def run(layers):
        """Risk plugin for volcano population impact

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              H: Raster layer of volcanic hazard level
              P: Raster layer of population data on the same grid as H

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        # Volcanic hazard level [0-1]
        volcanic_hazard_level = get_hazard_layer(layers)
        population = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Density [people/area]

        # Extract data as numeric arrays
        V = volcanic_hazard_level.get_data(nan=0.0)
        # Population density
        P = population.get_data(nan=0.0, scaling=True)

        # Calculate impact as population exposed to depths > threshold
        I = numpy.where(V > 2.0 / 3, P, 0)

        # Generate text with result for this study
        number_of_people_affected = numpy.nansum(I.flat)
        impact_summary = ('%i people affected by volcanic hazard level greater'
                          ' than 0.667' % number_of_people_affected)

        # Create raster object and return
        R = Raster(I,
                   name='People affected',
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary})
        return R
    def run(layers):
        """Risk plugin for earthquake fatalities

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              H: Raster layer of flood depth
              P: Raster layer of population data on the same grid as H

        threshold = 1  # Load above which people are regarded affected [kg/m2]

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        inundation = get_hazard_layer(layers)    # Tephra load [kg/m2]
        population = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Density [people/km^2]

        # Extract data as numeric arrays
        D = inundation.get_data(nan=0.0)  # Depth
        P = population.get_data(nan=0.0, scaling=True)  # Population density

        # Calculate impact as population exposed to depths > threshold
        I = numpy.where(D > threshold, P, 0)

        # Generate text with result for this study
        number_of_people_affected = numpy.nansum(I.flat)
        caption = ('%i people affected by ash levels greater '
                   'than %i kg/m^2' % (number_of_people_affected,

        # Create raster object and return
        R = Raster(I,
                   name='People affected',
                   keywords={'caption': caption})
        return R
    def run(layers):
        """Risk plugin for earthquake fatalities

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              H: Raster layer of flood depth
              P: Raster layer of poor household density on the same grid as H

        # Depth above which people are regarded affected [m]
        threshold = 1.0

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        inundation = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Flood inundation [m]
        poor_households = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Poverty density

        # Extract data as numeric arrays
        D = inundation.get_data(nan=0.0)  # Depth

        # This is the new generic way of scaling (issue #168 and #172)
        P = poor_households.get_data(nan=0.0, scaling=True)
        I = numpy.where(D > threshold, P, 0)

        # Generate text with result for this study
        total = str(int(sum(P.flat) / 1000))
        count = str(int(sum(I.flat) / 1000))

        # Create report
        iname = inundation.get_name()
        pname = poor_households.get_name()
        impact_summary = ('<b>Apabila terjadi "%s" perkiraan dampak terhadap '
                          '"%s" kemungkinan yang terjadi&#58;</b><br><br><p>' %
                          (iname, pname))

        impact_summary += ('<table border="0" width="320px">')
                   #'   <tr><td><b>%s&#58;</b></td>'
                   #'<td align="right"><b>%s</b></td></tr>'
                   #% ('Jumlah Rumah Tangga Miskin', total))

        impact_summary += ('   <tr><td><b>%s&#58;</b></td>'
                    '<td align="right"><b>%s</b></td></tr>'
                    % ('Jumlah Rumah Tangga Terdampak (x 1000)', count))

        impact_summary += '</table>'

        impact_summary += '<br>'  # Blank separation row
        impact_summary += '<b>Catatan&#58;</b><br>'
        impact_summary += '- Jumlah Rumah Tangga Miskin %s<br>' % total
        impact_summary += '- Jumlah dalam ribuan<br>'
        impact_summary += ('- Rumah Tangga Miskin dalam bahaya ketika '
                    'banjir lebih dari %.1f m. ' % threshold)

        # Create raster object and return
        R = Raster(I,
                   name='People affected',
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary})
        return R
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for tsunami population

        thresholds = [0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0]
        #threshold = 1  # Depth above which people are regarded affected [m]

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        inundation = get_hazard_layer(layers)    # Tsunami inundation [m]
        population = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Population density

        # Extract data as numeric arrays
        D = inundation.get_data(nan=0.0)  # Depth
        P = population.get_data(nan=0.0, scaling=True)  # Population density

        # Calculate impact as population exposed to depths > 1m
        I_map = numpy.where(D > thresholds[-1], P, 0)

        # Generate text with result for this study
        number_of_people_affected = numpy.nansum(I_map.flat)

        # Do breakdown

        # Create report
        impact_summary = ('<table border="0" width="320px">'
                   '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></th>'
                   '   <tr></tr>' % ('Ambang batas', 'Jumlah orang terdampak'))

        counts = []
        for i, threshold in enumerate(thresholds):
            I = numpy.where(D > threshold, P, 0)

            impact_summary += '   <tr><td>%s m</td><td>%i</td></tr>' % (
                                 threshold, counts[i])

        impact_summary += '</table>'

        # Create raster object and return
        R = Raster(I_map,
                   name='People affected by more than 1m of inundation',
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary})
        return R
    def run(layers,
            teta=14.05, beta=0.17, zeta=2.15):
        """Risk plugin for earthquake fatalities

          H: Numerical array of hazard data
          E: Numerical array of exposure data

        # Suppress warnings about invalid value in multiply and divide zero
        old_numpy_setting = numpy.seterr(invalid='ignore')

        # Identify input layers
        intensity = get_hazard_layer(layers)
        population = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        # Extract data
        H = intensity.get_data(nan=0)
        P = population.get_data(nan=0)

        # Calculate impact
        logHazard = 1 / beta * numpy.log(H / teta)

        # Convert array to be standard floats expected by cdf
        arrayout = numpy.array([[float(value) for value in row]
                               for row in logHazard])
        x = arrayout * P
        F = normal_cdf(x)


        # Create new layer and return
        R = Raster(F,
                   name='Estimated fatalities')
        return R
    def run(layers):
        """Risk plugin for earthquake school damage

        # Extract data
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)    # Ground shaking
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Building locations

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        H = H.interpolate(E)

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        coordinates = E.get_geometry()
        shaking = H.get_data()

        # Calculate building damage
        building_damage = []
        for i in range(len(shaking)):
            x = float(shaking[i].values()[0])
            if x < 6.0:
                value = 0.0
                value = (0.692 * (x ** 4) -
                         15.82 * (x ** 3) +
                         135.0 * (x ** 2) -
                         509.0 * x +

            building_damage.append({'DAMAGE': value, 'MMI': x})

        # FIXME (Ole): Need helper to generate new layer using
        #              correct spatial reference
        #              (i.e. sensibly wrap the following lines)
        projection = E.get_projection()

        V = Vector(data=building_damage,
        return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for tsunami population

        # Extract data
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)    # Depth
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Building locations

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        Hi = H.interpolate(E, attribute_name='depth')

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        coordinates = Hi.get_geometry()
        depth = Hi.get_data()
        N = len(depth)

        # List attributes to carry forward to result layer
        attributes = E.get_attribute_names()

        # Calculate building impact according to guidelines
        count3 = 0
        count1 = 0
        count0 = 0
        population_impact = []
        for i in range(N):

            if H.is_raster:
                # Get depth
                dep = float(depth[i]['depth'])

                # Classify buildings according to depth
                if dep >= 3:
                    affected = 3  # FIXME: Colour upper bound is 100 but
                    count3 += 1          # does not catch affected == 100
                elif 1 <= dep < 3:
                    affected = 2
                    count1 += 1
                    affected = 1
                    count0 += 1
            elif H.is_vector:
                dep = 0  # Just put something here
                cat = depth[i]['Affected']
                if cat is True:
                    affected = 3
                    count3 += 1
                    affected = 1
                    count0 += 1

            # Collect depth and calculated damage
            result_dict = {self.target_field: affected,
                           'DEPTH': dep}

            # Carry all original attributes forward
            # FIXME: This should be done in interpolation. Check.
            #for key in attributes:
            #    result_dict[key] = E.get_data(key, i)

