def removeBook(self): """ Use the entered information if it is valid in order to remove the book after the Add button is pushed. """ data = [self.titleEdit.text(), self.authorEdit.text(), self.yearEdit.text(), self.genre_options.currentText()] invalid_data = Validations.check_all(*data) if invalid_data == []: book = Book( self.titleEdit.text(), self.authorEdit.text(), self.yearEdit.text(), self.genre_options.currentText(), 0, 0, ) Library.remove_book(book) self.label.setText("You removed the book successfully!") else: message = "Unsuccessful removal!Invalid:\n" message += "\n".join(invalid_data) self.label.setText(message) for edit in (self.titleEdit, self.authorEdit, self.yearEdit): edit.clear()
def actualSetBlacklist(self, comic_id, pagenum): if comic_id is not None: library = Library( if pagenum == 'clear': library.comicBlacklist(comic_id) else: library.comicBlacklist(comic_id, pagenum)
def test_add_book(self): Library(, ["Fantasy"]) Library.add_book(self.books[0]) self.assertEqual([self.books[0]], Library.books) self.add_books([self.books[0], self.books[1]], Library) self.assertEqual([self.books[0], self.books[1]], Library.books) os.remove(os.path.realpath(
def test_duplicate_books(self): testlib = Library() testlib.add_book(576.82, 'A New History of Life') testlib.add_book(576.82, 'A New History of Life') assert len(testlib.shelves[5].books) == 2 testlib.remove_book(576.82) assert len(testlib.shelves[5].books) == 1
def addBook(self): """ Use the entered information if it is valid in order to add the book after the Add button is pushed. """ data = [ self.titleEdit.text(), self.authorEdit.text(), self.yearEdit.text(), self.genre_options.currentText(), self.ratingEdit.text(), self.copiesEdit.text(), ] invalid_data = Validations.check_all(*data) if invalid_data == []: new_book = Book(*data) Library.add_book(new_book) self.label.setText("You added the book successfully!") else: message = "Unsuccessful addition!Invalid:\n" message += "\n".join(invalid_data) self.label.setText(message) for gadget in self.gadgets: if gadget != self.genre_options: gadget.clear()
def main(args): import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) a = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) library = Library(Config.library_path) server = Server('*', Config.req_rep_port, Config.pub_sub_port, library) camera = Camera() printer = Printer(library) slide_show = SlideShow(library) server.msg_recieved.connect(camera.process_cmd) server.msg_recieved.connect(printer.process_cmd) server.msg_recieved.connect(slide_show.process_cmd) printer.printing_image.connect(server.printing_image) camera.pic_taken.connect(library.add_image) camera.count_down_changed.connect(server.count_down_changed) camera.live_stream_activated.connect(server.live_stream_activated) library.image_added.connect(server.image_added_to_lib) #qrscanner = QRScanner() #camera.new_preview_image.connect(qrscanner.new_preview_image) server_thread = Server.startThread(server) camera_thread = Camera.startThread(camera) #camera_thread.started.connect(camera.start_preview) #qrscanner_thread = QRScanner.startThread(qrscanner) def exit_app(): print 'stopping camera' camera.stop() print camera_thread.wait() print 'stopping server' server.stop() #print server_thread.wait() print 'exit' a.quit() if not args.no_ui: #w = Widget(camera,server,library,printer,slide_show) w = Widget(slide_show, camera, printer) w.grapicsView.scene().take_pic.connect(camera.take_pic) w.grapicsView.scene().print_pic.connect(printer.print_pic) w.grapicsView.exit_app.connect(exit_app) camera.count_down_started.connect(slide_show.stop) library.image_added.connect(slide_show.start) for image_name in library.get_all_images(): slide_show.start(image_name) break sys.exit(a.exec_())
def test_sorting(self): testlib = Library() testlib.add_book(100.32, 'First Book') testlib.add_book(199.3, 'Last Book') testlib.add_book(150, 'Middle Book') assert testlib.shelves[1].books[0].title == 'First Book' assert testlib.shelves[1].books[1].title == 'Middle Book' assert testlib.shelves[1].books[2].title == 'Last Book'
def test_book_information_by_title(self): Library(, ["Fantasy", "Thriller"]) self.add_books([self.books[0], self.books[1], self.books[2]], Library) book_birds = Library.book_information_by_title("Birds") self.assertEqual([self.books[1], self.books[2]], book_birds) book_somewhere = Library.book_information_by_title("Somewhere") self.assertEqual([self.books[0]], book_somewhere) self.assertEqual([], Library.book_information_by_title("Haha")) os.remove(os.path.realpath(
def do_activate(self): # Initialize snippets library library = Library() if platform.system() == 'Windows': snippetsdir = os.path.expanduser('~/gedit/snippets') else: snippetsdir = os.path.join(GLib.get_user_config_dir(), 'gedit/snippets') library.set_dirs(snippetsdir, self.system_dirs())
def post(self): params = decode(self.request.body) if (params ["request_type"] == "lend"): Library.lend_book(self, params["book"]) else: if(params["request_type"] == "return"): Library.return_book(self, params["book"]) else: self.request.body("> Invalid operation!")
