def V_sampchan(self, chan, gain, data_rate=RATE):
        This routine returns a single reading of the voltage for the channel.

        Returns a tuple of the following 5 objects:
            V -- float, the measured voltage

            time_stamp -- float, the time of the measurement in seconds since
            the beginning of the epoch (OS dependent begin time)

            ref -- float, the reference voltage (Vdd) collected

        :param int chan: the channel number (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
         8). NOTE: channel 8 returns a measurement of Vdd.

        :param gain: ignored by board. Defaults to 1.

        :param int data_rate: ignored by board.

        :returns: V_avg, stdev, stdev_avg, time_stamp, Vdd_avg
        :return float V:
        :return float time_stamp:
        :return float ref:
        start = time.time()
        value = DAQC2plate.getADC(self.addr, chan)
        ref = DAQC2plate.getADC(self.addr, 8)
        end = time.time()
        time_stamp = (start + end) / 2
        return value, time_stamp, ref
    def V_oversampchan_stats(self, chan, gain, avg_sec, data_rate=RATE):
        This routine returns the average voltage for the channel
        averaged at the maximum rate for the board. The standard
        deviation and the estimated deviation of the mean are also

        Returns a tuple of the following 5 objects:
            V_avg -- float, the averaged voltage

            stdev -- float, the standard deviation of the measured values
            during the averaging interval

            stdev_avg -- float, the estimated standard deviation of the
            returned average

            time_stamp -- float, the time at halfway through the averaging
            interval in seconds since the beginning of the epoch (OS
            dependent begin time)

            Vdd_avg -- float, the reference voltage (Vdd) collected

        :param int chan: the channel number (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
         8). NOTE: channel 8 returns a measurement of Vdd.

        :param gain: ignored by board. Defaults to 1.

        :param int data_rate: ignored by board.

        :param float avg_sec: seconds to average for, actual
         averaging interval will be as close as possible for an integer
         number of samples

        :returns: V_avg, stdev, stdev_avg, time_stamp, Vdd_avg
        :return float V_avg: description
        :return float stdev:
        :return float stdev_avg:
        :return float time_stamp:
        :return float Vdd_avg:
        value = []
        ref = []
        starttime = time.time()
        endtime = starttime + avg_sec
        while time.time() < endtime:
            value.append(DAQC2plate.getADC(self.addr, chan))
            ref.append(DAQC2plate.getADC(self.addr, 8))
        time_stamp = (starttime + endtime) / 2
        ndata = len(value)
        logging.debug('channel:' + str(chan) + ', starttime:' +
                      str(starttime) + ', '
                      'endtime:' + str(endtime) + ', ndata:' + str(ndata) +
        V_avg = sum(value) / ndata
        Vdd_avg = sum(ref) / ndata
        stdev = np.std(value, ddof=1, dtype=np.float64)
        stdev_avg = stdev / np.sqrt(float(ndata))
        return V_avg, stdev, stdev_avg, time_stamp, Vdd_avg
    def V_oversampchan(self, chan, gain, avg_sec, data_rate=RATE):
        This routine returns the average voltage for the channel
        averaged at the default rate for the board and returns an
        average and observed range.

        Returns a tuple of the following 5 objects:
            V_avg -- float, the averaged voltage

            V_min -- float, the minimum voltage read during
            the interval

            V_max -- float, the maximum voltage read during the

            time_stamp -- float, the time at halfway through the averaging
            interval in seconds since the beginning of the epoch (OS
            dependent begin time)

            Vdd_avg -- float, the reference voltage (Vdd) collected

        :param int chan: the channel number (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
         8). NOTE: channel 8 returns a measurement of Vdd.

        :param gain: ignored by board. Defaults to 1.

        :param int data_rate: ignored by board.

        :param float avg_sec: seconds to average for, actual
         averaging interval will be as close as possible for an integer
         number of samples

        :returns: V_avg, V_min, V_max, time_stamp, Vdd_avg
        :return float V_avg: description
        :return float V_min:
        :return float V_max:
        :return float time_stamp:
        :return float Vdd_avg:
        value = []
        ref = []
        starttime = time.time()
        endtime = starttime + avg_sec
        while time.time() < endtime:
            value.append(DAQC2plate.getADC(self.addr, chan))
            ref.append(DAQC2plate.getADC(self.addr, 8))
        time_stamp = (endtime + endtime) / 2
        ndata = len(value)
        V_avg = sum(value) / ndata
        Vdd_avg = sum(ref) / ndata
        V_min = min(value)
        V_max = max(value)
        return V_avg, V_min, V_max, time_stamp, Vdd_avg
Beispiel #4
def exposeAndCollectData():

