Beispiel #1
# rst getLocalIndex
# The control points of the FFD are the same as the coordinates of the points in the input file
# but they will be in a jumbled order because of the internal spline representation of the volume.
# Let's put them in a sensible order for plotting.

# the raw array of FFD control points (size n_control_pts x 3)
FFD = DVGeo.FFD.coef

# we can use the getLocalIndex method to put the coefs in contiguous order
# the FFD block has i,j,k directions
# in this problem i is left/right, j is up down, and k is into the page (along the cyl)
# Let's extract a ring of the front-face control points in contiguous order.
# We'll add these as a pointset as well so we can visualize them.
# (Don't worry too much about the details)
FFDptset = np.concatenate([
    FFD[DVGeo.getLocalIndex(0)[:, 0, 0]],
    FFD[DVGeo.getLocalIndex(0)[::-1, 1, 0]],
    FFD[DVGeo.getLocalIndex(0)[0, 0, 0]].reshape((1, 3)),
]).reshape(21, 3)

# Add these control points to the FFD volume. This is only for visualization purposes in this demo.
# Under normal circumstances you don't need to worry about adding the FFD points as a pointset
DVGeo.addPointSet(FFDptset, "ffd")

# Print the indices and coordinates of the FFD points for informational purposes
print("FFD Indices:")
print(DVGeo.getLocalIndex(0)[:, 0, 0])
print("FFD Coordinates:")
print(FFD[DVGeo.getLocalIndex(0)[:, 0, 0]])

# Create tecplot output that contains the FFD control points, embedded volume, and pointset
Beispiel #2
# Add DVGeo object to CFD solver
# rst dvgeo (end)
# ======================================================================
#         DVConstraint Setup
# ======================================================================
# rst dvcon (beg)
DVCon = DVConstraints()  # DVCon = DVConstraints_FFD_data()

# Only ADflow has the getTriangulatedSurface Function

# Le/Te constraints
lIndex = DVGeo.getLocalIndex(0)
indSetA = []
indSetB = []
# print('lIndex.shape[0]',lIndex.shape[0])
for k in range(0, 1):
    indSetA.append(lIndex[0, 0, k])  # all DV for upper and lower should be same but different sign
    indSetB.append(lIndex[0, 1, k])
for k in range(0, 1):
    indSetA.append(lIndex[-1, 0, k])
    indSetB.append(lIndex[-1, 1, k])
# print(indSetA)
DVCon.addLeTeConstraints(0, indSetA=indSetA, indSetB=indSetB)

# DV should be same along spanwise
lIndex = DVGeo.getLocalIndex(0)
indSetA = []