def __init__(self, hint=None, url=None, auth_name=None, auth_srid=None, postgis_srid=None, spatialite_srid=None, proj4text=None, srtext=None, units=None, filename=None): # copy args to attributes self.hint = hint self.url = url self.auth_name = auth_name self.auth_srid = auth_srid self.postgis_srid = postgis_srid self.spatialite_srid = spatialite_srid self.proj4text = proj4text self.srtext = srtext self.units = units self.filename = filename # hint # TODO look for meaning in hint: filename, 'EPSG:4326'? proj4text? url? ... # if url, use it! if self.url: if not self.srtext: self.srtext = misc.get_url(self.url+'esriwkt/') if not self.proj4text: self.proj4text = misc.get_url(self.url+'proj4/') if (not self.auth_name) or (not self.auth_srid): text = misc.get_url(self.url+'json/') # fixe bad json syntax on text = text.replace('\'','"') data = json.loads(text) self.auth_name = data['type'] self.auth_srid = data['properties']['code'] # if filename provided, use it! if self.filename and not self.srtext: self.srtext = srtext_from_shapefile(self.filename) # if osr (GDAL) is available, use it! import_osr() if osr: if not self.srtext and self.auth_name=='EPSG' and self.auth_srid: self.srtext = EPSG2wkt(self.auth_srid) if not self.srtext and self.proj4text: self.srtext = proj42wkt(self.proj4text) if not self.proj4text and self.srtext: self.proj4text = wkt2proj4(self.srtext) # set db srids from auth_srid if self.auth_srid: if not self.spatialite_srid: self.spatialite_srid = self.auth_srid%100000 + DB_SRID_OFFSET if not self.postgis_srid: self.postgis_srid = self.auth_srid%100000 + DB_SRID_OFFSET # default to meters if not self.units: self.units = 'meters'
def _overpass_get(query): url = '' parms = {'data':query} response_headers = {} data = misc.get_url(url,parms=parms,gzip=True,info=response_headers) #print 'DEB _overpass_get response_headers:',response_headers return data
def load_dashboard(self): dashboard = misc.get_url("internal:standard-dashboard.json") content = str(dashboard, "utf-8") for k in self.context: content = content.replace("{%s}" % k, str(self.context[k])) for k in Cfg.keys(): content = content.replace("{%s}" % k, Cfg.get(k)) return content
def get_policy_content(url, account_id, region, api_gw_id=None): content = misc.get_url(url) if content is None: raise ValueError("Failed to load specified GWPolicyUrl '%s'!" % url)"Success for get URL {url} : %s" % str(content, "utf-8")) try: content = str(content, "utf-8").replace("%(AccountId)", account_id).replace( "%(Region)", region) if api_gw_id is not None: content = content.replace("%(ApiGWId)", api_gw_id) return json.loads(content) except: log.exception( "Failed to parse the API Gateway policy located at '%s'!" % url)
def get_play_from_webpage(self, play): page = 1 findep = False seasons = dict() while not findep: realurl = "{}&page={}".format(play["url"], str(page)) webpage = get_url(realurl, self.headers) soup = BeautifulSoup(webpage, 'html.parser') if DmhySite.last_page(str(soup.text)): break for tr in soup.find_all('tr'): for a in tr.find_all('a'): if a.has_attr('target') and a['target'] == '_blank': match =["pattern"], str(a.text)) if match: ep = int(str('ep')).strip()) s = 1 if ep == play["episode"]: findep = True print("pagecount=" + str(page)) elif ep > play["episode"]: # print("1080p:" + str(a.text).strip()) # print("ep:" + str(ep)) link = tr.find('a', href=re.compile('magnet:')) uri = str(link['href']) if s not in seasons: seasons[s] = dict() seasons[s][ep] = uri page += 1 if not findep: sleep(15) print("Got all episodes of {}".format(play['name'])) return seasons
