def tables(f, r, v, xi, symmetric, verbose=False): """Calculate k[i], w[i], and f[i].""" ki = [None] * len(xi) wi = ki[:] fi = ki[:] if symmetric: im = 2**31 else: im = 2**32 for i, x in enumerate(xi): if verbose and i & 7 == 0: print('\r{0}/{1}'.format(i, len(xi)), end='', file=sys.stderr) if i == 0: ki[0] = mpmath.floor(im * r*f(r)/v) wi[0] = v / f(r) / im else: ki[i] = mpmath.floor(im * xi[i-1]/x) wi[i] = x / im fi[i] = f(x) if verbose: print('\r{0}/{0}'.format(len(xi)), file=sys.stderr) assert all(v is not None for v in ki) assert all(v is not None for v in wi) assert all(v is not None for v in fi) return ki, wi, fi
def cplot_in_terminal(expr, *args, prec=None, logname=None, color=lambda i: -mpmath.floor(mpmath.log(abs(i), 10))/(30 - mpmath.floor(mpmath.log(abs(i), 10))), points=1000000, **kwargs): """ Run mpmath.cplot() but show in terminal if possible """ kwargs['color'] = color kwargs['points'] = points from mpmath import cplot if prec: = prec f = lambdify(t, expr, mpmath) try: from iterm2_tools.images import display_image_bytes except ImportError: if logname: os.makedirs('plots', exist_ok=True) file = 'plots/%s.png' % logname else: file = None cplot(f, *args, file=file, **kwargs) else: from io import BytesIO b = BytesIO() cplot(f, *args, **kwargs, file=b) if logname: os.makedirs('plots', exist_ok=True) with open('plots/%s.png' % logname, 'wb') as f: f.write(b.getvalue()) print(display_image_bytes(b.getvalue()))
def add(self, time): if not isinstance(time, RPNMeasurement): ValueError('RPNMeasurement expected') #print( 'time.getUnitName( )', time.getUnitName( ) ) #print( 'g.unitOperators[ time.getUnitName( ) ].categories', g.unitOperators[ time.getUnitName( ) ].categories ) if 'years' in g.unitOperators[time.getUnitName()].categories: years = time.convertValue('year') return self.replace(year=self.year + years) elif 'months' in g.unitOperators[time.getUnitName()].categories: months = time.convertValue('month') return self.incrementMonths(months) else: days = int(floor(time.convertValue('day'))) seconds = int(fmod(floor(time.convertValue('second')), 86400)) microseconds = int( fmod(floor(time.convertValue('microsecond')), 1000000)) try: return self + datetime.timedelta( days=days, seconds=seconds, microseconds=microseconds) except OverflowError: print( 'rpn: value is out of range to be converted into a time') return nan
def verige(num, denominator_limit): Z = num C = [] P = [] Q = [] C.append(int(mp.floor(num))) Z = mp.fdiv(1, mp.frac(Z)) C.append(int(mp.floor(Z))) P.append(C[0]) P.append(C[0] * C[1] + 1) Q.append(1) Q.append(C[1]) for k in range(2, 1000000): Z = mp.fdiv(1, mp.frac(Z)) C.append(int(mp.floor(Z))) if Q[-1] > denominator_limit: break P.append(C[k] * P[k - 1] + P[k - 2]) Q.append(C[k] * Q[k - 1] + Q[k - 2]) return C, P, Q
def forbidden_index_search(self, x, q): with workdps(self.dps): x_big = [mpf(el) * self.gamma**self.k for el in x] eps = mpf('1') / (self.gamma - 1) intervals = mp.linspace(mpf('0'), mpf('1'), self.gamma) length = mpf('1.0') * (self.gamma - 2) / (self.gamma - 1) x_big_frac = [mp.frac(el) for el in x_big] ineq = [mp.frac(el + q*eps) <= length for el in x_big_frac] # Determine i-s ord_val = eps * q * self.gamma**self.k mod_val = ord_val - length indices = [int(mp.floor(el + ord_val)) if ineq[i] else int(mp.floor(el + mod_val)) for i, el in enumerate(x_big)] multipliers = [1]*len(x_big) for i in xrange(len(x_big)): if not ineq[i]: indices[i] = [indices[i], indices[i] + 1] #multipliers[i] = [mpf('0.5'), mpf('0.5')] multipliers[i] = [(indices[i][0] + eps - (x_big[i] + mod_val))/eps, (x_big[i] + mod_val - indices[i][0])/eps] # Now we have indices, where indices[i] may be number, or a pair of numbers (if x[i] lay between intervals) return indices, multipliers
