Beispiel #1
def parse(source: Union[str, bytes], fnam: str = None, errors: Errors = None,
          options: Options = Options()) -> MypyFile:
    """Parse a source file, without doing any semantic analysis.

    Return the parse tree. If errors is not provided, raise ParseError
    on failure. Otherwise, use the errors object to report parse errors.
    raise_on_error = False
    if errors is None:
        errors = Errors()
        raise_on_error = True
    errors.set_file('<input>' if fnam is None else fnam, None)
    is_stub_file = bool(fnam) and fnam.endswith('.pyi')
        assert options.python_version[0] < 3 and not is_stub_file
        ast = ast27.parse(source, fnam, 'exec')
        tree = ASTConverter(options=options,
        assert isinstance(tree, MypyFile)
        tree.path = fnam
        tree.is_stub = is_stub_file
    except SyntaxError as e:, e.offset, e.msg)
        tree = MypyFile([], [], False, set())

    if raise_on_error and errors.is_errors():

    return tree
Beispiel #2
def parse(source: Union[str, bytes], fnam: str = None, errors: Errors = None,
          pyversion: Tuple[int, int] = defaults.PYTHON3_VERSION,
          custom_typing_module: str = None) -> MypyFile:
    """Parse a source file, without doing any semantic analysis.

    Return the parse tree. If errors is not provided, raise ParseError
    on failure. Otherwise, use the errors object to report parse errors.

    The pyversion (major, minor) argument determines the Python syntax variant.
    raise_on_error = False
    if errors is None:
        errors = Errors()
        raise_on_error = True
    errors.set_file('<input>' if fnam is None else fnam)
    is_stub_file = bool(fnam) and fnam.endswith('.pyi')
        assert pyversion[0] >= 3 or is_stub_file
        ast = ast35.parse(source, fnam, 'exec')

        tree = ASTConverter(pyversion=pyversion,
        tree.path = fnam
        tree.is_stub = is_stub_file
    except SyntaxError as e:, e.offset, e.msg)
        tree = MypyFile([], [], False, set())

    if raise_on_error and errors.is_errors():

    return tree
Beispiel #3
def parse(source: Union[str, bytes], fnam: str = None, errors: Errors = None,
          pyversion: Tuple[int, int] = defaults.PYTHON3_VERSION,
          custom_typing_module: str = None) -> MypyFile:
    """Parse a source file, without doing any semantic analysis.

    Return the parse tree. If errors is not provided, raise ParseError
    on failure. Otherwise, use the errors object to report parse errors.

    The pyversion (major, minor) argument determines the Python syntax variant.
    raise_on_error = False
    if errors is None:
        errors = Errors()
        raise_on_error = True
    errors.set_file('<input>' if fnam is None else fnam)
    is_stub_file = bool(fnam) and fnam.endswith('.pyi')
        assert pyversion[0] < 3 and not is_stub_file
        ast = ast27.parse(source, fnam, 'exec')
        tree = ASTConverter(pyversion=pyversion,
        assert isinstance(tree, MypyFile)
        tree.path = fnam
        tree.is_stub = is_stub_file
    except SyntaxError as e:, e.offset, e.msg)
        tree = MypyFile([], [], False, set())

    if raise_on_error and errors.is_errors():

    return tree
Beispiel #4
def extract_django_settings_module(config_file_path: Optional[str]) -> str:
    errors = Errors()
    if config_file_path is None:
            0, None,
            "'django_settings_module' is not set: no mypy config file specified"

    parser = configparser.ConfigParser()  # type: ignore

    if not parser.has_section('mypy.plugins.django-stubs'):
            "'django_settings_module' is not set: no section [mypy.plugins.django-stubs]",
    if not parser.has_option('mypy.plugins.django-stubs',
            "'django_settings_module' is not set: setting is not provided",

    django_settings_module = parser.get('mypy.plugins.django-stubs',
    return django_settings_module
Beispiel #5
class BuildManager:
    """This is the central class for building a mypy program.