def update_table(self): """ Update the table after clicking the Search button. """ self.table.setRowCount(0) self.table.setColumnCount(0) search = self.searchEdit.text() if results = Library.book_information_by_author(search) elif self.title.isChecked(): results = Library.book_information_by_title(search) else: results = Library.book_information_by_title_author(search) self.table = QtGui.QTableWidget(len(results), 10, self) headers = ("Title", "Author's name", "Published in", "Genre", "Rating", "Copies", "Get", "Return", "Like", " Dislike") self.table.setEditTriggers(QtGui.QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) self.table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(headers) self.table.resizeColumnsToContents() self.table.resizeRowsToContents() widths = [150, 150, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 60, 50, 70] for col, width in zip(range(9), widths): self.table.setColumnWidth(col, width) self.table.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) for row in range(len(results)): book = results[row] col = 0 for column in (book.title,, book.year, book.genre, book.rating, book.number_of_copies): item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(str(column)) self.table.setItem(row, col, item) col += 1 for row in range(len(results)): get_btn = QtGui.QPushButton("Get") get_btn.setMinimumSize(50, 30) get_btn.clicked.connect(partial(self.get_a_copy, row)) self.table.setCellWidget(row, 6, get_btn) return_btn = QtGui.QPushButton("Return") return_btn.setMinimumSize(50, 30) return_btn.clicked.connect(partial(self.return_a_copy, row)) self.table.setCellWidget(row, 7, return_btn) like_btn = QtGui.QPushButton("Like") like_btn.setMinimumSize(50, 30) like_btn.clicked.connect(partial(self.like_a_book, row)) self.table.setCellWidget(row, 8, like_btn) dislike_btn = QtGui.QPushButton("Dislike") dislike_btn.setMinimumSize(50, 30) dislike_btn.clicked.connect(partial(self.dislike_a_book, row)) self.table.setCellWidget(row, 9, dislike_btn) self.grid.addWidget(self.table, 1, 0)
def test_create_genre_dict(self): Library(, ["Fantasy", "Thriller"]) self.add_books([self.books[0], self.books[1], self.books[2]], Library) Library.create_genre_dict() expected_dict = {"Fantasy": [self.books[1], self.books[0]], "Thriller": [self.books[2]]} self.assertEqual(expected_dict, Library.genre_dict) Library.add_book(self.books[3]) expected_dict["Thriller"].append(self.books[3]) self.assertEqual(expected_dict, Library.genre_dict) os.remove(os.path.realpath(
def test_book_information_by_author(self): Library(, ["Fantasy", "Thriller"]) self.add_books(self.books, Library) book_steven = Library.book_information_by_author("Steve Law") self.assertEqual([self.books[0]], book_steven) book_john = Library.book_information_by_author("John White") self.assertEqual([self.books[1], self.books[4]], book_john) book_steve = Library.book_information_by_author("Steve Tyler") self.assertEqual([self.books[2], self.books[3]], book_steve) self.assertEqual([], Library.book_information_by_author("Haha")) os.remove(os.path.realpath(
def generate(n): lib = Library() for i in range(0, n): lib.append(Book( "Author{0}".format(random.randint(1, n)), "Title{0}".format(random.randint(1, n)), random.randint(1950, 2015), "Publ{0}".format(random.randint(1, n)))) return lib
def test_remove_book(self): testlib = Library() testlib.add_book(576.82, 'A New History of Life') testlib.add_book(575.01, 'An Old History of Life') assert len(testlib.shelves[5].books) == 2 testlib.remove_book(576.82) assert len(testlib.shelves[5].books) == 1 # remove nonexistent book testlib.remove_book(501.2) assert len(testlib.shelves[5].books) == 1
def makeAssumes(self): lib = Library(self) lib.load("matrix") # lib.load('sort') N = self.parameters["N"] self.assume("N", N) self.assume("inv_sqrt_N", pow(N, -0.5)) self.assume("A", "(make_matrix N N (mem (lambda (i j) (uniform_continuous 0 1))))") self.assume("x", "(make_matrix N 1 (mem (lambda (i j) (if (flip inv_sqrt_N) (normal 0 1) 0))))") self.assume("b", "(matrix_prod A x)") self.assume("noise", "(inv_gamma 1 1)")
