Beispiel #1
def tables(f, r, v, xi, symmetric, verbose=False):
	"""Calculate k[i], w[i], and f[i]."""
	ki = [None] * len(xi)
	wi = ki[:]
	fi = ki[:]
	if symmetric:
		im = 2**31
		im = 2**32
	for i, x in enumerate(xi):
		if verbose and i & 7 == 0:
			print('\r{0}/{1}'.format(i, len(xi)), end='', file=sys.stderr)
		if i == 0:
			ki[0] = mpmath.floor(im * r*f(r)/v)
			wi[0] = v / f(r) / im
			ki[i] = mpmath.floor(im * xi[i-1]/x)
			wi[i] = x / im
		fi[i] = f(x)
	if verbose:
		print('\r{0}/{0}'.format(len(xi)), file=sys.stderr)
	assert all(v is not None for v in ki)
	assert all(v is not None for v in wi)
	assert all(v is not None for v in fi)
	return ki, wi, fi
Beispiel #2
def cplot_in_terminal(expr, *args, prec=None, logname=None, color=lambda i:
    -mpmath.floor(mpmath.log(abs(i), 10))/(30 -
        mpmath.floor(mpmath.log(abs(i), 10))), points=1000000, **kwargs):
    Run mpmath.cplot() but show in terminal if possible
    kwargs['color'] = color
    kwargs['points'] = points
    from mpmath import cplot
    if prec: = prec
    f = lambdify(t, expr, mpmath)
        from iterm2_tools.images import display_image_bytes
    except ImportError:
        if logname:
            os.makedirs('plots', exist_ok=True)
            file = 'plots/%s.png' % logname
            file = None
        cplot(f, *args, file=file, **kwargs)
        from io import BytesIO
        b = BytesIO()
        cplot(f, *args, **kwargs, file=b)
        if logname:
            os.makedirs('plots', exist_ok=True)
            with open('plots/%s.png' % logname, 'wb') as f:
Beispiel #3
    def add(self, time):
        if not isinstance(time, RPNMeasurement):
            ValueError('RPNMeasurement expected')

        #print( 'time.getUnitName( )', time.getUnitName( ) )
        #print( 'g.unitOperators[ time.getUnitName( ) ].categories', g.unitOperators[ time.getUnitName( ) ].categories )

        if 'years' in g.unitOperators[time.getUnitName()].categories:
            years = time.convertValue('year')
            return self.replace(year=self.year + years)
        elif 'months' in g.unitOperators[time.getUnitName()].categories:
            months = time.convertValue('month')
            return self.incrementMonths(months)
            days = int(floor(time.convertValue('day')))
            seconds = int(fmod(floor(time.convertValue('second')), 86400))
            microseconds = int(
                fmod(floor(time.convertValue('microsecond')), 1000000))

                return self + datetime.timedelta(
                    days=days, seconds=seconds, microseconds=microseconds)
            except OverflowError:
                    'rpn:  value is out of range to be converted into a time')
                return nan
def verige(num, denominator_limit):
    Z = num
    C = []
    P = []
    Q = []

    Z = mp.fdiv(1, mp.frac(Z))

    P.append(C[0] * C[1] + 1)

    for k in range(2, 1000000):
        Z = mp.fdiv(1, mp.frac(Z))

        if Q[-1] > denominator_limit:

        P.append(C[k] * P[k - 1] + P[k - 2])
        Q.append(C[k] * Q[k - 1] + Q[k - 2])

    return C, P, Q
Beispiel #5
    def forbidden_index_search(self, x, q):
        with workdps(self.dps):
            x_big = [mpf(el) * self.gamma**self.k for el in x]
            eps = mpf('1') / (self.gamma - 1)
            intervals = mp.linspace(mpf('0'), mpf('1'), self.gamma)
            length = mpf('1.0') * (self.gamma - 2) / (self.gamma - 1)

            x_big_frac = [mp.frac(el) for el in x_big]
            ineq = [mp.frac(el + q*eps) <= length for el in x_big_frac]

            # Determine i-s
            ord_val = eps * q * self.gamma**self.k
            mod_val = ord_val - length

            indices = [int(mp.floor(el + ord_val)) if ineq[i] else int(mp.floor(el + mod_val)) for i, el in enumerate(x_big)]
            multipliers = [1]*len(x_big)

            for i in xrange(len(x_big)):
                if not ineq[i]:
                    indices[i] = [indices[i], indices[i] + 1]
                    #multipliers[i] = [mpf('0.5'), mpf('0.5')]
                    multipliers[i] = [(indices[i][0] + eps - (x_big[i] + mod_val))/eps, (x_big[i] + mod_val - indices[i][0])/eps]

