Beispiel #1
 def __call__(self, query_up, key_up, rel_dist=None, input_scores=None):
     _att_scale_qk = self._att_scale_qk
     # -----
     # get dim info
     len_q, len_k = BK.get_shape(query_up, -2), BK.get_shape(key_up, -2)
     # get distance embeddings
     if rel_dist is None:
         rel_dist = self.get_rel_dist(len_q, len_k)
     if self.rel_dist_abs:  # use abs?
         rel_dist = BK.abs(rel_dist)
     dist_embs = self.E(rel_dist)  # [len_q, len_k, Demb]
     # -----
     # dist_up
     dist_up0 = self.affine_rel(dist_embs)  # [len_q, len_k, head*D]
     # -> [head, len_q, len_k, D]
     dist_up1 = dist_up0.view(
         BK.get_shape(dist_up0)[:-1] + self.split_dims).transpose(
             -2, -3).transpose(-3, -4)
     # -----
     # all items are [*, head, len_q, len_k]
     posi_scores = (input_scores if (input_scores is not None) else 0.)
     # item (b): <query, dist>: [head, len_q, len_k, D] * [*, head, len_q, D, 1] -> [*, head, len_q, len_k]
     item_b = (BK.matmul(dist_up1, query_up.unsqueeze(-1)) /
     posi_scores += item_b
     # todo(note): remove this item_c since it is not related with rel_dist
     # # item (c): <key, u>: [*, head, len_k, D] * [head, D, 1] -> [*, head, 1, len_k]
     # item_c = (BK.matmul(key_up, self.vec_u.unsqueeze(-1)) / _att_scale_qk).squeeze(-1).unsqueeze(-2)
     # posi_scores += item_c
     # item (d): <dist, v>: [head, len_q, len_k, D] * [head, 1, D, 1] -> [head, len_q, len_k]
     item_d = (BK.matmul(dist_up1,
                         self.vec_v.unsqueeze(-2).unsqueeze(-1)) /
     posi_scores += item_d
     return posi_scores
Beispiel #2
 def loss(self, ms_items: List, bert_expr):
     conf = self.conf
     max_range = self.conf.max_range
     bsize = len(ms_items)
     # collect instances
     col_efs, _, col_bidxes_t, col_hidxes_t, col_ldists_t, col_rdists_t = self._collect_insts(
         ms_items, True)
     if len(col_efs) == 0:
         zzz = BK.zeros([])
         return [[zzz, zzz, zzz], [zzz, zzz, zzz]]
     left_scores, right_scores = self._score(bert_expr, col_bidxes_t,
                                             col_hidxes_t)  # [N, R]
     if conf.use_binary_scorer:
         left_binaries, right_binaries = (BK.arange_idx(max_range)<=col_ldists_t.unsqueeze(-1)).float(), \
                                         (BK.arange_idx(max_range)<=col_rdists_t.unsqueeze(-1)).float()  # [N,R]
         left_losses = BK.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
             left_scores, left_binaries, reduction='none')[:, 1:]
         right_losses = BK.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
             right_scores, right_binaries, reduction='none')[:, 1:]
         left_count = right_count = BK.input_real(
             BK.get_shape(left_losses, 0) * (max_range - 1))
         left_losses = BK.loss_nll(left_scores, col_ldists_t)
         right_losses = BK.loss_nll(right_scores, col_rdists_t)
         left_count = right_count = BK.input_real(
             BK.get_shape(left_losses, 0))
     return [[left_losses.sum(), left_count, left_count],
             [right_losses.sum(), right_count, right_count]]
Beispiel #3
 def select_plain(self, ags: List[BfsAgenda], candidates, mode, k_arc,
                  k_label) -> List[List]:
     flattened_states, cur_arc_scores, scoring_mask_ct = candidates
     cur_cache = self.cache
     cur_bsize = len(flattened_states)
     cur_slen = cur_cache.max_slen
     cur_arc_scores_flattend = cur_arc_scores.view([cur_bsize,
                                                    -1])  # [bs, Lm*Lh]
     if mode == "topk":
         # arcs [*, k]
         topk_arc_scores, topk_arc_idxes = BK.topk(
             min(k_arc, BK.get_shape(cur_arc_scores_flattend, -1)),
         topk_m, topk_h = topk_arc_idxes / cur_slen, topk_arc_idxes % cur_slen  # [m, h]
         # labels [*, k, k']
         cur_label_scores = cur_cache.get_selected_label_scores(
             topk_m, topk_h, self.mw_arc, self.mw_label)
         topk_label_scores, topk_label_idxes = BK.topk(
             min(k_label, BK.get_shape(cur_label_scores, -1)),
         return self._new_states(flattened_states, scoring_mask_ct,
                                 topk_arc_scores, topk_m, topk_h,
                                 topk_label_scores, topk_label_idxes)
     elif mode == "":
         return [[]] * cur_bsize
     # todo(+N): other modes like sampling to be implemented: sample, topk-sample
         raise NotImplementedError(mode)
Beispiel #4
 def predict(self,
     # -----
     ret_shape = BK.get_shape(lab_ef)[:-1] + [
         BK.get_shape(lab_ef, -1),
         BK.get_shape(lab_evt, -1)
     if == 0:
         if ret_full_logprobs:
             return BK.zeros(ret_shape + [self.num_label])
             return BK.zeros(ret_shape), BK.zeros(ret_shape).long()
     # -----
     # todo(note): +1 for space of DROPED(UNK)
     full_score = self._score(repr_ef, repr_evt, lab_ef + 1,
                              lab_evt + 1)  # [*, len-ef, len-evt, D]
     full_logprobs = BK.log_softmax(full_score, -1)
     if ret_full_logprobs:
         return full_logprobs
         # greedy maximum decode
         ret_logprobs, ret_idxes = full_logprobs.max(
             -1)  # [*, len-ef, len-evt]
         # mask non-valid ones
         if mask_ef is not None:
             ret_idxes *= (mask_ef.unsqueeze(-1)).long()
         if mask_evt is not None:
