def draw_pose(R, t, subspace=None, color=None): if subspace is None: subspace = eye(3)[:2] if color is None: color = 'r' C = -dot(R.T, t) Cp = pca.project(C, subspace) for i in range(3): ep = pca.project(C + R[:, i], subspace) plot_points([Cp, ep], '-' + color)
def draw_pose(R, t, subspace=None, color=None): if subspace is None: subspace = eye(3)[:2] if color is None: color = "r" C = -dot(R.T, t) Cp = pca.project(C, subspace) for i in range(3): ep = pca.project(C + R[:, i], subspace) plot_points([Cp, ep], "-" + color)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, epilog=__epilog__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-t', '--test', action='store_true', default=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('-p', '--plot', action='store_true', default=False, help="Visualizes confusion matrices graphically (it is off by default)") parser.add_argument('machine_file', default='mlp.hdf5', metavar='PATH', help="Path to the filename where to store the trained machine (defaults to %(default)s)") args = parser.parse_args() # loads the machine file print("Loading Pen-digits training set...") X_train, labels_train = data.as_mnist('data/train.hdf5', 28) print("Loading Pen-digits development set...") X_devel, labels_devel = data.as_mnist('data/devel.hdf5', 28) # creates a matrix for the MLP output in which only the correct label # position is set with +1. y_train = -1*numpy.ones((10, len(labels_train)), dtype=float) y_train[labels_train, range(len(labels_train))] = 1.0 y_devel = -1*numpy.ones((10, len(labels_devel)), dtype=float) y_devel[labels_devel, range(len(labels_devel))] = 1.0 # Normalizing input set #print("Normalizing input data...") X_train = X_train.astype(float) X_train /= 255. X_devel = X_devel.astype(float) X_devel /= 255. f =, 'r') X_mean ='X_mean') X_std ='X_std') pca_comps ='pca_comps') X_train -= X_mean X_train = pca.project(X_train, pca_comps) if X_std != False: X_train /= X_std X_devel -= X_mean X_devel = pca.project(X_devel, pca_comps) if X_std != False: X_devel /= X_std import project as answers machine = answers.Machine() machine.load(f) del f hidden = machine.w2.shape[0] - 1 print("Number of inputs : %d" % (28*28,)) print("Number of hidden units : %d" % (hidden,)) print("Number of outputs : 10") print("Total number of free parameters: %d" % \ ((28*28+1)*hidden+(hidden+1)*10)) print("** FULL Train set results (%d examples):" % X_train.shape[1]) print(" * cost (J) = %f" % machine.J(X_train, y_train)) cer = machine.CER(X_train, y_train) print(' * CER = %g%% (%d sample(s))' % (100*cer, X_train.shape[1]*cer)) print("** Development set results (%d examples):" % X_devel.shape[1]) print(" * cost (J) = %f" % machine.J(X_devel, y_devel)) cer = machine.CER(X_devel, y_devel) print(' * CER = %g%% (%d sample(s))' % (100*cer, X_devel.shape[1]*cer)) if args.test: print("Loading Pen-digits (writer-dependent) test set...") X_test, labels_test = data.as_mnist('data/test-dependent.hdf5', 28) # creates a matrix for the MLP output in which only the correct label # position is set with +1. y_test = -1*numpy.ones((10, len(labels_test)), dtype=float) y_test[labels_test, range(len(labels_test))] = 1.0 X_test = X_test.astype(float) X_test /= 255. X_test -= X_mean X_test = pca.project(X_test, pca_comps) if X_std != False: X_test /= X_std print("** Test set results (%d examples):" % X_test.shape[1]) print(" * cost (J) = %f" % machine.J(X_test, y_test)) cer = machine.CER(X_test, y_test) print(' * CER = %g%% (%d sample(s))' % (100*cer, X_test.shape[1]*cer)) if args.plot: print("Plotting confusion matrices...") # plot confusion matrix N = 2 if args.test: N = 3 fig = mpl.figure(figsize=(N*6, 6)) def plot_cm(X, y, set_name): # plot training cm = data.confusion_matrix(y.argmax(axis=0), machine.forward(X).argmax(axis=0)) res = mpl.imshow(cm,, interpolation='nearest') for x in numpy.arange(cm.shape[0]): for y in numpy.arange(cm.shape[1]): col = 'white' if cm[x,y] > 0.5: col = 'black' mpl.annotate('%.2f' % (100*cm[x,y],), xy=(y,x), color=col, fontsize=8, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') classes = [str(k) for k in range(10)] mpl.xticks(numpy.arange(10), classes) mpl.yticks(numpy.arange(10), classes, rotation=90) mpl.ylabel("(Your prediction)") mpl.xlabel("(Real class)") mpl.title("Confusion Matrix (%s set) - in %%" % set_name) mpl.subplot(1, N, 1) plot_cm(X_train, y_train, 'train') mpl.subplot(1, N, 2) plot_cm(X_devel, y_devel, 'devel.') if args.test: mpl.subplot(1, N, 3) plot_cm(X_test, y_test, 'test') print("Close the plot window to terminate.")
