Beispiel #1
def allow(auth, addr):
    Allow (whitelist) a single IP address. For NULL, all clients from
    this address will be accepted. For PLAIN and CURVE, they will be
    allowed to continue with authentication. You can call this method
    multiple times to whitelist multiple IP addresses. If you
    whitelist a single address, any non-whitelisted addresses are
    treated as blacklisted.
    return C.zauth_allow(auth, addr)
Beispiel #2
def allow(auth, addr):
    Allow (whitelist) a single IP address. For NULL, all clients from
    this address will be accepted. For PLAIN and CURVE, they will be
    allowed to continue with authentication. You can call this method
    multiple times to whitelist multiple IP addresses. If you
    whitelist a single address, any non-whitelisted addresses are
    treated as blacklisted.
    return C.zauth_allow(auth, addr)