            # Record result for this feature

        # Create report
        Hname = H.get_name()
        Ename = E.get_name()
        if H.is_raster:
            impact_summary = ('<b>In case of "%s" the estimated impact to '
                           '"%s" '
                           'is&#58;</b><br><br><p>' % (Hname, Ename))
            impact_summary += ('<table border="0" width="320px">'
                       '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></tr>'
                       '   <tr></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                       '</table>' % (_('Impact'), _('Number of buildings'),
                                     _('Low'), count0,
                                     _('Medium'), count1,
                                     _('High'), count3))
            impact_summary = ('<table border="0" width="320px">'
                       '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></tr>'
                       '   <tr></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                       '</table>' % ('Terdampak oleh tsunami',
                                     'Jumlah gedung',
                                     'Terdampak', count3,
                                     'Tidak terdampak', count0,
                                     'Semua', N))

        impact_summary += '<br>'  # Blank separation row
        impact_summary += '<b>' + _('Assumption') + '&#58;</b><br>'
        impact_summary += ('Levels of impact are defined by BNPB\'s '
                            '<i>Pengkajian Risiko Bencana</i>')
        impact_summary += ('<table border="0" width="320px">'
                       '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></tr>'
                       '   <tr></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%s&#58;</td></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%s&#58;</td></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%s&#58;</td></tr>'
                       '</table>' % (_('Impact'), _('Tsunami height'),
                                     _('Low'), '<1 m',
                                     _('Medium'), '1-3 m',
                                     _('High'), '>3 m'))

        # Create style
        style_classes = [dict(label='< 1 m', min=0, max=1,
                              colour='#1EFC7C', transparency=0, size=1),
                         dict(label='1 - 3 m', min=1, max=2,
                              colour='#FFA500', transparency=0, size=1),
                         dict(label='> 3 m', min=2, max=4,
                              colour='#F31A1C', transparency=0, size=1)]
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,

        # Create vector layer and return
        if Hi.is_line_data:
            name = 'Roads flooded'
        elif Hi.is_point_data:
            name = 'Buildings flooded'

        V = Vector(data=population_impact,
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary},
        return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Impact plugin for hazard impact

        # Extract data
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)    # Value
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Building locations

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        H = H.interpolate(E, attribute_name='hazard_level')

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        coordinates = H.get_geometry()
        category = H.get_data()
        N = len(category)

        # List attributes to carry forward to result layer
        attributes = E.get_attribute_names()

        # Calculate building impact according to guidelines
        count2 = 0
        count1 = 0
        count0 = 0
        building_impact = []
        for i in range(N):
            # Get category value
            val = float(category[i]['hazard_level'])

            # Classify buildings according to value
            if val >= 2.0 / 3:
                affected = 2
                count2 += 1
            elif 1.0 / 3 <= val < 2.0 / 3:
                affected = 1
                count1 += 1
                affected = 0
                count0 += 1

            # Collect depth and calculated damage
            result_dict = {self.target_field: affected,
                           'CATEGORY': val}

            # Record result for this feature

        # Create report
        #FIXME: makes the output format the same as all other results

        impact_summary = ('<table border="0" width="320px">'
                   '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></th>'
                   '   <tr></tr>'
                   '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '</table>' % (_('Category'), _('Affected'),
                                 _('Low'), count0,
                                 _('Medium'), count1,
                                 _('High'), count2))

        # Create style
        style_classes = [dict(label=_('Low'), min=0, max=0,
                              colour='#1EFC7C', transparency=0, size=1),
                         dict(label=_('Medium'), min=1, max=1,
                              colour='#FFA500', transparency=0, size=1),
                         dict(label=_('High'), min=2, max=2,
                              colour='#F31A1C', transparency=0, size=1)]
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,

        # Create vector layer and return
        name = 'Buildings Affected'

        V = Vector(data=building_impact,
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary},
        return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for earthquake fatalities

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              H: Raster layer of flood depth
              P: Raster layer of population data on the same grid as H

        # Depth above which people are regarded affected [m]
        threshold = 1.0  # Threshold [m]

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        inundation = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Flood inundation [m]
        population = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        # Extract data as numeric arrays
        D = inundation.get_data(nan=0.0)  # Depth

        # Calculate impact as population exposed to depths > threshold
        if population.get_resolution(native=True, isotropic=True) < 0.0005:
            # Keep this for backwards compatibility just a little while
            # This uses the original custom population set and
            # serves as a reference

            P = population.get_data(nan=0.0)  # Population density
            pixel_area = 2500
            I = numpy.where(D > threshold, P, 0) / 100000.0 * pixel_area
            # This is the new generic way of scaling (issue #168 and #172)
            P = population.get_data(nan=0.0, scaling=True)
            I = numpy.where(D > threshold, P, 0)

        # Generate text with result for this study
        total = str(int(numpy.sum(P) / 1000))
        number_of_people_affected = int(numpy.sum(I) / 1000)
        count = str(number_of_people_affected)

        # Create report
        iname = inundation.get_name()
        pname = population.get_name()
        impact_summary = ('<b>Apabila terjadi "%s" perkiraan dampak'
                          'terhadap "%s" kemungkinan yang terjadi&#58;'
                          '</b><br><br><p>' % (iname, pname))
        impact_summary += ('<table border="0" width="320px">')
        impact_summary += ('   <tr><td><b>%s&#58;</b></td>'
                    '<td align="right"><b>%s</b></td></tr>'
                    % ('Perlu Evakuasi (x 1000)', count))

        impact_summary += '</table>'

        impact_summary += '<br>'  # Blank separation row
        impact_summary += '<b>Catatan&#58;</b><br>'
        impact_summary += '- Jumlah penduduk Jakarta %s<br>' % total
        impact_summary += '- Jumlah dalam ribuan<br>'
        impact_summary += ('- Penduduk dianggap perlu dievakuasi ketika '
                    'banjir lebih dari %.1f m.' % threshold)

        # Create impact_table based on BNPB Perka 7/2008 minimum bantuan
        # Weekly needs (see issue #82)
        rice = number_of_people_affected * 2.8
        drinking_water = number_of_people_affected * 17.5
        water = number_of_people_affected * 67
        family_kits = number_of_people_affected / 5
        toilets = number_of_people_affected / 20

        impact_table = ('<table class="table table-striped condensed'
                        ' bordered-table">'
                 '  <caption>Minmum Bantuan per minggu</caption>'
                 '  <thead>'
                 '    <tr>'
                 '      <th>Bantuan</th>'
                 '      <th>Jumlah</th>'
                 '    </tr>'
                 '  </thead>'
                 '  <tbody>'
                 '    <tr>'
                 '      <td>Beras [kg]</td>'
                 '      <td>%i</td>'
                 '    </tr>'
                 '    <tr>'
                 '      <td>Air Minum [l]</td>'
                 '      <td>%i</td>'
                 '    </tr>'
                 '    <tr>'
                 '      <td>Air Bersih [l]</td>'
                 '      <td>%i</td>'
                 '    </tr>'
                 '    <tr>'
                 '      <td>Kit Keluarga</td>'
                 '      <td>%i</td>'
                 '    </tr>'
                 '    <tr>'
                 '      <td>Jamban Keluarga</td>'
                 '      <td>%i</td>'
                 '    </tr>'
                 '  </tbody>'
                 '  <caption>Sumber: BNPB Perka 7/2008</caption>'
                 '</table>' % (rice, drinking_water, water, family_kits,

        map_title = 'Penduduk yang Mungkin dievakuasi'

        style_info['legend_title'] = 'Kepadatan Penduduk'

        # Create raster object and return
        R = Raster(I,
                   name='Penduduk yang %s' % (self.plugin_name.lower()),
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                             'impact_table': impact_table,
                             'map_title': map_title},
        return R
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for earthquake school damage

        # Extract data
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)    # Ground shaking
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Building locations

        keywords = E.get_keywords()
        if 'datatype' in keywords:
            datatype = keywords['datatype']
            if datatype.lower() == 'osm':
                # Map from OSM attributes to the guideline classes (URM and RM)
                E = osm2bnpb(E, target_attribute=self.vclass_tag)
            elif datatype.lower() == 'sigab':
                # Map from SIGAB attributes to the guideline classes
                # (URM and RM)
                E = sigab2bnpb(E)
                E = unspecific2bnpb(E, target_attribute=self.vclass_tag)
            E = unspecific2bnpb(E, target_attribute=self.vclass_tag)

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        H = H.interpolate(E)

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        coordinates = E.get_geometry()
        shaking = H.get_data()
        N = len(shaking)

