def start(self): helper.hide_cursor() self.level.start() self.loadingscreen.setLoadingValue(55) self.player.start(self.level.getPlayerStartPoint()) self.loadingscreen.setLoadingValue(65) self.hud.updateKeyCount(0) self.loadingscreen.setLoadingValue(75) self.golem.start(self.level.getGolemStartPoint()) self.loadingscreen.setLoadingValue(85) self.playMusic("Ambient") # catch all events that go from one class to another within the world # NOTE: events that stay in one class can be catched in the class itself # to not pollute this class to much self.accept("Player_Activate", self.level.activateElement) self.accept("showMessage", self.msgWriter.setMessageAndShow) self.accept("ActionActive", self.hud.showActionKey) self.accept("ActionDeactive", self.hud.hideActionKey) self.accept("EnterFightMode", self.enterFight) self.accept("ExitFightMode", self.playMusic, ["ambient"]) self.accept("PuzzleSolved", self.playSfx, ["puzzleSolved"]) self.accept("updateKeyCount", self.hud.updateKeyCount) self.accept("player-die", self.player.die) self.accept("player-heal", self.player.heal) self.accept("setHealth", self.hud.setHealthStatus) self.accept("golemSeesPlayer", self.player.enterFightMode) self.accept("HitEnemy", self.golem.hit) self.accept("HitPlayer", self.player.hit) self.accept("GolemDestroyed", self.exitFight) self.accept("GameOver", self.gameOver) self.accept("Exit", base.messenger.send, ["escape"]) self.loadingscreen.setLoadingValue(100) self.loadingscreen.hide() self.startTime = time.time() base.messenger.send("showMessage", [ _("Welcome to path of Kings, follow the signposts and try to survive this dungeon.\nmove with the arrow keys or w a s d\n\nGood luck..." ) ])
def start(self): helper.hide_cursor() self.level.start() self.loadingscreen.setLoadingValue(55) self.player.start(self.level.getPlayerStartPoint()) self.loadingscreen.setLoadingValue(65) self.hud.updateKeyCount(0) self.loadingscreen.setLoadingValue(75) self.golem.start(self.level.getGolemStartPoint()) self.loadingscreen.setLoadingValue(85) self.playMusic("Ambient") # catch all events that go from one class to another within the world # NOTE: events that stay in one class can be catched in the class itself # to not pollute this class to much self.accept("Player_Activate", self.level.activateElement) self.accept("showMessage", self.msgWriter.setMessageAndShow) self.accept("ActionActive", self.hud.showActionKey) self.accept("ActionDeactive", self.hud.hideActionKey) self.accept("EnterFightMode", self.enterFight) self.accept("ExitFightMode", self.playMusic, ["ambient"]) self.accept("PuzzleSolved", self.playSfx, ["puzzleSolved"]) self.accept("updateKeyCount", self.hud.updateKeyCount) self.accept("player-die", self.player.die) self.accept("player-heal", self.player.heal) self.accept("setHealth", self.hud.setHealthStatus) self.accept("golemSeesPlayer", self.player.enterFightMode) self.accept("HitEnemy", self.golem.hit) self.accept("HitPlayer", self.player.hit) self.accept("GolemDestroyed", self.exitFight) self.accept("GameOver", self.gameOver) self.accept("Exit", base.messenger.send, ["escape"]) self.loadingscreen.setLoadingValue(100) self.loadingscreen.hide() self.startTime = time.time() base.messenger.send( "showMessage", [_("Welcome to path of Kings, follow the signposts and try to survive this dungeon.\nmove with the arrow keys or w a s d\n\nGood luck...")])
