def estimateFeatureTranslation(startX, startY, Ix, Iy, img1, img2):
    I_gray_1, I_gray_2 = rgb2gray(img1), rgb2gray(img2)
    X_old, Y_old = generatePatch(startX, startY)
    X_old, Y_old = X_old.astype(np.int32), Y_old.astype(np.int32)
    Ix_temp, Iy_temp = Ix[Y_old, X_old], Iy[Y_old, X_old]
    x0, y0 = startX, startY
    min_error = 999999
    error_thresh = 1

    iteration = 5
    for i in range(iteration):
        X_new, Y_new = generatePatch(x0, y0)
        old_coor = np.array((x0, y0)).reshape(-1, 1)
        It_temp = interp2(I_gray_2, X_new, Y_new) - I_gray_1[Y_old, X_old]
        error = np.linalg.norm(It_temp)

        if error < min_error:
            min_error = error
            newX, newY = x0, y0
            if error < error_thresh:

        A = np.hstack((Ix_temp.reshape(-1, 1), Iy_temp.reshape(-1, 1)))
        b = -It_temp.reshape(-1, 1)
        flow_temp = np.linalg.solve(, A),, b))
        new_coor = old_coor + flow_temp
        x0, y0 = new_coor[0, 0], new_coor[1, 0]

    return newX, newY
Beispiel #2
def warp_box(startXs, startYs, newXs, newYs, img1, img2, box):
    import numpy as np
    from helpers import rgb2gray
    from helpers import interp2
    from scipy import signal
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from scipy.optimize import least_squares
    from helpers import inlier_cost_func
    from helpers import warp_image

    # This will fail if there is overlap between the boxes

    max_dist = 4
    pad = 5

    source = rgb2gray(img1)
    target = rgb2gray(img2)
    source_warped = np.copy(source)

    h, w = source.shape

    # Get the boundaries of bounding box
    xmin = max([np.amin(box[:, 0]) - pad, 0])
    xmax = min([np.amax(box[:, 0]) + pad + 1, w])
    ymin = max([np.amin(box[:, 1]) - pad, 0])
    ymax = min([np.amax(box[:, 1]) + pad + 1, h])

    # Remove points who traveled to far between frames
    distances = np.sqrt(
        np.square(newXs - startXs) + np.square(newYs - startYs))
    indexer = distances < max_dist
    indexer = np.ones(len(startXs), dtype=bool)  # Overwrite this for now
    ux = startXs[indexer]
    uy = startYs[indexer]
    vx = newXs[indexer]
    vy = newYs[indexer]

    # Form our initial and final feature points in homogeneous coordinates
    N = len(ux)
    u = np.stack([ux, uy, np.ones(N)])
    v = np.stack([vx, vy, np.ones(N)])

    T = least_squares(inlier_cost_func,
                      args=(u, v))["x"].reshape(2, 3)
    T = np.concatenate((T, np.array([[0, 0, 1]])))

    target_area = target[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]
    source_area = source[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]
    warped_area = warp_image(source, T, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    source_warped[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] = warped_area

    return source_warped
def calc_sim(img, coin):

    if img.shape[-1] == 3:
        img = rgb2gray(img)
    img = img.astype('uint8')
    img = img_as_ubyte(img)

    if coin.shape[-1] == 3:
        coin = rgb2gray(coin)
    coin = coin.astype('uint8')
    coin = img_as_ubyte(coin)

    quantized_img = img // 16
    coin = coin // 16

    # Compute coin histogram and normalize
    coin_hist, _ = np.histogram(coin.flatten(), bins=16, range=(0, 16))
    coin_hist = coin_hist.astype(float) / np.sum(coin_hist)

    # Compute a disk shaped mask that will define the shape of our sliding window
    # A disk with diameter equal to max(w,h) of the roi should be a big enough reference
    selem = disk(max(coin.shape) // 2)

    # Compute the similarity across the complete image
    similarity = windowed_histogram_similarity(quantized_img, selem, coin_hist,

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 10))

    axes[0].imshow(quantized_img, cmap='gray')
    axes[0].set_title('Quantized image')

    axes[1].imshow(coin, cmap='gray')
    axes[1].set_title('Quantized ROI image')

    axes[2].imshow(img, cmap='gray')
    axes[2].imshow(similarity, cmap='hot', alpha=0.5)
    axes[2].set_title('Original image with overlaid similarity')


    cv2.imwrite('img/sim_map.jpg', similarity)

    return similarity
def getBoxFeature(img):
    max_pts = 20
    row, col = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]

    if (img.ndim == 3):
        img = rgb2gray(flipChannel(img))
    corners = cv.goodFeaturesToTrack(img.astype(np.float32), max_pts, 0.01, 10)
    corners = np.int0(corners)
    x, y = corners[:, :, 0], corners[:, :, 1]
    inlier_ind = (x > 5) * (x < col - 5) * (y > 5) * (y < row - 5)
    x, y = x[inlier_ind], y[inlier_ind]

