemName(elem), strVal))

            self.bitmasks.append(CBitmask(bitmaskTypeName, bitmaskTuples))
            groupElem = groupinfo.elem

            expandName = re.sub(r'([0-9a-z_])([A-Z0-9][^A-Z0-9]?)', r'\1_\2',
            expandPrefix = expandName

            expandSuffix = ''
            expandSuffixMatch ='[A-Z][A-Z]+$', groupName)
            if expandSuffixMatch:
                expandSuffix = '_' +
                # Strip off the suffix from the prefix
                expandPrefix = expandName.rsplit(expandSuffix, 1)[0]

            enumTuples = []
            for elem in groupElem.findall('enum'):
                (numVal, strVal) = self.enumToValue(elem, True)
                if numVal is None:
                    # then this is an alias or something
                enumTuples.append((getElemName(elem), strVal))

                CEnum(groupName, expandPrefix, expandSuffix, enumTuples))
Beispiel #44
 def genType(self, typeinfo, name, alias):
     OutputGenerator.genType(self, typeinfo, name, alias)
     typeElem = typeinfo.elem
     # If the type is a struct type, traverse the imbedded <member> tags
     # generating a structure. Otherwise, emit the tag text.
     category = typeElem.get('category')
     if (category == 'struct' or category == 'union'):
         # Skip code generation for union encode/decode functions.
         if category == 'struct':
             self.genStruct(typeinfo, name, alias)
     elif (category == 'handle'):
     elif (category == 'bitmask'):
         # Flags can have either VkFlags or VkFlags64 base type
         alias = typeElem.get('alias')
         if alias:
             # Use same base type as the alias if one exists
             self.flagsTypes[name] = self.flagsTypes[alias]
             # Otherwise, look for base type inside type declaration
             self.flagsTypes[name] = typeElem.find('type').text
Beispiel #45
    def genType(self, typeinfo, name, alias):
        OutputGenerator.genType(self, typeinfo, name, alias)
        typeElem = typeinfo.elem
        # If the type is a struct type, traverse the embedded <member> tags
        # generating a structure. Otherwise, emit the tag text.
        category = typeElem.get('category')

        body = ''
        if category in ('struct', 'union'):
            # If the type is a struct type, generate it using the
            # special-purpose generator.
            self.genStruct(typeinfo, name, alias)
            if alias:
                # If the type is an alias, just emit a typedef declaration
                body = 'typedef ' + alias + ' ' + name + ';\n'
                    name, body)
                # Replace <apientry /> tags with an APIENTRY-style string
                # (from self.genOpts). Copy other text through unchanged.
                # If the resulting text is an empty string, don't emit it.
                body = noneStr(typeElem.text)
                for elem in typeElem:
                    if elem.tag == 'apientry':
                        body += self.genOpts.apientry + noneStr(elem.tail)
                        body += noneStr(elem.text) + noneStr(elem.tail)

                if body:
                    if category in OutputGenerator.categoryToPath:
                            name, body + '\n')
                        self.logMsg('diag', '# NOT writing include file for type:',
                            name, '- bad category: ', category)
                    self.logMsg('diag', '# NOT writing empty include file for type', name)
    def endFeature(self):
        # Add feature to global list with protectFeature
        if self.emit and self.featurePointers:
            if self.genOpts.protectFeature:
                self.pointers.append('#ifdef ' + self.featureName)
                self.pointerInitializersInstance.append('#ifdef ' +
                self.pointerInitializersDevice.append('#ifdef ' +

            if self.featureExtraProtect is not None:
                self.pointers.append('#ifdef ' + self.featureExtraProtect)
                self.pointerInitializersInstance.append('#ifndef ' +
                self.pointerInitializersDevice.append('#ifndef ' +

            self.pointers += self.featurePointers
            self.pointerInitializersInstance += self.featurePointerInitializersInstance
            self.pointerInitializersDevice += self.featurePointerInitializersDevice

            if self.featureExtraProtect is not None:
                self.pointers.append('#endif /* ' + self.featureExtraProtect +
                                     ' */')
                    '#endif /* ' + self.featureExtraProtect + ' */')
                    '#endif /* ' + self.featureExtraProtect + ' */')
            if self.genOpts.protectFeature:
                self.pointers.append('#endif /* ' + self.featureName + ' */')
                self.pointerInitializersInstance.append('#endif /* ' +
                                                        self.featureName +
                                                        ' */')
                self.pointerInitializersDevice.append('#endif /* ' +
                                                      self.featureName + ' */')