        # List attributes to carry forward to result layer
        attributes = E.get_attribute_names()

        # Calculate building damage
        count3 = 0
        count2 = 0
        count1 = 0
        count_unknown = 0
        building_damage = []
        for i in range(N):
            mmi = float(shaking[i].values()[0])

            building_class = E.get_data(self.vclass_tag, i)
            lo, hi = damage_parameters[building_class]

            if numpy.isnan(mmi):
                # If we don't know the shake level assign Not-a-Number
                damage = numpy.nan
                count_unknown += 1
            elif mmi < lo:
                damage = 1  # Low
                count1 += 1
            elif lo <= mmi < hi:
                damage = 2  # Medium
                count2 += 1
            elif mmi >= hi:
                damage = 3  # High
                count3 += 1
                msg = 'Undefined shakelevel %s' % str(mmi)
                raise Exception(msg)

            # Collect shake level and calculated damage
            result_dict = {self.target_field: damage,
                           'MMI': mmi}

            # Carry all orginal attributes forward
            for key in attributes:
                result_dict[key] = E.get_data(key, i)

            # Record result for this feature

        # Create report
        caption = ('<table border="0" width="320px">'
                   '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></th>'
                    '   <tr></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s (10-25%%)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s (25-50%%)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s (50-100%%)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    % (_('Buildings'), _('Total'),
                       _('All'), N,
                       _('Low damage'), count1,
                       _('Medium damage'), count2,
                       _('High damage'), count3))
        caption += ('   <tr><td>%s (NaN)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    % ('Unknown', count_unknown))
        caption += '</table>'

        # Create style
        style_classes = [dict(label=_('Low damage'), min=0.5, max=1.5,
                              colour='#fecc5c', transparency=1),
                         dict(label=_('Medium damage'), min=1.5, max=2.5,
                              colour='#fd8d3c', transparency=1),
                         dict(label=_('High damage'), min=2.5, max=3.5,
                              colour='#f31a1c', transparency=1)]
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=building_damage,
                   name='Estimated damage level',
                   keywords={'caption': caption},

        return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for earthquake fatalities

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              H: Raster layer of flood depth
              P: Raster layer of population data on the same grid as H

        # Depth above which people are regarded affected [m]
        threshold = 0.1  # Threshold [m]

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        inundation = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Flood inundation [m]
        population = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        # Extract data as numeric arrays
        D = inundation.get_data(nan=0.0)  # Depth

        # Calculate impact as population exposed to depths > threshold
        if population.get_resolution(native=True, isotropic=True) < 0.0005:
            # Keep this for backwards compatibility just a little while
            # This uses the original custom population set and
            # serves as a reference

            P = population.get_data(nan=0.0)  # Population density
            pixel_area = 2500
            I = numpy.where(D > threshold, P, 0) / 100000.0 * pixel_area
            # This is the new generic way of scaling (issue #168 and #172)
            P = population.get_data(nan=0.0, scaling=True)
            I = numpy.where(D > threshold, P, 0)

        # Generate text with result for this study
        total = str(int(numpy.sum(P) / 1000))
        count = str(int(numpy.sum(I) / 1000))

        # Create report
        iname = inundation.get_name()
        pname = population.get_name()
        impact_summary = ('<table class="table table-striped condensed">')
        impact_summary += ('<caption>Apabila terjadi "%s" '
                    'perkiraan dampak terhadap "%s" '
                    'kemungkinan yang terjadi&#58;</caption>' % (iname,
        impact_summary += ('<tbody>')
        impact_summary += ('   <tr><th>%s&#58;</th>'
                    '<td align="right">%s</td></tr>'
                    % ('Terdampak (x 1000)', count))
        impact_summary += ('</tbody>')
        impact_summary += '</table>'

        impact_summary += '<br>'  # Blank separation row
        impact_summary += '<span class="label label-success">'
        impact_summary += 'Catatan&#58;</span>'
        impact_summary += '<ul>'
        impact_summary += '  <li>Jumlah penduduk Jakarta %s</li>' % total
        impact_summary += '  <li>Jumlah dalam ribuan</li>'
        impact_summary += (' <li>Penduduk dianggap terdampak ketika '
                           'banjir lebih dari %.1f m.</li>' % threshold)
        impact_summary += '</ul>'

        impact_table = ('<table class="table table-striped condensed'
                        ' bordered-table">'
                 '  <caption>Jumlah Penduduk Yang Mungkin Dievakuasi</caption>'
                 '  <thead>'
                 '    <tr>'
                 '      <th rowspan="2">Wilayah</th>'
                 '      <th colspan="2">Jumlah Penduduk</th>'
                 '      <th rowspan="2" colspan="2" width="100px">'
                            'Jumlah Penduduk yang Mungkin dievakuasi</th>'
                 '    </tr>'
                 '    <tr>'
                 '      <th>Perempuan</th>'
                 '      <th>Laki-Laki</th>'
                 '    </tr>'
                 '  </thead>'
                 '  <tbody>'
                 '    <tr>'
                 '      <td>Jakarta Barat</td>'
                 '      <td>87510</td>'
                 '      <td>93076</td>'
                 '      <td>180586</td>'
                 '    </tr>'
                 '    <tr>'
                 '      <td>Jakarta Pusat</td>'
                 '      <td>87510</td>'
                 '      <td>93076</td>'
                 '      <td>180586</td>'
                 '    </tr>'
                 '    <tr>'
                 '      <td>Jakarta Seletan</td>'
                 '      <td>87510</td>'
                 '      <td>93076</td>'
                 '      <td>180586</td>'
                 '    </tr>'
                 '    <tr>'
                 '      <td>Jakarta Timur</td>'
                 '      <td>87510</td>'
                 '      <td>93076</td>'
                 '      <td>180586</td>'
                 '    </tr>'
                 '    <tr>'
                 '      <td>Jakarta Utara</td>'
                 '      <td>87510</td>'
                 '      <td>93076</td>'
                 '      <td>180586</td>'
                 '    </tr>'
                 '    <tr>'
                 '      <td class="align-right">Total</td>'
                 '      <td>87510</td>'
                 '      <td>93076</td>'
                 '      <td>180586</td>'
                 '    </tr>'
                 '  </tbody>'
                 '  <caption>Sumber: Badan Pusat Statistik</caption>'
        map_title = 'Penduduk yang Mungkin dievakuasi'

        style_info['legend_title'] = 'Kepadatan Penduduk'
        # Create raster object and return
        R = Raster(I,
                   name='Penduduk yang %s' % (self.plugin_name.lower()),
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                             'impact_table': impact_table,
                             'map_title': map_title},
        return R
    def run(self, layers,
            a=0.97429, b=11.037):
        """Risk plugin for earthquake fatalities

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
                  H: Raster layer of MMI ground shaking
                  E: Polygon population data
          a: Parameter for Allen impact function
          b: Parameter for Allen impact function

        # Identify input layers
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)   # Intensity
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Exposure - population counts

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        H = H.interpolate(E)

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        coordinates = E.get_geometry()  # Stay with polygons
        shaking = H.get_data()
        N = len(shaking)

        # List attributes to carry forward to result layer
        attributes = E.get_attribute_names()

        # Calculate fatilities
        count = 0
        total = 0

        result_feature_set = []
        for i in range(N):
            mmi = float(shaking[i].values()[0])
            if mmi < 0.0:
                # FIXME: Hack until interpolation is fixed
                mmi = 0.0

            population_count = E.get_data('Jumlah_Pen', i)

            # Calculate impact
            F = 10 ** (a * mmi - b) * population_count

            # Collect shake level and calculated damage
            result_dict = {self.target_field: F,
                           'MMI': mmi}

            # Carry all orginal attributes forward
            for key in attributes:
                result_dict[key] = E.get_data(key, i)

            # Record result for this feature

            # Calculate statistics
            if not numpy.isnan(F):
                count += F
            total += population_count

        # Create report
        impact_summary = ('<table border="0" width="320px">'
                   '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '</table>' % ('Jumlah Penduduk', int(total),
                                 'Perkiraan Orang Meninggal', int(count)))

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=result_feature_set,
                   name='Estimated fatalities',
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary})

        return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for tsunami population

        threshold = 1.0  # Flood threshold [m]

        # Extract data
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)    # Depth
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Building locations

        # FIXME (Ole): interpolate does not carry original name through,
        # so get_name gives "Vector Layer" :-)

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        I = H.interpolate(E)

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        attributes = I.get_data()
        N = len(I)

        # List attributes to carry forward to result layer
        attribute_names = E.get_attribute_names()

        # Calculate population impact
        count = 0
        building_impact = []
        for i in range(N):
            if H.is_raster:
                # Get the interpolated depth
                x = float(attributes[i].values()[0])
                x = x > threshold
            elif H.is_vector:
                # Use interpolated polygon attribute
                x = attributes[i]['Affected']