    return x, y
def estimateAllTranslation(startXs, startYs, img1, img2):
    row, col = img1.shape[0], img1.shape[1]
    N, F = startXs.shape[0], startXs.shape[1]
    I_gray_1 = rgb2gray(img1)
    Ix, Iy = np.gradient(I_gray_1, axis=(1, 0))
    newXs = np.zeros((N, F), dtype=np.int32)
    newYs = np.zeros((N, F), dtype=np.int32)
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(F):
            if startXs[i][j] < 2     or startYs[i][j] < 2 \
            or startXs[i][j] > col-2 or startYs[i][j] > row-2:
            newX, newY = estimateFeatureTranslation(startXs[i][j],\
                                startYs[i][j], Ix, Iy, img1, img2)
            if newX >= 0 and newX < col and newY >= 0 and newY < row > 0:
                newXs[i][j] = newX
                newYs[i][j] = newY

    return newXs, newYs
def estimateAllTranslation(startXs, startYs, origXs, origYs, img1, img2, bbox,
    import numpy as np
    from helpers import rgb2gray
    from helpers import interp2
    from scipy import signal
    from calculateError import calculateError

    # ---------- Part 1: Setup ---------- #

    # Get images computed to grayscale
    # For now I'm going to pad the images symmetrically to get W for edges and corners
    # It will just be important to remember that padding's there when solving for pixel locations
    window = 11
    pad = int((window - 1) / 2)

    # Blur the images to get better optical flow results
    Gx = signal.gaussian(window, 1.4).reshape(1, window)
    Gy = signal.gaussian(window, 1.4).reshape(window, 1)
    gray1 = signal.convolve2d(rgb2gray(img1), Gx, mode="full", boundary="symm")
    gray1 = signal.convolve2d(gray1, Gy, mode="full", boundary="symm")
    gray2 = signal.convolve2d(rgb2gray(img2), Gx, mode="full", boundary="symm")
    gray2 = signal.convolve2d(gray2, Gy, mode="full", boundary="symm")

    # Pull out parameters for looping
    F = len(startXs)

    # Initialize our outputs
    newXs = np.zeros(F, dtype=object)
    newYs = np.zeros(F, dtype=object)

    # Calculate the gradients
    kx = np.array([[1, -1]])
    ky = np.array([[1], [-1]])
    Ix = signal.convolve2d(gray1, kx, mode="same")
    Iy = signal.convolve2d(gray1, ky, mode="same")

    # ---------- Part 2: Caluclate the feature translations ---------- #

    # Use these gradients to find the new locations of the feature points
    # I'm not going to put this into a second function to reduce runtime
    A = np.zeros((window**2, 2))
    b = np.zeros((window**2, 1))

    # Iterate for each bounding box as necessary
    for i in range(F):
        error = np.nan_to_num(np.Inf)
        min_error = error.copy()
        iters = 0

        tempOrigXs = np.copy(origXs[i])
        tempOrigYs = np.copy(origYs[i])

        # Run for a max of 5 iterations or until the average squared distance between ea feat pt value is less than 5k
        while error > 5000 and iters < 5:
            N = len(startXs[i])
            potXs = np.zeros(N)
            potYs = np.zeros(N)

            It = gray2 - gray1
            iters += 1
            for j in range(N):

                # Get our feature location
                fx = startXs[i][j]
                fy = startYs[i][j]

                # Generate a meshgrid for interpolating
                meshx, meshy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(window),
                meshx = meshx + fx
                meshy = meshy + fy

                # Build A and b from A*[u; v] = b centered around the feature location
                A[:, 0] = interp2(Ix, meshx, meshy).reshape(
                )  # Ix[fy - pad: fy + pad + 1, fx - pad: fx + pad + 1].reshape(window**2)
                A[:, 1] = interp2(Iy, meshx, meshy).reshape(
                )  # Iy[fy - pad: fy + pad + 1, fx - pad: fx + pad + 1].reshape(window**2)
                b[:, 0] = interp2(It, meshx, meshy).reshape(
                )  # It[fy - pad: fy + pad + 1, fx - pad: fx + pad + 1].reshape(window**2)

                # Solve for [u; v]
                    translation = np.matmul(
                        np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(A.T, A)), A.T), -b)
                except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
                    translation = np.array([0, 0])

                # Save our result into our output
                potXs[j] = startXs[i][j] + translation[0]
                potYs[j] = startYs[i][j] + translation[1]

            # Calculate the error
            error, gray1, indexer, Ix, Iy, potXs, potYs = calculateError(
                startXs[i], startYs[i], potXs, potYs, np.copy(gray1),
                np.copy(gray2), Ix, Iy, np.copy(bbox[i]), params)

            startXs[i] = np.copy(potXs)
            startYs[i] = np.copy(potYs)
            tempOrigXs = tempOrigXs[indexer]
            tempOrigYs = tempOrigYs[indexer]

