Beispiel #1
class BuildManager:
    """This is the central class for building a mypy program.

    It coordinates parsing, import processing, semantic analysis and
    type checking. It manages state objects that actually perform the
    build steps.

      data_dir:        Mypy data directory (contains stubs)
      target:          Build target; selects which passes to perform
      lib_path:        Library path for looking up modules
                       Semantic analyzer, pass 2
                       Semantic analyzer, pass 3
      type_checker:    Type checker
      errors:          Used for reporting all errors
      pyversion:       Python version (major, minor)
      flags:           Build options
      states:          States of all individual files that are being
                       processed. Each file in a build is always represented
                       by a single state object (after it has been encountered
                       for the first time). This is the only place where
                       states are stored.
      module_files:    Map from module name to source file path. There is a
                       1:1 mapping between modules and source files.
      module_deps:     Cache for module dependencies (direct or indirect).
                       Item (m, n) indicates whether m depends on n (directly
                       or indirectly).
      missing_modules: Set of modules that could not be imported encountered so far

    def __init__(self, data_dir: str,
                 lib_path: List[str],
                 target: int,
                 pyversion: Tuple[int, int],
                 flags: List[str],
                 ignore_prefix: str,
                 custom_typing_module: str,
                 reports: Reports) -> None:
        self.data_dir = data_dir
        self.errors = Errors()
        self.lib_path = lib_path = target
        self.pyversion = pyversion
        self.flags = flags
        self.custom_typing_module = custom_typing_module
        self.reports = reports
        self.semantic_analyzer = SemanticAnalyzer(lib_path, self.errors,
        modules = self.semantic_analyzer.modules
        self.semantic_analyzer_pass3 = ThirdPass(modules, self.errors)
        self.type_checker = TypeChecker(self.errors, modules, self.pyversion)
        self.states = []  # type: List[State]
        self.module_files = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]
        self.module_deps = {}  # type: Dict[Tuple[str, str], bool]
        self.missing_modules = set()  # type: Set[str]

    def process(self, initial_states: List['UnprocessedFile']) -> BuildResult:
        """Perform a build.

        The argument is a state that represents the main program
        file. This method should only be called once per a build
        manager object.  The return values are identical to the return
        values of the build function.
        self.states += initial_states
        for initial_state in initial_states:
            self.module_files[] = initial_state.path
        for initial_state in initial_states:

        # Process states in a loop until all files (states) have been
        # semantically analyzed or type checked (depending on target).
        # We type check all files before the rest of the passes so that we can
        # report errors and fail as quickly as possible.
        while True:
            # Find the next state that has all its dependencies met.
            next = self.next_available_state()
            if not next:

            # Potentially output some debug information.
            trace('next {} ({})'.format(next.path, next.state()))

            # Set the import context for reporting error messages correctly.
            # Process the state. The process method is reponsible for adding a
            # new state object representing the new state of the file.

            # Raise exception if the build failed. The build can fail for
            # various reasons, such as parse error, semantic analysis error,
            # etc.
            if self.errors.is_blockers():

        # If there were no errors, all files should have been fully processed.
        for s in self.states:
            assert s.state() == final_state, (
                '{} still unprocessed in state {}'.format(s.path, s.state()))

        if self.errors.is_errors():

        # Collect a list of all files.
        trees = []  # type: List[MypyFile]
        for state in self.states:
            trees.append(cast(ParsedFile, state).tree)

        # Perform any additional passes after type checking for all the files.
        self.final_passes(trees, self.type_checker.type_map)

        return BuildResult(self.semantic_analyzer.modules,

    def next_available_state(self) -> 'State':
        """Find a ready state (one that has all its dependencies met)."""
        i = len(self.states) - 1
        while i >= 0:
            if self.states[i].is_ready():
                num_incomplete = self.states[i].num_incomplete_deps()
                if num_incomplete == 0:
                    # This is perfect; no need to look for the best match.
                    return self.states[i]
            i -= 1
        return None

    def has_module(self, name: str) -> bool:
        """Have we seen a module yet?"""
        return name in self.module_files

    def file_state(self, path: str) -> int:
        """Return the state of a source file.

