Esempio n. 1
def get_histogram(monitor):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()

    nx = core.nx
    ny = core.ny
    n = nx * ny
    shape = nx, ny

    #    xmin = core.x_min; xmax = core.x_max
    #    ymin = core.y_min; ymax = core.y_max

    xmin = attr(core, "xmin", "x_min")
    xmax = attr(core, "xmax", "x_max")
    ymin = attr(core, "ymin", "y_min")
    ymax = attr(core, "ymax", "y_max")

    dx = (xmax - xmin) / nx
    dy = (ymax - ymin) / ny

    Iarr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getPSD_p_00(), 'double', n).copy()
    E2arr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getPSD_p2_00(), 'double', n).copy()
    Iarr.shape = E2arr.shape = shape

    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    xaxis = axis('x', arange(xmin, xmax, dx))
    yaxis = axis('y', arange(ymin, ymax, dy))

    h = histogram('I(x,y)', [xaxis, yaxis], data=Iarr, errors=E2arr)
    return h
Esempio n. 2
def get_histogram( monitor ):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()

    xmin = 0; xmax = 1
    ymin = 0; ymax = 1
    dx = 0.1
    dy = 0.1

#    xmin = core.xmin; xmax = core.xmax
#    ymin = core.ymin; ymax = core.ymax
#    dx = xmax - xmin
#    dy = ymax - ymin

    #Iarr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getDEFS( ), 'double', n ).copy()  #?
    #E2arr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getPSD_p2_00( ), 'double', n ).copy()
    #Iarr.shape = E2arr.shape = shape

    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    xaxis = axis( 'x', arange( xmin, xmax, dx ) )
    yaxis = axis( 'y', arange( ymin, ymax, dy ) )

    h = histogram( 'I(x,y)', [xaxis,yaxis], data = [2,yaxis], errors=[2,yaxis])    #Iarr)    #, errors = E2arr )
    return h
Esempio n. 3
def get_histogram(monitor):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()

    xmin = 0
    xmax = 1
    ymin = 0
    ymax = 1
    dx = 0.1
    dy = 0.1

    #    xmin = core.xmin; xmax = core.xmax
    #    ymin = core.ymin; ymax = core.ymax
    #    dx = xmax - xmin
    #    dy = ymax - ymin

    #Iarr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getDEFS( ), 'double', n ).copy()  #?
    #E2arr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getPSD_p2_00( ), 'double', n ).copy()
    #Iarr.shape = E2arr.shape = shape

    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    xaxis = axis('x', arange(xmin, xmax, dx))
    yaxis = axis('y', arange(ymin, ymax, dy))

    h = histogram('I(x,y)', [xaxis, yaxis], data=[2, yaxis],
                  errors=[2, yaxis])  #Iarr)    #, errors = E2arr )
    return h
Esempio n. 4
def process(path):
    basename = os.path.basename(path)
    from nslice.Run import Run
    run = Run(path)
    print "instrument=%s, Ei=%s, psi=%s" % (
        run.instrument, run.Ei, run.psi)

    from nslice.XtalOrientation import XtalOrientation
    a = b = 8.87;  c = 5.2
    from math import pi
    twopi = 2*pi
    ra,rb,rc = [twopi/a, 0,0], [0,twopi/b,0], [0,0,twopi/c]
    u,v = [1,0,0], [0,1,0]
    xtal_ori = XtalOrientation(ra,rb,rc, u,v, run.psi)

    h,k,l,E = run.compute_hklE(xtal_ori)
    I, error = run.read_data()
    h.shape = k.shape = l.shape = E.shape = I.shape = error.shape = -1
    hklEIE = np.vstack((h,k,l,E,I,error))
    from nslice.slice import slice_hE
    H, edges = slice_hE(
        k=[0.95,1.05], l=[-1,1], 
        h=(-1, 6, 0.02), E=(-5, 10, 0.1),
    import histogram, histogram.hdf as hh
    axes = [
        histogram.axis('h', boundaries=edges[0]),
        histogram.axis('E', unit='meV', boundaries=edges[1]),
    h = histogram.histogram('I(h,E)', axes=axes, data=H)
    hh.dump(h, 'I_hE.h5')
Esempio n. 5
def events2Idpt( events, instrument, tofparams ):
    from mccomponents.detector.utils import \
    dims = getDetectorHierarchyDimensions( instrument )
    # 1st attempt to create axes
    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    axes = [ axis('%sID' % name.lower(), range(n)) for name, n in dims ]

    # the first level of detectors (tubes, packs, or others) need
    # special attention. ids of that level could be not continuous.
    detectorSystem = instrument.getDetectorSystem()
    assert len(detectorSystem.elements()) == dims[0][1]
    ids = [ for element in detectorSystem.elements() ]
    axes[0] = axis( axes[0].name(), ids )

    detaxes = axes

    #tof axis
    tmin, tmax, tstep = tofparams
    tofaxis = axis( 'tof', boundaries = arange( tmin, tmax+tstep/10., tstep ), unit = 'second' )

    #all axes
    axes = detaxes + [tofaxis]

    hist = histogram( 'Idpt', axes )

    #get the numpy array which will accept events
    npixels = hist.size()/tofaxis.size()
    Ipixtof =
    Ipixtof.shape = npixels, -1
    events2Ipixtof( events, Ipixtof )

    return hist
Esempio n. 6
    def computeVolume(self, paths=None, **kwds):
        H = None
        sa = None
        edges = None
        for path in paths or self.paths:
            print path
            edges1, H1, sa1 = self.computeVolumeForOneRun(path, **kwds)
            if H is None:
                edges, H, sa = edges1, H1, sa1
                H += H1
                sa += sa1

        import histogram
        axes = [
            histogram.axis(kwds['x'], boundaries=edges[0]),
            histogram.axis(kwds['y'], boundaries=edges[1]),
            histogram.axis(kwds['z'], boundaries=edges[2]),
        return histogram.histogram(
            'I(%(x)s,%(y)s,%(z)s)' % kwds,
            data=H / sa,
Esempio n. 7
def makeSlice(events, xaxis, Eaxis, Qtox):
    """convert input events into a histogram (slice)
    convert Q to x. also return a mask. since some Q points should be
    import numpy as np
    data = np.array(list(events))
    # convert Q to x
    Q = data[:, :3]
    x, mask = Qtox(Q)
    E = data[mask, 3]
    sample = np.vstack((x, E)).T
    xbins = np.arange(*xaxis)
    Ebins = np.arange(*Eaxis)
    bins = xbins, Ebins
    weights = data[mask, -1]
    I, edges = np.histogramdd(sample, bins=bins, weights=weights)
    import histogram as H, histogram.hdf as hh
    axes = [
        H.axis('x', boundaries=edges[0]),
        H.axis('E', boundaries=edges[1]),
    return H.histogram('IxE', axes=axes, data=I)
def get_histogram( monitor ):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()

    nx = core.nxchan; ny =core.nychan; nb = core.nbchan
    n = nx * ny * nb
    shape = nx, ny, nb

    xmin = -core.xwidth/2; xmax = core.xwidth/2
    ymin = -core.yheight/2; ymax = core.yheight/2
    dx = (xmax - xmin)/nx
    dy = (ymax - ymin)/ny

    if core.bmax!=0:
    else :
        db = core.deltab

    Iarr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getTOF_p_00( ), 'double', n ).copy()
    E2arr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getTOF_p2_00( ), 'double', n ).copy()
    Iarr.shape = E2arr.shape = shape