            # If we did better this time, save the results
            if error < min_error:
                min_error = error.copy()
                newXs[i] = np.copy(potXs)
                newYs[i] = np.copy(potYs)
                origXs[i] = np.copy(tempOrigXs)
                origYs[i] = np.copy(tempOrigYs)

    return newXs, newYs, origXs, origYs
def calculateError(startXs, startYs, newXs, newYs, img1, img2, Ix, Iy, box,
    import numpy as np
    from helpers import rgb2gray
    from helpers import interp2
    from scipy import signal
    from scipy.optimize import least_squares
    from helpers import inlier_cost_func
    from helpers import warp_image

    # Extract parameters
    max_dist = params[0]
    k1 = params[1]
    k2 = params[2]
    k3 = params[3]
    k4 = params[4]
    pad = 5

    source = rgb2gray(img1)
    target = rgb2gray(img2)
    source_warped = np.copy(source)

    h, w = source.shape

    # Get the boundaries of bounding box
    xmin = max([np.amin(box[:, 0]) - pad, 0])
    xmax = min([np.amax(box[:, 0]) + pad + 1, w])
    ymin = max([np.amin(box[:, 1]) - pad, 0])
    ymax = min([np.amax(box[:, 1]) + pad + 1, h])

    # Outlier handling
    indexer = np.all(np.stack([
        newXs > xmin + pad, newXs < xmax - pad, newYs > ymin + pad,
        newYs < ymax - pad
    distances = np.sqrt(
        np.square(newXs - startXs) + np.square(newYs - startYs))
    avg_dist = np.mean(distances)
    std_dist = np.std(distances)
    if avg_dist != 0:
        indexer = np.logical_and(
                distances < min([k1 * avg_dist + k2 * std_dist, max_dist]),
                distances > k3 * avg_dist - k4 * std_dist))

    # Generate vectors of inliers for calculating the transformation
    ux = startXs[indexer]
    uy = startYs[indexer]
    vx = newXs[indexer]
    vy = newYs[indexer]

    # Form our initial and final feature points in homogeneous coordinates
    N = len(ux)
    u = np.stack([ux, uy, np.ones(N)])
    v = np.stack([vx, vy, np.ones(N)])

    # Calculate the transformation via least squares
    T = least_squares(inlier_cost_func,
                      args=(u, v))["x"].reshape(2, 3)
    T = np.concatenate((T, np.array([[0, 0, 1]])))
    newXs = np.matmul(T, u)[0]
    newYs = np.matmul(T, u)[1]

    # Warp img1, Ix and Iy based on calculated transformation
    target_area = target[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]
    source_area = source[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]

    warped_area = warp_image(source, T, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    source_warped[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] = warped_area

    Ix_area = warp_image(Ix, T, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    Ix[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] = Ix_area

    Iy_area = warp_image(Iy, T, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    Iy[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] = Iy_area

    # Calculate the error per feature point
    interpx = np.array([newXs])
    interpy = np.array([newYs])
    values_this = interp2(source_warped, interpx, interpy).reshape(len(newXs))
    values_next = interp2(target, interpx, interpy).reshape(len(newXs))
    error = np.sum(np.square(values_next - values_this)) / len(newXs)

    return error, source_warped, indexer, Ix, Iy, newXs, newYs
Beispiel #8
def main(video_file, output_filename):
    imgs = np.array([])
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_file)
    ret, img1 =
    img1 = img1[..., ::-1]
    h, w, d = img1.shape

    display_img = img1.copy()
    display_img = cv2.cvtColor(display_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    cv2.namedWindow("Start Frame")
    cv2.setMouseCallback("Start Frame", draw_box)

    # Loop until the user is done drawing boxes
    while True:
        cv2.imshow("Start Frame", display_img)
        key = cv2.waitKey(0)

        if key == ord('q'):

    # Destroy the drawing window

    # Show the result
    for i in range(int(len(refPt) / 2)):
        cv2.rectangle(display_img, refPt[2 * i], refPt[(2 * i) + 1],
                      (0, 255, 0), 2)

    cv2.imshow("Result", display_img)

    bbox = []
    for i in range(int(len(refPt) / 2)):

        # Top Left and bottom right
        box_corners = np.array([refPt[2 * i], refPt[(2 * i) + 1]])
        start_x, start_y, width, height = cv2.boundingRect(box_corners)

        # Create the four coordinates for the box and reshape
        box = np.array([[start_x, start_y], [start_x + width, start_y],
                        [start_x + width, start_y + height],
                        [start_x, start_y + width]])


    # Turn it into a numpy array
    bbox = np.array(bbox)

    orig_box = np.copy(bbox)
    centers = np.zeros((len(bbox), 2))
    trajectory_indexer = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=bool)

