Beispiel #1
def decodefft(finf,data, dropheights = False):
    #output: decoded data with the number of heights reduced
    #two variables are added to the finfo class:
    #deco_num_hei, deco_hrange
    #data must be arranged: 
    #    (channels,heights,times) (C-style, profs change faster)
    #fft along the entire(n=None) acquired heights(axis=1), stores in data
    num_chan = data.shape[0]
    num_ipps = data.shape[2]
    num_codes = finf.subcode.shape[0]
    num_bauds = finf.subcode.shape[1]
    NSA = finf.num_hei + num_bauds - 1
    uppower = py.ceil(py.log2(NSA))
    extra = int(2**uppower - finf.num_hei)
    NSA = int(2**uppower)
    fft_code = py.fft(finf.subcode,n = NSA,axis=1).conj()
    data = py.fft(data,n=NSA,axis=1) #n= None: no cropped data or padded zeros
    for ch in range(num_chan):
        for ipp in range(num_ipps):
            code_i = ipp % num_codes
            data[ch,:,ipp] = data[ch,:,ipp] * fft_code[code_i,:]
    data=py.ifft(data,n=NSA,axis=1) #fft along the heightsm
    if dropheights:
        return data[:,:-extra-(num_bauds-1),:]
        return data[:,:-extra,:]
Beispiel #2
def decodefft(finf, data, dropheights=False):
    #output: decoded data with the number of heights reduced
    #two variables are added to the finfo class:
    #deco_num_hei, deco_hrange
    #data must be arranged:
    #    (channels,heights,times) (C-style, profs change faster)
    #fft along the entire(n=None) acquired heights(axis=1), stores in data
    num_chan = data.shape[0]
    num_ipps = data.shape[2]
    num_codes = finf.subcode.shape[0]
    num_bauds = finf.subcode.shape[1]
    NSA = finf.num_hei + num_bauds - 1
    uppower = py.ceil(py.log2(NSA))
    extra = int(2**uppower - finf.num_hei)
    NSA = int(2**uppower)
    fft_code = py.fft(finf.subcode, n=NSA, axis=1).conj()
    data = py.fft(data, n=NSA,
                  axis=1)  #n= None: no cropped data or padded zeros
    for ch in range(num_chan):
        for ipp in range(num_ipps):
            code_i = ipp % num_codes
            data[ch, :, ipp] = data[ch, :, ipp] * fft_code[code_i, :]
    data = py.ifft(data, n=NSA, axis=1)  #fft along the heightsm
    if dropheights:
        return data[:, :-extra - (num_bauds - 1), :]
        return data[:, :-extra, :]
 def f( t, *args ):
     for i,arg in enumerate(args): params[ free_params[i] ] = arg
     tshift = params[-1]
     ideal = fmodel( t, *args )
     irf = cspline1d_eval( self.irf_generator, t-tshift, dx=self.irf_dt, x0=self.irf_t0 )
     convoluted = pylab.real(pylab.ifft( pylab.fft(ideal)*pylab.fft(irf) )) # very small imaginary anyway
     return convoluted
def main():
    ind = [0,];
    ldft = [0,];
    lfft = [0,];
    lpfft = [0,]

    # plot a graph Dft vs Fft, lists just support size until 2**9
    for i in range(1, 9, 1):
        t_before = time.clock();
        dt = time.clock() - t_before;
        print ("dft ", 2**i, dt);
        #pylab.plot([2**i,], [time.clock()-t_before,]);
        t_before = time.clock();
        dt = time.clock() - t_before;
        print ("fft ", 2**i, dt);
        #pylab.plot([2**i,], [time.clock()-t_before,]);
        # python fft just to compare
        t_before = time.clock();
        dt = time.clock() - t_before;

    pylab.plot(ind, ldft);
    pylab.plot(ind, lfft);
    pylab.plot(ind, lpfft);;
    return [ind, ldft, lfft, lpfft];
 def fast_fracdiff(x, d):
     T = len(x)
     np2 = int(2**np.ceil(np.log2(2 * T - 1)))
     k = np.arange(1, T)
     b = (1, ) + tuple(np.cumprod((k - d - 1) / k))
     z = (0, ) * (np2 - T)
     z1 = b + z
     z2 = tuple(x) + z
     dx = pl.ifft(pl.fft(z1) * pl.fft(z2))
     return np.real(dx[0:T])
Beispiel #6
def _ConvFft(signal, FilterKernel): 
    Convolution with fft much faster approach
    works exactly as convolve(x,y)
    ss = numpy.size(signal);
    fs = numpy.size(FilterKernel)
    # padd zeros all until they have the size N+M-1
    signal = numpy.append(signal, numpy.zeros(fs+ss-1-ss));
    FilterKernel = numpy.append(FilterKernel, numpy.zeros(fs+ss-1-fs));
    signal = pylab.real(pylab.ifft(pylab.fft(signal)*pylab.fft(FilterKernel)));
    return signal[:fs+ss-1];
Beispiel #7
def fast_fracdiff(x, cols, d):
    for col in cols:
        T = len(x[col])
        np2 = int(2**np.ceil(np.log2(2 * T - 1)))
        k = np.arange(1, T)
        b = (1, ) + tuple(np.cumprod((k - d - 1) / k))
        z = (0, ) * (np2 - T)
        z1 = b + z
        z2 = tuple(x[col]) + z
        dx = pl.ifft(pl.fft(z1) * pl.fft(z2))
        x[col + "_frac"] = np.real(dx[0:T])
    return x
Beispiel #8
def _ConvFft(signal, filterkernel):
    Convolution with fft much faster approach
    works exatcly as convolve(x,y)
    ss = numpy.size(signal)
    fs = numpy.size(filterkernel)
    # padd zeros all until they have the size N+M-1
    signal = numpy.append(signal, numpy.zeros(fs + ss - 1 - ss))
    filterkernel = numpy.append(filterkernel, numpy.zeros(fs + ss - 1 - fs))
    signal = pylab.real(pylab.ifft(
        pylab.fft(signal) * pylab.fft(filterkernel)))
    return signal[:fs + ss - 1]
 def calcFourier(self, yout, tspan):
     Calculate FFT and return magnitude spectrum and frequencies
     freqs === Python array
     aMags === numpy array
     rMags === numpy array
     ActEC = yout[:, 3]
     RepEC = yout[:, 9]
     freqs = fftfreq(len(tspan), tspan[1] - tspan[0])
     aMags = array(abs((fft(ActEC))))
     rMags = array(abs((fft(RepEC))))
     return freqs, aMags, rMags
Beispiel #10
    def compute_response(self, **kargs):
        """Compute the window data frequency response

        :param norm: True by default. normalised the frequency data.
        :param int NFFT:       total length of the final data sets( 2048 by default. if less than data length, then
            NFFT is set to the data length*2).

