Beispiel #1
def get_histogram(monitor):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()

    nx = core.nx
    ny = core.ny
    n = nx * ny
    shape = nx, ny

    #    xmin = core.x_min; xmax = core.x_max
    #    ymin = core.y_min; ymax = core.y_max

    xmin = attr(core, "xmin", "x_min")
    xmax = attr(core, "xmax", "x_max")
    ymin = attr(core, "ymin", "y_min")
    ymax = attr(core, "ymax", "y_max")

    dx = (xmax - xmin) / nx
    dy = (ymax - ymin) / ny

    Iarr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getPSD_p_00(), 'double', n).copy()
    E2arr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getPSD_p2_00(), 'double', n).copy()
    Iarr.shape = E2arr.shape = shape

    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    xaxis = axis('x', arange(xmin, xmax, dx))
    yaxis = axis('y', arange(ymin, ymax, dy))

    h = histogram('I(x,y)', [xaxis, yaxis], data=Iarr, errors=E2arr)
    return h
def get_histogram( monitor ):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()

    xmin = 0; xmax = 1
    ymin = 0; ymax = 1
    dx = 0.1
    dy = 0.1

#    xmin = core.xmin; xmax = core.xmax
#    ymin = core.ymin; ymax = core.ymax
#    dx = xmax - xmin
#    dy = ymax - ymin

    #Iarr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getDEFS( ), 'double', n ).copy()  #?
    #E2arr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getPSD_p2_00( ), 'double', n ).copy()
    #Iarr.shape = E2arr.shape = shape

    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    xaxis = axis( 'x', arange( xmin, xmax, dx ) )
    yaxis = axis( 'y', arange( ymin, ymax, dy ) )

    h = histogram( 'I(x,y)', [xaxis,yaxis], data = [2,yaxis], errors=[2,yaxis])    #Iarr)    #, errors = E2arr )
    return h
Beispiel #3
def get_histogram(monitor):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()

    xmin = 0
    xmax = 1
    ymin = 0
    ymax = 1
    dx = 0.1
    dy = 0.1

    #    xmin = core.xmin; xmax = core.xmax
    #    ymin = core.ymin; ymax = core.ymax
    #    dx = xmax - xmin
    #    dy = ymax - ymin

    #Iarr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getDEFS( ), 'double', n ).copy()  #?
    #E2arr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getPSD_p2_00( ), 'double', n ).copy()
    #Iarr.shape = E2arr.shape = shape

    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    xaxis = axis('x', arange(xmin, xmax, dx))
    yaxis = axis('y', arange(ymin, ymax, dy))

    h = histogram('I(x,y)', [xaxis, yaxis], data=[2, yaxis],
                  errors=[2, yaxis])  #Iarr)    #, errors = E2arr )
    return h
Beispiel #4
def process(path):
    basename = os.path.basename(path)
    from nslice.Run import Run
    run = Run(path)
    print "instrument=%s, Ei=%s, psi=%s" % (
        run.instrument, run.Ei, run.psi)

    from nslice.XtalOrientation import XtalOrientation
    a = b = 8.87;  c = 5.2
    from math import pi
    twopi = 2*pi
    ra,rb,rc = [twopi/a, 0,0], [0,twopi/b,0], [0,0,twopi/c]
    u,v = [1,0,0], [0,1,0]
    xtal_ori = XtalOrientation(ra,rb,rc, u,v, run.psi)

    h,k,l,E = run.compute_hklE(xtal_ori)
    I, error = run.read_data()
    h.shape = k.shape = l.shape = E.shape = I.shape = error.shape = -1
    hklEIE = np.vstack((h,k,l,E,I,error))
    from nslice.slice import slice_hE
    H, edges = slice_hE(
        k=[0.95,1.05], l=[-1,1], 
        h=(-1, 6, 0.02), E=(-5, 10, 0.1),
    import histogram, histogram.hdf as hh
    axes = [
        histogram.axis('h', boundaries=edges[0]),
        histogram.axis('E', unit='meV', boundaries=edges[1]),
    h = histogram.histogram('I(h,E)', axes=axes, data=H)
    hh.dump(h, 'I_hE.h5')
Beispiel #5
def events2Idpt( events, instrument, tofparams ):
    from mccomponents.detector.utils import \
    dims = getDetectorHierarchyDimensions( instrument )
    # 1st attempt to create axes
    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    axes = [ axis('%sID' % name.lower(), range(n)) for name, n in dims ]

    # the first level of detectors (tubes, packs, or others) need
    # special attention. ids of that level could be not continuous.
    detectorSystem = instrument.getDetectorSystem()
    assert len(detectorSystem.elements()) == dims[0][1]
    ids = [ for element in detectorSystem.elements() ]
    axes[0] = axis( axes[0].name(), ids )

    detaxes = axes

    #tof axis
    tmin, tmax, tstep = tofparams
    tofaxis = axis( 'tof', boundaries = arange( tmin, tmax+tstep/10., tstep ), unit = 'second' )

    #all axes
    axes = detaxes + [tofaxis]

    hist = histogram( 'Idpt', axes )

    #get the numpy array which will accept events
    npixels = hist.size()/tofaxis.size()
    Ipixtof =
    Ipixtof.shape = npixels, -1
    events2Ipixtof( events, Ipixtof )

    return hist
Beispiel #6
    def computeVolume(self, paths=None, **kwds):
        H = None
        sa = None
        edges = None
        for path in paths or self.paths:
            print path
            edges1, H1, sa1 = self.computeVolumeForOneRun(path, **kwds)
            if H is None:
                edges, H, sa = edges1, H1, sa1
                H += H1
                sa += sa1

        import histogram
        axes = [
            histogram.axis(kwds['x'], boundaries=edges[0]),
            histogram.axis(kwds['y'], boundaries=edges[1]),
            histogram.axis(kwds['z'], boundaries=edges[2]),
        return histogram.histogram(
            'I(%(x)s,%(y)s,%(z)s)' % kwds,
            data=H / sa,
Beispiel #7
def makeSlice(events, xaxis, Eaxis, Qtox):
    """convert input events into a histogram (slice)
    convert Q to x. also return a mask. since some Q points should be
    import numpy as np
    data = np.array(list(events))
    # convert Q to x
    Q = data[:, :3]
    x, mask = Qtox(Q)
    E = data[mask, 3]
    sample = np.vstack((x, E)).T
    xbins = np.arange(*xaxis)
    Ebins = np.arange(*Eaxis)
    bins = xbins, Ebins
    weights = data[mask, -1]
    I, edges = np.histogramdd(sample, bins=bins, weights=weights)
    import histogram as H, histogram.hdf as hh
    axes = [
        H.axis('x', boundaries=edges[0]),
        H.axis('E', boundaries=edges[1]),
    return H.histogram('IxE', axes=axes, data=I)
def get_histogram( monitor ):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()

    nx = core.nxchan; ny =core.nychan; nb = core.nbchan
    n = nx * ny * nb
    shape = nx, ny, nb

    xmin = -core.xwidth/2; xmax = core.xwidth/2
    ymin = -core.yheight/2; ymax = core.yheight/2
    dx = (xmax - xmin)/nx
    dy = (ymax - ymin)/ny

    if core.bmax!=0:
    else :
        db = core.deltab

    Iarr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getTOF_p_00( ), 'double', n ).copy()
    E2arr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getTOF_p2_00( ), 'double', n ).copy()
    Iarr.shape = E2arr.shape = shape

