def main():
    # Input files

    arglist = sys.argv[1:]
    if len(arglist) < 4:
    sys.exit('ERROR - provide 4 arguments:<station folder directory> <processingparameter file> <stationparameter file> <BIRRP executable>')    
    #directory where station folders are
    dirpath = op.abspath(arglist[0])

    #file where all the processing parameters are, ie day, start time, end time
    #and birrp parameters like tbw, thetae, etc    
    processinginfofile = op.abspath(arglist[1])

    #file where the station info is, ie lat, long, ex, ey, notes

    stationinfofile = op.abspath(arglist[2])

    #the location of birrp5.exe on your computer, can be the full path to the 
    #executable like r"c:\BIRRP\birrp5Optimized.exe"

    birrploc = op.abspath(arglist[3])

    #this is the index of which station to process which corresponds to the
    #line number in Notepad++ minus 2 of the processinginfofile.  So if you want 
    #to process the first station in processinginfofile which is line 2 in the 
    #notepad file, the statinindex will be 0.  

    # #get information from the processing file and put into a list of dictionaries


    # Combine files, make script file, run birrp
    #if you find that your responses are not scaled correctly, change the parameter
    #ffactor which multiplies the responses by that number. This might happen if the
    #gains are not quite right or the dipole lengths are not quite right.

    #                    ffactor=1)
    #if you want to run multiple stations, one after the other uncomment the
    #following loop.  This will processes the station then plot the apparent
    #resistivity and phase of all 4 components, then plot the phase tensor 
    #components.  If you want to start plst from a different index, because you 
    #keep adding to the processinginfofile for each day, which I suggest doing so 
    #when you come back from the field all the info is one place, just change
    #the plst in enumrate(plst,1) to plst[start:stop] or plst[start:] for all 
    #stations after start.

    for ii,pdict in enumerate(plst,1):
    #        z1=Z.Z(flst['edifile'])
    #        z1.plotResPhase(fignum=ii,plottype=2)
    #        z1.plotPTAll(fignum=ii+len(plst))
        except TypeError:
            print 'Did not process ',pdict['station']
        except IOError:
            print 'Did not process ',pdict['station']
        except IndexError:
            print 'Did not process ',pdict['station']
        except ValueError:
            print 'Did not process ',pdict['station']

    # Plot files 

    #change save='n' to save='y' if want to save the plots, will save in a folder
    #called dirpath\plots

    #if you don't want to use the save icon in the plots you can type in the 
    #interpreter plt.savefig(FullPathSaveName,fmt='pdf)
    #note that fmt can be jpg, eps, or svg


    #if this doesn't work try:

if __name__ == '__main__':
Beispiel #2
def main():

    arglist = sys.srgv[1:]

    if len(arglist) < 5:
        sys.exit('ERROR -- provide 5 arguments: <station folders directory> <processing parameter file> <station info file> <BIRRP executable> <EDI files directory>')

    # Input files
    #directory where station folders are
    dirpath = op.abspath(arglist[0])

    #dirpath=r'G:\University dos\Monash\Processing'

    #file where all the processing parameters are, ie day, start time, end time
    #and birrp parameters like tbw, thetae, etc            
    #processinginfofile=r'g:\University dos\Monash\Processing\sashapro.txt'
    processinginfofile = op.abspath(arglist[1])

    #file where the station info is, ie lat, long, ex, ey, notes
    stationinfofile = op.abspath(arglist[2])
    #stationinfofile=r'g:\University dos\Monash\Processing\SashaInfo.txt'

    #the location of birrp5.exe on your computer, can be the full path to the 
    #executable like r"c:\BIRRP\birrp5Optimized.exe"
    birrploc = op.abspath(arglist[3])

    edipath = op.abspath(arglist[4])

    # #get information from the processing file and put into a list of dictionaries


    # Run in parallel
    #if len(plst[pstart:])<jobserver.get_ncpus():
    #    jobserver.set_ncpus(len(plst[pstart:]))
    #print "Running ",jobserver.get_ncpus()," processors for runBIRRPpp"
    #for prodict in plst[pstart:]:
    #    jobs.append(jobserver.submit(brp.runBIRRPpp,
    #                                 args=(dirpath,prodict,
    #                                       stationinfofile,
    #                                       birrploc,1),
    #                                 depfuncs=(brp.writeedi,
    #                                           brp.read2c2,
    #                                           brp.bbcalfunc,
    #                                           brp.readrf,
    #                                           brp.bbconvz,
    #                                           brp.sigfigs,
    #                                           brp.scriptfilePrep,
    #                                           brp.writeScriptfile,
    #                                           brp.callBIRRP,
    #                                           brp.convertBIRRPoutputs,
    #                                           brp.writeLogfile,
    #                                           brp.writecoh,
    #                                           brp.writedat,
    #                                           brp.writeimp,
    #                                           brp.lpconvz,),
    #                                 modules=("MTtools as mt",
    #                                          "numpy as np",
    #                                          "os",
    #                                          "subprocess",
    #                                          "time",
    #                                          "datetime",
    #                                          "BIRRPTools as brp",
    #                                          "from scipy import interpolate",
    #                                          "fnmatch",
    #                                          "shutil",
    #                                          "MTPlotTools as mtplot",)))
    ##take outputs for each station and put them into a dictionary for next step
    #for job in jobs:
    #    filelst.append(job())