def __run_simulation_process(self): # The grid for this simulation. self.__grid = automata.Grid(self.__x_size, self.__y_size) # The visualization of the grid for this simulation. self.__grid_vis = visualization.GridVisualization( self.__x_size, self.__y_size) # The list of objects on the grid. self.__grid_objects = [] # The frequency for updating the graphics. graphics_limiter = PhasedLoop(30) # The frequency for updating the simulation. # TODO(danielp): Make this rate user-settable. simulation_limiter = PhasedLoop(1) # Load all the organisms that we needed to load. for organism in self.__to_load: library_name = organism[0] name = organism[1] x_pos = organism[2] y_pos = organism[3] library = Library(library_name) organism = library.load_organism(name, self.__grid, (x_pos, y_pos))"Adding new grid object at (%d, %d)." % (x_pos, y_pos)) self.__grid_objects.append(organism) # Add a visualization for the organism. visualization.GridObjectVisualization(self.__grid_vis, organism) # Update the grid to bake everything in its initial position. if not self.__grid.Update(): logger.log_and_raise(SimulationError, "Initial grid update failed.") # Now that the visualization is populated, draw a key for it. self.__key = visualization.Key(self.__grid_vis) # Now run the simulation. while True: PhasedLoop.limit_fastest() if simulation_limiter.should_run(): # Run the simulation. self.__run_iteration() if graphics_limiter.should_run(): self.__grid_vis.update() self.__key.update()
def test_number_of_books_by_genres(self): Library(, ["Fantasy", "Thriller"]) self.add_books([self.books[0], self.books[1], self.books[2]], Library) actual_result = Library.number_of_books_by_genres() self.assertEqual({'Fantasy': 2, 'Thriller': 1}, actual_result) Library.add_book(self.books[3]) actual_result = Library.number_of_books_by_genres() self.assertEqual({'Fantasy': 2, 'Thriller': 2}, actual_result) Library.remove_book(self.books[1]) actual_result = Library.number_of_books_by_genres() self.assertEqual({'Fantasy': 1, 'Thriller': 2}, actual_result) Library.remove_book(self.books[0]) actual_result = Library.number_of_books_by_genres() self.assertEqual({'Fantasy': 0, 'Thriller': 2}, actual_result) os.remove(os.path.realpath(
def do_deactivate(self): if self.accel_group: self.window.remove_accel_group(self.accel_group) self.accel_group = None self.remove_menu() self.unregister_messages() library = Library() library.remove_accelerator_callback(self.accelerator_activated) self.disconnect_signals(self.window) SharedData().unregister_window(self)
class Main(): def __init__(self, gru_file=None): = Menu(self, config, game = None) self.library = Library(self, config) self.collider = Collider(, self.library, game=None) self.dispatcher = Dispatcher(self.collider, self.library,, game=None) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.fps = Fps(self.clock, config) if gru_file is not None: game = Game(gru_file) self.load(game) else: = None def load(self, game): self.library.clear() = game = game = game def clear(self): = None = None = None def draw(self): tick = self.clock.get_time() if == None: self.library.draw() else: def start(self): while 1: self.clock.tick() mrect = Rect(mouse.get_pos(), (1,1)) self.collider.check() self.draw() self.fps.draw() for ev in event.get(): self.dispatcher.process(ev) display.update()
def get(self): #page for class p = Form() l = Library() #print out results if self.request.GET: temp = int(self.request.GET["temperature"]) c = l.convert_celuis(temp) k = l.convert_kelvin(temp) r = l.convert_rankine(temp) n = self.request.GET['name'] z = self.request.GET['city'] self.response.write( n + ", currently in it's " + str(c) + " degrees Celsius, " + str(k) + " degrees Kelvin or " + str(r) + " degrees Rankine in " + z) #show form if its not filled out else: self.response.write(p.print_out())
def GET(self): try: response = {"status": "ok", "backup": Library.instance().flush()} except: response = {"status": "error"} web.header("Cache-Control", "no-cache") return json.dumps(response)
def cek_layer_input(self): # pendefinisian layer input self.layer_a = self.dlg.layerInputA.itemData(self.dlg.layerInputA.currentIndex()) self.layer_b = self.dlg.layerInputB.itemData(self.dlg.layerInputB.currentIndex()) self.lib = Library(self.layer_a, self.layer_b, 10) if self.layer_a == self.layer_b: self.dlg.opp_btnRun.setEnabled(False) self.dlg.adj_btnRun.setEnabled(False) self.dlg.tabMenu.setEnabled(False) self.dlg.labelTitikA.setText("Layer A and Layer B must not same") self.dlg.labelTitikB.setText("Layer A and Layer B must not same") else: self.dlg.opp_btnRun.setEnabled(True) self.dlg.adj_btnRun.setEnabled(True) self.dlg.tabMenu.setEnabled(True) self.cek_terpilih_a() self.cek_terpilih_b() if len(self.layer_a.selectedFeatures()) != 0: self.dlg.checkBox_pilihA.setEnabled(True) else: self.dlg.checkBox_pilihA.setEnabled(False) if len(self.layer_b.selectedFeatures()) != 0: self.dlg.checkBox_pilihB.setEnabled(True) else: self.dlg.checkBox_pilihB.setEnabled(False) self.dlg.checkBox_pilihA.stateChanged.connect(self.cek_terpilih_a) self.dlg.checkBox_pilihB.stateChanged.connect(self.cek_terpilih_b)