    GPIO.output(methane_valve, GPIO.LOW)
    GPIO.output(ethane_valve, GPIO.LOW)
    GPIO.output(compressed_air_valve, GPIO.LOW)
    GPIO.output(chamber_venting_valve, GPIO.LOW)
    GPIO.output(mfc1_output_to_chamber_valve, GPIO.LOW)
    GPIO.output(mfc2_output_to_chamber_valve, GPIO.LOW)
    GPIO.output(mfc1_venting_valve, GPIO.LOW)
    GPIO.output(mfc2_venting_valve, GPIO.LOW)

    start_time = time.time() # capture the time at which the test began. All time values can use start_time as a reference
    dataVector1 = [] # data values to be returned from sensor 1
    dataVector2 = [] # data values to be returned from sensor 2
    tempDataVector = []
    humidityDataVector = []
    timeVector = [] # time values associated with data values
    sampling_time_index = 1 #sampling_time_index is used to ensure that sampling takes place every interval of sampling_time, without drifting.
    data_date_and_time = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
    print("Starting data capture")

    while (time.time() < (start_time + duration_of_signal)): # While time is less than duration of logged file

        if (time.time() > (start_time + (sampling_time * sampling_time_index))): # if time since last sample is more than the sampling time, take another sample
            dataVector1.append( DAQC.getADC(daqc_address, sensor_input_channel_1) ) # Perform analog to digital function, reading voltage from first sensor channel
            dataVector2.append( DAQC.getADC(daqc_address, sensor_input_channel_2) ) #  Perform analog to digital function, reading voltage from second sensor channel

            timeVector.append( time.time() - start_time )
            sampling_time_index += 1 # increment sampling_time_index to set awaited time for next data sample
            if ((sampling_time_index - 1) % 10 == 0):
                print(int(time.time() - start_time))

                print(DAQC.getADC(daqc_address, linear_actuator_position_channel))

        # If time is between 10-50 seconds and the Linear Actuator position sensor signal from DAQCplate indicates a retracted state, extend the sensor
##        elif (time.time() >= (start_time + sensing_delay_time) and time.time() <= (sensing_retract_time + start_time) and DAQC.getADC(daqc_address, linear_actuator_position_channel) < extended_state ):
        elif (time.time() >= (start_time + sensing_delay_time) and time.time() <= (start_time + sensing_delay_time + 10) ):

                GPIO.output(linear_actuator_extend, GPIO.HIGH) # Actuate linear actuator to extended position
                GPIO.output(linear_actuator_unlock_retract, GPIO.LOW)# Energizing both control wires causes linear actuator to extend

        # If time is less than 10 seconds or greater than 50 seconds and linear actuator position sensor signal from DAQCplate indicates an extended state, retract the sensor
        elif ( ((time.time() < (sensing_delay_time + start_time)) or (time.time() > (sensing_retract_time + start_time)) ) and DAQC.getADC(daqc_address, linear_actuator_position_channel) > retracted_state):
##        elif ( ((time.time() < (sensing_retract_time + start_time + 10)) and (time.time() > (sensing_retract_time + start_time)) )):
                GPIO.output(linear_actuator_unlock_retract, GPIO.HIGH) # Retract linear actuator to initial position. Energizing only the linear_actuator_unlock_retract wire causes the lineaer actuator to retract
                GPIO.output(linear_actuator_extend, GPIO.LOW)

        # Otherwise, keep outputs off        else:
                GPIO.output(linear_actuator_unlock_retract, GPIO.LOW)
                GPIO.output(linear_actuator_extend, GPIO.LOW)
##                print("blep")

    return dataVector1, dataVector2, timeVector
    def sample_data(self):

        heading_indices = self.args['preferences']['headingString'].split(",")
        data_string = ""

        for idx in heading_indices:
            if idx[:2] == "ch":

                # Read the normal input pins
                if self.args['preferences']['headerIndices'][
                        idx] == "Anemometer(km/h)":  # 1 tick per second = 2.4km/h
                    data_string += "{:.1f},".format(self.args['anemometer'])
                elif self.args['preferences']['headerIndices'][
                        idx] == "RainGauge(mm)":  # 1 tick = 0.2794mm rain
                    data_string += "{:.4f},".format(self.args['rainGauge'])
                # Relative humidity is calculated using the formula:
                # RH = 0.0375 * Vout - 37.7
                # Vout needs to be in mV and RH in %
                elif self.args['preferences']['headerIndices'][
                        idx] == "RelativeHumidity(%)":
                    Vout = DAQC2.getADC(
                        int(idx[2]), int(idx[3])
                    ) * 1000  # We have to convert voltage to mV as it is read in V