             ret_idxes *= (mask_evt.unsqueeze(-2)).long()
         return ret_logprobs, ret_idxes
Beispiel #5
 def _score(self, repr_t, attn_t, mask_t):
     conf = self.conf
     # -----
     repr_m = self.pre_aff_m(repr_t)  # [bs, slen, S]
     repr_h = self.pre_aff_h(repr_t)  # [bs, slen, S]
     scores0 = self.dps_node.paired_score(
         repr_m, repr_h, inputp=attn_t)  # [bs, len_q, len_k, 1+N]
     # mask at outside
     slen = BK.get_shape(mask_t, -1)
     score_mask = BK.constants(BK.get_shape(scores0)[:-1],
                               1.)  # [bs, len_q, len_k]
     score_mask *= (1. - BK.eye(slen))  # no diag
     score_mask *= mask_t.unsqueeze(-1)  # input mask at len_k
     score_mask *= mask_t.unsqueeze(-2)  # input mask at len_q
     NEG = Constants.REAL_PRAC_MIN
     scores1 = scores0 + NEG * (1. - score_mask.unsqueeze(-1)
                                )  # [bs, len_q, len_k, 1+N]
     # add fixed idx0 scores if set
     if conf.fix_s0:
         fix_s0_mask_t = BK.input_real(self.dps_s0_mask)  # [1+N]
         scores1 = (
             1. - fix_s0_mask_t
         ) * scores1 + fix_s0_mask_t * conf.fix_s0_val  # [bs, len_q, len_k, 1+N]
     # minus s0
     if conf.minus_s0:
         scores1 = scores1 - scores1.narrow(-1, 0, 1)  # minus idx=0 scores
     return scores1, score_mask
Beispiel #6
 def calculate_repr(self, cur_t, par_t, label_t, par_mask_t, chs_t,
                    chs_label_t, chs_mask_t, chs_valid_mask_t):
     ret_t = cur_t  # [*, D]
     # padding 0 if not using labels
     dim_label = self.dim_label
     # child features
     if self.use_chs and chs_t is not None:
         if self.use_label_feat:
             chs_label_rt = self.label_embeddings(
                 chs_label_t)  # [*, max-chs, dlab]
             labels_shape = BK.get_shape(chs_t)
             labels_shape[-1] = dim_label
             chs_label_rt = BK.zeros(labels_shape)
         chs_input_t = BK.concat([chs_t, chs_label_rt], -1)
         chs_feat0 = self.chs_reprer(cur_t, chs_input_t, chs_mask_t,
         chs_feat = self.chs_ff(chs_feat0)
         ret_t += chs_feat
     # parent features
     if self.use_par and par_t is not None:
         if self.use_label_feat:
             cur_label_t = self.label_embeddings(label_t)  # [*, dlab]
             labels_shape = BK.get_shape(par_t)
             labels_shape[-1] = dim_label
             cur_label_t = BK.zeros(labels_shape)
         par_feat = self.par_ff([par_t, cur_label_t])
         if par_mask_t is not None:
             par_feat *= par_mask_t.unsqueeze(-1)
         ret_t += par_feat
     return ret_t
Beispiel #7
 def __call__(self, query, key, accu_attn, mask_k, mask_qk, rel_dist):
     conf = self.conf
     # == calculate the dot-product scores
     # calculate the three: # [bs, len_?, head*D]; and also add sta ones if needed
     query_up, key_up = self.affine_q(query), self.affine_k(
         key)  # [*, len?, head?*Dqk]
     query_up, key_up = self._shape_project(
         query_up, True), self._shape_project(key_up,
                                              True)  # [*, head?, len_?, D]
     # original scores
     scores = BK.matmul(query_up, BK.transpose(
         key_up, -1, -2)) / self._att_scale_qk  # [*, head?, len_q, len_k]
     # == adding rel_dist ones
     if conf.use_rel_dist:
         scores = self.dist_helper(query_up,
     # tranpose
     scores = scores.transpose(-2,
                                             -2)  # [*, len_q, len_k, head?]
     # == unhead score
     if conf.use_unhead_score:
         scores_t0, score_t1 = BK.split(scores, [1, self.head_count],
                                        -1)  # [*, len_q, len_k, 1|head]
         scores = scores_t0 + score_t1  # [*, len_q, len_k, head]
     # == combining with history accumulated attns
     if conf.use_lambq and accu_attn is not None:
         # todo(note): here we only consider "query" and "head", would it be necessary for "key"?
         lambq_vals = self.lambq_aff(
         )  # [*, len_q, head], if for eg., using relu as fact, this>=0
         scores -= lambq_vals.unsqueeze(-2) * accu_attn
     # == score offset
     if conf.use_soff:
         # todo(note): here we only consider "query" and "head", key may be handled by "unhead_score"
         score_offset_t = self.soff_aff(query)  # [*, len_q, 1+head]
         score_offset_t0, score_offset_t1 = BK.split(
             score_offset_t, [1, self.head_count], -1)  # [*, len_q, 1|head]
         scores -= score_offset_t0.unsqueeze(-2)
         scores -= score_offset_t1.unsqueeze(
             -2)  # still [*, len_q, len_k, head]
     # == apply mask & no-self-loop
     # NEG_INF = Constants.REAL_PRAC_MIN
     NEG_INF = -1000.  # this should be enough
     NEG_INF2 = -2000.  # this should be enough
     if mask_k is not None:  # [*, 1, len_k, 1]
         scores += (1. - mask_k).unsqueeze(-2).unsqueeze(-1) * NEG_INF2
     if mask_qk is not None:  # [*, len_q, len_k, 1]
         scores += (1. - mask_qk).unsqueeze(-1) * NEG_INF2
     if self.no_self_loop:
         query_len = BK.get_shape(query, -2)
         assert query_len == BK.get_shape(
             key, -2), "Shape not matched for no_self_loop"
         scores += BK.eye(query_len).unsqueeze(
             -1) * NEG_INF  # [len_q, len_k, 1]
     return scores.contiguous()  # [*, len_q, len_k, head]
Beispiel #8
 def init_call(self, src):