    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    xaxis = axis( 'x', boundaries=arange( xmin, xmax+dx/10, dx ) )
    yaxis = axis( 'y', boundaries=arange( ymin, ymax+dy/10, dy ) )
    baxis = axis( 'b', boundaries=arange( bmin, bmax+db/10, db ) )

    h = histogram(
        'I(x,y,b)', [xaxis,yaxis,baxis],
        data = Iarr, errors = E2arr )
    return h
Esempio n. 9
 def load_mcvine_psf_qE(self, adjust_energy_center=False):
     path = self.sim_path
     qaxis = self.qaxis; Eaxis = self.Eaxis
     dEs = np.load(os.path.join(path, 'dEs.npy'))
     dqs = np.load(os.path.join(path, 'dxs.npy'))
     probs = np.load(os.path.join(path, 'probs.npy'))
     hist, qedges, Eedges = np.histogram2d(dqs, dEs, bins=(np.arange(*qaxis), np.arange(*Eaxis)), weights=probs)
     # remove outliers
     median = np.median(hist[hist>0])
     normal = hist[hist<median*100]; normal_max = np.max(normal)
     hist[hist>median*100] = normal_max
     # adjust energy center
     if adjust_energy_center:
         hist_E = hist.sum(axis=0)
         Ebincenters = (Eedges[1:] + Eedges[:-1])/2
         Ecenter = (Ebincenters*hist_E).sum()/hist_E.sum()
         Eedges -= Ecenter
     # res(q, E) histogram
     qaxis = H.axis('q', boundaries=qedges)
     Eaxis = H.axis('E', boundaries=Eedges)
     self.mcvine_psf_qE = reshist  = H.histogram('res', (qaxis, Eaxis), data=hist)
     self.qEgrids = np.meshgrid(reshist.q, reshist.E)
     # res(E) histogram
     self.mcvine_psf_E = reshist.sum('q')
     # res(q) histogram
     Emin = Eedges[0]; Emax = Eedges[-1]; middle = (Emin+Emax)/2; Erange = Emax-Emin
     self.mcvine_psf_q = reshist[(), (middle-Erange/20, middle+Erange/20)].sum('E')
Esempio n. 10
def sqehist(E, g, **kwds):
    "a simple wrapper of method sqe to return a histogram"
    Q,E,S = sqe(E,g, **kwds)
    import histogram as H
    Qaxis = H.axis('Q', Q, '1./angstrom')
    Eaxis = H.axis('E', E, 'meV')
    return H.histogram("SP SQE", [Qaxis, Eaxis], S)
Esempio n. 11
def makeSlice(events, xaxis, Eaxis, Qtox):
    """convert input events into a histogram (slice)
    convert Q to x. also return a mask. since some Q points should be
    import numpy as np
    data = np.array(list(events))
    # convert Q to x
    Q = data[:, :3]
    x,mask = Qtox(Q)
    E = data[mask, 3]
    sample = np.vstack((x, E)).T
    xbins = np.arange(*xaxis)
    Ebins = np.arange(*Eaxis)
    bins = xbins, Ebins
    weights = data[mask, -1]
    I, edges = np.histogramdd(sample, bins=bins, weights=weights)
    import histogram as H, histogram.hdf as hh
    axes = [
        H.axis('x', boundaries=edges[0]),
        H.axis('E', boundaries=edges[1]),
    return H.histogram('IxE', axes=axes, data = I)
Esempio n. 12
def get_histogram(monitor):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()

    nx = core.nx
    ny = core.ny
    assert nx == int(nx)
    nx = int(nx)
    assert ny == int(ny)
    ny = int(ny)
    n = nx * ny
    shape = nx, ny

    Iarr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getPSD_p_00(), 'double', n).copy()
    E2arr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getPSD_p2_00(), 'double', n).copy()
    Iarr.shape = E2arr.shape = shape

    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    dx = 360. / nx
    xaxis = axis('x', arange(0, 360, dx), unit='deg')

    dy = 180. / ny
    yaxis = axis('y', arange(-90, 90, dy), unit='deg')

    h = histogram('I(x,y)', [xaxis, yaxis], data=Iarr, errors=E2arr)
    return h
Esempio n. 13
def get_histogram( monitor ):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()

    nx = core.nx; ny =core.ny
    n = nx * ny
    shape = nx, ny

#    xmin = core.x_min; xmax = core.x_max
#    ymin = core.y_min; ymax = core.y_max

    xmin = attr(core, "xmin", "x_min");
    xmax = attr(core, "xmax", "x_max");
    ymin = attr(core, "ymin", "y_min");
    ymax = attr(core, "ymax", "y_max");

    dx = (xmax - xmin)/nx
    dy = (ymax - ymin)/ny

    Iarr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getPSD_p_00( ), 'double', n ).copy()
    E2arr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getPSD_p2_00( ), 'double', n ).copy()
    Iarr.shape = E2arr.shape = shape