        # Finish processing in superclass
 def endFeature(self):
     "Actually write the interface to the output file."
     # C-specific
     if self.emit:
         if self.feature_not_empty:
             if self.genOpts.conventions.writeFeature(self.featureExtraProtect, self.genOpts.filename):
                 if self.genOpts.protectFeature:
                     write('#ifndef', self.featureName, file=self.outFile)
                 # If type declarations are needed by other features based on
                 # this one, it may be necessary to suppress the ExtraProtect,
                 # or move it below the 'for section...' loop.
                 if self.featureExtraProtect is not None:
                     write('#ifdef', self.featureExtraProtect, file=self.outFile)
                 write('#define', self.featureName, '1', file=self.outFile)
                 for section in self.TYPE_SECTIONS:
                     contents = self.sections[section]
                     if contents:
                         write('\n'.join(contents), file=self.outFile)
                 if self.genOpts.genFuncPointers and self.sections['commandPointer']:
                     write('\n'.join(self.sections['commandPointer']), file=self.outFile)
                 if self.sections['command']:
                     if self.genOpts.protectProto:
                               self.genOpts.protectProtoStr, file=self.outFile)
                     write('\n'.join(self.sections['command']), end='', file=self.outFile)
                     if self.genOpts.protectProto:
                         write('#endif', file=self.outFile)
                 if self.featureExtraProtect is not None:
                     write('#endif /*', self.featureExtraProtect, '*/', file=self.outFile)
                 if self.genOpts.protectFeature:
                     write('#endif /*', self.featureName, '*/', file=self.outFile)
     # Finish processing in superclass
Beispiel #48
 def __init__(self):
     self.tree         = None
     self.typedict     = {}
     self.groupdict    = {}
     self.enumdict     = {}
     self.cmddict      = {}
     self.apidict      = {}
     self.extensions   = []
     self.extdict      = {}
     # A default output generator, so commands prior to apiGen can report
     # errors via the generator object.
     self.gen          = OutputGenerator()
     self.genOpts      = None
     self.emitFeatures = False
Beispiel #49
    def endFile(self):
        # Print out all the dictionaries as Python strings.
        # Could just print(dict) but that's not human-readable
        dicts = [
            [self.basetypes, 'basetypes'],
            [self.consts, 'consts'],
            [self.enums, 'enums'],
            [self.flags, 'flags'],
            [self.funcpointers, 'funcpointers'],
            [self.protos, 'protos'],
            [self.structs, 'structs'],
            [self.handles, 'handles'],
            [self.defines, 'defines'],
            [self.typeCategory, 'typeCategory'],
            [self.alias, 'alias'],
        for (entry_dict, name) in dicts:
            write(name + ' = {}', file=self.outFile)
            for key in sorted(entry_dict.keys()):
                write(name + '[' + enquote(key) + '] = ',

        # Dictionary containing the relationships of a type
        # (e.g. a dictionary with each related type as keys).
        write('mapDict = {}', file=self.outFile)

        # Could just print(self.mapDict), but prefer something
        # human-readable and stable-ordered
        for baseType in sorted(self.mapDict.keys()):
            write('mapDict[' + enquote(baseType) + '] = ',
            pprint(self.mapDict[baseType], self.outFile)

Beispiel #50
    def genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName, alias):
        """Generate group (e.g. C "enum" type).

        These are concatenated together with other types.

        - Add the enum type name to the 'enums' dictionary, with
          the value being an ordered list of the enumerant names.
        - Add each enumerant name to the 'consts' dictionary, with
          the value being the enum type the enumerant is part of."""
        OutputGenerator.genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName, alias)
        groupElem = groupinfo.elem

        if alias:
            # Add name -> alias mapping
            self.addName(self.alias, groupName, alias)
            # May want to only emit definition on this branch

        # Loop over the nested 'enum' tags.
        enumerants = [elem.get('name') for elem in groupElem.findall('enum')]
        for name in enumerants:
            self.addName(self.consts, name, groupName)
        self.enums[groupName] = enumerants
Beispiel #51
    def beginFile(self, genOpts):
        OutputGenerator.beginFile(self, genOpts)

        if genOpts.blacklists:
        if genOpts.platformTypes:

            # Platform defined struct processing must be implemented manually,
            # so these structs will be added to the blacklist.