def convertFromEphemDate( ephem_date ): dateValues = list( ephem_date.tuple( ) ) dateValues.append( int( fmul( fsub( dateValues[ 5 ], floor( dateValues[ 5 ] ) ), 1000000 ) ) ) dateValues[ 5 ] = int( floor( dateValues[ 5 ] ) ) return RPNDateTime( *dateValues )
def getInvertedBits( n ): value = real_int( n ) # determine how many groups of bits we will be looking at if value == 0: groupings = 1 else: groupings = int( fadd( floor( fdiv( ( log( value, 2 ) ), g.bitwiseGroupSize ) ), 1 ) ) placeValue = mpmathify( 1 << g.bitwiseGroupSize ) multiplier = mpmathify( 1 ) remaining = value result = mpmathify( 0 ) for i in range( 0, groupings ): # Let's let Python do the actual inverting group = fmod( ~int( fmod( remaining, placeValue ) ), placeValue ) result += fmul( group, multiplier ) remaining = floor( fdiv( remaining, placeValue ) ) multiplier = fmul( multiplier, placeValue ) return result
def getSigma( target ): ''' Returns the sum of the divisors of n, including 1 and n. ''' n = floor( target ) if real( n ) == 0: return 0 elif n == 1: return 1 factors = getECMFactors( n ) if g.ecm else getFactors( n ) result = 1 for factor in factors: numerator = fsub( power( factor[ 0 ], fadd( factor[ 1 ], 1 ) ), 1 ) denominator = fsub( factor[ 0 ], 1 ) #debugPrint( 'sigma', numerator, denominator ) result = fmul( result, fdiv( numerator, denominator ) ) if result != floor( result ): raise ValueError( 'insufficient precision for \'sigma\', increase precision (-p))' ) return result
def getECMFactors( target ): from pyecm import factors n = int( floor( target ) ) verbose = g.verbose randomSigma = True asymptoticSpeed = 10 processingPower = 1.0 if n < -1: return [ ( -1, 1 ) ] + getECMFactors( fneg( n ) ) elif n == -1: return [ ( -1, 1 ) ] elif n == 0: return [ ( 0, 1 ) ] elif n == 1: return [ ( 1, 1 ) ] if verbose: print( '\nfactoring', n, '(', int( floor( log10( n ) ) ), ' digits)...' ) if g.factorCache is None: loadFactorCache( ) if n in g.factorCache: if verbose and n != 1: print( 'cache hit:', n ) print( ) return g.factorCache[ n ] result = [ ] for factor in factors( n, verbose, randomSigma, asymptoticSpeed, processingPower ): result.append( factor ) result = [ int( i ) for i in result ] largeFactors = list( collections.Counter( [ i for i in result if i > 65535 ] ).items( ) ) product = int( fprod( [ power( i[ 0 ], i[ 1 ] ) for i in largeFactors ] ) ) save = False if product not in g.factorCache: g.factorCache[ product ] = largeFactors save = True result = list( collections.Counter( result ).items( ) ) if n > g.minValueToCache and n not in g.factorCache: g.factorCache[ n ] = result g.factorCacheIsDirty = True if verbose: print( ) return result
def convertFromEphemDate(ephemDate): dateValues = list(ephemDate.tuple()) dateValues.append( int(fmul(fsub(dateValues[5], floor(dateValues[5])), 1000000))) dateValues[5] = int(floor(dateValues[5])) # We always pass UTC time to ephem, so we'll expect UTC back dateValues.append(tz.gettz('UTC')) return RPNDateTime(*dateValues)
def continued(x, n): l = [] q = mpmath.floor(x) for i in range(n - 1): # x = bq + r b = mpmath.floor(x / q) l.append(b) r = x - b * q x, q = q, r return l