        In particular, return UNSEEN_STATE if the file has no associated

        This function does not consider any dependencies.
        for s in self.states:
            if s.path == path:
                return s.state()
        return UNSEEN_STATE

    def module_state(self, name: str) -> int:
        """Return the state of a module.

        In particular, return UNSEEN_STATE if the file has no associated

        This considers also module dependencies.
        if not self.has_module(name):
            return UNSEEN_STATE
        state = final_state
        fs = self.file_state(self.module_files[name])
        if earlier_state(fs, state):
            state = fs
        return state

    def is_dep(self, m1: str, m2: str, done: Set[str] = None) -> bool:
        """Does m1 import m2 directly or indirectly?"""
        # Have we computed this previously?
        dep = self.module_deps.get((m1, m2))
        if dep is not None:
            return dep

        if not done:
            done = set([m1])

        # m1 depends on m2 iff one of the deps of m1 depends on m2.
        st = self.lookup_state(m1)
        for m in st.dependencies:
            if m in done:
            # Cache this dependency.
            self.module_deps[m1, m] = True
            # Search recursively.
            if m == m2 or self.is_dep(m, m2, done):
                # Yes! Mark it in the cache.
                self.module_deps[m1, m2] = True
                return True
        # No dependency. Mark it in the cache.
        self.module_deps[m1, m2] = False
        return False

    def lookup_state(self, module: str) -> 'State':
        for state in self.states:
            if == module:
                return state
        raise RuntimeError('%s not found' % module)

    def all_imported_modules_in_file(self,
                                     file: MypyFile) -> List[Tuple[str, int]]:
        """Find all reachable import statements in a file.

        Return list of tuples (module id, import line number) for all modules
        imported in file.
        def correct_rel_imp(imp: Union[ImportFrom, ImportAll]) -> str:
            """Function to correct for relative imports."""
            file_id = file.fullname()
            rel = imp.relative
            if rel == 0:
            if os.path.basename(file.path).startswith('__init__.'):
                rel -= 1
            if rel != 0:
                file_id = ".".join(file_id.split(".")[:-rel])
            new_id = file_id + "." + if else file_id

            return new_id

        res = []  # type: List[Tuple[str, int]]
        for imp in file.imports:
            if not imp.is_unreachable:
                if isinstance(imp, Import):
                    for id, _ in imp.ids:
                        res.append((id, imp.line))
                elif isinstance(imp, ImportFrom):
                    cur_id = correct_rel_imp(imp)
                    res.append((cur_id, imp.line))
                    # Also add any imported names that are submodules.
                    for name, __ in imp.names:
                        sub_id = cur_id + '.' + name
                        if self.is_module(sub_id):
                            res.append((sub_id, imp.line))
                elif isinstance(imp, ImportAll):
                    res.append((correct_rel_imp(imp), imp.line))
        return res

    def is_module(self, id: str) -> bool:
        """Is there a file in the file system corresponding to module id?"""
        return find_module(id, self.lib_path) is not None

    def final_passes(self, files: List[MypyFile],
                     types: Dict[Node, Type]) -> None:
        """Perform the code generation passes for type checked files."""
            pass  # Nothing to do.
            raise RuntimeError('Unsupported target %d' %

    def log(self, message: str) -> None:
        if VERBOSE in self.flags:
            print('LOG: %s' % message)
Beispiel #2
class BuildManager:
    """This is the central class for building a mypy program.