     # init accumulated attn: all 0.
     src_shape = BK.get_shape(src)
     attn_shape = src_shape[:-1] + [src_shape[-2], self.attn_count
                                    ]  # [*, len_q, len_k, head]
     cache = VRecCache()
     cache.orig_t = src
     cache.rec_t = src  # initially, the same as "orig_t"
     cache.rec_lstm_c_t = BK.zeros(BK.get_shape(src))  # initially zero
     cache.accu_attn = BK.zeros(attn_shape)
     return cache
Beispiel #9
 def _enc(self, input_lexi, input_expr, input_mask, sel_idxes):
     if self.dmxnn:
         bsize, slen = BK.get_shape(input_mask)
         if sel_idxes is None:
             sel_idxes = BK.arange_idx(slen).unsqueeze(
                 0)  # select all, [1, slen]
         ncand = BK.get_shape(sel_idxes, -1)
         # enc_expr aug with PE
         rel_dist = BK.arange_idx(slen).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(
             0) - sel_idxes.unsqueeze(-1)  # [*, ?, slen]
         pe_embeds = self.posi_embed(rel_dist)  # [*, ?, slen, Dpe]
         aug_enc_expr = BK.concat([
             pe_embeds.expand(bsize, -1, -1, -1),
             input_expr.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, ncand, -1, -1)
         ], -1)  # [*, ?, slen, D+Dpe]
         # [*, ?, slen, Denc]
         hidden_expr = self.e_encoder(
             aug_enc_expr.view(bsize * ncand, slen, -1),
             input_mask.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, ncand,
                                                bsize * ncand, slen))
         hidden_expr = hidden_expr.view(bsize, ncand, slen, -1)
         # dynamic max-pooling (dist<0, dist=0, dist>0)
         NEG = Constants.REAL_PRAC_MIN
         mp_hiddens = []
         mp_masks = [rel_dist < 0, rel_dist == 0, rel_dist > 0]
         for mp_mask in mp_masks:
             float_mask = mp_mask.float() * input_mask.unsqueeze(
                 -2)  # [*, ?, slen]
             valid_mask = (float_mask.sum(-1) > 0.).float().unsqueeze(
                 -1)  # [*, ?, 1]
             mask_neg_val = (
                 1. - float_mask).unsqueeze(-1) * NEG  # [*, ?, slen, 1]
             # todo(+2): or do we simply multiply mask?
             mp_hid0 = (hidden_expr + mask_neg_val).max(-2)[0]
             mp_hid = mp_hid0 * valid_mask  # [*, ?, Denc]
             # mp_hiddens.append(mp_hid)
         final_hiddens = mp_hiddens
         hidden_expr = self.e_encoder(input_expr,
                                      input_mask)  # [*, slen, D']
         if sel_idxes is None:
             hidden_expr1 = hidden_expr
             hidden_expr1 = BK.gather_first_dims(hidden_expr, sel_idxes,
                                                 -2)  # [*, ?, D']
         final_hiddens = [self.special_drop(hidden_expr1)]
     if self.lab_f_use_lexi:
             BK.gather_first_dims(input_lexi, sel_idxes,
                                  -2))  # [*, ?, DLex]
     ret_expr = self.lab_f(final_hiddens)  # [*, ?, DLab]
     return ret_expr
Beispiel #10
 def inference_on_batch(self, insts: List[GeneralSentence], **kwargs):
     conf = self.conf
     with BK.no_grad_env():
         # special mode
         # use: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 PYTHONPATH=../../src/ python3 -m pdb ../../src/tasks/ zmlm.main.test ${RUN_DIR}/_conf device:0 dict_dir:${RUN_DIR}/ model_load_name:${RUN_DIR}/ test:./_en.debug test_interactive:1
         if conf.test_interactive:
             iinput_sent = input(">> (Interactive testing) Input sent sep by blanks: ")
             iinput_tokens = iinput_sent.split()
             if len(iinput_sent) > 0:
                 iinput_inst = GeneralSentence.create(iinput_tokens)
                 iinput_inst.word_seq.set_idxes([self.word_vocab.get_else_unk(w) for w in iinput_inst.word_seq.vals])
                 iinput_map = self.inputter([iinput_inst])
                 iinput_erase_mask = np.asarray([[z=="Z" for z in iinput_tokens]]).astype(dtype=np.float32)
                 iinput_masked_map = self.inputter.mask_input(iinput_map, iinput_erase_mask, set("pos"))
                 emb_t, mask_t, enc_t, cache, enc_loss = self._emb_and_enc(iinput_masked_map, collect_loss=False, insts=[iinput_inst])
                 mlm_loss = self.masklm.loss(enc_t, iinput_erase_mask, iinput_map)
                 dpar_input_attn = self.prepr_f(cache, self._get_rel_dist(BK.get_shape(mask_t, -1)))
                 self.dpar.predict([iinput_inst], enc_t, dpar_input_attn, mask_t)
                 self.upos.predict([iinput_inst], enc_t, mask_t)
                 # print them
                 import pandas as pd
                 cur_fields = {
                     "idxes": list(range(1, len(iinput_inst)+1)),
                     "word": iinput_inst.word_seq.vals, "pos": iinput_inst.pred_pos_seq.vals,
                     "head": iinput_inst.pred_dep_tree.heads[1:], "dlab": iinput_inst.pred_dep_tree.labels[1:]}