                    RH = 0.0375 * Vout - 37.7

                    data_string += "{:.4f},".format(RH)

                elif self.args['preferences']['headerIndices'][
                        idx] == "RainGauge(mm)":  # 1 tick = 0.2794mm rain
                    data_string += "{:.4f},".format(self.args['rainGauge'])
                    data_string += "{:.5f},".format(
                        DAQC2.getADC(int(idx[2]), int(idx[3])))

        data_string += "{},".format('%Y'))
        data_string += "{},".format('%m'))
        data_string += "{},".format('%d'))
        data_string += "{},".format('%H'))
        data_string += "{},".format('%M'))
        data_string += "{}\n".format('%S'))

        print(data_string, end='')

                                      self.args['filename'], data_string)

        self.previous_time = self.current_time
Beispiel #6
def animate(i):
    # Left shift data
    data[0:-1] = data[1:]

    # Record current time
    data[-1] = v_to_dbm(DAQC2.getADC(0, 0), laser_cw * 1e-3)


    return [line]
def photoTest():
    elapsedTime = 0
    tMax = 25
    startReadTime = time.time()
    onVolt = []
    offVolt = []
    ##    tRead = 0

    while (tMax >= elapsedTime):
        DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 7)  #turn laser on
        tempVolt1 = []
        tEnd1 = time.time() + 1
        while (time.time() < tEnd1):
            tempVolt1.append(DAQC2.getADC(0, 0))
        DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 7)
        anaVolt = sum(tempVolt1) / len(tempVolt1)
        print("number of reads: ", len(tempVolt1))
        print("Voltage('ON'): ", anaVolt)

        tempVolt2 = []
        tEnd2 = time.time() + 1
        while (time.time() < tEnd2):
            tempVolt2.append(DAQC2.getADC(0, 0))
        anaVolt = sum(tempVolt2) / len(tempVolt2)
        print("number of reads: ", len(tempVolt2))
        print("Voltage('OFF'): ", anaVolt)

        elapsedTime = time.time() - startReadTime

    avgON = sum(onVolt) / len(onVolt)
    avgOFF = sum(offVolt) / len(offVolt)
    print("average ON volt: ", avgON)
    print("avgerage OFF volt: ", avgOFF)
    def read_rain_gauge(self):

        current_time = time.time()
        elapsed_time = current_time - self.gauges['rainGauge']['previousTime']

        if elapsed_time >= 1:
            self.args['rainGauge'] = (self.gauges['rainGauge']['numberTicks'] *
            self.gauges['rainGauge']['numberTicks'] = 0
            self.gauges['rainGauge']['previousTime'] = current_time

        temp_val = DAQC2.getADC(int(self.gauges['rainGauge']['channel'][2]),

        if temp_val > 4:
            if not self.gauges['rainGauge']['recordedTick']:
                self.gauges['rainGauge']['numberTicks'] += 1
                self.gauges['rainGauge']['recordedTick'] = True
            self.gauges['rainGauge']['recordedTick'] = False
def readOD():
    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 7)
    rowVolts = []
    j = 0
    k = 0
    num = 1
    while (k <= 5):
        tempVolt = []
        tEnd = time.time() + .5
        while (time.time() < tEnd):
            tempVolt.append(DAQC2.getADC(j, k))
        currAvgVolt = sum(tempVolt) / len(tempVolt)
        print("Avg voltage for ", num, ": ", currAvgVolt)
        k = k + 1
        num = num + 1
        if (k == 6 and j == 0):
            j = 1
            k = 0
        elif (k == 2 and j == 1):
            k = 10
    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 7)
Beispiel #10
        "Failed to import library from parent folder")

####### zet de LED uit
DAQC.setLED(0, 'off')

####### stuur de analoge output aan
DAQC.setDAC(0, 1, 2.64) # DAQ 0, adres analog-output 1, voltage 2.64 V

###### stuur 0, 1, 2, 3 volt naar analog-output 1
for i in range(10):
    volt = i % 4 # i modulo 4
    DAQC.setDAC(0, 1, volt)

####### Lees data van Analoge Input

val = DAQC.getADC(0, 1) # DAQC 0, adres Analog-Input 1
val8 = DAQC.getADCall(0) # lees alle 8 Analog-Inputs

