Beispiel #1
 def shoot2(self, x, y, datum_point_x=7, datum_point_y=7, debug=False):
     # calculate the rotate angles
     quadrant = getQuadrant(x, y, datum_point_x, datum_point_y)
     print 'quadrant : %d' % quadrant
     xcoef = 1 if quadrant == 3 or quadrant == 4 else -1
     ycoef = 1 if quadrant == 2 or quadrant == 4 else -1
     base = abs(abs(x-datum_point_x) * self.gridLength - (xcoef * (self.gridLength / 2)))
     height = abs(abs(y-datum_point_y) * self.gridLength - (ycoef * (self.gridLength / 2)))
     laser2target = math.sqrt(pylab.square(base) + pylab.square(height) + pylab.square(self.laser2wall))
     print "base : %f \t height : %f" % (base, height)
     print laser2target
     yaw = math.asin(base / laser2target)
     pitch = math.asin(height / laser2target)
     print "yaw : %f \t pitch : %f" % (yaw, pitch)
     units2yaw = yaw / anglePerStep
     units2pitch = pitch / anglePerStep
     if quadrant == 1 or quadrant == 3:
         units2yaw = -units2yaw 
     if quadrant == 3 or quadrant == 4:
         units2pitch = -units2pitch
     print 'steps to yaw %f \t steps to pitch %f' % (units2yaw, units2pitch)
     self.move(units2yaw, units2pitch, 1, 3000)
     # return to the datum point
     self.move(-units2yaw, -units2pitch, 1, 0)
	def rotate(sz,p,q,r): # determines current orientation based on gravity data
		# initial position vector
		v = np.array([0,0,r])
		# Euler angles in degrees from the sensor
		# CCW +ve, CW -ve
		#need to check how things fall here
		'''a =  (q) * pi/180  #-1.875
		b =  (p) * pi/180  #+.5
		# Rotation matrix
		Ra = np.array([[1, 0 	  ,  0		 ],\
					   [0, m.cos(a),-m.sin(a)],\
					   [0, m.sin(a), m.cos(a)]])
		Rb = np.array([[ m.cos(b), 0 , m.sin(b)],\
					  [  0		 , 1 , 0	   ],\
					  [ -m.sin(b), 0 , m.cos(b)]])
		R =,Rb)'''
		a = m.asin((q )/9.8)#  + .0875#gets angle and accounts for bias in IMU reading
		b = m.asin((p )/9.8)#  + .01438

		R = np.array([[ (m.cos(b))			  ,         0,  m.sin(b)			],\
					   [(-m.sin(a))*(m.sin(b)),  m.cos(a), (m.sin(a))*(m.cos(b))],\
					   [(-m.sin(b))*(m.cos(a)), -m.sin(a), (m.cos(a))*(m.cos(b))]])

		new_v =,v)

		return new_v
Beispiel #3
    def monitorArms(self, task):
      anglesDict = {}
      for arm in self.arms:
        direction = self.ralph.get_pos() - arm.get_pos()

        # camera starts facing along x
        dec = math.asin(direction.x)
        cosdec = math.cos(dec) 
        if cosdec > 1e-05:
          ra = math.asin(clamp1(direction.z / cosdec))
          ra2 = math.acos(clamp1(direction.y / cosdec))
        else: ra = ra2 = math.pi/2
        #print(cosdec, direction)
        #print 'arm ' + arm.get_name() + ' ' + str((dec, ra, ra2, cosdec))

        if direction.z > 0: 
          if ra2 < math.pi/2: ra2 = 0
          else: ra2 = math.pi

        arm.jointForearm.setH(-dec * 180/math.pi)
        arm.jointBase.setP(-ra2 * 180/math.pi)

        dec = -arm.jointForearm.getH() / 90.0 * 300 + 512
        ra = -arm.jointBase.getP()    / 90.0 * 300 + 212

        #print -arm.jointBase.getP(), -arm.jointBase.getH()
        baseID = arm.baseID
        anglesDict[baseID] = int(round(ra))
        anglesDict[baseID+1] = int(round(dec))

      return task.again
Beispiel #4
 def _gen_texture_coords(self, tex_coords=None, mapping_type=TextureMappingConstants.SPHERICAL):
     if len(tex_coords) == 0 :
         tex_coords = []
         fast = False
         if mapping_type == TextureMappingConstants.SPHERICAL:
             if fast:
                 for norm in self._normals:
                     u = norm.x / 2 + 0.5
                     v = norm.z / 2 + 0.5
                 for norm in self._normals:
                     u = math.asin(norm.x)/math.pi + 0.5
                     v = math.asin(norm.z)/math.pi + 0.5
         # Expand the texture coordinates array to match the format of the transformed vertex array
         new_tex_coords = []
         for vi in range(len(self._vert_index)):
             v_ind = self._vert_index[vi]
         tex_coords = new_tex_coords
     self._tex_coords = tex_coords
Beispiel #5
def day_length(doy, yr_days, latitude):
    """ Daylength in hours

    Eqns come from Leuning A4, A5 and A6, pg. 1196
    Leuning et al (1995) Plant, Cell and Environment, 18, 1183-1200.
    doy : int
        day of year, 1=jan 1
    yr_days : int
        number of days in a year, 365 or 366
    latitude : float
        latitude [degrees]

    dayl : float
        daylength [hrs]

    deg2rad = pi / 180.0
    latr = latitude * deg2rad
    sindec = -sin(23.5 * deg2rad) * cos(2.0 * pi * (doy + 10.0) / yr_days)
    a = sin(latr) * sindec
    b = cos(latr) * cos(asin(sindec))
    dayl = 12.0 * (1.0 + (2.0 / pi) * asin(a / b))
    return dayl
Beispiel #6
    def heading(self):

        truncate = [0,0,0]
        for i in range(X, Z+1):
            truncate[i] = math.copysign(min(math.fabs(self._accel[i]), 1.0), self._accel[i])
            pitch = math.asin(-1*truncate[X])
            roll = math.asin(truncate[Y]/math.cos(pitch)) if abs(math.cos(pitch)) >= abs(truncate[Y]) else 0
            # set roll to zero if pitch approaches -1 or 1

            self._tiltcomp[X] = self._mag[X] * math.cos(pitch) + self._mag[Z] * math.sin(pitch)
            self._tiltcomp[Y] = self._mag[X] * math.sin(roll) * math.sin(pitch) + \
                               self._mag[Y] * math.cos(roll) - self._mag[Z] * math.sin(roll) * math.cos(pitch)
            self._tiltcomp[Z] = self._mag[X] * math.cos(roll) * math.sin(pitch) + \
                               self._mag[Y] * math.sin(roll) + \
                               self._mag[Z] * math.cos(roll) * math.cos(pitch)
            self._tilt_heading = math.atan2(self._tiltcomp[Y], self._tiltcomp[X])

            if self._tilt_heading < 0:
                self._tilt_heading += 2*math.pi
            if self._tilt_heading > 2*math.pi:
                self._heading -= 2*math.pi

            self._tilt_heading_degrees = round(math.degrees(self._tilt_heading),2)
            return self._tilt_heading_degrees

        except Exception:
            return None
Beispiel #7
    def get_pos_command(self):
        ts  = ovr.getTrackingState(self.session, ovr.getTimeInSeconds(), True)
        if ts.StatusFlags & (ovr.Status_OrientationTracked | ovr.Status_PositionTracked):
            pose = ts.HeadPose
        # Get queternions
        q0 = pose.ThePose.Orientation.w;
        q1 = pose.ThePose.Orientation.x;
        q2 = pose.ThePose.Orientation.y;
        q3 = pose.ThePose.Orientation.z;

        # Calculate Euler angles
        x = int(1500 + 637*math.asin(2*(q0*q1 - q3*q2)))    #pitch
        y = int(1450 - 637*math.atan2(2*(q0*q2 - q1*q3),1-2*(q2*q2+q1*q1))) #yaw
        z = int(1500 + 637*math.asin(2*(q0*q3 + q1*q2)))    #roll
        pos_command = ""
        # Anti-shaking
        if abs(self.xtemp-x)>1 or abs(self.ytemp-y)>1 or abs(self.ztemp-z)>1:
            pos_command = (str(x) + "," + str(y) + ","+str(z)+'\n')
            self.xtemp = x
            self.ytemp = y
            self.ztemp = z
        return pos_command
Beispiel #8
def troll(roll, dec, v2, v3):
    """ Computes the roll angle at the target position based on:
        the roll angle at the V1 axis(roll),
        the dec of the target(dec), and
        the V2/V3 position of the aperture (v2,v3) in arcseconds.

        Based on algorithm provided by Colin Cox and used in
        Generic Conversion at STScI.
    # Convert all angles to radians
    _roll = np.deg2rad(roll)
    _dec = np.deg2rad(dec)
    _v2 = np.deg2rad(v2 / 3600.)
    _v3 = np.deg2rad(v3 / 3600.)

    # compute components
    sin_rho = sqrt((pow(sin(_v2), 2) + pow(sin(_v3), 2)) - (pow(sin(_v2), 2) * pow(sin(_v3), 2)))
    rho = asin(sin_rho)
    beta = asin(sin(_v3) / sin_rho)
    if _v2 < 0: beta = pi - beta
    gamma = asin(sin(_v2) / sin_rho)
    if _v3 < 0: gamma = pi - gamma
    A = pi / 2. + _roll - beta
    B = atan2(sin(A) * cos(_dec), (sin(_dec) * sin_rho - cos(_dec) * cos(rho) * cos(A)))

    # compute final value
    troll = np.rad2deg(pi - (gamma + B))

    return troll
Beispiel #9
  def _FromXYZ(coord):
    x = coord[0] * 4 - 2
    y = coord[1] * 4 - 2
    z = coord[2] * 4 - 2

    assert -2 <= x <= 2
    assert -2 <= y <= 2
    assert -2 <= z <= 2

    r = GeoApi._GetDistance((0, 0, 0), (x, y, z))
    if not r:
      return (0, 0, -GeoApi._EARTH_RADIUS)

    phi = math.asin(z / r)
    r_xy = r * math.cos(phi)
    if not r_xy:
      gamma = 0
      gamma = math.asin(y / r_xy)
    if x < 0:
      if y > 0:
        gamma = math.pi - gamma
        gamma = -math.pi - gamma

    elevation =  (r - 1) * GeoApi._EARTH_RADIUS

    phi = phi * 180.0 / math.pi
    gamma = gamma * 180.0 / math.pi

    return (phi, gamma, elevation)
Beispiel #10
def phase7():
	print "Phase 7 - left knee bends"
	# acos(.5 z / l)
	targetAP = math.acos(.5 * 500 / 300)
	thetaAP = state.joint[ha.LAP].pos
	# change in x position of CoM during bend
	baseAR = math.asin(88.4/600)
	deltaAR = math.asin(88.4 / 400) - baseAR
	baseHP = state.joint[ha.LHP].pos
	elapsed = 0
	while (elapsed < 10):
		s.get(state, wait=False, last=False)
		t1 = state.time
		thetaAP = filterTargetPos(targetAP, elapsed, freq)
		thetaAR = filterTargetPos(deltaAR, elapsed, freq) + baseAR
		# print elapsed, "\t", thetaAR
		# shift z
		ref.ref[ha.LHP] = -thetaAP + baseHP
		ref.ref[ha.LAP] = -thetaAP
		ref.ref[ha.LKN] = 2 * thetaAP
		# shift x
		ref.ref[ha.RHR] = -thetaAR
		ref.ref[ha.RAR] = thetaAR
		ref.ref[ha.LHR] = -thetaAR
		ref.ref[ha.LAR] = thetaAR
		elapsed += TIME_STEP
		s.get(state, wait=False, last=False)
		t2 = state.time
		delay(TIME_STEP - (t2 - t1))
Beispiel #11
 def getAngle(self,cc):
         r = ( (cc[2] - cc[0]) ** 2 + (cc[3] - cc[1] ) ** 2 ) ** 0.5
         print('current R is:%8.4f' % r)
         print (cc)
         x = cc[2] - cc[0]
         y = cc[3] - cc[1]
         sina = y / r
         cosa = x / r
         starta = float()
         if y > 0 and x > 0:
             starta=math.asin ( sina ) ## 0 ~ PI/2
             print ("q1: %f" % starta)
             if  y > 0 and x <=0:
                 starta = math.acos(cosa) ## PI/2 ~ PI
                 print ("q2: %f" % starta)
                 if y <=0 and x <=0:
                     starta = math.pi*2 - math.acos(cosa)
                     print("q3: %f" % starta)
                     starta = math.pi * 2 + math.asin(sina)
                     print("q4: %f" % starta)
         print("The angle of the hand is: %f" % starta)
         print('The coords of the hand are (after calculated from the Angle: is %s' % cc)
         return (starta)
Beispiel #12
def ApproximateTransitTime(t = float('nan'), P = float('nan'), RS = float('nan'), a = float('nan')):
	"""Calculates the approximate transit time, using equation 2.6 in TE

	t: transit duration, in s
	P: period of the planet, in s
	RS: radius of the host star, in m
	a: semi-major axis of the orbit, in m