    It coordinates parsing, import processing, semantic analysis and
    type checking. It manages state objects that actually perform the
    build steps.

      data_dir:        Mypy data directory (contains stubs)
      target:          Build target; selects which passes to perform
      lib_path:        Library path for looking up modules
                       Semantic analyzer, pass 2
                       Semantic analyzer, pass 3
      type_checker:    Type checker
      errors:          Used for reporting all errors
      pyversion:       Python version (major, minor)
      flags:           Build options
      states:          States of all individual files that are being
                       processed. Each file in a build is always represented
                       by a single state object (after it has been encountered
                       for the first time). This is the only place where
                       states are stored.
      module_files:    Map from module name to source file path. There is a
                       1:1 mapping between modules and source files.
      module_deps:     Cache for module dependencies (direct or indirect).
                       Item (m, n) indicates whether m depends on n (directly
                       or indirectly).
      missing_modules: Set of modules that could not be imported encountered so far

    def __init__(self, data_dir: str,
                 lib_path: List[str],
                 target: int,
                 pyversion: Tuple[int, int],
                 flags: List[str],
                 ignore_prefix: str,
                 custom_typing_module: str,
                 reports: Reports) -> None:
        self.data_dir = data_dir
        self.errors = Errors()
        self.lib_path = lib_path = target
        self.pyversion = pyversion
        self.flags = flags
        self.custom_typing_module = custom_typing_module
        self.reports = reports
        self.semantic_analyzer = SemanticAnalyzer(lib_path, self.errors,
        modules = self.semantic_analyzer.modules
        self.semantic_analyzer_pass3 = ThirdPass(modules, self.errors)
        self.type_checker = TypeChecker(self.errors, modules, self.pyversion)
        self.states = []  # type: List[State]
        self.module_files = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]
        self.module_deps = {}  # type: Dict[Tuple[str, str], bool]
        self.missing_modules = set()  # type: Set[str]

    def process(self, initial_states: List['UnprocessedFile']) -> BuildResult:
        """Perform a build.

        The argument is a state that represents the main program
        file. This method should only be called once per a build
        manager object.  The return values are identical to the return
        values of the build function.
        self.states += initial_states
        for initial_state in initial_states:
            self.module_files[] = initial_state.path
        for initial_state in initial_states:

        # Process states in a loop until all files (states) have been
        # semantically analyzed or type checked (depending on target).
        # We type check all files before the rest of the passes so that we can
        # report errors and fail as quickly as possible.
        while True:
            # Find the next state that has all its dependencies met.
            next = self.next_available_state()
            if not next:

            # Potentially output some debug information.
            trace('next {} ({})'.format(next.path, next.state()))

            # Set the import context for reporting error messages correctly.
            # Process the state. The process method is reponsible for adding a
            # new state object representing the new state of the file.

            # Raise exception if the build failed. The build can fail for
            # various reasons, such as parse error, semantic analysis error,
            # etc.
            if self.errors.is_blockers():

        # If there were no errors, all files should have been fully processed.
        for s in self.states:
            assert s.state() == final_state, (
                '{} still unprocessed in state {}'.format(s.path, s.state()))

        if self.errors.is_errors():

        # Collect a list of all files.
        trees = []  # type: List[MypyFile]
        for state in self.states:
            trees.append(cast(ParsedFile, state).tree)

        # Perform any additional passes after type checking for all the files.
        self.final_passes(trees, self.type_checker.type_map)

        return BuildResult(self.semantic_analyzer.modules,

    def next_available_state(self) -> 'State':
        """Find a ready state (one that has all its dependencies met)."""
        i = len(self.states) - 1
        while i >= 0:
            if self.states[i].is_ready():
                num_incomplete = self.states[i].num_incomplete_deps()
                if num_incomplete == 0:
                    # This is perfect; no need to look for the best match.
                    return self.states[i]
            i -= 1
        return None

    def has_module(self, name: str) -> bool:
        """Have we seen a module yet?"""
        return name in self.module_files

    def file_state(self, path: str) -> int:
        """Return the state of a source file.