    # Get the features from inside the bounding box
    x, y = getFeatures(rgb2gray(img1), bbox)

    newXs = np.copy(x)
    newYs = np.copy(y)

    f = 0
    frame = generate_output_frame(np.copy(img1), bbox,
                                  np.copy(trajectory_indexer), np.copy(newXs),
    frame = Image.fromarray(frame)

    # Store the processed frames so we can turn it into a video later
    all_frames = []

    a = 0
    while ret:
        f += 1
        a += 1
        if not f % 8:
            print("Frame: ", f)
            a = 1
            for i in range(len(bbox)):
                # xmin = np.sort(bbox[i, :, 0])[0]
                # xmax = np.sort(bbox[i, :, 0])[3]
                # ymin = np.sort(bbox[i, :, 1])[0]
                # ymax = np.sort(bbox[i, :, 1])[3]
                # bbox[i, ...] = np.array([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymin, xmax, ymax, xmin, ymax]).reshape(4,2)
                orig_box = np.copy(bbox)
            x, y = getFeatures(rgb2gray(img1), bbox)
            newXs = np.copy(x)
            newYs = np.copy(y)

        thresh = .1 + .02 * a

        ret, img2 =
        if not ret:
        img2 = img2[..., ::-1]

        iterations = 1

        # Get the new feature locations in the next frame
        updatex, updatey, x, y = estimateAllTranslation(
            newXs, newYs, np.copy(x), np.copy(y), np.copy(img1), np.copy(img2),

        for k in range(len(bbox)):
            centers[k] = np.array(
                [np.mean(bbox[k, :, 0]),
                 np.mean(bbox[k, :, 1])]).astype(int)

        # Warp the image for the next iteration
        newXs, newYs, bbox, warped = applyGeometricTransformation(
            np.copy(x), np.copy(y), updatex, updatey, np.copy(orig_box),
            np.copy(img1), np.copy(img2), thresh)

        for k in range(len(bbox)):
            xcen = int(np.mean(bbox[k, :, 0]))
            ycen = int(np.mean(bbox[k, :, 1]))
            num = int(
                max([abs(xcen - centers[k, 0]),
                     abs(ycen - centers[k, 1])]))
            centerx = np.linspace(centers[k, 0], xcen + 1, num).astype(int)
            centery = np.linspace(centers[k, 1], ycen + 1, num).astype(int)
            if centerx.size > 0 and centery.size > 0:
                trajectory_indexer[centery, centerx] = True
                trajectory_indexer[centery + 1, centerx] = True
                trajectory_indexer[centery, centerx + 1] = True
                trajectory_indexer[centery + 1, centerx + 1] = True
                trajectory_indexer[ycen, xcen] = True
                trajectory_indexer[ycen + 1, xcen] = True
                trajectory_indexer[ycen, xcen + 1] = True
                trajectory_indexer[ycen + 1, xcen + 1] = True

        frame = generate_output_frame(np.copy(img2), bbox,
                                      np.copy(newXs), np.copy(newYs))
        frame = Image.fromarray(frame)
        #"medium_frame%d.jpg" % f)

        img1 = np.copy(img2)


    np_frames = np.array(
        [cv2.cvtColor(np.array(f), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) for f in all_frames])
    gen_video(np.array(np_frames), "{0}.avi".format(output_filename))
Beispiel #9
def mymosaic(img_input):
    import numpy as np
    from helpers import rgb2gray
    from helpers import warp_image
    from corner_detector import corner_detector
    from anms import anms
    from feat_desc import feat_desc
    from feat_match import feat_match
    from ransac_est_homography import ransac_est_homography
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import math

    # Set out constants
    max_pts = 1000
    thresh = 0.5
    h, w, d = img_input[0].shape

    # ---------- Part 1: Get descs for each image ---------- #

    # Initialize all the cell arrays that we will be using
    # For now, I'm only saving the variables that matter for later steps
    x = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)
    y = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)
    descs = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)

    # Get x, y, and descs for each image
    for i in range(3):
        print("---------- Processing Image %d ----------" % (i + 1))
        gray = rgb2gray(img_input[i])

        print("Detecting corners")
        cimg = corner_detector(gray)

        print("Suppressing non maxima")
        x[i], y[i], rmax = anms(cimg, max_pts)

        print("Finding descriptors")
        descs[i] = feat_desc(gray, x[i], y[i])

    # ---------- Part 2: Estimate homographies ---------- #

    # Initialize all the cell arrays that we will be using
    # For now, I'm only saving the variables that matter for later steps
    H = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)
    inlier_ind = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)
    corners = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)
    corners[1] = np.stack(
        [np.array([0, w, w, 0]),
         np.array([0, 0, h, h]),
    H[1] = np.identity(3)

    for i in [0, 2]:
        print("---------- Matching Images %d and %d ----------" % (i + 1, 2))
        print("Finding matching descriptors")

        match = feat_match(descs[1], descs[i])
        matches = (np.where([match >= 0])[1], match[match >= 0])

        print("Performing RANSAC")
        H[i], inlier_ind[i] = ransac_est_homography(x[i][matches[1]],
                                                    y[1][matches[0]], thresh)