        The response is stored in :attr:`response`.

        .. note:: Units are dB (20 log10) since we plot the frequency response)

        from pylab import fft, fftshift, log10

        norm = kargs.get('norm', self.norm)

        # do some padding. Default is max(2048, data.len*2)
        NFFT = kargs.get('NFFT', 2048)
        if NFFT < len(
            NFFT = * 2

        # compute the fft modulus
        A = fft(, NFFT)
        mag = abs(fftshift(A))

        # do we want to normalise the data
        if norm is True:
            mag = mag / max(mag)
        response = 20. * log10(mag) # factor 20 we are looking at the response
                                    # not the powe
        #response = clip(response,mindB,100)
        self.__response = response
Beispiel #11
def PlotFftNAbs(y,
                ):  # plot the grah of fft (amplitude) of y with command plot
    Normalized version plot of FFT
    equal abs(FFT) * 2/y.length
    plot also just half spectrum (just positive frequencies),
    and from frequencys 1:N/2
    the mean (DC component) is removed before fft
    N = numpy.size(y)

    #remove the DC component just the mean (could use a detrend function)
    y = y - numpy.mean(y)

    fund = 1 / (N * dt)  # freq fundamental, as outras sao multiplas dessa
    f = range(N)
    for k in range(N - 1):
        f[k + 1] = fund * k  #multiplas da fundamental

    yn = pylab.fft(y)
    # perfeito. se vpce colocar um seno de 30 e outro de 60, com aplitude 1 e 2 no espectro
    # de amplitude voce vai encontrar exatamente 1 e 2
    absyn = 2 * numpy.abs(yn) / numpy.size(yn)
    pylab.plot(f[0:numpy.size(f) / 2], absyn[0:numpy.size(f) / 2])
    return [f, absyn]
Beispiel #12
def PlotPowersSpectrumdB(y, dt=0.1):
    Try of power spectral density estimation
    not windowed no Welch yet.
    plot also just half spectrum (just positive frequencies),
    and from frequencys 0:N/2
    the mean (DC component) is removed before fft
    # plot the grah of fft (amplitude) of y with command plot
    N = numpy.size(y)

    #remove the DC component just the mean (could use a detrend function)
    y = y - numpy.mean(y)

    fund = 1 / (N * dt)  # freq fundamental, as outras sao multiplas dessa
    f = range(N)
    for k in range(N - 1):
        f[k + 1] = fund * k  #multiplas da fundamental

    yn = pylab.fft(y)
    power = yn * numpy.conj(yn) / (numpy.sqrt(numpy.size(yn)))
    power = numpy.abs(power)
    # create decibel scale Lb = log10(P1/P0) where P0 is the maximum value
    P0 = max(power)
    power = numpy.log10(power / P0)

    #ignore Dc and the negative frequencies
    pylab.plot(f[0:numpy.size(f) / 2], power[0:numpy.size(f) / 2])
    def performFourierDataReturn(self, wav_name, input_location=None):
        if input_location == None:
            input_location = ''
        if wav_name.endswith('.wav'):
            wav_file_name = os.path.join(
                os.path.join(__location__, input_location), wav_name)
            wav_file_name = os.path.join(
                os.path.join(__location__, input_location), wav_name) + '.wav'
        sampFreq, snd =
        # convert 16 bit values to be between -1 to 1
        snd /= 2.0**15
        # get average of data if more than 1 channels
        if self.channels > 1:
            s1 = self.getAverageData(snd)
            s1 = snd.T[0]

        n = len(s1)
        p = fft(s1)

        nUniquePts = int(ceil((n + 1) / 2.0))
        p = p[0:nUniquePts]
        p = abs(p)

        p /= float(n)
        p **= 2

        if n % 2 > 0:
            p[1:len(p)] = p[1:len(p)] * 2
            p[1:len(p) - 1] = p[1:len(p) - 1] * 2

        return sampFreq, nUniquePts, n, p
Beispiel #14
def hacerfft(channel):
    tamanho = len(channel)

    fdata = fft(channel)

    print('> FFT realizada')
    nUniquePts = int(ceil((tamanho)/2))
    fdata = fdata[0:nUniquePts]
    fdata = abs(fdata)

    fdata = fdata/float(leng)
    fdata = fdata**2

    if leng % 2 > 0:
        fdata[1:int(ceil(len(fdata)))] = fdata[1:int(ceil(len(fdata)))] * 2
        fdata[1:int(ceil(len(fdata)))-1] = fdata[1:int(ceil(len(fdata)))-1] * 2

    freqArray = arange(0, nUniquePts, 1.0)*(fs/tamanho)
    plot(freqArray/1000, 10*log10(fdata[0:tamanho:1]))

    xlabel('Frequency (kHz)')
    ylabel('Power (dB)')

    print('> FFT graficada')

    return fdata
def time_fft(data2, samplerate=100., inverse=False,hann=False):
  IF N_PARAMS() EQ 0 then begin
     print, 'time_fft, data, samplerate=samplerate, inverse=inverse,hann=hann'
     return, -1

  if hann:
    w1 = pl.hanning(len(data))
    data = data*w1

  #frequency axis:
  freqs = pl.arange(1+len(data)/2)/float(len(data)/2.0)*samplerate/2.                  # wut.
  if len(data) % 2 == 0 : freqs = pl.concatenate((freqs, -freqs[1:(len(freqs)-1)][::-1]))
  if len(data) % 2 != 0 : freqs = pl.concatenate((freqs, -freqs[1:len(freqs)][::-1]))

  response = pl.fft(data)
  if inverse : response = pl.ifft(data)

  out = {'freq': freqs, 'real': response.real, 'im': response.imag, 'abs': abs(response)}

  return out
Beispiel #16
def plot_signal(s,sr,start=0,end=440,N=32768):
 '''plots the waveform and spectrum of a signal s
    with sampling rate sr, from a start to an
    end position (waveform), and from a start
    position with a N-point DFT (spectrum)'''

 sig = s[start:end]
 time = pl.arange(0,len(sig))/sr              
 pl.plot(time,sig, 'k-')
 pl.xlabel("time (s)")