        In particular, return UNSEEN_STATE if the file has no associated

        This function does not consider any dependencies.
        for s in self.states:
            if s.path == path:
                return s.state()
        return UNSEEN_STATE

    def module_state(self, name: str) -> int:
        """Return the state of a module.

        In particular, return UNSEEN_STATE if the file has no associated

        This considers also module dependencies.
        if not self.has_module(name):
            return UNSEEN_STATE
        state = final_state
        fs = self.file_state(self.module_files[name])
        if earlier_state(fs, state):
            state = fs
        return state

    def is_dep(self, m1: str, m2: str, done: Set[str] = None) -> bool:
        """Does m1 import m2 directly or indirectly?"""
        # Have we computed this previously?
        dep = self.module_deps.get((m1, m2))
        if dep is not None:
            return dep

        if not done:
            done = set([m1])

        # m1 depends on m2 iff one of the deps of m1 depends on m2.
        st = self.lookup_state(m1)
        for m in st.dependencies:
            if m in done:
            # Cache this dependency.
            self.module_deps[m1, m] = True
            # Search recursively.
            if m == m2 or self.is_dep(m, m2, done):
                # Yes! Mark it in the cache.
                self.module_deps[m1, m2] = True
                return True
        # No dependency. Mark it in the cache.
        self.module_deps[m1, m2] = False
        return False

    def lookup_state(self, module: str) -> 'State':
        for state in self.states:
            if == module:
                return state
        raise RuntimeError('%s not found' % module)

    def all_imported_modules_in_file(self,
                                     file: MypyFile) -> List[Tuple[str, int]]:
        """Find all reachable import statements in a file.

        Return list of tuples (module id, import line number) for all modules
        imported in file.
        def correct_rel_imp(imp: Union[ImportFrom, ImportAll]) -> str:
            """Function to correct for relative imports."""
            file_id = file.fullname()
            rel = imp.relative
            if rel == 0:
            if os.path.basename(file.path).startswith('__init__.'):
                rel -= 1
            if rel != 0:
                file_id = ".".join(file_id.split(".")[:-rel])
            new_id = file_id + "." + if else file_id

            return new_id

        res = []  # type: List[Tuple[str, int]]
        for imp in file.imports:
            if not imp.is_unreachable:
                if isinstance(imp, Import):
                    for id, _ in imp.ids:
                        res.append((id, imp.line))
                elif isinstance(imp, ImportFrom):
                    cur_id = correct_rel_imp(imp)
                    res.append((cur_id, imp.line))
                    # Also add any imported names that are submodules.
                    for name, __ in imp.names:
                        sub_id = cur_id + '.' + name
                        if self.is_module(sub_id):
                            res.append((sub_id, imp.line))
                elif isinstance(imp, ImportAll):
                    res.append((correct_rel_imp(imp), imp.line))
        return res

    def is_module(self, id: str) -> bool:
        """Is there a file in the file system corresponding to module id?"""
        return find_module(id, self.lib_path) is not None

    def final_passes(self, files: List[MypyFile],
                     types: Dict[Node, Type]) -> None:
        """Perform the code generation passes for type checked files."""
            pass  # Nothing to do.
            raise RuntimeError('Unsupported target %d' %

    def log(self, message: str) -> None:
        if VERBOSE in self.flags:
            print('LOG: %s' % message)
Beispiel #6
class BuildManager:
    """This is the central class for building a mypy program.