	[t, P, RS, a]: list of all of the above

	#TODO: Extend this formula according to equation 3.4 in TE

		t = P/math.pi * math.sin(RS/a)
		P = t * math.pi * math.sin(RS/a)
		RS = a * math.asin(t*math.pi/P)
		a = RS / math.asin(t*math.pi/P)
		print ('TransitTime: WARNING: Nothing to solve')

	if(math.isnan(t) or math.isnan(P) or math.isnan(RS) or math.isnan(a)):
		print ('TransitTime: ERROR: Could not solve')

	return [t, P, RS, a]
Beispiel #13
def phase3():
	print "Phase 3"
	targetAP = math.acos(.5 * 400 / 300)
	thetaAP = state.joint[ha.RAP].pos
	# change in x position of CoM during bend
	baseAR = math.asin(-88.4/600)
	deltaAR = math.asin(-88.4 / 400) - baseAR
	elapsed = 0
	#print "AP start: ", thetaAP
	#print "AP target: ", targetAP
	while (elapsed < 10):
		s.get(state, wait=False, last=False)
		t1 = state.time
		thetaAP = filterTargetPos(targetAP, elapsed, freq)
		thetaAR = filterTargetPos(deltaAR, elapsed, freq) + baseAR
		# print elapsed, "\t", thetaAR
		# shift z
		ref.ref[ha.RHP] = -thetaAP
		ref.ref[ha.RAP] = -thetaAP
		ref.ref[ha.RKN] = 2 * thetaAP
		# shift x
		ref.ref[ha.RHR] = -thetaAR
		ref.ref[ha.RAR] = thetaAR
		ref.ref[ha.LHR] = -thetaAR
		ref.ref[ha.LAR] = thetaAR
		elapsed += TIME_STEP
		s.get(state, wait=False, last=False)
		t2 = state.time
		delay(TIME_STEP - (t2 - t1))
Beispiel #14
    def monitorArm(self, task):
        def clamp1(x): return min(1, max(-1, x))

        direction = self.ralph.get_pos() - self.robotarm.get_pos()
        direction.z += 1

        # camera starts facing along x
        dec = math.asin(direction.x)
        cosdec = math.cos(dec) 
        if cosdec > 1e-05:
          ra = math.asin(clamp1(direction.z / cosdec))
          ra2 = math.acos(clamp1(direction.y / cosdec))
        else: ra = ra2 = math.pi/2#float('nan')
        #print(cosdec, direction)
        #print(dec, ra, ra2, cosdec)

        if direction.z < 0: 
          if ra2 < math.pi/2: ra2 = 0
          else: ra2 = math.pi

        self.jointForearm.setH(-dec * 180/math.pi)
        self.jointBase.setP(ra2 * 180/math.pi) 

        self.anglesText.setText(str((dec, ra, ra2, cosdec)))

        a = self.jointForearm.getH() / 90.0 * 300 + 512
        b = self.jointBase.getP()    / 90.0 * 300 + 212
        #print(a, b)
        baseID = 9
        servos.setAngle({baseID:int(round(b)), (baseID+1):int(round(a))})
        return task.again
Beispiel #15
def rpy(R):
    """Converts a rotation matrix to a roll,pitch,yaw angle triple.
    The result is given in radians."""
    sign = lambda x: 1 if x > 0 else (-1 if x < 0 else 0)

    m = matrix(R)
    b = -math.asin(m[2][0]) # m(2,0)=-sb
    cb = math.cos(b)
    if abs(cb) > 1e-7:
        ca = m[0][0]/cb   #m(0,0)=ca*cb
        ca = min(1.0,max(ca,-1.0))
        if sign(m[1][0]) == sign(cb): #m(1,0)=sa*cb
            a = math.acos(ca);
            a = 2*math.pi - math.acos(ca)

        cc = m[2][2] / cb  #m(2,2)=cb*cc
        cc = min(1.0,max(cc,-1.0))
        if sign(m[2][1]) == sign(cb): #m(2,1)=cb*sc
            c = math.acos(cc)
            c = math.pi*2 - math.acos(cc)
        #b is close to 90 degrees, i.e. cb=0
        #this reduces the degrees of freedom, so we can set c=0
        c = 0
        a = -math.asin(m[0][1]);
        if sign(math.cos(a)) != sign(m[1][1]): #m(1,1)=ca
            a = math.pi - a;
    return c,b,a
Beispiel #16
def latlong_at_distaz(latE,longE,azimut,distance):
  from math import pi,sin,cos,asin
  Recherche des coordonnées d'un point en rapport avec un second :
  La fonction renvoi la latitude et la longitude du point cherché.
  La fonction connait la latitude et la longitude d'un point ainsi
  que la distance et l'azimut avec le point cherché.

  Usage (latS,lonS)=latlong(latE,longE,azimut,distance_km)

  R = 6371            # Rayon de la Terre (en km)
  d = 1.* distance/R  # distance en radian sur la surface de la Terre



  latS =  asin(cos(d)*sin(latE)+sin(d)*cos(latE)*cos(azimut))
  longS = longE + asin(sin(azimut)*sin(d)/cos(latS))  

  return (latS, longS)
Beispiel #17
def solar_intensity(lat = 40.713, lng = -74.006, date_time =
    # day_of_year = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_time, '%m/%d/%Y').timetuple().tm_yday
    day_of_year = date_time.timetuple().tm_yday
    declination_angle = degrees(asin(sin(radians(23.45)) * sin(2 * pi/365 * (day_of_year - 81))))
    # print 'declination_angle = ' + str(declination_angle)
    # ~~~equation of time~~~ to account for orbital eccentricity and axial wobble
    e_o_t = 9.87 * sin(2.0 * 2 * pi / 365 * (day_of_year - 81)) - 7.53 * cos(2 * pi / 365 * (day_of_year - 81)) - 1.5 * sin(2 * pi / 365 * (day_of_year - 81))
    gmt_diff = floor(lng / 15) # hour difference from GMT (+5 for EST)
    lstm = 15.0 * gmt_diff # local standard time meridian (edge of time zone)
    tc = 4.0 * (lng - lstm) + e_o_t # time correction factor
    local_solar_time = date_time + datetime.timedelta(0, tc/60.0)
    lst_dec = local_solar_time.hour + local_solar_time.minute / 60.0 + local_solar_time.second / 3600.0
    hour_angle = 15.0 * (lst_dec - 12.0)
    # print 'hour angle past solar noon = ' + str(hour_angle)
    # with a flat panel, the elevation angle is the incident angle
    elevation_angle = degrees(asin(sin(radians(declination_angle)) * sin(radians(lat)) + cos(radians(declination_angle)) * cos(radians(lat)) * cos(radians(hour_angle))))
    # print elevation_angle
    rad_from_vert = pi / 2 - radians(elevation_angle) # zenith angle in radians for airmass formula
    if rad_from_vert < pi / 2:
        air_mass = 1 / (cos(rad_from_vert) + 0.50572 * (96.07995 - degrees(rad_from_vert)) ** (-1.6364))
        air_mass = None
    e_0 = 1367 * (1 + 0.033 * cos(2 * pi * (day_of_year - 3) / 365))
    if air_mass:
        intensity = cos(rad_from_vert) * e_0 * 0.7 ** (air_mass ** 0.678)
        return intensity
        return 0
    def lensArea(self,circ):
        # First test if one is inside the other
        if self.containsCircle(circ) == True:
            return circ.area()
        if circ.containsCircle(self) == True:
            return self.area()
        # Second test if their is an intersection, if not, return 0
        if self.intersects(circ) == False:
            return 0
        # 1. Calculate the distance between the centers
        distX = abs(self.x - circ.x)
        distY = abs(self.y - circ.y)
        dist = pow(pow(distX,2) + pow(distY,2), .5)
        # 2. Derive angles theta and alpha. Angles formed by radii at points of itersection measured at center of circle
        theta = circ.radius/dist
        alpha = self.radius/dist
        # 3. Get areas of each lens regions
        lensOne = (1/2)*pow(circ.radius,2)*(2*math.asin(alpha)-math.sin(2*math.asin(alpha)))
        lensTwo = (1/2)*pow(self.radius,2)*(2*math.asin(theta)-math.sin(2*math.asin(theta)))

        # Add areas together
        return lensOne + lensTwo
    def orientation(self, x, y, z, magx, magy, magz):
	normalX = (x)/math.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)
	normalY = (y)/math.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)
	pitch = math.asin(-normalX)
	roll = math.asin(normalY/math.cos(pitch))
	magxMax = 667
	magxMin = -539
	magyMax = 604
	magyMin = -567
	magzMax = 638
	magzMin = -554
	magxNormal = (magx-magxMin)/(magxMax-magxMin)*2-1
	magyNormal = (magy-magyMin)/(magyMax-magyMin)*2-1
	magzNormal = (magz-magzMin)/(magzMax-magzMin)*2-1

	xheading = magxNormal*math.cos(pitch)+magzNormal*math.sin(pitch)
	yheading = magxNormal*math.sin(roll)*math.sin(pitch)+magyNormal*math.cos(roll)-magzNormal*math.sin(roll)*math.cos(pitch)
	zheading = -magxNormal*math.cos(roll)*math.sin(pitch) + magyNormal*math.sin(roll)+magzNormal*math.cos(roll)*math.cos(pitch)
	xheading = xheading*180/3.14159
	yheading = yheading*180/3.14159
	heading = 180*math.atan2(yheading, xheading)/(3.14159)
	if (yheading >= 0):
		return heading
		return (360 + heading)
Beispiel #20
    def get_spherical_coords( self ):
        '''returns the spherical coordinates from a cartesian coordinates

        using this formula:


        :rtype: ( radius, zenith, azimuth )
        eye = -

        radius = math.sqrt( pow(eye.x,2) + pow(eye.y,2) + pow(eye.z,2) )
        s = math.sqrt( pow(eye.x,2) + pow(eye.y,2) )
        if s == 0:
            s = 0.000000001
        r = radius
        if r == 0:
            r = 0.000000001

        angle_z = math.acos( eye.z / float(r) )
        if eye.x < 0:
            angle_x = math.pi - math.asin( eye.y / s )
            angle_x = math.asin( eye.y / s )

        radius = radius /
        return radius, angle_z, angle_x
Beispiel #21
def extract_rot_trans(matrix):
    m = matrix.matrix
    t = Translation(Vector(m[0][2], m[1][2]))
    print m
    rot = [acos(m[0][0]), -asin(m[0][1]), asin(m[1][0]), acos(m[1][1])]
    print rot
    print t
Beispiel #22
    def _determineBinAndBoutInFourAndFiveCirclesModes(self, hklNorm):
        """(Bin, Bout) = _determineBinAndBoutInFourAndFiveCirclesModes()"""
        BinModes = ('4cBin', '5cgBin', '5caBin')
        BoutModes = ('4cBout', '5cgBout', '5caBout')
        BeqModes = ('4cBeq', '5cgBeq', '5caBeq')
        azimuthModes = ('4cAzimuth')
        fixedBusingAndLeviWmodes = ('4cFixedw')