        # Find the boundaries that the mosaic has to fit into
        warped_corners = np.matmul(H[i], corners[1])
        corners[i] = warped_corners / warped_corners[2]

    # ---------- Part 3: Assemble the mosaic ---------- #
    print("---------- Assembling the Mosaic ----------")
    # Initialize the mosaic using corners
    xmin = int(math.floor(np.amin(corners[0][0])))
    xmax = int(math.ceil(np.amax(corners[2][0])))
    ymin = int(
    ymax = int(
    img_mosaic = np.zeros((ymax - ymin, xmax - xmin, 3)).astype(int)

    # Need to find the mesh to interpolate with
    print("Warping images")
    left, yi0, w0, h0 = warp_image(img_input[0], H[0], corners[0])
    center = img_input[1].astype(int)
    right, yi2, w2, h2 = warp_image(img_input[2], H[2], corners[2])

    # Need the offsets to correctly align images
    xi1 = -xmin
    yi1 = -ymin
    w1 = w
    h1 = h

    # Assemble the mosaic
    print("Putting it all together")
    if yi0 < yi2:
        img_mosaic[:h0, :w0][left > 0] = left[left > 0]
        img_mosaic[yi2 - yi0:h2 + yi2 - yi0,
                   -w2 - 1:-1][right > 0] = right[right > 0]
        img_mosaic[yi0 - yi2:h0 + yi0 - yi2, :w0][left > 0] = left[left > 0]
        img_mosaic[:h2, -w2 - 1:-1][right > 0] = right[right > 0]
    img_mosaic[yi1:yi1 + h1, xi1:xi1 + w1] = center

    return img_mosaic
Beispiel #10

if __name__ == "__main__":
    env = gym.make('Seaquest-v0')
    state_size = env.observation_space.shape
    action_size = env.action_space.n
    agent = DQNAgent(state_size, action_size)
    done = False
    batch_size = 32
    K_frames = 3
    action = 0
    i = 0
    while True:
        state = env.reset()
        state = rgb2gray(state)
        i += 1
        for t in range(4000):
            if t % K_frames == 0:
                action = agent.decide(state)
            isOpened = env.render()

            if not isOpened:

            next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)

            state = rgb2gray(next_state)
            if done:
                print("episode: {}, score: {}".format(i, t))
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from helpers import rgb2gray
from corner_detector import corner_detector
from anms import anms
from feat_desc import feat_desc
from feat_match import feat_match
from ransac_est_homography import ransac_est_homography

print("---------- Processing First Image ----------")
path1 = "street-2.jpg"
img1 =
img1 = np.array(img1)[..., :3]
gray1 = rgb2gray(img1)

max_pts = 1000

print("Detecting corners")
cimg1 = corner_detector(gray1)

print("Suppressing non maxima")
x1, y1, rmax1 = anms(cimg1, max_pts)

print("Finding descriptors")
descs1, boxes1, oris1, ori1 = feat_desc(gray1, x1, y1)

# plt.imshow(img1)
# plt.scatter(x1, y1)
# for i in range(boxes1.shape[2]):
Beispiel #12
frame1 = generate_output_frame(np.copy(img1), bbox)
frame1 = Image.fromarray(frame1)"easy_frame1.jpg")
# plt.imshow(frame1)

# For debugging: Show the bounding box we've chosen
# plt.imshow(img1)
# for box in bbox:
# 	for i in range(3):
# 		plt.plot(box[i: i+2, 0], box[i: i+2, 1], color="red")
# 	plt.plot([box[0, 0], box[3, 0]], [box[0, 1], box[3, 1]], color="red")

# Get the features from inside the bounding box
x, y = getFeatures(rgb2gray(img1), bbox)

# For debugging: Show the bounding box and the features inside
# plt.imshow(img1)
# for box in bbox:
# 	for i in range(3):
# 		plt.plot(box[i: i+2, 0], box[i: i+2, 1], color="red")
# 	plt.plot([box[0, 0], box[3, 0]], [box[0, 1], box[3, 1]], color="red")
# for i in range(x.shape[1]):
# 	plt.scatter(x[i], y[i][:], color="blue")

nextframe = np.copy(img2)
warped = np.copy(img1)
newXs = np.copy(x)
newYs = np.copy(y)
Beispiel #13
def mymosaic(img_input):
    # Your Code Here
    img_mosaic = np.zeros((img_input.shape[0], 1), dtype=object)
    for i in range(img_input.shape[0]):
        imgA = img_input[i, 0]
        imgB = img_input[i, 1]
        imgC = img_input[i, 2]

        imgA_gray = rgb2gray(imgA)
        imgB_gray = rgb2gray(imgB)
        imgC_gray = rgb2gray(imgC)

        cimgA = corner_detector(imgA_gray)
        cimgB = corner_detector(imgB_gray)
        cimgC = corner_detector(imgC_gray)

        max_pts = 500

        xA, yA, rmaxA = anms(cimgA, max_pts)
        xB, yB, rmaxB = anms(cimgB, max_pts)
        xC, yC, rmaxC = anms(cimgC, max_pts)