            # Tag and count
            if x is True:
                affected = 1
                count += 1
                affected = 0

            # Collect depth and calculated damage
            result_dict = {self.target_field: x}

            # Carry all original attributes forward
            # FIXME (Ole): Make this part of the interpolation (see issue #101)
            for key in attribute_names:
                result_dict[key] = E.get_data(key, i)

            # Record result for this feature

        # Create report
        Hname = H.get_name()
        Ename = E.get_name()
        caption = _('<b>In case of "%s" the estimated impact to "%s" '
                   'the possibility of &#58;</b><br><br><p>' % (Hname,
        caption += ('<table border="0" width="320px">'
                   '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></th>'
                    '   <tr></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s &#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s &#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s &#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '</table>' % (_('Building'), _('Number of'),
                                  _('All'), N,
                                  _('Closed'), count,
                                  _('Opened'), N - count))

        caption += '<br>'  # Blank separation row
        caption += '<b>' + _('Assumption') + '&#58;</b><br>'
        caption += _('Buildings that will need to closed when flooding'
                   'more than %.1f m' % threshold)

        # Create style
        style_classes = [dict(label=_('Opened'), min=0, max=0,
                              colour='#1EFC7C', transparency=0),
                         dict(label=_('Closed'), min=1, max=1,
                              colour='#F31A1C', transparency=0)]
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=building_impact,
                   name=_('Estimated buildings affected'),
                   keywords={'caption': caption},
        return V
Beispiel #14
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for Padang building survey

        # Extract data
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)    # Ground shaking
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Building locations

        datatype = E.get_keywords()['datatype']
        vclass_tag = 'VCLASS'
        if datatype.lower() == 'osm':
            # Map from OSM attributes to the padang building classes
            Emap = osm2padang(E)
        elif datatype.lower() == 'sigab':
            Emap = sigab2padang(E)
        elif datatype.lower() == 'padang':
            Emap = padang2itb(E)
            Emap = E

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        Hi = H.interpolate(Emap, attribute_name='MMI')

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        coordinates = Emap.get_geometry()
        shaking = Hi.get_data()
        N = len(shaking)

        # List attributes to carry forward to result layer
        attributes = Emap.get_attribute_names()

        # Calculate building damage
        count50 = 0
        count25 = 0
        count10 = 0
        count0 = 0
        building_damage = []
        for i in range(N):
            mmi = float(shaking[i]['MMI'])

            building_class = Emap.get_data(vclass_tag, i)

            building_type = str(int(building_class))
            damage_params = damage_curves[building_type]
            beta = damage_params['beta']
            median = damage_params['median']
            percent_damage = lognormal_cdf(mmi,
                                           sigma=beta) * 100

            # Collect shake level and calculated damage
            result_dict = {self.target_field: percent_damage,
                           'MMI': mmi}

            # Carry all orginal attributes forward
            for key in attributes:
                result_dict[key] = Emap.get_data(key, i)

            # Record result for this feature

            # Debugging
            #if percent_damage > 0.01:
            #    print mmi, percent_damage

            # Calculate statistics
            if percent_damage < 10:
                count0 += 1

            if 10 <= percent_damage < 33:
                count10 += 1

            if 33 <= percent_damage < 66:
                count25 += 1

            if 66 <= percent_damage:
                count50 += 1

        # Create report
        Hname = H.get_name()
        Ename = E.get_name()
        impact_summary = ('<b>In case of "%s" the estimated impact to '
                           '"%s" '
                           'is&#58;</b><br><br><p>' % (Hname, Ename))
        impact_summary += ('<table border="0" width="320px">'
                   '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></th>'
                    '   <tr></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s (<10%%)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s (10-33%%)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s (33-66%%)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s (66-100%%)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '</table></font>' % (_('Buildings'), _('Total'),
                                  _('All'), N,
                                  _('No damage'), count0,
                                  _('Low damage'), count10,
                                  _('Medium damage'), count25,
                                  _('High damage'), count50))
        impact_summary += '<br>'  # Blank separation row
        impact_summary += '<b>' + _('Assumption') + '&#58;</b><br>'
        # This is the proper text:
        #_('Levels of impact are defined by post 2009 '
        #  'Padang earthquake survey conducted by Geoscience '
        #  'Australia and Institute of Teknologi Bandung.'))
        #_('Unreinforced masonry is assumed where no '
        #  'structural information is available.'))
        impact_summary += _('Levels of impact are defined by post 2009 '
                            'Padang earthquake survey conducted by Geoscience '
                            'Australia and Institute of Teknologi Bandung.')
        impact_summary += _('Unreinforced masonry is assumed where no '
                            'structural information is available.')
        # Create style
        style_classes = [dict(label=_('No damage'), min=0, max=10,
                              colour='#00ff00', transparency=1),
                         dict(label=_('Low damage'), min=10, max=33,
                              colour='#ffff00', transparency=1),
                         dict(label=_('Medium damage'), min=33, max=66,
                              colour='#ffaa00', transparency=1),
                         dict(label=_('High damage'), min=66, max=100,
                              colour='#ff0000', transparency=1)]
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=building_damage,
                   name='Estimated pct damage',
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary},
        return V
    def run(self, layers,
            x=0.62275231, y=8.03314466, zeta=2.15):
        """Indonesian Earthquake Fatality Model

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              H: Raster layer of MMI ground shaking
              P: Raster layer of population density


        # Define percentages of people being displaced at each mmi level
        displacement_rate = {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0,
                             7: 0.1, 8: 0.5, 9: 0.75, 10: 1.0}

        # Extract input layers
        intensity = get_hazard_layer(layers)
        population = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        question = get_question(intensity.get_name(),

        # Extract data grids
        H = intensity.get_data()   # Ground Shaking
        P = population.get_data()  # Population Density

        # Calculate population affected by each MMI level
        # FIXME (Ole): this range is 2-9. Should 10 be included?
        mmi_range = range(2, 10)
        number_of_exposed = {}
        number_of_displaced = {}
        number_of_fatalities = {}

        # Calculate fatality rates for observed Intensity values (H
        # based on ITB power model
        R = numpy.zeros(H.shape)
        for mmi in mmi_range:

            # Identify cells where MMI is in class i
            mask = (H > mmi - 0.5) * (H <= mmi + 0.5)

            # Count population affected by this shake level
            I = numpy.where(mask, P, 0)

            # Calculate expected number of fatalities per level
            fatality_rate = numpy.power(10.0, x * mmi - y)
            F = fatality_rate * I

            # Calculate expected number of displaced people per level
                D = displacement_rate[mmi] * I
            except Exception, e:
                msg = 'mmi = %i, I = %s, Error msg: %s' % (mmi, str(I), str(e))
                fid = open('C:\\error_message.txt', 'wb')

            # Sum up numbers for map
            R += F   # Fatalities
            #R += D   # Displaced

            # Generate text with result for this study
            # This is what is used in the real time system exposure table
            number_of_exposed[mmi] = numpy.nansum(I.flat)
            number_of_displaced[mmi] = numpy.nansum(D.flat)
            number_of_fatalities[mmi] = numpy.nansum(F.flat)
Beispiel #16
    def run(self, layers, x=0.62275231, y=8.03314466, zeta=2.15):
        """Gender specific earthquake impact model

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              H: Raster layer of MMI ground shaking
              P: Raster layer of population density


        # Define percentages of people being displaced at each mmi level
        displacement_rate = {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0.1, 8: 0.5, 9: 0.75, 10: 1.0}

        # Extract input layers
        intensity = get_hazard_layer(layers)
        population = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        question = get_question(intensity.get_name(), population.get_name(), self)

        # Extract data grids
        H = intensity.get_data()  # Ground Shaking
        P = population.get_data()  # Population Density

        # Calculate population affected by each MMI level
        # FIXME (Ole): this range is 2-9. Should 10 be included?
        mmi_range = range(2, 10)
        number_of_exposed = {}
        number_of_fatalities = {}

        # Calculate fatality rates for observed Intensity values (H
        # based on ITB power model
        R = numpy.zeros(H.shape)
        for mmi in mmi_range:

            # Identify cells where MMI is in class i
            mask = (H > mmi - 0.5) * (H <= mmi + 0.5)

            # Count population affected by this shake level
            I = numpy.where(mask, P, 0)

            # Calculate expected number of fatalities per level
            fatality_rate = numpy.power(10.0, x * mmi - y)
            F = fatality_rate * I