 N = 32768
 f = pl.arange(0,N/2)
 bins = f*sr/N
 win = pl.hanning(N)
 scal = N*pl.sqrt(pl.mean(win**2))
 sig = s[start:start+N]
 window = pl.fft(sig*win/max(sig))
 mags = abs(window/scal)
 spec = 20*pl.log10(mags/max(mags))
 pl.plot(bins,spec[0:N//2], 'k-')
 pl.ylim(-60, 1)
 pl.ylabel("amp (dB)", size=16)
 pl.xlabel("freq (Hz)", size=16)

Beispiel #17
def hacerfft(channel, texto=None):
    fdata = fft(channel)

    print('\t> FFT realizada')

    nUniquePts = int(ceil((leng) / 2))
    fdata = fdata[0:nUniquePts]
    fdata = abs(fdata)

    fdata = fdata / float(leng)
    fdata = fdata**2

    if leng % 2 > 0:
        fdata[1:int(ceil(len(fdata)))] = fdata[1:int(ceil(len(fdata)))] * 2
        fdata[1:int(ceil(len(fdata))) -
              1] = fdata[1:int(ceil(len(fdata))) - 1] * 2

    freqArray = arange(0, nUniquePts, 1.0) * (fs / leng)
    plot(freqArray / 1000, 10 * log10(fdata[0:leng:1]))

    if texto == None:
        xlabel('Frequency (kHz)')
        xlabel('Frequency (kHz)  |  ' + str(texto))
    ylabel('Power (dB)')

    print('\t> FFT graficada')

    return fdata, freqArray
Beispiel #18
def hacerfft(channel, freq):  # en Hz
    fdata = fft(channel)

    print('> FFT realizada: ' + str(freq))

    nUniquePts = int(ceil((N) / 2))
    fdata = fdata[0:nUniquePts]
    fdata = abs(fdata)

    fdata = fdata / float(N)
    fdata = fdata**2

    if N % 2 > 0:
        fdata[1:int(ceil(len(fdata)))] = fdata[1:int(ceil(len(fdata)))] * 2
        fdata[1:int(ceil(len(fdata))) -
              1] = fdata[1:int(ceil(len(fdata))) - 1] * 2

    freqArray = arange(0, nUniquePts, 1.0) * (fs / N)
    plot(freqArray, 10 * log10(fdata[0:int(N):1]))

    xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
    ylabel('Power (dB)')

    print('> FFT graficada ' + str(freq))

    return fdata
Beispiel #19
    def compute_response(self, **kargs):
        """Compute the window data frequency response

        :param norm: True by default. normalised the frequency data.
        :param int NFFT:       total length of the final data sets( 2048 by default. if less than data length, then 
            NFFT is set to the data length*2).
        The response is stored in :attr:`response`.
        .. note:: Units are dB (20 log10) since we plot the frequency response)
        from pylab import fft, fftshift, log10

        norm = kargs.get('norm', self.norm)

        # do some padding. Default is max(2048, data.len*2)
        NFFT = kargs.get('NFFT', 2048)
        if NFFT < len(
            NFFT = * 2

        # compute the fft modulus
        A = fft(, NFFT)
        mag = abs(fftshift(A))

        # do we want to normalise the data
        if norm is True:
            mag = mag / max(mag)
        response = 20. * log10(mag)  # factor 20 we are looking at the response
        # not the powe
        #response = clip(response,mindB,100)
        self.__response = response
Beispiel #20
   def __init__(self, path, name=None):
      if name is None:
         path, name = os.path.split(path) = name
      self.path = path
      self.nowPlaying = False

      # Read wav file
      self.sampFreq, self.tDomain = + '/' + name)
      # Get frequency domain
      fDomain = pylab.fft(self.tDomain)
      nPoints = len(self.tDomain)
      nUniquePoints = int(math.ceil((nPoints+1)/2.0))
      fDomain = abs(fDomain[0:nUniquePoints])

      # Normalize frequency domain
      fDomain = fDomain/float(nPoints)
      fDomain = fDomain ** 2
      if nPoints % 2 > 0:
         fDomain[1:len(fDomain)] = fDomain[1:len(fDomain)] * 2
         fDomain[1:len(fDomain)-1] = fDomain[1:len(fDomain)-1] * 2

      # Get frequency values to go with magnitudes
      time = nPoints / float(self.sampFreq)
      frequencies = np.arange(nUniquePoints) / time

      # Store frequency domain as list of (frequency, magnitude)
      self.fDomain = zip(frequencies, fDomain)

      # Store sizes of arrays for later
      self.nPoints = nPoints
      self.nUniquePoints = nUniquePoints
def STA(pks, I, V, sampr, delay):
    currents = []
    voltages = []
    out = {}
    for i in range(len(pks)):
        if i == 0:
            if pks[i] > sampr * (delay + 1):
                currents.append(I[int(pks[i] - sampr):int(pks[i])])
                voltages.append(V[int(pks[i] - sampr):int(pks[i])])
            if (pks[i] - pks[i - 1]) > sampr:
                currents.append(I[int(pks[i] - sampr):int(pks[i])])
                voltages.append(V[int(pks[i] - sampr):int(pks[i])])
    if len(currents):
        currents = np.array(currents)
        avgI = np.mean(currents, axis=0)
        f_current = (fft(avgI) / len(avgI))[0:int(len(avgI) / 2)]
        Freq = np.linspace(0.0, sampr / 2.0, len(f_current))
        out = {
            'currents': currents,
            'voltages': voltages,
            'f_current': f_current,
            'Freq': Freq
    return out
Beispiel #22
def PlotPowersSpectrumdB(y, dt=0.1):
    Try of power spectral density estimation
    not windowed no Welch yet.
    plot also just half spectrum (just positive frequencies),
    and from frequencys 0:N/2
    the mean (DC component) is removed before fft
    # plot the grah of fft (amplitude) of y with command plot
    N = numpy.size(y)