        # =============================================================================
        # # Demonstrate ANMS result
        #         IA = flipChannel(imgA)
        #         drawPoints(IA,xA,yA,(0,0,255))
        #         cv.imwrite('A'+str(i+1)+'.jpg',IA)
        #         IB = flipChannel(imgB)
        #         drawPoints(IB,xB,yB,(0,0,255))
        #         cv.imwrite('B'+str(i+1)+'.jpg',IB)
        #         IC = flipChannel(imgC)
        #         drawPoints(IC,xC,yC,(0,0,255))
        #         cv.imwrite('C'+str(i+1)+'.jpg',IC)
        # =============================================================================

        descsA = feat_desc(imgA_gray, xA, yA)
        descsB = feat_desc(imgB_gray, xB, yB)
        descsC = feat_desc(imgC_gray, xC, yC)

        match1 = feat_match(descsA, descsB)
        match2 = feat_match(descsC, descsB)

        ransac_thresh = 10

        xA1, yA1 = xA[match1 > 0].reshape(-1, 1), yA[match1 > 0].reshape(-1, 1)
        xB1, yB1 = xB[match1[match1 > 0]].reshape(
            -1, 1), yB[match1[match1 > 0]].reshape(-1, 1)
        H1, inlier_ind1 = ransac_est_homography(xA1, yA1, xB1, yB1,

        xC2, yC2 = xC[match2 > 0].reshape(-1, 1), yC[match2 > 0].reshape(-1, 1)
        xB2, yB2 = xB[match2[match2 > 0]].reshape(
            -1, 1), yB[match2[match2 > 0]].reshape(-1, 1)
        H2, inlier_ind2 = ransac_est_homography(xC2, yC2, xB2, yB2,
        # =============================================================================
        # # Demonstrating RANSAC match result
        #         row,col,_ = imgA.shape
        #         outlier_ind1 = np.delete(np.arange(len(xA1)),inlier_ind1)
        #         IA1 = flipChannel(imgA)
        #         drawPoints(IA1,xA1[inlier_ind1],yA1[inlier_ind1],(0,0,255))
        #         drawPoints(IA1,xA1[outlier_ind1],yA1[outlier_ind1],(255,0,0))
        #         IB1 = flipChannel(imgB)
        #         drawPoints(IB1,xB1[inlier_ind1],yB1[inlier_ind1],(0,0,255))
        #         drawPoints(IB1,xB1[outlier_ind1],yB1[outlier_ind1],(255,0,0))
        #         imgAB = np.zeros((row,2*col,3))
        #         imgAB[:,0:col,:] = IA1
        #         imgAB[:,col:2*col,:] = IB1
        #         drawLines(imgAB,xA1[inlier_ind1],yA1[inlier_ind1]\
        #                   ,xB1[inlier_ind1]+col,yB1[inlier_ind1],(0,255,0))
        #         cv.imwrite('left_match'+str(i+1)+'.jpg',imgAB)
        #         outlier_ind2 = np.delete(np.arange(len(xC2)),inlier_ind2)
        #         IC2 = flipChannel(imgC)
        #         drawPoints(IC2,xC2[inlier_ind2],yC2[inlier_ind2],(0,0,255))
        #         drawPoints(IC2,xC2[outlier_ind2],yC2[outlier_ind2],(255,0,0))
        #         IB2 = flipChannel(imgB)
        #         drawPoints(IB2,xB2[inlier_ind2],yB2[inlier_ind2],(0,0,255))
        #         drawPoints(IB2,xB2[outlier_ind2],yB2[outlier_ind2],(255,0,0))
        #         imgBC = np.zeros((row,2*col,3))
        #         imgBC[:,0:col,:] = IB2
        #         imgBC[:,col:2*col,:] = IC2
        #         drawLines(imgBC,xB2[inlier_ind2],yB2[inlier_ind2]\
        #                   ,xC2[inlier_ind2]+col,yC2[inlier_ind2],(0,255,0))
        #         cv.imwrite('right_match'+str(i+1)+'.jpg',imgBC)
        # =============================================================================

        new_left, new_middle, new_right = getNewSize(H1, H2, imgA, imgB, imgC)