        # User-supplied prefix text, if any (list of strings)
        if (genOpts.prefixText):
            for s in genOpts.prefixText:
                write(s, file=self.outFile)

        # Multiple inclusion protection & C++ wrappers.
        if (genOpts.protectFile and self.genOpts.filename):
            headerSym = 'GFXRECON_' + re.sub(
                '\.h', '_H', os.path.basename(self.genOpts.filename)).upper()
            write('#ifndef ', headerSym, file=self.outFile)
            write('#define ', headerSym, file=self.outFile)
    def endFile(self):
        file_data = ''

        unprotected_structs = self.getStructsForProtect()
        protected_structs = [(x, self.getStructsForProtect(x))
                             for x in sorted(self.protects)]

        extensions = list(
            ((name, data) for name, data in self.registry.extdict.items()
             if data.supported != 'disabled'))
        def getNumber(x):
            return int(x[1].number)
        file_data += self.template.render(
        write(file_data, file=self.outFile)

        # Finish processing in superclass
Beispiel #53
 def __init__(self):
     self.tree         = None
     self.typedict     = {}
     self.groupdict    = {}
     self.enumdict     = {}
     self.cmddict      = {}
     self.apidict      = {}
     self.extensions   = []
     self.requiredextensions = [] # Hack - can remove it after validity generator goes away
     self.validextensionstructs = defaultdict(list)
     self.extdict      = {}
     # A default output generator, so commands prior to apiGen can report
     # errors via the generator object.
     self.gen          = OutputGenerator()
     self.genOpts      = None
     self.emitFeatures = False
Beispiel #54
 def beginFile(self, genOpts):
     OutputGenerator.beginFile(self, genOpts)
     self.template = JinjaTemplate(self.env,
Beispiel #55
class Registry:
    """Represents an API registry loaded from XML"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.tree = None
        self.typedict = {}
        self.groupdict = {}
        self.enumdict = {}
        self.cmddict = {}
        self.apidict = {}
        self.extensions = []
        self.extdict = {}
        # A default output generator, so commands prior to apiGen can report
        # errors via the generator object.
        self.gen = OutputGenerator()
        self.genOpts = None
        self.emitFeatures = False

    def loadElementTree(self, tree):
        """Load ElementTree into a Registry object and parse it"""
        self.tree = tree

    def loadFile(self, file):
        """Load an API registry XML file into a Registry object and parse it"""
        self.tree = etree.parse(file)

    def setGenerator(self, gen):
        """Specify output generator object. None restores the default generator"""
        self.gen = gen

    # addElementInfo - add information about an element to the
    # corresponding dictionary
    #   elem - <type>/<enums>/<enum>/<command>/<feature>/<extension> Element
    #   info - corresponding {Type|Group|Enum|Cmd|Feature}Info object
    #   infoName - 'type' / 'group' / 'enum' / 'command' / 'feature' / 'extension'
    #   dictionary - self.{type|group|enum|cmd|api|ext}dict
    # If the Element has an 'api' attribute, the dictionary key is the
    # tuple (name,api). If not, the key is the name. 'name' is an
    # attribute of the Element
    def addElementInfo(self, elem, info, infoName, dictionary):
        if ('api' in elem.attrib):
            key = (elem.get('name'), elem.get('api'))
            key = elem.get('name')
        if key in dictionary:
            self.gen.logMsg('warn', '*** Attempt to redefine', infoName,
                            'with key:', key)
            dictionary[key] = info

    # lookupElementInfo - find a {Type|Enum|Cmd}Info object by name.
    # If an object qualified by API name exists, use that.
    #   fname - name of type / enum / command
    #   dictionary - self.{type|enum|cmd}dict
    def lookupElementInfo(self, fname, dictionary):
        key = (fname, self.genOpts.apiname)
        if (key in dictionary):
            # self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Found API-specific element for feature', fname)
            return dictionary[key]
        elif (fname in dictionary):
            # self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Found generic element for feature', fname)
            return dictionary[fname]
            return None

