Beispiel #1
    def test_get_pixel_bottom_right(self):
        """Test getting the bottom left pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1)
        self.assert_(media.get_x(p) == WIDTH - 1)
        self.assert_(media.get_y(p) == HEIGHT - 1)
Beispiel #2
def word_to_pic(pic_word):
    '''(pic_word) -> Picture
    Return a picture that contains a string.'''
    p = media.create_picture(get_picture_width(pic_word), 20)
    p.add_text(, 0, 0, pic_word)
    return p
Beispiel #3
def copyright():
    pic = media.create_picture(20, 20)
    black =
    media.add_oval(pic, 0, 0, 16, 16, black)
    media.add_text(pic, 6, 3, "C", black)
    return pic
Beispiel #4
    def test_get_pixel_top_left(self):
        """Test getting the top left pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, 0, 0)
        self.assert_(media.get_x(p) == 0)
        self.assert_(media.get_y(p) == 0)
Beispiel #5
    def test_get_pixel_top_left(self):
        """Test getting the top left pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, 0, 0)
        self.assert_(media.get_x(p) == 0)
        self.assert_(media.get_y(p) == 0)
Beispiel #6
    def test_get_pixel_bottom_right(self):
        """Test getting the bottom left pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1)
        self.assert_(media.get_x(p) == WIDTH - 1)
        self.assert_(media.get_y(p) == HEIGHT - 1)
Beispiel #7
def word_to_pic(pic_word):
    '''(pic_word) -> Picture
    Return a picture that contains a string.'''

    p = media.create_picture(get_picture_width(pic_word), 20)
    p.add_text(, 0, 0, pic_word)
    return p
Beispiel #8
def copyright():
    media.add_text(pic, 6,3,"C",black)
    return pic
def reduce_width(pic, reducing_factor):
    ''' Take Picture pic and return a duplicate of it that is horizontally 
        compressed by an Integer reducing_factor''' 
    # Create a new Picture with the appropriate old height and new width, and
    # initialize the colour to black (all colour components are zero).
    new_width = (pic.get_width() - 1) / reducing_factor + 1
    new_height = pic.get_height()
    newpic = media.create_picture(new_width, new_height,
    # Iterate through all the Pixels in the large image, and copy
    # a portion of that Pixel's colour components into the correct 
    # Pixel position in the smaller image.
    for pixel in pic:
        # Find the corresponding Pixel in the new Picture.
        x_coordinate = media.get_x(pixel)/reducing_factor;
        y_coordinate = media.get_y(pixel);
        newpixel = media.get_pixel(newpic, x_coordinate, y_coordinate)
        # Add the appropriate fraction of this Pixel's colour components
        # to the components of the corresponding Pixel in the new Picture.
        new_red = newpixel.get_red() + pixel.get_red()/reducing_factor
        new_blue = newpixel.get_blue() + pixel.get_blue()/reducing_factor
        new_green = newpixel.get_green() + pixel.get_green()/reducing_factor
        media.set_red(newpixel, int(new_red))
        media.set_blue(newpixel, int(new_blue))
        media.set_green(newpixel, int(new_green))
    return newpic
def test_white_pic():
    """Test if average_brightness calculates the correct value for a 5x5 picture
    consisting of only white pixels."""

    new_pic = media.create_picture(5, 5, media.white)
    assert (
        average_brightness.average_brightness(new_pic) == 255
    ), "The expected average brightness for a white picture was not obtained."
Beispiel #11
    def test_pixel_set_get_color(self):
        """Test setting and getting the color of a pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1)
        c = media.aqua
        media.set_color(p, c)
        self.assert_(media.get_color(p) == media.aqua)
Beispiel #12
    def test_pixel_set_get_color(self):
        """Test setting and getting the color of a pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1)
        c = media.aqua
        media.set_color(p, c)
        self.assert_(media.get_color(p) == media.aqua)
Beispiel #13
    def draw_board(self):
        '''(self) -> NoneType
        draw player board and opponent board and return in list'''