    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    xaxis = axis( 'x', boundaries=arange( xmin, xmax+dx/10, dx ) )
    yaxis = axis( 'y', boundaries=arange( ymin, ymax+dy/10, dy ) )
    baxis = axis( 'b', boundaries=arange( bmin, bmax+db/10, db ) )

    h = histogram(
        'I(x,y,b)', [xaxis,yaxis,baxis],
        data = Iarr, errors = E2arr )
    return h
Beispiel #9
 def load_mcvine_psf_qE(self, adjust_energy_center=False):
     path = self.sim_path
     qaxis = self.qaxis; Eaxis = self.Eaxis
     dEs = np.load(os.path.join(path, 'dEs.npy'))
     dqs = np.load(os.path.join(path, 'dxs.npy'))
     probs = np.load(os.path.join(path, 'probs.npy'))
     hist, qedges, Eedges = np.histogram2d(dqs, dEs, bins=(np.arange(*qaxis), np.arange(*Eaxis)), weights=probs)
     # remove outliers
     median = np.median(hist[hist>0])
     normal = hist[hist<median*100]; normal_max = np.max(normal)
     hist[hist>median*100] = normal_max
     # adjust energy center
     if adjust_energy_center:
         hist_E = hist.sum(axis=0)
         Ebincenters = (Eedges[1:] + Eedges[:-1])/2
         Ecenter = (Ebincenters*hist_E).sum()/hist_E.sum()
         Eedges -= Ecenter
     # res(q, E) histogram
     qaxis = H.axis('q', boundaries=qedges)
     Eaxis = H.axis('E', boundaries=Eedges)
     self.mcvine_psf_qE = reshist  = H.histogram('res', (qaxis, Eaxis), data=hist)
     self.qEgrids = np.meshgrid(reshist.q, reshist.E)
     # res(E) histogram
     self.mcvine_psf_E = reshist.sum('q')
     # res(q) histogram
     Emin = Eedges[0]; Emax = Eedges[-1]; middle = (Emin+Emax)/2; Erange = Emax-Emin
     self.mcvine_psf_q = reshist[(), (middle-Erange/20, middle+Erange/20)].sum('E')
Beispiel #10
def sqehist(E, g, **kwds):
    "a simple wrapper of method sqe to return a histogram"
    Q,E,S = sqe(E,g, **kwds)
    import histogram as H
    Qaxis = H.axis('Q', Q, '1./angstrom')
    Eaxis = H.axis('E', E, 'meV')
    return H.histogram("SP SQE", [Qaxis, Eaxis], S)
Beispiel #11
def makeSlice(events, xaxis, Eaxis, Qtox):
    """convert input events into a histogram (slice)
    convert Q to x. also return a mask. since some Q points should be
    import numpy as np
    data = np.array(list(events))
    # convert Q to x
    Q = data[:, :3]
    x,mask = Qtox(Q)
    E = data[mask, 3]
    sample = np.vstack((x, E)).T
    xbins = np.arange(*xaxis)
    Ebins = np.arange(*Eaxis)
    bins = xbins, Ebins
    weights = data[mask, -1]
    I, edges = np.histogramdd(sample, bins=bins, weights=weights)
    import histogram as H, histogram.hdf as hh
    axes = [
        H.axis('x', boundaries=edges[0]),
        H.axis('E', boundaries=edges[1]),
    return H.histogram('IxE', axes=axes, data = I)
Beispiel #12
def get_histogram(monitor):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()

    nx = core.nx
    ny = core.ny
    assert nx == int(nx)
    nx = int(nx)
    assert ny == int(ny)
    ny = int(ny)
    n = nx * ny
    shape = nx, ny

    Iarr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getPSD_p_00(), 'double', n).copy()
    E2arr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getPSD_p2_00(), 'double', n).copy()
    Iarr.shape = E2arr.shape = shape

    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    dx = 360. / nx
    xaxis = axis('x', arange(0, 360, dx), unit='deg')

    dy = 180. / ny
    yaxis = axis('y', arange(-90, 90, dy), unit='deg')

    h = histogram('I(x,y)', [xaxis, yaxis], data=Iarr, errors=E2arr)
    return h
Beispiel #13
def get_histogram( monitor ):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()

    nx = core.nx; ny =core.ny
    n = nx * ny
    shape = nx, ny

#    xmin = core.x_min; xmax = core.x_max
#    ymin = core.y_min; ymax = core.y_max

    xmin = attr(core, "xmin", "x_min");
    xmax = attr(core, "xmax", "x_max");
    ymin = attr(core, "ymin", "y_min");
    ymax = attr(core, "ymax", "y_max");

    dx = (xmax - xmin)/nx
    dy = (ymax - ymin)/ny

    Iarr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getPSD_p_00( ), 'double', n ).copy()
    E2arr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getPSD_p2_00( ), 'double', n ).copy()
    Iarr.shape = E2arr.shape = shape