    #remove the DC component just the mean (could use a detrend function)
    y = y - numpy.mean(y)

    fund = 1/(N*dt) # freq fundamental, as outras sao multiplas dessa
    for k in range(N-1):
        f[k+1]=fund*k #multiplas da fundamental

    yn = pylab.fft(y)
    power = yn*numpy.conj(yn)/(numpy.sqrt(numpy.size(yn)))
    power = numpy.abs(power)
    # create decibel scale Lb = log10(P1/P0) where P0 is the maximum value
    P0 = max(power)
    power = numpy.log10(power/P0);

    #ignore Dc and the negative frequencies
    pylab.plot(f[0:numpy.size(f)/2], power[0:numpy.size(f)/2])
Beispiel #23
def fft_smoothing(input_signal, sigma):
    """smooth the fast transform Fourier
    Params :
        input_signal : audio signal
        sigma : relative to the length of the output signal
    Returns :
        a shorter and smoother signal

    size_signal = input_signal.size

    #shorten the signal
    new_size = int(floor(10.0 * size_signal * sigma))
    half_new_size = new_size // 2

    fftx = fft(input_signal)

    short_fftx = []
    for ele in fftx[:half_new_size]:

    for ele in fftx[-half_new_size:]:

    apodization_coefficients = generate_apodization_coeffs(
        half_new_size, sigma, size_signal)

    #apply the apodization coefficients
    short_fftx[:half_new_size] *= apodization_coefficients
    short_fftx[half_new_size:] *= flipud(apodization_coefficients)

    realifftxw = ifft(short_fftx).real
    return realifftxw
def zonalWN_fourier(signal, lats, lons):

	Function to compute dominant zonal wavenumber at a latitude circle at each time step 

        signal (array like):
            Input signal array. Shape must be [time, lev, lat, lon].

	lats: array with latitude values.
	lons: array with longitude values.

        maxWN_mrunmean (array like) :
            Convolved signal with Hann window of constant width. Shape is [time, lev, lat, lon].

	notime = signal.shape[0]

	# loop over all latitudes between lat1 and lat2 (descending in lat)

	n = (len(lons)+1)//2
	A = np.zeros([notime, nolev, len(lats), len(lons)], dtype='complex') # complex array to hold the fourier transf of the input signal
	power = np.zeros([notime, nolev, len(lats),n])
	#k=np.arange(1,n,1) # zonal wavenumber
	maxWN = np.zeros([notime,nolev, len(lats)])

	#loop over time, isentropes and latitudes
	for t in range (0,notime):
		for l in range (0,nolev):
			for ilat in range(0,len(lats)):
				A[t,l,ilat,:] = pl.fft(signal[t,l,ilat,:]) # fourier transform of the signal (v) at each latitude
				for kk in range(0,n):			       # exclude wavenumber 0
					power[t,l,ilat,kk] = 4*(A[t,l,ilat,kk].real**2 + A[t,l,ilat,kk].imag**2)
				maxWN[t,l,ilat] = power[t,l,ilat].argmax(axis=0) # the index at which the maximum in the power spectrum occurs, which is the maximum wavenumber

	### Smoothing of the signal ###	
	# fill the remaining latutues with the boundary values 
	ext_lat=10       		# extension of the additional boundaries in degrees of latitude
	res=int(abs(lats[1]-lats[0]))		# resolution in lats
	N = ext_lat//res 		# window for the moving average in terms of index in the lats array!!! so N=5 is an extended 10 deg boundary for a 2*2 resolution

	# now apply some smoothing to avoid jumps between different integers wavenumers

	maxWN_mrunmean=np.zeros([notime, nolev, len(lats)])

	for t in range (0,notime):
		for l in range (0,nolev):

			maxWN_mrunmean[t,l,:] = np.convolve(maxWN[t,l,:], np.ones((N,))/N, mode='same')


	return maxWN_mrunmean
    def compute_fft(self, start, end):
        dur = end - start
        fft = pl.fft([start:end])
        real_range = np.ceil((dur+1)/2.0)
        fft = fft[0:real_range]
        fft = abs(fft)

        return fft * np.hanning(len(fft))
    def compute_fft(self, start, end):
        dur = end - start
        fft = pl.fft([start:end])
        real_range = np.ceil((dur+1)/2.0)
        fft = fft[0:real_range]
        fft = abs(fft)

        return fft * np.hanning(len(fft))
Beispiel #27
    def QuasiSpace(self,ns,df,ls):
        #evaluates the quasi space value
        #at the moment, the most easy method(everything else failed...)
        #get the mean absolute value of the complete spectrum. works best
        for i in range(len(ns)):
#            xvalues=py.fftfreq(len(ns[i]),df)*c/4

