Beispiel #1
 def generate(self):
     initial_learning_rate = 6
     for i in range(1, 150):
         # Process image and return variable
         self.processed_image = preprocess_image(self.created_image, False)
         # Define optimizer for the image
         optimizer = SGD([self.processed_image], lr=initial_learning_rate)
         # Forward
         output = self.model(self.processed_image)
         # Target specific class
         class_loss = -output[0, self.target_class]
         print('Iteration:', str(i), 'Loss',
         # Zero grads
         # Backward
         # Update image
         # Recreate image
         self.created_image = recreate_image(self.processed_image)
         if i % 10 == 0:
             # Save image
             im_path = '../generated/c_specific_iteration_' + str(
                 i) + '.jpg'
             save_image(self.created_image, im_path)
     return self.processed_image
Beispiel #2
 def dream(self):
     # Process image and return variable
     self.processed_image = preprocess_image(self.created_image, True)
     # Define optimizer for the image
     # Earlier layers need higher learning rates to visualize whereas layer layers need less
     optimizer = SGD([self.processed_image], lr=12,  weight_decay=1e-4)
     for i in range(1, 251):
         # Assign create image to a variable to move forward in the model
         x = self.processed_image
         for index, layer in enumerate(self.model):
             # Forward
             x = layer(x)
             # Only need to forward until we the selected layer is reached
             if index == self.selected_layer:
         # Loss function is the mean of the output of the selected layer/filter
         # We try to minimize the mean of the output of that specific filter
         loss = -torch.mean(self.conv_output)
         print('Iteration:', str(i), 'Loss:', "{0:.2f}".format(
         # Backward
         # Update image
         # Recreate image
         self.created_image = recreate_image(self.processed_image)
         # Save image every 20 iteration
         if i % 10 == 0:
             im_path = '../generated/ddream_l' + str(self.selected_layer) + \
                 '_f' + str(self.selected_filter) + '_iter' + str(i) + '.jpg'
             save_image(self.created_image, im_path)
 def visualise_layer_with_hooks(self):
     # Hook the selected layer
     # Generate a random image
     random_image = plt.imread("../data/valid/1/0000.jpg")
     # Process image and return variable
     processed_image = preprocess_image(random_image, False)
     # Define optimizer for the image
     optimizer = Adam([processed_image], lr=0.1, weight_decay=1e-6)
     for i in range(1, 31):
         # Assign create image to a variable to move forward in the model
         x =
         x = self.model.conv1(x)
         # Loss function is the mean of the output of the selected layer/filter
         # We try to minimize the mean of the output of that specific filter
         loss = -torch.mean(self.conv_output)
         print('Iteration:', str(i), 'Loss:',
         # Backward
         # Update image
         # Recreate image
         self.created_image = recreate_image(processed_image)
         # Save image
         if i == 30:
             im_path = '../generated/layer_vis_1' + \
                       '_f' + str(self.selected_filter) + '.jpg'
             save_image(self.created_image, im_path)
Beispiel #4
    def generate_inverted_image_specific_layer(self,
        # Generate a random image which we will optimize
        opt_img = Variable(1e-1 * torch.randn(1, 3, img_size, img_size),
        # Define optimizer for previously created image
        optimizer = SGD([opt_img], lr=1e4, momentum=0.9)
        # Get the output from the model after a forward pass until target_layer
        # with the input image (real image, NOT the randomly generated one)
        input_image_layer_output = \
            self.get_output_from_specific_layer_average(input_image, target_layer)

        # Alpha regularization parametrs
        # Parameter alpha, which is actually sixth norm
        alpha_reg_alpha = 6
        # The multiplier, lambda alpha
        alpha_reg_lambda = 1e-7