        # Each space will be 25 pixels long, with a 10 pixel border on top
        board_l = self.l * 25 + 10
        # Each space will be 25 pixels wide, with a 10 pixel border on the side
        board_w = self.w * 25 + 10

        list_boards = []   # list holding boards

        # Draw player's board
        board_player = media.create_picture(board_w, board_l,

        # Draw opponent's board
        board_opponent = media.create_picture(board_w, board_l, media.gray)

        list_boards.append(board_player)   # Add player board to list
        list_boards.append(board_opponent)  # Add opponent board to list

        for item in list_boards:  # loop through list of boards to add borders
            # Draw bar along top
            media.add_rect_filled(item, 0, 0, 10, board_l, media.white)
            media.add_rect_filled(item, 0, 0, board_w, 10, media.white)
            counter = 0  # counter for while loop to draw numbers to board
            while counter < self.w:  # loop to draw x coordinates on board
                temp = str(counter)
                x_val = (counter) * 25 + 10
                media.add_text(item, x_val, 2, temp,
                counter += 1
            counter = 0
            while counter < self.l:  # draw y coordinates on board
                temp = str(counter)
                y_val = (counter) * 25 + 10
                media.add_text(item, 2, y_val, temp,
                counter += 1

        # Loop through list of player ships to place them on board
        for item in self.coordinates:
            media.add_rect_filled(list_boards[0], item[0] * 25 + 10,\
                                  item[1] * 25 + 10, 25, 25, media.gray)[0])[1])

        self.boards = list_boards
def test_3_white_pixels_1_black_pixel():
    """Test if average_brightness calculates the correct value for a 2x2 picture
    consisting of 3 white pixels and 1 black pixel."""

    new_pic = media.create_picture(2, 2, media.white)
    media.set_color(media.get_pixel(new_pic, 0, 0),
    assert (
        average_brightness.average_brightness(new_pic) == 255 * 3 / 4.0
    ), "The expected average brightness for a picture with 3 white pixels \
Beispiel #15
def rotate_left180_right180 (pic):
    '''Return new_pic, a picture created by rotating picture pic 180 degrees.'''
    width = pic.get_width()
    height = pic.get_height()
    new_pic = media.create_picture(width, height, media.white)
    for pix in pic:
        media.set_color(media.get_pixel(new_pic, width - pix.get_x() - 1, \
                        height - pix.get_y() - 1), pix.get_color())
    return new_pic
Beispiel #16
    def test_pixel_set_get_RGB(self):
        """Test setting and getting the red, green, and blue of a pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1)
        media.set_red(p, 1)
        self.assert_(media.get_red(p) == 1)
        media.set_green(p, 2)
        self.assert_(media.get_green(p) == 2)
        media.set_blue(p, 3)
        self.assert_(media.get_blue(p) == 3)
Beispiel #17
def horizontal_reflection (pic):
    '''Create and return a copy of the picture pic which appears as a horizontal
    reflection of pic.'''
    width = pic.get_width()
    height = pic.get_height()
    new_pic = media.create_picture(width, height, media.white)
    for pix in pic:
        media.set_color(media.get_pixel(new_pic, width - pix.get_x() - 1, \
                        pix.get_y()), pix.get_color())        
    return new_pic
Beispiel #18
    def test_pixel_set_get_RGB(self):
        """Test setting and getting the red, green, and blue of a pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1)
        media.set_red(p, 1)
        self.assert_(media.get_red(p) == 1)
        media.set_green(p, 2)
        self.assert_(media.get_green(p) == 2)
        media.set_blue(p, 3)
        self.assert_(media.get_blue(p) == 3)
Beispiel #19
def widen(original):
    '''(original) -> Picture 
    Return a new picture that is twice as wide as the given picture.'''
    new_pic = media.create_picture(original.get_width() * 2, original.get_height())
    for pix in original:
        original_x = pix.get_x()
        original_y = pix.get_y()
        new_pic.get_pixel(2 * original_x, original_y).set_color(pix.get_color())
        new_pic.get_pixel(2 * original_x + 1, original_y).set_color(pix.get_color())
    return new_pic 
Beispiel #20
def rotate_left90_right270 (pic):
    '''Return new_pic, a picture created by rotating picture pic 90 degrees
    to the left.'''
    width = pic.get_width()
    height = pic.get_height()
    new_pic = media.create_picture(height, width, media.white)
    for pix in pic:
        media.set_color(media.get_pixel(new_pic, pix.get_y(), \
                        width - pix.get_x() - 1), pix.get_color())
    return new_pic
def create_pic(x, y):
    '''Create and return a picture of width x and height y with a random colour 
    in each pixel, to be used for testing.'''
    #This is a helper function.
    new_pic = media.create_picture(x, y)
    for pix in new_pic:
	pix.set_red(random.randint(0, 255))
	pix.set_blue(random.randint(0, 255))
	pix.set_green(random.randint(0, 255))
    return new_pic
Beispiel #22
def close_pic_GUI (label):
    '''Make the picture loaded in Tkinter Label label blank.'''
    #Clear all the temp pics in front of the current pic current_pic
    global temp_label
    global current_pic
    temp_label = temp_label[0:current_pic+1]
    #Create a blank picture
    label.picture = media.create_picture(1, 1, media.white)
    #Keep a copy of the current pic for the functions Undo and Redo
    current_pic += 1
    #Update the label
Beispiel #23
def widen(original):
    '''(original) -> Picture 
    Return a new picture that is twice as wide as the given picture.'''