            # Now we have indices, where indices[i] may be number, or a pair of numbers (if x[i] lay between intervals)
            return indices, multipliers
Beispiel #6
    def convertFromEphemDate( ephem_date ):
        dateValues = list( ephem_date.tuple( ) )

        dateValues.append( int( fmul( fsub( dateValues[ 5 ], floor( dateValues[ 5 ] ) ), 1000000 ) ) )
        dateValues[ 5 ] = int( floor( dateValues[ 5 ] ) )

        return RPNDateTime( *dateValues )
Beispiel #7
def getInvertedBits( n ):
    value = real_int( n )

    # determine how many groups of bits we will be looking at
    if value == 0:
        groupings = 1
        groupings = int( fadd( floor( fdiv( ( log( value, 2 ) ), g.bitwiseGroupSize ) ), 1 ) )

    placeValue = mpmathify( 1 << g.bitwiseGroupSize )
    multiplier = mpmathify( 1 )
    remaining = value

    result = mpmathify( 0 )

    for i in range( 0, groupings ):
        # Let's let Python do the actual inverting
        group = fmod( ~int( fmod( remaining, placeValue ) ), placeValue )

        result += fmul( group, multiplier )

        remaining = floor( fdiv( remaining, placeValue ) )
        multiplier = fmul( multiplier, placeValue )

    return result
Beispiel #8
def getSigma( target ):
    Returns the sum of the divisors of n, including 1 and n.
    n = floor( target )

    if real( n ) == 0:
        return 0
    elif n == 1:
        return 1

    factors = getECMFactors( n ) if g.ecm else getFactors( n )

    result = 1

    for factor in factors:
        numerator = fsub( power( factor[ 0 ], fadd( factor[ 1 ], 1 ) ), 1 )
        denominator = fsub( factor[ 0 ], 1 )
        #debugPrint( 'sigma', numerator, denominator )
        result = fmul( result, fdiv( numerator, denominator ) )

        if result != floor( result ):
            raise ValueError( 'insufficient precision for \'sigma\', increase precision (-p))' )

    return result
Beispiel #9
def getECMFactors( target ):
    from pyecm import factors

    n = int( floor( target ) )

    verbose = g.verbose
    randomSigma = True
    asymptoticSpeed = 10
    processingPower = 1.0

    if n < -1:
        return [ ( -1, 1 ) ] + getECMFactors( fneg( n ) )
    elif n == -1:
        return [ ( -1, 1 ) ]
    elif n == 0:
        return [ ( 0, 1 ) ]
    elif n == 1:
        return [ ( 1, 1 ) ]

    if verbose:
        print( '\nfactoring', n, '(', int( floor( log10( n ) ) ), ' digits)...' )

    if g.factorCache is None:
        loadFactorCache( )

    if n in g.factorCache:
        if verbose and n != 1:
            print( 'cache hit:', n )
            print( )

        return g.factorCache[ n ]

    result = [ ]

    for factor in factors( n, verbose, randomSigma, asymptoticSpeed, processingPower ):
        result.append( factor )

    result = [ int( i ) for i in result ]

    largeFactors = list( collections.Counter( [ i for i in result if i > 65535 ] ).items( ) )
    product = int( fprod( [ power( i[ 0 ], i[ 1 ] ) for i in largeFactors ] ) )

    save = False

    if product not in g.factorCache:
        g.factorCache[ product ] = largeFactors
        save = True

    result = list( collections.Counter( result ).items( ) )

    if n > g.minValueToCache and n not in g.factorCache:
        g.factorCache[ n ] = result
        g.factorCacheIsDirty = True

    if verbose:
        print( )

    return result
Beispiel #10
    def convertFromEphemDate(ephemDate):
        dateValues = list(ephemDate.tuple())

            int(fmul(fsub(dateValues[5], floor(dateValues[5])), 1000000)))
        dateValues[5] = int(floor(dateValues[5]))
        # We always pass UTC time to ephem, so we'll expect UTC back

        return RPNDateTime(*dateValues)
Beispiel #11
def continued(x, n):
    l = []
    q = mpmath.floor(x)
    for i in range(n - 1):
        # x = bq + r
        b = mpmath.floor(x / q)
        r = x - b * q
        x, q = q, r
    return l
Beispiel #12
def getFactors(target):
    if target < -1:
        result = [-1]
        return result

    if target == -1:
        return [-1]

    if target == 0:
        return [0]

    if target == 1:
        return [1]

    n = int(floor(target))

    setAccuracy(floor(fadd(log10(n), 2)))

    if g.factorCache is None:

    if not g.ignoreCache:
        if n in g.factorCache:
            if g.verbose and n != 1:
                print('cache hit:', n)