######## Lees meerdere data punten

data = get_data.readPiPlate(DAQC, 3) # kanaal 0, 1000 punten, ADC 0

# maak een (unieke) filenaam aan
filename = 'meting_test1_%s.txt' % (int(time.time()))
write_data.saveArray(data, filename)

Beispiel #11
def readPressureMC():
    voltage = DAQ.getADC(0, 2) - DAQ.getADC(0, 3)
    vadj = 1.004029 * voltage - 0.000386  # Calibrated for Pi Plate Error
    return 10**(1.66666667 * vadj - 11.46)  #Pressure in Torr returned
def chemostat(timeL, pumpPeriod):
    elapsedTime = 0
    tMax = timeL + 11
    min = timeL / 60
    pumpTime = pumpPeriod
    startReadTime = time.time()
    tStart = 0
    tPump = time.time()
    volts = np.zeros(shape=(min + 1, 8))
    counter = 0
    currTime = time.time()

    while (tMax >= elapsedTime):
        if (currTime - tStart >
                60):  #58 b/c lose two seconds with sleep and measure
            tStart = time.time()
            readTimeS = (tStart - startReadTime) / 60
            print("Read ", counter, " at ", readTimeS, " min.")

            DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 7)
            rowVolts = []
            j = 0
            k = 0
            num = 1
            while (k <= 5):
                tempVolt = []
                tEnd = time.time() + .5
                while (time.time() < tEnd):
                    tempVolt.append(DAQC2.getADC(j, k))
                currAvgVolt = sum(tempVolt) / len(tempVolt)
                print("Avg voltage for ", num, ": ", currAvgVolt)
                k = k + 1
                num = num + 1
                if (k == 6 and j == 0):
                    j = 1
                    k = 0
                elif (k == 2 and j == 1):
                    k = 10
            DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 7)
            volts[counter] = rowVolts
            counter = counter + 1
            measureTime = (tStart - startReadTime) / 60.0
            measureDateTime ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')


        if ((currTime - tPump - 1) > pumpTime * 60):
            print("pump on/valves open")
            tPump = (time.time() - startReadTime) / 60
            print("pump on at: ", tPump)
            j = 0
            i = 0
            while (i <= 5):
                DAQC2.setDOUTbit(j, i)
                DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 6)

                DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 6)
                DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(j, i)
                i = i + 1
                if (i == 6 and j == 0):
                    j = 1
                    i = 0
                elif (i == 2 and j == 1):
                    i = 10

            tPump = time.time()
            print("pump off \n")

        currTime = time.time()
        elapsedTime = time.time() - startReadTime

    morbido1 = volts[:, 0].tolist()
    morbido2 = volts[:, 1].tolist()
    morbido3 = volts[:, 2].tolist()
    morbido4 = volts[:, 3].tolist()
    morbido5 = volts[:, 4].tolist()
    morbido6 = volts[:, 5].tolist()
    morbido7 = volts[:, 6].tolist()
    morbido8 = volts[:, 7].tolist()

    OD1 = (((np.log10(morbido1) / logBlankVolts[0]) - .71891) /
    OD2 = (((np.log10(morbido2) / logBlankVolts[1]) - .71891) /
    OD3 = (((np.log10(morbido3) / logBlankVolts[2]) - .71891) /
    OD4 = (((np.log10(morbido4) / logBlankVolts[3]) - .71891) /
    OD5 = (((np.log10(morbido5) / logBlankVolts[4]) - .71891) /
    OD6 = (((np.log10(morbido6) / logBlankVolts[5]) - .71891) /
    OD7 = (((np.log10(morbido7) / logBlankVolts[6]) - .71891) /
    OD8 = (((np.log10(morbido8) / logBlankVolts[7]) - .71891) /

    df = [
        dateTime, readTime, morbido1, morbido2, morbido3, morbido4, morbido5,
        morbido6, morbido7, morbido8, OD1, OD2, OD3, OD4, OD5, OD6, OD7, OD8
    my_df = pd.DataFrame(df)
    my_df = my_df.T
    global globalDF
    globalDF = my_df
    csvTitle ='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') + '.csv'
                     'DateTime', 'Time', 'V1', 'V2', 'V3', 'V4', 'V5', 'V6',
                     'V7', 'V8', 'OD1', 'OD2', 'OD3', 'OD4', 'OD5', 'OD6',
                     'OD7', 'OD8'
    print("new csv file on Desktop: ", csvTitle)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax1.scatter(readTime, morbido1, s=10, c='b', marker="s", label='Culture#1')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, morbido2, s=10, c='g', marker="o", label='Culture#2')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, morbido3, s=10, c='r', marker="^", label='Culture#3')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, morbido4, s=10, c='c', marker="p", label='Culture#4')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, morbido5, s=10, c='m', marker="D", label='Culture#5')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, morbido6, s=10, c='y', marker="v", label='Culture#6')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, morbido7, s=10, c='k', marker="h", label='Culture#7')
    plt.xlabel('Time (min)')
    Volttitle ='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M') + ' Voltage plot'
    plt.legend(loc='upper right')

