def step1():
    get substrate bulk structures from materialsproject for
    Pt, Ag, Cu, Ni, Al, Au, Pd, Ir and do 3d relaxation(ISIF=3)
    get 2d structures from the provided poscars(just poscar_graphene)
    and relax in x and y only(vasp_noz bin)
    - POSCAR_graphene must be made available in the directory
    - creates required input files and submits the jobs to the que
    - 8 + 1 jobs
    - returns: step1_sub.json step1_2d.json 
    #job directory for the runs
    job_dir_sub = 'step1_sub'
    job_dir_2d = 'step1_2d'
    # create list of all substrate poscars
    poscars_sub = []
    poscars_2d = []
    # substrate structures
    for sub in substrates:
        struct_sub = get_struct_from_mp(sub)
        sa_sub = SpacegroupAnalyzer(struct_sub)
        struct_sub = sa_sub.get_conventional_standard_structure()
    # 2d structures
    for td in mat2ds:
    # setup calibrate and run'em
    turn_knobs_sub = OrderedDict(
            ('POSCAR', poscars_sub)
    turn_knobs_2d = OrderedDict(
            ('POSCAR', poscars_2d)
    # normal binary
    qadapter_sub, job_cmd_sub = get_run_cmmnd(nnodes=nnodes, nprocs=nprocs,
                                            job_bin=bin_sub, mem=mem)
    # binary with z constraint
    qadapter_2d, job_cmd_2d = get_run_cmmnd(nnodes=nnodes, nprocs=nprocs,
                                            job_bin=bin_2d, mem=mem)
    run_cal(turn_knobs_sub, qadapter_sub, job_cmd_sub, job_dir_sub,
            'step1_sub', incar=incar_sub, kpoints=kpoints_sub)
    run_cal(turn_knobs_2d, qadapter_2d, job_cmd_2d, job_dir_2d,
            'step1_2d', incar=incar_2d, kpoints=kpoints_2d)
    return ['step1_sub.json', 'step1_2d.json']
Beispiel #2
#nanopartcle specifications
#max radius in angstroms
rmax = 15
#surface families to be chopped off
hkl_family = [(1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)]
#surfac energies could be in any units, will be normalized
surface_energies = [28, 25]

#intial structure
#caution: set the structure wrt which the the miller indices are
#specified. use your own key
structure = get_struct_from_mp('PbS', MAPI_KEY="")
#primitve ---> conventional cell
sa = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure)
structure_conventional = sa.get_conventional_standard_structure()

# create nanoparticle
nanoparticle = Nanoparticle(structure_conventional,
nanoparticle.create()'xyz', filename='')
Beispiel #3
from mpinterfaces.nanoparticle import Nanoparticle

# -----------------------------------
# nanoparticle specifications
# -----------------------------------
# max radius in angstroms
rmax = 15
# surface families to be chopped off
hkl_family = [(1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)]
# surfac energies could be in any units, will be normalized
surface_energies = [28, 25]

# -----------------------------------
# initial structure
# -----------------------------------
# caution: set the structure wrt which the the miller indices are
# specified. use your own key
structure = get_struct_from_mp('PbS', MAPI_KEY="")
# primitive ---> conventional cell
sa = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure)
structure_conventional = sa.get_conventional_standard_structure()

# -----------------------------------
# create nanoparticle
# -----------------------------------
nanoparticle = Nanoparticle(structure_conventional, rmax=rmax,
nanoparticle.create()'xyz', filename='')
def get_structures():
    for species in structures:
        struct_species = get_struct_from_mp(species)
    return None
Beispiel #5
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright (c) Henniggroup.
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function

import os
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict

from mpinterfaces import get_struct_from_mp
from mpinterfaces.lammps import CalibrateLammps
from mpinterfaces.utils import get_run_cmmnd

# list of structures from materialsproject
structures = get_struct_from_mp('ZnO', all_structs=True)
# scale the structures
scell_size = 12
for s in structures:
    a, b, c =
    s.make_supercell([int(scell_size / a),
                      int(scell_size / b),
                      int(scell_size / c)])
# lammps input paramaters    
parameters = {'atom_style': 'charge',
              'charges': {'Zn': 2, 'O': -2},
              'minimize': '1.0e-13  1.0e-20  1000  10000',
              'fix': ['fix_nve all nve',
                      '1 all box/relax aniso 0.0 vmax 0.001',
                      '1a all qeq/comb 1 0.0001 file fq.out']}
# list of pair styles
Beispiel #6

from pymatgen.core.composition import Composition
from pymatgen.phasediagram.entries import PDEntry
from pymatgen.phasediagram.pdmaker import PhaseDiagram
from pymatgen.phasediagram.plotter import PDPlotter

from mpinterfaces import get_struct_from_mp
from mpinterfaces.lammps import CalibrateLammps
from mpinterfaces.utils import *