    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    xaxis = axis( 'x', arange( xmin, xmax, dx ) )
    yaxis = axis( 'y', arange( ymin, ymax, dy ) )

    h = histogram( 'I(x,y)', [xaxis,yaxis], data = Iarr, errors = E2arr )
    return h
Beispiel #14
 def test_values2indexes(self):
     "Histogram: values2indexes"
     from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
     x = axis( 'x', arange(1., 10., 1.) )
     y = axis( 'y', arange(-1., 1., 0.1) )
     h = histogram('h', (x,y) )
     self.assertVectorEqual( h.values2indexes( (2, 0.2) ), (1,12) )
 def test_values2indexes(self):
     "Histogram: values2indexes"
     from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
     x = axis( 'x', arange(1., 10., 1.) )
     y = axis( 'y', arange(-1., 1., 0.1) )
     h = histogram('h', (x,y) )
     self.assertVectorEqual( h.values2indexes( (2, 0.2) ), (1,12) )
Beispiel #16
 def test_axisFromId(self):
     "Histogram: axisFromId"
     from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
     x = axis( 'x', arange(1., 10., 1.) )
     y = axis( 'y', arange(-1., 1., 0.1) )
     h = histogram('h', (x,y) )
     self.assertEqual( h.axisFromId(1), x )
     self.assertEqual( h.axisFromId(2), y )
Beispiel #17
    def test__idiv__2(self):
        "histogram: h/=h1"
        h = self._histogram.copy()
        h2 = self._histogram2
        h /= h2
        self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( h[1.5,1], (1,2.0/3) )

        h = self._histogram.copy()
        h2 = createHistogram( noerror = True )
        h /= h2
        self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( h[1.5,1], (1,1./3) )

        from histogram import histogram, axis, arange, datasetFromFunction
        x = axis('x', arange(1, 2, .2 ) )
        y = axis('y', arange(0, 3, .5 ) )
        def fa(x,y): return x*y + x
        ha = histogram('a', [x,y], datasetFromFunction( fa, (x,y) ) )
        for xi in x.binCenters():
            for yi in y.binCenters():
                self.assertAlmostEqual( fa(xi,yi), ha[xi,yi][0] )
        def fb(x,y): return x
        hb = histogram('b', [x,y], datasetFromFunction( fb, (x,y) ) )
        hc = ha/hb
        for xi in x.binCenters():
            for yi in y.binCenters():
                self.assertAlmostEqual( yi+1, hc[xi,yi][0] )

        def fberr(x,y): return 0*x
        hb = histogram('b', [x,y], datasetFromFunction( fb, (x,y) ),
                       datasetFromFunction( fberr, (x,y) ) )
        hc = ha/hb
        for xi in x.binCenters():
            for yi in y.binCenters():
                self.assertAlmostEqual( yi+1, hc[xi,yi][0] )

        #involve units
        h1 = histogram(
            [ ('x', [1,2,3]),
            unit = 'meter',
            data = [1,2,3],
            errors = [1,2,3],
        h2 = histogram(
            [ ('x', [1,2,3]),
            data = [1,1,1],
            errors = [1,1,1],
            unit = 'second',
        h3 = h1/h2
        self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( h3.I, (1,2,3) )
        self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( h3.E2, (2,6,12) )
    def test__idiv__2(self):
        "histogram: h/=h1"
        h = self._histogram.copy()
        h2 = self._histogram2
        h /= h2
        self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( h[1.5,1], (1,2.0/3) )

        h = self._histogram.copy()
        h2 = createHistogram( noerror = True )
        h /= h2
        self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( h[1.5,1], (1,1./3) )

        from histogram import histogram, axis, arange, datasetFromFunction
        x = axis('x', arange(1, 2, .2 ) )
        y = axis('y', arange(0, 3, .5 ) )
        def fa(x,y): return x*y + x
        ha = histogram('a', [x,y], datasetFromFunction( fa, (x,y) ) )
        for xi in x.binCenters():
            for yi in y.binCenters():
                self.assertAlmostEqual( fa(xi,yi), ha[xi,yi][0] )
        def fb(x,y): return x
        hb = histogram('b', [x,y], datasetFromFunction( fb, (x,y) ) )
        hc = ha/hb
        for xi in x.binCenters():
            for yi in y.binCenters():
                self.assertAlmostEqual( yi+1, hc[xi,yi][0] )

        def fberr(x,y): return 0*x
        hb = histogram('b', [x,y], datasetFromFunction( fb, (x,y) ),
                       datasetFromFunction( fberr, (x,y) ) )
        hc = ha/hb
        for xi in x.binCenters():
            for yi in y.binCenters():
                self.assertAlmostEqual( yi+1, hc[xi,yi][0] )

        #involve units
        h1 = histogram(
            [ ('x', [1,2,3]),
            unit = 'meter',
            data = [1,2,3],
            errors = [1,2,3],
        h2 = histogram(
            [ ('x', [1,2,3]),
            data = [1,1,1],
            errors = [1,1,1],
            unit = 'second',
        h3 = h1/h2
        self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( h3.I, (1,2,3) )
        self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( h3.E2, (2,6,12) )
Beispiel #19
 def test0(self):
     import histogram as H
     qaxis = H.axis('Q', boundaries=H.arange(0, 13.0, 0.1))
     eaxis = H.axis('energy', boundaries=H.arange(-50, 50, 1.0))
     sqe = H.histogram('sqe', [qaxis, eaxis],
                       fromfunction=lambda q, e: q * q + e * e)
     from mccomponents.sample.idf import writeSQE
     writeSQE(sqe, datapath)
 def test_axisFromId(self):
     "Histogram: axisFromId"
     from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
     x = axis( 'x', arange(1., 10., 1.) )
     y = axis( 'y', arange(-1., 1., 0.1) )
     h = histogram('h', (x,y) )
     self.assertEqual( h.axisFromId(1), x )
     self.assertEqual( h.axisFromId(2), y )
    def setParameters(
        Q_params, E_params, ARCSxml, Ei, emission_time):
        keys = [
            'moderator-sample distance',
            'pixelID-position mapping binary file',
            'detector axes',
        infos = self._readInstrumentInfo(ARCSxml, keys=keys)
        npacks, ndetsperpack, npixelsperdet = infos[
        mod2sample = infos['moderator-sample distance']
        pixelPositionsFilename = infos[
            'pixelID-position mapping binary file']
        self._debug.log( "pixel-positions-filename=%s" % pixelPositionsFilename)
        self._debug.log( 'E_params (unit: meV) = %s' % (E_params, ) )
        self._debug.log( 'Q_params (unit: angstrom^-1) = %s' % (Q_params, ) )
        self._debug.log( 'mod2sample distance = %s' % mod2sample )
        self._debug.log( 'Incident energy (unit: meV) = %s' % (Ei, ) )
        self._debug.log( 'emission_time (unit: microsecond) = %s' % (emission_time, ) )
        E_begin, E_end, E_step = E_params # meV
        Q_begin, Q_end, Q_step = Q_params # angstrom^-1
        Q_axis = histogram.axis('Q', boundaries = histogram.arange(
            Q_begin, Q_end, Q_step) )
        E_axis = histogram.axis('energy', boundaries = histogram.arange(
            E_begin, E_end, E_step) )
        h = histogram.histogram(
            data_type = 'int',

        pixelPositions = arcseventdata.readpixelpositions(
            pixelPositionsFilename, npacks, ndetsperpack, npixelsperdet )