def get_plays(self, config_name, user): if self.account != "" and self.password != "": self.__sign(self.account, self.password) playlist = load_config(config_name) for play in playlist: alluri = "" webpage = get_url(play["url"], self.headers) seasons = sort_plays(self.__get_play_from_webpage(webpage, play)) for season in seasons: for episode in seasons[season]: uri = seasons[season][episode] alluri += uri + "\n\r" play['season'] = season play['episode'] = episode save_uri("zimuzu", alluri, user) save_config(playlist, config_name) time.sleep(10)
def get_prerequisites(self): now = self.context["now"] client = self.context["cloudwatch.client"] # Read all CloudWatch alarm templates into memory alarm_definitions = {} for i in range(0, Cfg.get_int("cloudwatch.alarms.max_per_instance")): key = "cloudwatch.alarm%02d.configuration_url" % (i) r = Cfg.get_extended(key) if not r["Success"] or r["Value"] == "": continue d = misc.parse_line_as_list_of_dict(r["Value"]) url = d[0]["_"] meta = d[0] index = "%02d" % i alarm_defs = { "Index": index, "Key": key, "Url": url, "Definition": r, "Metadata": meta } prefix = "alarmname:" if url.startswith(prefix): alarm_defs["AlarmName"] = url[len(prefix):] else: log.log(log.NOTICE, "Read Alarm definition: %s" % r["Value"]) try: resp = misc.get_url(url.format(**self.context)) if resp is None: raise Exception("URL content = <None>") alarm_defs["Content"] = str(resp, "utf-8") except Exception as e: log.exception("Failed to load Alarm definition '%s' : %e" % (r["Value"], e)) continue alarm_definitions[index] = alarm_defs self.alarm_definitions = alarm_definitions # Read all existing CloudWatch alarms alarms = [] response = None while (response is None or "NextToken" in response): response = client.describe_alarms(MaxRecords=Cfg.get_int( "cloudwatch.describe_alarms.max_results"), NextToken=response["NextToken"] if response is not None else "") #log.debug(Dbg.pprint(response)) for alarm in response["MetricAlarms"]: alarm_name = alarm["AlarmName"] alarm_def = self.get_alarm_configuration_by_name(alarm_name) if alarm_def is not None: # This is an alarm thats belong to this CloneSquad instance alarms.append(alarm) #log.debug(Dbg.pprint(alarms)) self.alarms = alarms # Sanity check for index in self.alarm_definitions.keys(): alarm_def = self.alarm_definitions[index] if "AlarmName" not in alarm_def: continue alarm = next( filter(lambda a: a["AlarmName"] == alarm_def["AlarmName"], self.alarms), None) if alarm is None: log.warning( "Alarm definition [%s](%s => %s) doesn't match an existing CloudWatch alarm!" % (alarm_def["Definition"]["Key"], alarm_def["Definition"]["Value"], alarm_def["Definition"]["Status"])) # Read all metrics associated with alarms # CloudWatch intense polling can be expensive: This algorithm links CW metric polling rate to the # scale rate => Under intense scale up condition, polling is aggresive. If not, it falls down # to one polling every 'cloudwatch.metrics.low_rate_polling_interval' seconds # TODO(@jcjorel): Avoid this kind of direct references to an upper level module!! integration_period = Cfg.get_duration_secs( "ec2.schedule.horizontalscale.integration_period") instance_scale_score = self.ec2.get_integrated_float_state( "ec2.schedule.scaleout.instance_scale_score", integration_period) self.metric_cache = self.get_metric_cache() query = {"IdMapping": {}, "Queries": []} # Build query for Alarm metrics if Cfg.get("ec2.schedule.desired_instance_count") == "-1": # Sort by oldest alarms first in cache cached_metric_names = [m["_MetricId"] for m in self.metric_cache] valid_alarms = [] for a in alarms: alarm_name = a["AlarmName"] alarm_def = self.get_alarm_configuration_by_name(alarm_name) if alarm_def is None or alarm_def["AlarmDefinition"][ "Url"].startswith("alarmname:"): continue a["_SamplingTime"] = self.get_metric_by_id( alarm_name )["_SamplingTime"] if alarm_name in cached_metric_names else str( misc.epoch()) valid_alarms.append(a) sorted_alarms = sorted( valid_alarms, key=lambda a: misc.str2utc(a["_SamplingTime"])) # We poll from the oldest to the newest and depending on the instance_scale_score to limit CloudWacth GetMetricData costs time_for_full_metric_refresh = max( Cfg.get_duration_secs( "cloudwatch.metrics.time_for_full_metric_refresh"), 1) app_run_period = Cfg.get_duration_secs("app.run_period") minimum_polled_alarms_per_run = Cfg.get_int( "cloudwatch.metrics.minimum_polled_alarms_per_run") maximum_polled_alarms_per_run = app_run_period / time_for_full_metric_refresh maximum_polled_alarms_per_run = min(maximum_polled_alarms_per_run, 1.0) weight = min(instance_scale_score, maximum_polled_alarms_per_run) max_alarms_for_this_run = max( minimum_polled_alarms_per_run, int(min(weight, 1.0) * len(sorted_alarms))) for alarm in sorted_alarms[:max_alarms_for_this_run]: alarm_name = alarm["AlarmName"] CloudWatch._format_query(query, alarm_name, alarm) # We always poll user supplied alarms for alarm in alarms: alarm_name = alarm["AlarmName"] alarm_def = self.get_alarm_configuration_by_name(alarm_name) if alarm_def is None: continue # Unknown alarm name if not alarm_def["AlarmDefinition"]["Url"].startswith( "alarmname:"): continue CloudWatch._format_query(query, alarm_name, alarm) # Query Metric for Burstable instances burstable_instances = self.ec2.get_burstable_instances( ScalingState="-error") last_collect_date = self.ec2.get_state_date( "cloudwatch.metrics.last_burstable_metric_collect_date") if last_collect_date is None or (now - last_collect_date) > timedelta( minutes=1): for i in burstable_instances: instance_id = i["InstanceId"] if not self.ec2.is_static_subfleet_instance( instance_id) and self.ec2.get_scaling_state( instance_id) == "excluded": continue CloudWatch._format_query( query, "%s/%s" % ("CPUCreditBalance", instance_id), { "MetricName": "CPUCreditBalance", "Namespace": "AWS/EC2", "Dimensions": [{ "Name": "InstanceId", "Value": instance_id }], "Period": 300, "Statistic": "Average" }) self.ec2.set_state( "cloudwatch.metrics.last_burstable_metric_collect_date", now, TTL=Cfg.get_duration_secs("cloudwatch.default_ttl")) # Make request to CloudWatch query_counter = self.ec2.get_state_int( "cloudwatch.metric.query_counter", default=0) queries = query["Queries"] metric_results = [] metric_ids = [] no_metric_ids = [] while len(queries) > 0: q = queries[:500] queries = queries[500:] results = [] response = None while response is None or "NextToken" in response: args = { "MetricDataQueries": q, "StartTime": now - timedelta(seconds=Cfg.get_duration_secs( "cloudwatch.metrics.data_period")), "EndTime": now } if response is not None: args["NextToken"] = response["NextToken"] response = client.get_metric_data(**args) results.extend(response["MetricDataResults"]) query_counter += len(q) for r in results: if r["StatusCode"] != "Complete": log.error("Failed to retrieve metrics: %s" % q) continue metric_id = query["IdMapping"][r["Id"]] if len(r["Timestamps"]) == 0: if metric_id not in no_metric_ids: no_metric_ids.append(metric_id) continue if metric_id not in metric_ids: metric_ids.append(metric_id) r["_MetricId"] = metric_id r["_SamplingTime"] = str(now) log.debug(r) metric_results.append(r) if len(no_metric_ids):"No metrics returned for alarm '%s'" % no_metric_ids) # Merge with existing cache metric metric_cache = self.metric_cache self.metric_cache = metric_results for m in metric_cache: max_retention_period = Cfg.get_duration_secs( "cloudwatch.metrics.cache.max_retention_period") if m["_MetricId"] in metric_ids or "_SamplingTime" not in m: continue if (now - misc.str2utc(m["_SamplingTime"]) ).total_seconds() < max_retention_period: self.metric_cache.append(m) self.ec2.set_state("cloudwatch.metric.query_counter", query_counter, TTL=Cfg.get_duration_secs("cloudwatch.default_ttl")) self.ec2.set_state_json( "cloudwatch.metrics.cache", self.metric_cache, TTL=Cfg.get_duration_secs("cloudwatch.default_ttl")) self.set_metric("Cloudwatch.GetMetricData", query_counter) # Augment Alarm definitions and Instances with associated metrics for metric in self.metric_cache: metric_id = metric["_MetricId"] alarm_data = self.get_alarm_data_by_name(metric_id) if alarm_data is not None: alarm_data["MetricDetails"] = metric continue instance = next( filter( lambda i: "CPUCreditBalance/%s" % i["InstanceId"] == metric_id, burstable_instances), None) if instance is not None: instance["_Metrics"] = {} instance["_Metrics"]["CPUCreditBalance"] = metric continue
def init(context, with_kvtable=True, with_predefined_configuration=True): global _init _init = {} _init["context"] = context _init["all_configs"] = [{ "source": "Built-in defaults", "config": {}, "metas" : {} }] if with_kvtable: _init["configuration_table"] = kvtable.KVTable(context, context["ConfigurationTable"]) _init["configuration_table"].reread_table() _init["with_kvtable"] = with_kvtable _init["active_parameter_set"] = None register({ "config.dump_configuration,Stable" : { "DefaultValue": "0", "Format" : "Bool", "Description" : """Display all relevant configuration parameters in CloudWatch logs. Used for debugging purpose. """ }, "config.loaded_files,Stable" : { "DefaultValue" : "internal:predefined.config.yaml;internal:custom.config.yaml", "Format" : "StringList", "Description" : """A semi-column separated list of URL to load as configuration. Upon startup, CloneSquad will load the listed files in sequence and stack them allowing override between layers. The default contains a reference to the empty internal file 'custom.config.yaml'. Users that intend to embed customization directly inside the Lambda delivery should override this file with their own configuration. See [Customizing the Lambda package](#customizing-the-lambda-package). This key is evaluated again after each URL parsing meaning that a layer can redefine the 'config.loaded_files' to load further YAML files. """ }, "config.max_file_hierarchy_depth" : 10, "config.active_parameter_set,Stable": { "DefaultValue": "", "Format" : "String", "Description" : """Defines the parameter set to activate. See [Parameter sets](#parameter-sets) documentation. """ }, "config.default_ttl": 0 }) # Load extra configuration from specified URLs xray_recorder.begin_subsegment("config.init:load_files") files_to_load = get_list("config.loaded_files", default=[]) if with_predefined_configuration else [] if "ConfigurationURL" in context: files_to_load.extend(context["ConfigurationURL"].split(";")) if misc.is_sam_local(): # For debugging purpose. Ability to override config when in SAM local resource_file = "internal:sam.local.config.yaml""Reading local resource file %s..." % resource_file) files_to_load.append(resource_file) loaded_files = [] i = 0 while i < len(files_to_load): f = files_to_load[i] if f == "": i += 1 continue try: c = yaml.safe_load(misc.get_url(f)) if c is None: c = {} loaded_files.append({ "source": f, "config": c }) if "config.loaded_files" in c: files_to_load.extend(c["config.loaded_files"].split(";")) if i > get_int("config.max_file_hierarchy_depth"): log.warning("Too much config file loads (%s)!! Stopping here!" % loaded_files) except Exception as e: log.warning("Failed to load and/or parse config file '%s'! (Notice: It will be safely ignored!)" % f) i += 1 _init["loaded_files"] = loaded_files xray_recorder.end_subsegment() builtin_config = _init["all_configs"][0]["config"] for cfg in _get_config_layers(reverse=True): c = cfg["config"] if "config.active_parameter_set" in c: if c == builtin_config and isinstance(c, dict): _init["active_parameter_set"] = c["config.active_parameter_set"]["DefaultValue"] else: _init["active_parameter_set"] = c["config.active_parameter_set"] break _parameterset_sanity_check() register({ "config.ignored_warning_keys,Stable" : { "DefaultValue": "", "Format" : "StringList", "Description" : """A list of config keys that are generating a warning on usage, to disable them. Typical usage is to avoid the 'WARNING' Cloudwatch Alarm to trigger when using a non-Stable configuration key. Ex: ec2.schedule.key1;ec2.schedule.key2 Remember that using non-stable configuration keys, is creating risk as semantic and/or existence could change from CloneSquad version to version! """ } }) _init["ignored_warning_keys"] = get_list_of_dict("config.ignored_warning_keys")
def get_prerequisites(self): if Cfg.get_int("cron.disable"): return # Get Timezone related info self.timezones = yaml.safe_load( misc.get_url("internal:region-timezones.yaml")) = os.getenv("TimeZone") = self.timezones.get(self.context["AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"]) if ( is None or == "") else = if else "UTC" self.local_now = # Get local time (with local timezone) self.utc_offset = self.local_now.utcoffset() self.dst_offset = self.local_now.dst() log.log( log.NOTICE, "Current timezone offset to UTC: %s, DST: %s, TimeZone: %s" % (self.utc_offset, self.dst_offset, # Load scheduler KV table self.scheduler_table = kvtable.KVTable.create( self.context, self.context["SchedulerTable"], cache_max_age=Cfg.get_duration_secs("scheduler.cache.max_age")) # Compute event names self.load_event_definitions() # Read all existing event rules client = self.context["events.client"] params = { "NamePrefix": "CS-Cron-%s-" % (self.context["GroupName"]), "Limit": 10 } self.rules = [] paginator = client.get_paginator('list_rules') response_iterator = paginator.paginate(**params) for response in response_iterator: if "Rules" in response: self.rules.extend(response["Rules"]) max_rules_per_batch = Cfg.get_int("cron.max_rules_per_batch") # Create missing rules expected_rule_names = [r["Name"] for r in self.event_names] existing_rule_names = [r["Name"] for r in self.rules] for r in expected_rule_names: if r not in existing_rule_names: max_rules_per_batch -= 1 if max_rules_per_batch <= 0: break rule_def = self.get_ruledef_by_name(r) schedule_spec = rule_def["Data"][0]["schedule"] schedule_expression = self.process_cron_expression( schedule_spec) log.log( log.NOTICE, f"Creating {r} {schedule_spec} => {schedule_expression}..." ) # In order to remove burden on user, we perform a sanity check about a wellknown # limitation of Cloudwatch. if schedule_expression.startswith("cron("): expr = [ i for i in schedule_expression.replace("(", " ").replace( ")", " ").split(" ") if i != "" ] if len(expr) != 7: log.warn( "Schedule rule '%s' has an invalid cron expression '%s' (too short cron syntax)! Ignore it..." % (rule_def["EventName"], schedule_expression)) continue if (expr[5] != '?' and not expr[3] == '?') or ( expr[3] != '?' and not expr[5] == '?'): log.warn( "Schedule rule '%s' has an invalid cron expression '%s'. " "You can't specify the Day-of-month and Day-of-week fields in the same cron expression. If you specify a value (or a *) in one of the fields, you must use a ? (question mark) in the other. " "" % (rule_def["EventName"], schedule_expression)) continue # Update Cloudwatch rule try: response = client.put_rule( Name=r, Description="Schedule Event '%s': %s" % (rule_def["EventName"], rule_def["Event"]), RoleArn=self.context["CloudWatchEventRoleArn"], ScheduleExpression=schedule_expression, State='ENABLED') log.debug("put_rule: %s" % response) except Exception as e: log.exception( "Failed to create scheduler event '%s' (%s) : %s" % (r, schedule_expression, e)) try: response = client.put_targets( Rule=r, Targets=[{ 'Arn': self.context["InteractLambdaArn"], 'Id': "id%s" % r, }]) log.debug("put_targets: %s" % response) except Exception as e: log.exception( "Failed to set targets for event rule '%s' : %s" % (r, e)) # Garbage collect obsolete rules for r in existing_rule_names: if r not in expected_rule_names: max_rules_per_batch -= 1 if max_rules_per_batch <= 0: break try: client.remove_targets(Rule=r, Ids=["id%s" % r]) client.delete_rule(Name=r) except Exception as e: log.exception("Failed to delete rule '%s' : %s" % (r, e))