    def parseTree(self):
        """Parse the registry Element, once created"""
        # This must be the Element for the root <registry>
        self.reg = self.tree.getroot()
        # Create dictionary of registry types from toplevel <types> tags
        # and add 'name' attribute to each <type> tag (where missing)
        # based on its <name> element.
        # There's usually one <types> block; more are OK
        # Required <type> attributes: 'name' or nested <name> tag contents
        self.typedict = {}
        for type in self.reg.findall('types/type'):
            # If the <type> doesn't already have a 'name' attribute, set
            # it from contents of its <name> tag.
            if (type.get('name') == None):
                type.attrib['name'] = type.find('name').text
            self.addElementInfo(type, TypeInfo(type), 'type', self.typedict)
        # Create dictionary of registry enum groups from <enums> tags.
        # Required <enums> attributes: 'name'. If no name is given, one is
        # generated, but that group can't be identified and turned into an
        # enum type definition - it's just a container for <enum> tags.
        self.groupdict = {}
        for group in self.reg.findall('enums'):
            self.addElementInfo(group, GroupInfo(group), 'group',
        # Create dictionary of registry enums from <enum> tags
        # <enums> tags usually define different namespaces for the values
        #   defined in those tags, but the actual names all share the
        #   same dictionary.
        # Required <enum> attributes: 'name', 'value'
        # For containing <enums> which have type="enum" or type="bitmask",
        # tag all contained <enum>s are required. This is a stopgap until
        # a better scheme for tagging core and extension enums is created.
        self.enumdict = {}
        for enums in self.reg.findall('enums'):
            required = (enums.get('type') != None)
            for enum in enums.findall('enum'):
                enumInfo = EnumInfo(enum)
                enumInfo.required = required
                self.addElementInfo(enum, enumInfo, 'enum', self.enumdict)
        # Create dictionary of registry commands from <command> tags
        # and add 'name' attribute to each <command> tag (where missing)
        # based on its <proto><name> element.
        # There's usually only one <commands> block; more are OK.
        # Required <command> attributes: 'name' or <proto><name> tag contents
        self.cmddict = {}
        for cmd in self.reg.findall('commands/command'):
            # If the <command> doesn't already have a 'name' attribute, set
            # it from contents of its <proto><name> tag.
            if (cmd.get('name') == None):
                cmd.attrib['name'] = cmd.find('proto/name').text
            ci = CmdInfo(cmd)
            self.addElementInfo(cmd, ci, 'command', self.cmddict)
        # Create dictionaries of API and extension interfaces
        #   from toplevel <api> and <extension> tags.
        self.apidict = {}
        for feature in self.reg.findall('feature'):
            featureInfo = FeatureInfo(feature)
            self.addElementInfo(feature, featureInfo, 'feature', self.apidict)
        self.extensions = self.reg.findall('extensions/extension')
        self.extdict = {}
        for feature in self.extensions:
            featureInfo = FeatureInfo(feature)
            self.addElementInfo(feature, featureInfo, 'extension',

            # Add additional enums defined only in <extension> tags
            # to the corresponding core type.
            # When seen here, the <enum> element, processed to contain the
            # numeric enum value, is added to the corresponding <enums>
            # element, as well as adding to the enum dictionary. It is
            # *removed* from the <require> element it is introduced in.
            # Not doing this will cause spurious genEnum()
            # calls to be made in output generation, and it's easier
            # to handle here than in genEnum().
            # In lxml.etree, an Element can have only one parent, so the
            # append() operation also removes the element. But in Python's
            # ElementTree package, an Element can have multiple parents. So
            # it must be explicitly removed from the <require> tag, leading
            # to the nested loop traversal of <require>/<enum> elements
            # below.
            # This code also adds a 'extnumber' attribute containing the
            # extension number, used for enumerant value calculation.
            # For <enum> tags which are actually just constants, if there's
            # no 'extends' tag but there is a 'value' or 'bitpos' tag, just
            # add an EnumInfo record to the dictionary. That works because
            # output generation of constants is purely dependency-based, and
            # doesn't need to iterate through the XML tags.
            # Something like this will need to be done for 'feature's up
            # above, if we use the same mechanism for adding to the core
            # API in 1.1.
            for elem in feature.findall('require'):
                for enum in elem.findall('enum'):
                    addEnumInfo = False
                    groupName = enum.get('extends')
                    if (groupName != None):
                        # self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** Found extension enum',
                        #     enum.get('name'))
                        # Add extension number attribute to the <enum> element
                        enum.attrib['extnumber'] = featureInfo.number
                        enum.attrib['extname'] =
                        enum.attrib['supported'] = featureInfo.supported
                        # Look up the GroupInfo with matching groupName
                        if (groupName in self.groupdict.keys()):
                            # self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** Matching group',
                            #     groupName, 'found, adding element...')
                            gi = self.groupdict[groupName]
                            # Remove element from parent <require> tag
                            # This should be a no-op in lxml.etree
                            self.gen.logMsg('warn', '*** NO matching group',
                                            groupName, 'for enum',
                                            enum.get('name'), 'found.')
                        addEnumInfo = True
                    elif (enum.get('value') or enum.get('bitpos')):
                        # self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** Adding extension constant "enum"',
                        #     enum.get('name'))
                        addEnumInfo = True
                    if (addEnumInfo):
                        enumInfo = EnumInfo(enum)
                        self.addElementInfo(enum, enumInfo, 'enum',