        # Calculate RHS of equation 20
        # RHS (1/K)(S^-1*U*B*H)_3 where H/K = hklNorm
        UB = self._getUBMatrix()
        [SIGMA, TAU] = createVliegsSurfaceTransformationMatrices(
            self._getSigma() * TORAD, self._getTau() * TORAD)
        #S = SIGMA * TAU
        S = TAU * SIGMA
        RHS = (S.I * UB * hklNorm)[2, 0]

        if self._getMode().name in BinModes:
            Bin = self._getParameter('betain')
            check(Bin != None, "The parameter betain must be set for mode %s" %
            Bin = Bin * TORAD
            sinBout = RHS - sin(Bin)
            check(fabs(sinBout) <= 1, "Could not compute Bout")
            Bout = asin(sinBout)

        elif self._getMode().name in BoutModes:
            Bout = self._getParameter('betaout')
            check(Bout != None, "The parameter Bout must be set for mode %s" %
            Bout = Bout * TORAD
            sinBin = RHS - sin(Bout)
            check(fabs(sinBin) <= 1, "Could not compute Bin")
            Bin = asin(sinBin)

        elif self._getMode().name in BeqModes:
            sinBeq = RHS / 2
            check(fabs(sinBeq) <= 1, "Could not compute Bin=Bout")
            Bin = Bout = asin(sinBeq)

        elif self._getMode().name in azimuthModes:
            azimuth = self._getParameter('azimuth')
            check(azimuth != None, "The parameter azimuth must be set for "
                  "mode %s" % self._getMode().name)
            del azimuth
            # TODO: codeit
            raise NotImplementedError()

        elif self._getMode().name in fixedBusingAndLeviWmodes:
            bandlomega = self._getParameter('blw')
            check(bandlomega != None, "The parameter abandlomega must be set "
                  "for mode %s" % self._getMode().name)
            del bandlomega
            # TODO: codeit
            raise NotImplementedError()
            raise RuntimeError("AngleCalculator does not know how to handle "
                               "mode %s" % self._getMode().name)

        return (Bin, Bout)
Beispiel #23
def CountAngle(p1, p2, p3):
    l1 = GetLength(p1, p2)
    l2 = GetLength(p2, p3)
    if l1 * l2 < EPS:
        return 0

    v1 = [p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1]]
    v2 = [p2[0] - p3[0], p2[1] - p3[1]]

    sin_arg = (v1[0] * v2[1] - v2[0] * v1[1]) / (l1 * l2)
    if abs(abs(sin_arg) - 1) < EPS:
        x = Sign(sin_arg)
        aSin = math.asin(x)
        aSin = math.asin(sin_arg)

    cos_arg = (v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1]) / (l1 * l2)
    if abs(abs(cos_arg) - 1) < EPS:
        x = Sign(cos_arg)
        aCos = math.acos(x)
    else :
        aCos = math.acos(cos_arg)
    if sin_arg >= 0 and cos_arg >= 0: # first quarter
        return (aSin + aCos) / 2.0
    elif sin_arg >= 0 and cos_arg < 0: # second quarter
        return ((PI - aSin) + aCos) / 2.0
    elif sin_arg < 0 and cos_arg < 0: # third quarter
        return ((PI - aSin) + (2 * PI - aCos)) / 2.0
    else: # fourth quarter
        return 2 * PI + (aSin - aCos) / 2.0
Beispiel #24
 def _get_turbulent_cf(self,Rex):
     tol = 1.0e-8
     r = 0.88
     Te = 222.0
     Mach = self.fc.Mach
     m = (self.gamma - 1.0)*Mach*Mach/2
     TawTe = 1.0 + r*m
     F = self.TwTaw*TawTe
     Tw = F*Te
     A = (r*m/F)**0.5
     B = (1.0+r*m-F)/F
     denom = (4*A*A + B**2)**0.5
     alpha = (2.0*A*A-B)/denom
     beta = B / denom
     if Mach>0.1:
         Fc = r*m/((asin(alpha)+asin(beta))**2)
         Fc = ((1.0+F**0.5)/2)**2
     xden = 1.0 + 122.0**(-5/Tw)/Te
     xnum = 1.0 + 122.0**(-5/Tw)/Tw
     Ftheta = xnum/xden * (1/F)**0.5
     Fx = Ftheta / Fc
     RexBar = Fx * Rex
     Cfb = 0.074/(RexBar**0.2)
     itr = 0
     err = tol+1.0
     while err>tol and itr<100:
         Cf0 = Cfb
         xnum = 0.242 - Cfb**0.5*log10(RexBar*Cfb)
         xden = 0.121 + Cfb**0.5 / log(10.0)
         Cfb = Cfb*(1.0 + xnum/xden)
         err = abs(Cf0-Cfb)
         itr += 1
     return Cfb/Fc
Beispiel #25
 def check_fisher(self, path):
     # Будем делить пополам
     L = []
     for line in open(path, "r"):
         line = line.split(" ")
     eff = 0
     noeff = 0
     for i in range(59):
         eff += L[i]
         noeff += L[i + 59]
     eff = eff * 1500 / max(eff, noeff)
     noeff = noeff * 1500 / max(eff, noeff)
     sum_l = eff + noeff
     eff = noeff / float(eff + noeff)
     print "eff:", eff
     for name in sorted(self.S.keys()):
         eff_s = 0
         noeff_s = 0
         for i in range(59):
             eff_s += self.S[name][i]
             noeff_s += self.S[name][i + 59]
         eff_s = eff_s * 1500 / max(eff_s, noeff_s)
         noeff_s = noeff_s * 1500 / max(eff_s, noeff_s)
         sum_s = eff_s + noeff_s
         eff_s = noeff_s / float(eff_s + noeff_s)
         print "eff_s:", eff
         phi1 = asin(sqrt(eff / 100.0))
         phi2 = asin(sqrt(eff_s / 100.0))
         phi_emp = abs(phi1 - phi2) * sqrt(sum_l * sum_s / float(sum_s + sum_l))
         print name, phi_emp
         print "____________________________"
Beispiel #26
 def angulos(self):
     angles = []
     angles.append(2 * asin(self.b / (2 * self.dist_centro_vertice)))
     angles.append(pi + 2 * asin(self.b / (2 * self.dist_centro_vertice)))
     return angles
def p_tet_sp(angle_a, angle_ab, angle_ad, angle_cd):
    """ Returns an array with angles of interest (angle_b, angle_bc, angle_ac). Summer 2016. """

    if (0 > angle_a) or (angle_a > 178) or (0 > angle_ab) or (angle_ab > 178) or (0 > angle_ad) or (angle_ad > 178) or \
            (0 > angle_cd) or (angle_cd > 178):
        return exit('Does not exist 1')  # Angles of the same triangle should be at least equal to 1

    if angle_ad >= angle_ab:
        return exit('Does not exist 2')  # Angle_ab = Angle_ad + Angle_bd

    if 0 < angle_ab - angle_ad < 180:
        angle_bd = angle_ab - angle_a
        return exit('Does not exist 3')

    angle_b = math.atan(
        (math.tan(math.radians(angle_a)) * math.tan(math.radians(angle_ad))) / math.tan(math.radians(angle_bd)))

    angle_bc = math.asin(math.cos(math.radians(angle_ad)) * math.sqrt(
        ((math.tan(math.radians(angle_ad)) ** 2) + (math.sin(math.radians(angle_cd)) ** 2))))

    angle_ac = math.asin(math.cos(math.radians(angle_bd)) * math.sqrt(
        ((math.tan(math.radians(angle_bd)) ** 2) + (math.sin(math.radians(angle_cd)) ** 2))))

    if 180 <= angle_a + angle_b:
        return exit('Does not exist 4')  # Angle_a + Angle_b + Angle_c = 180

    return [angle_b, angle_bc, angle_ac]
Beispiel #28
    def _anglesToVirtualAngles(self, pos, wavelength):
        Return dictionary of all virtual angles in radians from VliegPosition
        object win radians and wavelength in Angstroms. The virtual angles are:
        Bin, Bout, azimuth and 2theta.

        # Create transformation matrices
        [ALPHA, DELTA, GAMMA, OMEGA, CHI, PHI] = createVliegMatrices(
            pos.alpha,, pos.gamma,, pos.chi, pos.phi)
        [SIGMA, TAU] = createVliegsSurfaceTransformationMatrices(
            self._getSigma() * TORAD, self._getTau() * TORAD)

        S = TAU * SIGMA
        y_vector = matrix([[0], [1], [0]])

        # Calculate Bin from equation 15:
        surfacenormal_alpha = OMEGA * CHI * PHI * S * matrix([[0], [0], [1]])
        incoming_alpha = ALPHA.I * y_vector
        minusSinBetaIn = dot3(surfacenormal_alpha, incoming_alpha)
        Bin = asin(bound(-minusSinBetaIn))

        # Calculate Bout from equation 16:
        #  surfacenormal_alpha has just ben calculated
        outgoing_alpha = DELTA * GAMMA * y_vector
        sinBetaOut = dot3(surfacenormal_alpha, outgoing_alpha)
        Bout = asin(bound(sinBetaOut))

        # Calculate 2theta from equation 25:

        cosTwoTheta = dot3(ALPHA * DELTA * GAMMA * y_vector, y_vector)
        twotheta = acos(bound(cosTwoTheta))
        psi = self._anglesToPsi(pos, wavelength)

        return {'Bin': Bin, 'Bout': Bout, 'azimuth': psi, '2theta': twotheta}
Beispiel #29
 def __draw_cell(self, x, y, is_good, percent):  # horrible graphic code,don't touch it unless you are very sure
     arc_coord = x - GroundView.CELL_RADIUS, y - GroundView.CELL_RADIUS, \
                 x + GroundView.CELL_RADIUS, y + GroundView.CELL_RADIUS
     delta_h = 2 * GroundView.CELL_RADIUS * abs(percent) - GroundView.CELL_RADIUS
     delta_x = sqrt(abs(GroundView.CELL_RADIUS * GroundView.CELL_RADIUS - delta_h * delta_h))
     self.__canvas.create_oval(arc_coord, fill='white')
     if percent >= 0.1:
         if percent >= 0.99:
             self.__canvas.create_oval(arc_coord, fill='green', outline='black' if is_good else 'red')
             r = (int(510 - 510 * percent) if percent >= 0.5 else 255) * 16 * 16 * 16 * 16
             g = int(255 if percent >= 0.5 else percent * 2 * 255) * 16 * 16
             color = '#%06x' % (r + g)
             tri_coord = x - delta_x, y - delta_h, \
                         x + delta_x, y - delta_h, \
                         x, y
             self.__canvas.create_arc(arc_coord, start=degrees(asin(2 * percent - 1)),
                                      extent=-180 - 2 * degrees(asin(2 * percent - 1)), fill=color,
             self.__canvas.create_polygon(tri_coord, fill=color if percent >= 0.5 else 'white',
                                          outline=color if percent >= 0.5 else 'white',
                                          width=1 if percent > 0.5 else 2)
     elif percent <= -0.1:
         if percent <= - 0.99:
             self.__canvas.create_oval(arc_coord, fill='grey', outline='black' if is_good else 'red')
             tri_coord = x - delta_x, y + delta_h, \
                         x + delta_x, y + delta_h, \
                         x, y
             self.__canvas.create_arc(arc_coord, start=-degrees(asin(2 * -percent - 1)),
                                      extent=180 + 2 * degrees(asin(2 * -percent - 1)), fill='grey', outline='grey')
             self.__canvas.create_polygon(tri_coord, fill='grey' if -percent >= 0.5 else 'white',
                                          outline='grey' if -percent >= 0.5 else 'white',
                                          width=1 if abs(percent) > 0.5 else 3)
     self.__canvas.create_oval(arc_coord, outline='black' if is_good else 'red')
Beispiel #30
    def _determineBinAndBoutInZaxisModes(self, Hw3OverK):
        """(Bin, Bout) = _determineBinAndBoutInZaxisModes(HwOverK)"""
        BinModes = ('6czBin')
        BoutModes = ('6czBout')
        BeqModes = ('6czBeq')

        if self._getMode().name in BinModes:
            Bin = self._getParameter('betain')
            check(Bin != None, "The parameter betain must be set for mode %s" %
            Bin = Bin * TORAD
            # Equation 32a:
            Bout = asin(Hw3OverK - sin(Bin))

        elif self._getMode().name in BoutModes:
            Bout = self._getParameter('betaout')
            check(Bout != None, "The parameter Bout must be set for mode %s" %
            Bout = Bout * TORAD
            # Equation 32b:
            Bin = asin(Hw3OverK - sin(Bout))

        elif self._getMode().name in BeqModes:
            # Equation 32c:
            Bin = Bout = asin(Hw3OverK / 2)

        return (Bin, Bout)
Beispiel #31
def Iterate_emittances3HC_MW(twiss,param,phimain,Vmain,phiharm,Vharm,sigS,Curr,GT):