    new_pic = media.create_picture(original.get_width() * 2,

    for pix in original:
        original_x = pix.get_x()
        original_y = pix.get_y()
        new_pic.get_pixel(2 * original_x,
        new_pic.get_pixel(2 * original_x + 1,
    return new_pic
Beispiel #24
    def test_create_pic_color(self):
        """Create a WIDTH by HEIGHT picture and check for proper
        dimensions and color."""
        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT, media.magenta)
        width = media.get_width(pic)
        height = media.get_height(pic)

        self.assert_(width == WIDTH,
            'expected pic width of %s, saw %s' % (WIDTH, width))

        self.assert_(height == HEIGHT,
        'expected pic width of %s, saw %s' % (HEIGHT, height))

        for p in pic:
            self.assert_(media.get_color(p) == media.magenta)
Beispiel #25
    def test_create_pic_color(self):
        """Create a WIDTH by HEIGHT picture and check for proper
        dimensions and color."""
        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT, media.magenta)
        width = media.get_width(pic)
        height = media.get_height(pic)

        self.assert_(width == WIDTH,
                     'expected pic width of %s, saw %s' % (WIDTH, width))

        self.assert_(height == HEIGHT,
                     'expected pic width of %s, saw %s' % (HEIGHT, height))

        for p in pic:
            self.assert_(media.get_color(p) == media.magenta)
def expand_width(pic, expanding_factor):
    ''' Take Picture pic and return a duplicate of it that is horizontally 
        stretched by an Integer expanding_factor'''  
    new_width = (pic.get_width()) * expanding_factor
    new_height = pic.get_height()
    newpic = media.create_picture(new_width, new_height,
    for pixel in newpic:
        x_coordinate = media.get_x(pixel) / expanding_factor
        y_coordinate = media.get_y(pixel)
        newpixel = media.get_pixel(pic, x_coordinate, y_coordinate)
        new_color = media.get_color(newpixel)
        media.set_color(pixel, new_color)
    return newpic
Beispiel #27
def crop_image (pic, x1, y1, x2, y2):
    '''Crop from the picture pic a rectangular area from (x1, y1) to
    (x2, y2), and return the area as a picture.'''
    top_left_x = min(x1, x2)
    top_left_y = min(y1, y2)
    btm_right_x = max(x1, x2)
    btm_right_y = max(y1, y2)
    new_pic = media.create_picture(abs(x1 - x2) + 1, abs(y1 - y2) + 1)
    for row in range(top_left_x, btm_right_x + 1):
        for column in range(top_left_y, btm_right_y + 1):
            x = row - top_left_x
            y = column - top_left_y
            pix = media.get_pixel(new_pic, x, y)
            color = media.get_color(media.get_pixel(pic, row, column))
            media.set_color(pix, color)
    return new_pic     
def expand_height(pic, expanding_factor):
    ''' Take Picture pic and return a duplicate of it that is vertically 
        stretched by an Integer expanding_factor'''