    def dumpReg(self, maxlen=40, filehandle=sys.stdout):
        """Dump all the dictionaries constructed from the Registry object"""
        write('***************************************', file=filehandle)
        write('    ** Dumping Registry contents **', file=filehandle)
        write('***************************************', file=filehandle)
        write('// Types', file=filehandle)
        for name in self.typedict:
            tobj = self.typedict[name]
            write('    Type',
        write('// Groups', file=filehandle)
        for name in self.groupdict:
            gobj = self.groupdict[name]
            write('    Group',
        write('// Enums', file=filehandle)
        for name in self.enumdict:
            eobj = self.enumdict[name]
            write('    Enum',
        write('// Commands', file=filehandle)
        for name in self.cmddict:
            cobj = self.cmddict[name]
            write('    Command',
        write('// APIs', file=filehandle)
        for key in self.apidict:
            write('    API Version ',
        write('// Extensions', file=filehandle)
        for key in self.extdict:
            write('    Extension',
        # write('***************************************', file=filehandle)
        # write('    ** Dumping XML ElementTree **', file=filehandle)
        # write('***************************************', file=filehandle)
        # write(etree.tostring(self.tree.getroot(),pretty_print=True), file=filehandle)

    # typename - name of type
    # required - boolean (to tag features as required or not)
    def markTypeRequired(self, typename, required):
        """Require (along with its dependencies) or remove (but not its dependencies) a type"""
        self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** tagging type:', typename, '-> required =',
        # Get TypeInfo object for <type> tag corresponding to typename
        type = self.lookupElementInfo(typename, self.typedict)
        if (type != None):
            if (required):
                # Tag type dependencies in 'required' attributes as
                # required. This DOES NOT un-tag dependencies in a <remove>
                # tag. See comments in markRequired() below for the reason.
                if ('requires' in type.elem.attrib):
                    depType = type.elem.get('requires')
                    self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** Generating dependent type',
                                    depType, 'for type', typename)
                    self.markTypeRequired(depType, required)
                # Tag types used in defining this type (e.g. in nested
                # <type> tags)
                # Look for <type> in entire <command> tree,
                # not just immediate children
                for subtype in type.elem.findall('.//type'):
                        '*** markRequired: type requires dependent <type>',
                    self.markTypeRequired(subtype.text, required)
                # Tag enums used in defining this type, for example in
                #   <member><name>member</name>[<enum>MEMBER_SIZE</enum>]</member>
                for subenum in type.elem.findall('.//enum'):
                        '*** markRequired: type requires dependent <enum>',
                    self.markEnumRequired(subenum.text, required)
            type.required = required
            self.gen.logMsg('warn', '*** type:', typename, 'IS NOT DEFINED')

    # enumname - name of enum
    # required - boolean (to tag features as required or not)
    def markEnumRequired(self, enumname, required):
        self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** tagging enum:', enumname, '-> required =',
        enum = self.lookupElementInfo(enumname, self.enumdict)
        if (enum != None):
            enum.required = required
            self.gen.logMsg('warn', '*** enum:', enumname, 'IS NOT DEFINED')