        # Total variation regularization parameters
        # Parameter beta, which is actually second norm
        tv_reg_beta = 2
        # The multiplier, lambda beta
        tv_reg_lambda = 1e-8

        for i in range(201):
            # Get the output from the model after a forward pass until target_layer
            # with the generated image (randomly generated one, NOT the real image)
            output = self.get_output_from_specific_layer(opt_img, target_layer)
            # Calculate euclidian loss
            euc_loss = 1e-1 * self.euclidian_loss(
                input_image_layer_output.detach(), output)
            # Calculate alpha regularization
            reg_alpha = alpha_reg_lambda * self.alpha_norm(
                opt_img, alpha_reg_alpha)
            # Calculate total variation regularization
            reg_total_variation = tv_reg_lambda * self.total_variation_norm(
                opt_img, tv_reg_beta)
            # Sum all to optimize
            loss = euc_loss + reg_alpha + reg_total_variation
            # Step
            # Generate image every 5 iterations
            if i % 5 == 0:
                print('Iteration:', str(i), 'Loss:',
                recreated_im = recreate_image(opt_img)
                im_path = '../generated/Inv_Image_Layer_' + str(target_layer) + \
                    '_Iteration_' + str(i) + '.jpg'
                save_image(recreated_im, im_path)

            # Reduce learning rate every 40 iterations
            if i % 40 == 0:
                for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
                    param_group['lr'] *= 1 / 10
Beispiel #5
 def visualise_layer_without_hooks(self):
     # Process image and return variable
     # Generate a random image
     tmp = torch.from_numpy(
         np.random.uniform(150, 180, (1, 3, 32, 112, 112))).float()
     for i in range(self.frame_num):
         if is not None:
             random_image =[i, ...]
             random_image = np.uint8(
                 np.random.uniform(150, 180, (112, 112, 3)))
         # Process image and return variable
         processed_image = preprocess_image(random_image, False)
         tmp[0, :, i, ...] = processed_image[0, ...]
     processed_image = Variable(tmp, requires_grad=True).to(self.device)
     # Define optimizer for the image
     optimizer = Adam([processed_image], lr=0.1, weight_decay=1e-6)
     for i in range(1, self.iter_num + 1):
         # Assign create image to a variable to move forward in the model
         x = processed_image
         for index, layer in enumerate(self.model):
             # Forward pass layer by layer
             x = layer(x)
             if isinstance(layer, nn.MaxPool3d):
                 x = x[0]
             if index == self.selected_layer:
                 # Only need to forward until the selected layer is reached
                 # Now, x is the output of the selected layer
         # Here, we get the specific filter from the output of the convolution operation
         # x is a tensor of shape 1x512x28x28.(For layer 17)
         # So there are 512 unique filter outputs
         # Following line selects a filter from 512 filters so self.conv_output will become
         # a tensor of shape 28x28
         self.conv_output = x[0, self.selected_filter]
         # Loss function is the mean of the output of the selected layer/filter
         # We try to minimize the mean of the output of that specific filter
         loss = -torch.mean(self.conv_output)
         print('Iteration:', str(i), 'Loss:',
         # Backward
         # Update image
         # Recreate image
         # print(processed_image.size())
         if i % self.iter_num == 0:
             for j in range(self.frame_num):
                 out_img = processed_image[:, :, j,
                                           ...]  # self.selected_frame
                 self.created_image = recreate_image(out_img)
                 # Save image
                 im_path = '../generated/layer_vis_l' + str(self.selected_layer) + \
                     '_f' + str(self.selected_filter) + '_frame' + str(j) + '.jpg'
                 save_image(self.created_image, im_path)
    def visualise_layer_without_hooks(self,plots_path):
        # Process image and return variable
        # Generate a random image
        random_image = np.uint8(np.random.uniform(150, 180, (224, 224, 3)))
        # Process image and return variable
        processed_image = preprocess_image(random_image, False)
        # Define optimizer for the image
        optimizer = Adam([processed_image], lr=0.05, weight_decay=1e-6)
        for i in range(1, 101):
            # Assign create image to a variable to move forward in the model
            x = processed_image
            kl = 0
            for index, layer in enumerate(self.model):
                # Forward pass layer by layer
                if hasattr(layer, 'convprobforward') and callable(layer.convprobforward):
                    x, _kl, = layer.convprobforward(x)
                    kl += _kl
                # Only need to forward until the selected layer is reached
                    if index == self.selected_layer:
                        # (forward hook function triggered)
            # Here, we get the specific filter from the output of the convolution operation
            # x is a tensor of shape 1x512x28x28.(For layer 17)
            # So there are 512 unique filter outputs
            # Following line selects a filter from 512 filters so self.conv_output will become
            # a tensor of shape 28x28
            conv = 0
            for index, layer in enumerate(self.model):
                if hasattr(layer, 'convprobforward') and callable(layer.convprobforward):
                    if conv == self.selected_layer:
                        self.conv_output = x[0, self.selected_filter]
                        # print(self.conv_output)
                        # print(self.conv_output.shape)
                    conv = conv + 1