             return {}  # simply return here for interactive mode
         # -----
         # test for MLM simply as in training (use special separate rand_gen to keep the masks the same for testing)
         # todo(+2): do we need to keep testing/validing during training the same? Currently not!
         info = self.fb_on_batch(insts, training=False, rand_gen=self.testing_rand_gen, assign_attns=conf.testing_get_attns)
         # -----
         if len(insts) == 0:
             return info
         # decode for dpar
         input_map = self.inputter(insts)
         emb_t, mask_t, enc_t, cache, _ = self._emb_and_enc(input_map, collect_loss=False, insts=insts)
         dpar_input_attn = self.prepr_f(cache, self._get_rel_dist(BK.get_shape(mask_t, -1)))
         self.dpar.predict(insts, enc_t, dpar_input_attn, mask_t)
         self.upos.predict(insts, enc_t, mask_t)
         if self.ner is not None:
             self.ner.predict(insts, enc_t, mask_t)
         # -----
         if conf.testing_get_attns:
             if conf.enc_choice == "vrec":
                 self._assign_attns_item(insts, "orig", cache=cache)
             elif conf.enc_choice in ["original"]:
                 raise NotImplementedError()
         return info
Beispiel #11
 def _score(self, bert_expr, bidxes_t, hidxes_t):
     # ----
     # # debug
     # print(f"# ====\n Debug: {ArgSpanExpander._debug_count}")
     # ArgSpanExpander._debug_count += 1
     # ----
     bert_expr = bert_expr.view(BK.get_shape(bert_expr)[:-2] +
                                [-1])  # flatten
     max_range = self.conf.max_range
     max_slen = BK.get_shape(bert_expr, 1)
     # get candidates
     range_t = BK.arange_idx(max_range).unsqueeze(0)  # [1, R]
     bidxes_t = bidxes_t.unsqueeze(1)  # [N, 1]
     hidxes_t = hidxes_t.unsqueeze(1)  # [N, 1]
     left_cands = hidxes_t - range_t  # [N, R]
     right_cands = hidxes_t + range_t
     left_masks = (left_cands >= 0).float()
     right_masks = (right_cands < max_slen).float()
     right_cands.clamp_(max=max_slen - 1)
     # score
     head_exprs = bert_expr[bidxes_t, hidxes_t]  # [N, 1, D']
     left_cand_exprs = bert_expr[bidxes_t, left_cands]  # [N, R, D']
     right_cand_exprs = bert_expr[bidxes_t, right_cands]
     # actual scoring
     if self.use_lstm_scorer:
         batch_size = BK.get_shape(bidxes_t, 0)
         all_concat_outputs = []
         for cand_exprs, lstm_node in zip(
             [left_cand_exprs, right_cand_exprs], [self.llstm, self.rlstm]):
             cur_state = lstm_node.zero_init_hidden(batch_size)
             step_size = BK.get_shape(cand_exprs, 1)
             all_outputs = []
             for step_i in range(step_size):
                 cur_state = lstm_node(cand_exprs[:, step_i], cur_state,
                 all_outputs.append(cur_state[0])  # using h
             concat_output = BK.stack(all_outputs, 1)  # [N, R, ?]
         left_hidden, right_hidden = all_concat_outputs
         left_scores = self.lscorer(left_hidden).squeeze(-1)  # [N, R]
         right_scores = self.rscorer(right_hidden).squeeze(-1)  # [N, R]
         left_scores = self.lscorer([left_cand_exprs,
                                     head_exprs]).squeeze(-1)  # [N, R]
         right_scores = self.rscorer([right_cand_exprs,
     # mask
     left_scores += Constants.REAL_PRAC_MIN * (1. - left_masks)
     right_scores += Constants.REAL_PRAC_MIN * (1. - right_masks)
     return left_scores, right_scores
Beispiel #12
 def score_arc_all(self, am_expr, ah_expr, m_mask_expr, h_mask_expr):
     if self.dist_helper:
         lenm, lenh = BK.get_shape(am_expr, -2), BK.get_shape(ah_expr, -2)
         ah_rel1, _ = self.dist_helper(lenm, lenh)
         ah_rel1 = None
     arc_scores = self.arc_scorer.paired_score(am_expr,
     ret = arc_scores.squeeze(-1)  # squeeze the last one
     return ret
Beispiel #13
 def _step(self, input_expr, input_mask, hard_coverage, prev_state, force_widx, force_lidx, free_beam_size):
     conf = self.conf
     free_mode = (force_widx is None)
     prev_state_h = prev_state[0]
     # =====
     # collect att scores
     key_up = self.affine_k([input_expr, hard_coverage.unsqueeze(-1)])  # [*, slen, h]
     query_up = self.affine_q([self.repos.unsqueeze(0), prev_state_h.unsqueeze(-2)])  # [*, R, h]
     orig_scores = BK.matmul(key_up, query_up.transpose(-2, -1))  # [*, slen, R]
     orig_scores += (1.-input_mask).unsqueeze(-1) * Constants.REAL_PRAC_MIN  # [*, slen, R]
     # first maximum across the R dim (this step is hard max)
     maxr_scores, maxr_idxes = orig_scores.max(-1)  # [*, slen]
     if conf.zero_eos_score:
         # use mask to make it able to be backward
         tmp_mask = BK.constants(BK.get_shape(maxr_scores), 1.)
         tmp_mask.index_fill_(-1, BK.input_idx(0), 0.)
         maxr_scores *= tmp_mask
     # then select over the slen dim (this step is prob based)
     maxr_logprobs = BK.log_softmax(maxr_scores)  # [*, slen]
     if free_mode:
         cur_beam_size = min(free_beam_size, BK.get_shape(maxr_logprobs, -1))
         sel_tok_logprobs, sel_tok_idxes = maxr_logprobs.topk(cur_beam_size, dim=-1, sorted=False)  # [*, beam]
         sel_tok_idxes = force_widx.unsqueeze(-1)  # [*, 1]
         sel_tok_logprobs = maxr_logprobs.gather(-1, sel_tok_idxes)  # [*, 1]
     # then collect the info and perform labeling
     lf_input_expr = BK.gather_first_dims(input_expr, sel_tok_idxes, -2)  # [*, ?, ~]
     lf_coverage = hard_coverage.gather(-1, sel_tok_idxes).unsqueeze(-1)  # [*, ?, 1]
     lf_repos = self.repos[maxr_idxes.gather(-1, sel_tok_idxes)]  # [*, ?, ~]  # todo(+3): using soft version?
     lf_prev_state = prev_state_h.unsqueeze(-2)  # [*, 1, ~]
     lab_hid_expr = self.lab_f([lf_input_expr, lf_coverage, lf_repos, lf_prev_state])  # [*, ?, ~]
     # final predicting labels
     # todo(+N): here we select only max at labeling part, only beam at previous one
     if free_mode:
         sel_lab_logprobs, sel_lab_idxes, sel_lab_embeds = self.hl.predict(lab_hid_expr, None)  # [*, ?]