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax1.scatter(readTime, OD1, s=10, c='b', marker="s", label='Culture#1')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, OD2, s=10, c='g', marker="o", label='Culture#2')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, OD3, s=10, c='r', marker="^", label='Culture#3')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, OD4, s=10, c='c', marker="p", label='Culture#4')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, OD5, s=10, c='m', marker="D", label='Culture#5')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, OD6, s=10, c='y', marker="v", label='Culture#6')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, OD7, s=10, c='k', marker="h", label='Culture#7')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, OD8, s=10, c='violet', marker="8", label='Culture#8')
    plt.xlabel('Time (min)')
    ODtitle ='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M') + ' OD plot'
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
def Turbido(timeL, pumpPeriod, NormVolt):
    elapsedTime = 0
    tMax = timeL + 45
    min = timeL / 60
    pumpTime = pumpPeriod
    startReadTime = time.time()
    tStart = 0
    tPump = time.time()
    volts = np.zeros(shape=(min + 1, 8))
    setVolt = NormVolt
    counter = 0
    currTime = time.time()

    currVolts = []

    while (tMax >= elapsedTime):

        if (currTime - tStart > 60):
            tStart = time.time()
            readTimeS = (currTime - startReadTime) / 60
            print("Read ", counter, " at ", readTimeS, " min.")
            DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 7)
            rowVolts = []
            j = 0
            k = 0
            num = 1
            while (k <= 5):
                tempVolt = []
                tEnd = time.time() + .5
                while (time.time() < tEnd):
                    tempVolt.append(DAQC2.getADC(j, k))
                currAvgVolt = sum(tempVolt) / len(tempVolt)
                print("Avg voltage for ", num, ": ", currAvgVolt)
                k = k + 1
                num = num + 1
                if (k == 6 and j == 0):
                    j = 1
                    k = 0
                elif (k == 2 and j == 1):
                    k = 10
            DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 7)

            currVolts = rowVolts
            volts[counter] = rowVolts

            counter = counter + 1
            measureTime = (tStart - startReadTime) / 60.0
            measureDateTime ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

        if ((currTime - tPump - .05) > pumpTime * 60):
            tPump = time.time()
            timePump = (currTime - startReadTime) / 60
            print("pump check at: ", timePump)
            tempLog = 0
            currLogVolts = []
            f = 0
            while (f < 8):

                tempLog = np.log10(currVolts[f]) / logBlankVolts[f]
                f = f + 1
            print("CurrLogVolts: ", currLogVolts)
            j = 0
            i = 0
            iter = 0
            currHighVolt = 10
            while (iter < 8):
                print("iter: ", iter)
                currHighVolt = currLogVolts[iter]
                if (currHighVolt < setVolt):

                    count = 0
                    while (currHighVolt < setVolt):
                        DAQC2.setDOUTbit(j, i)
                        DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 6)

                        DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 7)
                        count = count + 1
                        avgV = 0
                        currHighVolt = 0
                        tVolt = []
                        tEnd = time.time() + .25
                        ##                        print("tmie read:  ", tEnd)
                        while (time.time() < tEnd):
                            tVolt.append(DAQC2.getADC(j, i))
                        avgV = sum(tVolt) / len(tVolt)
                        print("avg. volt: ", avgV)
                        currHighVolt = np.log10(avgV) / logBlankVolts[iter]
                        print("New currHighVolt: ", currHighVolt)

                        DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 7)
                DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 6)
                DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(j, i)
                iter = iter + 1
                i = i + 1
                if (i == 6 and j == 0):
                    j = 1
                    i = 0
                elif (i == 2 and j == 1):
                    i = 10

            print("pump off \n")

        currTime = time.time()
        elapsedTime = time.time() - startReadTime

    morbido1 = volts[:, 0].tolist()
    morbido2 = volts[:, 1].tolist()
    morbido3 = volts[:, 2].tolist()
    morbido4 = volts[:, 3].tolist()
    morbido5 = volts[:, 4].tolist()
    morbido6 = volts[:, 5].tolist()
    morbido7 = volts[:, 6].tolist()
    morbido8 = volts[:, 7].tolist()