def get_data(self): """ Gain access of the data about the books in the library. """ = Library.number_of_books_by_genres() self.genres = sorted( self.count = list([genre] for genre in self. genres)
def sblh_deploy(self): list_geom_a = [feat.geometry() for feat in self.list_feat_garis_a] list_geom_b = [feat.geometry() for feat in self.list_feat_garis_b] list_feat = self.list_feat_ttk_a + self.list_feat_ttk_b t_awal_a = self.lib.titik_pada_garis(self.dlg.adj_start_a, list_geom_a) t_awal_b = self.lib.titik_pada_garis(self.dlg.adj_start_b, list_geom_b) list_t_akhir = [] for a in list_geom_a: for b in list_geom_b: if a.intersects(b): t_akhir = a.intersection(b) list_t_akhir.append(t_akhir) else: pass if len(list_t_akhir) == 0: raise ValueError("No end point detected") elif len(list_t_akhir) > 1: raise ValueError("More than one end point detected") else: g_akhir = list_t_akhir[0] ttk_akhir = g_akhir.asPoint() jarak_klaim = int(self.dlg.adj_claim_dist.text())*1852 self.adj_lib = Library(self.layer_a, self.layer_b, 10, jarak_klaim) list_g_eq, list_g_cc, list_g_gk = self.adj_lib.proses_sb(t_awal_a, t_awal_b, ttk_akhir, list_feat) self.adj_lib.konversi_titik_ke_garis(list_g_cc) if self.dlg.checkBox_cLine.isChecked(): self.lib.buat_layer_garis_k(list_g_gk) if self.dlg.checkBox_titikEq.isChecked(): self.lib.buat_layer_titik(list_g_cc)
def return_a_copy(self, row): """ Return a copy of a certain book. """ book = Library.return_book(self.generate_book_by_row(row)) item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(str(book.number_of_copies)) self.table.setItem(row, 5, item)
def __init__(self, path, photos_path, tmp_db): self.path = os.path.abspath(path) self.photos_path = photos_path db_path = os.path.join(photos_path, "database") self.library = Library(db_path, tmp_db) = dict()
def main(): # init area bet_shemesh = Library("Bet Shemesh") # Menu section print "welcome to " + bet_shemesh.get_name() + " library" print "we have in our library " + str(bet_shemesh.get_books_count()) + " books" print "Main Menu:" print "1. Enter new author" print "2. Enter new book" print "3. search for a book by name" print "3. search for a book by author" print "3. search for a author" user_choice = input("Pease enter your choice ==> ") if user_choice == 1: pass
def main(): user_config = load_config() set_up_environment(user_config) interface = UI(user_config) library = Library(user_config.library.database_path) if os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]): interface.player.set_file(sys.argv[1]) else: # Oh no! There's no file, let's do a search! d = library.discover_on_path(user_config.library.index_paths) d.addCallback(lambda _: library.search_tracks(sys.argv[1])) @d.addCallback def search_track(result): interface.player.set_file(result[0].file_path)
def handlein(filein, fileout): lines = filein.readlines() nb_books, nb_libs, days = map(int,lines[0].split(' ')) books = {} book_scores = list(map(int,lines[1].split(' '))) for i in range(nb_books): books[i] = Book(i, book_scores[i], 0) libs = [] lib_id = 0 for i in range(2,2+2*nb_libs,2): capacity, signup, ship = map(int, lines[i].split(' ')) libbooks = list(map(lambda x: books[int(x)], lines[i +1].split(' '))) libs.append(Library(lib_id,signup, ship, libbooks)) lib_id = lib_id + 1 score = 0 explored_libs=set() explored_book =set() print('len(explored_libs) :', len(explored_libs)) while(score < 4) : explored_books=0 score =0 explored_libs.clear() explored_book.clear() print('Starting NbrLib Expl',len(explored_libs)) print('Starting score :', score) print('Starting Explored ',explored_books) for l in libs: l.score = 0 l.scanned_book=0 l.booktokeep.clear() l.max_score=0 l.sinupDate=0 for b in l.unique_books: b.is_scanned=False process(books, libs, days,explored_libs,explored_book) print('NbrLib ',len(libs)) print('NbrBook ',len(books)) for b in explored_book : score += books[b].score explored_books +=1 print('Explored ',explored_books) print('NbrLib Expl',len(explored_libs)) print("score: ",score) generate_output(fileout, explored_libs)
