예제 #1
def step1():
    get substrate bulk structures from materialsproject for
    Pt, Ag, Cu, Ni, Al, Au, Pd, Ir and do 3d relaxation(ISIF=3)
    get 2d structures from the provided poscars(just poscar_graphene)
    and relax in x and y only(vasp_noz bin)
    - POSCAR_graphene must be made available in the directory
    - creates required input files and submits the jobs to the que
    - 8 + 1 jobs
    - returns: step1_sub.json step1_2d.json 
    #job directory for the runs
    job_dir_sub = 'step1_sub'
    job_dir_2d = 'step1_2d'
    # create list of all substrate poscars
    poscars_sub = []
    poscars_2d = []
    # substrate structures
    for sub in substrates:
        struct_sub = get_struct_from_mp(sub)
        sa_sub = SpacegroupAnalyzer(struct_sub)
        struct_sub = sa_sub.get_conventional_standard_structure()
    # 2d structures
    for td in mat2ds:
    # setup calibrate and run'em
    turn_knobs_sub = OrderedDict(
            ('POSCAR', poscars_sub)
    turn_knobs_2d = OrderedDict(
            ('POSCAR', poscars_2d)
    # normal binary
    qadapter_sub, job_cmd_sub = get_run_cmmnd(nnodes=nnodes, nprocs=nprocs,
                                            job_bin=bin_sub, mem=mem)
    # binary with z constraint
    qadapter_2d, job_cmd_2d = get_run_cmmnd(nnodes=nnodes, nprocs=nprocs,
                                            job_bin=bin_2d, mem=mem)
    run_cal(turn_knobs_sub, qadapter_sub, job_cmd_sub, job_dir_sub,
            'step1_sub', incar=incar_sub, kpoints=kpoints_sub)
    run_cal(turn_knobs_2d, qadapter_2d, job_cmd_2d, job_dir_2d,
            'step1_2d', incar=incar_2d, kpoints=kpoints_2d)
    return ['step1_sub.json', 'step1_2d.json']
예제 #2
#nanopartcle specifications
#max radius in angstroms
rmax = 15
#surface families to be chopped off
hkl_family = [(1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)]
#surfac energies could be in any units, will be normalized
surface_energies = [28, 25]

#intial structure
#caution: set the structure wrt which the the miller indices are
#specified. use your own key
structure = get_struct_from_mp('PbS', MAPI_KEY="")
#primitve ---> conventional cell
sa = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure)
structure_conventional = sa.get_conventional_standard_structure()

# create nanoparticle
nanoparticle = Nanoparticle(structure_conventional,
nanoparticle.to(fmt='xyz', filename='nanoparticle.xyz')
예제 #3
from mpinterfaces.nanoparticle import Nanoparticle

# -----------------------------------
# nanoparticle specifications
# -----------------------------------
# max radius in angstroms
rmax = 15
# surface families to be chopped off
hkl_family = [(1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)]
# surfac energies could be in any units, will be normalized
surface_energies = [28, 25]

# -----------------------------------
# initial structure
# -----------------------------------
# caution: set the structure wrt which the the miller indices are
# specified. use your own key
structure = get_struct_from_mp('PbS', MAPI_KEY="")
# primitive ---> conventional cell
sa = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure)
structure_conventional = sa.get_conventional_standard_structure()

# -----------------------------------
# create nanoparticle
# -----------------------------------
nanoparticle = Nanoparticle(structure_conventional, rmax=rmax,
nanoparticle.to(fmt='xyz', filename='nanoparticle.xyz')
예제 #4
def get_structures():
    for species in structures:
        struct_species = get_struct_from_mp(species)
    return None
예제 #5
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright (c) Henniggroup.
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function

import os
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict

from mpinterfaces import get_struct_from_mp
from mpinterfaces.lammps import CalibrateLammps
from mpinterfaces.utils import get_run_cmmnd

# list of structures from materialsproject
structures = get_struct_from_mp('ZnO', all_structs=True)
# scale the structures
scell_size = 12
for s in structures:
    a, b, c = s.lattice.abc
    s.make_supercell([int(scell_size / a),
                      int(scell_size / b),
                      int(scell_size / c)])
# lammps input paramaters    
parameters = {'atom_style': 'charge',
              'charges': {'Zn': 2, 'O': -2},
              'minimize': '1.0e-13  1.0e-20  1000  10000',
              'fix': ['fix_nve all nve',
                      '1 all box/relax aniso 0.0 vmax 0.001',
                      '1a all qeq/comb 1 0.0001 file fq.out']}
# list of pair styles
예제 #6

from pymatgen.core.composition import Composition
from pymatgen.phasediagram.entries import PDEntry
from pymatgen.phasediagram.pdmaker import PhaseDiagram
from pymatgen.phasediagram.plotter import PDPlotter

from mpinterfaces import get_struct_from_mp
from mpinterfaces.lammps import CalibrateLammps
from mpinterfaces.utils import *