            # self.conv_output = x[0, self.selected_filter]
            # Loss function is the mean of the output of the selected layer/filter
            # We try to minimize the mean of the output of that specific filter
            # beta = 2 ** (1- (1 + 1)) / (2 ** 1 - 1)
            loss = -torch.mean(self.conv_output)
            print('Iteration:', str(i), 'Loss:', "{0:.2f}".format(
            # Backward
            # Update image
            # Recreate image
            self.created_image = recreate_image(processed_image)
            # Save image
            if i % 5 == 0:
                im_path = plots_path + 'layer_vis_l' + str(self.selected_layer) + \
                    '_f' + str(self.selected_filter) + '_iter' + str(i) + '.jpg'
                save_image(self.created_image, im_path)
 def visualise_layer_without_hooks(self,
     # Process image and return variable
     self.processed_image = preprocess_image(self.created_image, self.mean,
                                             self.std, False)
     # Define optimizer for the image
     if optim == None:
         optimizer = Adam([self.processed_image], lr=0.1, weight_decay=1e-6)
         optimizer = optim
     for i in range(1, iterations + 1):
         # Assign create image to a variable to move forward in the model
         x = self.processed_image
         for index, layer in enumerate(self.layers):
             # Forward pass layer by layer
             x = layer(x)
             if index == self.selected_layer:
                 # Only need to forward until the selected layer is reached
                 # Now, x is the output of the selected layer
         # Here, we get the specific filter from the output of the convolution operation
         # x is a tensor of shape 1x512x28x28.(For layer 17)
         # So there are 512 unique filter outputs
         # Following line selects a filter from 512 filters so self.conv_output will become
         # a tensor of shape 28x28
         self.conv_output = x[0, self.selected_filter]
         # Loss function is the mean of the output of the selected layer/filter
         # We try to minimize the mean of the output of that specific filter
         loss = -torch.mean(self.conv_output)
         if i % 10 == 0:
             print('Iteration:', str(i), 'Loss:',
         # Backward
         # Update image
         # Recreate image
         self.created_image = recreate_image(self.processed_image,
                                             self.mean, self.std)
         # Save image
         if not save_only_last:
             if i % 5 == 0:
                 im_path = '../generated/layer_vis_l' + str(self.selected_layer) + \
                     '_f' + str(self.selected_filter) + '_iter' + str(i) + '.jpg'
                 save_image(self.created_image, im_path)
             if i == iterations:
                 im_path = '../generated/layer_vis_l' + str(self.selected_layer) + \
                           '_f' + str(self.selected_filter) + '_iter' + str(i) + '.jpg'
                 save_image(self.created_image, im_path)
    def visualise_layer_with_hooks(self,
        # Hook the selected layer
        # Process image and return variable
        self.processed_image = preprocess_image(self.created_image, self.mean,
                                                self.std, False)
        # Define optimizer for the image
        if optim == None:
            optimizer = Adam([self.processed_image], lr=0.1, weight_decay=1e-6)
            optimizer = optim