def main(): #declare books and patrons book1 = Book("Of Mice and Men", "Steinbeck") book2 = Book("The Great Gatsby", "Fitzgerald") book3 = Book("1984","Orwell") book4 = Book("One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest","Kesey") patron1 = Patron("Ivan") patron2 =Patron("Jimmy") patron3 = Patron("Bob") #add books libraryBooks = [] libraryBooks.append(book1) libraryBooks.append(book2) libraryBooks.append(book3) libraryBooks.append(book4) #create Library to store books and patrons myLibrary = Library(libraryBooks) #add patrons to library myLibrary.addPatron(patron1) myLibrary.addPatron(patron2) myLibrary.addPatron(patron3) #test borrowing features myLibrary.borrowBook(book1, patron2) myLibrary.borrowBook(book1, patron3) #Check Print Status print(str(myLibrary)) #check return features myLibrary.returnBook(book1) #see if book was returned correctly print(str(myLibrary))
def delete_book_bid(bid: str) -> None: """ Removes the book with given identifier (bid) :param bid: Book identifier (bid) """ with Library(get_workinglib()) as library: try: _book = library.books[bid] except KeyError: print('Book not found!') exit() library.delete_book(_book) print(f'{_book} has been removed from the library')
def main(): try: lib = Library(conf.library_dir) if conf.action == "clean": cleaner = Cleaner(lib) print("Removing duplicates..."), cleaner.remove_duplicates() print("DONE") if not conf.test: lib.flush() print("\nTraktor library updated.") else: print("\nTest run. No changes made to the library.") elif conf.action == "export": exporter = Exporter(lib, conf.export_dir) exporter.export() except Exception as e: logger.error(e, exc_info=False)
def delete_book_name(book_name: str) -> None: """ Removes the first book that matches the book_name string from the library :param book_name: Name string of the book """ with Library(get_workinglib()) as library: book_name_search = library.search_title(book_name) if len(book_name_search) == 0: print('Error: Book name not found!') exit() _book = book_name_search[0] library.delete_book(_book) print(f'{_book} has been removed from the library')
def set_credentials(username, password): if len(libraries) == 1: lib = libraries.values()[0] if lib.username == username and lib.password == password: return lib.logout() libraries.clear() if username is None or password is None: return Library(username, password)
def main(): timestamp ="%c") print("Start:", timestamp) gl = gitlab.Gitlab.from_config(config_files=[CONFIG_FILE]) # Init Library - get versions and make a pam from it library = Library(gl, CONFIG_FILE) # Read repos form config projects = read_project_config(CONFIG_FILE, gl) for project in projects: project.parse_revisions(library)
def parseInput(inp): itr = (line for line in inp.split('\n')) numberOfDifferentBooks, numberOfLibraries, numberOfDays = nl(itr) books = {bookID: Book(bookID, bookScore) for bookID, bookScore in enumerate(nl(itr))} libraries = SortedList() for i in range(numberOfLibraries): numberOfBooks, signUpTime, capacityOfShipping = nl(itr) line = nl(itr) libraryBooks = SortedList(books[bookID] for bookID in line) libraries.add(Library(i, numberOfBooks, signUpTime, capacityOfShipping, libraryBooks, numberOfDays)) return argparse.Namespace(numberOfDifferentBooks=numberOfDifferentBooks, numberOfLibraries=numberOfLibraries, numberOfDays=numberOfDays, books=books, libraries=libraries)
def library_list(): if request.method == 'PUT': data = json.loads(request.get_data().decode("utf8")) Library.add(data['name'], data['path'], data['lib_type'],'','','') return json_return( { 'message': "添加成功" } ) full = request.args.get("full", "false") == 'true' with Database() as db: rows = "select id,name,lib_type,dir,status,version from library order by id", dict_result=True) if not full: return json_return(rows) result = { row['id']: { 'id': row['id'], 'name': row['name'], 'lib_type': row['lib_type'], 'dir': row['dir'], 'status': row['status'], 'version': row['version'], 'count': 0, 'next_count': 0 } for row in rows} item_sql = "select library_id,version,count(1) c from item group by library_id,version" item_rows =, dict_result=True) for row in item_rows: if row['version'] == result[row['library_id']]['version']: result[row['library_id']]['count'] = row['c'] else: result[row['library_id']]['next_count'] = row['c'] return json_return( [item for item in result.values()] )