# all the info/warnings/outputs redirected to the log file:
# lammps_Al_O.log
logger = get_logger('lammps_Al_O')
# list of structures from materialsproject
structures = get_struct_from_mp('Al-O', all_structs=True)
# scale the structures
scell_size = 12
for s in structures:
    a, b, c = s.lattice.abc
        [ceil(scell_size / a),
         ceil(scell_size / b),
         ceil(scell_size / c)])
# lammps input paramaters
parameters = {
    'charges': {
        'Al': 0,
        'O': 0
예제 #7
import sys
from math import sqrt
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np

from pymatgen.io.vasp.inputs import Incar, Poscar
from pymatgen.io.vasp.inputs import Potcar, Kpoints
from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer

from mpinterfaces import get_struct_from_mp, Interface
from mpinterfaces.calibrate import Calibrate, CalibrateSlab
from mpinterfaces.utils import get_run_cmmnd

MAPI_KEY = os.environ.get("MAPI_KEY", "")
#get structure from materialsproject, use your own key       
strt = get_struct_from_mp('PbS', MAPI_KEY=MAPI_KEY)
#convert from fcc primitive to conventional cell
#the conventional unit cell is used to create the slab
#this is important becasue the hkl specification for the required slab
#is wrt the provided unit cell
sa = SpacegroupAnalyzer(strt)
structure_conventional = sa.get_conventional_standard_structure()
strt = structure_conventional.copy()
#create slab
iface = Interface(strt, hkl=[1,1,1],
                  min_thick=10, min_vac=10,
# sort structure into groups of elements atoms for Potcar mapping 
# vasp input
incar_dict = {
예제 #8
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function

import os
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict

from mpinterfaces import get_struct_from_mp
from mpinterfaces.lammps import CalibrateLammps
from mpinterfaces.utils import get_run_cmmnd

# list of structures from materialsproject
structures = get_struct_from_mp("ZnO", all_structs=True)
# scale the structures
scell_size = 12
for s in structures:
    a, b, c = s.lattice.abc
    s.make_supercell([int(scell_size / a), int(scell_size / b), int(scell_size / c)])
# lammps input paramaters
parameters = {
    "atom_style": "charge",
    "charges": {"Zn": 2, "O": -2},
    "minimize": "1.0e-13  1.0e-20  1000  10000",
    "fix": ["fix_nve all nve", "1 all box/relax aniso 0.0 vmax 0.001", "1a all qeq/comb 1 0.0001 file fq.out"],
# list of pair styles
pair_styles = ["comb3 polar_off"]
# list of pair coefficient files
pair_coeff_files = [os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "ffield.comb3")]
# parameters tuned: structures, pair styles and  pair coefficients
turn_knobs = OrderedDict([("STRUCTURES", structures), ("PAIR_STYLES", pair_styles), ("PAIR_COEFFS", pair_coeff_files)])
# job directory and run settings
예제 #9
def get_grain_boundary_interface(structure=None, hkl_pair= {'hkl': [[1,0,0],[1,1,0]],\
                                 'thickness':[10,10]}, twist = 0, tilt = 0, separation=0):
        structure: pymatgen structure to create grain boundary in
        hkl_pair:  dict of {'hkl':thickness}
        twist:     twist in degrees
        tilt:      tilt in degrees

    structure = get_struct_from_mp(structure, MAPI_KEY="")
    sa = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure)
    structure_conventional = sa.get_conventional_standard_structure()
    structure = structure_conventional.copy()

    #creation of lower part of grain boundary
    lower= Interface(structure,\
    hkl = hkl_pair['hkl'][0],
    min_thick = hkl_pair['thickness'][0],
    min_vac = separation+hkl_pair['thickness'][1],
    primitive = False, from_ase = True, center_slab=False)

    lower.to(fmt="poscar", filename="POSCAR_lower.vasp")

    #creation of upper part of grain boundary
    upper= Interface(structure,\
    hkl = hkl_pair['hkl'][1],
    min_thick = hkl_pair['thickness'][1],
    min_vac = 0,
    primitive = False, from_ase = True)

    #find top atoms reference of lower part of gb
    substrate_top_z = np.max(np.array([site.coords for site in lower])[:, 2])

    # define twist and tilt vectors
    twist_shift_normal = lower.lattice.matrix[2,:]/\
    tilt_normal = upper.lattice.matrix[1,:]/\