        for i in range(1, iterations + 1):
            # Assign create image to a variable to move forward in the model
            x = self.processed_image
            for index, layer in enumerate(self.layers):
                # Forward pass layer by layer
                # x is not used after this point because it is only needed to trigger
                # the forward hook function
                x = layer(x)
                # Only need to forward until the selected layer is reached
                if index == self.selected_layer:
                    # (forward hook function triggered)
            # Loss function is the mean of the output of the selected layer/filter
            # We try to minimize the mean of the output of that specific filter
            loss = -torch.mean(self.conv_output)
            if i % 10 == 0:
                print('Iteration:', str(i), 'Loss:',
            # Backward
            # Update image
            # Recreate image
            self.created_image = recreate_image(self.processed_image,
                                                self.mean, self.std)
            # Save image
            if not save_only_last:
                if i % 5 == 0:
                    im_path = '../generated/layer_vis_l' + str(self.selected_layer) + \
                        '_f' + str(self.selected_filter) + '_iter' + str(i) + '.jpg'
                    save_image(self.created_image, im_path)
                if i == iterations:
                    im_path = '../generated/layer_vis_l' + str(self.selected_layer) + \
                              '_f' + str(self.selected_filter) + '_iter' + str(i) + '.jpg'
                    save_image(self.created_image, im_path)
def deconv_visualization(model, pic, png_dir, demode):
    pic = pic[None,:,:,:]
    pic = pic.cuda()
    x = model(pic)
    x = x.cpu().detach().numpy()
    x = x.squeeze(0)
    x = np.transpose(x, (1,2,0))
    x = normalization(x)
    x = preprocess_image(x, resize_im=False)
    x = recreate_image(x)
    if not os.path.exists('./deconv/'+ png_dir):
        os.makedirs('./deconv/'+ png_dir)
    im_path = './deconv/'+ png_dir+ '/layer_vis_' + str(demode) + '.jpg'
    save_image(x, im_path)
def filter_visualization(model, selected_layer, selected_filter, png_dir):
    for name, param in net.named_parameters():
        if name == selected_layer + '.weight':
            x = param
    x = x[selected_filter,:,:,:]
    x = x.cpu().detach().numpy()
    x = x.transpose(1,2,0)
    x = normalization(x)
    x = preprocess_image(x, resize_im=False)
    x = recreate_image(x)
    if not os.path.exists('./filter/'+ png_dir):
        os.makedirs('./filter/'+ png_dir)
    im_path = './filter/'+ png_dir+ '/layer_vis_' + str(selected_layer) + \
                    '_f' + str(selected_filter) + '_iter' + str(i) + '.jpg'
    save_image(x, im_path)
def vis_layer(encorder, decorder, pic, png_dir, demode=1, index=1):
    visualing the layer deconv result
    pic = pic[None,:,:,:]
    pic = pic.cuda()
    encorder_out, indices = encorder(pic)
    num_feat = encorder_out.shape[1]
    if demode==1:
        activation_num = (encorder_out.shape[2]*encorder_out.shape[3])//10
    else :
        activation_num = (encorder_out.shape[2]*encorder_out.shape[3])//2
    # set other feature map activations to zero
    new_feat_map = encorder_out.clone()