    It coordinates parsing, import processing, semantic analysis and
    type checking. It manages state objects that actually perform the
    build steps.

      data_dir:        Mypy data directory (contains stubs)
      target:          Build target; selects which passes to perform
      lib_path:        Library path for looking up modules
                       Semantic analyzer, pass 2
                       Semantic analyzer, pass 3
      type_checker:    Type checker
      errors:          Used for reporting all errors
      pyversion:       Python version (major, minor)
      flags:           Build options
      states:          States of all individual files that are being
                       processed. Each file in a build is always represented
                       by a single state object (after it has been encountered
                       for the first time). This is the only place where
                       states are stored.
      module_files:    Map from module name to source file path. There is a
                       1:1 mapping between modules and source files.
      module_deps:     Cache for module dependencies (direct or indirect).
                       Item (m, n) indicates whether m depends on n (directly
                       or indirectly).
      missing_modules: Set of modules that could not be imported encountered so far

    def __init__(self, data_dir: str,
                 lib_path: List[str],
                 target: int,
                 pyversion: Tuple[int, int],
                 flags: List[str],
                 ignore_prefix: str,
                 custom_typing_module: str,
                 reports: Reports) -> None:
        self.data_dir = data_dir
        self.errors = Errors()
        self.lib_path = lib_path = target
        self.pyversion = pyversion
        self.flags = flags
        self.custom_typing_module = custom_typing_module
        self.reports = reports
        self.semantic_analyzer = SemanticAnalyzer(lib_path, self.errors,
        modules = self.semantic_analyzer.modules
        self.semantic_analyzer_pass3 = ThirdPass(modules, self.errors)
        self.type_checker = TypeChecker(self.errors, modules, self.pyversion)
        self.states = []  # type: List[State]
        self.module_files = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]
        self.module_deps = {}  # type: Dict[Tuple[str, str], bool]
        self.missing_modules = set()  # type: Set[str]

    def process(self, initial_states: List['UnprocessedFile']) -> BuildResult:
        """Perform a build.

        The argument is a state that represents the main program
        file. This method should only be called once per a build
        manager object.  The return values are identical to the return
        values of the build function.
        self.states += initial_states
        for initial_state in initial_states:
            self.module_files[] = initial_state.path
        for initial_state in initial_states:

        # Process states in a loop until all files (states) have been
        # semantically analyzed or type checked (depending on target).
        # We type check all files before the rest of the passes so that we can
        # report errors and fail as quickly as possible.
        while True:
            # Find the next state that has all its dependencies met.
            next = self.next_available_state()
            if not next:

            # Potentially output some debug information.
            trace('next {} ({})'.format(next.path, next.state()))

            # Set the import context for reporting error messages correctly.
            # Process the state. The process method is reponsible for adding a
            # new state object representing the new state of the file.

            # Raise exception if the build failed. The build can fail for
            # various reasons, such as parse error, semantic analysis error,
            # etc.
            if self.errors.is_blockers():

        # If there were no errors, all files should have been fully processed.
        for s in self.states:
            assert s.state() == final_state, (
                '{} still unprocessed in state {}'.format(s.path, s.state()))

        if self.errors.is_errors():

        # Collect a list of all files.
        trees = []  # type: List[MypyFile]
        for state in self.states:
            trees.append(cast(ParsedFile, state).tree)

        # Perform any additional passes after type checking for all the files.
        self.final_passes(trees, self.type_checker.type_map)

        return BuildResult(self.semantic_analyzer.modules,

    def next_available_state(self) -> 'State':
        """Find a ready state (one that has all its dependencies met)."""
        i = len(self.states) - 1
        while i >= 0:
            if self.states[i].is_ready():
                num_incomplete = self.states[i].num_incomplete_deps()
                if num_incomplete == 0:
                    # This is perfect; no need to look for the best match.
                    return self.states[i]
            i -= 1
        return None

    def has_module(self, name: str) -> bool:
        """Have we seen a module yet?"""
        return name in self.module_files

    def file_state(self, path: str) -> int:
        """Return the state of a source file.

        In particular, return UNSEEN_STATE if the file has no associated

        This function does not consider any dependencies.
        for s in self.states:
            if s.path == path:
                return s.state()
        return UNSEEN_STATE

    def module_state(self, name: str) -> int:
        """Return the state of a module.