         sel_lab_logprobs, sel_lab_idxes, sel_lab_embeds = self.hl.predict(lab_hid_expr, force_lidx.unsqueeze(-1))
     # no lab-logprob (*=0) for eos (sel_tok==0)
     sel_lab_logprobs *= (sel_tok_idxes>0).float()
     # compute next-state [*, ?, ~]
     # todo(note): here we flatten the first two dims
     tmp_rnn_dims = BK.get_shape(sel_tok_idxes) + [-1]
     tmp_rnn_input = BK.concat([lab_hid_expr, sel_lab_embeds], -1)
     tmp_rnn_input = tmp_rnn_input.view(-1, BK.get_shape(tmp_rnn_input, -1))
     tmp_rnn_hidden = [z.unsqueeze(-2).expand(tmp_rnn_dims).contiguous().view(-1, BK.get_shape(z, -1))
                       for z in prev_state]  # [*, ?, ?, D]
     next_state = self.rnn_unit(tmp_rnn_input, tmp_rnn_hidden, None)
     next_state = [z.view(tmp_rnn_dims) for z in next_state]
     return sel_tok_idxes, sel_tok_logprobs, sel_lab_idxes, sel_lab_logprobs, sel_lab_embeds, next_state
Beispiel #14
 def _pmask2idxes(self, pred_mask):
     orig_shape = BK.get_shape(pred_mask)
     dim_type = orig_shape[-1]
     flattened_mask = pred_mask.view(orig_shape[:-2] + [-1])  # [*, slen*L]
     f_idxes, sel_valid_mask = BK.mask2idx(flattened_mask)  # [*, max-count]
     # then back to the two dimensions
     sel_idxes, sel_lab_idxes = f_idxes // dim_type, f_idxes % dim_type
     # the embeddings
     sel_shape = BK.get_shape(sel_idxes)
     if sel_shape[-1] == 0:
         sel_lab_embeds = BK.zeros(sel_shape + [self.conf.lab_conf.n_dim])
         assert not self.hl.conf.use_lookup_soft, "Cannot do soft-lookup in this mode"
         sel_lab_embeds = self.hl.lookup(sel_lab_idxes)
     return sel_idxes, sel_valid_mask, sel_lab_idxes, sel_lab_embeds
Beispiel #15
 def loss(self, repr_t, pred_mask_repl_arr, pred_idx_arr):
     mask_idxes, mask_valids = BK.mask2idx(
         BK.input_real(pred_mask_repl_arr))  # [bsize, ?]
     if BK.get_shape(mask_idxes, -1) == 0:  # no loss
         zzz = BK.zeros([])
         return [[zzz, zzz, zzz]]
         target_reprs = BK.gather_first_dims(repr_t, mask_idxes,
                                             1)  # [bsize, ?, *]
         target_hids = self.hid_layer(target_reprs)
         target_scores = self.pred_layer(target_hids)  # [bsize, ?, V]
         pred_idx_t = BK.input_idx(pred_idx_arr)  # [bsize, slen]
         target_idx_t = pred_idx_t.gather(-1, mask_idxes)  # [bsize, ?]
         target_idx_t[(mask_valids <
                       1.)] = 0  # make sure invalid ones in range
         # get loss
         pred_losses = BK.loss_nll(target_scores,
                                   target_idx_t)  # [bsize, ?]
         pred_loss_sum = (pred_losses * mask_valids).sum()
         pred_loss_count = mask_valids.sum()
         # argmax
         _, argmax_idxes = target_scores.max(-1)
         pred_corrs = (argmax_idxes == target_idx_t).float() * mask_valids
         pred_corr_count = pred_corrs.sum()
         return [[pred_loss_sum, pred_loss_count, pred_corr_count]]
Beispiel #16
 def loss(self, insts: List[ParseInstance], enc_expr, mask_expr, **kwargs):
     conf = self.conf
     # scoring
     arc_score, lab_score = self._score(enc_expr,
                                        mask_expr)  # [bs, m, h, *]
     # loss
     bsize, max_len = BK.get_shape(mask_expr)
     # gold heads and labels
     gold_heads_arr, _ = self.predict_padder.pad(
         [z.heads.vals for z in insts])
     # todo(note): here use the original idx of label, no shift!
     gold_labels_arr, _ = self.predict_padder.pad(
         [z.labels.idxes for z in insts])
     gold_heads_expr = BK.input_idx(gold_heads_arr)  # [bs, Len]
     gold_labels_expr = BK.input_idx(gold_labels_arr)  # [bs, Len]
     # collect the losses
     arange_bs_expr = BK.arange_idx(bsize).unsqueeze(-1)  # [bs, 1]
     arange_m_expr = BK.arange_idx(max_len).unsqueeze(0)  # [1, Len]
     # logsoftmax and losses
     arc_logsoftmaxs = BK.log_softmax(arc_score.squeeze(-1),
                                      -1)  # [bs, m, h]
     lab_logsoftmaxs = BK.log_softmax(lab_score, -1)  # [bs, m, h, Lab]
     arc_sel_ls = arc_logsoftmaxs[arange_bs_expr, arange_m_expr,
                                  gold_heads_expr]  # [bs, Len]
     lab_sel_ls = lab_logsoftmaxs[arange_bs_expr, arange_m_expr,
                                  gold_labels_expr]  # [bs, Len]
     # head selection (no root)
     arc_loss_sum = (-arc_sel_ls * mask_expr)[:, 1:].sum()
     lab_loss_sum = (-lab_sel_ls * mask_expr)[:, 1:].sum()
     final_loss = conf.lambda_arc * arc_loss_sum + conf.lambda_lab * lab_loss_sum
     final_loss_count = mask_expr[:, 1:].sum()
     return [[final_loss, final_loss_count]]
Beispiel #17
 def loss(self, insts: List[GeneralSentence], repr_t, mask_t, **kwargs):
     conf = self.conf
     # score
     scores_t = self._score(repr_t)  # [bs, ?+rlen, D]
     # get gold
     gold_pidxes = np.zeros(BK.get_shape(mask_t),
                            dtype=np.long)  # [bs, ?+rlen]
     for bidx, inst in enumerate(insts):
         cur_seq_idxes = getattr(inst, self.attr_name).idxes
         if self.add_root_token:
             gold_pidxes[bidx, 1:1 + len(cur_seq_idxes)] = cur_seq_idxes
             gold_pidxes[bidx, :len(cur_seq_idxes)] = cur_seq_idxes
     # get loss
     margin = self.margin.value
     gold_pidxes_t = BK.input_idx(gold_pidxes)
     gold_pidxes_t *= (gold_pidxes_t <
                       self.pred_out_dim).long()  # 0 means invalid ones!!
     loss_mask_t = (gold_pidxes_t > 0).float() * mask_t  # [bs, ?+rlen]
     lab_losses_t = BK.loss_nll(scores_t, gold_pidxes_t,
                                margin=margin)  # [bs, ?+rlen]
     # argmax
     _, argmax_idxes = scores_t.max(-1)
     pred_corrs = (argmax_idxes == gold_pidxes_t).float() * loss_mask_t
     # compile loss
     lab_loss = LossHelper.compile_leaf_info("slab",
     return self._compile_component_loss(self.pname, [lab_loss])
Beispiel #18
 def loss(self, ms_items: List, bert_expr, basic_expr):
     conf = self.conf
     bsize = len(ms_items)
     # use gold targets: only use positive samples!!
     offsets_t, masks_t, _, items_arr, labels_t = PrepHelper.prep_targets(
         ms_items, lambda x:, True, False, 0., 0., True)  # [bs, ?]
