Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_get_pixel_bottom_right(self):
        """Test getting the bottom left pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1)
        self.assert_(media.get_x(p) == WIDTH - 1)
        self.assert_(media.get_y(p) == HEIGHT - 1)
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: a1.py Projeto: Zhaeong/School
def word_to_pic(pic_word):
    '''(pic_word) -> Picture
    Return a picture that contains a string.'''
    p = media.create_picture(get_picture_width(pic_word), 20)
    p.add_text(media.black, 0, 0, pic_word)
    return p
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: e1.py Projeto: Zhaeong/School
def copyright():
    pic = media.create_picture(20, 20)
    black = media.black
    media.add_oval(pic, 0, 0, 16, 16, black)
    media.add_text(pic, 6, 3, "C", black)
    return pic
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_get_pixel_top_left(self):
        """Test getting the top left pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, 0, 0)
        self.assert_(media.get_x(p) == 0)
        self.assert_(media.get_y(p) == 0)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_get_pixel_top_left(self):
        """Test getting the top left pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, 0, 0)
        self.assert_(media.get_x(p) == 0)
        self.assert_(media.get_y(p) == 0)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_get_pixel_bottom_right(self):
        """Test getting the bottom left pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1)
        self.assert_(media.get_x(p) == WIDTH - 1)
        self.assert_(media.get_y(p) == HEIGHT - 1)
Exemplo n.º 7
def word_to_pic(pic_word):
    '''(pic_word) -> Picture
    Return a picture that contains a string.'''

    p = media.create_picture(get_picture_width(pic_word), 20)
    p.add_text(media.black, 0, 0, pic_word)
    return p
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: e1.py Projeto: Zhaeong/School
def copyright():
    media.add_text(pic, 6,3,"C",black)
    return pic
def reduce_width(pic, reducing_factor):
    ''' Take Picture pic and return a duplicate of it that is horizontally 
        compressed by an Integer reducing_factor''' 
    # Create a new Picture with the appropriate old height and new width, and
    # initialize the colour to black (all colour components are zero).
    new_width = (pic.get_width() - 1) / reducing_factor + 1
    new_height = pic.get_height()
    newpic = media.create_picture(new_width, new_height, media.black)
    # Iterate through all the Pixels in the large image, and copy
    # a portion of that Pixel's colour components into the correct 
    # Pixel position in the smaller image.
    for pixel in pic:
        # Find the corresponding Pixel in the new Picture.
        x_coordinate = media.get_x(pixel)/reducing_factor;
        y_coordinate = media.get_y(pixel);
        newpixel = media.get_pixel(newpic, x_coordinate, y_coordinate)
        # Add the appropriate fraction of this Pixel's colour components
        # to the components of the corresponding Pixel in the new Picture.
        new_red = newpixel.get_red() + pixel.get_red()/reducing_factor
        new_blue = newpixel.get_blue() + pixel.get_blue()/reducing_factor
        new_green = newpixel.get_green() + pixel.get_green()/reducing_factor
        media.set_red(newpixel, int(new_red))
        media.set_blue(newpixel, int(new_blue))
        media.set_green(newpixel, int(new_green))
    return newpic
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_white_pic():
    """Test if average_brightness calculates the correct value for a 5x5 picture
    consisting of only white pixels."""

    new_pic = media.create_picture(5, 5, media.white)
    assert (
        average_brightness.average_brightness(new_pic) == 255
    ), "The expected average brightness for a white picture was not obtained."
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_pixel_set_get_color(self):
        """Test setting and getting the color of a pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1)
        c = media.aqua
        media.set_color(p, c)
        self.assert_(media.get_color(p) == media.aqua)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_pixel_set_get_color(self):
        """Test setting and getting the color of a pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1)
        c = media.aqua
        media.set_color(p, c)
        self.assert_(media.get_color(p) == media.aqua)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def draw_board(self):
        '''(self) -> NoneType
        draw player board and opponent board and return in list'''

