Beispiel #1
def new(ctx):
    Install authentication for the specified context. Returns a new
    zauth object that you can use to configure authentication. Note
    that until you add policies, all incoming NULL connections are
    allowed (classic ZeroMQ behaviour), and all PLAIN and CURVE
    connections are denied. If there was an error during
    initialization, returns NULL.
    return ffi.gc(C.zauth_new(ctx), destroy)
Beispiel #2
def new(ctx):
    Install authentication for the specified context. Returns a new
    zauth object that you can use to configure authentication. Note
    that until you add policies, all incoming NULL connections are
    allowed (classic ZeroMQ behaviour), and all PLAIN and CURVE
    connections are denied. If there was an error during
    initialization, returns NULL.
    return ffi.gc(C.zauth_new(ctx), destroy)