def _query(self, variables, operation, evidence=None):
        This is a generalized query method that can be used for both query and map query.

        variables: list
            list of variables for which you want to compute the probability
        operation: str ('marginalize' | 'maximize')
            The operation to do for passing messages between nodes.
        evidence: dict
            a dict key, value pair as {var: state_of_var_observed}
            None if no evidence

        >>> from pgmpy.inference import BeliefPropagation
        >>> from pgmpy.models import BayesianModel
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import pandas as pd
        >>> values = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(low=0, high=2, size=(1000, 5)),
        ...                       columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'])
        >>> model = BayesianModel([('A', 'B'), ('C', 'B'), ('C', 'D'), ('B', 'E')])
        >>> inference = BeliefPropagation(model)
        >>> phi_query = inference.query(['A', 'B'])

        Algorithm 10.4 Out-of-clique inference in clique tree
        Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques Daphne Koller and Nir Friedman.

        is_calibrated = self._is_converged(operation=operation)
        # Calibrate the junction tree if not calibrated
        if not is_calibrated:

        if not isinstance(variables, (list, tuple, set)):
            query_variables = [variables]
            query_variables = list(variables)
        query_variables.extend(evidence.keys() if evidence else [])

        # Find a tree T' such that query_variables are a subset of scope(T')
        nodes_with_query_variables = set()
        for var in query_variables:
            nodes_with_query_variables.update(filter(lambda x: var in x, self.junction_tree.nodes()))
        subtree_nodes = nodes_with_query_variables

        # Conversion of set to tuple just for indexing
        nodes_with_query_variables = tuple(nodes_with_query_variables)
        # As junction tree is a tree, that means that there would be only path between any two nodes in the tree
        # thus we can just take the path between any two nodes; no matter there order is
        for i in range(len(nodes_with_query_variables) - 1):
            subtree_nodes.update(nx.shortest_path(self.junction_tree, nodes_with_query_variables[i],
                                                  nodes_with_query_variables[i + 1]))
        subtree_undirected_graph = self.junction_tree.subgraph(subtree_nodes)
        # Converting subtree into a junction tree
        if len(subtree_nodes) == 1:
            subtree = JunctionTree()
            subtree = JunctionTree(subtree_undirected_graph.edges())

        # Selecting a node is root node. Root node would be having only one neighbor
        if len(subtree.nodes()) == 1:
            root_node = subtree.nodes()[0]
            root_node = tuple(filter(lambda x: len(subtree.neighbors(x)) == 1, subtree.nodes()))[0]
        clique_potential_list = [self.clique_beliefs[root_node]]

        # For other nodes in the subtree compute the clique potentials as follows
        # As all the nodes are nothing but tuples so simple set(root_node) won't work at it would update the set with'
        # all the elements of the tuple; instead use set([root_node]) as it would include only the tuple not the
        # internal elements within it.
        parent_nodes = set([root_node])
        nodes_traversed = set()
        while parent_nodes:
            parent_node = parent_nodes.pop()
            for child_node in set(subtree.neighbors(parent_node)) - nodes_traversed:
                clique_potential_list.append(self.clique_beliefs[child_node] /
                                             self.sepset_beliefs[frozenset([parent_node, child_node])])

        # Add factors to the corresponding junction tree

        # Sum product variable elimination on the subtree
        variable_elimination = VariableElimination(subtree)
        if operation == 'marginalize':
            return variable_elimination.query(variables=variables, evidence=evidence)
        elif operation == 'maximize':
            return variable_elimination.map_query(variables=variables, evidence=evidence)
    def _query(self, variables, operation, evidence=None):
        This is a generalized query method that can be used for both query and map query.

        variables: list
            list of variables for which you want to compute the probability
        operation: str ('marginalize' | 'maximize')
            The operation to do for passing messages between nodes.
        evidence: dict
            a dict key, value pair as {var: state_of_var_observed}
            None if no evidence

        >>> from pgmpy.inference import BeliefPropagation
        >>> from pgmpy.models import BayesianModel
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import pandas as pd
        >>> values = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(low=0, high=2, size=(1000, 5)),
        ...                       columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'])
        >>> model = BayesianModel([('A', 'B'), ('C', 'B'), ('C', 'D'), ('B', 'E')])
        >>> inference = BeliefPropagation(model)
        >>> phi_query = inference.query(['A', 'B'])

        Algorithm 10.4 Out-of-clique inference in clique tree
        Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques Daphne Koller and Nir Friedman.

        is_calibrated = self._is_converged(operation=operation)
        # Calibrate the junction tree if not calibrated
        if not is_calibrated:

        if not isinstance(variables, (list, tuple, set)):
            query_variables = [variables]
            query_variables = list(variables)
        query_variables.extend(evidence.keys() if evidence else [])

        # Find a tree T' such that query_variables are a subset of scope(T')
        nodes_with_query_variables = set()
        for var in query_variables:
                filter(lambda x: var in x, self.junction_tree.nodes()))
        subtree_nodes = nodes_with_query_variables

        # Conversion of set to tuple just for indexing
        nodes_with_query_variables = tuple(nodes_with_query_variables)
        # As junction tree is a tree, that means that there would be only path between any two nodes in the tree
        # thus we can just take the path between any two nodes; no matter there order is
        for i in range(len(nodes_with_query_variables) - 1):
                                 nodes_with_query_variables[i + 1]))
        subtree_undirected_graph = self.junction_tree.subgraph(subtree_nodes)
        # Converting subtree into a junction tree
        if len(subtree_nodes) == 1:
            subtree = JunctionTree()
            subtree = JunctionTree(subtree_undirected_graph.edges())

        # Selecting a node is root node. Root node would be having only one neighbor
        if len(subtree.nodes()) == 1:
            root_node = subtree.nodes()[0]
            root_node = tuple(
                filter(lambda x: len(list(subtree.neighbors(x))) == 1,
        clique_potential_list = [self.clique_beliefs[root_node]]

        # For other nodes in the subtree compute the clique potentials as follows
        # As all the nodes are nothing but tuples so simple set(root_node) won't work at it would update the set with'
        # all the elements of the tuple; instead use set([root_node]) as it would include only the tuple not the
        # internal elements within it.
        parent_nodes = set([root_node])
        nodes_traversed = set()
        while parent_nodes:
            parent_node = parent_nodes.pop()
            for child_node in set(
                    subtree.neighbors(parent_node)) - nodes_traversed:
                    self.clique_beliefs[child_node] /
                    self.sepset_beliefs[frozenset([parent_node, child_node])])

        # Add factors to the corresponding junction tree

        # Sum product variable elimination on the subtree
        variable_elimination = VariableElimination(subtree)
        if operation == 'marginalize':
            return variable_elimination.query(variables=variables,
        elif operation == 'maximize':
            return variable_elimination.map_query(variables=variables,