Beispiel #1
  def onCVEAction(self, cve, action, **args):
    if action in ["json", "pdf", "webview"]:
      data  = args["fields"]['scan'][0]
      store = bool(args["fields"]['store'][0])
      tags  = args["fields"]['tags'][0].split(",")
      notes = args["fields"]['notes'][0]
      data = self.handle_scan(data, action, tags, notes, store)
      return {'status': 'plugin_action_complete', 'data': data}
    elif action in ["save_settings"]:
        data = {"reaper.enable": toBool(args["fields"]["reaper_enable"][0]),
                "reaper.folder":        args["fields"]["reaper_folder"][0],
                "":  toBool(args["fields"]["reaper_store"][0]),
                "output.enable": toBool(args["fields"]["output_enable"][0]),
                "output.type":          args["fields"]["output_type"][0],
                "output.folder":        args["fields"]["output_folder"][0] }
        if data["output.type"] not in ["json", "pdf", "webview"]: return False
        if not data["reaper.folder"]: data["reaper.folder"] = "./cve-scan"
        if not data["output.folder"]: data["output.folder"] = "./cve-scan-output"

        for key, val in data.items():
          db.p_writeSetting(self.collection, key, val)

      except Exception as e:
        return False
      return True
    return False
Beispiel #2
 def _userAlowed(self, user):
     if user.is_authenticated():
         group = db.p_readSetting(self.collectionName, "group")
         if not group:
             db.p_writeSetting(self.collectionName, "group", [])
             group = []
         if user.get_id() in group:
             return True
     return False
Beispiel #3
 def _userAlowed(self, user):
   if user.is_authenticated():
     group = db.p_readSetting(self.collectionName, "group")
     if not group:
       db.p_writeSetting(self.collectionName, "group", [])
       group = []
     if user.get_id() in group:
       return True
   return False
Beispiel #4
    def onCVEAction(self, cve, action, **args):
        if action in ["json", "pdf", "webview"]:
                data = args["fields"]['scan'][0]
                store = bool(args["fields"]['store'][0])
                tags = args["fields"]['tags'][0].split(",")
                notes = args["fields"]['notes'][0]