        In particular, return UNSEEN_STATE if the file has no associated

        This considers also module dependencies.
        if not self.has_module(name):
            return UNSEEN_STATE
        state = final_state
        fs = self.file_state(self.module_files[name])
        if earlier_state(fs, state):
            state = fs
        return state

    def is_dep(self, m1: str, m2: str, done: Set[str] = None) -> bool:
        """Does m1 import m2 directly or indirectly?"""
        # Have we computed this previously?
        dep = self.module_deps.get((m1, m2))
        if dep is not None:
            return dep

        if not done:
            done = set([m1])

        # m1 depends on m2 iff one of the deps of m1 depends on m2.
        st = self.lookup_state(m1)
        for m in st.dependencies:
            if m in done:
            # Cache this dependency.
            self.module_deps[m1, m] = True
            # Search recursively.
            if m == m2 or self.is_dep(m, m2, done):
                # Yes! Mark it in the cache.
                self.module_deps[m1, m2] = True
                return True
        # No dependency. Mark it in the cache.
        self.module_deps[m1, m2] = False
        return False

    def lookup_state(self, module: str) -> 'State':
        for state in self.states:
            if == module:
                return state
        raise RuntimeError('%s not found' % module)

    def all_imported_modules_in_file(self,
                                     file: MypyFile) -> List[Tuple[str, int]]:
        """Find all reachable import statements in a file.

        Return list of tuples (module id, import line number) for all modules
        imported in file.
        def correct_rel_imp(imp: Union[ImportFrom, ImportAll]) -> str:
            """Function to correct for relative imports."""
            file_id = file.fullname()
            rel = imp.relative
            if rel == 0:
            if os.path.basename(file.path).startswith('__init__.'):
                rel -= 1
            if rel != 0:
                file_id = ".".join(file_id.split(".")[:-rel])
            new_id = file_id + "." + if else file_id

            return new_id

        res = []  # type: List[Tuple[str, int]]
        for imp in file.imports:
            if not imp.is_unreachable:
                if isinstance(imp, Import):
                    for id, _ in imp.ids:
                        res.append((id, imp.line))
                elif isinstance(imp, ImportFrom):
                    cur_id = correct_rel_imp(imp)
                    res.append((cur_id, imp.line))
                    # Also add any imported names that are submodules.
                    for name, __ in imp.names:
                        sub_id = cur_id + '.' + name
                        if self.is_module(sub_id):
                            res.append((sub_id, imp.line))
                elif isinstance(imp, ImportAll):
                    res.append((correct_rel_imp(imp), imp.line))
        return res

    def is_module(self, id: str) -> bool:
        """Is there a file in the file system corresponding to module id?"""
        return find_module(id, self.lib_path) is not None

    def final_passes(self, files: List[MypyFile],
                     types: Dict[Node, Type]) -> None:
        """Perform the code generation passes for type checked files."""
            pass  # Nothing to do.
            raise RuntimeError('Unsupported target %d' %

    def log(self, message: str) -> None:
        if VERBOSE in self.flags:
            print('LOG: %s' % message)
Beispiel #7
class BuildManager:
    """This is the central class for building a mypy program.

    It coordinates parsing, import processing, semantic analysis and
    type checking. It manages state objects that actually perform the
    build steps.

      data_dir:        Mypy data directory (contains stubs)
      target:          Build target; selects which passes to perform
      lib_path:        Library path for looking up modules
                       Semantic analyzer, pass 2
                       Semantic analyzer, pass 3
      type_checker:    Type checker
      errors:          Used for reporting all errors
      output_dir:      Store output files here (Python)
      pyversion:       Python version (2 or 3)
      flags:           Build options
      states:          States of all individual files that are being
                       processed. Each file in a build is always represented
                       by a single state object (after it has been encountered
                       for the first time). This is the only place where
                       states are stored.
      module_files:    Map from module name to source file path. There is a
                       1:1 mapping between modules and source files.
      icode:           Generated icode (when compiling via C)
      binary_path:     Path of the generated binary (or None)
      module_deps:     Cache for module dependencies (direct or indirect).
                       Item (m, n) indicates whether m depends on n (directly
                       or indirectly).