            debugPrint('\nfactor cache', n, g.factorCache[n])

            return g.factorCache[n]

        result = factorByTrialDivision(n)  # throws if n is too big

        if n > g.minValueToCache and n not in g.factorCache:
            g.factorCache[n] = result

        return result

    except ValueError:

    if g.useYAFU and n > g.minValueForYAFU:
        result = runYAFU(n)
        result = factorise(int(n))

    if n > g.minValueToCache:
        if g.ignoreCache or (not g.ignoreCache and n not in g.factorCache):
            debugPrint('\ncaching factors of ', n, result)
            g.factorCache[n] = result

    return result
Beispiel #13
def _fmod(x, y):
    returns x - n * y, where n is the quotient of x / y, rounded
    towards zero to an integer.
    fquot = mpmath.mpf(x) / y
    if fquot < 0:
        n = -mpmath.floor(-fquot)
        n = mpmath.floor(fquot)
    return x - n * y
Beispiel #14
def _fmod(x, y):
    returns x - n * y, where n is the quotient of x / y, rounded
    towards zero to an integer.
    fquot = mpmath.mpf(x) / y
    if fquot < 0:
        n = -mpmath.floor(-fquot)
        n = mpmath.floor(fquot)
    return x - n * y
Beispiel #15
 def tupper(x: float, y: float) -> bool:
     Calculates the Tupper's inequality in x and y
     :param x: horizontal shift
     :param y: vertical shift
     return 0.5 < mp.floor(
             mp.floor(y / 17) *
             2**(-17 * mp.floor(x) - mp.fmod(mp.floor(y), 17)), 2))
Beispiel #16
    def convertUnitList(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, list):
            raise ValueError('convertUnitList expects a list argument')

        result = []

        nonIntegral = False

        for i in range(1, len(other)):
            conversion = g.unitConversionMatrix[(other[i - 1].getUnitName(),

            if conversion != floor(conversion):
                nonIntegral = True

        if nonIntegral:
            source = self

            for count, measurement in enumerate(other):
                with extradps(2):
                    conversion = source.convertValue(measurement)

                    if count < len(other) - 1:
                        source = RPNMeasurement(chop(frac(conversion)),
                            RPNMeasurement(conversion, measurement.units))

            return result
            source = self.convert(other[-2])

            with extradps(2):

            source = source.subtract(result[-1])

            for i in range(len(other) - 2, 0, -1):
                source = source.convert(other[i - 1])

                with extradps(2):
                        source.getModulo(other[i - 1]).convert(other[i]))

                source = source.subtract(result[-1])


            return result[::-1]
Beispiel #17
def getNthStern( n ):
    """Return the nth number of Stern's diatomic series recursively"""
    if real_int( n ) < 0:
        raise ValueError( 'non-negative, real integer expected' )

    if n in [ 0, 1 ]:
        return n
    elif n % 2 == 0: # even
        return getNthStern( floor( fdiv( n, 2 ) ) )
        return fadd( getNthStern( floor( fdiv( fsub( n, 1 ), 2 ) ) ),
                     getNthStern( floor( fdiv( fadd( n, 1 ), 2 ) ) ) )
Beispiel #18
def _crt( a, b, m, n ):
    d = getGCD( m, n )

    if fmod( fsub( a, b ), d ) != 0:
        return None

    x = floor( fdiv( m, d ) )
    y = floor( fdiv( n, d ) )
    z = floor( fdiv( fmul( m, n ), d ) )
    p, q, r = getExtendedGCD( x, y )