            # Sum up fatalities to create map
            R += F

            # Generate text with result for this study
            # This is what is used in the real time system exposure table
            number_of_exposed[mmi] = numpy.nansum(I.flat)
            number_of_fatalities[mmi] = numpy.nansum(F.flat)

        # Set resulting layer to zero when less than a threshold. This is to
        # achieve transparency (see issue #126).
        R[R < 1] = numpy.nan

        # Total statistics
        total = numpy.nansum(P.flat)

        # Compute number of fatalities
        fatalities = numpy.nansum(number_of_fatalities.values())

        # Compute number of people displaced due to building collapse
        displaced = 0
        for mmi in mmi_range:
            displaced += displacement_rate[mmi] * number_of_exposed[mmi]
        displaced_women = displaced * 0.52  # Could be made province dependent
        displaced_pregnant_women = displaced_women * 0.01387  # CHECK

        # Generate impact report
        table_body = [question]

        # Add total fatality estimate
        s = str(int(fatalities)).rjust(10)
        table_body.append(TableRow([_("Number of fatalities"), s], header=True))

        # Add total estimate of people displaced
        s = str(int(displaced)).rjust(10)
        table_body.append(TableRow([_("Number of people displaced"), s], header=True))
        s = str(int(displaced_women)).rjust(10)
        table_body.append(TableRow([_("Number of women displaced"), s], header=True))
        s = str(int(displaced_pregnant_women)).rjust(10)
        table_body.append(TableRow([_("Number of pregnant women displaced"), s], header=True))

        table_body.append(TableRow(_("Action Checklist:"), header=True))
        table_body.append(_("Are enough shelters available for %i women?") % displaced_women)
            _("Are enough facilities available to assist %i " "pregnant women?") % displaced_pregnant_women

        table_body.append(TableRow(_("Notes:"), header=True))

        table_body.append(_("Fatality model is from " "Institute of Teknologi Bandung 2012."))

        impact_summary = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
        impact_table = impact_summary
        map_title = _("Earthquake impact to population")

        # Create new layer and return
        L = Raster(
                "impact_summary": impact_summary,
                "total_population": total,
                "total_fatalities": fatalities,
                "impact_table": impact_table,
                "map_title": map_title,
            name=_("Estimated fatalities"),

        # Maybe return a shape file with contours instead
        return L
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for Padang building survey

        # Extract data
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)    # Ground shaking
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Building locations

        question = get_question(H.get_name(),

        # Map from different kinds of datasets to Padang vulnerability classes
        datatype = E.get_keywords()['datatype']
        vclass_tag = 'VCLASS'
        if datatype.lower() == 'osm':
            # Map from OSM attributes
            Emap = osm2padang(E)
        elif datatype.lower() == 'sigab':
            # Map from SIGAB attributes
            Emap = sigab2padang(E)
            Emap = E

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        I = H.interpolate(Emap, attribute_name='MMI')

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        attributes = I.get_data()
        N = len(I)

        # Calculate building damage
        count_high = count_medium = count_low = count_none = 0
        for i in range(N):
            mmi = float(attributes[i]['MMI'])

            building_type = Emap.get_data(vclass_tag, i)
            damage_params = damage_curves[building_type]
            beta = damage_params['beta']
            median = damage_params['median']
            percent_damage = lognormal_cdf(mmi,
                                           sigma=beta) * 100

            # Add calculated impact to existing attributes
            attributes[i][self.target_field] = percent_damage

            # Calculate statistics
            if percent_damage < 10:
                count_none += 1

            if 10 <= percent_damage < 33:
                count_low += 1

            if 33 <= percent_damage < 66:
                count_medium += 1

            if 66 <= percent_damage:
                count_high += 1

        # Generate impact report
        table_body = [question,
                      TableRow([_('Buildings'), _('Total')],
                      TableRow([_('All'), N]),
                      TableRow([_('No damage'), count_none]),
                      TableRow([_('Low damage'), count_low]),
                      TableRow([_('Medium damage'), count_medium]),
                      TableRow([_('High damage'), count_high])]

        table_body.append(TableRow(_('Notes:'), header=True))
        table_body.append(_('Levels of impact are defined by post 2009 '
                            'Padang earthquake survey conducted by Geoscience '
                            'Australia and Institute of Teknologi Bandung.'))
        table_body.append(_('Unreinforced masonry is assumed where no '
                            'structural information is available.'))

        impact_summary = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
        impact_table = impact_summary
        map_title = _('Earthquake damage to buildings')

        # Create style
        style_classes = [dict(label=_('No damage'), min=0, max=10,
                              colour='#00ff00', transparency=1),
                         dict(label=_('Low damage'), min=10, max=33,
                              colour='#ffff00', transparency=1),
                         dict(label=_('Medium damage'), min=33, max=66,
                              colour='#ffaa00', transparency=1),
                         dict(label=_('High damage'), min=66, max=100,
                              colour='#ff0000', transparency=1)]
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=attributes,
                   name='Estimated pct damage',
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                             'impact_table': impact_table,
                             'map_title': map_title},
        return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for tsunami population

        # Extract data
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)    # Depth
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Building locations

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        Hi = H.interpolate(E)

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        coordinates = Hi.get_geometry()
        depth = Hi.get_data()
        N = len(depth)

        # List attributes to carry forward to result layer
        attributes = E.get_attribute_names()

        # Calculate building impact according to guidelines
        count3 = 0
        count1 = 0
        count0 = 0
        population_impact = []
        for i in range(N):

            if H.is_raster:
                # Get depth
                dep = float(depth[i].values()[0])

                # Classify buildings according to depth
                if dep >= 3:
                    affected = 3  # FIXME: Colour upper bound is 100 but
                    count3 += 1          # does not catch affected == 100
                elif 1 <= dep < 3:
                    affected = 2
                    count1 += 1
                    affected = 1
                    count0 += 1
            elif H.is_vector:
                dep = 0  # Just put something here
                cat = depth[i]['Affected']
                if cat is True:
                    affected = 3
                    count3 += 1
                    affected = 1
                    count0 += 1

            # Collect depth and calculated damage
            result_dict = {self.target_field: affected,
                           'DEPTH': dep}

            # Carry all original attributes forward
            # FIXME: This should be done in interpolation. Check.
            #for key in attributes:
            #    result_dict[key] = E.get_data(key, i)

            # Record result for this feature

        # Create report
        if H.is_raster:
            impact_summary = ('<table border="0" width="320px">'
                       '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></th>'
                       '   <tr></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                       '</table>' % ('ketinggian tsunami', 'Jumlah gedung',
                                     '< 1 m', count0,
                                     '1 - 3 m', count1,
                                     '> 3 m', count3))
            impact_summary = ('<table border="0" width="320px">'
                       '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></th>'
                       '   <tr></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                       '</table>' % ('Terdampak oleh tsunami', 'Jumlah gedung',
                                     'Terdampak', count3,
                                     'Tidak terdampak', count0,
                                     'Semua', N))

        # Create style
        style_classes = [dict(label=_('OK'), min=0, max=2,
                              colour='#1EFC7C', transparency=0),
                         dict(label=_('Flooded'), min=2, max=4,
                              colour='#F31A1C', transparency=0)]
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,

        # Create vector layer and return
        if Hi.is_line_data:
            name = 'Roads flooded'
        elif Hi.is_point_data:
            name = 'Buildings flooded'

        V = Vector(data=population_impact,
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary},
        return V
    def run(layers):
        """Calculate population exposed to different levels of ground shaking

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              H: Raster layer of MMI ground shaking
              P: Raster layer of population density

        # Identify input layers
        intensity = get_hazard_layer(layers)
        population = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        # Extract data
        H = intensity.get_data(nan=0)
        P = population.get_data(nan=0)

        # Calculate exposure to MMI impact
        mmi_classes = range(1, 11)  # MMI classes considered (1-10)

        # Form result as keyword strings
        mmi_str = str(mmi_classes)[1:-1]  # Get rid of []
        count_str = ''

        for i in mmi_classes:
            # Identify cells where MMI is in class i
            mask = (H >= i - 0.5) * (H < i + 0.5)

            # Count population affected by this shake level
            count = round(numpy.nansum(P[mask]))
            if numpy.isnan(count):
                count = 0