    It coordinates parsing, import processing, semantic analysis and
    type checking. It manages state objects that actually perform the
    build steps.

      data_dir:        Mypy data directory (contains stubs)
      target:          Build target; selects which passes to perform
      lib_path:        Library path for looking up modules
                       Semantic analyzer, pass 2
                       Semantic analyzer, pass 3
      type_checker:    Type checker
      errors:          Used for reporting all errors
      pyversion:       Python version (major, minor)
      flags:           Build options
      states:          States of all individual files that are being
                       processed. Each file in a build is always represented
                       by a single state object (after it has been encountered
                       for the first time). This is the only place where
                       states are stored.
      module_files:    Map from module name to source file path. There is a
                       1:1 mapping between modules and source files.
      module_deps:     Cache for module dependencies (direct or indirect).
                       Item (m, n) indicates whether m depends on n (directly
                       or indirectly).
      missing_modules: Set of modules that could not be imported encountered so far

    def __init__(self, data_dir: str,
                 lib_path: List[str],
                 target: int,
                 pyversion: Tuple[int, int],
                 flags: List[str],
                 ignore_prefix: str,
                 custom_typing_module: str,
                 reports: Reports) -> None:
        self.data_dir = data_dir
        self.errors = Errors()
        self.lib_path = lib_path = target
        self.pyversion = pyversion
        self.flags = flags
        self.custom_typing_module = custom_typing_module
        self.reports = reports
        self.semantic_analyzer = SemanticAnalyzer(lib_path, self.errors,
        modules = self.semantic_analyzer.modules
        self.semantic_analyzer_pass3 = ThirdPass(modules, self.errors)
        self.type_checker = TypeChecker(self.errors, modules, self.pyversion)
        self.states = []  # type: List[State]
        self.module_files = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]
        self.module_deps = {}  # type: Dict[Tuple[str, str], bool]
        self.missing_modules = set()  # type: Set[str]

    def process(self, initial_states: List['UnprocessedFile']) -> BuildResult:
        """Perform a build.

        The argument is a state that represents the main program
        file. This method should only be called once per a build
        manager object.  The return values are identical to the return
        values of the build function.
        self.states += initial_states
        for initial_state in initial_states:
            self.module_files[] = initial_state.path
        for initial_state in initial_states:

        # Process states in a loop until all files (states) have been
        # semantically analyzed or type checked (depending on target).
        # We type check all files before the rest of the passes so that we can
        # report errors and fail as quickly as possible.
        while True:
            # Find the next state that has all its dependencies met.
            next = self.next_available_state()
            if not next:

            # Potentially output some debug information.
            trace('next {} ({})'.format(next.path, next.state()))

            # Set the import context for reporting error messages correctly.
            # Process the state. The process method is reponsible for adding a
            # new state object representing the new state of the file.

            # Raise exception if the build failed. The build can fail for
            # various reasons, such as parse error, semantic analysis error,
            # etc.
            if self.errors.is_blockers():

        # If there were no errors, all files should have been fully processed.
        for s in self.states:
            assert s.state() == final_state, (
                '{} still unprocessed in state {}'.format(s.path, s.state()))

        if self.errors.is_errors():

        # Collect a list of all files.
        trees = []  # type: List[MypyFile]
        for state in self.states:
            trees.append(cast(ParsedFile, state).tree)

        # Perform any additional passes after type checking for all the files.
        self.final_passes(trees, self.type_checker.type_map)

        return BuildResult(self.semantic_analyzer.modules,

    def next_available_state(self) -> 'State':
        """Find a ready state (one that has all its dependencies met)."""
        i = len(self.states) - 1
        while i >= 0:
            if self.states[i].is_ready():
                num_incomplete = self.states[i].num_incomplete_deps()
                if num_incomplete == 0:
                    # This is perfect; no need to look for the best match.
                    return self.states[i]
            i -= 1
        return None

    def has_module(self, name: str) -> bool:
        """Have we seen a module yet?"""
        return name in self.module_files

    def file_state(self, path: str) -> int:
        """Return the state of a source file.

        In particular, return UNSEEN_STATE if the file has no associated

        This function does not consider any dependencies.
        for s in self.states:
            if s.path == path:
                return s.state()
        return UNSEEN_STATE

    def module_state(self, name: str) -> int:
        """Return the state of a module.