	#Definde differences
	#Calculate U0
	#Calculate synchronous phase
	#Calculate damping partition numbers
	#print Jx,Jy,Jp
	# Caluclate damping times
	#print taux,tauy,taup
	#Define step for iteration
	# Synchrotron tune

	# Define the interpolation function for Microwave Instability

	#RF frequency
	w_rf =2*pi*(param['hh']*param['cluz']/param['C']-param['Detune0'])	#Generator Frequency

	#Creates arrays for 3HC calculation
	#Define longitudinal scale array
	posz=numpy.arange(0,5000.)/10-250 # in milimiters
	#Cretaes an array that's a subgroup of param
	while (difftot>10**(-7)):
		#Add the Microwave growth rate to the longitudinal plane
		#print DTp


		#Calculate bunch length according to the RF potential (Main RF + 3HC)

		#print exx,eyy,spp,sss

		#print difftot





	return (exx,eyy,spp,sss)
Beispiel #32
def vinc_dist(f, a, phi1, lembda1, phi2, lembda2):

        Returns the distance between two geographic points on the ellipsoid
	and the forward and reverse azimuths between these points.
        lats, longs and azimuths are in radians, distance in metres 

	Returns ( s, alpha12,  alpha21 ) as a tuple


    if (abs(phi2 - phi1) < 1e-8) and (abs(lembda2 - lembda1) < 1e-8):
        return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

    two_pi = 2.0 * math.pi
    piD4 = two_pi / 8.0

    b = a * (1.0 - f)

    TanU1 = (1 - f) * math.tan(phi1)
    TanU2 = (1 - f) * math.tan(phi2)

    U1 = math.atan(TanU1)
    U2 = math.atan(TanU2)

    lembda = lembda2 - lembda1
    last_lembda = -4000000.0  # an impossibe value
    omega = lembda

    # Iterate the following equations,
    #  until there is no significant change in lembda

    while (last_lembda < -3000000.0 or lembda != 0 and abs(
        (last_lembda - lembda) / lembda) > 1.0e-9):

        sqr_sin_sigma = pow( math.cos(U2) * math.sin(lembda), 2) + \
         pow( (math.cos(U1) * math.sin(U2) - \
       math.sin(U1) *  math.cos(U2) * math.cos(lembda) ), 2 )

        Sin_sigma = math.sqrt(sqr_sin_sigma)

        Cos_sigma = math.sin(U1) * math.sin(U2) + math.cos(U1) * math.cos(
            U2) * math.cos(lembda)

        sigma = math.atan2(Sin_sigma, Cos_sigma)

        Sin_alpha = math.cos(U1) * math.cos(U2) * math.sin(lembda) / math.sin(
        alpha = math.asin(Sin_alpha)

        Cos2sigma_m = math.cos(sigma) - (2 * math.sin(U1) * math.sin(U2) /
                                         pow(math.cos(alpha), 2))

        C = (f / 16) * pow(math.cos(alpha),
                           2) * (4 + f * (4 - 3 * pow(math.cos(alpha), 2)))

        last_lembda = lembda

        lembda = omega + (1-C) * f * math.sin(alpha) * (sigma + C * math.sin(sigma) * \
         (Cos2sigma_m + C * math.cos(sigma) * (-1 + 2 * pow(Cos2sigma_m, 2) )))

    u2 = pow(math.cos(alpha), 2) * (a * a - b * b) / (b * b)

    A = 1 + (u2 / 16384) * (4096 + u2 * (-768 + u2 * (320 - 175 * u2)))

    B = (u2 / 1024) * (256 + u2 * (-128 + u2 * (74 - 47 * u2)))

    delta_sigma = B * Sin_sigma * (Cos2sigma_m + (B/4) * \
     (Cos_sigma * (-1 + 2 * pow(Cos2sigma_m, 2) ) - \
     (B/6) * Cos2sigma_m * (-3 + 4 * sqr_sin_sigma) * \
     (-3 + 4 * pow(Cos2sigma_m,2 ) )))

    s = b * A * (sigma - delta_sigma)

    alpha12 = math.atan2( (math.cos(U2) * math.sin(lembda)), \
     (math.cos(U1) * math.sin(U2) - math.sin(U1) * math.cos(U2) * math.cos(lembda)))

    alpha21 = math.atan2( (math.cos(U1) * math.sin(lembda)), \
     (-math.sin(U1) * math.cos(U2) + math.cos(U1) * math.sin(U2) * math.cos(lembda)))

    if (alpha12 < 0.0):
        alpha12 = alpha12 + two_pi
    if (alpha12 > two_pi):
        alpha12 = alpha12 - two_pi

    alpha21 = alpha21 + two_pi / 2.0
    if (alpha21 < 0.0):
        alpha21 = alpha21 + two_pi
    if (alpha21 > two_pi):
        alpha21 = alpha21 - two_pi

    return s, alpha12, alpha21
Beispiel #33
    s3 = math.sin(math.radians(float(a3)))*float(s1)/math.sin(math.radians(float(a1)))

if s2 != '' and s1 == '' and s3 == '':
    s1 = math.sin(math.radians(float(a1)))*float(s2)/math.sin(math.radians(float(a2)))
    s3 = math.sin(math.radians(float(a3)))*float(s2)/math.sin(math.radians(float(a2)))

if s3 != '' and s1 == '' and s2 == '':
    s1 = math.sin(math.radians(float(a1)))*float(s3)/math.sin(math.radians(float(a3)))
    s2 = math.sin(math.radians(float(a2)))*float(s3)/math.sin(math.radians(float(a3)))

if a1 != '' and a2 == '' and a3 == '' and s1 == '' and s2 != '' and s3 != '':
    s1 = round(math.sqrt(math.pow(float(s2),2)+math.pow(float(s3),2)-2*float(s2)*float(s3)*math.cos(math.radians(float(a1)))),2)

    if float(s2) > float(s3):
        a3 = round(math.degrees(math.asin(round(float(s3)*math.sin(math.radians(float(a1)))/float(s1),2))),2)
        a2 = 180 - float(a1) - float(a3)

    if float(s2) < float(s3):
        a2 = round(math.degrees(math.asin(round(float(s2)*math.sin(math.radians(float(a1)))/float(s1),2))),2)
        a3 = 180 - float(a1) - float(a2)

if a2 != '' and s1 == '' and s3 == '' and s1 != '' and s3 != '' and s2 == '':
    s2 = math.sqrt(math.pow(float(s1),2)+math.pow(float(s3),2)-2*float(s1)*float(s3)*math.cos(math.radians(float(a2))))

    if float(s1) > float(s3):
        a3 = round(math.degrees(math.asin(round(float(s3)*math.sin(math.radians(float(a2)))/float(s2),2))),2)
        a1 = 180 - float(a2) - float(a3)

    if float(s1) < float(s3):
        a1 = math.degrees(math.asin(float(s1)*math.sin(math.radians(float(a2)))/float(s2)))
Beispiel #34
def sms_reply():
    global verified
    # Create a Cursor object to execute queries.
    # Initialize database
    db = init_db()

    # Get the message the user sent our Twilio number
    body = request.values.get('Body', None)
    body = body.lower()
    # Start our TwiML response
    phonenumber = request.values.get('From', None)
    cur = db.cursor()
        "SELECT ssn FROM patients.active_customers WHERE phone_number = " +
        phonenumber)  #Get SSN
    SSN = cur.fetchone()[0]
        "SELECT usr_id FROM patients.active_customers WHERE phone_number = " +
        phonenumber)  #Get usr_id
    usr_id = cur.fetchone()[0]

    # Get the message the user sent our Twilio number
    body = request.values.get('Body', None)
    body = body.lower()
    resp = MessagingResponse()

    # Determine the right reply for this message
    if body == 'refill prescription':
            "SELECT usrname FROM patients.active_customers WHERE phone_number = "
            + phonenumber)  #Get usrname
        usrname = cur.fetchone()[0]
            "Hello " + str(usrname) +
            ". Please enter the last 4 digits of your social security "
            "# and what prescription you need (#### drug_name)")
    elif len(body
             ) > 4 and body != 'refill prescription':  #Confirm SSN is correct
        socialnum, prescript = body.split(" ")
        if (str(SSN) == socialnum):  #Verifies SSN
            #Search for prescript
                "SELECT prescription_name FROM patients.prescription WHERE usr_id = "
                + str(usr_id))  #Get drug names
            prescript_list = cur.fetchmany()

            matches = (x for x in prescript_list if prescript == str(x))
            if matches is None:
                resp.message("Not a valid prescription")
            #toBeRefilled = matches[0]

            cur.execute("SELECT prescript_id FROM patients.prescription "
                        "WHERE prescription_name = '" + str(prescript) +
                        "'")  #Get unique prescription ID
            prescript_id = cur.fetchone()[0]
            #prescript_id = 1

            cur.execute("SELECT fill_left FROM patients.prescription "
                        "WHERE prescript_id = " +
                        str(prescript_id))  #Get numbers of fills left
            fill_left = cur.fetchone()[0]

            cur.execute("SELECT copay FROM patients.prescription "
                        "WHERE prescript_id = " +
                        str(prescript_id))  #Get copay
            copay = cur.fetchone()[0]

            cur.execute("SELECT last_fill FROM patients.prescription "
                        "WHERE prescript_id = " +
                        str(prescript_id))  #Get last fill date
            #last_fill = cur.fetchone()[0]
            today =
            #days_apart = (today-last_fill).days

            #Verify that the prescription can be filled
            #if(days_apart < 30):
            #resp.message("It has not been 30 days since your last refill")
            if (fill_left < 1):
                resp.message("No fills remaining")

            cur.execute("SELECT address FROM patients.active_customers "
                        "WHERE usr_id = '" + str(usr_id) +
                        "'")  #Get user address
            address = str(cur.fetchone()[0])

            cur.execute("SELECT pharmacy FROM patients.active_customers "
                        "WHERE usr_id = '" + str(usr_id) +
                        "'")  #Get pharmacy address
            pharm_address = str(cur.fetchone()[0])
            resp.message("Not verified")

        g =
        userloc2 = g.latlng
        h =
        pharm2 = h.latlng
        userloc2[1], userloc2[0], pharm2[1], pharm2[0] = map(
            radians, [userloc2[1], userloc2[0], pharm2[1], pharm2[0]])

        dlon = pharm2[1] - userloc2[1]
        dlat = pharm2[0] - userloc2[0]
        a = sin(
            dlat / 2)**2 + cos(userloc2[0]) * cos(pharm2[0]) * sin(dlon / 2)**2
        c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a))
        k = 6371  #Use 3956 for milesw
        dis = c * k
        rated = 1.15
        tme = dis / rated
        time = str(tme)

        resp.message("Thank you! Your refill of " + str(prescript) +
                     " is on the way. "
                     "Your copay of $" + str(copay) +
                     " will be charged to your account.")
        resp.message("It will take approximately " + str(round(tme)) +
                     " minutes for your refill to arrive.")