     realis_flist = [(-1 if
                      (z is None or z.realis_idx is None) else z.realis_idx)
                     for z in items_arr.flatten()]
     realis_t = BK.input_idx(realis_flist).view(items_arr.shape)  # [bs, ?]
     realis_mask = (realis_t >= 0).float()
     realis_t.clamp_(min=0)  # make sure all idxes are legal
     # -----
     # return 0 if all no targets
     if BK.get_shape(offsets_t, -1) == 0:
         zzz = BK.zeros([])
         return [[zzz, zzz, zzz], [zzz, zzz, zzz]]  # realis, types
     # -----
     arange_t = BK.arange_idx(bsize).unsqueeze(-1)  # [bsize, 1]
     sel_bert_t = bert_expr[arange_t, offsets_t]  # [bsize, ?, Fold, D]
     sel_basic_t = None if basic_expr is None else basic_expr[
         arange_t, offsets_t]  # [bsize, ?, D']
     hiddens = self.adp(sel_bert_t, sel_basic_t, [])  # [bsize, ?, D"]
     # build losses
     loss_item_realis = self._get_one_loss(self.realis_predictor, hiddens,
                                           realis_t, realis_mask,
     loss_item_type = self._get_one_loss(self.type_predictor, hiddens,
                                         labels_t, masks_t,
     return [loss_item_realis, loss_item_type]
Beispiel #19
 def __call__(self,
              word_arr: np.ndarray = None,
              char_arr: np.ndarray = None,
              extra_arrs: Iterable[np.ndarray] = (),
              aux_arrs: Iterable[np.ndarray] = ()):
     exprs = []
     # word/char/extras/posi
     seq_shape = None
     if self.has_word:
         # todo(warn): singleton-UNK-dropout should be done outside before
         seq_shape = word_arr.shape
         word_expr = self.dropmd_word(self.word_embed(word_arr))
     if self.has_char:
         seq_shape = char_arr.shape[:-1]
         char_embeds = self.char_embed(
             char_arr)  # [*, seq-len, word-len, D]
         char_cat_expr = self.dropmd_char(
             BK.concat([z(char_embeds) for z in self.char_cnns]))
         len(extra_arrs) == len(self.extra_embeds),
         "Unmatched extra fields.")
     for one_extra_arr, one_extra_embed, one_extra_dropmd in zip(
             extra_arrs, self.extra_embeds, self.dropmd_extras):
         seq_shape = one_extra_arr.shape
     if self.has_posi:
         seq_len = seq_shape[-1]
         posi_idxes = BK.arange_idx(seq_len)
         posi_input0 = self.posi_embed(posi_idxes)
         for _ in range(len(seq_shape) - 1):
             posi_input0 = BK.unsqueeze(posi_input0, 0)
         posi_input1 = BK.expand(posi_input0, tuple(seq_shape) + (-1, ))
     assert len(aux_arrs) == len(self.drop_auxes)
     for one_aux_arr, one_aux_dim, one_aux_drop, one_fold, one_gamma, one_lambdas in \
             zip(aux_arrs, self.dim_auxes, self.drop_auxes, self.fold_auxes, self.aux_overall_gammas, self.aux_fold_lambdas):
         # fold and apply trainable lambdas
         input_aux_repr = BK.input_real(one_aux_arr)
         input_shape = BK.get_shape(input_aux_repr)
         # todo(note): assume the original concat is [fold/layer, D]
         reshaped_aux_repr = input_aux_repr.view(
             input_shape[:-1] +
             [one_fold, one_aux_dim])  # [*, slen, fold, D]
         lambdas_softmax = BK.softmax(one_gamma,
                                      -1).unsqueeze(-1)  # [fold, 1]
         weighted_aux_repr = (reshaped_aux_repr * lambdas_softmax
                              ).sum(-2) * one_gamma  # [*, slen, D]
         one_aux_expr = one_aux_drop(weighted_aux_repr)
     concated_exprs = BK.concat(exprs, dim=-1)
     # optional proj
     if self.has_proj:
         final_expr = self.final_layer(concated_exprs)
         final_expr = concated_exprs
     return final_expr
Beispiel #20
 def loss(self, ms_items: List, bert_expr, basic_expr, margin=0.):
     conf = self.conf
     bsize = len(ms_items)
     # build targets (include all sents)
     # todo(note): use "x.entity_fillers" for getting gold args
     offsets_t, masks_t, _, items_arr, labels_t = PrepHelper.prep_targets(
         ms_items, lambda x: x.entity_fillers, True, True,
         conf.train_neg_rate, conf.train_neg_rate_outside, True)
     labels_t.clamp_(max=1)  # either 0 or 1
     # -----
     # return 0 if all no targets
     if BK.get_shape(offsets_t, -1) == 0:
         zzz = BK.zeros([])
         return [[zzz, zzz, zzz]]
     # -----
     arange_t = BK.arange_idx(bsize).unsqueeze(-1)  # [bsize, 1]
     sel_bert_t = bert_expr[arange_t, offsets_t]  # [bsize, ?, Fold, D]
     sel_basic_t = None if basic_expr is None else basic_expr[
         arange_t, offsets_t]  # [bsize, ?, D']
     hiddens = self.adp(sel_bert_t, sel_basic_t, [])  # [bsize, ?, D"]
     # build loss
     logits = self.predictor(hiddens)  # [bsize, ?, Out]
     log_probs = BK.log_softmax(logits, -1)
     picked_log_probs = -BK.gather_one_lastdim(log_probs, labels_t).squeeze(
         -1)  # [bsize, ?]