    new_width = pic.get_width()
    new_height = pic.get_height() * expanding_factor
    #create a new pic with new width, height and color black
    newpic = media.create_picture(new_width, new_height,
    #in new pic, align the x/y coordinate to that of old pic, get pixel and
    #use that pixel to get its color and set it as the new color for new pic
    for pixel in newpic:
        x_coordinate = media.get_x(pixel)
        y_coordinate = media.get_y(pixel) / expanding_factor
        newpixel = media.get_pixel(pic, x_coordinate, y_coordinate)
        new_color = media.get_color(newpixel)
        media.set_color(pixel, new_color)  
    return newpic
Beispiel #29
def expand_width(pic, expand_factor):
    '''Create a new picture new_pic that has an expanded width of pic by a 
     factor of expand_factor.'''
    height = media.get_height(pic)
    width = expand_factor * media.get_width(pic)
    new_pic = media.create_picture(width, height, 
    for pixel in new_pic:
        x = media.get_x(pixel)
        y = media.get_y(pixel)
        new_pixel = media.get_pixel(pic, x / expand_factor, y )
        new_red = new_pixel.get_red() + pixel.get_red() 
        new_blue = new_pixel.get_blue() + pixel.get_blue() 
        new_green = new_pixel.get_green() + pixel.get_green() 
        media.set_red(pixel, new_red)
        media.set_blue(pixel, new_blue)
        media.set_green(pixel, new_green)
    return new_pic
Beispiel #30
def reduce_width(pic, factor):
    '''Create a new picture newpic that has a reduced width of pic by a 
    factor of factor.'''
    new_height = pic.get_height()
    new_width = (pic.get_width() + factor - 1) / factor
    newpic = media.create_picture(new_width, new_height,
    for pixel in pic:
        x = media.get_x(pixel)
        y = media.get_y(pixel)
        newpixel = media.get_pixel(newpic, x/factor, y)
        new_red = newpixel.get_red() + pixel.get_red()/factor
        new_blue = newpixel.get_blue() + pixel.get_blue()/factor
        new_green = newpixel.get_green() + pixel.get_green()/factor
        media.set_red(newpixel, new_red)
        media.set_blue(newpixel, new_blue)
        media.set_green(newpixel, new_green)
    return newpic
Beispiel #31
import media
import random

# make a new 100 by 100 picture
pic = media.create_picture(100, 100)

# get 2 random numbers between 0 and 99 to use as coordinates
x = random.randint(0, 99)
y = random.randint(0, 99)

# get the pixel at this x,y coordinate
pix = media.get_pixel(pic, x, y)

# get the red, blue and green values of this pixel   
red = media.get_red(pix)
green = media.get_green(pix)
blue = media.get_blue(pix)

# introduce a new colour
new_color =

# make a 10 x 10 rectangle of the new colour inside our 
# picture, starting with our x and y as the upper 
# left corner. (In this case, it doesn't matter if some
# of the rectangle is outside the picture, as long as 
# the x,y corner is inside.)
media.add_rect_filled(pic, x, y, 10, 10, new_color)