    # cur.execute("UPDATE patients.prescription SET last_fill = " + str(today) + ", "
    #"fill_left = " + str(fill_left-1) + " WHERE prescript_id = " + str(prescript_id))

    return str(resp)
Beispiel #35

                          function=lambda x: fix_error(math.tan(x)),
                          description="Тангенс угла в радианах (tg x, tg (pi / 4) = 1)",

                          function=lambda x: fix_error(1 / math.tan(x)),
                          description="Косинус угла в радианах (ctg x, ctg (pi / 4) = 1)",

                          function=lambda x: fix_error(math.asin(x)),
                          description="Арксинус в радианах (arcsin x, arcsin 0.5 = 0.52...)",

                          function=lambda x: fix_error(math.acos(x)),
                          description="Арккосинус в радианах (arccos x, arccos 0.5 = 1.04...)",

                          function=lambda x: fix_error(math.atan(x)),
                          description="Тангенс угла в радианах (arctg x, arctg 0.5 = 0.46...)",
Beispiel #36
import math

RAD_TO_DEG = 57.295779513082320876798154814105
while True:
    print("Yo give me some coordinates")
    elevation = float(input("elevation: "))
    azimuth = float(input("azimuth: "))

    elevation *= DEG_TO_RAD
    azimuth *= DEG_TO_RAD

    cartesian = [
        math.sin(elevation) * math.cos(azimuth),
        math.sin(elevation) * math.sin(azimuth),
    theta = math.asin(-cartesian[1])
    print(cartesian[0] / math.cos(theta))
    phi = math.asin(cartesian[0] / math.cos(theta))

    theta = theta * RAD_TO_DEG
    phi = phi * RAD_TO_DEG

    print("theta: {}\nphi: {}\n".format(theta, phi))
Beispiel #37
def almost_equal(actual, expected):
    return abs(actual - expected) < 0.00001

assert math.acos(0.57) == 0.9642904715818097
assert math.acos(1) == 0.0
assert math.acos(-1) == 3.141592653589793
assert math.acos(0) == 1.5707963267948966

assert math.acosh(45) == 4.499686190671499
assert math.acosh(30) == 4.0940666686320855
assert math.acosh(1) == 0.0
assert math.acosh(10) == 2.993222846126381
assert math.acosh(90) == 5.192925985263684

assert math.asin(0) == 0.0
assert math.asin(1) == 1.5707963267948966
assert math.asin(0.5) == 0.5235987755982989
assert math.asin(-1) == -1.5707963267948966

assert math.asinh(45) == 4.49993310426429
assert math.asinh(30) == 4.09462222433053
assert almost_equal(math.asinh(1), 0.881373587019543)
assert math.asinh(10) == 2.99822295029797
assert math.asinh(90) == 5.192987713658941

assert math.atan(0) == 0.0
assert math.atan(1) == 0.7853981633974483
assert math.atan(0.5) == 0.4636476090008061
assert math.atan(-1) == -0.7853981633974483
Beispiel #38
def calculate_distance(lng1, lat1, lng2, lat2):  # 经度和纬度 longitude and latitude,计算球上两点的距离
    RADIUS = 6378.137  # 半径,单位km
    PI = math.pi
    return 2 * RADIUS * math.asin(math.sqrt(pow(math.sin(PI * (lat1 - lat2) / 360), 2) + math.cos(PI * lat1 / 180) * \
                                            math.cos(PI * lat2 / 180) * pow(math.sin(PI * (lng1 - lng2) / 360), 2)))
print "Reading x,y and z-tilt value [degree] 10 times."

for i in range(10):
    tx = 999  # Invalid tilt value. -127 <= tilt <= 128
    ty = 999
    tz = 999

    if (not BrickPiUpdateValues()):
        if (BrickPi.Sensor[I2C_PORT] & (0x01 << I2C_DEVICE_INDEX)):
            tx = BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_INDEX][0] - 128
            ty = BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_INDEX][1] - 128
            tz = BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_INDEX][2] - 128

    if (tx != 999):
        txd = math.degrees(math.asin(tx / 128.0))
    if (ty != 999):
        tyd = math.degrees(math.asin(ty / 128.0))
    if (tz != 999):
        tzd = math.degrees(math.asin(tz / 128.0))

    print("tx: %d %3.2f ty: %d %3.2f tz: %d %3.2f" %
          (tx, txd, ty, tyd, tz, tzd))
    # NOTE: The tilt reading is the angle of an axis with the horizontal
    # plane. It is stable but not very accurate. You will want to do a
    # 'null' reading before using it as a level.

# Read the acceleration information from the sensor, ten times.
BrickPi.SensorSettings[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_INDEX] = BIT_I2C_SAME
BrickPi.SensorI2CWrite[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_INDEX] = 1
Beispiel #40
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import math

# tüm sonuçları x değeri üzerinden hesaplayalım
math.acos(x)  # arccos'unu alır
math.acosh(x)  # hiperbolik arccos'unu alır
math.asin(x)  # arcsin'inini alır
math.asinh(x)  # hiperbolik arcsin'ini alır
math.atan(x)  # arctan'ını alır
math.atan2(x, y)  # x/y'nin tanjantını alır
math.atanh(x)  # hiperbolik arctan'ını alır
math.ceil(x)  # yuvarlar ve float cinsinden döndürür
math.cos(x)  # cosinüs'ünü alır
math.cosh(x)  # hiperbolik cosinüsünü alır
math.degrees(x)  # radyandan dereceye çevir
math.exp(5)  # e**x sonucunu döndürür
math.fabs(x)  # pozitif ve float türünde döndürür
math.factorial(x)  # faktoriyelini alır
math.floor(x)  # float sayıyı yuvarlayarak yine float türünden yazar 5.3->5.0
math.fmod(x, y)  # y'ye göre modunu alır
math.frexp(x)  # x = m * 2.**a >> m float, a integer olacak ve sonuc (m, a)
math.hypot(4, 2)  # hipotenüs hesaplar
math.ldexp(x, y)  # x * (2**y)
    x, y
)  # logaritma y tabanındaki sonucu y verilmesse taban 'e' sayısı olarak kabul edilir
math.log10(x)  # logaritma 10 tabanındaki sonucu
math.log1p(x)  # 1+x'in logaritma e tabanındaki sonucu
math.modf(x)  # modf(4.2)-> (0.2 , 4.0) sonucunu verir
Beispiel #41
def operate(operator, a, b):
    if operator == "+":
        result = a + b
    elif operator == '-':
        result = a - b
    elif operator == "*":
        result = a * b
    elif operator == "//":
        if b != 0:
            result = a // b
            print('ERROR: division by zero')
    elif operator == "/":
        if b != 0:
            result = a / b
            print('ERROR: division by zero')
    elif operator == "<=":
        result = a <= b
    elif operator == ">=":
        result = a >= b
    elif operator == "<":
        result = a < b
    elif operator == ">":
        result = a > b
    elif operator == "==":
        result = a == b
    elif operator == "!=":
        result = a != b
    elif operator == "%":
        result = a % b
    elif operator == "^":
        result = a**b
    elif operator == "abs":
        result = abs(a)
    elif operator == "round":
        result = round(a)
    elif operator == "cos":
        result = cos(a)
    elif operator == "acos":
        result = acos(a)
    elif operator == "sin":
        result = sin(a)
    elif operator == "asin":
        result = asin(a)
    elif operator == "tan":
        result = tan(a)
    elif operator == "atan":
        result = atan(a)
    elif operator == "log":
        result = log(a)
    elif operator == "log10":
        result = log10(a)
    elif operator == "sqrt":
        result = sqrt(a)
    elif operator == "exp":
        result = exp(a)
    elif operator == "!":
        result = factorial(a)
        print('ERROR: unknown math operator', operator)
        result = 0
    if argsprint == 'y':
        if operator in oper:
            print('Operate:', a, operator, b, '=', result)
        elif operator in trfunc:
            print('Operate:', operator, a, '=', result)
    return result
Beispiel #42
def haversine(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
    lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = map(radians, [lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2])
    dlon = lon2 - lon1
    dlat = lat2 - lat1
    a = sin(dlat / 2)**2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(dlon / 2)**2
    return 2 * 6371 * asin(sqrt(a))
Beispiel #43
asin(x)     返回x的反正弦弧度值。 
atan(x)     返回x的反正切弧度值。
atan2(y, x) 返回给定的 X 及 Y 坐标值的反正切值。
cos(x)      返回x的弧度的余弦值。
hypot(x, y) 返回欧几里德范数 sqrt(x*x + y*y)。
sin(x)      返回的x弧度的正弦值。
tan(x)      返回x弧度的正切值。
degrees(x)  将弧度转换为角度,如degrees(math.pi/2) , 返回90.0
radians(x)  将角度转换为弧度

import math

print("degrees(3) : ", math.degrees(3))
print("radians(-3) : ", math.radians(-3))
print("sin(3) : ", math.sin(3))
print("cos(3) : ", math.cos(3))
print("tan(3) : ", math.tan(3))
print("acos(0.64) : ", math.acos(0.64))
print("asin(0.64) : ", math.asin(0.64))
print("atan(0.64) : ", math.atan(0.64))
print("atan2(-0.50,-0.50) : ", math.atan2(-0.50, -0.50))
print("hypot(0, 2) : ", math.hypot(0, 2))
常量              描述
 pi      数学常量 pi(圆周率,一般以π来表示)
 e       数学常量 e,e即自然常数(自然常数)。
Beispiel #44
def getPlots(graphRange, RPNStack, resolution):
    n = len(RPNStack)
    #Holds the current stack with which we solve for each x value.
    #This is a progressive stack, in that all final values are held here along
    #with the intermediate results of the current value of x
    stack = []

    for k in range(0, n):
        ax = graphRange["xMin"]  #starting X value
        bx = graphRange["xMax"]  #ending X value
        ay = graphRange["xMin"]  #starting Y value
        by = graphRange["xMax"]  #ending Y value
        stepx = math.fabs(ax -
                          bx) / resolution  #increment value in the X direction
        stepy = math.fabs(ay -
                          by) / resolution  #increment value in the Y direction
        i = 0
        for d in properLoop(ay, by, stepy):
            ax = graphRange["xMin"]  #Reset these values for the next iteration
            bx = graphRange["xMax"]
            for e in properLoop(ax, bx, stepx):
                l = len(RPNStack[k])
                for j in range(0, l):
                    if (RPNStack[k][j].isdigit()):
                    #Catch the independent
                    elif (independentVar.find(RPNStack[k][j]) >= 0):
                        if (RPNStack[k][j] == "x"):
                        if (RPNStack[k][j] == "y"):
                    #if the current token is an operator
                    elif (operators.find(RPNStack[k][j]) >= 0):
                        one = float(stack[k][i].pop())
                        two = float(stack[k][i].pop())
                        if (RPNStack[k][j] == "+"):
                            stack[k][i].append(two + one)
                        elif (RPNStack[k][j] == "-"):
                            stack[k][i].append(two - one)
                        elif (RPNStack[k][j] == "*"):
                            stack[k][i].append(two * one)
                        elif (RPNStack[k][j] == "/"):
                            stack[k][i].append(two / one)
                        elif (RPNStack[k][j] == "^"):
                            stack[k][i].append(math.pow(two, one))

                    elif (RPNStack[k][j] in functionOperators):
                        one = float(stack[k][i].pop())
                        if (RPNStack[k][j] == "sin"):
                        elif (RPNStack[k][j] == "cos"):
                        elif (RPNStack[k][j] == "tan"):
                        elif (RPNStack[k][j] == "arctan"):
                        elif (RPNStack[k][j] == "arcsin"):
                        if (RPNStack[k][j] == "arccos"):
                #Increment our value at the current points
                ax += stepx
            ay += stepy
        i = i + 1
    #print("parser", stack)
    return stack
Beispiel #45
    def _sun_declination(self, juliancentury):
        e = self._obliquity_correction(juliancentury)
        lambd = self._sun_apparent_long(juliancentury)

        sint = sin(radians(e)) * sin(radians(lambd))
        return degrees(asin(sint))
Beispiel #46
def get_msg_v_cmd(t):
    current_positon_x = position_msg.pose.position.x
    current_positon_y = position_msg.pose.position.y

    # Get the yaw from quaternions
    x = position_msg.pose.orientation.x
    y = position_msg.pose.orientation.y
    z = position_msg.pose.orientation.z
    w = position_msg.pose.orientation.w
    #t1 = +2.0 * (qua_w * qua_z + qua_x * qua_y)
    #t2 = +1.0 - 2.0 * (qua_y * qua_y + qua_z * qua_z)
    t0 = +2.0 * (w * x + y * z)
    t1 = +1.0 - 2.0 * (x * x + y * y)
    roll = math.atan2(t0, t1)
    t2 = +2.0 * (w * y - z * x)
    t2 = +1.0 if t2 > +1.0 else t2
    t2 = -1.0 if t2 < -1.0 else t2
    pitch = math.asin(t2)
    t3 = +2.0 * (w * z + x * y)
    t4 = +1.0 - 2.0 * (y * y + z * z)
    yaw = math.atan2(t3, t4)