            #naive cut:
        return allqs
Beispiel #28
def main(nbits):
    """Main Program"""
    import pylab
    nbits = int(nbits)
    m = mls(nbits)
    fm = pylab.fft(m)
    fig, ax = pylab.subplots(2, sharex=True)
    ax[0].plot(20 * pylab.log10(numpy.abs(fm)))
Beispiel #29
 def windowAndFFT(self,window,fftlength):
     if ( self.Length != len(window)  ):
         raise Exception, 'size mismatch, length of data != that of window'
     if ( fftlength < self.Length  ):
         raise ValueError, 'fftlength < length of data'
     z = numpy.zeros(fftlength - self.Length)
     Abar = pylab.fft( numpy.array( list(self.A*window) + list(z) ) )
     Ebar = pylab.fft( numpy.array( list(self.E*window) + list(z) ) )
     Tbar = pylab.fft( numpy.array( list(self.T*window) + list(z) ) )
     Abar = Abar[ 0:numpy.floor( fftlength/2+1 ) ]*self.Cadence
     Ebar = Ebar[ 0:numpy.floor( fftlength/2+1 ) ]*self.Cadence
     Tbar = Tbar[ 0:numpy.floor( fftlength/2+1 ) ]*self.Cadence
     self.winfftA = Abar
     self.winfftE = Ebar
     self.winfftT = Tbar
     self.FreqOffset = 0
     self.FreqCadence = 1./(self.Cadence*fftlength)
     self.FreqLength = len(Abar)
Beispiel #30
def PlotFftPhase(signal, dt):
    fund = 1/(N*dt) # freq fundamental, as outras sao multiplas dessa
    for k in range(N-1):
        f[k+1]=fund*k #multiplas da fundamental
    pylab.plot(f, numpy.angle(z, deg=True))
    pylab.ylabel('Phase (degrees)')
    pylab.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
Beispiel #31
 def windowAndFFT(self, window, fftlength):
     if (self.Length != len(window)):
         raise Exception, 'size mismatch, length of data != that of window'
     if (fftlength < self.Length):
         raise ValueError, 'fftlength < length of data'
     z = numpy.zeros(fftlength - self.Length)
     Abar = pylab.fft(numpy.array(list(self.A * window) + list(z)))
     Ebar = pylab.fft(numpy.array(list(self.E * window) + list(z)))
     Tbar = pylab.fft(numpy.array(list(self.T * window) + list(z)))
     Abar = Abar[0:numpy.floor(fftlength / 2 + 1)] * self.Cadence
     Ebar = Ebar[0:numpy.floor(fftlength / 2 + 1)] * self.Cadence
     Tbar = Tbar[0:numpy.floor(fftlength / 2 + 1)] * self.Cadence
     self.winfftA = Abar
     self.winfftE = Ebar
     self.winfftT = Tbar
     self.FreqOffset = 0
     self.FreqCadence = 1. / (self.Cadence * fftlength)
     self.FreqLength = len(Abar)
Beispiel #32
def PlotFftPhase(signal, dt):
    N = numpy.size(signal)
    fund = 1 / (N * dt)  # freq fundamental, as outras sao multiplas dessa
    f = range(N)
    for k in range(N - 1):
        f[k + 1] = fund * k  #multiplas da fundamental
    z = pylab.fft(signal)
    pylab.plot(f, numpy.angle(z, deg=True))
    pylab.ylabel('Phase (degrees)')
    pylab.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
def my_transform(x,dir):

    # my_transform - perform either FFT with energy conservation.
    # Works on array of size (w,w,a,b) on the 2 first dimensions.
    w = np.shape(x)[0]
    if dir == 1 :
        y = np.transpose(pyl.fft(np.transpose(x)))/np.sqrt(w)
    else :
        y = np.transpose(pyl.ifft(np.transpose(x)*np.sqrt(w)))
    return y
def zMeasures(current, v, delay, sampr, f1, bwinsz=1):
    ## zero padding
    current = current[int(delay * sampr - 0.5 * sampr +
                          1):-int(delay * sampr - 0.5 * sampr)]
    current = np.hstack((np.repeat(current[0], int(delay * sampr)), current,
                         np.repeat(current[-1], int(delay * sampr))))
    current = current - np.mean(current)
    v = v[int(delay * sampr - 0.5 * sampr) +
          1:-int(delay * sampr - 0.5 * sampr)]
    v = np.hstack((np.repeat(v[0], int(delay * sampr)), v,
                   np.repeat(v[-1], int(delay * sampr))))
    v = v - np.mean(v)

    ## input and transfer impedance
    f_current = (fft(current) / len(current))[0:int(len(current) / 2)]
    f_cis = (fft(v) / len(v))[0:int(len(v) / 2)]
    z = f_cis / f_current

    ## impedance measures
    Freq = np.linspace(0.0, sampr / 2.0, len(z))
    zAmp = abs(z)
    zPhase = np.arctan2(np.imag(z), np.real(z))
    zRes = np.real(z)
    zReact = np.imag(z)

    ## smoothing
    fblur = np.array([1.0 / bwinsz for i in range(bwinsz)])
    zAmp = convolve(zAmp, fblur, 'same')
    zPhase = convolve(zPhase, fblur, 'same')

    ## trim
    mask = (Freq >= 0.5) & (Freq <= f1)
    Freq, zAmp, zPhase, zRes, zReact = Freq[mask], zAmp[mask], zPhase[
        mask], zRes[mask], zReact[mask]

    ## resonance
    zResAmp = np.max(zAmp)
    zResFreq = Freq[np.argmax(zAmp)]
    Qfactor = zResAmp / zAmp[0]
    fVar = np.std(zAmp) / np.mean(zAmp)

    return Freq, zAmp, zPhase, zRes, zReact, zResAmp, zResFreq, Qfactor, fVar
Beispiel #35
def PlotFftAbs(signal, dt):
    N = numpy.size(signal)
    fund = 1 / (N * dt)  # freq fundamental, as outras sao multiplas dessa
    f = range(N)
    for k in range(N - 1):
        f[k + 1] = fund * k  #multiplas da fundamental
    z = pylab.fft(signal)
    z_real = abs(z)
    pylab.plot(f, z_real)
    pylab.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
Beispiel #36
def fourierPower(signal):
    "Calculates the Fourier power spectrum of the signal"

    A = pl.fft(signal)
    n = (len(signal) + 1) / 2
    power = pl.zeros(n)  #+1)
    #power[0] = A[0].real**2
    #for i in range(1,n+1):
    for i in range(n):
        power[i] = 4 * (A[i + 1].real**2 + A[i + 1].imag**2)
    return power
Beispiel #37
def FourierDerivative(f):
    this derivatie just works for periodic 2*pi multiple series
    have to figure out how to make that work for any function
    N = np.size(f)
    n = np.arange(0, N)
    # df discrete differential operator
    df = np.complex(0, 1) * py.fftshift(n - N / 2)
    dfdt = py.ifft(df * py.fft(f))
    return py.real(dfdt)
Beispiel #38
def PlotFftAbs(signal, dt):
    fund = 1/(N*dt) # freq fundamental, as outras sao multiplas dessa
    for k in range(N-1):
        f[k+1]=fund*k #multiplas da fundamental
    pylab.plot(f, z_real)
    pylab.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
def FourierDerivative(f):
    this derivatie just works for periodic 2*pi multiple series
    have to figure out how to make that work for any function
    N = np.size(f)
    n = np.arange(0,N)
    # df discrete differential operator
    df = np.complex(0,1)*py.fftshift(n-N/2)
    dfdt = py.ifft( df*py.fft(f) )  
    return py.real(dfdt)
Beispiel #40
 def getDR(self):
     #this function should return the dynamic range
     #this should be the noiselevel of the fft
     #apply a moving average filter on log
     hlog=py.convolve(20*py.log10(self.getFAbs()), window, 'valid')
     return hlog-20*py.log10(noiselevel)         
Beispiel #41
	def freqVect(self,f):
		# FFT of cos(f) by doing FFT(cos(f))  
		x = N.zeros(self.winSize,N.double)
		for i in range(self.winSize):
			x[i] = N.cos( float(f)*(i+0.5)*N.pi*2.0 / self.freqT / (self.winSize))
		return X
Beispiel #42
def _calculate_spectra_fft(sx, sy, Q_x, Q_y, Q_s, n_lines):