        # Each space will be 25 pixels long, with a 10 pixel border on top
        board_l = self.l * 25 + 10
        # Each space will be 25 pixels wide, with a 10 pixel border on the side
        board_w = self.w * 25 + 10

        list_boards = []   # list holding boards

        # Draw player's board
        board_player = media.create_picture(board_w, board_l, media.navy)

        # Draw opponent's board
        board_opponent = media.create_picture(board_w, board_l, media.gray)

        list_boards.append(board_player)   # Add player board to list
        list_boards.append(board_opponent)  # Add opponent board to list

        for item in list_boards:  # loop through list of boards to add borders
            # Draw bar along top
            media.add_rect_filled(item, 0, 0, 10, board_l, media.white)
            media.add_rect_filled(item, 0, 0, board_w, 10, media.white)
            counter = 0  # counter for while loop to draw numbers to board
            while counter < self.w:  # loop to draw x coordinates on board
                temp = str(counter)
                x_val = (counter) * 25 + 10
                media.add_text(item, x_val, 2, temp, media.black)
                counter += 1
            counter = 0
            while counter < self.l:  # draw y coordinates on board
                temp = str(counter)
                y_val = (counter) * 25 + 10
                media.add_text(item, 2, y_val, temp, media.black)
                counter += 1

        # Loop through list of player ships to place them on board
        for item in self.coordinates:
            media.add_rect_filled(list_boards[0], item[0] * 25 + 10,\
                                  item[1] * 25 + 10, 25, 25, media.gray)

        self.boards = list_boards
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_3_white_pixels_1_black_pixel():
    """Test if average_brightness calculates the correct value for a 2x2 picture
    consisting of 3 white pixels and 1 black pixel."""

    new_pic = media.create_picture(2, 2, media.white)
    media.set_color(media.get_pixel(new_pic, 0, 0), media.black)
    assert (
        average_brightness.average_brightness(new_pic) == 255 * 3 / 4.0
    ), "The expected average brightness for a picture with 3 white pixels \
Exemplo n.º 15
def rotate_left180_right180 (pic):
    '''Return new_pic, a picture created by rotating picture pic 180 degrees.'''
    width = pic.get_width()
    height = pic.get_height()
    new_pic = media.create_picture(width, height, media.white)
    for pix in pic:
        media.set_color(media.get_pixel(new_pic, width - pix.get_x() - 1, \
                        height - pix.get_y() - 1), pix.get_color())
    return new_pic
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_pixel_set_get_RGB(self):
        """Test setting and getting the red, green, and blue of a pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1)
        media.set_red(p, 1)
        self.assert_(media.get_red(p) == 1)
        media.set_green(p, 2)
        self.assert_(media.get_green(p) == 2)
        media.set_blue(p, 3)
        self.assert_(media.get_blue(p) == 3)
Exemplo n.º 17
def horizontal_reflection (pic):
    '''Create and return a copy of the picture pic which appears as a horizontal
    reflection of pic.'''
    width = pic.get_width()
    height = pic.get_height()
    new_pic = media.create_picture(width, height, media.white)
    for pix in pic:
        media.set_color(media.get_pixel(new_pic, width - pix.get_x() - 1, \
                        pix.get_y()), pix.get_color())        
    return new_pic
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_pixel_set_get_RGB(self):
        """Test setting and getting the red, green, and blue of a pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1)
        media.set_red(p, 1)
        self.assert_(media.get_red(p) == 1)
        media.set_green(p, 2)
        self.assert_(media.get_green(p) == 2)
        media.set_blue(p, 3)
        self.assert_(media.get_blue(p) == 3)
Exemplo n.º 19
Arquivo: a1.py Projeto: Zhaeong/School
def widen(original):
    '''(original) -> Picture 
    Return a new picture that is twice as wide as the given picture.'''
    new_pic = media.create_picture(original.get_width() * 2, original.get_height())
    for pix in original:
        original_x = pix.get_x()
        original_y = pix.get_y()
        new_pic.get_pixel(2 * original_x, original_y).set_color(pix.get_color())
        new_pic.get_pixel(2 * original_x + 1, original_y).set_color(pix.get_color())
    return new_pic 
Exemplo n.º 20
def rotate_left90_right270 (pic):
    '''Return new_pic, a picture created by rotating picture pic 90 degrees
    to the left.'''
    width = pic.get_width()
    height = pic.get_height()
    new_pic = media.create_picture(height, width, media.white)
    for pix in pic:
        media.set_color(media.get_pixel(new_pic, pix.get_y(), \
                        width - pix.get_x() - 1), pix.get_color())
    return new_pic
Exemplo n.º 21
def create_pic(x, y):
    '''Create and return a picture of width x and height y with a random colour 
    in each pixel, to be used for testing.'''
    #This is a helper function.
    new_pic = media.create_picture(x, y)
    for pix in new_pic:
	pix.set_red(random.randint(0, 255))
	pix.set_blue(random.randint(0, 255))
	pix.set_green(random.randint(0, 255))
    return new_pic
Exemplo n.º 22
def close_pic_GUI (label):
    '''Make the picture loaded in Tkinter Label label blank.'''
    #Clear all the temp pics in front of the current pic current_pic
    global temp_label
    global current_pic
    temp_label = temp_label[0:current_pic+1]
    #Create a blank picture
    label.picture = media.create_picture(1, 1, media.white)
    #Keep a copy of the current pic for the functions Undo and Redo
    current_pic += 1
    #Update the label
Exemplo n.º 23
def widen(original):
    '''(original) -> Picture 
    Return a new picture that is twice as wide as the given picture.'''