    # Define a reference trajectory
    ref_x = math.sin(t)
    ref_y = math.cos(t)

    x_dot = math.cos(t)
    y_dot = -math.sin(t)

    ref_w = 1
    ref_v = 1
    ref_theta = math.atan2(y_dot, x_dot)

    x_error = ref_x - current_positon_x
    y_error = ref_y - current_positon_y
    theta_error = ref_theta - yaw

    error_x = (ref_x - current_positon_x) * math.cos(yaw) + (
        ref_y - current_positon_y) * math.sin(yaw)
    error_y = -(ref_x - current_positon_x) * math.sin(yaw) + (
        ref_y - current_positon_y) * math.cos(yaw)
    error_theta = theta_error
    c1 = 0.5
    c2 = 10
    c3 = 5
    print('e_x=%f' % (x_error))
    print('e_y=%f' % (y_error))
    print('e_theta=%f' % (theta_error))

    # Input control rule
    w = ref_w + 100 * ref_v * error_y * (math.sin(error_theta) /
                                         error_theta) + 0.5 * error_theta
    v = ref_v * math.cos(error_theta) + 0.4 * error_theta
    #w = ref_w + c2 * ref_v * (error_y*math.cos(error_theta/2)-error_x*math.sin(error_theta/2)) / math.sqrt(1+math.pow(error_x,2)+math.pow(error_y,2)) + c3 * math.sin(error_theta/2)
    #v = ref_v + c1 * error_x / math.sqrt(1 + math.pow(error_x,2) + math.pow(error_y,2))
    # Publish the topic

    vel_msg = Twist()
    vel_msg.linear.x = 0.0  #abs(v)
    vel_msg.angular.z = 0.0  #abs(w)
    return vel_msg
Beispiel #47
def asin(ratio):
    return math.degrees(math.asin(ratio))
Beispiel #48
import unittest
from math import radians, asin, degrees
import cmath
from ckmutil.ckm import *
import numpy as np

# some values close to the real ones
Vus = 0.22
Vub = 3.5e-3
Vcb = 4.0e-2
gamma = radians(70.)  # 70° in radians

# converting to other parametrizations
t12 = asin(Vus)
t13 = asin(Vub)
t23 = asin(Vcb) / cos(t13)
delta = gamma
laC = Vus
A = sin(t23) / laC**2
rho_minus_i_eta = sin(t13) * cmath.exp(-1j * delta) / (A * laC**3)
rho = rho_minus_i_eta.real
eta = -rho_minus_i_eta.imag
rhobar = rho * (1 - laC**2 / 2.)
etabar = eta * (1 - laC**2 / 2.)

class TestCKM(unittest.TestCase):
    v_s = ckm_standard(t12, t13, t23, delta)
    v_w = ckm_wolfenstein(laC, A, rhobar, etabar)
    v_t = ckm_tree(Vus, Vub, Vcb, gamma)
    v_wt = ckm_wolfenstein(*tree_to_wolfenstein(Vus, Vub, Vcb, gamma))
print "Random number", random.random()
list = [2, 13, 133, 51, 'A']
print "\nReshuffled list=", list
print "Reshuffled list=", list
print "\nRandom Float uniform(2,14)=", random.uniform(2, 14)
print "Random Float uniform(4,11)=", random.uniform(4, 11)

#Math- Trigonometric functions
'''22.Read the value x and y from the user and apply all trigonometric functions on these numbers. Note : Refer the tutorial Trigonometric operation table.'''
import math
x = float(input("Enter value of x"))
y = float(input("Enter value of y"))
print "acos(x)=", math.acos(x)
print "asin(x)=", math.asin(x)
print "atan(x)=", math.atan(x)
print "atan2(y,x)=", math.atan2(y, x)
print "cos(x)=", math.cos(x)
print "hypot(x,y)=", math.hypot(x, y)
print "sin(x)=", math.sin(x)
print "tan(x)=", math.tan(x)
print "degrees(x)=", math.degrees(x)
print "radians(x)=", math.radians(x)

#Math – math.pi application
'''23.Find the area of Circle given that radius of a circle. ( Use pi value from Math module)'''
import math
radius = int(input("Enter value of radius"))
area = math.pi * radius * radius
print "The area of circle is", area, "sqmeters"
Beispiel #50
    def onCreate(self, state):
        AppCompatActivity.onCreate(self, state)
        sharedpreferences = MainActivity.sharedpreferences
        AoA = sharedpreferences.getInt("AoA", 5) * math.pi / 180.
        Arch = sharedpreferences.getInt("Arch", 2)
        TE = sharedpreferences.getInt("TE", 15)
        Mux = (50. - sharedpreferences.getInt("Mux", 45)) / -100.

        # Plotting parameters
        windowSize = 1
        quiverResolution = 0.05
        contourResolution = 0.01
        nContours = 25

        # Geometric parameters
        chord = 1
        teAngle = TE * math.pi / 180
        arch = Arch * math.pi / 180
        mux = Mux  # Should be in negative x direction

        # Derived parameters
        k = 2. - (teAngle / math.pi)
        muy = arch * k
        r = 1.
        b = (1. - (muy)**2)**(1. / 2.) + mux

        # Normalize inputs with respect to chord
        chordNorm = 2. * k * b / (1. - (1. - (b / math.cos(arch)))**k)
        b = b * chord / chordNorm
        r = r * chord / chordNorm
        mux = mux * chord / chordNorm
        muy = muy * chord / chordNorm
        mu = complex(mux, muy)

        # Flow parameters
        Vfs = 2

        circulation = -4. * math.pi * Vfs * r * math.sin(AoA +
                                                         math.asin(muy / r))

        #l = -997*Vfs*circulation
        #cl = 2*l/(997*Vfs*Vfs)

        # Method to transform circle into airfoil
        def transformZ(Z, k, b):
            z = k * b * ((Z + b)**k + (Z - b)**k) / ((Z + b)**k - (Z - b)**k)
            return z

        # Method to obtain the velocity field around a circle
        def circleVelField(Vfs, AoA, circulation, Z, mu, r):
            first = complex(Vfs * math.cos(-AoA), Vfs * math.sin(-AoA))
            second = complex(0, circulation) / (2. * math.pi * (Z - mu))
            third = complex(Vfs * r**2 * math.cos(AoA),
                            Vfs * r**2 * math.sin(AoA)) / (Z - mu)**2
            return (first - second - third)

        # Method to obtain the derivative of the transform with respect to the original
        # plane
        def derivativeZ(Z, k, b):
            dz = 4. * k**2 * b**2 * (Z + b)**(k - 1.) * (Z - b)**(k - 1.) / (
                (Z + b)**k - (Z - b)**k)**2
            if dz == 0:
                dz = 1
            return dz

        # Method to obtain pressure coefficients from velocities
        def cp(velZ, Vfs):
            cp = 1. - (abs(velZ)**2 / Vfs**2)
            return cp

        # Method for inverse transformm from z-plane into original
        def inverseZ(z, k, b):
            # Find kappa
            kappa = 1. / k
            Z = -b * (1. + ((z + (k * b)) /
                            (z - (k * b)))**kappa) / (1. - ((z + (k * b)) /
                                                            (z -
                                                             (k * b)))**kappa)
            return (Z)

        # Checks if a point is inside the original circle
        def pointInCircle(Z, mu, r):
            inside = False
            if (
                    abs(Z - mu) < r * 0.98
            ):  # 0.98 to mask just inside the circle to aviod whitespace at the edge of the foil
                inside = True
            return inside

        # Run main
        xFoil = []
        yFoil = []
        xVel = []
        yVel = []
        xCp = []
        yCp = []
        for theta in range(0, 360):
            X = r * math.cos(theta * math.pi / 180) + mux
            Y = r * math.sin(theta * math.pi / 180) + muy
            Z = complex(X, Y)
            transform = transformZ(Z, k, b)
            velZ = circleVelField(Vfs, AoA, circulation, Z, mu,
                                  r) / derivativeZ(Z, k, b)
            velX = velZ.real
            velY = -velZ.imag
            c = cp(velZ, Vfs)

        X = []
        Y = []
        U = []
        V = []
        for y in range(int(-windowSize / quiverResolution),
                       int(1 + (windowSize / quiverResolution))):
            Ui = []
            Vi = []
            X.append(y * quiverResolution)
            Y.append(y * quiverResolution)
            for x in range(int(-windowSize / quiverResolution),
                           int(1 + (windowSize / quiverResolution))):
                z = complex(x * quiverResolution, y * quiverResolution)
                Z = inverseZ(z, k, b)
                velZ = circleVelField(Vfs, AoA, circulation, Z, mu,
                                      r) / derivativeZ(Z, k, b)
                velX = velZ.real
                velY = -velZ.imag
                if (pointInCircle(Z, mu, r)):

        X1 = []
        Y1 = []
        CP = []
        for y in range(int(-windowSize / contourResolution),
                       int(1 + (windowSize / contourResolution))):
            CPi = []
            X1.append(y * contourResolution)
            Y1.append(y * contourResolution)
            for x in range(int(-windowSize / contourResolution),
                           int(1 + (windowSize / contourResolution))):
                z = complex(x * contourResolution, y * contourResolution)
                Z = inverseZ(z, k, b)
                velZ = circleVelField(Vfs, AoA, circulation, Z, mu,
                                      r) / derivativeZ(Z, k, b)
                velX = velZ.real
                velY = -velZ.imag
                if (pointInCircle(Z, mu, r)):
                    CPi.append(1)  #NaN
                    CPi.append(cp(velZ, Vfs))

        # Figure 1
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        CS = ax.contourf(X1, Y1, CP, nContours,
        cbar = fig.colorbar(CS)'Pressure Coefficient')
        q = ax.quiver(X, Y, U, V, units='width', width=0.001)
                     label='Velocity vector',
        ax.fill(xFoil, yFoil, color='g')
        ax.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
        ax.set_xlabel('Real Axis')
        ax.set_ylabel('Imaginary Axis')

        root = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
        plt.savefig(root.getAbsolutePath() + "/fig1.png")
        bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(root.getAbsolutePath() + "/fig1.png")
Beispiel #51
def dipole_tilt_angle(t):
    """credit: Eelco Doornbos"""
    return asin(, pole_unit_vector(t)))
Beispiel #52
def calc_color_element_rates(color):
    """(WIP) 色成分比を求めます"""
    upper_bound = max(color[0], color[1], color[2])
    lower_bound = min(color[0], color[1], color[2])
    variable_height = upper_bound - lower_bound
    rank2_color = (color[0] - lower_bound, color[1] - lower_bound,
                   color[2] - lower_bound)
    # RBGの比は求まった
    color_rates = (rank2_color[0] / variable_height,
                   rank2_color[1] / variable_height,
                   rank2_color[2] / variable_height)
    # 弧度法に変換
    color_degrees = (color_rates[0] * 360, color_rates[1] * 360,
                     color_rates[2] * 360)
    # その結果、 0, x, 360 に分別できる3値が返ってくる。ここで x は 0 <= x <= 360。
    # まず 360 が 2つあるものを除外します。
    if color_degrees[0] == 360 and color_degrees[1] == 360:
        # イエロー
        return color_rates, 60  # 12時が0°の時計回り
    if color_degrees[1] == 360 and color_degrees[2] == 360:
        # シアン
        return color_rates, 180
    if color_degrees[0] == 360 and color_degrees[2] == 360:
        # マゼンタ
        return color_rates, 300
    # 0 が2つあるものを除外します。
    if color_degrees[1] == 0 and color_degrees[2] == 0:
        # 赤
        return color_rates, 0
    if color_degrees[0] == 0 and color_degrees[2] == 0:
        # 緑
        return color_rates, 120
    if color_degrees[0] == 0 and color_degrees[1] == 0:
        # 青
        return color_rates, 240
    # これで、 0, x, 360 に分別できる3値が返ってくる。ここで x は 0 < x < 360。
    x_rate = sorted(color_rates)[1]
    # print(f"x_rate={x_rate}")
    # 0 と 360 がどこにあるかで、オレンジ相、黄緑相、エメラルドグリーン相、
    # ドジャースブルー相、インディゴ相、クリムゾン相 の6つに分けれる。
    # また、 x は、 オレンジ相では昇順、黄緑相では降順になるなど、交互になる。
    if color_degrees[0] == 360 and color_degrees[2] == 0:
        # オレンジ相 (0°~60°) では、 x は上昇緑
        return color_rates, math.asin(x_rate)
    if color_degrees[1] == 360 and color_degrees[2] == 0:
        # 黄緑相 (60°~120°) では、 x は下降赤
        return color_rates, math.asin(x_rate)
    if color_degrees[0] == 0 and color_degrees[1] == 360:
        # エメラルドグリーン相 (120°~180°) では、 x は上昇青
        return color_rates, math.asin(x_rate)
    if color_degrees[0] == 0 and color_degrees[2] == 360:
        # ドジャースブルー相 (180°~240°) では、 x は下降緑
        return color_rates, math.asin(x_rate)
    if color_degrees[1] == 0 and color_degrees[2] == 360:
        # インディゴ相 (240°~300°) では、 x は上昇赤
        return color_rates, math.asin(x_rate)
    if color_degrees[0] == 360 and color_degrees[1] == 0:
        # クリムゾン相 (300°~360°) では、 x は下降青
        return color_rates, math.asin(x_rate)
    expected_theta = sorted(color_rates)[1]