    n_turns, n_files = sx.shape
    # Allocate memory for output.
    oxx, axx = plt.zeros((n_lines, n_files)), plt.zeros((n_lines, n_files))
    oyy, ayy = plt.zeros((n_lines, n_files)), plt.zeros((n_lines, n_files))

    for file_i in xrange(n_files):
        t = plt.linspace(0, 1, n_turns)
        ax = plt.absolute(plt.fft(sx[:, file_i]))
        ay = plt.absolute(plt.fft(sy[:, file_i]))

        # Amplitude normalisation
        ax /= plt.amax(ax, axis=0)
        ay /= plt.amax(ay, axis=0)
        # Tunes
        if file_i==0:
            tunexfft = t[plt.argmax(ax[:n_turns/2], axis=0)]
            tuneyfft = t[plt.argmax(ay[:n_turns/2], axis=0)]
            print "\n*** Tunes from FFT"
            print "    tunex:", tunexfft, ", tuney:", tuneyfft, "\n"

        # Tune normalisation
        ox = (t - (Q_x[file_i] % 1)) / Q_s[file_i]
        oy = (t - (Q_y[file_i] % 1)) / Q_s[file_i]
        # Sort
        CX = plt.rec.fromarrays([ox, ax], names='ox, ax')
        CY = plt.rec.fromarrays([oy, ay], names='oy, ay')
        ox, ax, oy, ay = CX.ox[-n_lines:],[-n_lines:], CY.oy[-n_lines:], CY.ay[-n_lines:]
        oxx[:,file_i], axx[:,file_i], oyy[:,file_i], ayy[:,file_i] = ox, ax, oy, ay

    spectra = {}
    spectra['horizontal'] = (oxx, axx)
    spectra['vertical']   = (oyy, ayy)
    return spectra
Beispiel #43
def main():
    ind = [
    ldft = [
    lfft = [
    lpfft = [

    # plot a graph Dft vs Fft, lists just support size until 2**9
    for i in range(1, 9, 1):
        t_before = time.clock()
        dt = time.clock() - t_before
        print("dft ", 2**i, dt)
        #pylab.plot([2**i,], [time.clock()-t_before,]);
        t_before = time.clock()
        dt = time.clock() - t_before
        print("fft ", 2**i, dt)
        #pylab.plot([2**i,], [time.clock()-t_before,]);
        # python fft just to compare
        t_before = time.clock()
        dt = time.clock() - t_before

    pylab.plot(ind, ldft)
    pylab.plot(ind, lfft)
    pylab.plot(ind, lpfft)
    return [ind, ldft, lfft, lpfft]
Beispiel #44
	def freqVectH(self,f,rads):
		# FFT of sin(wt).hann(t)   by explicit FFT(sin(wt).hann(t))
		x = N.zeros(self.winSize,N.double)
		for i in range(self.winSize):
			x[i] = N.sin(rads+float(f)*(i+0.5)*N.pi*2.0 / self.freqT / (self.winSize))	
		return X
Beispiel #45
def fourier(ts, xs):
    def safe_dB(x):
        abs_x = abs(x)
        if abs_x < 1e-10:
            return -200
        return 20 * math.log10(abs_x)

    n = len(ts)
    dt = ts[1] - ts[0]
    fs = [float(k + 1) / (dt * n) for k in range(n / 2)]
    Xs = [safe_dB(X) for X in pylab.fft(xs)[:n / 2]]
    return fs, Xs
Beispiel #46
def fft_based(input_signal, filter_coefficients, boundary=0):
    """applied fft if the signal is too short to be splitted in windows
    Params :
        input_signal : the audio signal
        filter_coefficients : coefficients of the chirplet bank
        boundary : manage the bounds of the signal
    Returns :
        audio signal with application of fast Fourier transform
    num_coeffs = filter_coefficients.size
    half_size = num_coeffs//2

    if boundary == 0:#ZERO PADDING
        input_signal = np.lib.pad(input_signal, (half_size, half_size), 'constant', constant_values=0)
        filter_coefficients = np.lib.pad(filter_coefficients, (0, input_signal.size-num_coeffs), 'constant', constant_values=0)
        newx = ifft(fft(input_signal)*fft(filter_coefficients))
        return newx[num_coeffs-1:-1]

    elif boundary == 1:#symmetric
        input_signal = concatenate([flipud(input_signal[:half_size]), input_signal, flipud(input_signal[half_size:])])
        filter_coefficients = np.lib.pad(filter_coefficients, (0, input_signal.size-num_coeffs), 'constant', constant_values=0)
        newx = ifft(fft(input_signal)*fft(filter_coefficients))
        return newx[num_coeffs-1:-1]

        return roll(ifft(fft(input_signal)*fft(filter_coefficients, input_signal.size)), -half_size).real
Beispiel #47
    def plot2piFft(self, func, Fs, L):
        ''' Fs is the sampling freq. 
            L is length of signal list.
            This plot is for a func that has period of 2pi.