    # choose the max activations map
    for i in range(0, num_feat):
        choose_map = new_feat_map[0, i, :, :]
#         print(choose_map)
        map_clone = choose_map.clone()
        new_map = torch.zeros(choose_map.shape, device='cuda')
        for j in range(activation_num):
            activation = torch.max(map_clone)
            new_map = torch.where(map_clone==activation,
            map_clone= torch.where(map_clone==activation,
                torch.zeros(map_clone.shape, device='cuda'),
        new_feat_map[0, i, :, :] =  new_map 
    deconv_output = decorder(new_feat_map, indices)
    x = deconv_output.cpu().detach().numpy()
    x = x.squeeze(0)
    x = np.transpose(x, (1,2,0))
    x = normalization(x)
    x = preprocess_image(x, resize_im=False)
    x = recreate_image(x)
    if not os.path.exists('./deconv/'+ png_dir):
        os.makedirs('./deconv/'+ png_dir)
    im_path = './deconv/'+ png_dir+ '/layer_vis_' + str(demode) +'_' + str(index)+ '.jpg'
    save_image(x, im_path)
    def visualise_layer_with_hooks(self,plots_path):
        # Hook the selected layer
        # Generate a random image
        random_image = np.uint8(np.random.uniform(150, 180, (227, 227, 3)))
        # Process image and return variable
        processed_image = preprocess_image(random_image, False)
        # Define optimizer for the image
        vi = GaussianVariationalInference(torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss())
        optimizer = Adam([processed_image], lr=0.1, weight_decay=1e-6)
        for i in range(1, 101):
            # Assign create image to a variable to move forward in the model
            x = processed_image
            kl = 0
            for index, layer in enumerate(self.model):
                # Forward pass layer by layer
                # x is not used after this point because it is only needed to trigger
                # the forward hook function
                if hasattr(layer, 'convprobforward') and callable(layer.convprobforward):
                    x, _kl, = layer.convprobforward(x)
                    kl += _kl
                # Only need to forward until the selected layer is reached
                    if index == self.selected_layer:
                        # (forward hook function triggered)
            # Loss function is the mean of the output of the selected layer/filter
            # We try to minimize the mean of the output of that specific filter
            # loss = -torch.mean(self.conv_output)
            loss = vi(outputs, y, kl, beta)
            print('Iteration:', str(i), 'Loss:', "{0:.2f}".format(
            # Backward
            # Update image
            # Recreate image
            self.created_image = recreate_image(processed_image)
            # Save image
            if i % 5 == 0:
                im_path = plots_path + 'layer_vis_l' + str(self.selected_layer) + \
                    '_f' + str(self.selected_filter) + '_iter' + str(i) + '.jpg'
                print('saving image at:' + im_path)

                save_image(self.created_image, im_path)
    def generate(self):
        initial_learning_rate =
        loss = 10
        i = 0

        while loss >= self.min_loss:
            # Process image and return variable
            self.processed_image = preprocess_image(self.created_image,
                                                    self.mean, self.std, False)
            if self.optim == None:
                optimizer = Adam([self.processed_image],
                optimizer = self.optim
            # Forward
            output = self.model(self.processed_image)
            # Target specific class
            class_loss = -output[0, self.target_class]
            if loss >
                loss =
            if i % 25 == 0:
                print('Iteration:', str(i), 'Loss',
            # Zero grads
            # Backward
            # Update image
            # Recreate image
            self.created_image = recreate_image(self.processed_image,
                                                self.mean, self.std)
            if i % 25 == 0:
                # Save image
                im_path = '../generated/' + str(
           + '_iteration_' + str(i) + '.jpg'
                save_image(self.created_image, im_path)
            i += 1
        im_path = '../generated/' + str( + '_iteration_final.jpg'
        save_image(self.created_image, im_path)
        return self.processed_image
Beispiel #14
 def visualise_layer_without_hooks(self):
     # Process image and return variable
     # Generate a random image
     random_image = np.uint8(np.random.uniform(150, 180, (224, 224, 3)))
     # Process image and return variable
     processed_image = preprocess_image(random_image, False)
     # Define optimizer for the image
     optimizer = Adam([processed_image], lr=0.1, weight_decay=1e-6)
     for i in range(1, 31):
         # Assign create image to a variable to move forward in the model
         x = processed_image
         for index, layer in enumerate(self.model):
             # Forward pass layer by layer
             x = layer(x)
             if index == self.selected_layer:
                 # Only need to forward until the selected layer is reached
                 # Now, x is the output of the selected layer
         # Here, we get the specific filter from the output of the convolution operation
         # x is a tensor of shape 1x512x28x28.(For layer 17)
         # So there are 512 unique filter outputs
         # Following line selects a filter from 512 filters so self.conv_output will become
         # a tensor of shape 28x28
         self.conv_output = x[0, self.selected_filter]
         # Loss function is the mean of the output of the selected layer/filter
         # We try to minimize the mean of the output of that specific filter
         loss = -torch.mean(self.conv_output)
         print('Iteration:', str(i), 'Loss:',
         # Backward
         # Update image
         # Recreate image
         self.created_image = recreate_image(processed_image)
         # Save image
         if i % 30 == 0:
             im_path = self.path_to_output_files + '/layer_vis_l' + str(self.selected_layer) + \
                 '_f' + str(self.selected_filter) + '_iter' + str(i) + '.jpg'
             save_image(self.created_image, im_path)
Beispiel #15
    def generate(self):
        initial_learning_rate = 6
        #---# self.processed_image = preprocess_image(self.created_image, False)
        self.processed_image = transforms.functional.to_tensor(
        # Convert to Pytorch variable