def getFactors(target): if target < -1: result = [-1] result.extend(getFactors(fneg(target))) return result if target == -1: return [-1] if target == 0: return [0] if target == 1: return [1] n = int(floor(target)) setAccuracy(floor(fadd(log10(n), 2))) if g.factorCache is None: loadFactorCache() if not g.ignoreCache: if n in g.factorCache: if g.verbose and n != 1: print('cache hit:', n) print() debugPrint('\nfactor cache', n, g.factorCache[n]) return g.factorCache[n] try: result = factorByTrialDivision(n) # throws if n is too big if n > g.minValueToCache and n not in g.factorCache: g.factorCache[n] = result return result except ValueError: pass if g.useYAFU and n > g.minValueForYAFU: result = runYAFU(n) else: result = factorise(int(n)) if n > g.minValueToCache: if g.ignoreCache or (not g.ignoreCache and n not in g.factorCache): debugPrint('\ncaching factors of ', n, result) g.factorCache[n] = result return result
def _fmod(x, y): """ returns x - n * y, where n is the quotient of x / y, rounded towards zero to an integer. """ fquot = mpmath.mpf(x) / y if fquot < 0: n = -mpmath.floor(-fquot) else: n = mpmath.floor(fquot) return x - n * y
def tupper(x: float, y: float) -> bool: """ Calculates the Tupper's inequality in x and y :param x: horizontal shift :param y: vertical shift :return: """ return 0.5 < mp.floor( mp.fmod( mp.floor(y / 17) * 2**(-17 * mp.floor(x) - mp.fmod(mp.floor(y), 17)), 2))
def convertUnitList(self, other): if not isinstance(other, list): raise ValueError('convertUnitList expects a list argument') result = [] nonIntegral = False for i in range(1, len(other)): conversion = g.unitConversionMatrix[(other[i - 1].getUnitName(), other[i].getUnitName())] if conversion != floor(conversion): nonIntegral = True if nonIntegral: source = self for count, measurement in enumerate(other): with extradps(2): conversion = source.convertValue(measurement) if count < len(other) - 1: result.append( RPNMeasurement(floor(conversion), measurement.units)) source = RPNMeasurement(chop(frac(conversion)), measurement.units) else: result.append( RPNMeasurement(conversion, measurement.units)) return result else: source = self.convert(other[-2]) with extradps(2): result.append(source.getModulo(other[-2]).convert(other[-1])) source = source.subtract(result[-1]) for i in range(len(other) - 2, 0, -1): source = source.convert(other[i - 1]) with extradps(2): result.append( source.getModulo(other[i - 1]).convert(other[i])) source = source.subtract(result[-1]) result.append(source) return result[::-1]
def getNthStern( n ): """Return the nth number of Stern's diatomic series recursively""" if real_int( n ) < 0: raise ValueError( 'non-negative, real integer expected' ) if n in [ 0, 1 ]: return n elif n % 2 == 0: # even return getNthStern( floor( fdiv( n, 2 ) ) ) else: return fadd( getNthStern( floor( fdiv( fsub( n, 1 ), 2 ) ) ), getNthStern( floor( fdiv( fadd( n, 1 ), 2 ) ) ) )
def _crt( a, b, m, n ): d = getGCD( m, n ) if fmod( fsub( a, b ), d ) != 0: return None x = floor( fdiv( m, d ) ) y = floor( fdiv( n, d ) ) z = floor( fdiv( fmul( m, n ), d ) ) p, q, r = getExtendedGCD( x, y ) return fmod( fadd( fprod( [ b, p, x ] ), fprod( [ a, q, y ] ) ), z )
def reduce_to_fpp(self,z): # TODO: need to check what happens here when periods are infinite. from mpmath import floor, matrix, lu_solve T1, T2 = self.periods R1, R2 = T1.real, T2.real I1, I2 = T1.imag, T2.imag A = matrix([[R1,R2],[I1,I2]]) b = matrix([z.real,z.imag]) x = lu_solve(A,b) N = int(floor(x[0])) M = int(floor(x[1])) alpha = x[0] - N beta = x[1] - M assert(alpha >= 0 and beta >= 0) return alpha,beta,N,M