        #   Blend Images by  Seam Carving or Alpha Blending
        img_mosaic[i, 0] = seamBlend(new_left, new_middle, new_right)
#        img_mosaic[i,0] = alphaBlend(alphaBlend(new_left,new_middle),new_right)

    return img_mosaic
Beispiel #14
def objectTracking(rawVideo, output_filename, draw_boxes=False):
	imgs = np.array([])
	cap = cv2.VideoCapture(rawVideo)
	ret, img1 =
	img1 = img1[...,::-1]
	h, w, d = img1.shape

	fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
	out = cv2.VideoWriter("{0}.avi".format(output_filename), fourcc, 20.0, (w,h))

	# Set parameters based on which video it is
	if rawVideo == "Easy.mp4":
		difficulty = "easy"
		print("Performing tracking on easy video")
		k_pad = 2
		params = [4, 1, 3, 1, 1.5]
	elif rawVideo == "Medium.mp4":
		difficulty = "medium"
		print("Performing tracking on medium video")
		k_pad = 2.5
		params = [3, 1, 3, 0, 0]
		print("Invalid path - valid videos are 'Easy.mp4' and 'Medium.mp4'")
		return None	

	if draw_boxes:
		display_img = img1.copy()
		display_img = cv2.cvtColor(display_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
		cv2.namedWindow("Start Frame")
		cv2.setMouseCallback("Start Frame", draw_box)

		# Loop until the user is done drawing boxes
		while True:
				cv2.imshow("Start Frame", display_img)
				key = cv2.waitKey(0)

				if key == ord('q'):

		# Destroy the drawing window

		# Show the result
		for i in range(int(len(refPt)/2)):
				cv2.rectangle(display_img, refPt[2*i], refPt[(2*i)+1], (0,255,0), 2)

		cv2.imshow("Result", display_img)

		bbox = []
		for i in range(int(len(refPt)/2)):

				# Top Left and bottom right
				box_corners = np.array([refPt[2*i], refPt[(2*i)+1]])
				start_x, start_y, width, height = cv2.boundingRect(box_corners)

				# Create the four coordinates for the box and reshape		
				box = np.array([[start_x, start_y],
										[start_x+width, start_y],
										[start_x+width, start_y + height],
										[start_x, start_y + height]])


		# Turn it into a numpy array
		bbox = np.array(bbox)
		# Load the bounding boxes that were drawn manually
		bbox = np.load("bbox_" + difficulty + ".npy")

	orig_box = np.copy(bbox)
	centers = np.zeros((len(bbox), 2))

	# For ploting the trajectory of the object
	trajectory_indexer = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=bool)

	# Get the features from inside the bounding box
	x, y = getFeatures(rgb2gray(img1), bbox)

	# Initialize these before the loop starts 
	newXs = np.copy(x)
	newYs = np.copy(y)

	# Record the initial frame
	f = 0
	frame = generate_output_frame(np.copy(img1), bbox, np.copy(trajectory_indexer), np.copy(newXs), np.copy(newYs))
	out.write(frame[..., ::-1])

	# Loop through the remainder of the frames
	while True:
		f += 1
		print("Processing frame: %d..." % f, end="\r", flush=True)

		if bbox.size:

			# Get new features every 8 frames and update the key frame
			if not f % 8:
				for i in range(len(bbox)):
					orig_box = np.copy(bbox)
				x, y = getFeatures(rgb2gray(img1), bbox)
				newXs = np.copy(x)
				newYs = np.copy(y)

			# Read the next frame
			ret, img2 =
			if not ret:

			# Switch to RGB
			img2 = img2[...,::-1]

			# Get the new feature locations in the next frame
			updatex, updatey, x, y = estimateAllTranslation(np.copy(newXs), np.copy(newYs), np.copy(x), np.copy(y), np.copy(img1), np.copy(img2), np.copy(bbox), params)

			# Find centers for trajectory plotting
			for k in range(len(bbox)):
				centers[k] = np.array([np.mean(bbox[k, :, 0]), np.mean(bbox[k, :, 1])]).astype(int)

			# Warp the image for the next iteration
			newXs, newYs, bbox = applyGeometricTransformation(np.copy(x), np.copy(y), updatex, updatey, np.copy(orig_box), np.copy(img1), k_pad)

			# Handle when we've gotten rid of a bounding box
			indexer = np.ones(len(bbox), dtype=bool)
			for k in range(len(bbox)):
				if not np.any(bbox[k]) or len(newXs[k]) < 2:
					indexer[k] = False

			# Nix everything associated with the removed bounding box
			bbox = bbox[indexer]
			orig_box = orig_box[indexer]
			newXs = newXs[indexer]
			newYs = newYs[indexer]
			x = x[indexer]
			y = y[indexer]
			centers = centers[indexer]