    return fmod( fadd( fprod( [ b, p, x ] ), fprod( [ a, q, y ] ) ), z )
	def reduce_to_fpp(self,z):
		# TODO: need to check what happens here when periods are infinite.
		from mpmath import floor, matrix, lu_solve
		T1, T2 = self.periods
		R1, R2 = T1.real, T2.real
		I1, I2 = T1.imag, T2.imag
		A = matrix([[R1,R2],[I1,I2]])
		b = matrix([z.real,z.imag])
		x = lu_solve(A,b)
		N = int(floor(x[0]))
		M = int(floor(x[1]))
		alpha = x[0] - N
		beta = x[1] - M
		assert(alpha >= 0 and beta >= 0)
		return alpha,beta,N,M
Beispiel #20
 def reduce_to_fpp(self, z):
     # TODO: need to check what happens here when periods are infinite.
     from mpmath import floor, matrix, lu_solve
     T1, T2 = self.periods
     R1, R2 = T1.real, T2.real
     I1, I2 = T1.imag, T2.imag
     A = matrix([[R1, R2], [I1, I2]])
     b = matrix([z.real, z.imag])
     x = lu_solve(A, b)
     N = int(floor(x[0]))
     M = int(floor(x[1]))
     alpha = x[0] - N
     beta = x[1] - M
     assert (alpha >= 0 and beta >= 0)
     return alpha, beta, N, M
Beispiel #21
def getNthLucasNumber( n ):
    if real( n ) == 0:
        return 2
    elif n == 1:
        return 1
        return floor( fadd( power( phi, n ), 0.5 ) )
Beispiel #22
 def __call__(self,t):
   with mp.extradps(self.prec):
     t = mpf(t)
     if t == 0:
       print "ERROR:   Inverse transform can not be calculated for t=0"
       return ("Error");
     N = 2*self.N
     # Initiate the stepsize (mit aktueller Präsision)
     h = 2*pi/N
   # The for loop is evaluating the Laplace inversion at each point theta i
   #   which is based on the trapezoidal rule
     ans =  0.0
     for k in range(self.N):
       theta = -pi + (k+0.5)*h
       z = self.shift + N/t*(Talbot.c1*theta/tan(Talbot.c2*theta) - Talbot.c3 + Talbot.c4*theta)
       dz = N/t * (-Talbot.c1*Talbot.c2*theta/sin(Talbot.c2*theta)**2 + Talbot.c1/tan(Talbot.c2*theta)+Talbot.c4)
       v1 = exp(z*t)*dz
       prec = floor(max(log10(abs(v1)),0))
       with mp.extradps(prec):
         value = self.F(z)
       ans += v1*value
     return ((h/pi)*ans).imag
Beispiel #23
def getNthKFibonacciNumber( n, k ):
    if real( n ) < 0:
        raise ValueError( 'non-negative argument expected' )

    if real( k ) < 2:
        raise ValueError( 'argument <= 2 expected' )

    if n < k - 1:
        return 0

    nth = int( n ) + 4

    precision = int( fdiv( fmul( n, k ), 8 ) )

    if ( mp.dps < precision ):
        mp.dps = precision

    poly = [ 1 ]
    poly.extend( [ -1 ] * int( k ) )

    roots = polyroots( poly )
    nthPoly = getNthFibonacciPolynomial( k )

    result = 0
    exponent = fsum( [ nth, fneg( k ), -2 ] )

    for i in range( 0, int( k ) ):
        result += fdiv( power( roots[ i ], exponent ), polyval( nthPoly, roots[ i ] ) )

    return floor( fadd( re( result ), fdiv( 1, 2 ) ) )
Beispiel #24
def getMPFIntegerAsString( n ):
    '''Turns an mpmath mpf integer value into a string for use by lexicographic
    if n == 0:
        return '0'
        return nstr( nint( n ), int( floor( log10( n ) + 10  ) ) )[ : -2 ]
Beispiel #25
def logSpaceAdd(update, before):
	Assume a >= b

	We want to calculate ln(exp(ln(a))+exp(ln(b))), thus
	ln(b) + ln(1+exp(ln(a)-ln(b)))
	ln(b) + ln1p(exp(ln(a)-ln(b)))
    #As there is no neutral element of addition in log space we only start adding when two values are given
    if before == None:
        return update
        a = None
        b = None
        #Check which value is larger
        if update > before:
            b = update
            a = before
            b = before
            a = update

        x = mp.mpf(a) - mp.mpf(b)
        xexp = memoexp(x)
        val = memolog1p(xexp)
        val = val + b
        if val == 0:
            print('a:{} b:{} x:{} xexp:{} log1p:{}'.format(a, b, x, xexp, val))
            raise ValueError(
                'LogSpace Addition has resulted in a value of 0: a = {} b = {} (possible underflow)'
                .format(a, b))
        #elif val > 0:
        #print('a:{} b:{} x:{} xexp:{} log1p:{}'.format(a,b,x,xexp,val))
        #raise ValueError('Prior Update has resulted in a value > 0: a = {} b = {} val = {}'.format(a,b,val))

        if before == val:
            #print('a:{} b:{} x:{} xexp:{} log1p:{}'.format(a,b,x,xexp,val))
                'LogAddition had no effect: a = {} b = {} val = {}'.format(
                    a, b, val))
            #raise ValueError('LogAddition had no effect: a = {} b = {} val = {}'.format(a,b,val))
            #raise ValueError('LogAddition had no effect!')