            If you found the time domain wave is not very accurate,
            that is because you set too small Fs, which leads to
            to big step Ts.
        base_freq = 1.0/(2*np.pi) #频域横坐标除以基频,即以基频为单位,此处的基频为 2*pi rad/s
        Ts = 1.0/Fs
        t = [el*Ts for el in range(0,L)]
        x = [func(el) for el in t]


        # 小明给的代码:
        # sampleF = Fs
        # print('小明:')
        # for f, Y in zip(
        #                 np.arange(0, len(x)*sampleF,1) * 1/len(x) * sampleF, 
        #                 np.log10(np.abs(np.fft.fft(x) / len(x))) 
        #              ):
            # print('\t', f, Y)

        L_4pi = int(4*np.pi / Ts) +1 # 画前两个周期的
        self.fig_plot2piFft = plt.figure(7)
        plt.plot(t[:L_4pi], x[:L_4pi])
        #title('Signal in Time Domain')
        #xlabel('Time / s')
        plt.title('Winding Function')
        plt.xlabel('Angular location along air gap [mech. rad.]')
        plt.ylabel('Current Linkage by unit current [Ampere]')

        NFFT = 2**nextpow2(L)
        print('NFFT =', NFFT, '= 2^%g' % (nextpow2(L)), '>= L =', L)
        y = fft(x,NFFT) # y is a COMPLEX defined in numpy
        Y = [2 * el.__abs__() / L for el in y] # /L for spectrum aplitude consistent with actual signal. 2* for single-sided. abs for amplitude.
        f = Fs/2.0/base_freq*linspace(0,1,int(NFFT/2+1)) # unit is base_freq Hz
        #f = Fs/2.0*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1) # unit is Hz

        plt.plot(f, Y[0:int(NFFT/2+1)])
        plt.title('Single-Sided Amplitude Spectrum of x(t)')
        plt.xlabel('Frequency divided by base_freq [base freq * Hz]')
        plt.ylabel('Amplitude [1]')
def visualize ():
    sample_rate, snd = load_sample(".\\hh-closed\\dh9.WAV")
    print snd.dtype
    data = normalize(snd)
    print data.shape
    n = data.shape[0]
    length = float(n)
    print length / sample_rate, "s"
    timeArray = arange(0, length, 1)
    timeArray = timeArray / sample_rate
    timeArray = timeArray * 1000  #scale to milliseconds
    if False:
        plot(timeArray, data, color='k')
        xlabel('Time (ms)')
        raw_input("press enter")
    p = fft(data) # take the fourier transform
    nUniquePts = ceil((n+1)/2.0)
    print nUniquePts
    p = p[0:nUniquePts]
    p = abs(p)
    p = p / float(n) # scale by the number of points so that
                 # the magnitude does not depend on the length
                 # of the signal or on its sampling frequency
    p = p**2  # square it to get the power

    # multiply by two (see technical document for details)
    # odd nfft excludes Nyquist point
    if n % 2 > 0: # we've got odd number of points fft
        p[1:len(p)] = p[1:len(p)] * 2
        p[1:len(p) -1] = p[1:len(p) - 1] * 2 # we've got even number of points fft

    print p
    freqArray = arange(0, nUniquePts, 1.0) * (sample_rate / n);
    plot(freqArray/1000, 10*log10(p), color='k')
    xlabel('Frequency (kHz)')
    ylabel('Power (dB)')
    raw_input("press enter")

    m = average(freqArray, weights = p)
    v = average((freqArray - m)**2, weights= p)
    r = sqrt(mean(data**2))
    s = var(data**2)
    print "mean freq", m #TODO: IMPORTANT: this is currently the mean *power*, not the mean freq.  What we want is mean freq weighted by power
    print "var freq", v
    print "rms", r
    print "squared variance", s
Beispiel #49
def detrend(data,detrend_Kernel_Length = 10,sampling_Frequency = 100000,channels = 8):
    from pylab import fft, ifft, sin , cos,log,plot,show,conj,legend
    import random

    detrend_fft_Length = (2**((log(detrend_Kernel_Length * sampling_Frequency)/log(2)))) 

    ma = [1.0]*sampling_Frequency
    ma.extend([0.0]*(detrend_fft_Length - sampling_Frequency))
    mafft = fft(ma)
    trend = [0.0]*n
    for nch in range(channels):
        count = 0
        while count + detrend_fft_Length <= len(data[nch]):
            temp = data[nch][count:count+int(detrend_fft_Length)]
            y = fft(temp)
            z = ifft( conj(mafft)*y)
            for cc in xrange(count,count+(int(detrend_fft_Length)-sampling_Frequency)):
                trend[cc] = z[cc-count].real / sampling_Frequency 
            count = count+(int(detrend_fft_Length)-sampling_Frequency)     
        for cc in xrange(len(trend)):
            data[nch][cc] = data[nch][cc] - trend[cc]
Beispiel #50
 def amplitude_spectrum(self, use_fft=True):
     N = len(self.values)
     if use_fft:
         transform = fft(self.values)
         transform = zeros(N, dtype=complex)
         for m in range(self.fs):
             sum = 0
             for n in range(N):
                 inner = -(2 * pi * n * m) / N
                 sum += self.values[n] * (cos(inner) + 1j * sin(inner))
             transform[m] = sum
     transform_abs = [abs(x) for x in transform]
     values = [transform_abs[f] / N for f in range(int(self.fs / 2) + 1)]
     return self.__class__(values)
def getFFT(s1, n):
    p = fft(s1) # take the fourier transform
    nUniquePts = ceil((n + 1) / 2.0)
    p = p[0:nUniquePts]
    p = abs(p)
    p = p / n # scale by the number of points so that
    # the magnitude does not depend on the length
    # of the signal or on its sampling frequency
    p = p ** 2 # square it to get the power
# multiply by two (see technical document for details)
# odd nfft excludes Nyquist point
    if n % 2 > 0: # we've got odd number of points fft
        p[1:len(p)] = p[1:len(p)] * 2
        p[1:len(p) - 1] = p[1:len(p) - 1] * 2 # we've got even number of points fft
    return nUniquePts, p
Beispiel #52
def PlotFftRPhase(y, dt=0.1): # plot the grah of fft (fase)  of y with command plot
    plot also just half spectrum (just positive frequencies),
    and from frequencys 1:N/2
    N = numpy.size(y)

    fund = 1/(N*dt) # freq fundamental, as outras sao multiplas dessa
    for k in range(N-1):
        f[k+1]=fund*k #multiplas da fundamental

    yn = pylab.fft(y)
    angyn = numpy.angle(yn, deg=True)