        In particular, return UNSEEN_STATE if the file has no associated

        This considers also module dependencies.
        if not self.has_module(name):
            return UNSEEN_STATE
        state = final_state
        fs = self.file_state(self.module_files[name])
        if earlier_state(fs, state):
            state = fs
        return state

    def is_dep(self, m1: str, m2: str, done: Set[str] = None) -> bool:
        """Does m1 import m2 directly or indirectly?"""
        # Have we computed this previously?
        dep = self.module_deps.get((m1, m2))
        if dep is not None:
            return dep

        if not done:
            done = set([m1])

        # m1 depends on m2 iff one of the deps of m1 depends on m2.
        st = self.lookup_state(m1)
        for m in st.dependencies:
            if m in done:
            # Cache this dependency.
            self.module_deps[m1, m] = True
            # Search recursively.
            if m == m2 or self.is_dep(m, m2, done):
                # Yes! Mark it in the cache.
                self.module_deps[m1, m2] = True
                return True
        # No dependency. Mark it in the cache.
        self.module_deps[m1, m2] = False
        return False

    def lookup_state(self, module: str) -> 'State':
        for state in self.states:
            if == module:
                return state
        raise RuntimeError('%s not found' % module)

    def all_imported_modules_in_file(self,
                                     file: MypyFile) -> List[Tuple[str, int]]:
        """Find all reachable import statements in a file.

        Return list of tuples (module id, import line number) for all modules
        imported in file.
        def correct_rel_imp(imp: Union[ImportFrom, ImportAll]) -> str:
            """Function to correct for relative imports."""
            file_id = file.fullname()
            rel = imp.relative
            if rel == 0:
            if os.path.basename(file.path).startswith('__init__.'):
                rel -= 1
            if rel != 0:
                file_id = ".".join(file_id.split(".")[:-rel])
            new_id = file_id + "." + if else file_id

            return new_id

        res = []  # type: List[Tuple[str, int]]
        for imp in file.imports:
            if not imp.is_unreachable:
                if isinstance(imp, Import):
                    for id, _ in imp.ids:
                        res.append((id, imp.line))
                elif isinstance(imp, ImportFrom):
                    cur_id = correct_rel_imp(imp)
                    res.append((cur_id, imp.line))
                    # Also add any imported names that are submodules.
                    for name, __ in imp.names:
                        sub_id = cur_id + '.' + name
                        if self.is_module(sub_id):
                            res.append((sub_id, imp.line))
                elif isinstance(imp, ImportAll):
                    res.append((correct_rel_imp(imp), imp.line))
        return res

    def is_module(self, id: str) -> bool:
        """Is there a file in the file system corresponding to module id?"""
        return find_module(id, self.lib_path) is not None

    def final_passes(self, files: List[MypyFile],
                     types: Dict[Node, Type]) -> None:
        """Perform the code generation passes for type checked files."""
            pass  # Nothing to do.
            raise RuntimeError('Unsupported target %d' %

    def log(self, message: str) -> None:
        if VERBOSE in self.flags:
            print('LOG: %s' % message)
Beispiel #3
class BuildManager:
    """This is the central class for building a mypy program.

    It coordinates parsing, import processing, semantic analysis and
    type checking. It manages state objects that actually perform the
    build steps.

      data_dir:        Mypy data directory (contains stubs)
      target:          Build target; selects which passes to perform
      lib_path:        Library path for looking up modules
                       Semantic analyzer, pass 2
                       Semantic analyzer, pass 3
      type_checker:    Type checker
      errors:          Used for reporting all errors
      output_dir:      Store output files here (Python)
      pyversion:       Python version (2 or 3)
      flags:           Build options
      states:          States of all individual files that are being
                       processed. Each file in a build is always represented
                       by a single state object (after it has been encountered
                       for the first time). This is the only place where
                       states are stored.
      module_files:    Map from module name to source file path. There is a
                       1:1 mapping between modules and source files.
      icode:           Generated icode (when compiling via C)
      binary_path:     Path of the generated binary (or None)
      module_deps:     Cache for module dependencies (direct or indirect).
                       Item (m, n) indicates whether m depends on n (directly
                       or indirectly).