        if mp.isnan(val):
            raise ValueError(
                'LogSpace Addition has resulted in a value of nan: a = {} b = {}'
                .format(a, b))

        if mp.fabs(val) > 1000:  #At this point who cares let's round a bit
            val = mp.floor(val)

        return val
Beispiel #26
    def getRoot( self, operand ):
        if ( floor( operand ) != operand ):
            raise ValueError( 'cannot take a fractional root of a measurement' )

        newUnits = RPNUnits( self.units )

        for unit, exponent in newUnits.items( ):
            if fmod( exponent, operand ) != 0:
                if operand == 2:
                    name = 'square'
                elif operand == 3:
                    name = 'cube'
                    name = getOrdinalName( operand )

                baseUnits = self.convertToBaseUnits( )

                if ( baseUnits != self ):
                    return baseUnits.getRoot( operand )
                    raise ValueError( 'cannot take the ' + name + ' root of this measurement: ', self.units )

            newUnits[ unit ] /= operand

        value = root( self.value, operand )

        return RPNMeasurement( value, newUnits ).normalizeUnits( )
Beispiel #27
def getNthOctagonalHeptagonalNumberOperator(n):
    return nint(
                fmul(fadd(17, fmul(sqrt(30), 2)),
                     power(fadd(sqrt(5), sqrt(6)), fsub(fmul(8, n), 6))),
Beispiel #28
def convertToBaseN( value, base, outputBaseDigits, numerals ):
    if outputBaseDigits:
        if ( base < 2 ):
            raise ValueError( 'base must be greater than 1' )
        if not ( 2 <= base <= len( numerals ) ):
            raise ValueError( 'base must be from 2 to {0}'.format( len( numerals ) ) )

    if value == 0:
        return 0

    if value < 0:
        return '-' + convertToBaseN( fneg( value ), base, outputBaseDigits, numerals )

    if base == 10:
        return str( value )

    if outputBaseDigits:
        result = [ ]
        result = ''

    leftDigits = mpmathify( value )

    while leftDigits > 0:
        modulo = fmod( leftDigits, base )

        if outputBaseDigits:
            result.insert( 0, int( modulo ) )
            result = numerals[ int( modulo ) ] + result

        leftDigits = floor( fdiv( leftDigits, base ) )

    return result
Beispiel #29
def getNthOctagonalTriangularNumber( n ):
    sign = power( -1, real( n ) )

    return nint( floor( fdiv( fmul( fsub( 7, fprod( [ 2, sqrt( 6 ), sign ] ) ),
                                    power( fadd( sqrt( 3 ), sqrt( 2 ) ),
                                           fsub( fmul( 4, real_int( n ) ), 2 ) ) ),
                              96 ) ) )
Beispiel #30
def getNthDecagonalCenteredSquareNumberOperator(n):
    sqrt10 = sqrt(10)

    dps = 7 * int(n)

    if mp.dps < dps:
        mp.dps = dps

    return nint(
                fdiv(1, 8),
                fmul(fdiv(7, 16),
                     power(fsub(721, fmul(228, sqrt10)), fsub(n, 1))),
                    fmul(fdiv(1, 8),
                         power(fsub(721, fmul(228, sqrt10)), fsub(n, 1))),
                    fmul(fdiv(1, 8),
                         power(fadd(721, fmul(228, sqrt10)), fsub(n, 1))),
                fmul(fdiv(7, 16),
                     power(fadd(721, fmul(228, sqrt10)), fsub(n, 1)))
Beispiel #31
def calc_lambda_psi(psi, ups_r, r1, r2, r3, r4, En, slr, ecc):
    changes lambda(r) -> lambda(psi) by computing lambda(r(psi))

        psi (float): radial angle
        ups_r (float): radial Mino frequency
        r1 (float): radial root
        r2 (float): radial root
        r3 (float): radial root
        r4 (float): radial root
        En (float): energy
        slr (float): semi-latus rectum
        ecc (float): eccentricity

        r (float): radius
        lambda_psi (float)
    pi = mp.pi
    r = calc_radius(psi, slr, ecc)
    lam_r = 2 * pi / ups_r  # radial period
    lam_r1 = calc_lambda_r(r2, r1, r2, r3, r4, En)
    turns = floor(psi / (2 * pi))
    if (psi % (2 * pi)) <= pi:
        res = calc_lambda_r(r, r1, r2, r3, r4, En) - lam_r1
        res = lam_r1 - calc_lambda_r(r, r1, r2, r3, r4, En)

    return r, lam_r * turns + res
Beispiel #32
def getMPFIntegerAsString(n):
    '''Turns an mpmath mpf integer value into a string for use by lexicographic
    if n == 0:
        return '0'

    return nstr(nint(n), int(floor(log10(n) + 10)))[:-2]
Beispiel #33
    def _w_tilde(self, u_bar):
        """Compute w_tilde, the threshold for the word-length w such that
		MSB = computeNaiveMSB    if w >= w_tilde
		MSB = computeNaiveMSB+1  if w < w_tilde
		(this doesn't count into account the roundoff error, as in FxPF)
		See ARITH26 paper
			- u_bar: vector of bounds on the inputs of the system
		Returns: a vector of thresholds w_tilde