    #    # 元が cos(theta) だったので、acos(theta) したらどうか?
    #    colors_theta = (
    #        math.acos(color_rates[0]),
    #        math.acos(color_rates[1]),
    #        math.acos(color_rates[2]))
    #    # 緑は -120°、 青は 120° 足しているから、逆に引いたらどうか
    #    colors_theta = (
    #        colors_theta[0],
    #        colors_theta[1] + math.radians(120),
    #        colors_theta[2] - math.radians(120),
    #    )

    return color_rates, expected_theta
Beispiel #53
def calcphi2vec(v1, v2):
    return math.degrees(
            np.linalg.norm(np.cross(v1, v2)) / np.linalg.norm(v1) /
Beispiel #54
    def L_join(self, wall, target, idx , target_idx):
        """ Compute given wall angles to corner join target wall,
            mind that when calling this method, the 2 walls already
            have a coincident end point (achieved by the extend method).

                      /    wall
                     /     /     / .
                    /     /     /   angle   
                   /     /_wi__/______.__________________________         
                  /     /    ./       .
                 /  ti /  c. /        .
                /     /  .  /ti       . target.Width        
               /     / .   /          .
              /____ /_____/_____ _____._____ _____ _____ _____ __
             /    ./  wi /                    target
            /   . /     /
           /  .  /     /
          / .w_angle  /

        # TODO: correct the bug of two different size walls with big angle in between
        print("--------\n"+"L_Join "+wall.Name+"_"+str(idx) + " with " +target.Name+"_"+str(target_idx) + "\n")
        if idx == 0:
            w1 = wall.Proxy.get_first_point(wall)
            w2 = wall.Proxy.get_last_point(wall)
        elif idx == 1:
            w1 = wall.Proxy.get_last_point(wall)
            w2 = wall.Proxy.get_first_point(wall)

        if target_idx == 0:
            t1 = target.Proxy.get_first_point(target)
            t2 = target.Proxy.get_last_point(target)
        elif target_idx == 1:
            t1 = target.Proxy.get_last_point(target)
            t2 = target.Proxy.get_first_point(target)

        angle = Draft.DraftVecUtils.angle(w2-w1,t2-t1)

        # print("angle between walls: " + str(math.degrees(angle)) + "\n")

        if angle > 0:
            w_i = wall.Width * math.cos(math.pi/2-angle)
            t_i = target.Width * math.cos(math.pi/2-angle)
        if angle < 0:
            w_i = wall.Width * math.cos(-math.pi/2-angle)
            t_i = target.Width * math.cos(-math.pi/2-angle)

        c = math.sqrt( w_i**2 + t_i**2 - 2 * abs(w_i) * t_i * math.cos(math.pi-angle) )
        w_angle = math.asin( w_i / c * math.sin(math.pi-angle))
        # print("Parameters:\n")
        # print("w_i: " + str(w_i) + "\n")
        # print("c: " + str(c) + "\n")
        # print("flipping parameter: " + str(c) + "\n")    
        # print("cut angle: " + str(math.degrees(w_angle)) + "\n")

        # assign the angles to the correct wall end
        w_angle = math.degrees( w_angle )
        if idx == 0:
            wall.FirstCoreInnerAngle = w_angle
            wall.FirstCoreOuterAngle = -w_angle
            wall.FirstCoreOffset = 0.0
        elif idx == 1:
            wall.LastCoreInnerAngle = -w_angle
            wall.LastCoreOuterAngle = +w_angle
            wall.LastCoreOffset = 0.0
Beispiel #55
def asind(x):
    rad = math.asin(x)
    return math.degrees(rad)
    def __init__(self, placelat, ascmc2, lon, lat, ra, decl):
        #0-90: x = x
        #90-180: 180-x = 180-x	(before the trigon. calc. subtract x from 180.0 and at the end of the calc the result should be subtr. from 180.0)
        #180-270: x-180 = x+180	(before the trigon. calc. subtract 180.0 from x and at the end of the calc the result should be added to 180.0)
        #270-360: 360-x = 360-x

        #sin(delta) = sin(long)*sin(obl)
        #sin(ar) = ctg(obl)*tg(delta)   or tg(ar) = cos(obl)*/ctg(long)
        #cos(war) = cos(long)*cos(beta)/cos(delta)

        #sin(A.D.)(FI or placelat)[ascensio-differentia] = tg(FI)*tg(delta)
        #dsa = 90.0+A.D.
        #nsa = 90.0-A.D.
        #Diurnal planet: |wRA-ARMC|   (wahre = real)
        #Nocturnal planet : |wRA-ARIC|


        #TH(TemporalHour) = SA/6   semiarcus is either diurnal or nocturnal dependig on the planet


        #PMP (Placidus Mundane Position)
        #if QuadrantI:		pmp = 90.0-90.0*MD/SA
        #if QuadrantII:		pmp = 90.0+90.0*MD/SA
        #if QuadrantIII:	pmp = 270.0-90.0*MD/SA
        #if QuadrantIV:		pmp = 270.0+90.0*MD/SA

        #A.D.(fi or poleheight) = MD*AD(FI)/SA
        #Poleheight(fi): tg(fi) = sin(AD(fi))/tg(delta)
        #A.O. D.O.:
        #AO: Eastern planet:  AO = AR-AD
        #DO: western planet:  DO = AR+AD

        #sa, adlat, md, hd, adph, ph, ao/do

        #the sign (positive or negative) is used in the Positions-table (e.g. if SA is positive then a 'D' will indicate that it is diurnal)

        ramc = ascmc2[houses.Houses.MC][houses.Houses.RA]
        raic = ramc + 180.0
        if raic > 360.0:
            raic -= 360.0

        self.eastern = True
        if ramc > raic:
            if ra > raic and ra < ramc:
                self.eastern = False
            if (ra > raic and ra < 360.0) or (ra < ramc and ra > 0.0):
                self.eastern = False

        adlat = 0.0
        self.valid = True
        val = math.tan(math.radians(placelat)) * math.tan(math.radians(decl))
        if math.fabs(val) <= 1.0:
            adlat = math.degrees(math.asin(val))
            self.valid = False

        med = math.fabs(ramc - ra)

        if med > 180.0:
            med = 360.0 - med
        icd = math.fabs(raic - ra)
        if icd > 180.0:
            icd = 360.0 - icd

        md = med

        aoasc = ramc + 90.0
        if aoasc >= 360.0:
            aoasc -= 360.0

        dodesc = raic + 90.0
        if dodesc >= 360.0:
            dodesc -= 360.0

        aohd = ra - adlat
        hdasc = aohd - aoasc
        if hdasc < 0.0:
            hdasc *= -1
        if hdasc > 180.0:
            hdasc = 360.0 - hdasc

        dohd = ra + adlat
        hddesc = dohd - dodesc
        if hddesc < 0.0:
            hddesc *= -1
        if hddesc > 180.0:
            hddesc = 360.0 - hddesc

        hd = hdasc
        if hddesc < hdasc:
            hd = hddesc
            hd *= -1

        #sa (southern hemisphere!?)
        dsa = 90.0 + adlat
        nsa = 90.0 - adlat

        self.abovehorizon = True
        if med > dsa:
            self.abovehorizon = False

        sa = dsa
        if not self.abovehorizon:
            sa = -nsa  #nocturnal if negative
            md = icd
            md *= -1

        th = sa / 6.0

        hod = 0.0
        if th != 0.0:
            hod = md / math.fabs(th)

        pmp = 0.0
        tmd = md
        if tmd < 0.0:
            tmd *= -1

        pmpsa = sa
        if pmpsa < 0.0:
            pmpsa *= -1

        if not self.abovehorizon and self.eastern:
            pmp = 90.0 - 90.0 * (tmd / pmpsa)
        elif not self.abovehorizon and not self.eastern:
            pmp = 90.0 + 90.0 * (tmd / pmpsa)
        elif self.abovehorizon and not self.eastern:
            pmp = 270.0 - 90.0 * (tmd / pmpsa)
        elif self.abovehorizon and self.eastern:
            pmp = 270.0 + 90.0 * (tmd / pmpsa)

        tval = math.fabs(sa)
        adphi = 0.0
        if tval != 0.0:
            adphi = math.fabs(tmd) * adlat / tval

        tval = math.tan(math.radians(decl))
        phi = 0.0
        if tval != 0.0:
            phi = math.degrees(math.atan(math.sin(math.radians(adphi)) / tval))

        #ao/do (southern hemisphere!?)
        if self.eastern:
            ao = ra - adphi
            ao = ra + adphi
            ao *= -1  #do if negative

        self.speculum = (lon, lat, ra, decl, adlat, sa, md, hd, th, hod, pmp,
                         adphi, phi, ao)
Beispiel #57
def sunrise_sunset(latitude, longitude, d, t=0.5, timezone=0):
    dateOrdinal = d.toordinal() - 734124 + 40529

    # Julian Day and Century calculations
    julianDay = dateOrdinal + 2415018.5 + t - timezone / 24
    julianCentury = (julianDay - 2451545) / 36525

    # Detailed calculation
    # Inspired by:
    geomMeanLongSun = 280.46646 + julianCentury * (
        36000.76983 + julianCentury * 0.0003032) % 360
    geomMeanAnomSun = 357.52911 + julianCentury * (35999.05029 -
                                                   0.0001537 * julianCentury)
    eccentEarthOrbit = 0.016708634 - julianCentury * (
        0.000042037 + 0.0000001267 * julianCentury)
    sunEqOfCtr = sin(radians(geomMeanAnomSun)) * (
        1.914602 - julianCentury *
        (0.004817 + 0.000014 * julianCentury)) + sin(
            radians(2 * geomMeanAnomSun)) * (
                0.019993 - 0.000101 * julianCentury) + sin(
                    radians(3 * geomMeanAnomSun)) * 0.000289
    sunTrueLong = geomMeanLongSun + sunEqOfCtr
    sunAppLong = sunTrueLong - 0.00569 - 0.00478 * sin(
        radians(125.04 - 1934.136 * julianCentury))
    meanObliqEcliptic = 23 + (26 + (
        (21.448 - julianCentury *
         (46.815 + julianCentury *
          (0.00059 - julianCentury * 0.001813)))) / 60) / 60
    obliqCorr = meanObliqEcliptic + 0.00256 * cos(
        radians(125.04 - 1934.136 * julianCentury))
    sunDeclination = degrees(
        asin(sin(radians(obliqCorr)) * sin(radians(sunAppLong))))
    varY = tan(radians(obliqCorr / 2)) * tan(radians(obliqCorr / 2))
    eqOfTime = 4 * degrees(
        varY * sin(2 * radians(geomMeanLongSun)) - 2 * eccentEarthOrbit *
        sin(radians(geomMeanAnomSun)) + 4 * eccentEarthOrbit * varY *
        sin(radians(geomMeanAnomSun)) * cos(2 * radians(geomMeanLongSun)) -
        0.5 * varY * varY * sin(4 * radians(geomMeanLongSun)) -
        1.25 * eccentEarthOrbit * eccentEarthOrbit *
        sin(2 * radians(geomMeanAnomSun)))
    hourAngleSunrise = degrees(
            cos(radians(90.833)) /
            (cos(radians(latitude)) * cos(radians(sunDeclination))) -
            tan(radians(latitude)) * tan(radians(sunDeclination))))

