def minMax(situation,player,game,depth): name=game['name'] if name == 'othello': import othello as Game elif name == 'tic_tac_toe': import tictactoe as Game elif name =='nim_game': import nim_game as Game if coeff=1 else: coeff=-1 next_player=changePlayer(player,game) if Game.isFinished(situation) or depth==0: #décomenter pour vérifier le résultat de la fonction d'évaluation #print(Game.evalFunction(situation,player,game)*coeff) return Game.evalFunction(situation,player,game)*coeff,situation else: next_situation=Game.nextSituations(game, situation, player) res=None if for sit in next_situation: temp =minMax(sit,next_player,game,depth-1) if res==None or temp!=None and res[0]<temp[0]: res=temp else: for sit in next_situation: temp =minMax(sit,next_player,game,depth-1) if res==None or temp!=None and res[0]>temp[0]: res=temp try: return res[0],sit except: print (res)
def play(name): """ """ assert name in LIST_GAME, 'g must be in LIST_GAME' if name=='othello': import othello as Game elif name=='tic_tac_toe': import tictactoe as Game elif name=='nim_game': import nim_game as Game game = init_game(name) situation= Game.initSituation(game) turn_passed=0 current_player=first_player(game) Game.displaySituation(situation) while not Game.isFinished(situation) and turn_passed<2: if Game.playerCanPlay(game, situation, current_player): turn_passed=0 if!='minMAX': situation = Game.humanPlayerPlays(game,current_player,situation) else: print("computer's playing") situation = minmax.main(game,current_player,situation) Game.displaySituation(situation) else: turn_passed +=1 current_player = next_player(current_player,game) winner=Game.getWinner(game,situation,current_player) if winner == None: print("It's a draw") elif!="minMAX": print("Well done {:s} you win".format( else: print("Sorry, you loose")
def _input_action(game, situation, player) :# on a good way """ """ print(" it's your turn to play") print('Enter a letter between a and h followed by a number between 1 and 8') action=input('Where do you want to play? ') try: coins=game['coins'][Player.coins(player)] assert len(action)==2 column= ord(action[0])-ord('a') line = int(action[1])-1 new_situation=[] for i in range (8): new_situation.append([]) new_situation[i]= situation[i].copy() for direction in DIRECTIONS: _possible_action(column,line,DIRECTIONS[direction],player,new_situation,game) if new_situation!=situation: new_situation[column][line]=coins situation = new_situation return situation except AssertionError: pass except ValueError: pass print('unauthorised action') return _input_action(game, situation, player)
def minMaxFinal(situation,player,game): name=game['name'] if name == 'othello': import othello as Game elif name == 'tic_tac_toe': import tictactoe as Game elif name =='nim_game': import nim_game as Game next_player=changePlayer(player,game) if Game.isFinished(situation): return (Game.evalFunction(situation,player),situation) else: next_situation=Game.nextSituations(game, situation, player) res=None if for sit in next_situation: temp =minMaxFinal(sit,next_player,game) if res==None or temp!=None and res[0]<temp[0]: res=temp else: for sit in next_situation: temp =minMaxFinal(sit,next_player,game) if res==None or temp!=None and res[0]>temp[0]: res=temp try: return res[0],sit except: pass
def substitution(self): for widget in self.playing_roster_team1_frame.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() for widget in self.playing_roster_team2_frame.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() for player in self.team1_roster_list: if player not in self.team1_playing_list: self.team1_playing_list.append(player) for player in self.team2_roster_list: if player not in self.team2_playing_list: self.team2_playing_list.append(player) for player in self.team1_playing_list: Radiobutton(self.playing_roster_team1_frame, for player in self.team2_playing_list: Radiobutton(self.playing_roster_team2_frame,
def _input_pebbles(player, number_pebbles, number_message): """ reads the number of pebbles taken by player :returns: *(int)* -- the number of taken pebbles """ print(" it's your turn, you can take "+number_message+" pebbles.") nb_taken_pebbles = input("how many pebbles do you take ? ") try: if int(nb_taken_pebbles) in number_pebbles: return int(nb_taken_pebbles) # else : invalid input : redo input except ValueError: # input is not an integer : redo input pass print("illegal play, you can only take "+number_message+" pebbles") return _input_pebbles(player,number_pebbles, number_message)
def display_list_of_players(self): for player in self.player_list: name_label = Button(self.list_of_players_window, text=name_label, command=lambda i = player:self.select_player(i)).pack()