Beispiel #1
 def __call__(self, query, key, accu_attn, mask_k, mask_qk, rel_dist):
     conf = self.conf
     # == calculate the dot-product scores
     # calculate the three: # [bs, len_?, head*D]; and also add sta ones if needed
     query_up, key_up = self.affine_q(query), self.affine_k(
         key)  # [*, len?, head?*Dqk]
     query_up, key_up = self._shape_project(
         query_up, True), self._shape_project(key_up,
                                              True)  # [*, head?, len_?, D]
     # original scores
     scores = BK.matmul(query_up, BK.transpose(
         key_up, -1, -2)) / self._att_scale_qk  # [*, head?, len_q, len_k]
     # == adding rel_dist ones
     if conf.use_rel_dist:
         scores = self.dist_helper(query_up,
     # tranpose
     scores = scores.transpose(-2,
                                             -2)  # [*, len_q, len_k, head?]
     # == unhead score
     if conf.use_unhead_score:
         scores_t0, score_t1 = BK.split(scores, [1, self.head_count],
                                        -1)  # [*, len_q, len_k, 1|head]
         scores = scores_t0 + score_t1  # [*, len_q, len_k, head]
     # == combining with history accumulated attns
     if conf.use_lambq and accu_attn is not None:
         # todo(note): here we only consider "query" and "head", would it be necessary for "key"?
         lambq_vals = self.lambq_aff(
         )  # [*, len_q, head], if for eg., using relu as fact, this>=0
         scores -= lambq_vals.unsqueeze(-2) * accu_attn
     # == score offset
     if conf.use_soff:
         # todo(note): here we only consider "query" and "head", key may be handled by "unhead_score"
         score_offset_t = self.soff_aff(query)  # [*, len_q, 1+head]
         score_offset_t0, score_offset_t1 = BK.split(
             score_offset_t, [1, self.head_count], -1)  # [*, len_q, 1|head]
         scores -= score_offset_t0.unsqueeze(-2)
         scores -= score_offset_t1.unsqueeze(
             -2)  # still [*, len_q, len_k, head]
     # == apply mask & no-self-loop
     # NEG_INF = Constants.REAL_PRAC_MIN
     NEG_INF = -1000.  # this should be enough
     NEG_INF2 = -2000.  # this should be enough
     if mask_k is not None:  # [*, 1, len_k, 1]
         scores += (1. - mask_k).unsqueeze(-2).unsqueeze(-1) * NEG_INF2
     if mask_qk is not None:  # [*, len_q, len_k, 1]
         scores += (1. - mask_qk).unsqueeze(-1) * NEG_INF2
     if self.no_self_loop:
         query_len = BK.get_shape(query, -2)
         assert query_len == BK.get_shape(
             key, -2), "Shape not matched for no_self_loop"
         scores += BK.eye(query_len).unsqueeze(
             -1) * NEG_INF  # [len_q, len_k, 1]
     return scores.contiguous()  # [*, len_q, len_k, head]
Beispiel #2
 def _normalize(self, cnode: ConcreteNode, orig_scores, use_noop: bool,
                noop_fixed_val: float, temperature: float, dim: int):
     cur_shape = BK.get_shape(orig_scores)  # original
     orig_that_dim = cur_shape[dim]
     cur_shape[dim] = 1
     if use_noop:
         noop_scores = BK.constants(cur_shape,
                                    value=noop_fixed_val)  # [*, 1, *]
         to_norm_scores = BK.concat([orig_scores, noop_scores],
                                    dim=dim)  # [*, D+1, *]
         to_norm_scores = orig_scores  # [*, D, *]
     # normalize
     prob_full = cnode(to_norm_scores, temperature=temperature,
                       dim=dim)  # [*, ?, *]
     if use_noop:
         prob_valid, prob_noop = BK.split(prob_full, [orig_that_dim, 1],
                                          dim)  # [*, D|1, *]
         prob_valid, prob_noop = prob_full, None
     return prob_valid, prob_noop, prob_full