def reduce_to_fpp(self, z): # TODO: need to check what happens here when periods are infinite. from mpmath import floor, matrix, lu_solve T1, T2 = self.periods R1, R2 = T1.real, T2.real I1, I2 = T1.imag, T2.imag A = matrix([[R1, R2], [I1, I2]]) b = matrix([z.real, z.imag]) x = lu_solve(A, b) N = int(floor(x[0])) M = int(floor(x[1])) alpha = x[0] - N beta = x[1] - M assert (alpha >= 0 and beta >= 0) return alpha, beta, N, M
def getNthLucasNumber( n ): if real( n ) == 0: return 2 elif n == 1: return 1 else: return floor( fadd( power( phi, n ), 0.5 ) )
def __call__(self,t): with mp.extradps(self.prec): t = mpf(t) if t == 0: print "ERROR: Inverse transform can not be calculated for t=0" return ("Error"); N = 2*self.N # Initiate the stepsize (mit aktueller Präsision) h = 2*pi/N # The for loop is evaluating the Laplace inversion at each point theta i # which is based on the trapezoidal rule ans = 0.0 for k in range(self.N): theta = -pi + (k+0.5)*h z = self.shift + N/t*(Talbot.c1*theta/tan(Talbot.c2*theta) - Talbot.c3 + Talbot.c4*theta) dz = N/t * (-Talbot.c1*Talbot.c2*theta/sin(Talbot.c2*theta)**2 + Talbot.c1/tan(Talbot.c2*theta)+Talbot.c4) v1 = exp(z*t)*dz prec = floor(max(log10(abs(v1)),0)) with mp.extradps(prec): value = self.F(z) ans += v1*value return ((h/pi)*ans).imag
def getNthKFibonacciNumber( n, k ): if real( n ) < 0: raise ValueError( 'non-negative argument expected' ) if real( k ) < 2: raise ValueError( 'argument <= 2 expected' ) if n < k - 1: return 0 nth = int( n ) + 4 precision = int( fdiv( fmul( n, k ), 8 ) ) if ( mp.dps < precision ): mp.dps = precision poly = [ 1 ] poly.extend( [ -1 ] * int( k ) ) roots = polyroots( poly ) nthPoly = getNthFibonacciPolynomial( k ) result = 0 exponent = fsum( [ nth, fneg( k ), -2 ] ) for i in range( 0, int( k ) ): result += fdiv( power( roots[ i ], exponent ), polyval( nthPoly, roots[ i ] ) ) return floor( fadd( re( result ), fdiv( 1, 2 ) ) )
def getMPFIntegerAsString( n ): '''Turns an mpmath mpf integer value into a string for use by lexicographic operators.''' if n == 0: return '0' else: return nstr( nint( n ), int( floor( log10( n ) + 10 ) ) )[ : -2 ]
def logSpaceAdd(update, before): ''' Assume a >= b We want to calculate ln(exp(ln(a))+exp(ln(b))), thus ln( exp(ln(b))*(1+exp(ln(a)-ln(b))) ) -> ln(b) + ln(1+exp(ln(a)-ln(b))) -> ln(b) + ln1p(exp(ln(a)-ln(b))) ''' #As there is no neutral element of addition in log space we only start adding when two values are given if before == None: return update else: a = None b = None #Check which value is larger if update > before: b = update a = before else: b = before a = update x = mp.mpf(a) - mp.mpf(b) #print(update,before) xexp = memoexp(x) #print('Exp:',xexp) val = memolog1p(xexp) #print('Log:',val) val = val + b if val == 0: print('a:{} b:{} x:{} xexp:{} log1p:{}'.format(a, b, x, xexp, val)) raise ValueError( 'LogSpace Addition has resulted in a value of 0: a = {} b = {} (possible underflow)' .format(a, b)) #elif val > 0: #print('a:{} b:{} x:{} xexp:{} log1p:{}'.format(a,b,x,xexp,val)) #raise ValueError('Prior Update has resulted in a value > 0: a = {} b = {} val = {}'.format(a,b,val)) if before == val: #print('a:{} b:{} x:{} xexp:{} log1p:{}'.format(a,b,x,xexp,val)) logging.warning( 'LogAddition had no effect: a = {} b = {} val = {}'.format( a, b, val)) #raise ValueError('LogAddition had no effect: a = {} b = {} val = {}'.format(a,b,val)) #raise ValueError('LogAddition had no effect!') if mp.isnan(val): raise ValueError( 'LogSpace Addition has resulted in a value of nan: a = {} b = {}' .format(a, b)) if mp.fabs(val) > 1000: #At this point who cares let's round a bit val = mp.floor(val) return val