    new_pic = media.create_picture(original.get_width() * 2,

    for pix in original:
        original_x = pix.get_x()
        original_y = pix.get_y()
        new_pic.get_pixel(2 * original_x,
        new_pic.get_pixel(2 * original_x + 1,
    return new_pic
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_create_pic_color(self):
        """Create a WIDTH by HEIGHT picture and check for proper
        dimensions and color."""
        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT, media.magenta)
        width = media.get_width(pic)
        height = media.get_height(pic)

        self.assert_(width == WIDTH,
            'expected pic width of %s, saw %s' % (WIDTH, width))

        self.assert_(height == HEIGHT,
        'expected pic width of %s, saw %s' % (HEIGHT, height))

        for p in pic:
            self.assert_(media.get_color(p) == media.magenta)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_create_pic_color(self):
        """Create a WIDTH by HEIGHT picture and check for proper
        dimensions and color."""
        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT, media.magenta)
        width = media.get_width(pic)
        height = media.get_height(pic)

        self.assert_(width == WIDTH,
                     'expected pic width of %s, saw %s' % (WIDTH, width))

        self.assert_(height == HEIGHT,
                     'expected pic width of %s, saw %s' % (HEIGHT, height))

        for p in pic:
            self.assert_(media.get_color(p) == media.magenta)
Exemplo n.º 26
def expand_width(pic, expanding_factor):
    ''' Take Picture pic and return a duplicate of it that is horizontally 
        stretched by an Integer expanding_factor'''  
    new_width = (pic.get_width()) * expanding_factor
    new_height = pic.get_height()
    newpic = media.create_picture(new_width, new_height, media.black)
    for pixel in newpic:
        x_coordinate = media.get_x(pixel) / expanding_factor
        y_coordinate = media.get_y(pixel)
        newpixel = media.get_pixel(pic, x_coordinate, y_coordinate)
        new_color = media.get_color(newpixel)
        media.set_color(pixel, new_color)
    return newpic
Exemplo n.º 27
def crop_image (pic, x1, y1, x2, y2):
    '''Crop from the picture pic a rectangular area from (x1, y1) to
    (x2, y2), and return the area as a picture.'''
    top_left_x = min(x1, x2)
    top_left_y = min(y1, y2)
    btm_right_x = max(x1, x2)
    btm_right_y = max(y1, y2)
    new_pic = media.create_picture(abs(x1 - x2) + 1, abs(y1 - y2) + 1)
    for row in range(top_left_x, btm_right_x + 1):
        for column in range(top_left_y, btm_right_y + 1):
            x = row - top_left_x
            y = column - top_left_y
            pix = media.get_pixel(new_pic, x, y)
            color = media.get_color(media.get_pixel(pic, row, column))
            media.set_color(pix, color)
    return new_pic     
Exemplo n.º 28
def expand_height(pic, expanding_factor):
    ''' Take Picture pic and return a duplicate of it that is vertically 
        stretched by an Integer expanding_factor'''
    new_width = pic.get_width()
    new_height = pic.get_height() * expanding_factor