    OD1 = (((np.log10(morbido1) / logBlankVolts[0]) - .71891) /
    OD2 = (((np.log10(morbido2) / logBlankVolts[1]) - .71891) /
    OD3 = (((np.log10(morbido3) / logBlankVolts[2]) - .71891) /
    OD4 = (((np.log10(morbido4) / logBlankVolts[3]) - .71891) /
    OD5 = (((np.log10(morbido5) / logBlankVolts[4]) - .71891) /
    OD6 = (((np.log10(morbido6) / logBlankVolts[5]) - .71891) /
    OD7 = (((np.log10(morbido7) / logBlankVolts[6]) - .71891) /
    OD8 = (((np.log10(morbido8) / logBlankVolts[7]) - .71891) /

    df = [
        dateTime, readTime, morbido1, morbido2, morbido3, morbido4, morbido5,
        morbido6, morbido7, morbido8, OD1, OD2, OD3, OD4, OD5, OD6, OD7, OD8
    my_df = pd.DataFrame(df)
    my_df = my_df.T
    global globalDF
    globalDF = my_df
    csvTitle ='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') + '.csv'
                     'DateTime', 'Time', 'V1', 'V2', 'V3', 'V4', 'V5', 'V6',
                     'V7', 'V8', 'OD1', 'OD2', 'OD3', 'OD4', 'OD5', 'OD6',
                     'OD7', 'OD8'
    print("new csv file on Desktop: ", csvTitle)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax1.scatter(readTime, morbido1, s=10, c='b', marker="s", label='Culture#1')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, morbido2, s=10, c='g', marker="o", label='Culture#2')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, morbido3, s=10, c='r', marker="^", label='Culture#3')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, morbido4, s=10, c='c', marker="p", label='Culture#4')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, morbido5, s=10, c='m', marker="D", label='Culture#5')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, morbido6, s=10, c='y', marker="v", label='Culture#6')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, morbido7, s=10, c='k', marker="h", label='Culture#7')
    plt.xlabel('Time (min)')
    Volttitle ='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M') + ' Voltage plot'
    plt.legend(loc='upper right')

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax1.scatter(readTime, OD1, s=10, c='b', marker="s", label='Culture#1')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, OD2, s=10, c='g', marker="o", label='Culture#2')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, OD3, s=10, c='r', marker="^", label='Culture#3')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, OD4, s=10, c='c', marker="p", label='Culture#4')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, OD5, s=10, c='m', marker="D", label='Culture#5')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, OD6, s=10, c='y', marker="v", label='Culture#6')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, OD7, s=10, c='k', marker="h", label='Culture#7')
    ax1.scatter(readTime, OD8, s=10, c='violet', marker="8", label='Culture#8')
    plt.xlabel('Time (min)')
    ODtitle ='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M') + ' OD plot'
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
def sysTest():
    print("testing parts")
    i = 0
    while (i < 1):
        print("quit: 0")
        print("pumps: 1")
        print("Photodiodes: 3")
        print("lasers: 4")
        var = input(": ")
        currInput = int(var)
        print("current input: ", currInput)

        if (currInput == 0):
                "turning off pump, closing all valves, turning off lasers, quitting"
            DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 6)  #turn off pump1
            DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 6)  #turn off pump2
            DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 0)  #turn off valves
            DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 1)
            DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 2)
            DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 3)
            DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 4)
            DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 5)
            DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 0)
            DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 1)
            DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 2)
            DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 3)
            DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 4)
            DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 5)
            DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 7)  #turn off lasers
            i = 5

        elif (currInput == 1):
            j = 0
            while (j < 1):
                print("to go back: 0")
                print("turn on pump#1: 1")
                print("turn on pump#2: 2")
                print("turn off pump#1: 3")
                print("turn off pump#2: 4")
                var = input(": ")
                currInput1 = int(var)
                print("current input: ", currInput1)

                if (currInput1 == 0):
                    print("back to main test menu")
                    j = 5

                elif (currInput1 == 1):
                    print("turning on pump#1")
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 6)

                elif (currInput1 == 2):
                    print("turning on pump#2")
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(1, 6)

                elif (currInput1 == 3):
                    print("turning off pump#1")
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 6)

                elif (currInput1 == 4):
                    print("turning off pump#1")
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 6)