def getRoot( self, operand ): if ( floor( operand ) != operand ): raise ValueError( 'cannot take a fractional root of a measurement' ) newUnits = RPNUnits( self.units ) for unit, exponent in newUnits.items( ): if fmod( exponent, operand ) != 0: if operand == 2: name = 'square' elif operand == 3: name = 'cube' else: name = getOrdinalName( operand ) baseUnits = self.convertToBaseUnits( ) if ( baseUnits != self ): return baseUnits.getRoot( operand ) else: raise ValueError( 'cannot take the ' + name + ' root of this measurement: ', self.units ) newUnits[ unit ] /= operand value = root( self.value, operand ) return RPNMeasurement( value, newUnits ).normalizeUnits( )
def getNthOctagonalHeptagonalNumberOperator(n): return nint( floor( fdiv( fmul(fadd(17, fmul(sqrt(30), 2)), power(fadd(sqrt(5), sqrt(6)), fsub(fmul(8, n), 6))), 480)))
def convertToBaseN( value, base, outputBaseDigits, numerals ): if outputBaseDigits: if ( base < 2 ): raise ValueError( 'base must be greater than 1' ) else: if not ( 2 <= base <= len( numerals ) ): raise ValueError( 'base must be from 2 to {0}'.format( len( numerals ) ) ) if value == 0: return 0 if value < 0: return '-' + convertToBaseN( fneg( value ), base, outputBaseDigits, numerals ) if base == 10: return str( value ) if outputBaseDigits: result = [ ] else: result = '' leftDigits = mpmathify( value ) while leftDigits > 0: modulo = fmod( leftDigits, base ) if outputBaseDigits: result.insert( 0, int( modulo ) ) else: result = numerals[ int( modulo ) ] + result leftDigits = floor( fdiv( leftDigits, base ) ) return result
def getNthOctagonalTriangularNumber( n ): sign = power( -1, real( n ) ) return nint( floor( fdiv( fmul( fsub( 7, fprod( [ 2, sqrt( 6 ), sign ] ) ), power( fadd( sqrt( 3 ), sqrt( 2 ) ), fsub( fmul( 4, real_int( n ) ), 2 ) ) ), 96 ) ) )
def getNthDecagonalCenteredSquareNumberOperator(n): sqrt10 = sqrt(10) dps = 7 * int(n) if mp.dps < dps: mp.dps = dps return nint( floor( fsum([ fdiv(1, 8), fmul(fdiv(7, 16), power(fsub(721, fmul(228, sqrt10)), fsub(n, 1))), fmul( fmul(fdiv(1, 8), power(fsub(721, fmul(228, sqrt10)), fsub(n, 1))), sqrt10), fmul( fmul(fdiv(1, 8), power(fadd(721, fmul(228, sqrt10)), fsub(n, 1))), sqrt10), fmul(fdiv(7, 16), power(fadd(721, fmul(228, sqrt10)), fsub(n, 1))) ])))
def calc_lambda_psi(psi, ups_r, r1, r2, r3, r4, En, slr, ecc): """ changes lambda(r) -> lambda(psi) by computing lambda(r(psi)) Parameters: psi (float): radial angle ups_r (float): radial Mino frequency r1 (float): radial root r2 (float): radial root r3 (float): radial root r4 (float): radial root En (float): energy slr (float): semi-latus rectum ecc (float): eccentricity Returns: r (float): radius lambda_psi (float) """ pi = mp.pi r = calc_radius(psi, slr, ecc) lam_r = 2 * pi / ups_r # radial period lam_r1 = calc_lambda_r(r2, r1, r2, r3, r4, En) turns = floor(psi / (2 * pi)) if (psi % (2 * pi)) <= pi: res = calc_lambda_r(r, r1, r2, r3, r4, En) - lam_r1 else: res = lam_r1 - calc_lambda_r(r, r1, r2, r3, r4, En) return r, lam_r * turns + res