        # Define optimizer for the image

        for i in range(1, self.niter + 1):
            self.processed_image = Variable(self.processed_image,
            optimizer = Adam([self.processed_image],
            #optimizer = SGD([self.processed_image], lr=initial_learning_rate)
            # Process image and return variable

            # Forward
            output = self.model(self.processed_image)
            # Target specific class
            class_loss = -output[
                0, self.target_class]  #+self.processed_image.sum()/50
            print('Iteration:', str(i), 'Loss',
            # Zero grads
            # Backward
            # Update image
            # Recreate image
            self.processed_image = torch.clamp(self.processed_image.detach(),
            self.created_image = recreate_image(self.processed_image.cpu())
            if i % 10 == 0:
                # Save image
                im_path = 'generated/c_specific_iteration_' + str(i) + '.png'
                save_image(self.created_image, im_path)
Beispiel #16
 def visualise_layer_with_hooks(self):
     # Hook the selected layer
     # Generate a random image
     random_image = np.uint8(np.random.uniform(150, 180, (224, 224, 3)))
     print("image", random_image)
     # random_image ="dog.jpg")
     # Process image and return variable
     processed_image = preprocess_image(random_image, False)
     # Define optimizer for the image
     optimizer = Adam([processed_image], lr=0.1, weight_decay=1e-6)
     for i in range(1, 31):
         # Assign create image to a variable to move forward in the model
         x = processed_image
         for index, layer in enumerate(self.model):
             # Forward pass layer by layer
             # x is not used after this point because it is only needed to trigger
             # the forward hook function
             x = layer(x)
             # Only need to forward until the selected layer is reached
             if index == self.selected_layer:
                 # (forward hook function triggered)
         # Loss function is the mean of the output of the selected layer/filter
         # We try to minimize the mean of the output of that specific filter
         loss = -torch.mean(self.conv_output)
         print('Iteration:', str(i), 'Loss:',
         # Backward
         # Update image
         # Recreate image
         self.created_image = recreate_image(processed_image)
         # Save image
         if i % 5 == 0:
             im_path = '../generated/layer_vis_l' + str(self.selected_layer) + \
                 '_f' + str(self.selected_filter) + '_iter' + str(i) + '.jpg'
             save_image(self.created_image, im_path)
Beispiel #17
    def generate(self, iterations=150):
        """Generates class specific image

        Keyword Arguments:
            iterations {int} -- Total iterations for gradient ascent (default: {150})

            np.ndarray -- Final maximally activated class image
        initial_learning_rate = 6
        for i in range(1, iterations):
            # Process image and return variable
            self.processed_image = preprocess_image(self.created_image, False)