        # remember a few things so that we can do normalization
        mpiRank = self.mpiRank
        if mpiRank == 0:
            pixelSolidAngles = infos['solidangles'].I
            self._remember( Ei, pixelPositions, pixelSolidAngles )
        self.out_histogram = h
        self.pixelPositions = pixelPositions
        self.Ei = Ei
        self.mod2sample = mod2sample
        self.emission_time = emission_time
Beispiel #22
def read(directory,
    ''' read omega2 data file in idf format
    nD is the dimension of the qgrid.
    it is assumed that the qgrid is regular, and is defined in qgridinfo_file
    The qgridinfo_file is a python file that defines vars bi, {i=1..nD} and ni, {i=1..nD}

    import os

    from idf.Omega2 import read
    info, omega2 = read(os.path.join(directory, omega2_idf_file))

    qgridinfo = _retrieveQgridinfo(directory,

    nQ, nbXnD = omega2.shape
    import operator
    nis = [qgridinfo['n' + str(i)] for i in range(1, nD + 1)]
    assert nQ == reduce(operator.__mul__, nis),\
           "Q points mismatch: nQ=%s, {ni}=%s" % (nQ, nis)

    # number of basis
    nb = nbXnD / nD

    import histogram as H
    # Q axes
    Qaxes = []
    for i in range(nD):
        ni = qgridinfo['n' + str(i + 1)]
        bi = qgridinfo['b' + str(i + 1)]
        Qiaxis = H.axis('Q' + str(i + 1),
                        H.arange(0, 1 + 1e-10, 1. / (ni - 1)),
                        attributes={'b': bi})
    # basis
    basisaxis = H.axis('basisID', range(nb))
    # dimension
    Daxis = H.axis('dimensionID', range(nD))
    axes = Qaxes + [basisaxis, Daxis]
    omega2.shape = [axis.size() for axis in axes]
    h = H.histogram('Omega2', axes, data=omega2)

    return h
Beispiel #23
def test():
    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange, plot
    xaxis = axis('x', arange(5), unit='meter')
    yaxis = axis('y', arange(7), unit='cm')
    axes = [xaxis, yaxis]
    h = histogram("intensity", axes, fromfunction=lambda x, y: x**2 + y**2)
    slice = h[3, ()]
Beispiel #24
def test():
    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange, plot
    xaxis = axis('x', arange(5), unit='meter')
    yaxis = axis('y', arange(7), unit='cm')
    axes = [xaxis, yaxis]
    h = histogram( "intensity", axes, fromfunction=lambda x,y: x**2+y**2)
    print h
    slice = h[3, ()]
 def testReplaceAxis(self):
     'Hisogram: replaceAxis'
     from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
     a = axis('a', arange(1,10,1.0))
     b = axis('b', arange(1,100,10.))
     h = histogram( 'h', [a] )
     self.assert_(a is h.axisFromName('a'))
     h.replaceAxis(name='a', axis=b)
     self.assert_(b is h.axisFromName('a'))
Beispiel #26
def createSqe():
    import histogram as H
    qaxis = H.axis( 'Q', boundaries = H.arange(0, 13.0, 0.1) )
    eaxis = H.axis( 'energy', boundaries = H.arange(-50, 50, 1.0) )
    sqe = H.histogram(
        [ qaxis, eaxis ],
        fromfunction = sqe_f
    return sqe
Beispiel #27
 def testReplaceAxis(self):
     'Hisogram: replaceAxis'
     from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
     a = axis('a', arange(1,10,1.0))
     b = axis('b', arange(1,100,10.))
     h = histogram( 'h', [a] )
     self.assertTrue(a is h.axisFromName('a'))
     h.replaceAxis(name='a', axis=b)
     self.assertTrue(b is h.axisFromName('a'))
def createSqe():
    import histogram as H
    qaxis = H.axis( 'Q', boundaries = H.arange(0, 13.0, 0.1) )
    eaxis = H.axis( 'energy', boundaries = H.arange(-50, 50, 1.0) )
    sqe = H.histogram(
        [ qaxis, eaxis ],
        fromfunction = sqe_f
    return sqe
Beispiel #29
 def test0(self):
     import histogram as H
     qaxis = H.axis( 'Q', boundaries = H.arange(0, 13.0, 0.1) )
     eaxis = H.axis( 'energy', boundaries = H.arange(-50, 50, 1.0) )
     sqe = H.histogram(
         [ qaxis, eaxis ],
         fromfunction = lambda q,e: q*q+e*e )
     from mccomponents.sample.idf import writeSQE
     writeSQE( sqe, datapath )
Beispiel #30
def interp(iqehist, newE):
    """compute a new IQE histogram using the new energy array
    * iqehist: input IQE histogram
    * newE: new energy centers array
    from scipy import interpolate

    mask = iqehist.I != iqehist.I
    # find energy boundaries of dynamic range for each Q
    def get_boundary_indexes(a):
        nz = np.nonzero(a)[0]
        if nz.size:
            return nz[0], nz[-1]
            return 0, 0

    boundary_indexes = [get_boundary_indexes(row) for row in np.logical_not(mask)]
        E =
        E = iqehist.E
    Eranges = [(E[ind1], E[ind2]) for ind1, ind2 in boundary_indexes]
    iqehist.I[mask] = 0
    iqehist.E2[mask] = 0
    Q = iqehist.Q
    f = interpolate.interp2d(E, Q, iqehist.I, kind="linear")
    E2f = interpolate.interp2d(E, Q, iqehist.E2, kind="linear")
    dE = E[1] - E[0]
    Emin = E[0] // dE * dE
    Emax = E[-1] // dE * dE
    # Enew = np.arange(Emin, Emax+dE/2, dE)
    newS = f(newE, Q)
    newS_E2 = E2f(newE, Q)
    # create new histogram
    Eaxis = H.axis("E", newE, unit="meV")
    Qaxis = H.axis("Q", Q, unit="1./angstrom")
    newHist = H.histogram("IQE", [Qaxis, Eaxis], data=newS, errors=newS_E2)
    for Erange, q in zip(Eranges, Q):
        Emin, Emax = Erange
        if Emin > newE[0]:
            Emin = min(Emin, newE[-1])
            newHist[q, (None, Emin)].I[:] = np.nan
            newHist[q, (None, Emin)].E2[:] = np.nan
        if Emax < newE[-1]:
            Emax = max(Emax, newE[0])
            newHist[q, (Emax, None)].I[:] = np.nan
            newHist[q, (Emax, None)].E2[:] = np.nan
    return newHist
Beispiel #31
def getSqeHistogramFromMantidWS(reduced, outfile, qaxis=None, eaxis=None):
    from mantid import simpleapi as msa
    # if eaxis is not specified, use the data in reduced workspace
    if eaxis is None:
        Edim = reduced.getXDimension()
        emin = Edim.getMinimum()
        emax = Edim.getMaximum()
        de = Edim.getX(1) - Edim.getX(0)
        eaxis = emin, de, emax