    #define twist operation SymmOp object
    twist_op = SymmOp.from_axis_angle_and_translation(axis= twist_shift_normal,\
                angle=twist, angle_in_radians=False,translation_vec=(0, 0, 0))
    #define tilt operation SymmOp object
    tilt_op = SymmOp.from_axis_angle_and_translation(axis= tilt_normal,\
                angle=tilt, angle_in_radians=False,translation_vec=(0, 0, 0))
    upper.to(fmt="poscar", filename="POSCAR_upper.vasp")

    #define shift separation along twist vector normal to upper plane
    shift = -1 * twist_shift_normal / np.linalg.norm(
        twist_shift_normal) * separation
    #define origin to shift w.r.t top of the lower grain
    origin = np.array([0, 0, substrate_top_z])
    #shift sites in upper
    for site in upper:
        new_coords = site.coords - origin + shift
        lower.append(site.specie, new_coords, coords_are_cartesian=True)
    return lower
예제 #10
        # new_sites = [site for k, site in enumerate(mol) if k not in remove_sites]
        # return Molecule.from_sites(new_sites)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # nanopartcle settings
    # max radius in angstroms
    rmax = 15
    # surface families to be chopped off
    surface_families = [(1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)]
    # could be in any units, will be normalized
    surface_energies = [28, 25]

    # caution: set the structure wrt which the the miller indices are specified
    # use your own API key
    structure = get_struct_from_mp('PbS')
    # primitve ---> conventional cell
    sa = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure)
    structure_conventional = sa.get_conventional_standard_structure()

    nanoparticle = Nanoparticle(structure_conventional,
    nanoparticle.to(fmt='xyz', filename='nanoparticle.xyz')
    Wulff construction using the ASE package
    works only for cubic systems and doesn't support multiatom basis

    from ase.cluster import wulff_construction
예제 #11
import sys
from math import sqrt
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np

from pymatgen.io.vasp.inputs import Incar, Poscar
from pymatgen.io.vasp.inputs import Potcar, Kpoints
from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer

from mpinterfaces import get_struct_from_mp, Interface
from mpinterfaces.calibrate import Calibrate, CalibrateSlab
from mpinterfaces.utils import get_run_cmmnd

MAPI_KEY = os.environ.get("MAPI_KEY", "")
#get structure from materialsproject, use your own key
strt = get_struct_from_mp('PbS', MAPI_KEY=MAPI_KEY)
#convert from fcc primitive to conventional cell
#the conventional unit cell is used to create the slab
#this is important becasue the hkl specification for the required slab
#is wrt the provided unit cell
sa = SpacegroupAnalyzer(strt)
structure_conventional = sa.get_conventional_standard_structure()
strt = structure_conventional.copy()
#create slab
iface = Interface(strt,
                  hkl=[1, 1, 1],
                  supercell=[1, 1, 1])
# sort structure into groups of elements atoms for Potcar mapping
예제 #12
def makePoscars(M_elements,
    function that writes out poscars of 
    chem-substituted M-X monolayers

       M_elements : (list) M
       X_elements : (list) X
       ratio      : (float?)  
       monolayers : (str) path to poscar files of monolayers
       bulks      : (str) path to poscar files of bulk 

       List of Poscar file objects for twod monolayers and their competitors 
    # checing the existence of the monolayer
    # and bulk directories
    # these direcotries can simply contain the motifs at
    # the top most level
    monosDir = os.listdir(monolayer_path)
    bulksDir = os.listdir(bulk_path)
    # if bulks in os.listdir('inputs'):
    #    bulksDir = os.listdir('inputs/bulks')
    # else:
    #    bulks = []
    twod = []
    competitors = []
    monos = {}
    bulks = {}

    results = {}

    # making direcotries of types of chem sub directories
    results['onRatio'] = []
    results['hull'] = []
    # read in monolayer and bulk motifs
    for mon in monosDir:
        monos[mon] = Structure.from_file(monolayer_path + '/' + mon)
        results[mon] = []
    for bulk in bulksDir:
        bulks[bulk] = Structure.from_file(bulk_path + '/' + bulk)
        results[bulk + '_bulk'] = []
    # perform the chem sub based on the input X and M lists
    for base_name, mono in monos.items():
        # os.mkdir(monolayer)
        # os.chdir(monolayer)
        for M in M_elements:
            for X in X_elements:
                coreElements = [M, X]
                # naming the files .. can be set as poscar.comment
                sub_spec = np.unique(mono.species)
                if len(sub_spec) != len(coreElements):
                    print(base_name + ' DOES NOT HAVE ' + len(coreElements) +
                          ' ELEMENTS. ENDING LOOP')

                    substitutionDict = {}
                    counter = 0
                    for element in sub_spec:
                        substitutionDict[element] = coreElements[counter]
                        counter += 1
                    substitutedStruct = mono

                if getCompeting:
                    competing = get_competing_phases_new(
                    )  # argument taken is the POSCAR in the current directory.
                    # Modify get_competing_phases code to allow input structure
                    # object?
                    if len(competing) == 1:
                        # ONRATIO
                        newStruct = get_struct_from_mp(
                            competing[0][1])  # assume the
                        # lowest hull distance