            # Define optimizer for the image
            optimizer = SGD([self.processed_image], lr=initial_learning_rate)
            # Forward
            output = self.model(self.processed_image)
            # Target specific class
            class_loss = -output[0, self.target_class]

            if i % 10 == 0 or i == iterations-1:
                print('Iteration:', str(i), 'Loss',
            # Zero grads
            # Backward
            # Update image
            # Recreate image
            self.created_image = recreate_image(self.processed_image)
            if i % 10 == 0 or i == iterations-1:
                # Save image
                im_path = '../generated/class_'+str(self.target_class)+'/c_'+str(self.target_class)+'_'+'iter_'+str(i)+'.png'
                save_image(self.created_image, im_path)

        return self.processed_image
    def visualise_layer_without_hooks(self):
        # Process image and return variable
        processed_image = self.pic[None,:,:,:]
        processed_image = processed_image.cuda()
        processed_image = Variable(processed_image, requires_grad=True)
        # Define optimizer for the image
        optimizer = Adam([processed_image],, weight_decay=1e-6)
        for i in range(1, 201):
            # Assign create image to a variable to move forward in the model
            x = processed_image
            for name, module in self.model._modules.items():
                # Forward pass layer by layer
                x = module(x)
                if name == self.selected_layer:
                    # Only need to forward until the selected layer is reached
                    # Now, x is the output of the selected layer

            self.conv_output = x[0, :]
#             self.conv_output = x[0, self.selected_filter ]
            # Loss function is the mean of the output of the selected layer/filter
            # We try to minimize the mean of the output of that specific filter
            loss = -torch.mean(self.conv_output)
            print('Iteration:', str(i), 'Loss:', "{0:.2f}".format(
            # Backward
            # Update image
            # Save image
            if i % 200 == 0:
                # Recreate image
                processed_image = processed_image.cpu()
                self.created_image = recreate_image(processed_image)
                im_path = './generated/'+ self.png_dir+ '/layer_vis_' + str(self.selected_layer) +'_'+str(self.index)+ '.jpg'
                save_image(self.created_image, im_path)
    def visualise_layer_with_hooks(self):
        # Hook the selected layer

        # Generate a random image
        random_image = np.uint8(np.random.uniform(150, 180, (224, 224, 3)))

        # Process image and return variable
        processed_image = preprocess_image(random_image, False)

        # Define optimizer for the image, where the image is a variable
        optimizer = Adam([processed_image], lr=0.1, weight_decay=1e-6)

        #for i in range(1, 31):
        for i in range(1, 2):  # TODO: TEMP FOR DEBUGGING  AND LEARNING
            )  # Zero the generated gradients for this iteration

            # Assign create image to a variable to move forward in the model
            x = processed_image

            # Keep forward passing till reach the layer of interest
            # then, will trigger the hooked function call
            for index, layer in enumerate(self.model):
                # Forward pass layer by layer
                # x is not used after this point because it is only needed to trigger
                # the forward hook function
                x = layer(x)
                # Only need to forward until the selected layer is reached
                if index == self.selected_layer:
                    # (forward hook function triggered)
            # Now, have the convolution output at the layer of interest for the output depth of that layer

            # Want to minimize mean of the output of selected layer's filter

            # THe output are real numbers
            # The higher the value (more positive) => More activation
            # If you take the mean or sum, it just accounts for all position
            # Now if you minimize the negative of the mean, it's same as maximizing
            # Therefore, it's about maximizing the output
            # It's about finding the input image that maximizes the output!

            # Loss function is the mean of the output of the selected layer/filter
            # We try to minimize the mean of the output of that specific filter

            loss = -torch.mean(self.conv_output)

            print('Iteration:', str(i), 'Loss:',
            # Backward pass from the current loss tensor
            )  # Generate the gradients using a single backward pass

            # Update image
            )  # Update the parameters using the generated gradients

            # Save image
            if (i % 5 == 0) or (i == 1):
                # Recreate image into a PIL tensor
                self.created_image = recreate_image(processed_image)
                im_path = '../generated/layer_vis_l' + str(self.selected_layer) + \
                    '_f' + str(self.selected_filter) + '_iter' + str(i) + '.jpg'
                save_image(self.created_image, im_path)
    def generate(self, blur_freq=5, blur_rad=1, wd=0.0001, clipping_value=0.1):
        """Generates class specific image with enhancements to improve image quality. 
        See for details on each argument's effect on output quality. 