        elif (currInput == 4):
            j = 0
            while (j < 1):
                print("turn lasers on: 1")
                print("turn lasers off: 2")
                print("go back to test menu: 0")
                var = input(": ")
                currInput2 = int(var)
                print("current input: ", currInput2)

                if (currInput2 == 0):
                    print("back to main test menu")
                    j = 5

                elif (currInput2 == 1):
                    print("lasers on")
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 7)

                elif (currInput2 == 2):
                    print("lasers off")
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 7)

        elif (currInput == 2):
            j = 0
            while (j < 1):
                print("to go back: 0")
                print("to open individual valves: 1-12")
                print("to close individual valves 21-32")
                print("to open all valves: 13")
                print("to close all valves: 14")
                var = input(": ")
                currInput3 = int(var)
                print("current input: ", currInput3)

                if (currInput3 == 0):
                    print("back to main test menu")
                    j = 5

                elif (currInput3 == 13):
                    print("opening all valves")
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 0)  #open all valves
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 1)
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 2)
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 3)
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 4)
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 5)
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(1, 0)
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(1, 1)
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(1, 2)
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(1, 3)
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(1, 4)
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(1, 5)

                elif (currInput3 == 14):
                    print("closing all valves")
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 0)  #close all valves
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 1)
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 2)
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 3)
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 4)
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 5)
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 0)
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 1)
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 2)
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 3)
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 4)
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 5)

                elif (currInput3 == 1):
                    print("opening valve #1")
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 0)

                elif (currInput3 == 2):
                    print("opening valve #2")
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 1)

                elif (currInput3 == 3):
                    print("opening valve #3")
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 2)

                elif (currInput3 == 4):
                    print("opening valve #4")
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 3)

                elif (currInput3 == 5):
                    print("opening valve #5")
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 4)

                elif (currInput3 == 6):
                    print("opening valve #6")
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(0, 5)

                elif (currInput3 == 7):
                    print("opening valve #7")
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(1, 0)

                elif (currInput3 == 8):
                    print("opening valve #8")
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(1, 1)

                elif (currInput3 == 9):
                    print("opening valve #9")
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(1, 2)

                elif (currInput3 == 10):
                    print("opening valve #10")
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(1, 3)

                elif (currInput3 == 11):
                    print("opening valve #11")
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(1, 4)

                elif (currInput3 == 12):
                    print("opening valve #12")
                    DAQC2.setDOUTbit(1, 5)

                elif (currInput3 == 21):
                    print("closing valve #1")
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 0)

                elif (currInput3 == 22):
                    print("closing valve #2")
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 1)

                elif (currInput3 == 23):
                    print("closing valve #3")
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 2)

                elif (currInput3 == 24):
                    print("closing valve #4")
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 3)

                elif (currInput3 == 25):
                    print("closing valve #5")
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 4)

                elif (currInput3 == 26):
                    print("closing valve #6")
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(0, 5)

                elif (currInput3 == 27):
                    print("closing valve #7")
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 0)

                elif (currInput3 == 28):
                    print("closing valve #8")
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 1)

                elif (currInput3 == 29):
                    print("closing valve #9")
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 2)

                elif (currInput3 == 30):
                    print("closing valve #10")
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 3)

                elif (currInput3 == 31):
                    print("closing valve #11")
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 4)

                elif (currInput3 == 32):
                    print("closing valve #12")
                    DAQC2.clrDOUTbit(1, 5)

        elif (currInput == 3):
            j = 0
            while (j < 1):
                print("to go back: 0")
                print("to take a reading from a single morbidostat: 1-12")
                print("to take a reading from all morbidostats: 13")
                var = input(": ")
                currInput4 = int(var)
                print("current input: ", currInput4)

                if (currInput4 == 0):
                    print("back to main test menu")
                    j = 5

                elif (currInput4 == 13):
                    print("reading from all morbidostats")
                    plate1 = DAQC2.getADCall(0)
                    plate2 = DAQC2.getADCall(1)
                    j = 0
                    k = 0
                    num = 1
                    while (k < 12):
                        if (k <= 5):
                            currVolt = plate1[k]
                            print(num, ": ", currVolt)
                            k = k + 1
                            num = num + 1
                        elif (k > 5):
                            a = k - 6
                            currVolt = plate2[a]
                            print(num, ": ", currVolt)
                            k = k + 1
                            num = num + 1

                elif (currInput4 == 1):
                    currVolt = DAQC2.getADC(0, 0)
                    print("Morbidostat#1: ", currVolt)

                elif (currInput4 == 2):
                    currVolt = DAQC2.getADC(0, 1)
                    print("Morbidostat#2: ", currVolt)