    TODO Refactor code related to transformation, icode generation etc. to
         external objects.  This module should not directly depend on them.
    def __init__(self, data_dir: str,
                 lib_path: List[str],
                 target: int,
                 output_dir: str,
                 pyversion: int,
                 flags: List[str],
                 ignore_prefix: str) -> None:
        self.data_dir = data_dir
        self.errors = Errors()
        self.lib_path = lib_path = target
        self.output_dir = output_dir
        self.pyversion = pyversion
        self.flags = flags
        self.semantic_analyzer = SemanticAnalyzer(lib_path, self.errors)
        self.semantic_analyzer_pass3 = ThirdPass(self.errors)
        self.type_checker = TypeChecker(self.errors,
        self.states = List[State]()
        self.module_files = Dict[str, str]()
        self.icode = Dict[str, FuncIcode]()
        self.binary_path = None # type: str
        self.module_deps = Dict[Tuple[str, str], bool]()
    def process(self, initial_state: 'UnprocessedFile') -> BuildResult:
        """Perform a build.

        The argument is a state that represents the main program
        file. This method should only be called once per a build
        manager object.  The return values are identical to the return
        values of the build function.
        # Process states in a loop until all files (states) have been
        # semantically analyzed or type checked (depending on target).
        # We type check all files before the rest of the passes so that we can
        # report errors and fail as quickly as possible.
        while True:
            # Find the next state that has all its dependencies met.
            next = self.next_available_state()
            if not next:
            # Potentially output some debug information.
            trace('next {} ({})'.format(next.path, next.state()))
            # Set the import context for reporting error messages correctly.
            # Process the state. The process method is reponsible for adding a
            # new state object representing the new state of the file.
            # Raise exception if the build failed. The build can fail for
            # various reasons, such as parse error, semantic analysis error,
            # etc.
            if self.errors.is_errors():
        # If there were no errors, all files should have been fully processed.
        for s in self.states:
            assert s.state() == final_state, (
                '{} still unprocessed'.format(s.path))
        # Collect a list of all files.
        trees = List[MypyFile]()
        for state in self.states:
            trees.append((cast('ParsedFile', state)).tree)

        # Perform any additional passes after type checking for all the files.
        self.final_passes(trees, self.type_checker.type_map)
        return BuildResult(self.semantic_analyzer.modules,
                           self.icode, self.binary_path)
    def next_available_state(self) -> 'State':
        """Find a ready state (one that has all its dependencies met)."""
        i = len(self.states) - 1
        while i >= 0:
            if self.states[i].is_ready():
                num_incomplete = self.states[i].num_incomplete_deps()
                if num_incomplete == 0:
                    # This is perfect; no need to look for the best match.
                    return self.states[i]
            i -= 1
        return None
    def has_module(self, name: str) -> bool:
        """Have we seen a module yet?"""
        return name in self.module_files
    def file_state(self, path: str) -> int:
        """Return the state of a source file.

        In particular, return UNSEEN_STATE if the file has no associated

        This function does not consider any dependencies.
        for s in self.states:
            if s.path == path:
                return s.state()
        return UNSEEN_STATE
    def module_state(self, name: str) -> int:
        """Return the state of a module.