    # features - Element for <require> or <remove> tag
    # required - boolean (to tag features as required or not)
    def markRequired(self, features, required):
        """Require or remove features specified in the Element"""
            '*** markRequired (features = <too long to print>, required =',
            required, ')')
        # Loop over types, enums, and commands in the tag
        # @@ It would be possible to respect 'api' and 'profile' attributes
        #  in individual features, but that's not done yet.
        for typeElem in features.findall('type'):
            self.markTypeRequired(typeElem.get('name'), required)
        for enumElem in features.findall('enum'):
            self.markEnumRequired(enumElem.get('name'), required)
        for cmdElem in features.findall('command'):
            name = cmdElem.get('name')
            self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** tagging command:', name,
                            '-> required =', required)
            cmd = self.lookupElementInfo(name, self.cmddict)
            if (cmd != None):
                cmd.required = required
                # Tag all parameter types of this command as required.
                # This DOES NOT remove types of commands in a <remove>
                # tag, because many other commands may use the same type.
                # We could be more clever and reference count types,
                # instead of using a boolean.
                if (required):
                    # Look for <type> in entire <command> tree,
                    # not just immediate children
                    for type in cmd.elem.findall('.//type'):
                            '*** markRequired: command implicitly requires dependent type',
                        self.markTypeRequired(type.text, required)
                self.gen.logMsg('warn', '*** command:', name, 'IS NOT DEFINED')

    # interface - Element for <version> or <extension>, containing
    #   <require> and <remove> tags
    # api - string specifying API name being generated
    # profile - string specifying API profile being generated
    def requireAndRemoveFeatures(self, interface, api, profile):
        """Process <recquire> and <remove> tags for a <version> or <extension>"""
        # <require> marks things that are required by this version/profile
        for feature in interface.findall('require'):
            if (matchAPIProfile(api, profile, feature)):
                self.markRequired(feature, True)
        # <remove> marks things that are removed by this version/profile
        for feature in interface.findall('remove'):
            if (matchAPIProfile(api, profile, feature)):
                self.markRequired(feature, False)

    def assignAdditionalValidity(self, interface, api, profile):
        # Loop over all usage inside all <require> tags.
        for feature in interface.findall('require'):
            if (matchAPIProfile(api, profile, feature)):
                for v in feature.findall('usage'):
                    if v.get('command'):
                    if v.get('struct'):

        # Loop over all usage inside all <remove> tags.
        for feature in interface.findall('remove'):
            if (matchAPIProfile(api, profile, feature)):
                for v in feature.findall('usage'):
                    if v.get('command'):
                    if v.get('struct'):

    # generateFeature - generate a single type / enum group / enum / command,
    # and all its dependencies as needed.
    #   fname - name of feature (<type>/<enum>/<command>)
    #   ftype - type of feature, 'type' | 'enum' | 'command'
    #   dictionary - of *Info objects - self.{type|enum|cmd}dict
    def generateFeature(self, fname, ftype, dictionary):
        f = self.lookupElementInfo(fname, dictionary)
        if (f == None):
            # No such feature. This is an error, but reported earlier
            self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** No entry found for feature', fname,
        # If feature isn't required, or has already been declared, return
        if (not f.required):
            self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** Skipping', ftype, fname,
                            '(not required)')
        if (f.declared):
            self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** Skipping', ftype, fname,
                            '(already declared)')
        # Always mark feature declared, as though actually emitted
        f.declared = True
        # Pull in dependent declaration(s) of the feature.
        # For types, there may be one type in the 'required' attribute of
        #   the element, as well as many in imbedded <type> and <enum> tags
        #   within the element.
        # For commands, there may be many in <type> tags within the element.
        # For enums, no dependencies are allowed (though perhaps if you
        #   have a uint64 enum, it should require GLuint64).
        genProc = None
        if (ftype == 'type'):
            genProc = self.gen.genType
            if ('requires' in f.elem.attrib):
                depname = f.elem.get('requires')
                                '*** Generating required dependent type',
                self.generateFeature(depname, 'type', self.typedict)
            for subtype in f.elem.findall('.//type'):
                                '*** Generating required dependent <type>',
                self.generateFeature(subtype.text, 'type', self.typedict)
            for subtype in f.elem.findall('.//enum'):
                                '*** Generating required dependent <enum>',
                self.generateFeature(subtype.text, 'enum', self.enumdict)
            # If the type is an enum group, look up the corresponding
            # group in the group dictionary and generate that instead.
            if (f.elem.get('category') == 'enum'):
                self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** Type', fname,
                                'is an enum group, so generate that instead')
                group = self.lookupElementInfo(fname, self.groupdict)
                if (group == None):
                    # Unless this is tested for, it's probably fatal to call below
                    genProc = None
                    self.logMsg('warn', '*** NO MATCHING ENUM GROUP FOUND!!!')
                    genProc = self.gen.genGroup
                    f = group
        elif (ftype == 'command'):
            genProc = self.gen.genCmd
            for type in f.elem.findall('.//type'):
                depname = type.text
                                '*** Generating required parameter type',
                self.generateFeature(depname, 'type', self.typedict)
        elif (ftype == 'enum'):
            genProc = self.gen.genEnum
        # Actually generate the type only if emitting declarations
        if self.emitFeatures:
            self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** Emitting', ftype, 'decl for', fname)
            genProc(f, fname)
            self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** Skipping', ftype, fname,
                            '(not emitting this feature)')