    #create a new pic with new width, height and color black
    newpic = media.create_picture(new_width, new_height, media.black)
    #in new pic, align the x/y coordinate to that of old pic, get pixel and
    #use that pixel to get its color and set it as the new color for new pic
    for pixel in newpic:
        x_coordinate = media.get_x(pixel)
        y_coordinate = media.get_y(pixel) / expanding_factor
        newpixel = media.get_pixel(pic, x_coordinate, y_coordinate)
        new_color = media.get_color(newpixel)
        media.set_color(pixel, new_color)  
    return newpic
Exemplo n.º 29
def expand_width(pic, expand_factor):
    '''Create a new picture new_pic that has an expanded width of pic by a 
     factor of expand_factor.'''
    height = media.get_height(pic)
    width = expand_factor * media.get_width(pic)
    new_pic = media.create_picture(width, height, media.black) 
    for pixel in new_pic:
        x = media.get_x(pixel)
        y = media.get_y(pixel)
        new_pixel = media.get_pixel(pic, x / expand_factor, y )
        new_red = new_pixel.get_red() + pixel.get_red() 
        new_blue = new_pixel.get_blue() + pixel.get_blue() 
        new_green = new_pixel.get_green() + pixel.get_green() 
        media.set_red(pixel, new_red)
        media.set_blue(pixel, new_blue)
        media.set_green(pixel, new_green)
    return new_pic
Exemplo n.º 30
def reduce_width(pic, factor):
    '''Create a new picture newpic that has a reduced width of pic by a 
    factor of factor.'''
    new_height = pic.get_height()
    new_width = (pic.get_width() + factor - 1) / factor
    newpic = media.create_picture(new_width, new_height, media.black)
    for pixel in pic:
        x = media.get_x(pixel)
        y = media.get_y(pixel)
        newpixel = media.get_pixel(newpic, x/factor, y)
        new_red = newpixel.get_red() + pixel.get_red()/factor
        new_blue = newpixel.get_blue() + pixel.get_blue()/factor
        new_green = newpixel.get_green() + pixel.get_green()/factor
        media.set_red(newpixel, new_red)
        media.set_blue(newpixel, new_blue)
        media.set_green(newpixel, new_green)
    return newpic
Exemplo n.º 31
import media
import random

# make a new 100 by 100 picture
pic = media.create_picture(100, 100)

# get 2 random numbers between 0 and 99 to use as coordinates
x = random.randint(0, 99)
y = random.randint(0, 99)

# get the pixel at this x,y coordinate
pix = media.get_pixel(pic, x, y)

# get the red, blue and green values of this pixel   
red = media.get_red(pix)
green = media.get_green(pix)
blue = media.get_blue(pix)

# introduce a new colour
new_color = media.orange

# make a 10 x 10 rectangle of the new colour inside our 
# picture, starting with our x and y as the upper 
# left corner. (In this case, it doesn't matter if some
# of the rectangle is outside the picture, as long as 
# the x,y corner is inside.)
media.add_rect_filled(pic, x, y, 10, 10, new_color)

# display the picture
import media
import color

pic = media.create_picture(100, 200, media.black)

for i in range(media.get_width(pic)):
  for j in range(media.get_height(pic)):
  pixel = media.get_pixel(pic, i, j)
    media.create_color(i % 255, j % 255, 0))