		We use:  w_tilde = 1 + ceil(log2(zeta_bar)) - floor(log2( 2^ceil(log2(zeta_bar)) - zeta_bar ))
		with zeta_bar = <<Hzeta>>.u_bar
        #TODO: test if zeta_bar is a power of 2 (should be +Inf in that case)
        zeta_bar = self.Hzeta.WCPG() * u_bar

        with mpmath.workprec(500):  # TODO: compute how many bit we need !!
            wtilde = [
                int(1 + mpmath.ceil(mpmath.log(x[0], 2)) - mpmath.floor(
                        mpmath.power(2, mpmath.ceil(mpmath.log(x[0], 2))) -
                        x[0], 2))) for x in zeta_bar.tolist()

        return wtilde
Beispiel #34
def p(L, n):

    C = mp.log10(2)
    po =, mp.floor(mp.log10(L)))
    C1 = mp.log10(mp.mpf(L) / po)
    C2 = mp.log10(mp.mpf(L + 1) / po)
    k = 1

    while not (C1 <= mp.frac(k * C) < C2):
        k += 1
        auxi = lambda k: mp.frac(k * C) - C1

    approximators = add_approximators(1000, C)
    curr = (k, auxi(k))
    treshold = mp.log10(mp.mpf(L + 1) / mp.mpf(L))
    idx = 1
    while idx < n:
        for el in approximators:
            if 0 <= curr[1] + el[1] < treshold:

                curr = (curr[0] + el[0], auxi(curr[0] + el[0]))
                idx += 1
                #print(curr[0], idx)
    return curr[0]
Beispiel #35
def getNthNonagonalOctagonalNumber( n ):
    sqrt6 = sqrt( 6 )
    sqrt7 = sqrt( 7 )

    return nint( floor( fdiv( fmul( fsub( fmul( 11, sqrt7 ), fmul( 9, sqrt6 ) ),
                                    power( fadd( sqrt6, sqrt7 ), fsub( fmul( 8, real_int( n ) ), 5 ) ) ),
                              672 ) ) )
Beispiel #36
    def getRoot(self, operand):
        if floor(operand) != operand:
            raise ValueError('cannot take a fractional root of a measurement')

        newUnits = RPNUnits(self.units)

        for unit, exponent in newUnits.items():
            if fmod(exponent, operand) != 0:
                if operand == 2:
                    name = 'square'
                elif operand == 3:
                    name = 'cube'
                    # getOrdinalName( operand )
                    name = str(int(operand)) + 'th'

                baseUnits = self.convertToPrimitiveUnits()

                if baseUnits != self:
                    return baseUnits.getRoot(operand)

                raise ValueError(
                    'cannot take the ' + name + ' root of this measurement: ',

            newUnits[unit] /= operand

        value = root(self.value, operand)

        return RPNMeasurement(value, newUnits).normalizeUnits()
Beispiel #37
    def convertUnitList( self, other ):
        if not isinstance( other, list ):
            raise ValueError( 'convertUnitList expects a list argument' )

        result = [ ]

        nonIntegral = False

        for i in range( 1, len( other ) ):
            conversion = g.unitConversionMatrix[ ( other[ i - 1 ].getUnitName( ), other[ i ].getUnitName( ) ) ]

            if conversion != floor( conversion ):
                nonIntegral = True

        if nonIntegral:
            source = self

            for count, measurement in enumerate( other ):
                with extradps( 2 ):
                    conversion = source.convertValue( measurement )

                    if count < len( other ) - 1:
                        result.append( RPNMeasurement( floor( conversion ), measurement.units ) )
                        source = RPNMeasurement( chop( frac( conversion ) ), measurement.units )
                        result.append( RPNMeasurement( conversion, measurement.units ) )

            return result
            source = self.convert( other[ -2 ] )

            with extradps( 2 ):
                result.append( source.getModulo( other[ -2 ] ).convert( other[ -1 ] ) )

            source = source.subtract( result[ -1 ] )

            for i in range( len( other ) - 2, 0, -1 ):
                source = source.convert( other[ i - 1 ] )

                with extradps( 2 ):
                    result.append( source.getModulo( other[ i - 1 ] ).convert( other[ i ] ) )

                source = source.subtract( result[ -1 ] )

            result.append( source )

            return result[ : : -1 ]
Beispiel #38
def getNthMotzkinNumber( n ):
    result = 0

    for j in arange( 0, floor( fdiv( real( n ), 3 ) ) + 1 ):
        result = fadd( result, fprod( [ power( -1, j ), binomial( fadd( n, 1 ), j ),
                                      binomial( fsub( fmul( 2, n ), fmul( 3, j ) ), n ) ] ) )