def main(): # def __init__(self, title, call_no, author, num_copies): # issue, publisher): # def __init__(self, title, call_no, author, num_copies, name, # issue, publisher): b1 = Book("Provenance", "342.2", "Anne Leckie", 20) b2 = Book("Ancillary Justice", "342.2A", "Anne Leckie", 1) j1 = Journal("Individual Psychology", "123.4", "Gabriela Pap", 1, "Journal of Psychology", 23, "SAGE Publications") d1 = Dvd("Mad Max: Fury Road", "789.0", "George Miller", 8, "May 15, 2015", "1") cat = Catalogue({ "342.2": Book("Provenance", "342.2", "Anne Leckie", 20), "342.2A": Book("Ancillary Justice", "342.2A", "Anne Leckie", 1), "123.4": Journal("Individual Psychology", "123.4", "Gabriela Pap", 1, "Journal of Psychology", 23, "SAGE Publications"), "789.0": Dvd("Mad Max: Fury Road", "789.0", "George Miller", 8, "May 15, 2015", "1") }) vpl = Library(cat) display_menu = True while display_menu: print("What would you like to do?") print("1. Find item by title (String)") print("2. Add item to catalogue") print("3. Remove item from catalogue (call no)") print("4. Check out a copy (call no)") print("5. Return your copy (call no)") print("6. Display library catalogue") print("7. Quit menu") choice = int(input("Select action: ")) if choice == 2: vpl.get_cat().add_item() elif choice == 6: vpl.display_available_books() elif choice == 7: display_menu = False elif choice not in range(1, 6): print("\nInvalid input. Try again.\n") else: par = input("Enter parameter: ") input_dict = { 1:, 3: cat.remove_item, 4: vpl.check_out, 5: vpl.return_item } print(input_dict.get(choice)(par))
def read_input(fname): with open(f"data/{fname}") as f: lines = f.readlines() metadata = lines[0].split(" ") B = int(metadata[0]) L = int(metadata[1]) D = int(metadata[2]) books_score = [int(i) for i in lines[1].strip().split(" ")] all_books = {i: books_score[i] for i in range(len(books_score))} all_books_list = [] problem = Problem(n_books=B, n_libraries=L, n_days=D, scores=books_score) for i, group in enumerate(grouper(2, lines[2:])): l1, l2 = group[0], group[1] if l2 is None: break library = Library(i, *[int(i) for i in l1.strip().split(" ")]) # import ipdb # # ipdb.set_trace() books = {(int(i)): all_books[int(i)] for i in l2.strip().split(" ")} all_books_list.append(books) library.add_books(books) problem.add_library(library) return problem, all_books, all_books_list
def search(): # url(?key=value) s = request.args.get('search', '') filename = 'new_lib_info.json' lib = Library(filename, True) # will want to get right from search in future results = [] if s: books = for book in books: results.append(str(book)) if results == []: results = -1 num_results = 0 if type(results) != int: num_results = len(results) return render_template('index.html', query=s, results=results, num_results=num_results)
def GET(self): if librarian.is_traktor_running(): response = { "status": "error", "message": "Please quit Traktor first." } else: cleaner = Cleaner(Library.instance()) cleaner.remove_duplicates() logger.debug(u"Duplicate removal complete") response = cleaner.get_result() response["status"] = "ok" web.header("Cache-Control", "no-cache") return json.dumps(response)
def return_book_name(book_name: str) -> None: """ Returns to the library the first book that matches book_name :param book_name: Name string of the book """ with Library(get_workinglib()) as library: book_name_search = library.search_title(book_name) if len(book_name_search) == 0: print('Error: Book name not found!') exit() book = book_name_search[0] try: library.return_book(book) print(f'{book} has been returned') except KeyError: print(f'Error: {book} has not been lent')
def return_book_bid(bid: str) -> None: """ Mark book with given bid as returned :param bid: Book unique identifier """ with Library(get_workinglib()) as library: try: book = library.books[bid] except KeyError: print('Book not found!') exit() try: library.return_book(book) print(f'{book} has been returned') except KeyError: print(f'Error: {book} has not been lent')
def ep_del_keystore(library, name): """Remove a new keystore from a library. Arguments: library: The path to the library to use. name: The name of the keystore to remove. """ logging.debug("Loading library: {}".format(library)) lib = Library(path=library)"Removing keystore: {}".format(name)) lib.remove_keystore(name)
