Beispiel #1
  def authErrors():
    # Check auth
    if not request.headers.get('Authorization'):
      return ({'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Authentication needed'}, 401)
    method, name, token = Advanced_API.getAuth()

    data = None
    if method.lower() not in ['basic', 'token', 'session', 'bearer']:
      data = ({'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Authorization method not allowed'}, 400)
        authenticated = False
        if   method.lower() == 'basic':
          authenticator = AuthenticationHandler()
          if authenticator.validateUser(name, token): authenticated = True
        elif method.lower() == 'bearer':
            authenticated, name  = db.isBearerAuthenticated(token)
        elif method.lower() == 'token':
            if db.getToken(name) == token: authenticated = True
        elif method.lower() == 'session':
          authenticator = AuthenticationHandler()
          if authenticator.api_sessions.get(name) == token: authenticated = True
        if not authenticated: data = ({'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Authentication failed'}, 401)
      except Exception as e:
        data = ({'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Malformed Authentication String'}, 400)
    if data:
      return data
    else: return None
Beispiel #2
  def getAuth():

    method, auth = (request.headers.get('Authorization')+" ").split(" ", 1) # Adding and removing space to ensure decent split
    name,   key  = (':'+auth.strip()).rsplit(":", 1)
    name = name[1:] # Adding and removing colon to ensure decent split
    if method == 'bearer':
        auth, name = db.isBearerAuthenticated(key)

    return method, name, key