    qmin, dq, qmax = qaxis
    nq = int(round((qmax - qmin) / dq))
    emin, de, emax = eaxis
    ne = int(round((emax - emin) / de))
    md = msa.ConvertToMD(
        MinValues="%s,%s" % (qmin, emin),
        MaxValues="%s,%s" % (qmax, emax),
    binned = msa.BinMD(
        AlignedDim0="|Q|,%s,%s,%s" % (qmin, qmax, nq),
        AlignedDim1="DeltaE,%s,%s,%s" % (emin, emax, ne),
    # convert to histogram
    import histogram as H, histogram.hdf as hh
    data = binned.getSignalArray().copy()
    err2 = binned.getErrorSquaredArray().copy()
    nev = binned.getNumEventsArray()
    data /= nev
    err2 /= (nev * nev)
    import numpy as np
    qaxis = H.axis('Q',
                   boundaries=np.arange(qmin, qmax + dq / 2., dq),
    eaxis = H.axis('E',
                   boundaries=np.arange(emin, emax + de / 2., de),
    hist = H.histogram('IQE', (qaxis, eaxis), data=data, errors=err2)
    if outfile.endswith('.nxs'):
        import warnings
            "reduce function no longer writes iqe.nxs nexus file. it only writes iqe.h5 histogram file"
        outfile = outfile[:-4] + '.h5'
    hh.dump(hist, outfile)
Beispiel #32
def read(directory,
         omega2_idf_file='Omega2', qgridinfo_file='Qgridinfo', weightedq_file='WeightedQ',
    ''' read omega2 data file in idf format
    nD is the dimension of the qgrid.
    it is assumed that the qgrid is regular, and is defined in qgridinfo_file
    The qgridinfo_file is a python file that defines vars bi, {i=1..nD} and ni, {i=1..nD}
    import os
    from idf.Omega2 import read
    info, omega2 = read(os.path.join(directory,omega2_idf_file))

    qgridinfo = _retrieveQgridinfo(directory, qgridinfo_file, weightedq_file, nD=nD)

    nQ, nbXnD = omega2.shape
    import operator
    nis = [qgridinfo['n'+str(i)] for i in range(1, nD+1)]
    assert nQ == reduce(operator.__mul__, nis),\
           "Q points mismatch: nQ=%s, {ni}=%s" % (nQ, nis)

    # number of basis
    nb = nbXnD / nD

    import histogram as H
    # Q axes
    Qaxes = []
    for i in range(nD):
        ni = qgridinfo['n'+str(i+1)]
        bi = qgridinfo['b'+str(i+1)]
        Qiaxis = H.axis('Q'+str(i+1), H.arange(0, 1+1e-10, 1./(ni-1)), '1./angstrom',
                        attributes = {'b': bi} )
    # basis
    basisaxis = H.axis('basisID', range(nb))
    # dimension
    Daxis = H.axis('dimensionID', range(nD))
    axes = Qaxes+[basisaxis, Daxis]
    omega2.shape = [axis.size() for axis in axes]
    h = H.histogram('Omega2', axes, data = omega2)

    return h
Beispiel #33
def resample( hist1, size ):

    import histogram as H
    assert hist1.dimension() == 1
    assert hist1.shape()[0] > display_size*10
    xaxis = hist1.axes()[0]
    xbb = xaxis.binBoundaries().asNumarray()
    front, back = xbb[0], xbb[-1]
    step = (back-front)/size
    newxbb = H.arange( front, back+step/2, step)
    newxaxis = H.axis(, boundaries = newxbb, unit = xaxis.unit() )

    newhist = H.histogram(,
        [ newxaxis ] )

    newxc = newxaxis.binCenters()
    for x in newxc[1:-1] :
        newhist[ x ] = hist1[ (x-step/2, x+step/2) ].sum()

    newhist[ newxc[0] ]= hist1[ (newxbb[0], newxc[0] + step/2) ].sum()
    newhist[ newxc[-1] ]= hist1[ (newxc[-1]-step/2, newxbb[-1]-step*1.e-10) ].sum()

    return newhist
 def test_combined_1(self):
     'Axis: slice and changeUnit'
     taxis= axis('t', range(10), unit='second' )
     from histogram.SlicingInfo import SlicingInfo
     slice = taxis[ SlicingInfo( (3,9) ) ]
     self.assertRaises( RuntimeError, slice.changeUnit, 'millisecond' )
Beispiel #35
def resample(hist1, size):

    import histogram as H

    assert hist1.dimension() == 1
    assert hist1.shape()[0] > display_size * 10
    xaxis = hist1.axes()[0]
    xbb = xaxis.binBoundaries().asNumarray()
    front, back = xbb[0], xbb[-1]
    step = 1. * (back - front) / size
    newxbb = H.arange(front, back + step / 2., step)
    newxaxis = H.axis(, boundaries=newxbb, unit=xaxis.unit())

    newhist = H.histogram(, [newxaxis])

    newxc = newxaxis.binCenters()
    for x in newxc[1:-1]:
        newhist[x] = hist1[(x - step / 2., x + step / 2.)].sum()

    newhist[newxc[0]] = hist1[(newxbb[0], newxc[0] + step / 2.)].sum()
    newhist[newxc[-1]] = hist1[(newxc[-1] - step / 2.,
                                newxbb[-1] - step * 1.e-10)].sum()

    return newhist
    def setParameters(
        ARCSxml, d_params,
        info.log( 'd_params (unit: AA) = %s' % (d_params, ) )
        info.log( 'emission_time (unit: microsecond) = %s' % (emission_time, ) )
        infos = self._readInstrumentInfo(ARCSxml)
        npacks, ndetsperpack, npixelsperdet = infos[
        mod2sample = infos['moderator-sample distance']
        pixelPositionsFilename = infos[
            'pixelID-position mapping binary file']
        d_begin, d_end, d_step = d_params # angstrom