    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    xaxis = axis( 'x', arange( xmin, xmax, dx ) )
    yaxis = axis( 'y', arange( ymin, ymax, dy ) )

    h = histogram( 'I(x,y)', [xaxis,yaxis], data = Iarr, errors = E2arr )
    return h
Esempio n. 14
 def test_values2indexes(self):
     "Histogram: values2indexes"
     from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
     x = axis( 'x', arange(1., 10., 1.) )
     y = axis( 'y', arange(-1., 1., 0.1) )
     h = histogram('h', (x,y) )
     self.assertVectorEqual( h.values2indexes( (2, 0.2) ), (1,12) )
 def test_values2indexes(self):
     "Histogram: values2indexes"
     from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
     x = axis( 'x', arange(1., 10., 1.) )
     y = axis( 'y', arange(-1., 1., 0.1) )
     h = histogram('h', (x,y) )
     self.assertVectorEqual( h.values2indexes( (2, 0.2) ), (1,12) )
Esempio n. 16
 def test_axisFromId(self):
     "Histogram: axisFromId"
     from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
     x = axis( 'x', arange(1., 10., 1.) )
     y = axis( 'y', arange(-1., 1., 0.1) )
     h = histogram('h', (x,y) )
     self.assertEqual( h.axisFromId(1), x )
     self.assertEqual( h.axisFromId(2), y )
Esempio n. 17
    def test__idiv__2(self):
        "histogram: h/=h1"
        h = self._histogram.copy()
        h2 = self._histogram2
        h /= h2
        self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( h[1.5,1], (1,2.0/3) )

        h = self._histogram.copy()
        h2 = createHistogram( noerror = True )
        h /= h2
        self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( h[1.5,1], (1,1./3) )

        from histogram import histogram, axis, arange, datasetFromFunction
        x = axis('x', arange(1, 2, .2 ) )
        y = axis('y', arange(0, 3, .5 ) )
        def fa(x,y): return x*y + x
        ha = histogram('a', [x,y], datasetFromFunction( fa, (x,y) ) )
        for xi in x.binCenters():
            for yi in y.binCenters():
                self.assertAlmostEqual( fa(xi,yi), ha[xi,yi][0] )
        def fb(x,y): return x
        hb = histogram('b', [x,y], datasetFromFunction( fb, (x,y) ) )
        hc = ha/hb
        for xi in x.binCenters():
            for yi in y.binCenters():
                self.assertAlmostEqual( yi+1, hc[xi,yi][0] )

        def fberr(x,y): return 0*x
        hb = histogram('b', [x,y], datasetFromFunction( fb, (x,y) ),
                       datasetFromFunction( fberr, (x,y) ) )
        hc = ha/hb
        for xi in x.binCenters():
            for yi in y.binCenters():
                self.assertAlmostEqual( yi+1, hc[xi,yi][0] )

        #involve units
        h1 = histogram(
            [ ('x', [1,2,3]),
            unit = 'meter',
            data = [1,2,3],
            errors = [1,2,3],
        h2 = histogram(
            [ ('x', [1,2,3]),
            data = [1,1,1],
            errors = [1,1,1],
            unit = 'second',
        h3 = h1/h2
        self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( h3.I, (1,2,3) )
        self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( h3.E2, (2,6,12) )
    def test__idiv__2(self):
        "histogram: h/=h1"
        h = self._histogram.copy()
        h2 = self._histogram2
        h /= h2
        self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( h[1.5,1], (1,2.0/3) )

        h = self._histogram.copy()
        h2 = createHistogram( noerror = True )
        h /= h2
        self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( h[1.5,1], (1,1./3) )

        from histogram import histogram, axis, arange, datasetFromFunction
        x = axis('x', arange(1, 2, .2 ) )
        y = axis('y', arange(0, 3, .5 ) )
        def fa(x,y): return x*y + x
        ha = histogram('a', [x,y], datasetFromFunction( fa, (x,y) ) )
        for xi in x.binCenters():
            for yi in y.binCenters():
                self.assertAlmostEqual( fa(xi,yi), ha[xi,yi][0] )
        def fb(x,y): return x
        hb = histogram('b', [x,y], datasetFromFunction( fb, (x,y) ) )
        hc = ha/hb
        for xi in x.binCenters():
            for yi in y.binCenters():
                self.assertAlmostEqual( yi+1, hc[xi,yi][0] )

        def fberr(x,y): return 0*x
        hb = histogram('b', [x,y], datasetFromFunction( fb, (x,y) ),
                       datasetFromFunction( fberr, (x,y) ) )
        hc = ha/hb
        for xi in x.binCenters():
            for yi in y.binCenters():
                self.assertAlmostEqual( yi+1, hc[xi,yi][0] )

        #involve units
        h1 = histogram(
            [ ('x', [1,2,3]),
            unit = 'meter',
            data = [1,2,3],
            errors = [1,2,3],
        h2 = histogram(
            [ ('x', [1,2,3]),
            data = [1,1,1],
            errors = [1,1,1],
            unit = 'second',
        h3 = h1/h2
        self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( h3.I, (1,2,3) )
        self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( h3.E2, (2,6,12) )
Esempio n. 19
 def test0(self):
     import histogram as H
     qaxis = H.axis('Q', boundaries=H.arange(0, 13.0, 0.1))
     eaxis = H.axis('energy', boundaries=H.arange(-50, 50, 1.0))
     sqe = H.histogram('sqe', [qaxis, eaxis],
                       fromfunction=lambda q, e: q * q + e * e)
     from mccomponents.sample.idf import writeSQE
     writeSQE(sqe, datapath)
 def test_axisFromId(self):
     "Histogram: axisFromId"
     from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
     x = axis( 'x', arange(1., 10., 1.) )
     y = axis( 'y', arange(-1., 1., 0.1) )
     h = histogram('h', (x,y) )
     self.assertEqual( h.axisFromId(1), x )
     self.assertEqual( h.axisFromId(2), y )
Esempio n. 21
    def setParameters(
        Q_params, E_params, ARCSxml, Ei, emission_time):
        keys = [
            'moderator-sample distance',
            'pixelID-position mapping binary file',
            'detector axes',
        infos = self._readInstrumentInfo(ARCSxml, keys=keys)
        npacks, ndetsperpack, npixelsperdet = infos[
        mod2sample = infos['moderator-sample distance']
        pixelPositionsFilename = infos[
            'pixelID-position mapping binary file']
        self._debug.log( "pixel-positions-filename=%s" % pixelPositionsFilename)
        self._debug.log( 'E_params (unit: meV) = %s' % (E_params, ) )
        self._debug.log( 'Q_params (unit: angstrom^-1) = %s' % (Q_params, ) )
        self._debug.log( 'mod2sample distance = %s' % mod2sample )
        self._debug.log( 'Incident energy (unit: meV) = %s' % (Ei, ) )
        self._debug.log( 'emission_time (unit: microsecond) = %s' % (emission_time, ) )
        E_begin, E_end, E_step = E_params # meV
        Q_begin, Q_end, Q_step = Q_params # angstrom^-1
        Q_axis = histogram.axis('Q', boundaries = histogram.arange(
            Q_begin, Q_end, Q_step) )
        E_axis = histogram.axis('energy', boundaries = histogram.arange(
            E_begin, E_end, E_step) )
        h = histogram.histogram(
            data_type = 'int',

        pixelPositions = arcseventdata.readpixelpositions(
            pixelPositionsFilename, npacks, ndetsperpack, npixelsperdet )