Exemplo n.º 33
    result = a1.get_picture_width('bye')
    expected = 30

    assert isinstance(result, int),\
    '''a1.get_picture_width('bye') should return an int, but returned
    %s.''' % (type(result))
    # Type check a1.word_to_pic
    result = a1.word_to_pic('today')
    assert isinstance(result, media.Picture), \
    '''a1.word_to_pic(\'today\') should return a Picture, but it returned
    %s.''' % (type(result))	
    # Type check a1.count_black
    pic = media.create_picture(2, 3)
    result = a1.count_black(pic)
    assert isinstance(result, int), \
    '''a1.count_black(pic) should return an int, but it returned 
    %s.''' % (type(result))
    # Type check a1.strikethrough
    pic = media.create_picture(30, 20)
    result = a1.strikethrough(pic)
    assert isinstance(result, media.Picture), \
    '''a1.strikethrough(pic) should return a Picture, but it returned 
    %s.''' % (type(result))
    # Type check a1.widen
Exemplo n.º 34
import media
import random

# make a new 100 by 100 picture
pic = media.create_picture(100, 100)

# get 2 random numbers between 0 and 99 to use as coordinates
x = random.randint(0, 99)
y = random.randint(0, 99)

# get the pixel at this x,y coordinate
pix = media.get_pixel(pic, x, y)

# get the red, blue and green values of this pixel
red = media.get_red(pix)
green = media.get_green(pix)
blue = media.get_blue(pix)

# introduce a new colour
new_color = media.orange

# make a 10 x 10 rectangle of the new colour inside our
# picture, starting with our x and y as the upper
# left corner. (In this case, it doesn't matter if some
# of the rectangle is outside the picture, as long as
# the x,y corner is inside.)
media.add_rect_filled(pic, x, y, 10, 10, new_color)

# display the picture
Exemplo n.º 35
    return new_pic

def flip(pic):
    '''(Pic) -> Picture 
    Return a new picture that contains the pixels of the original picture flipped across the vertical axis.'''

    copy = media.copy(pic)
    max_x = media.get_width(pic)
    max_y = media.get_height(pic)

    for x in range(max_x / 2):
        for y in range(max_y):
            originalpix = copy.get_pixel(x, y)
            reversepix = copy.get_pixel((max_x - x - 1), y)
            color = media.get_color(originalpix)
            reversecolor = media.get_color(reversepix)
            media.set_color(originalpix, reversecolor)
            media.set_color(reversepix, color)
    return copy

if __name__ == "__main__":
    pic = media.create_picture(50, 50, media.red)
    pic2 = media.create_picture(50, 50, media.blue)
    str1 = 'redundancy'
    str2 = 'redundancy'
    filename = media.choose_file()
    mypic = media.load_picture(filename)
Exemplo n.º 36

def play_sound_clip(sound_clip, loop=False):
    '''Plays the sound clip sound_clip with an option to loop the music.'''

    if loop:

if __name__ == '__main__':

    pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
    highscore = scoring.Score('highscore.txt')

    # Play the game as long as the user wants, adding one to the number of
    # nodes every round.

    #Obtained intro music from the tron video game.
    name = raw_input('What is your name? ')
    print "Hello %s and welcome to the menial labour simulator" % (name)
    print '''
    The rules are simple:
    Rotate the nodes in the tree to recreate the target tree. There are eight
    levels, each with one more node then the last, and your score per level
Exemplo n.º 37
Arquivo: a1.py Projeto: Zhaeong/School
    '''(Pic) -> Picture 
    Return a new picture that contains the pixels of the original picture flipped across the vertical axis.'''
    copy  = media.copy(pic)
    max_x = media.get_width(pic)
    max_y = media.get_height(pic)
    for x in range(max_x/2):
        for y in range(max_y):
            originalpix = copy.get_pixel(x,y)
            reversepix  = copy.get_pixel((max_x - x - 1), y)
            color = media.get_color(originalpix)
            reversecolor = media.get_color(reversepix)
    return copy



if __name__ == "__main__":
    pic = media.create_picture(50, 50, media.red)
    pic2 = media.create_picture(50, 50, media.blue)
    str1 = 'redundancy'
    str2 = 'redundancy'
    filename = media.choose_file()
    mypic = media.load_picture(filename)