def read(file_name): with open(file_name, 'r') as f: line = f.readline() num_books, num_libs, num_days = [int(l) for l in line.split()] line = f.readline() books = {i: Book(i, int(v)) for i, v in enumerate(line.split())} libs = [] for i in range(num_libs): line = f.readline() nb, su, bpd = [int(l) for l in line.split()] line = f.readline() book_ids = [int(l) for l in line.split()] lb = {j: books[j] for j in book_ids} for b in lb.values(): b.register_copy() libs.append(Library(i, lb, su, bpd)) return num_days, libs
def input_parser(filename): with open(filename, "r") as myfile: line1 = myfile.readline() line2 = myfile.readline() [books_num, libs_num, days_num] = line1.split() book_scores = line2.split() libs = dict() for i in range(int(libs_num)): firstline = myfile.readline() secondline = myfile.readline() [lib_books_num, lib_signup_days, books_per_day] = firstline.split(" ") libs[i] = Library(i, firstline.split()[1], firstline.split()[2]) lib_book_ids = secondline.split() for book in lib_book_ids: libs[i].add_book(int(book), int(book_scores[int(book)])) return books_num, days_num, book_scores, libs
def get_input(file_path): with open(file_path) as f: num_of_books, num_of_libs, days_of_scan = f.readline().split() list_of_scored = [int(s) for s in f.readline().split()] librarys = [] for lib in range(int(num_of_libs)): book_of_lib, time, books_per_day = f.readline().split() books = f.readline().split() actual_books = [] for book_id in books: actual_books.append(Book(int(book_id), list_of_scored[int(book_id)])) librarys.append(Library(lib, actual_books, int(time), int(books_per_day))) return InputCluster(librarys, num_of_books ,days_of_scan)
def accelerator_activate(self, keyval, mod): if not self.view or not self.view.get_editable(): return False accelerator = Gtk.accelerator_name(keyval, mod) snippets = Library().from_accelerator(accelerator, \ self.language_id) if len(snippets) == 0: return False elif len(snippets) == 1: self.apply_snippet(snippets[0]) else: # Do the fancy completion dialog self.provider.set_proposals(snippets) self.view.show_completion((self, )) return True
def add_book(ctx: click.Context, title: str, author: str) -> None: """ Adds a book to the library. Additional arguments can be added. \b Example: add-book "Fahrenheit 491" "Ray Bradbury" -year 1953 \b :param title: Title of the book :param author: Author of the book :param ctx: Context of the click command line """ kwargs = { ctx.args[i][1:]: ctx.args[i + 1] for i in range(0, len(ctx.args), 2) } _book = Book(title, author, **kwargs) with Library(get_workinglib()) as library: library.add_book(_book) print(f'{_book} has been added to the library with {} as bid')
def ep_add_keystore(library, name, type, uri): """Add a new keystore to a library. Arguments: library: The path to the library to use. name: A name to register this keystore under. type: The type of keystore to link to. uri: The URI to the new keystore. """ logging.debug("Loading library: {}".format(library)) lib = Library(path=library)"Adding new keystore: {}".format(name)) lib.add_keystore(name, type, uri)
def parse_hash_code_file(self) -> tuple: """ Parsing the input data @return: tuple -- d: the number of days, libraries: the list containing the libraries objects """ path = "scenarios/{}.txt".format(self.file_name) # Check if the path exists if not os.path.isfile(path): raise Exception('Didn\'t found the file: {}'.format(path)) b, l, d = None, None, None book_scores, books_obj = [], [] n, t, m = None, None, None libraries = [] with open(path) as fp: cnt = 0 for i, line in enumerate(fp): if line == '\n': continue if i == 0: b, l, d = line.strip().split(' ') elif i == 1: book_scores = list(line.strip().split(' ')) books_obj = self.create_books( book_scores ) # from the books_scores create an array of books objects elif i % 2 == 0: n, t, m = line.strip().split(' ') else: lib_books = list(line.strip().split(' ')) books = self.create_books_list( lib_books, books_obj) # create the library's books list libraries.append( Library(cnt, int(n), int(t), int(m), books)) cnt += 1 return int(d), books_obj, libraries
def read_input(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: #for index, line in enumerate(f): libraries = [] data = f.readline() nbooks, nlibraries, days = list(map(int, data.split(" "))) scores = list(map(int, f.readline().split(" "))) for i in range(nlibraries): info = list(map(int, f.readline().split(" "))) books = list(map(int, f.readline().split(" "))) lib = Library(books, info[1], info[2], i) libraries.append(lib) return scores, libraries, days