        # remember a few things so that we can do normalization
        mpiRank = self.mpiRank
        if mpiRank == 0:
            pixelSolidAngles = infos['solidangles'].I
            self._remember( Ei, pixelPositions, pixelSolidAngles )
        self.out_histogram = h
        self.pixelPositions = pixelPositions
        self.Ei = Ei
        self.mod2sample = mod2sample
        self.emission_time = emission_time
Esempio n. 22
def read(directory,
    ''' read omega2 data file in idf format
    nD is the dimension of the qgrid.
    it is assumed that the qgrid is regular, and is defined in qgridinfo_file
    The qgridinfo_file is a python file that defines vars bi, {i=1..nD} and ni, {i=1..nD}

    import os

    from idf.Omega2 import read
    info, omega2 = read(os.path.join(directory, omega2_idf_file))

    qgridinfo = _retrieveQgridinfo(directory,

    nQ, nbXnD = omega2.shape
    import operator
    nis = [qgridinfo['n' + str(i)] for i in range(1, nD + 1)]
    assert nQ == reduce(operator.__mul__, nis),\
           "Q points mismatch: nQ=%s, {ni}=%s" % (nQ, nis)

    # number of basis
    nb = nbXnD / nD

    import histogram as H
    # Q axes
    Qaxes = []
    for i in range(nD):
        ni = qgridinfo['n' + str(i + 1)]
        bi = qgridinfo['b' + str(i + 1)]
        Qiaxis = H.axis('Q' + str(i + 1),
                        H.arange(0, 1 + 1e-10, 1. / (ni - 1)),
                        attributes={'b': bi})
    # basis
    basisaxis = H.axis('basisID', range(nb))
    # dimension
    Daxis = H.axis('dimensionID', range(nD))
    axes = Qaxes + [basisaxis, Daxis]
    omega2.shape = [axis.size() for axis in axes]
    h = H.histogram('Omega2', axes, data=omega2)

    return h
Esempio n. 23
def test():
    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange, plot
    xaxis = axis('x', arange(5), unit='meter')
    yaxis = axis('y', arange(7), unit='cm')
    axes = [xaxis, yaxis]
    h = histogram("intensity", axes, fromfunction=lambda x, y: x**2 + y**2)
    slice = h[3, ()]
Esempio n. 24
def test():
    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange, plot
    xaxis = axis('x', arange(5), unit='meter')
    yaxis = axis('y', arange(7), unit='cm')
    axes = [xaxis, yaxis]
    h = histogram( "intensity", axes, fromfunction=lambda x,y: x**2+y**2)
    print h
    slice = h[3, ()]
 def testReplaceAxis(self):
     'Hisogram: replaceAxis'
     from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
     a = axis('a', arange(1,10,1.0))
     b = axis('b', arange(1,100,10.))
     h = histogram( 'h', [a] )
     self.assert_(a is h.axisFromName('a'))
     h.replaceAxis(name='a', axis=b)
     self.assert_(b is h.axisFromName('a'))
Esempio n. 26
def createSqe():
    import histogram as H
    qaxis = H.axis( 'Q', boundaries = H.arange(0, 13.0, 0.1) )
    eaxis = H.axis( 'energy', boundaries = H.arange(-50, 50, 1.0) )
    sqe = H.histogram(
        [ qaxis, eaxis ],
        fromfunction = sqe_f
    return sqe
Esempio n. 27
 def testReplaceAxis(self):
     'Hisogram: replaceAxis'
     from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
     a = axis('a', arange(1,10,1.0))
     b = axis('b', arange(1,100,10.))
     h = histogram( 'h', [a] )
     self.assertTrue(a is h.axisFromName('a'))
     h.replaceAxis(name='a', axis=b)
     self.assertTrue(b is h.axisFromName('a'))
Esempio n. 28
def createSqe():
    import histogram as H
    qaxis = H.axis( 'Q', boundaries = H.arange(0, 13.0, 0.1) )
    eaxis = H.axis( 'energy', boundaries = H.arange(-50, 50, 1.0) )
    sqe = H.histogram(
        [ qaxis, eaxis ],
        fromfunction = sqe_f
    return sqe
Esempio n. 29
 def test0(self):
     import histogram as H
     qaxis = H.axis( 'Q', boundaries = H.arange(0, 13.0, 0.1) )
     eaxis = H.axis( 'energy', boundaries = H.arange(-50, 50, 1.0) )
     sqe = H.histogram(
         [ qaxis, eaxis ],
         fromfunction = lambda q,e: q*q+e*e )
     from mccomponents.sample.idf import writeSQE
     writeSQE( sqe, datapath )
Esempio n. 30
def interp(iqehist, newE):
    """compute a new IQE histogram using the new energy array
    * iqehist: input IQE histogram
    * newE: new energy centers array
    from scipy import interpolate

    mask = iqehist.I != iqehist.I
    # find energy boundaries of dynamic range for each Q
    def get_boundary_indexes(a):
        nz = np.nonzero(a)[0]
        if nz.size:
            return nz[0], nz[-1]
            return 0, 0

    boundary_indexes = [get_boundary_indexes(row) for row in np.logical_not(mask)]
        E =
        E = iqehist.E
    Eranges = [(E[ind1], E[ind2]) for ind1, ind2 in boundary_indexes]
    iqehist.I[mask] = 0
    iqehist.E2[mask] = 0
    Q = iqehist.Q
    f = interpolate.interp2d(E, Q, iqehist.I, kind="linear")
    E2f = interpolate.interp2d(E, Q, iqehist.E2, kind="linear")
    dE = E[1] - E[0]
    Emin = E[0] // dE * dE
    Emax = E[-1] // dE * dE
    # Enew = np.arange(Emin, Emax+dE/2, dE)
    newS = f(newE, Q)
    newS_E2 = E2f(newE, Q)
    # create new histogram
    Eaxis = H.axis("E", newE, unit="meV")
    Qaxis = H.axis("Q", Q, unit="1./angstrom")
    newHist = H.histogram("IQE", [Qaxis, Eaxis], data=newS, errors=newS_E2)
    for Erange, q in zip(Eranges, Q):
        Emin, Emax = Erange
        if Emin > newE[0]:
            Emin = min(Emin, newE[-1])
            newHist[q, (None, Emin)].I[:] = np.nan
            newHist[q, (None, Emin)].E2[:] = np.nan
        if Emax < newE[-1]:
            Emax = max(Emax, newE[0])
            newHist[q, (Emax, None)].I[:] = np.nan
            newHist[q, (Emax, None)].E2[:] = np.nan
    return newHist
Esempio n. 31
def getSqeHistogramFromMantidWS(reduced, outfile, qaxis=None, eaxis=None):
    from mantid import simpleapi as msa
    # if eaxis is not specified, use the data in reduced workspace
    if eaxis is None:
        Edim = reduced.getXDimension()
        emin = Edim.getMinimum()
        emax = Edim.getMaximum()
        de = Edim.getX(1) - Edim.getX(0)
        eaxis = emin, de, emax