# all the info/warnings/outputs redirected to the log file:
# lammps_Al_O.log
logger = get_logger('lammps_Al_O')
# list of structures from materialsproject
structures = get_struct_from_mp('Al-O', all_structs=True)
# scale the structures
scell_size = 12
for s in structures:
    a, b, c =
        [ceil(scell_size / a),
         ceil(scell_size / b),
         ceil(scell_size / c)])
# lammps input paramaters
parameters = {
    'charges': {
        'Al': 0,
        'O': 0
import sys
from math import sqrt
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np

from import Incar, Poscar
from import Potcar, Kpoints
from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer

from mpinterfaces import get_struct_from_mp, Interface
from mpinterfaces.calibrate import Calibrate, CalibrateSlab
from mpinterfaces.utils import get_run_cmmnd

MAPI_KEY = os.environ.get("MAPI_KEY", "")
#get structure from materialsproject, use your own key       
strt = get_struct_from_mp('PbS', MAPI_KEY=MAPI_KEY)
#convert from fcc primitive to conventional cell
#the conventional unit cell is used to create the slab
#this is important becasue the hkl specification for the required slab
#is wrt the provided unit cell
sa = SpacegroupAnalyzer(strt)
structure_conventional = sa.get_conventional_standard_structure()
strt = structure_conventional.copy()
#create slab
iface = Interface(strt, hkl=[1,1,1],
                  min_thick=10, min_vac=10,
# sort structure into groups of elements atoms for Potcar mapping 
# vasp input
incar_dict = {
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function

import os
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict

from mpinterfaces import get_struct_from_mp
from mpinterfaces.lammps import CalibrateLammps
from mpinterfaces.utils import get_run_cmmnd

# list of structures from materialsproject
structures = get_struct_from_mp("ZnO", all_structs=True)
# scale the structures
scell_size = 12
for s in structures:
    a, b, c =
    s.make_supercell([int(scell_size / a), int(scell_size / b), int(scell_size / c)])
# lammps input paramaters
parameters = {
    "atom_style": "charge",
    "charges": {"Zn": 2, "O": -2},
    "minimize": "1.0e-13  1.0e-20  1000  10000",
    "fix": ["fix_nve all nve", "1 all box/relax aniso 0.0 vmax 0.001", "1a all qeq/comb 1 0.0001 file fq.out"],
# list of pair styles
pair_styles = ["comb3 polar_off"]
# list of pair coefficient files
pair_coeff_files = [os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "ffield.comb3")]
# parameters tuned: structures, pair styles and  pair coefficients
turn_knobs = OrderedDict([("STRUCTURES", structures), ("PAIR_STYLES", pair_styles), ("PAIR_COEFFS", pair_coeff_files)])
# job directory and run settings
def get_grain_boundary_interface(structure=None, hkl_pair= {'hkl': [[1,0,0],[1,1,0]],\
                                 'thickness':[10,10]}, twist = 0, tilt = 0, separation=0):
        structure: pymatgen structure to create grain boundary in
        hkl_pair:  dict of {'hkl':thickness}
        twist:     twist in degrees
        tilt:      tilt in degrees

    structure = get_struct_from_mp(structure, MAPI_KEY="")
    sa = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure)
    structure_conventional = sa.get_conventional_standard_structure()
    structure = structure_conventional.copy()

    #creation of lower part of grain boundary
    lower= Interface(structure,\
    hkl = hkl_pair['hkl'][0],
    min_thick = hkl_pair['thickness'][0],
    min_vac = separation+hkl_pair['thickness'][1],
    primitive = False, from_ase = True, center_slab=False)"poscar", filename="POSCAR_lower.vasp")

    #creation of upper part of grain boundary
    upper= Interface(structure,\
    hkl = hkl_pair['hkl'][1],
    min_thick = hkl_pair['thickness'][1],
    min_vac = 0,
    primitive = False, from_ase = True)

    #find top atoms reference of lower part of gb
    substrate_top_z = np.max(np.array([site.coords for site in lower])[:, 2])

    # define twist and tilt vectors
    twist_shift_normal = lower.lattice.matrix[2,:]/\
    tilt_normal = upper.lattice.matrix[1,:]/\