        d_axis = histogram.axis('d spacing', boundaries = histogram.arange(
                d_begin, d_end, d_step) )
        detaxes = infos['detector axes']
        h = histogram.histogram(
            detaxes + [d_axis],
            data_type = 'int',

        info.log( "reading pixelID->position map..." )
        pixelPositions = arcseventdata.readpixelpositions(
            pixelPositionsFilename, npacks, ndetsperpack, npixelsperdet)

        self.out_histogram = h
        self.pixelPositions = pixelPositions
        self.mod2sample = mod2sample
        self.emission_time = emission_time
Beispiel #37
def slice2hist(ifile, ofile):
    import histogram as H, histogram.hdf as hh
    from mantid import simpleapi as msa

    def eliminateUnitDimension(shape):
        for d in shape:
            if d>1: yield d

    ws = msa.Load(ifile)
    I = ws.getSignalArray()
    I.shape = tuple(eliminateUnitDimension(I.shape))
    E2 = ws.getErrorSquaredArray()
    E2.shape = I.shape
    axes = []
    for i in range(ws.getNumDims()):
        dim = ws.getDimension(i)
        if dim.getNBins() > 1:
            axis = H.axis(
                centers = [dim.getX(ind) for ind in range(dim.getNBins())]
    h = H.histogram("slice", axes, data=I, errors=E2)
    hh.dump(h, ofile)
def getpixelinfo_mergedpixels(ARCSxml, pixelresolution):
    npixels = 128
    assert npixels%pixelresolution==0
    from arcseventdata.combinepixels import combinepixels, geometricInfo, geometricInfo_MergedPixels
    from histogram import axis
    pixelaxis = axis('pixelID', range(0, 128, pixelresolution))

    info.log('merging pixels')
    phi_p, psi_p, dist_p, sa_p, dphi_p, dpsi_p = combinepixels(ARCSxml, pixelaxis, pixelresolution)
    positions, radii, heights = geometricInfo(ARCSxml)
    positions, radii, heights = geometricInfo_MergedPixels(positions, radii, heights, pixelresolution)

    widths = radii*2
    phis = phi_p.I
    psis = psi_p.I
    dists = dist_p.I
    sas = sa_p.I
    # 06/30/2009: was told that the last two columns are angles
    da1 = widths/dists
    da2 = sas/da1

    dists.shape = phis.shape = psis.shape = widths.shape = heights.shape = -1,
    da1.shape = da2.shape = -1,
    #return dists, phis, psis, widths, heights
    return dists, phis, psis, da1, da2
Beispiel #39
 def test_combined_1(self):
     'Axis: slice and changeUnit'
     taxis = axis('t', list(range(10)), unit='second')
     from histogram.SlicingInfo import SlicingInfo
     slice = taxis[SlicingInfo((3, 9))]
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, slice.changeUnit, 'millisecond')
Beispiel #40
def e2Id(
    events, n, pixelpositions, 
    dspacing_params = None,
    Idspacing = None,
    preNeXus_tofUnit = 1.e-7, mod2sample = 13.5):
    '''e2Id(events, n, pixelpositions, Idspacing = None,
    dspacing_params = None,
    npacks = 115, ndetsperpack = 8, npixelsperdet = 128,
    preNeXus_tofUnit = 1.e-7, mod2sample = 13.5) --> integrate events to I(d spacing) histogram

    Either Idspacing or dspacing_params must be given

      histogram I(d spacing). If this is None, a histogram will be created
      using dspacing_params.
      begin, end, and step of dspacing. unit: angstrom
      If Idspacing is given, this is ignored.
      neutron events
      number of neutron events to process
      array of pixel positions
      unit of event.tof in the pre-Nexus data format. unit: second
      moderator-sample distance. unit: meter

      the I(d spacing) histogram

    if Idspacing is None:
        if dspacing_params is None:
            raise ValueError, "Must provide either the (min, max, step) of d axis or the I(d) histogram"
        dspacing_begin, dspacing_end, dspacing_step = dspacing_params # angstrom
        import histogram 
        daxis = histogram.axis(
            boundaries = histogram.arange(dspacing_begin, dspacing_end, dspacing_step),
            unit = 'angstrom',
        Idspacing = histogram.histogram(
            'I(d spacing)',
            data_type = 'int',


        events, n, Idspacing, pixelpositions,
        tofUnit = preNeXus_tofUnit, mod2sample = mod2sample)

    return Idspacing
    def setParameters(
        ARCSxml, tof_params, pack_params = (1,115), pixel_step = 1 ):

        infos = self._readInstrumentInfo(ARCSxml)
        npacks, ndetsperpack, npixelsperdet = infos[
        mod2sample = infos['moderator-sample distance']
        pixelPositionsFilename = infos[
            'pixelID-position mapping binary file']

        info.log( 'tof_params (unit: microsecond) = %s' % (tof_params, ) )

        import numpy
        tof_begin, tof_end, tof_step = numpy.array(tof_params)*1.e-6 #convert from microseconds to seconds

        tof_axis = histogram.axis(
            boundaries = histogram.arange(tof_begin, tof_end, tof_step),
            unit = 'second' )
        detaxes = infos['detector axes']

        #pixel axis need to be changed if pixel resolution is not 1
        if pixel_step != 1:
            pixelAxis = detaxes[2]
            npixelspertube = pixelAxis.size()
            pixelAxis = histogram.axis(
                boundaries = range(0, npixelspertube+1, pixel_step),
            detaxes[2] = pixelAxis

        #pack axis
        startpack, endpack = pack_params
        packaxis = histogram.axis(
            range( startpack, endpack+1 ) )
        detaxes[0] = packaxis
        h = histogram.histogram(
            detaxes + [tof_axis],
            data_type = 'int',
        self.out_histogram = h
Beispiel #42
 def computeSlice(self, paths=None, **kwds):
     H = None; sa = None; edges = None
     for path in paths or self.paths:
         print path
         edges1, H1, sa1 = self.computeSliceForOneRun(path, **kwds)
         if H is None:
             edges, H, sa = edges1, H1, sa1
             H += H1; sa += sa1
     import histogram
     axes = [
         histogram.axis(kwds['x'], boundaries=edges[0]),
         histogram.axis(kwds['y'], boundaries=edges[1]),
     return histogram.histogram('I(%(x)s,%(y)s)'%kwds, axes=axes, data=H/sa)
def makeDispersion():
    nAtoms = 2
    nBranches = 3 * nAtoms
    nQx = 10; nQy = 12; nQz = 14
    Qaxes = [ ([1,0,0], nQx),
              ([0,1,0], nQy),
              ([0,0,1], nQz),