def getMPFIntegerAsString(n): '''Turns an mpmath mpf integer value into a string for use by lexicographic operators.''' if n == 0: return '0' return nstr(nint(n), int(floor(log10(n) + 10)))[:-2]
def _w_tilde(self, u_bar): """Compute w_tilde, the threshold for the word-length w such that MSB = computeNaiveMSB if w >= w_tilde MSB = computeNaiveMSB+1 if w < w_tilde (this doesn't count into account the roundoff error, as in FxPF) See ARITH26 paper Parameters: - u_bar: vector of bounds on the inputs of the system Returns: a vector of thresholds w_tilde We use: w_tilde = 1 + ceil(log2(zeta_bar)) - floor(log2( 2^ceil(log2(zeta_bar)) - zeta_bar )) with zeta_bar = <<Hzeta>>.u_bar """ #TODO: test if zeta_bar is a power of 2 (should be +Inf in that case) zeta_bar = self.Hzeta.WCPG() * u_bar with mpmath.workprec(500): # TODO: compute how many bit we need !! wtilde = [ int(1 + mpmath.ceil(mpmath.log(x[0], 2)) - mpmath.floor( mpmath.log( mpmath.power(2, mpmath.ceil(mpmath.log(x[0], 2))) - x[0], 2))) for x in zeta_bar.tolist() ] return wtilde
def p(L, n): C = mp.log10(2) po =, mp.floor(mp.log10(L))) C1 = mp.log10(mp.mpf(L) / po) C2 = mp.log10(mp.mpf(L + 1) / po) k = 1 while not (C1 <= mp.frac(k * C) < C2): k += 1 auxi = lambda k: mp.frac(k * C) - C1 approximators = add_approximators(1000, C) curr = (k, auxi(k)) treshold = mp.log10(mp.mpf(L + 1) / mp.mpf(L)) idx = 1 while idx < n: for el in approximators: if 0 <= curr[1] + el[1] < treshold: curr = (curr[0] + el[0], auxi(curr[0] + el[0])) idx += 1 #print(curr[0], idx) break return curr[0]
def getNthNonagonalOctagonalNumber( n ): sqrt6 = sqrt( 6 ) sqrt7 = sqrt( 7 ) return nint( floor( fdiv( fmul( fsub( fmul( 11, sqrt7 ), fmul( 9, sqrt6 ) ), power( fadd( sqrt6, sqrt7 ), fsub( fmul( 8, real_int( n ) ), 5 ) ) ), 672 ) ) )
def getRoot(self, operand): if floor(operand) != operand: raise ValueError('cannot take a fractional root of a measurement') newUnits = RPNUnits(self.units) for unit, exponent in newUnits.items(): if fmod(exponent, operand) != 0: if operand == 2: name = 'square' elif operand == 3: name = 'cube' else: # getOrdinalName( operand ) name = str(int(operand)) + 'th' baseUnits = self.convertToPrimitiveUnits() if baseUnits != self: return baseUnits.getRoot(operand) raise ValueError( 'cannot take the ' + name + ' root of this measurement: ', self.units) newUnits[unit] /= operand value = root(self.value, operand) return RPNMeasurement(value, newUnits).normalizeUnits()
def convertUnitList( self, other ): if not isinstance( other, list ): raise ValueError( 'convertUnitList expects a list argument' ) result = [ ] nonIntegral = False for i in range( 1, len( other ) ): conversion = g.unitConversionMatrix[ ( other[ i - 1 ].getUnitName( ), other[ i ].getUnitName( ) ) ] if conversion != floor( conversion ): nonIntegral = True if nonIntegral: source = self for count, measurement in enumerate( other ): with extradps( 2 ): conversion = source.convertValue( measurement ) if count < len( other ) - 1: result.append( RPNMeasurement( floor( conversion ), measurement.units ) ) source = RPNMeasurement( chop( frac( conversion ) ), measurement.units ) else: result.append( RPNMeasurement( conversion, measurement.units ) ) return result else: source = self.convert( other[ -2 ] ) with extradps( 2 ): result.append( source.getModulo( other[ -2 ] ).convert( other[ -1 ] ) ) source = source.subtract( result[ -1 ] ) for i in range( len( other ) - 2, 0, -1 ): source = source.convert( other[ i - 1 ] ) with extradps( 2 ): result.append( source.getModulo( other[ i - 1 ] ).convert( other[ i ] ) ) source = source.subtract( result[ -1 ] ) result.append( source ) return result[ : : -1 ]