# display the picture
import media
import color

pic = media.create_picture(100, 200,

for i in range(media.get_width(pic)):
  for j in range(media.get_height(pic)):
  pixel = media.get_pixel(pic, i, j)
    media.create_color(i % 255, j % 255, 0))
Beispiel #33
    result = a1.get_picture_width('bye')
    expected = 30

    assert isinstance(result, int),\
    '''a1.get_picture_width('bye') should return an int, but returned
    %s.''' % (type(result))
    # Type check a1.word_to_pic
    result = a1.word_to_pic('today')
    assert isinstance(result, media.Picture), \
    '''a1.word_to_pic(\'today\') should return a Picture, but it returned
    %s.''' % (type(result))	
    # Type check a1.count_black
    pic = media.create_picture(2, 3)
    result = a1.count_black(pic)
    assert isinstance(result, int), \
    '''a1.count_black(pic) should return an int, but it returned 
    %s.''' % (type(result))
    # Type check a1.strikethrough
    pic = media.create_picture(30, 20)
    result = a1.strikethrough(pic)
    assert isinstance(result, media.Picture), \
    '''a1.strikethrough(pic) should return a Picture, but it returned 
    %s.''' % (type(result))
    # Type check a1.widen
Beispiel #34
import media
import random

# make a new 100 by 100 picture
pic = media.create_picture(100, 100)

# get 2 random numbers between 0 and 99 to use as coordinates
x = random.randint(0, 99)
y = random.randint(0, 99)

# get the pixel at this x,y coordinate
pix = media.get_pixel(pic, x, y)

# get the red, blue and green values of this pixel
red = media.get_red(pix)
green = media.get_green(pix)
blue = media.get_blue(pix)

# introduce a new colour
new_color =

# make a 10 x 10 rectangle of the new colour inside our
# picture, starting with our x and y as the upper
# left corner. (In this case, it doesn't matter if some
# of the rectangle is outside the picture, as long as
# the x,y corner is inside.)
media.add_rect_filled(pic, x, y, 10, 10, new_color)

# display the picture
Beispiel #35
    return new_pic

def flip(pic):
    '''(Pic) -> Picture 
    Return a new picture that contains the pixels of the original picture flipped across the vertical axis.'''

    copy = media.copy(pic)
    max_x = media.get_width(pic)
    max_y = media.get_height(pic)

    for x in range(max_x / 2):
        for y in range(max_y):
            originalpix = copy.get_pixel(x, y)
            reversepix = copy.get_pixel((max_x - x - 1), y)
            color = media.get_color(originalpix)
            reversecolor = media.get_color(reversepix)
            media.set_color(originalpix, reversecolor)
            media.set_color(reversepix, color)
    return copy

if __name__ == "__main__":
    pic = media.create_picture(50, 50,
    pic2 = media.create_picture(50, 50,
    str1 = 'redundancy'
    str2 = 'redundancy'
    filename = media.choose_file()
    mypic = media.load_picture(filename)

def play_sound_clip(sound_clip, loop=False):
    '''Plays the sound clip sound_clip with an option to loop the music.'''

    if loop:

if __name__ == '__main__':

    pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
    highscore = scoring.Score('highscore.txt')

    # Play the game as long as the user wants, adding one to the number of
    # nodes every round.

    #Obtained intro music from the tron video game.
    name = raw_input('What is your name? ')
    print "Hello %s and welcome to the menial labour simulator" % (name)
    print '''
    The rules are simple:
    Rotate the nodes in the tree to recreate the target tree. There are eight
    levels, each with one more node then the last, and your score per level
Beispiel #37
    '''(Pic) -> Picture 
    Return a new picture that contains the pixels of the original picture flipped across the vertical axis.'''
    copy  = media.copy(pic)
    max_x = media.get_width(pic)
    max_y = media.get_height(pic)
    for x in range(max_x/2):
        for y in range(max_y):
            originalpix = copy.get_pixel(x,y)
            reversepix  = copy.get_pixel((max_x - x - 1), y)
            color = media.get_color(originalpix)
            reversecolor = media.get_color(reversepix)
    return copy



if __name__ == "__main__":
    pic = media.create_picture(50, 50,
    pic2 = media.create_picture(50, 50,
    str1 = 'redundancy'
    str2 = 'redundancy'
    filename = media.choose_file()
    mypic = media.load_picture(filename)