    import histogram as H
    qx = H.axis('qx', H.arange(0, 1+1e-10, 1./(nQx-1)))
    qy = H.axis('qy', H.arange(0, 1+1e-10, 1./(nQy-1)))
    qz = H.axis('qz', H.arange(0, 1+1e-10, 1./(nQz-1)))
    br = H.axis('branchId', range(nBranches))
    atoms = H.axis('atomId', range(nAtoms))
    pols = H.axis('polId', range(3))
    realimags = H.axis('realimagId', range(2))

    eps = H.histogram('eps', [qx,qy,qz,br,atoms,pols,realimags])
    eps.I[:] = 1
    e = H.histogram('e', [qx,qy,qz,br],
                    fromfunction = lambda qx,qy,qz,br: (qx*qx+qy*qy+qz*qz)/3.*50,

    disp = b.linearlyinterpolateddispersion_3d(nAtoms, Qaxes, eps.I, e.I)
    disp = b.periodicdispersion(disp, ((1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)))
    return disp
Beispiel #44
def makeDispersion():
    nAtoms = 2
    nBranches = 3 * nAtoms
    nQx = 10
    nQy = 12
    nQz = 14
    Qaxes = [
        ([1, 0, 0], nQx),
        ([0, 1, 0], nQy),
        ([0, 0, 1], nQz),

    import histogram as H
    qx = H.axis('qx', H.arange(0, 1 + 1e-10, 1. / (nQx - 1)))
    qy = H.axis('qy', H.arange(0, 1 + 1e-10, 1. / (nQy - 1)))
    qz = H.axis('qz', H.arange(0, 1 + 1e-10, 1. / (nQz - 1)))
    br = H.axis('branchId', range(nBranches))
    atoms = H.axis('atomId', range(nAtoms))
    pols = H.axis('polId', range(3))
    realimags = H.axis('realimagId', range(2))

    eps = H.histogram('eps', [qx, qy, qz, br, atoms, pols, realimags])
    eps.I[:] = 1
    e = H.histogram(
        [qx, qy, qz, br],
        fromfunction=lambda qx, qy, qz, br:
        (qx * qx + qy * qy + qz * qz) / 3. * 50,

    disp = b.linearlyinterpolateddispersion_3d(nAtoms, Qaxes, eps.I, e.I)
    disp = b.periodicdispersion(disp, ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)))
    return disp
Beispiel #45
def run(scan=None, poolsize=None, output=None, **volume_opts):
    scan = load_mod(scan)['scan']

    def worker(work_q, H, sa):
        while not work_q.empty():
            f = work_q.get()
            print f
            one(f, H, sa, scan, volume_opts)

    shape, edges = scan.volumeOutputDims(**volume_opts)
    size = shape[0] * shape[1] * shape[2]

    from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, Array
    shared_H = Array('d', size)
    shared_sa = Array('d', size)
    work_q = Queue()
    for path in scan.paths:

    processes = []
    for w in xrange(poolsize):
        p = Process(target=worker, args=(work_q, shared_H, shared_sa))
    for p in processes:

    import histogram
    axes = [
        histogram.axis(volume_opts['x'], boundaries=edges[0]),
        histogram.axis(volume_opts['y'], boundaries=edges[1]),
        histogram.axis(volume_opts['z'], boundaries=edges[2]),
    H = mparr2nparr(shared_H)
    sa = mparr2nparr(shared_sa)
    H.shape = sa.shape = shape
    h = histogram.histogram('I(%(x)s,%(y)s,%(z)s)' % volume_opts,
                            data=H / sa)
    import histogram.hdf as hh
    hh.dump(h, output)
Beispiel #46
    def test_getattribute(self):
        'Histogram: __getattribute__'
        from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
        x = axis( 'x', arange(1., 10., 1.) )
        y = axis( 'y', arange(-1., 1., 0.1) )
        h = histogram('h', (x,y) )
        self.assertVectorEqual( h.x, x.binCenters() )
        self.assertVectorEqual( h.y, y.binCenters() )
        t1 = h.I; t2 = 
        t1.shape = t2.shape = -1, 
        self.assertVectorEqual( t1, t2 )
        t1 = h.E2; t2 = h.errors().storage().asNumarray() 
        t1.shape = t2.shape = -1, 
        self.assertVectorEqual( t1, t2 )

    def test_getattribute(self):
        'Histogram: __getattribute__'
        from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
        x = axis( 'x', arange(1., 10., 1.) )
        y = axis( 'y', arange(-1., 1., 0.1) )
        h = histogram('h', (x,y) )
        self.assertVectorEqual( h.x, x.binCenters() )
        self.assertVectorEqual( h.y, y.binCenters() )
        t1 = h.I; t2 = 
        t1.shape = t2.shape = -1, 
        self.assertVectorEqual( t1, t2 )
        t1 = h.E2; t2 = h.errors().storage().asNumarray() 
        t1.shape = t2.shape = -1, 
        self.assertVectorEqual( t1, t2 )

Beispiel #48
 def test_changeUnit(self):
     'Axis: changeUnit'
     taxis = axis('t', list(range(3)), unit='second')
                                  [-500, 500, 1500, 2500])
     self.assertVectorAlmostEqual(taxis.binCenters(), [0, 1000, 2000])
     self.assertEqual(taxis.cellIndexFromValue(0), 0)
Beispiel #49
def run(scan=None, poolsize=None, output=None, **volume_opts):
    scan = load_mod(scan)['scan']
    def worker(work_q, H, sa):
        while not work_q.empty():
            f = work_q.get()
            print f
            one(f, H, sa, scan, volume_opts)

    shape, edges = scan.volumeOutputDims(**volume_opts)
    size = shape[0] * shape[1] * shape[2]
    from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, Array
    shared_H = Array('d', size)
    shared_sa = Array('d', size)
    work_q = Queue()
    for path in scan.paths: work_q.put(path)
    processes = []
    for w in xrange(poolsize):
        p = Process(target=worker, args=(work_q, shared_H, shared_sa))
    for p in processes:

    import histogram
    axes = [
        histogram.axis(volume_opts['x'], boundaries=edges[0]),
        histogram.axis(volume_opts['y'], boundaries=edges[1]),
        histogram.axis(volume_opts['z'], boundaries=edges[2]),
    H = mparr2nparr(shared_H)
    sa = mparr2nparr(shared_sa)
    H.shape = sa.shape = shape
    h = histogram.histogram(
        'I(%(x)s,%(y)s,%(z)s)'%volume_opts, axes=axes, data=H/sa)
    import histogram.hdf as hh
    hh.dump(h, output)
 def test_changeUnit(self):
     'Axis: changeUnit'
     taxis= axis('t', range(3), unit='second' )
     taxis.changeUnit( 'millisecond' )
     self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( taxis.binBoundaries().asNumarray(),
                                   [-500, 500, 1500, 2500] )
     self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( taxis.binCenters(), 
                                   [0, 1000, 2000] )
     self.assertEqual( taxis.cellIndexFromValue( 0 ), 0 )
Beispiel #51
def get_histogram( monitor ):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()
    n = core.nchan
    Iarr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getTOF_p( ), 'double', n ).copy()
    E2arr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getTOF_p2( ), 'double', n ).copy()
    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    dt = (core.tmax-core.tmin)/core.nchan
    taxis = axis( 'tof', arange( core.tmin+dt/2., core.tmax+dt/2-0.1*dt, dt ), unit = 's' )
    h = histogram( 'I(tof)', [taxis], data = Iarr, errors = E2arr )
    return h
Beispiel #52
def process(path):
    basename, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))

    from nslice.Run import Run
    run = Run(path)
    print "instrument=%s, Ei=%s, psi=%s" % (run.instrument, run.Ei, run.psi)

    from nslice.XtalOrientation import XtalOrientation
    a = b = 8.87
    c = 5.2
    from math import pi
    twopi = 2 * pi
    ra, rb, rc = [twopi / a, 0, 0], [0, twopi / b, 0], [0, 0, twopi / c]
    u, v = [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]
    xtal_ori = XtalOrientation(ra, rb, rc, u, v, run.psi)

    h, k, l, E = run.compute_hklE(xtal_ori)
    I, error = run.read_data()
    h.shape = k.shape = l.shape = E.shape = I.shape = error.shape = -1
    hklEIE = np.vstack((h, k, l, E, I, error))

    from nslice.slice import slice
    H, edges = slice(
        E=[-2, 2],
        l=[-5, 5],
        h=(-5, 5, 0.02),
        k=(-5, 5, 0.02),
    import histogram, histogram.hdf as hh
    axes = [
        histogram.axis('h', boundaries=edges[0]),
        histogram.axis('k', boundaries=edges[1]),
    h = histogram.histogram('I(h,k)', axes=axes, data=H)
    hh.dump(h, '%s-I_hk.h5' % basename)
Beispiel #53
def sqehist(E, g, **kwds):
    """a simple wrapper of method sqe to return a histogram

    Please see method sqe for details of all keyword parameters
    E:numpy array of floats
        energies in meV

    g:numpy array of floats
        density of states at the specified energies

    Q, E, S = sqe(E, g, **kwds)
    import histogram as H
    Qaxis = H.axis('Q', Q, '1./angstrom')
    Eaxis = H.axis('E', E, 'meV')
    return H.histogram("SP SQE", [Qaxis, Eaxis], S)
Beispiel #54
def get_histogram(monitor):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()

    nQ = core.nQ
    nE = core.nE
    n = nQ * nE
    shape = nQ, nE

    Iarr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getIQE_p(), 'double', n).copy()
    E2arr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getIQE_p2(), 'double', n).copy()
    Iarr.shape = E2arr.shape = shape

    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    dE = (core.Emax - core.Emin) / nE
    Eaxis = axis('energy', arange(core.Emin, core.Emax, dE), unit='meV')

    dQ = (core.Qmax - core.Qmin) / nQ
    Qaxis = axis('Q', arange(core.Qmin, core.Qmax, dQ), unit='angstrom**-1')

    h = histogram('I(Q,E)', [Qaxis, Eaxis], data=Iarr, errors=E2arr)
    return h
Beispiel #55
def get_histogram(monitor):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()
    n = core.nchan
    Iarr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getE_p(), 'double', n).copy()
    E2arr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getE_p2(), 'double', n).copy()
    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    dE = (core.Emax - core.Emin) / core.nchan
    Eaxis = axis('energy',
                 arange(core.Emin + dE / 2, core.Emax, dE),
    h = histogram('I(E)', [Eaxis], data=Iarr, errors=E2arr)
    return h
Beispiel #56
def get_histogram(monitor):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()
    n = core.nchan
    Iarr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getL_p(), 'double', n).copy()
    E2arr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getL_p2(), 'double', n).copy()
    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    dL = (core.Lmax - core.Lmin) / core.nchan
    Laxis = axis('wavelength',
                 arange(core.Lmin + dL / 2, core.Lmax + dL / 2, dL),
    h = histogram('I(L)', [Laxis], data=Iarr, errors=E2arr)
    return h
Beispiel #57
def get_histogram(monitor):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()
    n = core.nchan
    Iarr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getTOF_p(), 'double', n).copy()
    E2arr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getTOF_p2(), 'double', n).copy()
    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    dt = (core.tmax - core.tmin) / core.nchan
    taxis = axis('tof',
                 arange(core.tmin + dt / 2., core.tmax + dt / 2 - 0.1 * dt,
    h = histogram('I(tof)', [taxis], data=Iarr, errors=E2arr)
    return h
Beispiel #58
def readSQE( datapath, Q = 'Q', E = 'E', Sqe = 'Sqe' ):
    'read idf Q,E,Sqe and construct a S(Q,E) histogram'
    qpath = os.path.join( datapath, Q )
    import Q
    q = qpath)[1]
    q.shape = q.size,

    epath = os.path.join( datapath, E )
    import E
    e = epath)[1]
    e.shape = e.size,

    sqepath = os.path.join( datapath, Sqe )
    import Sqe
    s = sqepath)[1]

    import histogram as H
    qaxis = H.axis( 'Q', boundaries = q )
    eaxis = H.axis( 'energy', boundaries = e )
    return H.histogram(
        [qaxis, eaxis],
        data = s )
 def test1(self):
     from dos import loadDOS
     E, g = loadDOS()
     Eaxis = H.axis('E', unit='meV', centers=E)
     doshist = H.histogram('DOS', [Eaxis], g)
     dE = E[1] - E[0]
     iqe = hh.load(os.path.join(datadir, 'V-iqe.h5'))
     from multiphonon.sqe import interp
     newiqe = interp(iqe, newE=np.arange([0], 80., dE))
     hh.dump(newiqe, 'V-iqe-interped.h5')
     from multiphonon.forward import dos2sqe
     sqe = dos2sqe(doshist, 0.01, newiqe, 300, 50.94, 120.)