    #define twist operation SymmOp object
    twist_op = SymmOp.from_axis_angle_and_translation(axis= twist_shift_normal,\
                angle=twist, angle_in_radians=False,translation_vec=(0, 0, 0))
    #define tilt operation SymmOp object
    tilt_op = SymmOp.from_axis_angle_and_translation(axis= tilt_normal,\
                angle=tilt, angle_in_radians=False,translation_vec=(0, 0, 0))
    upper.apply_operation(twist_op)"poscar", filename="POSCAR_upper.vasp")

    #define shift separation along twist vector normal to upper plane
    shift = -1 * twist_shift_normal / np.linalg.norm(
        twist_shift_normal) * separation
    #define origin to shift w.r.t top of the lower grain
    origin = np.array([0, 0, substrate_top_z])
    #shift sites in upper
    for site in upper:
        new_coords = site.coords - origin + shift
        lower.append(site.specie, new_coords, coords_are_cartesian=True)
    return lower
        # new_sites = [site for k, site in enumerate(mol) if k not in remove_sites]
        # return Molecule.from_sites(new_sites)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # nanopartcle settings
    # max radius in angstroms
    rmax = 15
    # surface families to be chopped off
    surface_families = [(1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)]
    # could be in any units, will be normalized
    surface_energies = [28, 25]

    # caution: set the structure wrt which the the miller indices are specified
    # use your own API key
    structure = get_struct_from_mp('PbS')
    # primitve ---> conventional cell
    sa = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure)
    structure_conventional = sa.get_conventional_standard_structure()

    nanoparticle = Nanoparticle(structure_conventional,
    nanoparticle.create()'xyz', filename='')
    Wulff construction using the ASE package
    works only for cubic systems and doesn't support multiatom basis

    from ase.cluster import wulff_construction
Beispiel #11
import sys
from math import sqrt
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np

from import Incar, Poscar
from import Potcar, Kpoints
from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer

from mpinterfaces import get_struct_from_mp, Interface
from mpinterfaces.calibrate import Calibrate, CalibrateSlab
from mpinterfaces.utils import get_run_cmmnd

MAPI_KEY = os.environ.get("MAPI_KEY", "")
#get structure from materialsproject, use your own key
strt = get_struct_from_mp('PbS', MAPI_KEY=MAPI_KEY)
#convert from fcc primitive to conventional cell
#the conventional unit cell is used to create the slab
#this is important becasue the hkl specification for the required slab
#is wrt the provided unit cell
sa = SpacegroupAnalyzer(strt)
structure_conventional = sa.get_conventional_standard_structure()
strt = structure_conventional.copy()
#create slab
iface = Interface(strt,
                  hkl=[1, 1, 1],
                  supercell=[1, 1, 1])
# sort structure into groups of elements atoms for Potcar mapping
Beispiel #12
def makePoscars(M_elements,
    function that writes out poscars of 
    chem-substituted M-X monolayers

       M_elements : (list) M
       X_elements : (list) X
       ratio      : (float?)  
       monolayers : (str) path to poscar files of monolayers
       bulks      : (str) path to poscar files of bulk 

       List of Poscar file objects for twod monolayers and their competitors 
    # checing the existence of the monolayer
    # and bulk directories
    # these direcotries can simply contain the motifs at
    # the top most level
    monosDir = os.listdir(monolayer_path)
    bulksDir = os.listdir(bulk_path)
    # if bulks in os.listdir('inputs'):
    #    bulksDir = os.listdir('inputs/bulks')
    # else:
    #    bulks = []
    twod = []
    competitors = []
    monos = {}
    bulks = {}

    results = {}

    # making direcotries of types of chem sub directories
    results['onRatio'] = []
    results['hull'] = []
    # read in monolayer and bulk motifs
    for mon in monosDir:
        monos[mon] = Structure.from_file(monolayer_path + '/' + mon)
        results[mon] = []
    for bulk in bulksDir:
        bulks[bulk] = Structure.from_file(bulk_path + '/' + bulk)
        results[bulk + '_bulk'] = []
    # perform the chem sub based on the input X and M lists
    for base_name, mono in monos.items():
        # os.mkdir(monolayer)
        # os.chdir(monolayer)
        for M in M_elements:
            for X in X_elements:
                coreElements = [M, X]
                # naming the files .. can be set as poscar.comment
                sub_spec = np.unique(mono.species)
                if len(sub_spec) != len(coreElements):
                    print(base_name + ' DOES NOT HAVE ' + len(coreElements) +
                          ' ELEMENTS. ENDING LOOP')

                    substitutionDict = {}
                    counter = 0
                    for element in sub_spec:
                        substitutionDict[element] = coreElements[counter]
                        counter += 1
                    substitutedStruct = mono

                if getCompeting:
                    competing = get_competing_phases_new(
                    )  # argument taken is the POSCAR in the current directory.
                    # Modify get_competing_phases code to allow input structure
                    # object?
                    if len(competing) == 1:
                        # ONRATIO
                        newStruct = get_struct_from_mp(
                            competing[0][1])  # assume the
                        # lowest hull distance