            # Update keyword string
            count_str += '%i ' % count

        # Calculate fatality map (FIXME (Ole): Need to replaced by USGS model)
        a = 0.97429
        b = 11.037
        F = 10 ** (a * H - b) * P

        # Generate text with result for this study
        count = numpy.nansum(F.flat)
        total = numpy.nansum(P.flat)

        # Create report
        caption = ('<table border="0" width="320px">'
                   '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '</table>' % ('Jumlah Penduduk', int(total),
                                 'Perkiraan Orang Meninggal', int(count)))

        # Create new layer and return
        R = Raster(F,
                   name='Estimated fatalities',
                   keywords={'caption': caption,
                             'mmi-classes': mmi_str,
                             'affected-population': count_str})
        return R
    def run(layers):
        """Risk plugin for tephra impact

        # Extract data
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Ash load
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Building locations

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        H = H.interpolate(E, attribute_name="load")

        # Calculate building damage
        count3 = 0
        count2 = 0
        count1 = 0
        count0 = 0
        result = []
        for i in range(len(E)):

            # -------------------
            # Extract parameters
            # -------------------
            load = H.get_data("load", i)

            # ------------------------
            # Compute damage level
            # ------------------------

            # FIXME: The thresholds have been greatly reduced
            # for the purpose of demonstration. Any real analyis
            # should bring them back to 0, 90, 150, 300
            if 0.01 <= load < 0.5:
                # Loss of crops and livestock
                impact = 0
                count0 += 1
            elif 0.5 <= load < 2.0:
                # Cosmetic damage
                impact = 1
                count1 += 1
            elif 2.0 <= load < 10.0:
                # Partial building collapse
                impact = 2
                count2 += 1
            elif load >= 10.0:
                # Complete building collapse
                impact = 3
                count3 += 1
                impact = 0
                count0 += 1

            result.append({"DAMAGE": impact, "ASHLOAD": load})

        # Create report
        impact_summary = (
            '<font size="3"> <table border="0" width="320px">'
            "   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></th>"
            "   <tr></tr>"
            "   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>"
            "   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>"
            "   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>"
            "   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>"
            % (
                "Beban abu",
                "Gedung dampak",
                "< 0.5 kg/m2",
                "0.5 - 2 kg/m2",
                "2 - 10 kg/m2",
                "> 10 kg/m2",
        #'</table>' %
        # ('Beban abu', 'Gedung dampak',
        # 'Gangguan (< 90 kg/m2)', count0,
        # 'Kerusakan kosmetik (90 - 150 kg/m2', count1,
        # 'parsial runtuhnya (150 - 300 kg/m2', count2,
        # 'runtuhnya lengkap (> 300 kg/m2', count3))

        V = Vector(
            name="Estimated ashload damage",
            keywords={"impact_summary": impact_summary},
        return V
    def run(layers,
            teta=14.05, beta=0.17, zeta=2.15):
        """Risk plugin for earthquake fatalities

          H: Numerical array of hazard data
          E: Numerical array of exposure data

        Algorithm and coefficients are from:

        An Empirical Model for Global Earthquake Fatality Estimation.
        Kishor Jaiswal and David Wald.
        Earthquake Spectra, Volume 26, No. 4, pages 1017-1037, November 2010.

        teta=14.05, beta=0.17, zeta=2.1  # Coefficients for Indonesia.


        # Identify input layers
        intensity = get_hazard_layer(layers)
        population = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        print intensity.get_resolution()
        print population.get_resolution()

        # Extract data
        H = intensity.get_data(nan=0)   # Ground Shaking
        P = population.get_data(nan=0)  # Population Density

        import cPickle
        name = intensity.get_name()
        print name
        fid = open('/home/nielso/population_%s.pck' % name, 'wb')
        cPickle.dump(P, fid)

        fid = open('/home/nielso/intensity_%s.pck' % name, 'wb')
        cPickle.dump(H, fid)

        # Calculate population affected by each MMI level
        mmi_range = range(2, 10)
        number_of_people_affected = {}
        for mmi in mmi_range:
            mask = numpy.logical_and(mmi - 0.5 < H,
                                     H <= mmi + 0.5)
            I = numpy.where(mask, P, 0)

            # Generate text with result for this study
            number_of_people_affected[mmi] = numpy.nansum(I.flat)

        # Calculate impact according to equation (1) in the
        # Kishor and Wald 2010
        logHazard = 1 / beta * numpy.log(H / teta)

        # Convert array to be standard floats expected by cdf
        arrayout = numpy.array([[float(value) for value in row]
                               for row in logHazard])
        F = cdf(arrayout * P)

        # Stats
        total = numpy.nansum(P.flat)
        fatalities = numpy.nansum(F)
        print 'Total', total
        print 'Estimated fatalities', fatalities
        print 'Min', numpy.amin(F)
        print 'Max', numpy.amax(F)

        # Generate text with result for this study
        caption = generate_exposure_table(mmi_range,
        caption += generate_fatality_table(fatalities)

        # Create new layer and return
        R = Raster(F,
                   keywords={'caption': caption},
                   name='Estimated fatalities')
        return R
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for flood population evacuation

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              H: Raster layer of flood depth
              P: Raster layer of population data on the same grid as H

        Counts number of people exposed to flood levels exceeding
        specified threshold.

          Map of population exposed to flood levels exceeding the threshold
          Table with number of people evacuated and supplies required

        # Depth above which people are regarded affected [m]
        threshold = 1.0  # Threshold [m]

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        inundation = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Flood inundation [m]
        population = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        question = get_question(inundation.get_name(),

        # Extract data as numeric arrays
        D = inundation.get_data(nan=0.0)  # Depth

        # Calculate impact as population exposed to depths > threshold
        P = population.get_data(nan=0.0, scaling=True)
        I = numpy.where(D > threshold, P, 0)
        M = numpy.where(D > 0.5, P, 0)
        L = numpy.where(D > 0.3, P, 0)

        # Count totals
        total = int(numpy.sum(P))
        evacuated = int(numpy.sum(I))
        medium = int(numpy.sum(M)) - int(numpy.sum(I))
        low = int(numpy.sum(L)) - int(numpy.sum(M))

        # Don't show digits less than a 1000
        if total > 1000:
            total = total // 1000 * 1000
        if evacuated > 1000:
            evacuated = evacuated // 1000 * 1000
        if medium > 1000:
            medium = medium // 1000 * 1000
        if low > 1000:
            low = low // 1000 * 1000

        # Calculate estimated needs based on BNPB Perka 7/2008 minimum bantuan
        rice = evacuated * 2.8
        drinking_water = evacuated * 17.5
        water = evacuated * 67
        family_kits = evacuated / 5
        toilets = evacuated / 20

        # Generate impact report for the pdf map
        table_body = [question,
                      TableRow([_('People needing evacuation'),
                                '%i' % evacuated],
                      TableRow(_('Map shows population density needing '
##                      TableRow([_('People in 50cm to 1m of water '),
##                                '%i' % medium],
##                               header=True),
##                      TableRow([_('People in 30cm to 50cm of water'),
##                                '%i' % low],
##                               header=True)]
##                      TableRow([_('Needs per week'), _('Total')],
##                               header=True),
##                      [_('Rice [kg]'), int(rice)],
##                      [_('Drinking Water [l]'), int(drinking_water)],
##                      [_('Clean Water [l]'), int(water)],
##                      [_('Family Kits'), int(family_kits)],
##                      [_('Toilets'), int(toilets)]]
        impact_table = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()

        # Extend impact report for on-screen display
        table_body.extend([TableRow(_('Notes:'), header=True),
                           _('Total population: %i') % total,
                           _('People need evacuation if flood levels '
                             'exceed %(eps)i m') % {'eps': threshold},
                           _('People in 50cm to 1m of water: %i') % medium,
                           _('People in 30cm to 50cm of water: %i') % low])
##                           _('Minimum needs are defined in BNPB '
##                             'regulation 7/2008')])
        impact_summary = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
        map_title = _('People in need of evacuation')
        style_info['legend_title'] = _('Population Density')

        # Create raster object and return
        R = Raster(I,
                   name=_('Population which %s') % get_function_title(self),
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                             'impact_table': impact_table,
                             'map_title': map_title},
        return R
    def run(self, layers):
        """Separate exposed elements by depth [m]:
        < 1     Rendah
        1 - 3   Sedang
        > 3     Tinggi

        # Extract data
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)    # Depth
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Building locations

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        I = H.interpolate(E, attribute_name='depth')