def getNthMotzkinNumber( n ): result = 0 for j in arange( 0, floor( fdiv( real( n ), 3 ) ) + 1 ): result = fadd( result, fprod( [ power( -1, j ), binomial( fadd( n, 1 ), j ), binomial( fsub( fmul( 2, n ), fmul( 3, j ) ), n ) ] ) ) return fdiv( result, fadd( n, 1 ) )
def getNthNonagonalHeptagonalNumberOperator(n): sqrt35 = sqrt(35) return nint( floor( fdiv( fmul(fadd(39, fmul(4, sqrt35)), power(fadd(6, sqrt35), fsub(fmul(4, n), 3))), 560)))
def real_int( n ): if im( n ) != 0: raise ValueError( 'real argument expected ({})'.format( n ) ) if n != floor( n ): raise ValueError( 'integer argument expected ({})'.format( n ) ) return int( n )
def getNthDecagonalTriangularNumberOperator(n): return nint( floor( fdiv( fmul(fadd(9, fprod([4, sqrt(2), power(-1, fadd(n, 1))])), power(fadd(1, sqrt(2)), fsub(fmul(4, fadd(n, 1)), 6))), 64)))
def duplicateOperation( valueList ): if g.duplicateOperations > 0: raise ValueError( "'dupop' must be followed by another operation" ) if isinstance( valueList[ -1 ], list ): raise ValueError( "'dupop' cannot accept a list argument" ) g.duplicateOperations = nint( floor( valueList.pop( ) ) )
def getNthOctagonalTriangularNumberOperator(n): sign = power(-1, n) return nint( floor( fdiv( fmul(fsub(7, fprod([2, sqrt(6), sign])), power(fadd(sqrt(3), sqrt(2)), fsub(fmul(4, n), 2))), 96)))
def getNthGeneralizedPolygonalNumber(n, k): negative = (fmod(n, 2) == 0) n = floor(fdiv(fadd(n, 1), 2)) if negative: n = fneg(n) return getNthPolygonalNumber(n, k)
def getNthNonagonalPentagonalNumber( n ): sqrt21 = sqrt( 21 ) sign = power( -1, real_int( n ) ) return nint( floor( fdiv( fprod( [ fadd( 25, fmul( 4, sqrt21 ) ), fsub( 5, fmul( sqrt21, sign ) ), power( fadd( fmul( 2, sqrt( 7 ) ), fmul( 3, sqrt( 3 ) ) ), fsub( fmul( 4, n ), 4 ) ) ] ), 336 ) ) )
def getNthNonagonalOctagonalNumberOperator(n): sqrt6 = sqrt(6) sqrt7 = sqrt(7) return nint( floor( fdiv( fmul(fsub(fmul(11, sqrt7), fmul(9, sqrt6)), power(fadd(sqrt6, sqrt7), fsub(fmul(8, n), 5))), 672)))
def addDigits(n, k): digits = int(k) if digits == 0: digitCount = 1 else: digitCount = int(fadd(floor(log10(k)), 1)) return appendDigits(n, digits, digitCount)
def mpmsb(value, signed): if isinstance(value, Interval): return np.max([mpmsb(value.lower_bound, signed=signed), mpmsb(value.upper_bound, signed=signed)]) if value > 0: return int(mpmath.floor(mpmath.log(value, 2))) + int(signed) if value < 0: return int(mpmath.ceil(mpmath.log(-value, 2))) return -np.inf
def getNthDecagonalNonagonalNumber( n ): dps = 8 * int( real_int( n ) ) if mp.dps < dps: mp.dps = dps return nint( floor( fdiv( fmul( fadd( 15, fmul( 2, sqrt( 14 ) ) ), power( fadd( fmul( 2, sqrt( 2 ) ), sqrt( 7 ) ), fsub( fmul( 8, n ), 6 ) ) ), 448 ) ) )
def getNthDecagonalHeptagonalNumber( n ): sqrt10 = sqrt( 10 ) return nint( floor( fdiv( fprod( [ fsub( 11, fmul( fmul( 2, sqrt10 ), power( -1, real_int( n ) ) ) ), fadd( 1, sqrt10 ), power( fadd( 3, sqrt10 ), fsub( fmul( 4, n ), 3 ) ) ] ), 320 ) ) )
def _mp_round(n): ceil = mp.ceil(n) floor = mp.floor(n) ceil_diff = mp.fabs(n - ceil) floor_diff = mp.fabs(n - floor) if ceil_diff <= floor_diff: return ceil else: return floor
def decompose(x, gamma_pow, precision=40): with mp.workdps(2048): tail = x compressed = np.zeros(precision + 1) for i in xrange(precision + 1): if tail == 0: break tail, compressed[i] = mp.frac(tail), mp.floor(tail) tail = mp.ldexp(tail, gamma_pow) return compressed