def enterGame(self): # main game code should be called here self.arena = Arena(self.levelSelection.selectedLevel) self.arena.start(), -5, 1.25) self.player = Player(0, self.selectedChar1, "p1") self.player2 = Player(1, self.selectedChar2, "p2") self.player.setEnemy(self.player2.collisionNodeName) self.player2.setEnemy(self.player.collisionNodeName) self.player.start(self.arena.getStartPos(1)) self.player2.start(self.arena.getStartPos(2)) self.taskMgr.add(self.updateWorldCam, "world camera update task") self.accept("gameOver", self.gameOver) def lifeChanged(charId, health): base.messenger.send("hud_setLifeBarValue", [charId, health]) self.accept("lifeChanged", lifeChanged) hide_cursor() if self.fightMusic.status() != AudioSound.PLAYING: if self.menuMusic.status() == AudioSound.PLAYING: self.menuMusic.stop()
def enterGame(self): # main game code should be called here self.arena = Arena(self.levelSelection.selectedLevel) self.arena.start(), -5, 1.25) self.player = Player(0, self.selectedChar1, "p1") self.player2 = Player(1, self.selectedChar2, "p2") self.player.setEnemy(self.player2.collisionNodeName) self.player2.setEnemy(self.player.collisionNodeName) self.player.start(self.arena.getStartPos(1)) self.player2.start(self.arena.getStartPos(2)) self.taskMgr.add(self.updateWorldCam, "world camera update task") self.accept("gameOver", self.gameOver) def lifeChanged(charId, health): base.messenger.send( "hud_setLifeBarValue", [charId, health]) self.accept("lifeChanged", lifeChanged) hide_cursor() if self.fightMusic.status() != AudioSound.PLAYING: if self.menuMusic.status() == AudioSound.PLAYING: self.menuMusic.stop()
def enterIntro(self): helper.hide_cursor() cm = CardMaker("fade") cm.setFrameFullscreenQuad() self.gfLogo = NodePath(cm.generate()) self.gfLogo.setTransparency(TransparencyAttrib.MAlpha) gfLogotex = loader.loadTexture('GrimFangLogo.png') gfLogots = TextureStage('gfLogoTS') gfLogots.setMode(TextureStage.MReplace) self.gfLogo.setTexture(gfLogots, gfLogotex) self.gfLogo.setY(-50) self.gfLogo.reparentTo(render2d) self.gfLogo.hide() self.pandaLogo = NodePath(cm.generate()) self.pandaLogo.setTransparency(TransparencyAttrib.MAlpha) pandaLogotex = loader.loadTexture('Panda3DLogo.png') pandaLogots = TextureStage('pandaLogoTS') pandaLogots.setMode(TextureStage.MReplace) self.pandaLogo.setTexture(pandaLogots, pandaLogotex) self.pandaLogo.setY(-50) self.pandaLogo.reparentTo(render2d) self.pandaLogo.hide() gfFadeInInterval = LerpColorScaleInterval( self.gfLogo, 2, LVecBase4f(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0), LVecBase4f(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)) gfFadeOutInterval = LerpColorScaleInterval( self.gfLogo, 2, LVecBase4f(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), LVecBase4f(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)) p3dFadeInInterval = LerpColorScaleInterval( self.pandaLogo, 2, LVecBase4f(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0), LVecBase4f(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)) p3dFadeOutInterval = LerpColorScaleInterval( self.pandaLogo, 2, LVecBase4f(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), LVecBase4f(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)) self.fadeInOut = Sequence( Func(, p3dFadeInInterval, Wait(1.0), p3dFadeOutInterval, Wait(0.5), Func(self.pandaLogo.hide), Func(, gfFadeInInterval, Wait(1.0), gfFadeOutInterval, Wait(0.5), Func(self.gfLogo.hide), Func(self.request, "Menu"), Func(helper.show_cursor), name="fadeInOut") self.fadeInOut.start()
def enterSingleplayer(self): helper.hide_cursor() = World() self.player = Player() self.player.setPos( self.player.setTeam("Yellow") self.player.setColor(LPoint3f(1, 1, 0)) #self.player.setSpectator( # create non player characters self.npcs = [] for i in range(self.numNPCs): self.npcs.append(NPC()) self.npcs[i].setPos( self.npcs[i].setBunker( if i < self.numNPCs/2: self.npcs[i].setTeam("Yellow") self.npcs[i].setColor(LPoint3f(1, 1, 0)) else: self.npcs[i].setTeam("Blue") self.npcs[i].setColor(LPoint3f(0, 0, 1)) for i in range(self.numNPCs): el = [] if self.npcs[i].playerTeam != self.player.playerTeam: el.append(self.player) for j in range(self.numNPCs): if self.npcs[i].playerTeam != self.npcs[j].playerTeam: el.append(self.npcs[j]) self.npcs[i].setEnemies(el) number = OnscreenText( text = "", scale = 0.75, pos = (0, -0.1875), fg = (1,1,1,1), align = TextNode.ACenter) def startSingleplayer(): number.destroy() for npc in self.npcs: taskMgr.add(self.checkGameOver, "checkGameOver") def setNumber(num): number["text"] = str(num) number["scale"] = 0.75 inter = number.scaleInterval(1.0, 0) # setup a sequence that will count down for us self.countdownSeq = Sequence( Func(setNumber, 3), inter, Func(setNumber, 2), inter, Func(setNumber, 1), inter, Func(setNumber, "GO"), inter, Func(startSingleplayer)) self.countdownSeq.start()