                        # chem sub
                ## how about more than 2 ? this would just be the case in ternaries, etc.
                    elif len(competing) == 2:
                        # HULL
                        newStruct1 = get_struct_from_mp(competing[0][1])
                        newStruct2 = get_struct_from_mp(competing[1][1])
                        # write_potcar(pathToPOTCAR)
                        # relax(submit=False)
    # same for bulks
    for base_name, bulk in bulks.items():
        for M in M_elements:
            for X in X_elements:
                coreElements = [M, X]
                sub_spec = np.unique(bulk.species)
                if len(sub_spec) != len(coreElements):
                    print(base_name + ' DOES NOT HAVE ' + len(coreElements) +
                          ' ELEMENTS. ENDING LOOP')
                    substitutionDict = {}
                    counter = 0
                    for element in sub_spec:
                        substitutionDict[element] = coreElements[counter]
                        counter += 1
                    substitutedStruct = bulk
                    results[base_name + '_bulk'].append(substitutedStruct)

    return results
def get_grain_boundary_interface(structure=None, hkl_pair= {'hkl': [[1,0,0],[1,1,0]],\
                                 'thickness':[10,10]}, twist = 0, tilt = 0, separation=0):
        structure: pymatgen structure to create grain boundary in
        hkl_pair:  dict of {'hkl':thickness}
        twist:     twist in degrees
        tilt:      tilt in degrees

    structure = get_struct_from_mp(structure, MAPI_KEY="")
    sa = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure)
    structure_conventional = sa.get_conventional_standard_structure()
    structure = structure_conventional.copy()

    #creation of lower part of grain boundary
    lower= Interface(structure,\
    hkl = hkl_pair['hkl'][0],
    min_thick = hkl_pair['thickness'][0],
    min_vac = separation+hkl_pair['thickness'][1],
    primitive = False, from_ase = True, center_slab=False)"poscar", filename="POSCAR_lower.vasp")

    #creation of upper part of grain boundary
    upper= Interface(structure,\
    hkl = hkl_pair['hkl'][1],
    min_thick = hkl_pair['thickness'][1],
    min_vac = 0,
    primitive = False, from_ase = True)

    #find top atoms reference of lower part of gb
    substrate_top_z = np.max(np.array([site.coords for site in lower])[:,2])

    # define twist and tilt vectors
    twist_shift_normal = lower.lattice.matrix[2,:]/\
    tilt_normal = upper.lattice.matrix[1,:]/\

    #define twist operation SymmOp object
    twist_op = SymmOp.from_axis_angle_and_translation(axis= twist_shift_normal,\
                angle=twist, angle_in_radians=False,translation_vec=(0, 0, 0))
    #define tilt operation SymmOp object
    tilt_op = SymmOp.from_axis_angle_and_translation(axis= tilt_normal,\
                angle=tilt, angle_in_radians=False,translation_vec=(0, 0, 0))
    upper.apply_operation(twist_op)"poscar", filename="POSCAR_upper.vasp")

    #define shift separation along twist vector normal to upper plane
    shift = -1*twist_shift_normal/np.linalg.norm(twist_shift_normal) * separation
    #define origin to shift w.r.t top of the lower grain 
    origin = np.array([0,0, substrate_top_z])
    #shift sites in upper 
    for site in upper:
        new_coords = site.coords - origin  +  shift
        lower.append(site.specie, new_coords, coords_are_cartesian=True)
    return lower 
Beispiel #14
        # new_sites = [site for k, site in enumerate(mol) if k not in remove_sites]
        # return Molecule.from_sites(new_sites)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # nanopartcle settings
    # max radius in angstroms
    rmax = 15
    # surface families to be chopped off
    surface_families = [(1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)]
    # could be in any units, will be normalized
    surface_energies = [28, 25]

    # caution: set the structure wrt which the the miller indices are specified
    # use your own API key
    structure = get_struct_from_mp('PbS')
    # primitve ---> conventional cell
    sa = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure)
    structure_conventional = sa.get_conventional_standard_structure()

    nanoparticle = Nanoparticle(structure_conventional, rmax=rmax,
    nanoparticle.create()'xyz', filename='')

    Wulff construction using the ASE package
    works only for cubic systems and doesn't support multiatom basis
    from ase.cluster import wulff_construction
def get_structures():
    for species in structures:
        struct_species = get_struct_from_mp(species)
    return None