    qmin, dq, qmax = qaxis
    nq = int(round((qmax - qmin) / dq))
    emin, de, emax = eaxis
    ne = int(round((emax - emin) / de))
    md = msa.ConvertToMD(
        MinValues="%s,%s" % (qmin, emin),
        MaxValues="%s,%s" % (qmax, emax),
    binned = msa.BinMD(
        AlignedDim0="|Q|,%s,%s,%s" % (qmin, qmax, nq),
        AlignedDim1="DeltaE,%s,%s,%s" % (emin, emax, ne),
    # convert to histogram
    import histogram as H, histogram.hdf as hh
    data = binned.getSignalArray().copy()
    err2 = binned.getErrorSquaredArray().copy()
    nev = binned.getNumEventsArray()
    data /= nev
    err2 /= (nev * nev)
    import numpy as np
    qaxis = H.axis('Q',
                   boundaries=np.arange(qmin, qmax + dq / 2., dq),
    eaxis = H.axis('E',
                   boundaries=np.arange(emin, emax + de / 2., de),
    hist = H.histogram('IQE', (qaxis, eaxis), data=data, errors=err2)
    if outfile.endswith('.nxs'):
        import warnings
            "reduce function no longer writes iqe.nxs nexus file. it only writes iqe.h5 histogram file"
        outfile = outfile[:-4] + '.h5'
    hh.dump(hist, outfile)
Esempio n. 32
def read(directory,
         omega2_idf_file='Omega2', qgridinfo_file='Qgridinfo', weightedq_file='WeightedQ',
    ''' read omega2 data file in idf format
    nD is the dimension of the qgrid.
    it is assumed that the qgrid is regular, and is defined in qgridinfo_file
    The qgridinfo_file is a python file that defines vars bi, {i=1..nD} and ni, {i=1..nD}
    import os
    from idf.Omega2 import read
    info, omega2 = read(os.path.join(directory,omega2_idf_file))

    qgridinfo = _retrieveQgridinfo(directory, qgridinfo_file, weightedq_file, nD=nD)

    nQ, nbXnD = omega2.shape
    import operator
    nis = [qgridinfo['n'+str(i)] for i in range(1, nD+1)]
    assert nQ == reduce(operator.__mul__, nis),\
           "Q points mismatch: nQ=%s, {ni}=%s" % (nQ, nis)

    # number of basis
    nb = nbXnD / nD

    import histogram as H
    # Q axes
    Qaxes = []
    for i in range(nD):
        ni = qgridinfo['n'+str(i+1)]
        bi = qgridinfo['b'+str(i+1)]
        Qiaxis = H.axis('Q'+str(i+1), H.arange(0, 1+1e-10, 1./(ni-1)), '1./angstrom',
                        attributes = {'b': bi} )
    # basis
    basisaxis = H.axis('basisID', range(nb))
    # dimension
    Daxis = H.axis('dimensionID', range(nD))
    axes = Qaxes+[basisaxis, Daxis]
    omega2.shape = [axis.size() for axis in axes]
    h = H.histogram('Omega2', axes, data = omega2)

    return h
Esempio n. 33
def resample( hist1, size ):

    import histogram as H
    assert hist1.dimension() == 1
    assert hist1.shape()[0] > display_size*10
    xaxis = hist1.axes()[0]
    xbb = xaxis.binBoundaries().asNumarray()
    front, back = xbb[0], xbb[-1]
    step = (back-front)/size
    newxbb = H.arange( front, back+step/2, step)
    newxaxis = H.axis(, boundaries = newxbb, unit = xaxis.unit() )

    newhist = H.histogram(,
        [ newxaxis ] )

    newxc = newxaxis.binCenters()
    for x in newxc[1:-1] :
        newhist[ x ] = hist1[ (x-step/2, x+step/2) ].sum()

    newhist[ newxc[0] ]= hist1[ (newxbb[0], newxc[0] + step/2) ].sum()
    newhist[ newxc[-1] ]= hist1[ (newxc[-1]-step/2, newxbb[-1]-step*1.e-10) ].sum()

    return newhist
Esempio n. 34
 def test_combined_1(self):
     'Axis: slice and changeUnit'
     taxis= axis('t', range(10), unit='second' )
     from histogram.SlicingInfo import SlicingInfo
     slice = taxis[ SlicingInfo( (3,9) ) ]
     self.assertRaises( RuntimeError, slice.changeUnit, 'millisecond' )
Esempio n. 35
def resample(hist1, size):

    import histogram as H

    assert hist1.dimension() == 1
    assert hist1.shape()[0] > display_size * 10
    xaxis = hist1.axes()[0]
    xbb = xaxis.binBoundaries().asNumarray()
    front, back = xbb[0], xbb[-1]
    step = 1. * (back - front) / size
    newxbb = H.arange(front, back + step / 2., step)
    newxaxis = H.axis(, boundaries=newxbb, unit=xaxis.unit())

    newhist = H.histogram(, [newxaxis])

    newxc = newxaxis.binCenters()
    for x in newxc[1:-1]:
        newhist[x] = hist1[(x - step / 2., x + step / 2.)].sum()

    newhist[newxc[0]] = hist1[(newxbb[0], newxc[0] + step / 2.)].sum()
    newhist[newxc[-1]] = hist1[(newxc[-1] - step / 2.,
                                newxbb[-1] - step * 1.e-10)].sum()

    return newhist
Esempio n. 36
    def setParameters(
        ARCSxml, d_params,
        info.log( 'd_params (unit: AA) = %s' % (d_params, ) )
        info.log( 'emission_time (unit: microsecond) = %s' % (emission_time, ) )
        infos = self._readInstrumentInfo(ARCSxml)
        npacks, ndetsperpack, npixelsperdet = infos[
        mod2sample = infos['moderator-sample distance']
        pixelPositionsFilename = infos[
            'pixelID-position mapping binary file']
        d_begin, d_end, d_step = d_params # angstrom

        d_axis = histogram.axis('d spacing', boundaries = histogram.arange(
                d_begin, d_end, d_step) )
        detaxes = infos['detector axes']
        h = histogram.histogram(
            detaxes + [d_axis],
            data_type = 'int',