        Play around with combinations of arguments. Besides the defaults, this combination has produced good images:
        blur_freq=6, blur_rad=0.8, wd = 0.05

        Keyword Arguments:
            iterations {int} -- Total iterations for gradient ascent (default: {150})
            blur_freq {int} -- Frequency of Gaussian blur effect, in iterations (default: {6})
            blur_rad {float} -- Radius for gaussian blur, passed to PIL.ImageFilter.GaussianBlur() (default: {0.8})
            wd {float} -- Weight decay value for Stochastic Gradient Ascent (default: {0.05})
            clipping_value {None or float} -- Value for gradient clipping (default: {0.1})
            np.ndarray -- Final maximally activated class image
        initial_learning_rate = 6
        for i in tqdm(range(1, self.iterations)):
            # Process image and return variable

            #implement gaussian blurring every ith iteration
            #to improve output
            if i % blur_freq == 0:
                self.processed_image = preprocess_and_blur_image(
                    self.created_image, False, blur_rad)
                self.processed_image = preprocess_and_blur_image(
                    self.created_image, False)

            if use_cuda:
                self.processed_image = self.processed_image.cuda()

            # Define optimizer for the image - use weight decay to add regularization
            # in SGD, wd = 2 * L2 regularization (
            optimizer = SGD([self.processed_image],
            # Forward
            output = self.model(self.processed_image)
            # Target specific class
            class_loss = -output[0, self.target_class]

            if i in np.linspace(0, self.iterations, 10, dtype=int):
                print('Iteration:', str(i), 'Loss',
            # Zero grads
            # Backward

            if clipping_value:
            # Update image
            # Recreate image
            self.created_image = recreate_image(self.processed_image.cpu())

            if i in np.linspace(0, self.iterations, 10, dtype=int):
                # Save image
                im_path = f'generated_class/class_{self.class_name}/c_{self.class_name}_iter_{i}_loss_{}.jpg'
                save_image(self.created_image, im_path)
                print("Saved image at " + im_path)

        #save final image
        im_path = f'generated_class/class_{self.class_name}/c_{self.class_name}_iter_{i}_loss_{}.jpg'
        save_image(self.created_image, im_path)

        #write file with regularization details
        with open(f'generated_class/class_{self.class_name}/run_details.txt',
                  'w') as f:
            f.write(f'Iterations: {self.iterations}\n')
            f.write(f'Blur freq: {blur_freq}\n')
            f.write(f'Blur radius: {blur_rad}\n')
            f.write(f'Weight decay: {wd}\n')
            f.write(f'Clip value: {clipping_value}\n')

        #rename folder path with regularization details for easy access
        return self.processed_image
#     net2 = net2.cuda()
#     encorder = ResNet_encorder(demode=2)
#     encorder = encorder.cuda()
#     decorder = ResNet_decorder2(demode=2)
#     decorder = decorder.cuda()
#     params=net.state_dict() 
#     for k,v in params.items():
#         print(k)
#         print(v)

    for index in range(16):
        trainloader, classes = data_prepare()
        pic = get_picture(trainloader)
        x = pic.cpu()[None, :, :, :]
        x = recreate_image(x)
        save_image(x, 'orginal_'+str(index)+'.jpg')
        encorder = ResNet_encorder(demode=1)
        encorder = encorder.cuda()
        decorder = ResNet_decorder2(demode=1)
        decorder = decorder.cuda()
        vis_layer(encorder, decorder, pic, 'conv1', demode=1, index=index)
        #define layer to visualize
        cnn_name = 'conv1'
        lr = 0.01
        layer_vis = CNNLayerVisualization(net, cnn_name, 0, pic, lr, cnn_name, index)
        encorder = ResNet_encorder(demode=2)
        encorder = encorder.cuda()
        decorder = ResNet_decorder2(demode=2)
        decorder = decorder.cuda()