        In particular, return UNSEEN_STATE if the file has no associated

        This considers also module dependencies.
        if not self.has_module(name):
            return UNSEEN_STATE
        state = final_state
        fs = self.file_state(self.module_files[name])
        if earlier_state(fs, state):
            state = fs
        return state

    def is_dep(self, m1: str, m2: str, done: Set[str] = None) -> bool:
        """Does m1 import m2 directly or indirectly?"""
        # Have we computed this previously?
        dep = self.module_deps.get((m1, m2))
        if dep is not None:
            return dep
        if not done:
            done = set([m1])
        # m1 depends on m2 iff one of the deps of m1 depends on m2.
        st = self.lookup_state(m1)
        for m in st.dependencies:
            if m in done:
            # Cache this dependency.
            self.module_deps[m1, m] = True
            # Search recursively.
            if m == m2 or self.is_dep(m, m2, done):
                # Yes! Mark it in the cache.
                self.module_deps[m1, m2] = True
                return True
        # No dependency. Mark it in the cache.
        self.module_deps[m1, m2] = False
        return False

    def lookup_state(self, module: str) -> 'State':
        for state in self.states:
            if == module:
                return state
        raise RuntimeError('%s not found' % str)
    def all_imported_modules_in_file(self,
                                     file: MypyFile) -> List[Tuple[str, int]]:
        """Find all import statements in a file.

        Return list of tuples (module id, import line number) for all modules
        imported in file.
        # TODO also find imports not at the top level of the file
        res = List[Tuple[str, int]]()
        for imp in file.imports:
            if isinstance(imp, Import):
                for id, _ in imp.ids:
                    res.append((id, imp.line))
            elif isinstance(imp, ImportFrom):
                res.append((, imp.line))
                # Also add any imported names that are submodules.
                for name, __ in imp.names:
                    sub_id = + '.' + name
                    if self.is_module(sub_id):
                        res.append((sub_id, imp.line))
            elif isinstance(imp, ImportAll):
                res.append((, imp.line))
        return res
    def is_module(self, id: str) -> bool:
        """Is there a file in the file system corresponding to module id?"""
        return find_module(id, self.lib_path) is not None

    def final_passes(self, files: List[MypyFile],
                     types: Dict[Node, Type]) -> None:
        """Perform the code generation passes for type checked files."""
        if == TRANSFORM:
        elif == ICODE:
            self.generate_icode(files, types)
        elif == C:
            self.generate_icode(files, types)
            pass # Nothing to do.
            raise RuntimeError('Unsupported target %d' %

    def get_python_out_path(self, f: MypyFile) -> str:
        if f.fullname() == '__main__':
            return os.path.join(self.output_dir, basename(f.path))
            components = f.fullname().split('.')
            if os.path.basename(f.path) == '':
                components[-1] += '.py'
            return os.path.join(self.output_dir, *components)

    def transform(self, files: List[MypyFile]) -> None:
        for f in files:
            if f.fullname() == 'typing':
                # The typing module is special and is currently not
                # transformed.
            # Transform parse tree and produce pretty-printed output.
            v = transform.DyncheckTransformVisitor(

    def generate_icode(self, files: List[MypyFile],
                       types: Dict[Node, Type]) -> None:
        builder = icode.IcodeBuilder(types)
        for f in files:
            # TODO remove ugly builtins hack
            if not f.path.endswith('/'):
        self.icode = builder.generated

    def generate_c_and_compile(self, files: List[MypyFile]) -> None:
        gen = cgen.CGenerator()
        for fn, icode in self.icode.items():
            gen.generate_function('M' + fn, icode)

        program_name = os.path.splitext(basename(files[0].path))[0]
        c_file = '%s.c' % program_name

        # Write C file.
        self.log('writing %s' % c_file)
        out = open(c_file, 'w')

        if COMPILE_ONLY not in self.flags:
            # Generate binary file.
            data_dir = self.data_dir
            vm_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'vm')
            cc = os.getenv('CC', 'gcc')
            cflags = shlex.split(os.getenv('CFLAGS', '-O2'))
            cmdline = [cc] + cflags +['-I%s' % vm_dir,
                                      '-o%s' % program_name,
                                      os.path.join(vm_dir, 'runtime.c')]
            self.log(' '.join(cmdline))
            status =
            # TODO check status
            self.log('removing %s' % c_file)
            self.binary_path = os.path.join('.', program_name)

    def log(self, message: str) -> None:
        if VERBOSE in self.flags:
            print('LOG: %s' % message)