			# Plot the trajectory on the image
			for k in range(len(bbox)):
				xcen = int(np.mean(bbox[k, :, 0]))
				ycen = int(np.mean(bbox[k, :, 1]))
				if xcen < w - 2 and xcen > 2 and ycen < h - 2 and ycen > 2:
					num = int(max([abs(xcen - centers[k, 0]), abs(ycen - centers[k, 1])]))
					centerx = np.linspace(centers[k, 0], xcen + 1, num).astype(int)
					centery = np.linspace(centers[k, 1], ycen + 1, num).astype(int)
					if centerx.size > 0 and centery.size > 0:
						trajectory_indexer[centery, centerx] = True
						trajectory_indexer[centery + 1, centerx] = True
						trajectory_indexer[centery, centerx + 1] = True
						trajectory_indexer[centery + 1, centerx + 1] = True
						trajectory_indexer[ycen, xcen] = True
						trajectory_indexer[ycen + 1, xcen] = True
						trajectory_indexer[ycen, xcen + 1] = True
						trajectory_indexer[ycen + 1, xcen + 1] = True

			# Generate the next frame
			frame = generate_output_frame(np.copy(img2), bbox, np.copy(trajectory_indexer), np.copy(newXs), np.copy(newYs))
			frame = frame[..., ::-1]
		# We have no bounding boxes, move on to generating the video
			ret, img2 =
			if not ret:
			frame = img2

		# Update img1 for the next loop
		img1 = np.copy(img2)


	return None
Beispiel #15
  Author: Shiv, Matt
  Date created: 10/25/2018

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from helpers import rgb2gray
from corner_detector import corner_detector
from anms import anms
from feat_desc import feat_desc

path1 = "1L.jpg"
img1 =
img1 = np.array(img1)[..., :3]
gray1 = rgb2gray(img1)

max_pts = 50

cimg1 = corner_detector(gray1)
x1, y1, rmax1 = anms(cimg1, max_pts)
descs1, boxes1, oris1, ori1 = feat_desc(gray1, x1, y1)



# plt.scatter(x1, y1)
# for i in range(boxes1.shape[2]):
# 	plt.plot(boxes1[:,0,i], boxes1[:,1,i], color="red")
# 	plt.plot(oris1[0,:,i], oris1[1,:,i], color="green")
Beispiel #16
def applyGeometricTransformation(startXs, startYs, newXs, newYs, bbox, img,
    import numpy as np
    from helpers import inlier_cost_func
    from helpers import rgb2gray
    from scipy.optimize import least_squares

    F = len(bbox)
    pad = 5
    gray = rgb2gray(img)
    output = np.copy(gray)
    h, w = gray.shape

    for i in range(F):

        # If the item went of the screen, its bounding box could be empty
        if not np.any(bbox[i]):

        # --------- Part 1: Estimate the homography for a given bounding box ---------- #

        # Squeeze the box to the features within a margin determined by k*pad
        xmin = max([np.amin(bbox[i, :, 0]), np.amin(newXs[i]) - k_pad * pad])
        xmax = min([np.amax(bbox[i, :, 0]), np.amax(newXs[i]) + k_pad * pad])
        ymin = max([np.amin(bbox[i, :, 1]), np.amin(newYs[i]) - k_pad * pad])
        ymax = min([np.amax(bbox[i, :, 1]), np.amax(newYs[i]) + k_pad * pad])
        bbox[i] = np.array([xmin, ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax, ymax, xmax,
                            ymin]).reshape(4, 2)

        ux = np.copy(startXs[i])
        uy = np.copy(startYs[i])
        vx = np.copy(newXs[i])
        vy = np.copy(newYs[i])

        # Form our initial and final feature points in homogeneous coordinates
        N = len(ux)
        u = np.stack([ux, uy, np.ones(N)])
        v = np.stack([vx, vy, np.ones(N)])

        # Calculate the transformation
        H = least_squares(inlier_cost_func,
                          args=(u, v))["x"].reshape(2, 3)
        H = np.concatenate((H, np.array([[0, 0, 1]])))

        # --------- Part 2: Update the ith bounding box ---------- #

        # Apply the homography to the corners
        corners = np.stack([bbox[i].T[0], bbox[i].T[1], np.ones(4)])
        corners = np.matmul(H, corners)
        corners = corners / corners[
            2]  # unnecessary for affine transformations

        # If the object has passed out of the image frame, get rid of it
        if np.any(np.logical_or(corners[0] >= w, corners[0] < 0)) and np.any(
                np.logical_or(corners[1] >= h, corners[1] < 0)):
            bbox[i] = np.zeros((4, 2))
            newXs[i] = vx
            newYs[i] = vy

        # Restrict the bounding box to the image frame
        corners[corners < 0] = 0
        corners[0][corners[0] >= w] = w - 1
        corners[1][corners[1] >= h] = h - 1

        # Update the corners of the box
        bbox[i, ...] = corners[:2].T

        # Update the feature entries to remove outliers
        newXs[i] = vx
        newYs[i] = vy

    return newXs, newYs, bbox