    #sunset and sunrise final calculations
    solarNoon = (720 - 4 * longitude - eqOfTime + timezone * 60) / 1440
    sunriseTime = (solarNoon - hourAngleSunrise * 4 / 1440
                   )  #edge case under/over 0/1
    sunsetTime = (solarNoon + hourAngleSunrise * 4 / 1440
                  )  #edge case under/over 0/1

    #solar azimuth calculations (solar azimuth is degrees CW from North)
    trueSolarTime = ((t * 1440) + eqOfTime + (4 * longitude) -
                     (60 * timezone)) % 1440
    if trueSolarTime / 4 < 0: hourAngle = trueSolarTime / 4 + 180
    else: hourAngle = trueSolarTime / 4 - 180
    solarZenithAngle = degrees(
            sin(radians(latitude)) * sin(radians(sunDeclination)) +
            cos(radians(latitude)) * cos(radians(sunDeclination)) *
    if hourAngle > 0:
        solarAzimuthAngle = (degrees(
            acos(((sin(radians(latitude)) * cos(radians(solarZenithAngle))) -
                  sin(radians(sunDeclination))) /
                 (cos(radians(latitude)) * sin(radians(solarZenithAngle))))) +
                             180) % 360
        solarAzimuthAngle = (540 - degrees(
            acos(((sin(radians(latitude)) * cos(radians(solarZenithAngle))) -
                  sin(radians(sunDeclination))) /
                 (cos(radians(latitude)) * sin(radians(solarZenithAngle)))))
                             ) % 360

    # Solar azimuth calculation (at sunrise)
    solarZenithAngleSunrise = degrees(
            sin(radians(latitude)) * sin(radians(sunDeclination)) +
            cos(radians(latitude)) * cos(radians(sunDeclination)) *
    # Solar Zenith Angle is approximately the same at sunrise and sunset, so use it for both azimuth calculations
    solarAzimuthAngleSunrise = (540 - degrees(
            ((sin(radians(latitude)) * cos(radians(solarZenithAngleSunrise))) -
             sin(radians(sunDeclination))) /
            (cos(radians(latitude)) * sin(radians(solarZenithAngleSunrise)))))
                                ) % 360
    solarAzimuthAngleSunset = (degrees(
            ((sin(radians(latitude)) * cos(radians(solarZenithAngleSunrise))) -
             sin(radians(sunDeclination))) /
            (cos(radians(latitude)) * sin(radians(solarZenithAngleSunrise)))))
                               + 180) % 360

    # Sunrise and sunset may be on different UTC days
    sunriseDate = d
    sunsetDate = d

    # If not using timezones, there is the possibility for returning < 0:00, > 24:00
    if sunriseTime < 0:
        sunriseDate -= timedelta(days=1)
    elif sunriseTime > 1:
        sunriseDate += timedelta(days=1)
    sunriseTime = sunriseTime % 1

    if sunsetTime < 0:
        sunsetDate -= timedelta(days=1)
    elif sunsetTime > 1:
        sunsetDate += timedelta(days=1)
    sunsetTime = sunsetTime % 1

    # Sunset time calculation
    sunsetHour = int(24.0 * sunsetTime)
    sunsetMinute = int((24.0 * sunsetTime - sunsetHour) * 60)
    sunsetSecond = int(
        ((24.0 * sunsetTime - sunsetHour) * 60 - sunsetMinute) * 60)
    sunsetHMS = time(sunsetHour, sunsetMinute, sunsetSecond)
    #sunset = str(sunsetHour).zfill(2)+":"+str(sunsetMinute).zfill(2)+":"+str(sunsetSecond).zfill(2)

    # Sunrise time calculation
    sunriseHour = int(24.0 * sunriseTime)
    sunriseMinute = int((24.0 * sunriseTime - sunriseHour) * 60)
    sunriseSecond = int(
        ((24.0 * sunriseTime - sunriseHour) * 60 - sunriseMinute) * 60)
    sunriseHMS = time(sunriseHour, sunriseMinute, sunriseSecond)
    #sunrise = str(sunriseHour).zfill(2)+":"+str(sunriseMinute).zfill(2)+":"+str(sunriseSecond).zfill(2)

    # Combine time and date into a datetime object
    sunset = datetime.combine(sunsetDate, sunsetHMS)
    sunrise = datetime.combine(sunriseDate, sunriseHMS)

    # Formatting output
    #sunset = str(sunsetHour).zfill(2)+":"+str(sunsetMinute).zfill(2)+":"+str(sunsetSecond).zfill(2)
    #sunrise = str(sunriseHour).zfill(2)+":"+str(sunriseMinute).zfill(2)+":"+str(sunriseSecond).zfill(2)

    #return output dictionary
    return {
        "sunrise": {
            "datetime": sunrise,
            "solarazimuth": solarAzimuthAngleSunrise
        "sunset": {
            "datetime": sunset,
            "solarazimuth": solarAzimuthAngleSunset
def quart_to_rpy(x, y, z, w):
    r = math.atan2(2 * (w * x + y * z), 1 - 2 * (x * x + y * y))
    p = math.asin(2 * (w * y - z * x))
    y = math.atan2(2 * (w * z + x * y), 1 - 2 * (z * z + y * y))
    return y
Beispiel #59
c = 299792458  #빛의 속도
h = 6.62607004 * (10**-34)  #플랑크 상수

#산란각 및 입사광의 파장입력
inci = float(input("입사광의 파장 :"))
theta = float(input("산란각 :"))

theta = math.pi * (theta / 180)  #라디안으로 변환

#scat - inci = (h/(m*c))*(1-math.cos(theta))

scat = inci + (h / (m * c)) * (1 - math.cos(theta))  #산란광 파장 계산

print('산란파 파장:' + str(scat))  #산란파 파장 출력
pi = math.asin(h * math.sin(theta) / (m * c * scat))  #전자 튕기는 각 구현

#######컴프턴 산란 그래픽 구현#######
plt.rc('font', family='Malgun Gothic')
x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 100)
y1 = np.sin(x / (inci * 10**11))  #입사광 그래프 구현
y2 = np.sin(x / (scat * 10**11))  #산란파 그래프 구현
plt.plot(x, y1, label='입사광')
plt.plot(x, y2, label='산란파')

vp_inci = sphere(pos=vec(0, 0, 0),
vp_radi = sphere(pos=vec(5, 0, 0), make_trail=True, radius=0.08)
    def run(self):

        print ""
        print "-----------------------------------------"
        print "State: \033[1;33m" + str( + "\033[0m"
        print "-----------------------------------------"
        print "Roundabout distance: ", self.globals.roundabout.getDistance()
        print "Branking Distance: ", self.globals.getBrakingDistance()
        print "MyCar Speed: ", self.globals.speed
        mypos = * 10
        line_segments = self.globals.parser.scenario.getLineSegments(mypos)
        print "Roadname: ", line_segments[-1][0]
        for seg in line_segments:
            print "Roadname: ", seg[0]

        # calculate intersection positions
        for lane in self.globals.roundabout.lanes:
            intersection_position = self.globals.roundabout.getPosition()
            alpha = math.atan2(intersection_position[0],
                               -intersection_position[1]) - (math.pi / 2)
            intersection_position[0] -= lane.r
            b = self.globals.norm(self.globals.roundabout.getPosition())
            a = lane.r
            if -1 <= ((math.sin(alpha) * b) / a) <= 1:
                beta = math.pi - math.asin(
                    (math.sin(alpha) * b) /
                    a)  # mehrere loesungen!!!!! SSW Dreieck
                gamma = math.pi - alpha - beta
                d = (a * math.sin(gamma)) / math.sin(alpha)

                lane.debug.setPosition([d, 0, 0.02], self.globals.car_handle)

                intersection_position = np.array([d, 0, 0])
                # print "intersection_position far away.."
                intersection_position = None
            lane.intersection_position = intersection_position
            # line_segments = self.globals.parser.scenario.getLineSegments(intersection_position * 10)
            # for segment in line_segments:
            #     lane.lineSegment = segment[0]
            #     lane.posInLineSegment = segment[1]

        self.globals.target_speed = self.globals.max_speed
        self.brake = None

        enemys = self.globals.getEnemysInRange(4)
        #enemys = self.globals.enemys

        if self.globals.roundabout.getDistance(
        ) - 1 < self.globals.car_length / 2:
            print "\033[1;33m------------------------------State_Change----------------------------------\033[0m"
            self.globals.currentState = States.AdaptiveCruiseControl(

        for enemy in enemys:

            # reset dynamic paramters
            # enemy.lane = None

            # ---------------------- assign enemy to lane and estimatespeed --------------------
            # if enemy.lane is not None:
            #     enemy.estimateSpeed()

            # enemy.mapToLineSegment()

            # print "lineSegment: ", enemy.lineSegment
            # print "lane: ", enemy.lane
            # if enemy.lineSegment is not None:
            #     print "Road: ",enemy.lineSegment[0]
            #     print "LaneID: ",enemy.lineSegment[0]
            # if enemy.lineSegment is not None and enemy.lane is not None and enemy.lane.lineSegment is not None and enemy.lineSegment[0] is not None:
            #     if enemy.lane.lineSegment.parent == enemy.lineSegment[0].parent:
            #         print "lineSegment: ", enemy.lineSegment[0]
            #         print "lane: ", enemy.lane.lineSegment
            #         print "enemy_distance: ", self.globals.parser.scenario.getDistance(enemy.lineSegment[0],enemy.lane.lineSegment)
            #     else:
            #         print "comparing unequal lanes!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

            intersection_distance = enemy.getIntersectionDistance()
            print "intersection_distance: ", intersection_distance
            if enemy.lane is not None:
                lane_dist = self.globals.roundabout.getDistance(
                ) - enemy.lane.outer_r
                brake_dist = self.globals.getBrakingDistance(
                ) + self.globals.car_length + 0.2
                if lane_dist <= brake_dist and enemy.speed != 0 and intersection_distance is not None:
                    if intersection_distance > 0:

                        enemy_timewindow = abs(intersection_distance /

                        deltav = self.globals.max_speed - self.globals.speed
                        t = deltav / self.globals.accel
                        s = 0
                        if enemy_timewindow - t < 0:
                            s = (
                                self.globals.accel / 2
                            ) * enemy_timewindow * enemy_timewindow + self.globals.speed * enemy_timewindow

                            s = (
                                (self.globals.accel / 2) * t * t +
                                self.globals.speed * t
                            ) + (enemy_timewindow - t) * self.globals.max_speed

                        goal_distance = enemy.lane.intersection_position[
                            0] + self.globals.car_length
                        stop_distance = self.globals.roundabout.getDistance(
                        ) - enemy.lane.outer_r - self.globals.car_length
                        print "Goal distance: ", goal_distance
                        print "Stop distance: ", stop_distance
                        print "Estimated Car distance: ", s
                        print "Estimated Time Window: ", enemy_timewindow

                        if s < goal_distance and s > stop_distance:
                            print "Stop Caused my: ",
                                self.globals.roundabout.getDistance() -
                                enemy.lane.outer_r -
                                self.globals.car_length / 2 - 0.1)

        if self.brake is not None:
            print "\033[1;33m------------------------------State_Change----------------------------------\033[0m"
            self.globals.currentState = States.Brake(
                self.globals, self.brake, ToRoundabout(self.globals))