    # generateRequiredInterface - generate all interfaces required
    # by an API version or extension
    #   interface - Element for <version> or <extension>
    def generateRequiredInterface(self, interface):
        """Generate required C interface for specified API version/extension"""

        # Loop over all features inside all <require> tags.
        for features in interface.findall('require'):
            for t in features.findall('type'):
                self.generateFeature(t.get('name'), 'type', self.typedict)
            for e in features.findall('enum'):
                self.generateFeature(e.get('name'), 'enum', self.enumdict)
            for c in features.findall('command'):
                self.generateFeature(c.get('name'), 'command', self.cmddict)

    # apiGen(genOpts) - generate interface for specified versions
    #   genOpts - GeneratorOptions object with parameters used
    #   by the Generator object.
    def apiGen(self, genOpts):
        """Generate interfaces for the specified API type and range of versions"""
        self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*******************************************')
        self.gen.logMsg('diag', '  Registry.apiGen file:', genOpts.filename,
                        'api:', genOpts.apiname, 'profile:', genOpts.profile)
        self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*******************************************')
        self.genOpts = genOpts
        # Reset required/declared flags for all features
        # Compile regexps used to select versions & extensions
        regVersions = re.compile(self.genOpts.versions)
        regEmitVersions = re.compile(self.genOpts.emitversions)
        regAddExtensions = re.compile(self.genOpts.addExtensions)
        regRemoveExtensions = re.compile(self.genOpts.removeExtensions)
        # Get all matching API versions & add to list of FeatureInfo
        features = []
        apiMatch = False
        for key in self.apidict:
            fi = self.apidict[key]
            api = fi.elem.get('api')
            if (api == self.genOpts.apiname):
                apiMatch = True
                if (regVersions.match(fi.version)):
                    # Matches API & version #s being generated. Mark for
                    # emission and add to the features[] list .
                    # @@ Could use 'declared' instead of 'emit'?
                    fi.emit = (regEmitVersions.match(fi.version) != None)
                    if (not fi.emit):
                            'diag', '*** NOT tagging feature api =', api,
                            'name =',, 'version =', fi.version,
                            'for emission (does not match emitversions pattern)'
                    self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** NOT including feature api =',
                                    api, 'name =',, 'version =',
                                    '(does not match requested versions)')
                self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** NOT including feature api =', api,
                                'name =',,
                                '(does not match requested API)')
        if (not apiMatch):
            self.gen.logMsg('warn', '*** No matching API versions found!')
        # Get all matching extensions, in order by their extension number,
        # and add to the list of features.
        # Start with extensions tagged with 'api' pattern matching the API
        # being generated. Add extensions matching the pattern specified in
        # regExtensions, then remove extensions matching the pattern
        # specified in regRemoveExtensions
        for (extName, ei) in sorted(self.extdict.items(),
                                    key=lambda x: x[1].number):
            extName =
            include = False
            # Include extension if defaultExtensions is not None and if the
            # 'supported' attribute matches defaultExtensions. The regexp in
            # 'supported' must exactly match defaultExtensions, so bracket
            # it with ^(pat)$.
            pat = '^(' + ei.elem.get('supported') + ')$'
            if (self.genOpts.defaultExtensions
                    and re.match(pat, self.genOpts.defaultExtensions)):
                    'diag', '*** Including extension', extName,
                    "(defaultExtensions matches the 'supported' attribute)")
                include = True
            # Include additional extensions if the extension name matches
            # the regexp specified in the generator options. This allows
            # forcing extensions into an interface even if they're not
            # tagged appropriately in the registry.
            if (regAddExtensions.match(extName) != None):
                    'diag', '*** Including extension', extName,
                    '(matches explicitly requested extensions to add)')
                include = True
            # Remove extensions if the name matches the regexp specified
            # in generator options. This allows forcing removal of
            # extensions from an interface even if they're tagged that
            # way in the registry.
            if (regRemoveExtensions.match(extName) != None):
                    'diag', '*** Removing extension', extName,
                    '(matches explicitly requested extensions to remove)')
                include = False
            # If the extension is to be included, add it to the
            # extension features list.
            if (include):
                ei.emit = True
                    'diag', '*** NOT including extension', extName,
                    '(does not match api attribute or explicitly requested extensions)'
        # Sort the extension features list, if a sort procedure is defined
        if (self.genOpts.sortProcedure):
        # Pass 1: loop over requested API versions and extensions tagging
        #   types/commands/features as required (in an <require> block) or no
        #   longer required (in an <remove> block). It is possible to remove
        #   a feature in one version and restore it later by requiring it in
        #   a later version.
        # If a profile other than 'None' is being generated, it must
        #   match the profile attribute (if any) of the <require> and
        #   <remove> tags.
            '*** PASS 1: TAG FEATURES ********************************************'
        for f in features:
                '*** PASS 1: Tagging required and removed features for',
            self.requireAndRemoveFeatures(f.elem, self.genOpts.apiname,
            self.assignAdditionalValidity(f.elem, self.genOpts.apiname,
        # Pass 2: loop over specified API versions and extensions printing
        #   declarations for required things which haven't already been
        #   generated.
            '*** PASS 2: GENERATE INTERFACES FOR FEATURES ************************'
        for f in features:
            self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** PASS 2: Generating interface for',
            emit = self.emitFeatures = f.emit
            if (not emit):
                self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** PASS 2: NOT declaring feature',
                                'because it is not tagged for emission')
            # Generate the interface (or just tag its elements as having been
            # emitted, if they haven't been).
            self.gen.beginFeature(f.elem, emit)