                        # chem sub
                ## how about more than 2 ? this would just be the case in ternaries, etc.
                    elif len(competing) == 2:
                        # HULL
                        newStruct1 = get_struct_from_mp(competing[0][1])
                        newStruct2 = get_struct_from_mp(competing[1][1])
                        # write_potcar(pathToPOTCAR)
                        # relax(submit=False)
    # same for bulks
    for base_name, bulk in bulks.items():
        for M in M_elements:
            for X in X_elements:
                coreElements = [M, X]
                sub_spec = np.unique(bulk.species)
                if len(sub_spec) != len(coreElements):
                    print(base_name + ' DOES NOT HAVE ' + len(coreElements) +
                          ' ELEMENTS. ENDING LOOP')
                    substitutionDict = {}
                    counter = 0
                    for element in sub_spec:
                        substitutionDict[element] = coreElements[counter]
                        counter += 1
                    substitutedStruct = bulk
                    results[base_name + '_bulk'].append(substitutedStruct)

    return results
예제 #13
def get_grain_boundary_interface(structure=None, hkl_pair= {'hkl': [[1,0,0],[1,1,0]],\
                                 'thickness':[10,10]}, twist = 0, tilt = 0, separation=0):
        structure: pymatgen structure to create grain boundary in
        hkl_pair:  dict of {'hkl':thickness}
        twist:     twist in degrees
        tilt:      tilt in degrees

    structure = get_struct_from_mp(structure, MAPI_KEY="")
    sa = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure)
    structure_conventional = sa.get_conventional_standard_structure()
    structure = structure_conventional.copy()

    #creation of lower part of grain boundary
    lower= Interface(structure,\
    hkl = hkl_pair['hkl'][0],
    min_thick = hkl_pair['thickness'][0],
    min_vac = separation+hkl_pair['thickness'][1],
    primitive = False, from_ase = True, center_slab=False)

    lower.to(fmt="poscar", filename="POSCAR_lower.vasp")

    #creation of upper part of grain boundary
    upper= Interface(structure,\
    hkl = hkl_pair['hkl'][1],
    min_thick = hkl_pair['thickness'][1],
    min_vac = 0,
    primitive = False, from_ase = True)

    #find top atoms reference of lower part of gb
    substrate_top_z = np.max(np.array([site.coords for site in lower])[:,2])

    # define twist and tilt vectors
    twist_shift_normal = lower.lattice.matrix[2,:]/\
    tilt_normal = upper.lattice.matrix[1,:]/\

    #define twist operation SymmOp object
    twist_op = SymmOp.from_axis_angle_and_translation(axis= twist_shift_normal,\
                angle=twist, angle_in_radians=False,translation_vec=(0, 0, 0))
    #define tilt operation SymmOp object
    tilt_op = SymmOp.from_axis_angle_and_translation(axis= tilt_normal,\
                angle=tilt, angle_in_radians=False,translation_vec=(0, 0, 0))
    upper.to(fmt="poscar", filename="POSCAR_upper.vasp")

    #define shift separation along twist vector normal to upper plane
    shift = -1*twist_shift_normal/np.linalg.norm(twist_shift_normal) * separation
    #define origin to shift w.r.t top of the lower grain 
    origin = np.array([0,0, substrate_top_z])
    #shift sites in upper 
    for site in upper:
        new_coords = site.coords - origin  +  shift
        lower.append(site.specie, new_coords, coords_are_cartesian=True)
    return lower 
예제 #14
        # new_sites = [site for k, site in enumerate(mol) if k not in remove_sites]
        # return Molecule.from_sites(new_sites)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # nanopartcle settings
    # max radius in angstroms
    rmax = 15
    # surface families to be chopped off
    surface_families = [(1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)]
    # could be in any units, will be normalized
    surface_energies = [28, 25]

    # caution: set the structure wrt which the the miller indices are specified
    # use your own API key
    structure = get_struct_from_mp('PbS')
    # primitve ---> conventional cell
    sa = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure)
    structure_conventional = sa.get_conventional_standard_structure()

    nanoparticle = Nanoparticle(structure_conventional, rmax=rmax,
    nanoparticle.to(fmt='xyz', filename='nanoparticle.xyz')

    Wulff construction using the ASE package
    works only for cubic systems and doesn't support multiatom basis
    from ase.cluster import wulff_construction
예제 #15
def get_structures():
    for species in structures:
        struct_species = get_struct_from_mp(species)
    return None