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        attributes = I.get_data()
        N = len(I)

        # List attributes to carry forward to result layer
        attribute_names = E.get_attribute_names()

        # Calculate building impact
        rendah = 0
        sedang = 0
        tinggi = 0
        building_impact = []
        for i in range(N):

            # Get the interpolated depth
            x = float(attributes[i]['depth'])

            # Assign impact level (nilai) depending on depth and count
            if x < 1:
                nilai = 1
                rendah += 1
            elif 1 <= x < 3:
                nilai = 2
                sedang += 1
                nilai = 3
                tinggi += 1

            # Record depth and impact level for this feature
            building_impact.append({'depth': x,
                                    self.target_field: nilai})

        # Create summary report
        Hname = H.get_name()
        Ename = E.get_name()
        table = ('<b>In case of "%s" the estimated impact to "%s" '
                  'the possibility of &#58;</b><br><br><p>' % (Hname,
        table += ('<table border="0" width="320px">'
                  '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></th>'
                  '   <tr></tr>'
                  '   <tr><td>%s &#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                  '   <tr><td>%s &#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                  '   <tr><td>%s &#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                  '   <tr><td>%s &#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                  '</table>' % (('Ketinggian Banjir'), ('Jumlah gedung'),
                                ('All'), N,
                                ('< 1 m'), rendah,
                                ('1 - 3 m'), sedang,
                                ('> 3 m'), tinggi))

        table += '<br>'  # Blank separation row
        table += '<b>' + ('Based on BNPB Perka 2 - 2012') + '</b><br>'

        # Create style
        style_classes = [dict(label=('< 1 m'), min=1, max=1,
                              colour='#00FF00',  # Green
                              transparency=0, size=1),
                         dict(label=('1 - 3 m'), min=2, max=2,
                              colour='#FFFF00',  # Yellow
                              transparency=0, size=1),
                         dict(label=('> 3 m'), min=3, max=3,
                              colour='#FF0000',  # Red
                              transparency=0, size=1)]

        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=building_impact,
                   name=('Estimated buildings affected'),
                   keywords={'impact_summary': table},
        return V
    def run(layers):
        """Risk plugin for tsunami building damage

        # Extract data
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)    # Ground shaking
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Building locations

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        H = H.interpolate(E, attribute_name='depth')

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        coordinates = E.get_geometry()
        inundation = H.get_data()

        # Calculate
        N = len(H)
        impact = []
        for i in range(N):

            # Extract parameters
            depth = float(inundation[i]['depth'])
            shore_distance = E.get_data('SHORE_DIST', i)

            # FIXME: Get rid of the type casting when
            #        issue #66 is done
            number_of_people_in_building = int(E.get_data('NEXIS_PEOP', i))
            wall_type = E.get_data('WALL_TYPE', i)
            contents_value = E.get_data('CONT_VALUE', i)
            structure_value = E.get_data('STR_VALUE', i)

            # Compute people affected
            if 0.01 < depth < 1.0:
                people_affected = number_of_people_in_building
                people_affected = 0

            if depth >= 1.0:
                people_severely_affected = number_of_people_in_building
                people_severely_affected = 0

            # Compute impact on buldings and contents
            depth_floor = depth - 0.3  # Adjust for floor height

            if depth_floor >= 0.0:
                buildings_inundated = 1
                buildings_inundated = 0

            if depth_floor < 0.0:
                structural_damage = contents_damage = 0.0
                # Water is deep enough to cause damage
                if wall_type in struct_damage_curve:
                    curve = struct_damage_curve[wall_type]
                    # Establish default for unknown wall type
                    curve = struct_damage_curve['Brick veneer']

                structural_damage = curve(depth_floor)
                contents_damage = contents_damage_curve(depth_floor)

            # Compute losses
            structural_loss = structural_damage * structure_value
            contents_loss = contents_damage * contents_value

            # Return
            impact.append({'NEXIS_PEOP': number_of_people_in_building,
                           'PEOPLE_AFFECTED': people_affected,
                           'PEOPLE_SEV_AFFECTED': people_severely_affected,
                           'STRUCT_INUNDATED': buildings_inundated,
                           'STRUCT_DAMAGE_fraction': structural_damage,
                           'CONTENTS_DAMAGE_fraction': contents_damage,
                           'STRUCT_LOSS_AUD': structural_loss,
                           'CONTENTS_LOSS_AUD': contents_loss,
                           'DEPTH': depth})

        # FIXME (Ole): Need helper to generate new layer using
        #              correct spatial reference
        #              (i.e. sensibly wrap the following lines)
        V = Vector(data=impact, projection=E.get_projection(),
                   name='Estimated tsunami impact')
        return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for Padang building survey

        # Extract data
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)    # Ground shaking
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Building locations

        datatype = E.get_keywords()['datatype']
        if datatype.lower() == 'osm':
            # Map from OSM attributes to the padang building classes
            E = osm2padang(E)
            vclass_tag = 'VCLASS'
        elif datatype.lower() == 'sigab':
            E = sigab2padang(E)
            vclass_tag = 'VCLASS'
            vclass_tag = 'TestBLDGCl'

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        H = H.interpolate(E)

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        coordinates = E.get_geometry()
        shaking = H.get_data()
        N = len(shaking)

        # List attributes to carry forward to result layer
        attributes = E.get_attribute_names()

        # Calculate building damage
        count50 = 0
        count25 = 0
        count10 = 0
        count0 = 0
        building_damage = []
        for i in range(N):
            mmi = float(shaking[i].values()[0])

            building_class = E.get_data(vclass_tag, i)

            building_type = str(int(building_class))
            damage_params = damage_curves[building_type]
            beta = damage_params['beta']
            median = damage_params['median']
            percent_damage = cdf(mmi, mu=median, sigma=beta) * 100

            # Collect shake level and calculated damage
            result_dict = {self.target_field: percent_damage,
                           'MMI': mmi}

            # Carry all orginal attributes forward
            for key in attributes:
                result_dict[key] = E.get_data(key, i)

            # Record result for this feature

            # Calculate statistics
            if percent_damage < 10:
                count0 += 1

            if 10 <= percent_damage < 25:
                count10 += 1

            if 25 <= percent_damage < 50:
                count25 += 1

            if 50 <= percent_damage:
                count50 += 1

        # Create report
        caption = ('<font size="3"> <table border="0" width="320px">'
                   '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></th>'
                    '   <tr></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s (<10%%)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s (10-25%%)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s (25-50%%)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s (50-100%%)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '</table></font>' % (_('Buildings'), _('Total'),
                                  _('All'), N,
                                  _('No damage'), count0,
                                  _('Low damage'), count10,
                                  _('Medium damage'), count25,
                                  _('High damage'), count50))

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=building_damage,
                   name='Estimated pct damage',
                   keywords={'caption': caption})
        return V
Beispiel #26
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for tsunami population

        # Extract data
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)    # Depth
        R = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Building locations

        # Make the delta 10 times the size of the resolution.
        delta = abs(H.get_geotransform()[1]) * 10
        min_value, max_value = H.get_extrema()

        E = convert_line_to_points(R, delta)

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        H = H.interpolate(E)

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        coordinates = E.get_geometry()
        depth = H.get_data()
        N = len(depth)

        # List attributes to carry forward to result layer
        attributes = E.get_attribute_names()

        #print attributes
        #print 'Number of population points', N

        # Calculate population impact
        road_impact = []
        num_classes = 10
        classes = range(num_classes)
        difference = (max_value - min_value) / num_classes

        for i in range(N):
            dep = float(depth[i].values()[0])
            affected = classes[0]
            for level in classes:
                normalized_depth = dep - min_value
                level_value = level * difference
                if normalized_depth > level_value:
                    affected = level

            # Collect depth and calculated damage
            result_dict = {'AFFECTED': affected,
                           'DEPTH': dep}

            # Carry all original attributes forward
            for key in attributes:
                result_dict[key] = E.get_data(key, i)

            # Record result for this feature

        # Create report
        impact_summary = ('')

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=road_impact,
                   name='Estimated roads affected',
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary})
        return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for earthquake fatalities

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              H: Raster layer of flood depth
              P: Raster layer of population data on the same grid as H

        # Depth above which people are regarded affected [m]
        threshold = 1.5  # Threshold [m]

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        inundation = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Flood inundation [m]
        population = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        # Extract data as numeric arrays
        D = inundation.get_data(nan=0.0)  # Depth