    # Combine files, make script file, run birrp
    #if you find that your responses are not scaled correctly, change the parameter
    #ffactor which multiplies the responses by that number. This might happen if the
    #gains are not quite right or the dipole lengths are not quite right.

    for ii,pdict in enumerate(plst[235:]):
        except ValueError:
            print('Did not run ',pdict['station'],pdict['day'],pdict['start'])
Beispiel #3
def main():

    arglist = sys.srgv[1:]

    if len(arglist) < 5:
        sys.exit('ERROR -- provide 5 arguments: <station folders directory> <processing parameter file> <station info file> <BIRRP executable> <EDI files directory>')

    # Input files
    # directory where station folders are
    dirpath = op.abspath(arglist[0])

    # dirpath=r'g:\ParalanaSept2011'
    # dirpath=r'G:\University dos\Monash\Processing'
    # dirpath=r"c:\Sept2011"

    # file where all the processing parameters are, ie day, start time, end time
    # and birrp parameters like tbw, thetae, etc
    # processinginfofile=r'F:\InjectionJuly2011\Day199.txt'
    # processinginfofile=r'c:\Sept2011\Sept2011pf.txt'
    # processinginfofile=r'g:\University dos\Monash\Processing\sashapro.txt'
    # processinginfofile=r"/wolle/InjectionJuly2011/AdvPro24Hrs100Hz.txt"
    # processinginfofile=r"/wolle/InjectionJuly2011/InjectionHours.csv"
    processinginfofile = op.abspath(arglist[1])

    # file where the station info is, ie lat, long, ex, ey, notes
    # stationinfofile=r'c:\Sept2011\Sept2011Info.txt'
    # stationinfofile=r'c:\InjectionJuly2011\InjectionJuly2011Info.txt'
    stationinfofile = op.abspath(arglist[2])
    # stationinfofile=r'g:\University dos\Monash\Processing\SashaInfo.txt'

    # the location of birrp5.exe on your computer, can be the full path to the
    # executable like r"c:\BIRRP\birrp5Optimized.exe"
    # birrploc=r"c:\Peacock\PHD\BIRRP\birrp5_3pcs20E9ptsOptimized.exe"
    birrploc = op.abspath(arglist[3])
    # birrploc=r"c:\Peacock\PHD\BIRRP\birrp51lp.exe"

    # edipath=r"c:\Sept2011\EDIfiles"
    edipath = op.abspath(arglist[4])

    pstart = 0
    # #get information from the processing file and put into a list of dictionaries

    plst = brp.readProDict(processinginfofile, dirpath)

    # Run in parallel
    # jobserver=pp.Server()
    # if len(plst[pstart:])<jobserver.get_ncpus():
    #    jobserver.set_ncpus(len(plst[pstart:]))
    # jobserver.set_ncpus(1)
    # print "Running ",jobserver.get_ncpus()," processors for runBIRRPpp"
    # jobs=[]
    # for prodict in plst[pstart:]:
    #    jobs.append(jobserver.submit(brp.runBIRRPpp,
    #                                 args=(dirpath,prodict,
    #                                       stationinfofile,
    #                                       birrploc,1),
    #                                 depfuncs=(brp.writeedi,
    #                                           brp.read2c2,
    #                                           brp.bbcalfunc,
    #                                           brp.readrf,
    #                                           brp.bbconvz,
    #                                           brp.sigfigs,
    #                                           brp.scriptfilePrep,
    #                                           brp.writeScriptfile,
    #                                           brp.callBIRRP,
    #                                           brp.convertBIRRPoutputs,
    #                                           brp.writeLogfile,
    #                                           brp.writecoh,
    #                                           brp.writedat,
    #                                           brp.writeimp,
    #                                           brp.lpconvz,),
    #                                 modules=("MTtools as mt",
    #                                          "numpy as np",
    #                                          "os",
    #                                          "subprocess",
    #                                          "time",
    #                                          "datetime",
    #                                          "BIRRPTools as brp",
    #                                          "from scipy import interpolate",
    #                                          "fnmatch",
    #                                          "shutil",
    #                                          "MTPlotTools as mtplot",)))
    # take outputs for each station and put them into a dictionary for next step
    # filelst=[]
    # for job in jobs:
    #    filelst.append(job())
    # jobserver.print_stats()
    # jobserver.destroy()
    # pfid=open(os.path.join(dirpath,'ppBFFiles.pkl'),'w')
    # pickle.dump(filelst,pfid)
    # pfid.close()

    # Combine files, make script file, run birrp
    # if you find that your responses are not scaled correctly, change the parameter
    # ffactor which multiplies the responses by that number. This might happen if the
    # gains are not quite right or the dipole lengths are not quite right.

    flstall = []
    for ii, pdict in enumerate(plst[235:]):
            flst = brp.runBIRRPpp(dirpath, pdict, stationinfofile, birrploc,
                                  ffactor=1, edipath=edipath)
        except ValueError:
            print 'Did not run ', pdict['station'], pdict['day'], pdict['start']