img2 = "data/crans_2_small.jpg" image1 = np.array("L")) image2 = np.array("L")) locations1, features1 = sift.siftFeature(img1) locations2, features2 = sift.siftFeature(img2) # use PCAac to reduce dimensions numberOfFeaturesOne = locations1.shape[0] numberOfFeaturesTwo = locations2.shape[0] features = np.vstack((features1, features2)) V, S, mean = pca.pca(features) pcaFeatures1 = pca.project(features1, V, 36) pcaFeatures2 = pca.project(features2, V, 36) # normalize features util.normalize(pcaFeatures1) util.normalize(pcaFeatures2) np.savetxt("pcafeature1", pcaFeatures1, delimiter="\t") np.savetxt("pcafeature2", pcaFeatures2, delimiter="\t") # interface with Java program to do matching rowX = pcaFeatures1.shape[0] rowY = pcaFeatures2.shape[0] column = pcaFeatures1.shape[1] matchCommand = "java match " + str(rowX) + " " + str(rowY) + " " + str(
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, epilog=__epilog__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-s', '--seed', type=int, default=0, metavar='SEED (INT)', help="Random (initialization) seed (defaults to %(default)s)") parser.add_argument('-H', '--hidden', type=int, default=10, metavar='INT', help="Number of hidden units (defaults to %(default)s)") parser.add_argument('-p', '--plot', action='store_true', default=False, help="Turn-ON plotting **after** training (it is off by default)") parser.add_argument('-m', '--normalize', action='store_true', default=False, help="Turn-ON normalization of data (it is off by default)") parser.add_argument('-l', '--regularization', type=float, default=0., metavar='FLOAT', help="Regularization parameter (defaults to %(default)s - i.e. no reguralization)") parser.add_argument('-c', '--components', default=236, type=int, help="Number of principal components to keep (defaults to %(default)s)") parser.add_argument('-n', '--projected-gradient-norm', type=float, default=1e-6, metavar='FLOAT', help='The norm of the projected gradient. Training with LBFGS-B will stop when the surface respects this degree of "flatness" (defaults to %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('machine_file', default='mlp.hdf5', metavar='MACHINE', help="Path to the filename where to store the trained machine (defaults to %(default)s)") args = parser.parse_args() ##### START of program print("Pen-digit Classification using an MLP with tanh activation") print("Number of inputs : %d" % (28*28,)) print("Number of hidden units : %d" % (args.hidden,)) print("Number of outputs : 10") print("Total number of free parameters: %d" % \ ((28*28+1)*args.hidden+(args.hidden+1)*10)) print("Loading Pen-digit training set...") X_train, labels_train = data.as_mnist('data/train.hdf5', 28) print("Loading Pen-digit development set...") X_devel, labels_devel = data.as_mnist('data/devel.hdf5', 28) # creates a matrix for the MLP output in which only the correct label # position is set with +1. y_train = -1*numpy.ones((10, len(labels_train)), dtype=float) y_train[labels_train, range(len(labels_train))] = 1.0 y_devel = -1*numpy.ones((10, len(labels_devel)), dtype=float) y_devel[labels_devel, range(len(labels_devel))] = 1.0 print("Using %d samples for training..." % len(y_train.T)) # Normalizing input set #print("Normalizing input data...") X_train = X_train.astype(float) X_train /= 255. X_mean = X_train.mean(axis=1).reshape(-1,1) #X_std = X_train.std(axis=1, ddof=1).reshape(-1,1) #X_std[X_std == 0] = 1 #X_train = (X_train - X_mean) / X_std X_train -= X_mean # apply PCA for dimensionality reduction prior to MLP e, U = pca.pca_bob(X_train) # plot energy loading curve total_energy = sum(e) if args.plot: print("Plotting energy load curve...") mpl.plot(range(len(e)), 100*numpy.cumsum(e)/total_energy) mpl.title('Energy loading curve for M-NIST (training set)') mpl.xlabel('Number of components') mpl.ylabel('Energy (percentage)') mpl.grid() print("Close the plot window to continue.") print("With %d components (your choice), you preserve %.2f%% of the energy" % (args.components, 100*sum(e[:args.components])/total_energy)) pca_comps = U[:,0:args.components]; X_train = pca.project(X_train, pca_comps) X_std = X_train.std(axis = 1, ddof = 1).reshape(-1,1) if args.normalize: X_train /= X_std else: X_std = False import project as answers trainer = answers.Trainer(args.seed, args.hidden, args.regularization, args.projected_gradient_norm) start = time.time() machine = trainer.train(X_train, y_train*0.8) total = time.time() - start if machine is None: print("Training did **NOT** finish. Aborting...") sys.exit(1) sys.stdout.write("** Training is over, took %.2f minute(s)\n" % (total/60.)) sys.stdout.flush() f =, 'w') f.set('X_mean', X_mean) f.set('pca_comps', pca_comps) f.set('X_std', X_std) del f X_devel = X_devel.astype(float) X_devel /= 255. X_devel -= X_mean X_devel = pca.project(X_devel, pca_comps) if args.normalize: X_devel /= X_std print("** Development set results (%d examples):" % X_devel.shape[1]) print(" * cost (J) = %f" % machine.J(X_devel, y_devel)) cer = machine.CER(X_devel, y_devel) print(' * CER = %g%% (%d sample(s))' % (100*cer, X_devel.shape[1]*cer))
def draw_point_cloud(xs, subspace=None): if subspace is None: subspace = eye(3)[:2] plot_points(pca.project(xs, subspace), '.b')
img2 = "data/crans_2_small.jpg" image1 = np.array("L")) image2 = np.array("L")) locations1, features1 = sift.siftFeature(img1) locations2, features2 = sift.siftFeature(img2) # use PCAac to reduce dimensions numberOfFeaturesOne = locations1.shape[0] numberOfFeaturesTwo = locations2.shape[0] features = np.vstack((features1, features2)) V, S, mean = pca.pca(features) pcaFeatures1 = pca.project(features1, V, 36) pcaFeatures2 = pca.project(features2, V, 36) # normalize features util.normalize(pcaFeatures1) util.normalize(pcaFeatures2) np.savetxt("pcafeature1", pcaFeatures1, delimiter="\t") np.savetxt("pcafeature2", pcaFeatures2, delimiter="\t") # interface with Java program to do matching rowX = pcaFeatures1.shape[0] rowY = pcaFeatures2.shape[0] column = pcaFeatures1.shape[1] matchCommand = "java match " +str(rowX)+ " " +str(rowY)+ " " +str(column)
def draw_point_cloud(xs, subspace=None): if subspace is None: subspace = eye(3)[:2] plot_points(pca.project(xs, subspace), ".b")
def identifyKeyFrame(self, SIFTFeatures, indices, threshold = 0.15): if len(indices) in [1,2]: lst = [] lst.append(indices[0]) return lst # build up graph structure numberOfNodes = len(SIFTFeatures) graph = Graph(numberOfNodes) for i in range(numberOfNodes): for j in range(i+1, numberOfNodes, 1): one = SIFTFeatures[i] two = SIFTFeatures[j] # check whether one and two are near duplicate pcaFeatures1 = pca.project(one, self.V, 36) pcaFeatures2 = pca.project(two, self.V, 36) # normalize features util.normalize(pcaFeatures1) util.normalize(pcaFeatures2) np.savetxt("pcafeature1", pcaFeatures1, delimiter="\t") np.savetxt("pcafeature2", pcaFeatures2, delimiter="\t") # interface with Java program to do matching rowX = pcaFeatures1.shape[0] rowY = pcaFeatures2.shape[0] column = pcaFeatures1.shape[1] matchCommand = "java match " +str(rowX)+ " " +str(rowY)+ " " +str(column) print matchCommand os.system(matchCommand) # plot according to match stored in "data" folder matchFile = open("data/match", 'r') lines = matchFile.readlines() matchSize = len(lines) oneSize = one.shape[0] twoSize = two.shape[0] ratio = matchSize / float(min(oneSize, twoSize)) if ratio > threshold: graph.connect(i,j) # Find nodes with largest edges in each connected component connectedComponents = graph.connectedComponent() tempkeyFrames = [] for component in connectedComponents: edges = [] for node in component: edges.append(graph.getNumOfEdges(node)) maxIndice = 0 maxValue = edges[0] for i in range(1, len(edges), 1): if maxValue < edges[i]: maxValue = edges[i] maxIndice = i # random choose one if there are many within one component maxEdges = [] for i in range(len(edges)): if edges[i] == maxValue: maxEdges.append(i) if len(maxEdges) == 1: tempkeyFrames.append(component[maxIndice]) else: maxEdgeSize = len(maxEdges) randomNumber = randint(0, maxEdgeSize - 1) tempkeyFrames.append(component[randomNumber]) keyFrames = [] for indice in tempkeyFrames: keyFrames.append(indices[indice]) return keyFrames