    pylab.plot(f[0:numpy.size(f)/2], angyn[0:numpy.size(f)/2])
	def fft(self):
		return spect1;
Beispiel #54
def freqz(sosmat, nsamples=44100, sample_rate=44100, plot=True):
    """Plots Frequency response of sosmat."""
    from pylab import np, plt, fft, fftfreq
    x = np.zeros(nsamples)
    x[nsamples/2] = 0.999
    y, states = sosfilter_double_c(x, sosmat)
    Y = fft(y)
    f = fftfreq(len(x), 1.0/sample_rate)
    if plot:
        plt.axis([0, sample_rate / 2, -100, 5])
        L = 20*np.log10(np.abs(Y[:len(x)/2]) + 1e-17)
        plt.semilogx(f[:len(x)/2], L, lw=0.5)
        plt.title('freqz sos filter')
        plt.xlabel('Frequency / Hz')
        plt.ylabel('Damping /dB(FS)')
        plt.xlim((10, sample_rate/2))
    return x, y, f, Y
def process_window(sample_rate, data):
    # print "processing window"
    # print data.dtype
    # print data.shape
    n = data.shape[0]
    length = float(n)
    # print length / sample_rate, "s"
    p = fft(data) # take the fourier transform
    nUniquePts = ceil((n+1)/2.0)
    p = p[0:nUniquePts]
    p = abs(p)
    p = p / float(n) # scale by the number of points so that
                 # the magnitude does not depend on the length
                 # of the signal or on its sampling frequency
    p = p**2  # square it to get the power

    # multiply by two (see technical document for details)
    # odd nfft excludes Nyquist point
    if n % 2 > 0: # we've got odd number of points fft
        p[1:len(p)] = p[1:len(p)] * 2
        p[1:len(p) -1] = p[1:len(p) - 1] * 2 # we've got even number of points fft
    freqArray = arange(0, nUniquePts, 1.0) * (sample_rate / n);

    if sum(p) == 0:
        raise Silence
    m = average(freqArray, weights = p)
    v = sqrt(average((freqArray - m)**2, weights= p))
    r = sqrt(mean(data**2))
    s = var(data**2)
    print "mean freq", m #TODO: IMPORTANT: this is currently the mean *power*, not the mean freq.  What we want is mean freq weighted by power
    # print freqArray
    # print (freqArray - m)
    # print p
    print "var freq", v
    print "rms", r
    print "squared variance", s
    return [m, v, r, s]
Beispiel #56
def __gauss(sacobj, Tn, alpha):
    Return envelope and gaussian filtered data
    import pylab as pl
    data = pl.array(
    delta =
    Wn = 1 / float(Tn)
    Nyq = 1 / (2 * delta)
    old_size = data.size
    pad_size = 2**(int(pl.log2(old_size))+1)
    spec = pl.fft(data)
    W = pl.array(pl.linspace(0, Nyq, pad_size))
    Hn = spec * pl.exp(-1 * alpha * ((W-Wn)/Wn)**2)
    Qn = complex(0,1) * Hn.real - Hn.imag
    hn = pl.ifft(Hn).real
    qn = pl.ifft(Qn).real
    an = pl.sqrt(hn**2 + qn**2)
    hn = hn[0:old_size]
    return(an, hn)
Beispiel #57
def PlotFftNAbs(y, dt=0.1): # plot the grah of fft (amplitude) of y with command plot
    Normalized version plot of FFT
    equal abs(FFT) * 2/y.length
    plot also just half spectrum (just positive frequencies),
    and from frequencys 1:N/2
    the mean (DC component) is removed before fft
    N = numpy.size(y)

    #remove the DC component just the mean (could use a detrend function)
    y = y - numpy.mean(y)

    fund = 1/(N*dt) # freq fundamental, as outras sao multiplas dessa
    for k in range(N-1):
        f[k+1]=fund*k #multiplas da fundamental

    yn = pylab.fft(y)
    # perfeito. se vpce colocar um seno de 30 e outro de 60, com aplitude 1 e 2 no espectro
    # de amplitude voce vai encontrar exatamente 1 e 2
    pylab.plot(f[0:numpy.size(f)/2], absyn[0:numpy.size(f)/2])
    return [f, absyn]
Beispiel #58
    def _calculatefdData(self,tdData):
        #no need to copy it before (access member variable is ugly but shorter)

        #calculate the fft of the X channel
        #calculate absolute and phase values
        #calculate frequency axis
        #extrapolate phase to 0 and 0 frequency
        #set up the fdData array
        #this is so not nice!
        #interpolate uncertainty        
        return py.column_stack((t,unc))
Beispiel #59
def main():

    # get all files, sorted by temp
    files = sorted(glob.glob("*obdm*") and glob.glob("*dat*"))[::-1]
    if files == []:
        print 'no files located'

    BECfrac = pl.array([])
    Temps = pl.array([])

    # compute zero frequency FFT term for each file
    for fileName in files:

        # get header line
        estFile = open('./data/'+fileName,'r')
        estLines = estFile.readlines();
        pimcid = estLines[0]
        headers = estLines[1].split()
        headers = pl.array(headers).astype(float)

        rawData = pl.loadtxt('./data/'+fileName)

        avgs = pl.array([])
        Ncol = 1.0*rawData.size/rawData[0].size
        for j in range(int(Ncol)):
            for i in range(rawData[j].size):
                if j == 0:
                    avgs = pl.append(avgs, rawData[j][i])
                    avgs[i] += rawData[j][i]
        avgs /= Ncol

        # compute FFT
        f = pl.fft(avgs)

        BECfrac = pl.append(BECfrac, f[0].real)
        Temps = pl.append(Temps, (fileName[9:15]))

        print '=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-='
        print 'Zero Frequency FFT term: ',f[0].real
        print '=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-='

    # plotting
    #pl.plot(headers, avgs, marker='o', linewidth=0, markerfacecolor='None',
    #        markeredgecolor='Indigo')
    #pl.ylabel(r'$\langle \hat{\Psi}^{\dagger}(r)\ \hat{\Psi}(r\') \rangle$', 
    #        fontsize=20)
    pl.plot(Temps, BECfrac, marker='o', linewidth=0, markerfacecolor='None',
    pl.ylabel('Condensate Fraction', 
    pl.xlabel(r'$T\ [K]$', fontsize=20)
    pl.title('BEC Fraction')