                nmap = self._parseNMap(data)
                if store: self._store_in_db(nmap, tags=tags, notes=notes)
                enhanced = self._enhance(nmap)
                if action == "json":
                    returndata = json.dumps(enhanced,
                elif action == "pdf":
                    returndata = str(
                        base64.b64encode(self._generatePDF(enhanced)), "utf-8")
                elif action == "webview":
                    app = Flask(__name__,
                                    callLocation, "templates"))
                    with app.test_request_context("/"):
                        returndata = render_template(self.html, scan=enhanced)
                return {'status': 'plugin_action_complete', 'data': returndata}
            except Exception as e:
        elif action in ["save_settings"]:
                data = {
                    "reaper.enable": bool(args["fields"]["reaper_enable"][0]),
                    "reaper.folder": args["fields"]["reaper_folder"][0],
                    "": bool(args["fields"]["reaper_store"][0]),
                    "output.enable": bool(args["fields"]["output_enable"][0]),
                    "output.type": args["fields"]["output_type"][0],
                    "output.folder": args["fields"]["output_folder"][0]
                if data["output.type"] not in ["json", "pdf", "webview"]:
                    return False
                if not data["reaper.folder"]:
                    data["reaper.folder"] = "./cve-scan"
                if not data["output.folder"]:
                    data["output.folder"] = "./cve-scan-output"
                for key, val in data.items():
                    db.p_writeSetting(self.collection, key, val)
            except Exception as e:
                return False
            return True
        return False
Beispiel #5
 def __init__(self): = "Notes"
   self.requiresAuth = True
   self.collectionName = "notes"
       <textarea id="noteID_%s" cols="50">%s</textarea>
       <a onclick="$.getJSON('/plugin/%s/_cve_action/save',{cve: '%s', id: '%s', text: $('#noteID_%s').val()},function(data){parseStatus(data);window.location='/cve/%s'});">
         <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-save" aria-hidden="true"></span></a>'''
     <a onclick="$.getJSON('/plugin/%s/_cve_action/delete',{cve: '%s', id: '%s'},function(data){parseStatus(data);window.location='/cve/%s'})">
         <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" aria-hidden="true"></span></a>'''
   # Ensure the database settings exist
   nid = db.p_readSetting(self.collectionName, "last_note")
   if not nid: db.p_writeSetting(self.collectionName, "last_note", 0)
Beispiel #6
 def onDatabaseUpdate(self):
   lastUpdate = db.p_readSetting(self.collectionName, "last_update")
   now = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo = pytz.utc)
   if lastUpdate:
     last  = dateutil.parser.parse(lastUpdate)
     delta = now - last
     since = "%sm"%math.ceil(delta.total_seconds()/60)
     since = ""
   if self.url and self.key:
       # Misp interface
       misp = PyMISP(self.url, self.key, True, 'json')
       return "[-] Failed to connect to MISP. Wrong URL?"
       # Fetch data
       misp_last = misp.download_last(since)
       # Check data
       if 'message' in misp_last.keys():
         if misp_last['message'].lower().startswith('no matches'):       return "[+] MISP collection updated (0 updates)"
         elif misp_last['message'].startswith('Authentication failed.'): return "[-] MISP Authentication failed"
       if not 'response' in misp_last:   print(misp_last);               return "[-] Error occured while fetching MISP data"
       # Nothing wrong so far, so let's continue
       bulk =[]
       for entry in progressbar(misp_last['response']):
         # Get info
         CVEs=   [x['value'] for x in attrs if x['type'] == 'vulnerability']
         if len(CVEs) == 0: continue
         threats=    [x['value'] for x in attrs if x['category'] == 'Attribution'       and x['type'] == 'threat-actor']
         tags   =    [x['value'] for x in attrs if x['category'] == 'Other'             and x['type'] == 'text']
         tags.extend([x['value'] for x in attrs if x['category'] == 'External analysis' and x['type'] == 'text'])
         # Add info to each CVE
         for cve in CVEs:
           if len(threats) !=0: item['threats'] = threats
           if len(tags)    !=0: item['tags'] = tags
           if len(item.keys())>1: bulk.append(item) # Avoid empty collections
       db.p_bulkUpdate(self.collectionName, "id", bulk)
       #update database info after successful program-run
       db.p_writeSetting(self.collectionName, "last_update", now.strftime("%a, %d %h %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"))
       return "[+] MISP collection updated (%s updates)"%len(bulk)
     except Exception as e: print(e);print(e);return "[-] Something went wrong..."
   else:     return "[-] MISP credentials not specified"
Beispiel #7
 def onCVEAction(self, cve, action, **args):
   if args["current_user"].is_authenticated():
     if   action == "save":
       data = db.p_queryOne(self.collectionName, {'cve': cve})
       user = args["current_user"].get_id()
       # Ensure the entry exists
       if not data: db.p_addEntry(self.collectionName, {"cve": cve, "notes": []})
       # Get note if exists:
       self._deleteIfExists(cve, user, int(args["fields"]["id"][0]))
       # Add note
       nid = db.p_readSetting(self.collectionName, "last_note") + 1
       db.p_addToList(self.collectionName, {'cve': cve}, "notes", {'id': nid, 'user': user, 'notes': args["fields"]["text"][0]})
       # Update last note id
       db.p_writeSetting(self.collectionName, "last_note", nid)
       return True
     elif action == "delete":
       user = args["current_user"].get_id()
       self._deleteIfExists(cve, user, int(args["fields"]["id"][0]))
       return True
Beispiel #8
 def _getSetting(self, setting, default):
   s = db.p_readSetting(self.collection, setting)
   if s is None:
     db.p_writeSetting(self.collection, setting, default)
     s = default
   return s
Beispiel #9
  argParser.add_argument('-c', type=str,                      help='Collection to manipulate')
  argParser.add_argument('--drop',       action="store_true", help='Drop the collection specified')
  args = argParser.parse_args()

  if args.a or args.d:
    # Get collection to manipulate
    wd = Collaboration()
    collection = wd._createCollection(args.c)
    # Get list of users
    users = db.p_readSetting(collection, "group")
    if not users: users = []
    if type(users) is not list: users = [users]
    a = args.a if args.a else []
    d = args.d if args.d else []
    for user in a:
      if user not in users:
    for user in d:
      if user in users:
    db.p_writeSetting(collection, "group", users)
  elif args.drop:
    # Get collection to manipulate
    wd = Collaboration()
    collection = wd._createCollection(args.c)
    print("You are manipulating %s"%collection)
    confirm = input("Do you want to drop the user list? [y/N]")
    if confirm.lower() in ["y", "yes"]: db.p_deleteSettings(collection)
    confirm = input("Do you want to drop the data? [y/N]")
    if confirm.lower() in ["y", "yes"]: db.p_drop(collection)
Beispiel #10
                           help='Drop the collection specified')
    args = argParser.parse_args()

    if args.a or args.d:
        # Get collection to manipulate
        wd = Collaboration()
        collection = wd._createCollection(args.c)
        # Get list of users
        users = db.p_readSetting(collection, "group")
        if not users: users = []
        if type(users) is not list: users = [users]
        a = args.a if args.a else []
        d = args.d if args.d else []
        for user in a:
            if user not in users:
        for user in d:
            if user in users:
        db.p_writeSetting(collection, "group", users)
    elif args.drop:
        # Get collection to manipulate
        wd = Collaboration()
        collection = wd._createCollection(args.c)
        print("You are manipulating %s" % collection)
        confirm = input("Do you want to drop the user list? [y/N]")
        if confirm.lower() in ["y", "yes"]: db.p_deleteSettings(collection)
        confirm = input("Do you want to drop the data? [y/N]")
        if confirm.lower() in ["y", "yes"]: db.p_drop(collection)