        info.log( "reading pixelID->position map..." )
        pixelPositions = arcseventdata.readpixelpositions(
            pixelPositionsFilename, npacks, ndetsperpack, npixelsperdet)

        self.out_histogram = h
        self.pixelPositions = pixelPositions
        self.mod2sample = mod2sample
        self.emission_time = emission_time
Esempio n. 37
def slice2hist(ifile, ofile):
    import histogram as H, histogram.hdf as hh
    from mantid import simpleapi as msa

    def eliminateUnitDimension(shape):
        for d in shape:
            if d>1: yield d

    ws = msa.Load(ifile)
    I = ws.getSignalArray()
    I.shape = tuple(eliminateUnitDimension(I.shape))
    E2 = ws.getErrorSquaredArray()
    E2.shape = I.shape
    axes = []
    for i in range(ws.getNumDims()):
        dim = ws.getDimension(i)
        if dim.getNBins() > 1:
            axis = H.axis(
                centers = [dim.getX(ind) for ind in range(dim.getNBins())]
    h = H.histogram("slice", axes, data=I, errors=E2)
    hh.dump(h, ofile)
Esempio n. 38
def getpixelinfo_mergedpixels(ARCSxml, pixelresolution):
    npixels = 128
    assert npixels%pixelresolution==0
    from arcseventdata.combinepixels import combinepixels, geometricInfo, geometricInfo_MergedPixels
    from histogram import axis
    pixelaxis = axis('pixelID', range(0, 128, pixelresolution))

    info.log('merging pixels')
    phi_p, psi_p, dist_p, sa_p, dphi_p, dpsi_p = combinepixels(ARCSxml, pixelaxis, pixelresolution)
    positions, radii, heights = geometricInfo(ARCSxml)
    positions, radii, heights = geometricInfo_MergedPixels(positions, radii, heights, pixelresolution)

    widths = radii*2
    phis = phi_p.I
    psis = psi_p.I
    dists = dist_p.I
    sas = sa_p.I
    # 06/30/2009: was told that the last two columns are angles
    da1 = widths/dists
    da2 = sas/da1

    dists.shape = phis.shape = psis.shape = widths.shape = heights.shape = -1,
    da1.shape = da2.shape = -1,
    #return dists, phis, psis, widths, heights
    return dists, phis, psis, da1, da2
Esempio n. 39
 def test_combined_1(self):
     'Axis: slice and changeUnit'
     taxis = axis('t', list(range(10)), unit='second')
     from histogram.SlicingInfo import SlicingInfo
     slice = taxis[SlicingInfo((3, 9))]
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, slice.changeUnit, 'millisecond')
Esempio n. 40
def e2Id(
    events, n, pixelpositions, 
    dspacing_params = None,
    Idspacing = None,
    preNeXus_tofUnit = 1.e-7, mod2sample = 13.5):
    '''e2Id(events, n, pixelpositions, Idspacing = None,
    dspacing_params = None,
    npacks = 115, ndetsperpack = 8, npixelsperdet = 128,
    preNeXus_tofUnit = 1.e-7, mod2sample = 13.5) --> integrate events to I(d spacing) histogram

    Either Idspacing or dspacing_params must be given

      histogram I(d spacing). If this is None, a histogram will be created
      using dspacing_params.
      begin, end, and step of dspacing. unit: angstrom
      If Idspacing is given, this is ignored.
      neutron events
      number of neutron events to process
      array of pixel positions
      unit of event.tof in the pre-Nexus data format. unit: second
      moderator-sample distance. unit: meter

      the I(d spacing) histogram

    if Idspacing is None:
        if dspacing_params is None:
            raise ValueError, "Must provide either the (min, max, step) of d axis or the I(d) histogram"
        dspacing_begin, dspacing_end, dspacing_step = dspacing_params # angstrom
        import histogram 
        daxis = histogram.axis(
            boundaries = histogram.arange(dspacing_begin, dspacing_end, dspacing_step),
            unit = 'angstrom',
        Idspacing = histogram.histogram(
            'I(d spacing)',
            data_type = 'int',


        events, n, Idspacing, pixelpositions,
        tofUnit = preNeXus_tofUnit, mod2sample = mod2sample)

    return Idspacing
Esempio n. 41
    def setParameters(
        ARCSxml, tof_params, pack_params = (1,115), pixel_step = 1 ):

        infos = self._readInstrumentInfo(ARCSxml)
        npacks, ndetsperpack, npixelsperdet = infos[
        mod2sample = infos['moderator-sample distance']
        pixelPositionsFilename = infos[
            'pixelID-position mapping binary file']

        info.log( 'tof_params (unit: microsecond) = %s' % (tof_params, ) )

        import numpy
        tof_begin, tof_end, tof_step = numpy.array(tof_params)*1.e-6 #convert from microseconds to seconds

        tof_axis = histogram.axis(
            boundaries = histogram.arange(tof_begin, tof_end, tof_step),
            unit = 'second' )
        detaxes = infos['detector axes']

        #pixel axis need to be changed if pixel resolution is not 1
        if pixel_step != 1:
            pixelAxis = detaxes[2]
            npixelspertube = pixelAxis.size()
            pixelAxis = histogram.axis(
                boundaries = range(0, npixelspertube+1, pixel_step),
            detaxes[2] = pixelAxis

        #pack axis
        startpack, endpack = pack_params
        packaxis = histogram.axis(
            range( startpack, endpack+1 ) )
        detaxes[0] = packaxis
        h = histogram.histogram(
            detaxes + [tof_axis],
            data_type = 'int',
        self.out_histogram = h
Esempio n. 42
File: Progetto: yxqd/nslice
 def computeSlice(self, paths=None, **kwds):
     H = None; sa = None; edges = None
     for path in paths or self.paths:
         print path
         edges1, H1, sa1 = self.computeSliceForOneRun(path, **kwds)
         if H is None:
             edges, H, sa = edges1, H1, sa1
             H += H1; sa += sa1
     import histogram
     axes = [
         histogram.axis(kwds['x'], boundaries=edges[0]),
         histogram.axis(kwds['y'], boundaries=edges[1]),
     return histogram.histogram('I(%(x)s,%(y)s)'%kwds, axes=axes, data=H/sa)
def makeDispersion():
    nAtoms = 2
    nBranches = 3 * nAtoms
    nQx = 10; nQy = 12; nQz = 14
    Qaxes = [ ([1,0,0], nQx),
              ([0,1,0], nQy),
              ([0,0,1], nQz),