    return fdiv( result, fadd( n, 1 ) )
Beispiel #39
def getNthNonagonalHeptagonalNumberOperator(n):
    sqrt35 = sqrt(35)

    return nint(
                fmul(fadd(39, fmul(4, sqrt35)),
                     power(fadd(6, sqrt35), fsub(fmul(4, n), 3))), 560)))
Beispiel #40
def real_int( n ):
    if im( n ) != 0:
        raise ValueError( 'real argument expected ({})'.format( n ) )

    if n != floor( n ):
        raise ValueError( 'integer argument expected ({})'.format( n ) )

    return int( n )
Beispiel #41
def getNthDecagonalTriangularNumberOperator(n):
    return nint(
                fmul(fadd(9, fprod([4, sqrt(2),
                                    power(-1, fadd(n, 1))])),
                     power(fadd(1, sqrt(2)), fsub(fmul(4, fadd(n, 1)), 6))),
Beispiel #42
def duplicateOperation( valueList ):
    if g.duplicateOperations > 0:
        raise ValueError( "'dupop' must be followed by another operation" )

    if isinstance( valueList[ -1 ], list ):
        raise ValueError( "'dupop' cannot accept a list argument" )

    g.duplicateOperations = nint( floor( valueList.pop( ) ) )
Beispiel #43
def getNthOctagonalTriangularNumberOperator(n):
    sign = power(-1, n)

    return nint(
                fmul(fsub(7, fprod([2, sqrt(6), sign])),
                     power(fadd(sqrt(3), sqrt(2)), fsub(fmul(4, n), 2))), 96)))
Beispiel #44
def getNthGeneralizedPolygonalNumber(n, k):
    negative = (fmod(n, 2) == 0)

    n = floor(fdiv(fadd(n, 1), 2))

    if negative:
        n = fneg(n)

    return getNthPolygonalNumber(n, k)
Beispiel #45
def getNthNonagonalPentagonalNumber( n ):
    sqrt21 = sqrt( 21 )
    sign = power( -1, real_int( n ) )

    return nint( floor( fdiv( fprod( [ fadd( 25, fmul( 4, sqrt21 ) ),
                                       fsub( 5, fmul( sqrt21, sign ) ),
                                       power( fadd( fmul( 2, sqrt( 7 ) ), fmul( 3, sqrt( 3 ) ) ),
                                              fsub( fmul( 4, n ), 4 ) ) ] ),
                              336 ) ) )
Beispiel #46
def getNthNonagonalOctagonalNumberOperator(n):
    sqrt6 = sqrt(6)
    sqrt7 = sqrt(7)

    return nint(
                fmul(fsub(fmul(11, sqrt7), fmul(9, sqrt6)),
                     power(fadd(sqrt6, sqrt7), fsub(fmul(8, n), 5))), 672)))
Beispiel #47
def addDigits(n, k):
    digits = int(k)

    if digits == 0:
        digitCount = 1
        digitCount = int(fadd(floor(log10(k)), 1))

    return appendDigits(n, digits, digitCount)
Beispiel #48
def mpmsb(value, signed):
    if isinstance(value, Interval):
        return np.max([mpmsb(value.lower_bound, signed=signed),
                       mpmsb(value.upper_bound, signed=signed)])
    if value > 0:
        return int(mpmath.floor(mpmath.log(value, 2))) + int(signed)
    if value < 0:
        return int(mpmath.ceil(mpmath.log(-value, 2)))
    return -np.inf
Beispiel #49
def getNthDecagonalNonagonalNumber( n ):
    dps = 8 * int( real_int( n ) )

    if mp.dps < dps:
        mp.dps = dps

    return nint( floor( fdiv( fmul( fadd( 15, fmul( 2, sqrt( 14 ) ) ),
                                    power( fadd( fmul( 2, sqrt( 2 ) ), sqrt( 7 ) ),
                                           fsub( fmul( 8, n ), 6 ) ) ), 448 ) ) )
Beispiel #50
def getNthDecagonalHeptagonalNumber( n ):
    sqrt10 = sqrt( 10 )