    TODO Refactor code related to transformation, icode generation etc. to
         external objects.  This module should not directly depend on them.
    def __init__(self, data_dir: str,
                 lib_path: List[str],
                 target: int,
                 output_dir: str,
                 pyversion: int,
                 flags: List[str],
                 ignore_prefix: str) -> None:
        self.data_dir = data_dir
        self.errors = Errors()
        self.lib_path = lib_path = target
        self.output_dir = output_dir
        self.pyversion = pyversion
        self.flags = flags
        self.semantic_analyzer = SemanticAnalyzer(lib_path, self.errors)
        self.semantic_analyzer_pass3 = ThirdPass(self.errors)
        self.type_checker = TypeChecker(self.errors,
        self.states = List[State]()
        self.module_files = Dict[str, str]()
        self.icode = Dict[str, FuncIcode]()
        self.binary_path = None # type: str
        self.module_deps = Dict[Tuple[str, str], bool]()
    def process(self, initial_state: 'UnprocessedFile') -> BuildResult:
        """Perform a build.

        The argument is a state that represents the main program
        file. This method should only be called once per a build
        manager object.  The return values are identical to the return
        values of the build function.
        # Process states in a loop until all files (states) have been
        # semantically analyzed or type checked (depending on target).
        # We type check all files before the rest of the passes so that we can
        # report errors and fail as quickly as possible.
        while True:
            # Find the next state that has all its dependencies met.
            next = self.next_available_state()
            if not next:
            # Potentially output some debug information.
            trace('next {} ({})'.format(next.path, next.state()))
            # Set the import context for reporting error messages correctly.
            # Process the state. The process method is reponsible for adding a
            # new state object representing the new state of the file.
            # Raise exception if the build failed. The build can fail for
            # various reasons, such as parse error, semantic analysis error,
            # etc.
            if self.errors.is_errors():
        # If there were no errors, all files should have been fully processed.
        for s in self.states:
            assert s.state() == final_state, (
                '{} still unprocessed'.format(s.path))
        # Collect a list of all files.
        trees = List[MypyFile]()
        for state in self.states:
            trees.append((cast('ParsedFile', state)).tree)

        # Perform any additional passes after type checking for all the files.
        self.final_passes(trees, self.type_checker.type_map)
        return BuildResult(self.semantic_analyzer.modules,
                           self.icode, self.binary_path)
    def next_available_state(self) -> 'State':
        """Find a ready state (one that has all its dependencies met)."""
        i = len(self.states) - 1
        while i >= 0:
            if self.states[i].is_ready():
                num_incomplete = self.states[i].num_incomplete_deps()
                if num_incomplete == 0:
                    # This is perfect; no need to look for the best match.
                    return self.states[i]
            i -= 1
        return None
    def has_module(self, name: str) -> bool:
        """Have we seen a module yet?"""
        return name in self.module_files
    def file_state(self, path: str) -> int:
        """Return the state of a source file.

        In particular, return UNSEEN_STATE if the file has no associated

        This function does not consider any dependencies.
        for s in self.states:
            if s.path == path:
                return s.state()
        return UNSEEN_STATE
    def module_state(self, name: str) -> int:
        """Return the state of a module.