    import histogram as H
    qx = H.axis('qx', H.arange(0, 1+1e-10, 1./(nQx-1)))
    qy = H.axis('qy', H.arange(0, 1+1e-10, 1./(nQy-1)))
    qz = H.axis('qz', H.arange(0, 1+1e-10, 1./(nQz-1)))
    br = H.axis('branchId', range(nBranches))
    atoms = H.axis('atomId', range(nAtoms))
    pols = H.axis('polId', range(3))
    realimags = H.axis('realimagId', range(2))

    eps = H.histogram('eps', [qx,qy,qz,br,atoms,pols,realimags])
    eps.I[:] = 1
    e = H.histogram('e', [qx,qy,qz,br],
                    fromfunction = lambda qx,qy,qz,br: (qx*qx+qy*qy+qz*qz)/3.*50,

    disp = b.linearlyinterpolateddispersion_3d(nAtoms, Qaxes, eps.I, e.I)
    disp = b.periodicdispersion(disp, ((1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)))
    return disp
Esempio n. 44
def makeDispersion():
    nAtoms = 2
    nBranches = 3 * nAtoms
    nQx = 10
    nQy = 12
    nQz = 14
    Qaxes = [
        ([1, 0, 0], nQx),
        ([0, 1, 0], nQy),
        ([0, 0, 1], nQz),

    import histogram as H
    qx = H.axis('qx', H.arange(0, 1 + 1e-10, 1. / (nQx - 1)))
    qy = H.axis('qy', H.arange(0, 1 + 1e-10, 1. / (nQy - 1)))
    qz = H.axis('qz', H.arange(0, 1 + 1e-10, 1. / (nQz - 1)))
    br = H.axis('branchId', range(nBranches))
    atoms = H.axis('atomId', range(nAtoms))
    pols = H.axis('polId', range(3))
    realimags = H.axis('realimagId', range(2))

    eps = H.histogram('eps', [qx, qy, qz, br, atoms, pols, realimags])
    eps.I[:] = 1
    e = H.histogram(
        [qx, qy, qz, br],
        fromfunction=lambda qx, qy, qz, br:
        (qx * qx + qy * qy + qz * qz) / 3. * 50,

    disp = b.linearlyinterpolateddispersion_3d(nAtoms, Qaxes, eps.I, e.I)
    disp = b.periodicdispersion(disp, ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)))
    return disp
Esempio n. 45
def run(scan=None, poolsize=None, output=None, **volume_opts):
    scan = load_mod(scan)['scan']

    def worker(work_q, H, sa):
        while not work_q.empty():
            f = work_q.get()
            print f
            one(f, H, sa, scan, volume_opts)

    shape, edges = scan.volumeOutputDims(**volume_opts)
    size = shape[0] * shape[1] * shape[2]

    from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, Array
    shared_H = Array('d', size)
    shared_sa = Array('d', size)
    work_q = Queue()
    for path in scan.paths:

    processes = []
    for w in xrange(poolsize):
        p = Process(target=worker, args=(work_q, shared_H, shared_sa))
    for p in processes:

    import histogram
    axes = [
        histogram.axis(volume_opts['x'], boundaries=edges[0]),
        histogram.axis(volume_opts['y'], boundaries=edges[1]),
        histogram.axis(volume_opts['z'], boundaries=edges[2]),
    H = mparr2nparr(shared_H)
    sa = mparr2nparr(shared_sa)
    H.shape = sa.shape = shape
    h = histogram.histogram('I(%(x)s,%(y)s,%(z)s)' % volume_opts,
                            data=H / sa)
    import histogram.hdf as hh
    hh.dump(h, output)
Esempio n. 46
    def test_getattribute(self):
        'Histogram: __getattribute__'
        from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
        x = axis( 'x', arange(1., 10., 1.) )
        y = axis( 'y', arange(-1., 1., 0.1) )
        h = histogram('h', (x,y) )
        self.assertVectorEqual( h.x, x.binCenters() )
        self.assertVectorEqual( h.y, y.binCenters() )
        t1 = h.I; t2 = 
        t1.shape = t2.shape = -1, 
        self.assertVectorEqual( t1, t2 )
        t1 = h.E2; t2 = h.errors().storage().asNumarray() 
        t1.shape = t2.shape = -1, 
        self.assertVectorEqual( t1, t2 )

    def test_getattribute(self):
        'Histogram: __getattribute__'
        from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
        x = axis( 'x', arange(1., 10., 1.) )
        y = axis( 'y', arange(-1., 1., 0.1) )
        h = histogram('h', (x,y) )
        self.assertVectorEqual( h.x, x.binCenters() )
        self.assertVectorEqual( h.y, y.binCenters() )
        t1 = h.I; t2 = 
        t1.shape = t2.shape = -1, 
        self.assertVectorEqual( t1, t2 )
        t1 = h.E2; t2 = h.errors().storage().asNumarray() 
        t1.shape = t2.shape = -1, 
        self.assertVectorEqual( t1, t2 )

Esempio n. 48
 def test_changeUnit(self):
     'Axis: changeUnit'
     taxis = axis('t', list(range(3)), unit='second')
                                  [-500, 500, 1500, 2500])
     self.assertVectorAlmostEqual(taxis.binCenters(), [0, 1000, 2000])
     self.assertEqual(taxis.cellIndexFromValue(0), 0)
Esempio n. 49
def run(scan=None, poolsize=None, output=None, **volume_opts):
    scan = load_mod(scan)['scan']
    def worker(work_q, H, sa):
        while not work_q.empty():
            f = work_q.get()
            print f
            one(f, H, sa, scan, volume_opts)

    shape, edges = scan.volumeOutputDims(**volume_opts)
    size = shape[0] * shape[1] * shape[2]
    from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, Array
    shared_H = Array('d', size)
    shared_sa = Array('d', size)
    work_q = Queue()
    for path in scan.paths: work_q.put(path)
    processes = []
    for w in xrange(poolsize):
        p = Process(target=worker, args=(work_q, shared_H, shared_sa))
    for p in processes:

    import histogram
    axes = [
        histogram.axis(volume_opts['x'], boundaries=edges[0]),
        histogram.axis(volume_opts['y'], boundaries=edges[1]),
        histogram.axis(volume_opts['z'], boundaries=edges[2]),
    H = mparr2nparr(shared_H)
    sa = mparr2nparr(shared_sa)
    H.shape = sa.shape = shape
    h = histogram.histogram(
        'I(%(x)s,%(y)s,%(z)s)'%volume_opts, axes=axes, data=H/sa)
    import histogram.hdf as hh
    hh.dump(h, output)
Esempio n. 50
 def test_changeUnit(self):
     'Axis: changeUnit'
     taxis= axis('t', range(3), unit='second' )
     taxis.changeUnit( 'millisecond' )
     self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( taxis.binBoundaries().asNumarray(),
                                   [-500, 500, 1500, 2500] )
     self.assertVectorAlmostEqual( taxis.binCenters(), 
                                   [0, 1000, 2000] )
     self.assertEqual( taxis.cellIndexFromValue( 0 ), 0 )
Esempio n. 51
def get_histogram( monitor ):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()
    n = core.nchan
    Iarr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getTOF_p( ), 'double', n ).copy()
    E2arr = bpptr2npyarr( core.getTOF_p2( ), 'double', n ).copy()
    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    dt = (core.tmax-core.tmin)/core.nchan
    taxis = axis( 'tof', arange( core.tmin+dt/2., core.tmax+dt/2-0.1*dt, dt ), unit = 's' )
    h = histogram( 'I(tof)', [taxis], data = Iarr, errors = E2arr )
    return h
Esempio n. 52
def process(path):
    basename, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))

    from nslice.Run import Run
    run = Run(path)
    print "instrument=%s, Ei=%s, psi=%s" % (run.instrument, run.Ei, run.psi)

    from nslice.XtalOrientation import XtalOrientation
    a = b = 8.87
    c = 5.2
    from math import pi
    twopi = 2 * pi
    ra, rb, rc = [twopi / a, 0, 0], [0, twopi / b, 0], [0, 0, twopi / c]
    u, v = [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]
    xtal_ori = XtalOrientation(ra, rb, rc, u, v, run.psi)

    h, k, l, E = run.compute_hklE(xtal_ori)
    I, error = run.read_data()
    h.shape = k.shape = l.shape = E.shape = I.shape = error.shape = -1
    hklEIE = np.vstack((h, k, l, E, I, error))

    from nslice.slice import slice
    H, edges = slice(
        E=[-2, 2],
        l=[-5, 5],
        h=(-5, 5, 0.02),
        k=(-5, 5, 0.02),
    import histogram, histogram.hdf as hh
    axes = [
        histogram.axis('h', boundaries=edges[0]),
        histogram.axis('k', boundaries=edges[1]),
    h = histogram.histogram('I(h,k)', axes=axes, data=H)
    hh.dump(h, '%s-I_hk.h5' % basename)
Esempio n. 53
def sqehist(E, g, **kwds):
    """a simple wrapper of method sqe to return a histogram

    Please see method sqe for details of all keyword parameters
    E:numpy array of floats
        energies in meV

    g:numpy array of floats
        density of states at the specified energies

    Q, E, S = sqe(E, g, **kwds)
    import histogram as H
    Qaxis = H.axis('Q', Q, '1./angstrom')
    Eaxis = H.axis('E', E, 'meV')
    return H.histogram("SP SQE", [Qaxis, Eaxis], S)
Esempio n. 54
def get_histogram(monitor):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()

    nQ = core.nQ
    nE = core.nE
    n = nQ * nE
    shape = nQ, nE

    Iarr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getIQE_p(), 'double', n).copy()
    E2arr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getIQE_p2(), 'double', n).copy()
    Iarr.shape = E2arr.shape = shape

    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    dE = (core.Emax - core.Emin) / nE
    Eaxis = axis('energy', arange(core.Emin, core.Emax, dE), unit='meV')

    dQ = (core.Qmax - core.Qmin) / nQ
    Qaxis = axis('Q', arange(core.Qmin, core.Qmax, dQ), unit='angstrom**-1')

    h = histogram('I(Q,E)', [Qaxis, Eaxis], data=Iarr, errors=E2arr)
    return h
Esempio n. 55
def get_histogram(monitor):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()
    n = core.nchan
    Iarr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getE_p(), 'double', n).copy()
    E2arr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getE_p2(), 'double', n).copy()
    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    dE = (core.Emax - core.Emin) / core.nchan
    Eaxis = axis('energy',
                 arange(core.Emin + dE / 2, core.Emax, dE),
    h = histogram('I(E)', [Eaxis], data=Iarr, errors=E2arr)
    return h
Esempio n. 56
def get_histogram(monitor):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()
    n = core.nchan
    Iarr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getL_p(), 'double', n).copy()
    E2arr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getL_p2(), 'double', n).copy()
    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    dL = (core.Lmax - core.Lmin) / core.nchan
    Laxis = axis('wavelength',
                 arange(core.Lmin + dL / 2, core.Lmax + dL / 2, dL),
    h = histogram('I(L)', [Laxis], data=Iarr, errors=E2arr)
    return h
Esempio n. 57
def get_histogram(monitor):
    from mcstas2.utils.carray import bpptr2npyarr
    core = monitor.core()
    n = core.nchan
    Iarr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getTOF_p(), 'double', n).copy()
    E2arr = bpptr2npyarr(core.getTOF_p2(), 'double', n).copy()
    from histogram import histogram, axis, arange
    dt = (core.tmax - core.tmin) / core.nchan
    taxis = axis('tof',
                 arange(core.tmin + dt / 2., core.tmax + dt / 2 - 0.1 * dt,
    h = histogram('I(tof)', [taxis], data=Iarr, errors=E2arr)
    return h
Esempio n. 58
def readSQE( datapath, Q = 'Q', E = 'E', Sqe = 'Sqe' ):
    'read idf Q,E,Sqe and construct a S(Q,E) histogram'
    qpath = os.path.join( datapath, Q )
    import Q
    q = qpath)[1]
    q.shape = q.size,

    epath = os.path.join( datapath, E )
    import E
    e = epath)[1]
    e.shape = e.size,

    sqepath = os.path.join( datapath, Sqe )
    import Sqe
    s = sqepath)[1]

    import histogram as H
    qaxis = H.axis( 'Q', boundaries = q )
    eaxis = H.axis( 'energy', boundaries = e )
    return H.histogram(
        [qaxis, eaxis],
        data = s )
Esempio n. 59
 def test1(self):
     from dos import loadDOS
     E, g = loadDOS()
     Eaxis = H.axis('E', unit='meV', centers=E)
     doshist = H.histogram('DOS', [Eaxis], g)
     dE = E[1] - E[0]
     iqe = hh.load(os.path.join(datadir, 'V-iqe.h5'))
     from multiphonon.sqe import interp
     newiqe = interp(iqe, newE=np.arange([0], 80., dE))
     hh.dump(newiqe, 'V-iqe-interped.h5')
     from multiphonon.forward import dos2sqe
     sqe = dos2sqe(doshist, 0.01, newiqe, 300, 50.94, 120.)