def send_commands(self): if not Cfg.get_int("ssm.enable"): return client = self.context["ssm.client"] refs = { "Linux": { "document": "AWS-RunShellScript", "shell": [s.rstrip() for s in io.StringIO(str(misc.get_url(""), "utf-8")).readlines()], "ids": [], } } # Purge already replied results valid_cmds = [] for cmd in self.run_cmd_states["Commands"]: if cmd.get("Complete") or cmd["Expiration"] < misc.seconds_from_epoch_utc(): continue valid_cmds.append(cmd) self.run_cmd_states["Commands"] = valid_cmds # Purge outdated former results former_results = self.run_cmd_states["FormerResults"] for i in list(former_results.keys()): for cmd in list(former_results[i].keys()): if former_results[i][cmd]["Expiration"] < misc.seconds_from_epoch_utc(): del former_results[i][cmd] if len(former_results[i].keys()) == 0: del former_results[i] # Send commands for cmd in self.commands_to_send: platforms = {} for i in cmd["InstanceIds"]: info = self.is_instance_online(i) if info is None: continue platform_type = info["PlatformType"] pltf = refs.get(platform_type) if pltf is None: log.warning("Can't run a command on an unsupported platform : %s" % info["PlatformType"]) continue # Unsupported platform if platform_type not in platforms: platforms[platform_type] = copy.deepcopy(pltf) if i not in platforms[platform_type]["ids"]: platforms[platform_type]["ids"].append(i) command = cmd["Command"] args = cmd["CommandArgs"] for p in platforms: pltf = platforms[p] instance_ids = pltf["ids"] if not len(instance_ids): continue document = pltf["document"] shell = pltf["shell"] i_ids = instance_ids # Perform string parameter substitutions in the helper script shell_input = [l.replace("##Cmd##", command) for l in shell] shell_input = [l.replace("##ApiGwUrl##", self.context["InteractAPIGWUrl"]) for l in shell_input] if isinstance(args, str): shell_input = [l.replace("##Args##", args) for l in shell_input] else: shell_input = [l.replace("##Args##", args["Args"] if "Args" in args else "") for l in shell_input] for s in args: shell_input = [l.replace(f"##{s}##", str(args[s])) for l in shell_input] while len(i_ids): log.log(log.NOTICE, f"SSM SendCommand({p}): {command}({args}) to %s." % i_ids[:50]) try: response = client.send_command( InstanceIds=i_ids[:50], DocumentName=document, TimeoutSeconds=cmd["Timeout"], Comment=cmd["Comment"], Parameters={ 'commands': shell_input, 'executionTimeout': [str(cmd["Timeout"])] }, MaxConcurrency='100%', MaxErrors='100%', CloudWatchOutputConfig={ 'CloudWatchLogGroupName': self.context["SSMLogGroup"], 'CloudWatchOutputEnabled': True } ) self.run_cmd_states["Commands"].append({ "Id": response["Command"]["CommandId"], "InstanceIds": i_ids[:50], "ReceivedInstanceIds": [], "Command": command, "CommandArgs": args, "Results": {}, "Expiration": misc.seconds_from_epoch_utc() + Cfg.get_duration_secs("ssm.state.command.default_ttl") }) log.log(log.NOTICE, f"SSM RunCommand (Id:%s) : {command}({args})" % response["Command"]["CommandId"]) except Exception as e: # Under rare circumstance, we can receive an Exception while trying to send log.log(log.NOTICE, f"Failed to do SSM SendCommand : {e}, %s" % i_ids[:50]) i_ids = i_ids[50:] self.o_state.set_state_json("", self.run_cmd_states, compress=True, TTL=self.ttl)