     masked_losses = picked_log_probs * masks_t
     # loss_sum, loss_count, gold_count
     return [[
         masks_t.sum(), (labels_t > 0).float().sum()
Beispiel #21
 def _select_topk(self, masked_scores, pad_mask, ratio_mask, topk_ratio,
     slen = BK.get_shape(masked_scores, -1)
     sel_mask = BK.copy(pad_mask)
     # first apply the absolute thresh
     if thresh_k is not None:
         sel_mask *= (masked_scores > thresh_k).float()
     # then ratio-ed topk
     if topk_ratio > 0.:
         # prepare number
         cur_topk_num = ratio_mask.sum(-1)  # [*]
         cur_topk_num = (cur_topk_num * topk_ratio).long()  # [*]
         cur_topk_num.clamp_(min=1, max=slen)  # at least one, at most all
         # topk
         actual_max_k = max(cur_topk_num.max().item(), 1)
         topk_score, _ = BK.topk(masked_scores,
                                 sorted=True)  # [*, k]
         thresh_score = topk_score.gather(
             cur_topk_num.clamp(min=1).unsqueeze(-1) - 1)  # [*, 1]
         # get mask and apply
         sel_mask *= (masked_scores >= thresh_score).float()
     return sel_mask
Beispiel #22
 def _losses_global_prob(self, full_score_expr, gold_heads_expr,
                         gold_labels_expr, marginals_expr, mask_expr):
     # combine the last two dimension
     full_shape = BK.get_shape(full_score_expr)
     last_size = full_shape[-1]
     # [*, m, h*L]
     combined_marginals_expr = marginals_expr.view(full_shape[:-2] + [-1])
     # # todo(warn): make sure sum to 1., handled in algorithm instead
     # combined_marginals_expr = combined_marginals_expr / combined_marginals_expr.sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
     # [*, m]
     gold_combined_idx_expr = gold_heads_expr * last_size + gold_labels_expr
     # [*, m, h, L]
     gradients = BK.minus_margin(combined_marginals_expr,
     # the gradients on h are already 0. from the marginal algorithm
     gradients_masked = gradients * mask_expr.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(
         -1) * mask_expr.unsqueeze(-2).unsqueeze(-1)
     # for the h-dimension, need to divide by the real length.
     # todo(warn): this values should be directly summed rather than averaged, since directly from loss
     fake_losses = (full_score_expr * gradients_masked).sum(-1).sum(
         -1)  # [BS, m]
     # todo(warn): be aware of search-error-like output constrains;
     #  but this clamp for all is not good for loss-prob, dealt at outside with unproj-mask.
     # <bad> fake_losses = BK.clamp(fake_losses, min=0.)
     return fake_losses
Beispiel #23
 def get_losses_global_hinge(full_score_expr,
     # combine the last two dimension
     full_shape = BK.get_shape(full_score_expr)
     # [*, m, h*L]
     last_size = full_shape[-1]
     combiend_score_expr = full_score_expr.view(full_shape[:-2] + [-1])
     # [*, m]
     gold_combined_idx_expr = gold_heads_expr * last_size + gold_labels_expr
     pred_combined_idx_expr = pred_heads_expr * last_size + pred_labels_expr
     # [*, m]
     gold_scores = BK.gather_one_lastdim(combiend_score_expr,
     pred_scores = BK.gather_one_lastdim(combiend_score_expr,
     # todo(warn): be aware of search error!
     # hinge_losses = BK.clamp(pred_scores - gold_scores, min=0.)  # this is previous version
     hinge_losses = pred_scores - gold_scores  # [*, len]
     if clamping:
         valid_losses = ((hinge_losses * mask_expr)[:, 1:].sum(-1) >
                         0.).float().unsqueeze(-1)  # [*, 1]
         return hinge_losses * valid_losses
         # for this mode, will there be problems of search error? Maybe rare.
         return hinge_losses
Beispiel #24
 def _score_label_full(self,
     _, _, lm_expr, lh_expr = scoring_expr_pack
     # [BS, len-m, len-h, L]
     full_label_score = self.scorer.score_label_all(lm_expr, lh_expr,
                                                    mask_expr, mask_expr)
     # # set diag to small values # todo(warn): handled specifically in algorithms
     # maxlen = BK.get_shape(full_label_score, 1)
     # full_label_score += BK.diagflat(BK.constants([maxlen], Constants.REAL_PRAC_MIN)).unsqueeze(-1)
     # margin? -- specially reshaping
     if training and margin > 0.:
         full_shape = BK.get_shape(full_label_score)
         # combine last two dim
         combiend_score_expr = full_label_score.view(full_shape[:-2] + [-1])
         combined_idx_expr = gold_heads_expr * full_shape[
             -1] + gold_labels_expr
         combined_changed_score = BK.minus_margin(combiend_score_expr,
                                                  combined_idx_expr, margin)
         full_label_score = combined_changed_score.view(full_shape)
     return full_label_score
Beispiel #25
 def get_losses_from_attn_list(list_attn_info: List, ts_f, loss_f,
                               loss_prefix, loss_lambda):
     loss_num = None
     loss_counts: List[int] = []
     loss_sums: List[List] = []
     rets = []
     # -----
     for one_attn_info in list_attn_info:  # each update step
         one_ts: List = ts_f(
             one_attn_info)  # get tensor list from attn_info
         # get number of losses
         if loss_num is None:
             loss_num = len(one_ts)
             loss_counts = [0] * loss_num
             loss_sums = [[] for _ in range(loss_num)]
             assert len(one_ts) == loss_num, "mismatched ts length"
         # iter them
         for one_t_idx, one_t in enumerate(
                 one_ts):  # iter on the tensor list
             one_loss = loss_f(one_t)
             # need it to be in the corresponding shape
             loss_counts[one_t_idx] +=
     # for different steps
     for i, one_loss_count, one_loss_sums in zip(range(len(loss_counts)),
                                                 loss_counts, loss_sums):
         loss_leaf = LossHelper.compile_leaf_info(
             BK.stack(one_loss_sums, 0).sum(),
     return rets
Beispiel #26
 def get_selected_label_scores(self, idxes_m_t, idxes_h_t, bsize_range_t,
                               oracle_mask_t, oracle_label_t,
                               arc_margin: float, label_margin: float):
     # todo(note): in this mode, no repeated arc_margin
     dim1_range_t = bsize_range_t