    # apiReset - use between apiGen() calls to reset internal state
    def apiReset(self):
        """Reset type/enum/command dictionaries before generating another API"""
        for type in self.typedict:
        for enum in self.enumdict:
        for cmd in self.cmddict:
        for cmd in self.apidict:

    # validateGroups - check that group= attributes match actual groups
    def validateGroups(self):
        """Validate group= attributes on <param> and <proto> tags"""
        # Keep track of group names not in <group> tags
        badGroup = {}
        self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** VALIDATING GROUP ATTRIBUTES ***')
        for cmd in self.reg.findall('commands/command'):
            proto = cmd.find('proto')
            funcname = cmd.find('proto/name').text
            if ('group' in proto.attrib.keys()):
                group = proto.get('group')
                # self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** Command ', funcname, ' has return group ', group)
                if (group not in self.groupdict.keys()):
                    # self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** Command ', funcname, ' has UNKNOWN return group ', group)
                    if (group not in badGroup.keys()):
                        badGroup[group] = 1
                        badGroup[group] = badGroup[group] + 1
            for param in cmd.findall('param'):
                pname = param.find('name')
                if (pname != None):
                    pname = pname.text
                    pname = type.get('name')
                if ('group' in param.attrib.keys()):
                    group = param.get('group')
                    if (group not in self.groupdict.keys()):
                        # self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** Command ', funcname, ' param ', pname, ' has UNKNOWN group ', group)
                        if (group not in badGroup.keys()):
                            badGroup[group] = 1
                            badGroup[group] = badGroup[group] + 1
        if (len(badGroup.keys()) > 0):
            self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** SUMMARY OF UNRECOGNIZED GROUPS ***')
            for key in sorted(badGroup.keys()):
                self.gen.logMsg('diag', '    ', key, ' occurred ',
                                badGroup[key], ' times')
Beispiel #56
    def genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias):
        "Generate command."
        OutputGenerator.genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias)

        decls = self.makeCDecls(cmdinfo.elem)
        self.writeInclude('protos', name, decls[0])
Beispiel #57
 def genEnum(self, enuminfo, name, alias):
     """Generate enumerant."""
     OutputGenerator.genEnum(self, enuminfo, name, alias)
     self.logMsg('diag', '# NOT writing compile-time constant', name)
Beispiel #58
 def endFeature(self):
     # Finish processing in superclass