def create_dataset(n_qubits=8): """ Generates easy, hard and random datasets and saves them as .npz files Args: n_qubits: Number of qubits Returns: Raises: """ np.random.seed(123456789) if not os.path.exists('data/'): os.makedirs('data/') library = Library('data/') easy = RandomStateGenerator() easy_d = easy.make_dset_easy(n_qubits) easy_d = sample(easy_d, n_qubits) library.writer(easy_d, 'easy_dataset') del easy_d, easy print("Finished generating easy dataset.") rand = RandomStateGenerator() rand_d = rand.make_dset_hard(n_qubits) # 18qubits is too big to handle rand_d = sample(rand_d, n_qubits) library.writer(rand_d, 'random_dataset') del rand_d, rand print("Finished generating random dataset.") # 3,4 is the correct inputs for 18 qubit state acc to authors hard = HardStateGenerator(3, 4) hard_d = hard.get_hard_distribution() hard_d = sample(hard_d, n_qubits) library.writer(hard_d, 'hard_dataset') del hard_d, hard print("Finished generating hard dataset.")
def update_language(self, controller): if not self.window: return if controller: langid = controller.language_id else: langid = None if langid != None: accelgroup = Library().get_accel_group(langid) else: accelgroup = None if accelgroup != self.current_language_accel_group: if self.current_language_accel_group: self.window.remove_accel_group( self.current_language_accel_group) if accelgroup: self.window.add_accel_group(accelgroup) self.current_language_accel_group = accelgroup
def load_data_set(self): input_filename = "data/" + self.data_set_name + ".txt" with open(input_filename) as file: def get_int_list_from_line(): return [int(x) for x in file.readline().split()] self.n_books, self.n_libraries, self.n_days = get_int_list_from_line( ) self.book_scores = get_int_list_from_line() for lib_id in range(self.n_libraries): lib_n_books, lib_signup_time, lib_books_per_day = get_int_list_from_line( ) lib_books = get_int_list_from_line() library = Library(lib_id, lib_n_books, lib_signup_time, lib_books_per_day, lib_books) self.libraries.append(library) self.selected_libraries = [] self.is_book_id_selected = [False] * self.n_books
def __init__(self, controller, ui): super().__init__() self.controller = controller self.ui = ui # TODO: load asynchronously, especially the storage code that calls an API. self.libraries = {} folders = os.getenv('RD_LIBRARY') if not folders: return for folder in folders.split(':'): new_library = Library(folder) self.libraries[] = new_library self.load_track_list(new_library) self.storage_thread = StorageThread() self.storage_thread.initialized.connect(self.storage_initialized) self.storage_thread.start()
def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Usage: conf_file") sys.exit() # Read configuration from file."Reading configuration from '%s'." % (sys.argv[1])) config_file = open(sys.argv[1]) config = yaml.load(config_file, Loader=Loader) config_file.close() # Load all the organisms specified. if "Organisms" not in config: logger.fatal("Invalid config, needs 'Organisms' section.") if ("GridXSize" not in config and "GridYSize" not in config): logger.fatal("Invalid config, needs GridXSize and GridYSize") if "IterationTime" not in config: logger.fatal("Invalid config, needs IterationTime.") simulation = Simulation(config["GridXSize"], config["GridYSize"], config["IterationTime"]) # Add them to the simulation. for organism in config["Organisms"]: for i in range(0, organism["Quantity"]): library = Library(organism["Library"]) simulation.add_organism(organism["Library"], organism["Name"]) # Start it running."Delegating to simulation process.") simulation.start() # Wait forever.[], [], []) logger.critical("Exiting")
def mainLoop(self): logging.debug("Monitor: started main loop.") self.session = self.library = Library( observer = Observer() self.eventHandler = MonitorEventHandler(self) for path in self.paths: if os.path.exists(path): observer.schedule(self.eventHandler, path, recursive=True) observer.start() while True: try: (msg, args) = self.queue.get(block=True, timeout=1) except: msg = None #dispatch messages if msg == "scan": self.dofullScan(self.paths) if msg == "events": self.doEventProcessing(args) #time.sleep(1) if self.quit: break self.session.close() self.session = None observer.stop() logging.debug("Monitor: stopped main loop.")