        # Calculate impact as population exposed to depths > threshold
        if population.get_resolution(native=True, isotropic=True) < 0.0005:
            # Keep this for backwards compatibility just a little while
            # This uses the original custom population set and
            # serves as a reference

            P = population.get_data(nan=0.0)  # Population density
            pixel_area = 2500
            I = numpy.where(D > threshold, P, 0) / 100000.0 * pixel_area
            # This is the new generic way of scaling (issue #168 and #172)
            P = population.get_data(nan=0.0, scaling=True)
            I = numpy.where(D > threshold, P, 0)

        # Generate text with result for this study
        total = str(int(numpy.sum(P) / 1000))
        count = str(int(numpy.sum(I) / 1000))

        # Create report
        iname = inundation.get_name()
        pname = population.get_name()
        impact_summary = ('<b>Apabila terjadi "%s" perkiraan dampak '
                          'terhadap "%s" kemungkinan yang terjadi&#58;'
                          '</b><br><br><p>' % (iname, pname))
        impact_summary += ('<table border="0" width="320px">')
        impact_summary += ('   <tr><td><b>%s&#58;</b></td>'
                    '<td align="right"><b>%s</b></td></tr>'
                    % ('Meninggal (x 1000)', count))

        impact_summary += '</table>'

        impact_summary += '<br>'  # Blank separation row
        impact_summary += '<b>Catatan&#58;</b><br>'
        impact_summary += '- Jumlah penduduk Jakarta %s<br>' % total
        impact_summary += '- Jumlah dalam ribuan<br>'
        impact_summary += ('- Penduduk dianggap meninggal ketika '
                           'banjir lebih dari %.1f m.' % threshold)

        # Create raster object and return
        R = Raster(I,
                   name='Penduduk yang %s' % (self.plugin_name.lower()),
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary},

        return R
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for tsunami population

        # Extract data
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)    # Depth
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Building locations

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        Hi = H.interpolate(E)

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        coordinates = E.get_geometry()
        depth = Hi.get_data()
        N = len(depth)

        # List attributes to carry forward to result layer
        attributes = E.get_attribute_names()

        # Calculate building impact according to guidelines
        count3 = 0
        count1 = 0
        count0 = 0
        population_impact = []
        for i in range(N):

            if H.is_raster:
                # Get depth
                dep = float(depth[i].values()[0])

                # Classify buildings according to depth
                if dep >= 3:
                    affected = 3  # FIXME: Colour upper bound is 100 but
                    count3 += 1          # does not catch affected == 100
                elif 1 <= dep < 3:
                    affected = 2
                    count1 += 1
                    affected = 1
                    count0 += 1
            elif H.is_vector:
                dep = 0  # Just put something here
                cat = depth[i]['Affected']
                if cat is True:
                    affected = 3
                    count3 += 1
                    affected = 1
                    count0 += 1

            # Collect depth and calculated damage
            result_dict = {self.target_field: affected,
                           'DEPTH': dep}

            # Carry all original attributes forward
            for key in attributes:
                result_dict[key] = E.get_data(key, i)

            # Record result for this feature

        # Create report
        if H.is_raster:
            caption = ('<table border="0" width="320px">'
                       '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></th>'
                       '   <tr></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                       '</table>' % ('ketinggian tsunami', 'Jumlah gedung',
                                     '< 1 m', count0,
                                     '1 - 3 m', count1,
                                     '> 3 m', count3))
            caption = ('<table border="0" width="320px">'
                       '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></th>'
                       '   <tr></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                       '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                       '</table>' % ('Terdampak oleh tsunami', 'Jumlah gedung',
                                     'Terdampak', count3,
                                     'Tidak terdampak', count0,
                                     'Semua', N))

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=population_impact,
                   name='Estimate of buildings affected',
                   keywords={'caption': caption})
        return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Flood impact to buildings (e.g. from Open Street Map)

        threshold = 1.0  # Flood threshold [m]

        # Extract data
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)    # Depth
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Building locations

        question = get_question(H.get_name(),

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        if H.is_raster:
            I = H.interpolate(E, attribute_name='depth')
            hazard_type = 'depth'
            I = H.interpolate(E)
            hazard_type = 'floodprone'

        # Extract relevant exposure data
        attribute_names = I.get_attribute_names()
        attributes = I.get_data()
        N = len(I)

        # Calculate building impact
        count = 0
        buildings = {}
        affected_buildings = {}
        for i in range(N):
            if hazard_type == 'depth':
                # Get the interpolated depth
                x = float(attributes[i]['depth'])
                x = x > threshold
            elif hazard_type == 'floodprone':
                # Use interpolated polygon attribute
                atts = attributes[i]

                if 'FLOODPRONE' in atts:
                    res = atts['FLOODPRONE']
                    if res is None:
                        x = False
                        x = res.lower() == 'yes'
                    # If there isn't a flood prone attribute,
                    # assume that building is wet if inside polygon
                    # as flag by generic attribute AFFECTED
                    res = atts['Affected']
                    if res is None:
                        x = False
                        x = res
                msg = (_('Unknown hazard type %s. '
                         'Must be either "depth" or "floodprone"')
                       % hazard_type)
                raise Exception(msg)

            # Count affected buildings by usage type if available
            if 'type' in attribute_names:
                usage = attributes[i]['type']
                usage = None

            if usage is not None and usage != 0:
                key = usage
                key = 'unknown'

            if key not in buildings:
                buildings[key] = 0
                affected_buildings[key] = 0

            # Count all buildings by type
            buildings[key] += 1
            if x is True:
                # Count affected buildings by type
                affected_buildings[key] += 1

                # Count total affected buildings
                count += 1

            # Add calculated impact to existing attributes
            attributes[i][self.target_field] = x

        # Lump small entries and 'unknown' into 'other' category
        for usage in buildings.keys():
            x = buildings[usage]
            if x < 25 or usage == 'unknown':
                if 'other' not in buildings:
                    buildings['other'] = 0
                    affected_buildings['other'] = 0

                buildings['other'] += x
                affected_buildings['other'] += affected_buildings[usage]
                del buildings[usage]
                del affected_buildings[usage]

        # Generate csv file of results
##        fid = open('C:\dki_table_%s.csv' % H.get_name(), 'wb')
##        fid.write('%s, %s, %s\n' % (_('Building type'),
##                                    _('Temporarily closed'),
##                                    _('Total')))
##        fid.write('%s, %i, %i\n' % (_('All'), count, N))

        # Generate simple impact report
        table_body = [question,
                      TableRow([_('Building type'),
                                _('Temporarily closed'),
                      TableRow([_('All'), count, N])]

##        fid.write('%s, %s, %s\n' % (_('Building type'),
##                                    _('Temporarily closed'),
##                                    _('Total')))

        # Generate break down by building usage type is available
        if 'type' in attribute_names:
            # Make list of building types
            building_list = []
            for usage in buildings:

                building_type = usage.replace('_', ' ')

                # Lookup internationalised value if available
                if building_type in internationalised_values:
                    building_type = internationalised_values[building_type]
                    print ('WARNING: %s could not be translated'
                           % building_type)

##                fid.write('%s, %i, %i\n' % (building_type.capitalize(),
##                                            affected_buildings[usage],
##                                            buildings[usage]))

            # Sort alphabetically

            #table_body.append(TableRow([_('Building type'),
            #                            _('Temporarily closed'),
            #                            _('Total')], header=True))
            table_body.append(TableRow(_('Breakdown by building type'),
            for row in building_list:
                s = TableRow(row)

##        fid.close()
        table_body.append(TableRow(_('Action Checklist:'), header=True))
        table_body.append(TableRow(_('Are the critical facilities still '

        table_body.append(TableRow(_('Notes:'), header=True))
        assumption = _('Buildings are said to be flooded when ')
        if hazard_type == 'depth':
            assumption += _('flood levels exceed %.1f m') % threshold
            assumption += _('in areas marked as flood prone')

        impact_summary = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
        impact_table = impact_summary
        map_title = _('Buildings inundated')

        # Create style
        style_classes = [dict(label=_('Not Flooded'), min=0, max=0,
                              colour='#1EFC7C', transparency=0, size=1),
                         dict(label=_('Flooded'), min=1, max=1,
                              colour='#F31A1C', transparency=0, size=1)]
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=attributes,
                   name=_('Estimated buildings affected'),
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                             'impact_table': impact_table,
                             'map_title': map_title},
        return V