def real_int( n ): '''Validates that a value is a real integer and throws an error if it isn't.''' if im( n ) != 0: raise ValueError( 'real argument expected ({})'.format( n ) ) if n != floor( n ): raise ValueError( 'integer argument expected ({})'.format( n ) ) return int( n )
def convertToNonintegerBase( num, base ): epsilon = power( 10, -( mp.dps - 3 ) ) minPlace = -( floor( mp.dps / log( base ) ) ) output = '' integer = '' remaining = num # find starting place place = int( floor( log( remaining, base ) ) ) while remaining > epsilon: if place < minPlace: break if place == -1: integer = output output = '' placeValue = power( base, place ) value = fdiv( remaining, placeValue ) value = fmul( value, power( 10, mp.dps - 3 ) ) value = nint( value ) value = fdiv( value, power( 10, mp.dps - 3 ) ) value = floor( value ) remaining = chop( fsub( remaining, fmul( placeValue, value ) ) ) output += str( value )[ : -2 ] place -= 1 if place >= 0: integer = output + '0' * ( place + 1 ) output = '' if integer == '': return output, '' else: return integer, output
def hash(): seed = int(mpmath.floor(random.random() * 32)) + 32 def r(str): result = 1 for i in range(1, len(str)): result = (seed * result + ord(str[i])) & 0xFFFFFFFF return result return r
def __init__( self, value, maxterms = 15, cutoff = 1e-10 ): if isinstance( value, ( int, float, mpf ) ): value = mpmathify( value ) remainder = floor( value ) self.append( remainder ) while len( self ) < maxterms: value -= remainder if value > cutoff: value = fdiv( 1, value ) remainder = floor( value ) self.append( remainder ) else: break elif isinstance( value, ( list, tuple ) ): self.extend( value ) else: raise ValueError( 'RPNContinuedFraction requires a number or a list' )
def G(self,s): # Laplace-Transform zz = 2*self.v + 2 + s mu = sqrt(self.v**2+2*zz) a = mu/2 - self.v/2 - 1 b = mu/2 + self.v/2 + 2 v1 = (2*self.alp)**(-a)*gamma(b)/gamma(mu+1)/(zz*(zz - 2*(1 + self.v))) prec = floor(max(log10(abs(v1)),mp.dps))+self.prec # additional precision needed for computation of hyp1f1 with mp.extradps(prec): value = hyp1f1(a,mu + 1,self.beta)*v1 return value
def exponentiate( self, exponent ): if ( floor( exponent ) != exponent ): raise ValueError( 'cannot raise a measurement to a non-integral power' ) exponent = int( exponent ) newValue = power( self.value, exponent ) for unit in self.units: self.units[ unit ] *= exponent return RPNMeasurement( newValue, self.units )
def add( self, time ): if not isinstance( time, RPNMeasurement ): ValueError( 'RPNMeasurement expected' ) if 'years' in g.unitOperators[ time.getUnitString( ) ].categories: years = convertUnits( time, 'year' ).getValue( ) return self.replace( year = self.year + years ) elif 'months' in g.unitOperators[ time.getUnitString( ) ].categories: months = convertUnits( time, 'month' ).getValue( ) return self.incrementMonths( months ) else: days = int( floor( convertUnits( time, 'day' ).getValue( ) ) ) seconds = int( fmod( floor( convertUnits( time, 'second' ).getValue( ) ), 86400 ) ) microseconds = int( fmod( floor( convertUnits( time, 'microsecond' ).getValue( ) ), 1000000 ) ) try: return self + datetime.timedelta( days = days, seconds = seconds, microseconds = microseconds ) except OverflowError: print( 'rpn: value is out of range to be converted into a time' ) return nan