        In particular, return UNSEEN_STATE if the file has no associated

        This considers also module dependencies.
        if not self.has_module(name):
            return UNSEEN_STATE
        state = final_state
        fs = self.file_state(self.module_files[name])
        if earlier_state(fs, state):
            state = fs
        return state

    def is_dep(self, m1: str, m2: str, done: Set[str] = None) -> bool:
        """Does m1 import m2 directly or indirectly?"""
        # Have we computed this previously?
        dep = self.module_deps.get((m1, m2))
        if dep is not None:
            return dep
        if not done:
            done = set([m1])
        # m1 depends on m2 iff one of the deps of m1 depends on m2.
        st = self.lookup_state(m1)
        for m in st.dependencies:
            if m in done:
            # Cache this dependency.
            self.module_deps[m1, m] = True
            # Search recursively.
            if m == m2 or self.is_dep(m, m2, done):
                # Yes! Mark it in the cache.
                self.module_deps[m1, m2] = True
                return True
        # No dependency. Mark it in the cache.
        self.module_deps[m1, m2] = False
        return False

    def lookup_state(self, module: str) -> 'State':
        for state in self.states:
            if == module:
                return state
        raise RuntimeError('%s not found' % str)
    def all_imported_modules_in_file(self,
                                     file: MypyFile) -> List[Tuple[str, int]]:
        """Find all import statements in a file.

        Return list of tuples (module id, import line number) for all modules
        imported in file.
        # TODO also find imports not at the top level of the file
        res = List[Tuple[str, int]]()
        for imp in file.imports:
            if isinstance(imp, Import):
                for id, _ in imp.ids:
                    res.append((id, imp.line))
            elif isinstance(imp, ImportFrom):
                res.append((, imp.line))
                # Also add any imported names that are submodules.
                for name, __ in imp.names:
                    sub_id = + '.' + name
                    if self.is_module(sub_id):
                        res.append((sub_id, imp.line))
            elif isinstance(imp, ImportAll):
                res.append((, imp.line))
        return res
    def is_module(self, id: str) -> bool:
        """Is there a file in the file system corresponding to module id?"""
        return find_module(id, self.lib_path) is not None

    def final_passes(self, files: List[MypyFile],
                     types: Dict[Node, Type]) -> None:
        """Perform the code generation passes for type checked files."""
        if == TRANSFORM:
        elif == ICODE:
            self.generate_icode(files, types)
        elif == C:
            self.generate_icode(files, types)
            pass # Nothing to do.
            raise RuntimeError('Unsupported target %d' %

    def get_python_out_path(self, f: MypyFile) -> str:
        if f.fullname() == '__main__':
            return os.path.join(self.output_dir, basename(f.path))
            components = f.fullname().split('.')
            if os.path.basename(f.path) == '':
                components[-1] += '.py'
            return os.path.join(self.output_dir, *components)

    def transform(self, files: List[MypyFile]) -> None:
        for f in files:
            if f.fullname() == 'typing':
                # The typing module is special and is currently not
                # transformed.
            # Transform parse tree and produce pretty-printed output.
            v = transform.DyncheckTransformVisitor(

    def generate_icode(self, files: List[MypyFile],
                       types: Dict[Node, Type]) -> None:
        builder = icode.IcodeBuilder(types)
        for f in files:
            # TODO remove ugly builtins hack
            if not f.path.endswith('/'):
        self.icode = builder.generated

    def generate_c_and_compile(self, files: List[MypyFile]) -> None:
        gen = cgen.CGenerator()
        for fn, icode in self.icode.items():
            gen.generate_function('M' + fn, icode)

        program_name = os.path.splitext(basename(files[0].path))[0]
        c_file = '%s.c' % program_name

        # Write C file.
        self.log('writing %s' % c_file)
        out = open(c_file, 'w')

        if COMPILE_ONLY not in self.flags:
            # Generate binary file.
            data_dir = self.data_dir
            vm_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'vm')
            cc = os.getenv('CC', 'gcc')
            cflags = shlex.split(os.getenv('CFLAGS', '-O2'))
            cmdline = [cc] + cflags +['-I%s' % vm_dir,
                                      '-o%s' % program_name,
                                      os.path.join(vm_dir, 'runtime.c')]
            self.log(' '.join(cmdline))
            status =
            # TODO check status
            self.log('removing %s' % c_file)
            self.binary_path = os.path.join('.', program_name)

    def log(self, message: str) -> None:
        if VERBOSE in self.flags:
            print('LOG: %s' % message)