     dim2_range_t = dim1_range_t.unsqueeze(-1)
     if self.system_labeled:
         selected_m_cache = [
             z[dim2_range_t, idxes_m_t] for z in self.mod_label_cache
         selected_h_repr = self.head_label_cache[dim2_range_t, idxes_h_t]
         ret = self.scorer.score_label(selected_m_cache,
                                       selected_h_repr)  # [*, k, labels]
         if label_margin > 0.:
             oracle_label_idxes = oracle_label_t[dim2_range_t, idxes_m_t,
                                                     -1)  # [*, k, 1] of int
                 -1, oracle_label_idxes,
                 BK.constants(oracle_label_idxes.shape, -label_margin))
         # todo(note): otherwise, simply put zeros (with idx=0 as the slightly best to be consistent)
         ret = BK.zeros(BK.get_shape(idxes_m_t) + [self.num_label])
         ret[:, :, 0] += 0.01
     if self.g1_lab_scores is not None:
         ret += self.g1_lab_scores[dim2_range_t, idxes_m_t, idxes_h_t]
     return ret
Beispiel #27
def nmst_greedy(scores_expr,
    assert labeled
    with BK.no_grad_env():
        scores_shape = BK.get_shape(scores_expr)
        maxlen = scores_shape[1]
        # mask out diag
        scores_expr += BK.diagflat(
            BK.constants([maxlen], Constants.REAL_PRAC_MIN)).unsqueeze(-1)
        # combined last two dimension and Max over them
        combined_scores_expr = scores_expr.view(scores_shape[:-2] + [-1])
        combine_max_scores, combined_max_idxes = BK.max(combined_scores_expr,
        # back to real idxes
        last_size = scores_shape[-1]
        greedy_heads = combined_max_idxes // last_size
        greedy_labels = combined_max_idxes % last_size
        if ret_arr:
            mst_heads_arr, mst_labels_arr, mst_scores_arr = [
                for z in (greedy_heads, greedy_labels, combine_max_scores)
            return mst_heads_arr, mst_labels_arr, mst_scores_arr
            return greedy_heads, greedy_labels, combine_max_scores
Beispiel #28
 def _get_basic_score(self, mb_enc_expr, batch_idxes, m_idxes, h_idxes,
                      sib_idxes, gp_idxes):
     allp_size = BK.get_shape(batch_idxes, 0)
     all_arc_scores, all_lab_scores = [], []
     cur_pidx = 0
     while cur_pidx < allp_size:
         next_pidx = min(allp_size, cur_pidx + self.mb_dec_sb)
         # first calculate srepr
         s_enc = self.slayer
         cur_batch_idxes = batch_idxes[cur_pidx:next_pidx]
         h_expr = mb_enc_expr[cur_batch_idxes, h_idxes[cur_pidx:next_pidx]]
         m_expr = mb_enc_expr[cur_batch_idxes, m_idxes[cur_pidx:next_pidx]]
         s_expr = mb_enc_expr[cur_batch_idxes, sib_idxes[cur_pidx:next_pidx]].unsqueeze(-2) \
             if (sib_idxes is not None) else None  # [*, 1, D]
         g_expr = mb_enc_expr[cur_batch_idxes,
                              gp_idxes[cur_pidx:next_pidx]] if (
                                  gp_idxes is not None) else None
         head_srepr = s_enc.calculate_repr(h_expr, g_expr, None, None,
                                           s_expr, None, None, None)
         mod_srepr = s_enc.forward_repr(m_expr)
         # then get the scores
         arc_score = self.scorer.transform_and_arc_score_plain(
             mod_srepr, head_srepr).squeeze(-1)
         if self.system_labeled:
             lab_score = self.scorer.transform_and_label_score_plain(
                 mod_srepr, head_srepr)
         cur_pidx = next_pidx
     final_arc_score = BK.concat(all_arc_scores, 0)
     final_lab_score = BK.concat(all_lab_scores,
                                 0) if self.system_labeled else None
     return final_arc_score, final_lab_score
Beispiel #29
 def __call__(self, scores, temperature=1., dim=-1):
     is_training =
     # only use stochastic at training
     if is_training:
         if self.use_gumbel:
             gumbel_eps = self.gumbel_eps
             G = (BK.rand(BK.get_shape(scores)) + gumbel_eps).clamp(
                 max=1.)  # [0,1)
             scores = scores - (gumbel_eps - G.log()).log()
     # normalize
     probs = BK.softmax(scores / temperature, dim=dim)  # [*, S]
     # prune and re-normalize?
     if self.prune_val > 0.:
         probs = probs * (probs > self.prune_val).float()
         # todo(note): currently no re-normalize
         # probs = probs / probs.sum(dim=dim, keepdim=True)  # [*, S]
     # argmax and ste
     if self.use_argmax:  # use the hard argmax
         max_probs, _ = probs.max(dim, keepdim=True)  # [*, 1]
         # todo(+N): currently we do not re-normalize here, should it be done here?
         st_probs = (probs >= max_probs).float() * probs  # [*, S]
         if is_training:  # (hard-soft).detach() + soft
             st_probs = (st_probs - probs).detach() + probs  # [*, S]
         return st_probs
         return probs
Beispiel #30
 def _my_loss_prob(self, score_expr, gold_idxes_expr, entropy_lambda: float,
                   loss_mask, neg_reweight: bool):
     probs = BK.softmax(score_expr, -1)  # [*, NLab]
     log_probs = BK.log(probs + 1e-8)
     # first plain NLL loss
     nll_loss = -BK.gather_one_lastdim(log_probs,
     # next the special loss
     if entropy_lambda > 0.:
         negative_entropy = probs * log_probs  # [*, NLab]
         last_dim = BK.get_shape(score_expr, -1)
         confusion_matrix = 1. - BK.eye(last_dim)  # [Nlab, Nlab]
         entropy_mask = confusion_matrix[gold_idxes_expr]  # [*, Nlab]
         entropy_loss = (negative_entropy * entropy_mask).sum(-1)
         final_loss = nll_loss + entropy_lambda * entropy_loss
         final_loss = nll_loss
     # reweight?
     if neg_reweight:
         golden_prob = BK.gather_one_lastdim(probs,
         is_full_nil = (gold_idxes_expr == 0.).float()
         not_full_nil = 1. - is_full_nil
         count_pos = (loss_mask * not_full_nil).sum()
         count_neg = (loss_mask * is_full_nil).sum()
         prob_pos = (loss_mask * not_full_nil * golden_prob).sum()
         prob_neg = (loss_mask * is_full_nil * golden_prob).sum()
         neg_weight = prob_pos / (count_pos + count_neg - prob_neg + 1e-8)
         final_weights = not_full_nil + is_full_nil * neg_weight
         # todo(note): final mask will be applied at outside
         final_loss = final_loss * final_weights
     return final_loss