Beispiel #1
    def instantiate(self, setup):

        self.class_name = 'MAC'
        self.predefined_class = True

        self.access_stats        = {'mac_normal': {'count': 0}, \
                                    'mac_gated': {'count': 0}, \
                                    'idle': {'count':0},\
                                    'mac_reuse': {'count':0}}
        self.latency = setup['latency']
        self.debug = setup['debug']

        self.data_width          = setup['data_width'] if 'data_width' in setup \
                                              else 8

        self.attrs               = {'data_width' : self.data_width,\
                                    'pipeline_stage': 1}

        self.final_result_chn = setup['result_chn']

        self.opa_chn = setup['opa_chn']  # ifmap
        self.opb_chn = setup['opb_chn']  # weights
        self.opc_chn = setup['opc_chn']  # the psum

        if self.traces_stats == 'show':
            self.recorder = nnsimRecorder('test_vectors/mac/')
            self.record = {}

        self.component_with_action = True
        self.curr_cycle = 0
Beispiel #2
    def instantiate(self, setup):
        nnsimTestBench.instantiate(self, setup)

        self.trace_generator = ws_PE_sparse_trace_generator()
        self.traces_stats = 'show'
        self.recorder = nnsimRecorder(
        ) if self.traces_stats == 'show' else None
        self.generated_trace = True

        # bookkeeping variables
        self.result = []
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # IO channels for onchip and offchip communications
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # -> input channels for sending the input trace data to the GLBs
        # smartbuffer needs channels specified as list format
        self.weights_in_chn = Channel()
        self.ifmap_chn = Channel()
        self.psum_in_chn = Channel()
        # -> output channel for reciving calculated psum from the chip
        self.psum_out_chn = Channel()

        pe_setup = {'weights_data_in_chn': self.weights_in_chn,\
                    'ifmap_data_in_chn': self.ifmap_chn,\
                    'psum_data_in_chn': self.psum_in_chn,\
                    'psum_data_out_chn': self.psum_out_chn}
        self.dut = PE_sparse(pe_setup)
Beispiel #3
    def instantiate(self, setup):

        self.class_name = 'PE'
        self.row = setup['row']
        self.col = setup['col']
        self.debug = 'PE[' + str(self.row) + ']' + '[' + str(self.col) + ']'

        # ================================================================
        # Stats Related Setup
        # ================================================================
        self.component_class_specification_stats = 'hide'
        self.component_specification_stats = 'show'
        self.access_counts_stats = 'show'
        self.recorder                             = nnsimRecorder()\
                                                    if self.traces_stats == 'show'\
                                                    else None
        # =================================================================
        # IO Channels
        # =================================================================
        self.weights_data_in_chn = ModuleList(setup['weights_data_in_chn'])
        self.ifmap_data_in_chn = ModuleList(setup['ifmap_data_in_chn'])
        self.psum_data_in_chn = ModuleList(setup['psum_data_in_chn'])
        self.psum_data_out_chn = ModuleList(setup['psum_data_out_chn'])

        # =================================================================
        # Hardware components
        # =================================================================
        # >>>> weights scratchpad (reg)
        self.weights_reader = ModuleList(Ch())
        weights_sp_setup = {'fill_data_ichns':      self.weights_data_in_chn,\
                            'drain_data_ochns':     self.weights_reader,\
                            'num_logical_managers': 1,\
                            'SRAM':                 {'depth':      setup['wsp_depth'],\
                                                     'width':      setup['wsp_width'],\
                                                     'data_width': setup['wsp_data_width'],\
                                                     'nports':     setup['wsp_nports'],\
                                                     'nbanks':     setup['wsp_nbanks'], \
                                                     'port_type':  setup['wsp_port_type']},\
                            'debug':                 self.debug + '_weights_sp'}

        self.weight_sp = WeightsSP(weights_sp_setup)

        # >>>> mac unit
        mac_setup = {'opa_chn':     self.ifmap_data_in_chn[0],\
                     'opb_chn':     self.weights_reader[0], \
                     'opc_chn':     self.psum_data_in_chn[0],\
                     'result_chn':  self.psum_data_out_chn[0],\
                     'latency':     setup['mac_latency'],\
                     'debug':       self.debug}

        self.mac = mac(mac_setup)
Beispiel #4
    def instantiate(self, setup):
        self.class_name = 'Adder'
        self.predefined_class = True
        self.raw_access_stats = {'add': 0}

        # default data width is a byte
        self.debug = setup['debug']
        self.data_width = setup['data_width']
        self.result_chn = setup['result_chn']

        self.opa_chn = setup['opa_chn']
        self.opb_chn = setup['opb_chn']
        self.params = {'data_width': self.data_width}

        #        self.record_test_vector = True
        self.recorder = nnsimRecorder('test_vectors/add/')
Beispiel #5
    def instantiate(self, setup):
        # nnsimTestBench class sets trace generator if there is one
        nnsimTestBench.instantiate(self, setup)

        self.trace_generator            = ws_chip_trace_generator()
        self.traces_stats               = 'show'
        self.recorder                   = nnsimRecorder() if self.traces_stats == 'show' else None
        self.generated_trace            = True
        # bookkeeping variables
        self.result                     = []
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # IO channels for onchip and offchip communications
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # -> input channels for sending the input trace data to the GLBs
        # smartbuffer needs channels specified as list format
        self.weights_in_chn             = ModuleList(Channel())
        self.ifmap_chn                  = ModuleList(Channel())
        self.psum_in_chn                = ModuleList(Channel())
        # -> output channel for reciving calculated psum from the chip
        self.psum_out_chn               = Channel()
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Setup and instantiation of the design under test 
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        chip_setup                        = {}
        # attributes that can be automatically derived
        chip_setup['weights_seri_ratio']  = self.arch['width']['WeightsGLB']
        chip_setup['ifmap_seri_ratio']    = self.arch['width']['IFmapGLB']
        chip_setup['psum_seri_ratio']     = self.arch['width']['PsumGLB']
        chip_setup['pe_array']            = self.arch['PE_array']
        chip_setup['io_chns']             = {'weights':    self.weights_in_chn,\
                                             'ifmap':      self.ifmap_chn,\
                                             'psum_in':    self.psum_in_chn,\
                                             'psum_out':   self.psum_out_chn}
        chip_setup['PE']                  = self.arch['PE']
        self.dut  = chip(chip_setup)  
        # for the use of dispatching data inside the testbench
        self.WGLB_width = self.arch['width']['WeightsGLB']
        self.IGLB_width = self.arch['width']['IFmapGLB']
        self.PGLB_width = self.arch['width']['PsumGLB']
Beispiel #6
    def instantiate(self, setup):
        self.class_name = 'Multiplier'
        self.predefined_class = True
        self.raw_access_stats = {'mul': 0}

        # default data width is a byte
        self.debug = setup['debug']
        self.data_width = setup['data_width']
        self.result_chn = setup['result_chn']
        self.opa_chn = setup['opa_chn']
        self.opb_chn = setup['opb_chn']
        # the truncation in eyeriss
        self.attrs = {
            'data_width': self.data_width,
            'out_data_width': int(self.data_width // 2)

        self.recorder = nnsimRecorder('test_vectors/mult/')