def check_substr(): clear() print_title() strx = input( Fore.GREEN + "Enter the sub-string you want to search in Password Database: " + Fore.RED + "\n(It is CASE SENSITIVE and SPACES will also be counted)\n\n" + Fore.WHITE + "#" + Fore.BLUE + "") i = 0 #(Found, File) = (False, None) clear() print_title() print(Fore.GREEN + "\nSearching for " + Fore.RED + strx + Fore.GREEN + " and its Sub-Strings in Password Database.\n") print(Fore.WHITE + "It may take Several Minutes. To interrupt, Press CTRL+C.\n\n") hide_cursor() num = 0 try: total_pass = 0 for x in files: total_pass = total_pass + file_len(data_path + '/' + x) for x in files: file = open(data_path + '/' + x, 'r', encoding='latin1') (c, r) = get_terminal_size() print(Back.CYAN + (c - 1) * ' ', end='\r') for line in file: line = line.strip() #(c, r) = get_terminal_size() #print (Back.BLUE + (c-1)*' ', end = '\r') i = i + 1 zx = Back.CYAN + Fore.BLACK + "Checking " + Fore.MAGENTA + "{:>13}".format( line[:13] ) + Fore.BLACK + " in file " + Fore.MAGENTA + "{:>25} ".format( x[:25]) + Fore.RED + str((i * 100) // total_pass) + "%" print(zx, end='\r') l = line.find(strx) if (l is not -1): num = num + 1 #l = line.find (strx) lenx = len(strx) linex = Fore.BLUE + line[:l] + Fore.MAGENTA + line[ l:l + lenx] + Fore.BLUE + line[lenx:] (c, r) = get_terminal_size() print(Back.BLACK + (c - 1) * ' ', end='\r') print(Fore.WHITE + "{:>6}: ".format(num) + " " + linex + " " + Style.DIM + Fore.WHITE + " in " + Fore.BLUE + x + Style.RESET_ALL) (c, r) = get_terminal_size() print(Back.CYAN + (c - 1) * ' ', end='\r') file.close() (c, r) = get_terminal_size() print(Back.BLACK + (c - 1) * ' ', end='\r') print(Fore.GREEN + "\n\n[+]" + Fore.WHITE + " Script Succeded. Result was " + Fore.BLUE + "{} result(s)".format(num) + Fore.WHITE) except KeyboardInterrupt: (c, r) = get_terminal_size() print(Back.BLACK + (c - 1) * ' ', end='\r') print(Fore.GREEN + "\n[+]" + Fore.WHITE + " Script Succeded. Result was " + Fore.BLUE + "Interrupted by User, {} results found.".format(num) + Fore.WHITE) show_cursor() exit(0)
def check_one(): clear() #print ("in check 1") print_title() strx = input( Fore.GREEN + "Enter the password you want to check: " + Fore.RED + "\n(It is CASE SENSITIVE and SPACES will also be counted)\n\n" + Fore.WHITE + "#" + Fore.BLUE + "") i = 0 (Found, File) = (False, None) clear() print_title() print(Fore.GREEN + "\nSearching for " + Fore.RED + strx + Fore.GREEN + " in Password Database.\n") print(Fore.WHITE + "It may take Several Minutes. To interrupt, Press CTRL+C.\n\n") hide_cursor() try: total_pass = 0 for x in files: total_pass = total_pass + file_len(data_path + '/' + x) for x in files: if Found: break file = open(data_path + '/' + x, 'r', encoding='latin1') (c, r) = get_terminal_size() print(Back.CYAN + (c - 1) * ' ', end='\r') for line in file: line = line.strip() #(c, r) = get_terminal_size() #print (Back.BLUE + (c-1)*' ', end = '\r') i = i + 1 zx = Back.CYAN + Fore.BLACK + "Checking " + Fore.MAGENTA + "{:>13}".format( line[:13] ) + Fore.BLACK + " in file " + Fore.MAGENTA + "{:>25} ".format( x[:25]) + Fore.RED + str((i * 100) // total_pass) + "%" print(zx, end='\r') if (line == strx): (Found, File) = (True, x) file.close() break file.close() (c, r) = get_terminal_size() print(Back.BLACK + (c - 1) * ' ', end='\r') if Found: print( Fore.RED + "Your password was available in the password database in file " + Fore.BLUE + File + Fore.RED + ". You should immediately change this password if u have used it somewhere." ) else: print( Fore.GREEN + "Great! Your password is not available in any of the Password Database, and it should be secure enough." ) print(Fore.GREEN + "\n\n[+]" + Fore.WHITE + " Script Succeded. Result was " + Fore.BLUE + ("Unsecure Password" if Found else "Secure Password") + Fore.WHITE) except KeyboardInterrupt: (c, r) = get_terminal_size() print(Back.BLACK + (c - 1) * ' ', end='\r') print(Fore.GREEN + "\n[+]" + Fore.WHITE + " Script Succeded. Result was " + Fore.BLUE + "Interrupted by User" + Fore.WHITE) show_cursor() exit(0)