                elif (currInput4 == 3):
                    currVolt = DAQC2.getADC(0, 2)
                    print("Morbidostat#3: ", currVolt)

                elif (currInput4 == 4):
                    currVolt = DAQC2.getADC(0, 3)
                    print("Morbidostat#4: ", currVolt)

                elif (currInput4 == 5):
                    currVolt = DAQC2.getADC(0, 4)
                    print("Morbidostat#4: ", currVolt)

                elif (currInput4 == 6):
                    currVolt = DAQC2.getADC(0, 5)
                    print("Morbidostat#6: ", currVolt)

                elif (currInput4 == 7):
                    currVolt = DAQC2.getADC(1, 0)
                    print("Morbidostat#7: ", currVolt)

                elif (currInput4 == 8):
                    currVolt = DAQC2.getADC(1, 1)
                    print("Morbidostat#8: ", currVolt)

                elif (currInput4 == 9):
                    currVolt = DAQC2.getADC(1, 2)
                    print("Morbidostat#9: ", currVolt)

                elif (currInput4 == 10):
                    currVolt = DAQC2.getADC(1, 3)
                    print("Morbidostat#10: ", currVolt)

                elif (currInput4 == 11):
                    currVolt = DAQC2.getADC(1, 4)
                    print("Morbidostat#11: ", currVolt)

                elif (currInput4 == 12):
                    currVolt = DAQC2.getADC(1, 5)
                    print("Morbidostat#12: ", currVolt)
Beispiel #15
    index = -1
    for i in range(photocurrent.size):
        if (photocurrent[i] >= 0):
            index = i

    V_s = retarding_voltage[index][0]
    print('V_s = {:.4f} V'.format(V_s))
    return V_s

### MAIN ###
voltages = np.arange(0, 0.7, 0.001)
led_data = np.zeros((voltages.size, 3))
dark_current = 1.3e-03

for i in range(voltages.size):
    Vr = voltages[i]
    led_data[i, 0] = Vr
    DAQC2.setDAC(0, 0, Vr)
    Vp = DAQC2.getADC(0, 0) - DAQC2.getADC(0, 1)
    led_data[i, 1] = Vp
    led_data[i, 2] = dark_current

wavelength = 654.9
led_df = create_LED_df(led_data)
filename = "data/laser_{λ}nm.csv".format(λ=wavelength)
led_df.to_csv(filename, encoding='utf-8', index=False)
plot_LED_data(led_df, np.array(wavelength))
Beispiel #16
             resp['bit'] = bit
             resp['state'] = 0
         elif (cmd == "toggleDOUTbit"):
             bit = args['bit']
                 DP.toggleDOUTbit(addr, bit)
             except AssertionError:
                 DP2.toggleDOUTbit(addr, bit)
             resp['bit'] = bit
             resp['state'] = 'UNKNOWN'
         elif (cmd == "getADC"):
             channel = args['channel']
                 voltage = DP.getADC(addr, channel)
             except AssertionError:
                 voltage = DP2.getADC(addr, channel)
             resp['channel'] = channel
             resp['voltage'] = voltage
         elif (cmd == "getTEMP"):
             bit = args['bit']
             scale = args['scale']
                 temp = DP.getTEMP(addr, bit, scale)
             except AssertionError:
                 temp = DP2.getTEMP(addr, bit, scale)
             resp['temp'] = temp
             resp['bit'] = bit
             sys.stderr.write("unknown daqc cmd: " + cmd)
 elif (plate_type == "MOTOR"):
Beispiel #17
 def get_value(self):
     return DQ.getADC(self.piid, self.tid)
import piplates.DAQC2plate as DAQC2
import time

DAQC2.setDAC(0, 0, 2.5)
AIN = DAQC2.getADC(0, 0)
DAQC2.setDAC(0, 0, 0)

print("AIN =", AIN, "volts")
Beispiel #19
from tsl200 import laser_init
import numpy as np
import time
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import piplates.DAQC2plate as DAQC2
from v_to_dbm import v_to_dbm
from tsl_offset import tsl_offset

sleep = 50e-3

my_laser = laser_init()

N = 300
wavelength = np.linspace(1530,1600,N)
data = [None]*N
power = [None]*N
for wn,w in enumerate(wavelength):
    data[wn] = v_to_dbm(DAQC2.getADC(0,0),w*1e-3)
    data[wn] = tsl_offset(data[wn],w)
    power[wn] = my_laser.set_power_dBm(0)
    print("Data recorded")