    return nint( floor( fdiv( fprod( [ fsub( 11,
                                             fmul( fmul( 2, sqrt10 ),
                                                   power( -1, real_int( n ) ) ) ),
                                       fadd( 1, sqrt10 ),
                                       power( fadd( 3, sqrt10 ),
                                              fsub( fmul( 4, n ), 3 ) ) ] ), 320 ) ) )
Beispiel #51
def _mp_round(n):
    ceil = mp.ceil(n)
    floor = mp.floor(n)
    ceil_diff = mp.fabs(n - ceil)
    floor_diff = mp.fabs(n - floor)
    if ceil_diff <= floor_diff:
        return ceil
        return floor
Beispiel #52
def decompose(x, gamma_pow, precision=40):
    with mp.workdps(2048):
        tail = x
        compressed = np.zeros(precision + 1)
        for i in xrange(precision + 1):
            if tail == 0:
            tail, compressed[i] = mp.frac(tail), mp.floor(tail)
            tail = mp.ldexp(tail, gamma_pow)
        return compressed
Beispiel #53
def real_int( n ):
    '''Validates that a value is a real integer and throws an error if it
    if im( n ) != 0:
        raise ValueError( 'real argument expected ({})'.format( n ) )

    if n != floor( n ):
        raise ValueError( 'integer argument expected ({})'.format( n ) )

    return int( n )
Beispiel #54
def convertToNonintegerBase( num, base ):
    epsilon = power( 10, -( mp.dps - 3 ) )
    minPlace = -( floor( mp.dps / log( base ) ) )

    output = ''
    integer = ''

    remaining = num

    # find starting place
    place = int( floor( log( remaining, base ) ) )

    while remaining > epsilon:
        if place < minPlace:

        if place == -1:
            integer = output
            output = ''

        placeValue = power( base, place )

        value = fdiv( remaining, placeValue )

        value = fmul( value, power( 10, mp.dps - 3 ) )
        value = nint( value )
        value = fdiv( value, power( 10, mp.dps - 3 ) )

        value = floor( value )
        remaining = chop( fsub( remaining, fmul( placeValue, value ) ) )

        output += str( value )[ : -2 ]

        place -= 1

    if place >= 0:
        integer = output + '0' * ( place + 1 )
        output = ''

    if integer == '':
        return output, ''
        return integer, output
Beispiel #55
def hash():
    seed = int(mpmath.floor(random.random() * 32)) + 32

    def r(str):
        result = 1
        for i in range(1, len(str)):
            result = (seed * result + ord(str[i])) & 0xFFFFFFFF
        return result

    return r
Beispiel #56
    def __init__( self, value, maxterms = 15, cutoff = 1e-10 ):
        if isinstance( value, ( int, float, mpf ) ):
            value = mpmathify( value )
            remainder = floor( value )
            self.append( remainder )

            while len( self ) < maxterms:
                value -= remainder

                if value > cutoff:
                    value = fdiv( 1, value )
                    remainder = floor( value )
                    self.append( remainder )

        elif isinstance( value, ( list, tuple ) ):
            self.extend( value )
            raise ValueError( 'RPNContinuedFraction requires a number or a list' )
Beispiel #57
 def G(self,s): # Laplace-Transform
   zz = 2*self.v + 2 + s
   mu = sqrt(self.v**2+2*zz)
   a  = mu/2 - self.v/2 - 1
   b  = mu/2 + self.v/2 + 2
   v1 = (2*self.alp)**(-a)*gamma(b)/gamma(mu+1)/(zz*(zz - 2*(1 + self.v)))
   prec = floor(max(log10(abs(v1)),mp.dps))+self.prec
   # additional precision needed for computation of hyp1f1
   with mp.extradps(prec):
     value = hyp1f1(a,mu + 1,self.beta)*v1
   return value
Beispiel #58
    def exponentiate( self, exponent ):
        if ( floor( exponent ) != exponent ):
            raise ValueError( 'cannot raise a measurement to a non-integral power' )

        exponent = int( exponent )
        newValue = power( self.value, exponent )

        for unit in self.units:
            self.units[ unit ] *= exponent

        return RPNMeasurement( newValue, self.units )
Beispiel #59
    def add( self, time ):
        if not isinstance( time, RPNMeasurement ):
            ValueError( 'RPNMeasurement expected' )

        if 'years' in g.unitOperators[ time.getUnitString( ) ].categories:
            years = convertUnits( time, 'year' ).getValue( )
            return self.replace( year = self.year + years )
        elif 'months' in g.unitOperators[ time.getUnitString( ) ].categories:
            months = convertUnits( time, 'month' ).getValue( )
            return self.incrementMonths( months )
            days = int( floor( convertUnits( time, 'day' ).getValue( ) ) )
            seconds = int( fmod( floor( convertUnits( time, 'second' ).getValue( ) ), 86400 ) )
            microseconds = int( fmod( floor( convertUnits( time, 'microsecond' ).getValue( ) ), 1000000 ) )

                return self + datetime.timedelta( days = days, seconds = seconds, microseconds = microseconds )
            except OverflowError:
                print( 'rpn:  value is out of range to be converted into a time' )
                return nan