class TileStampManager(QObject): setStamp = pyqtSignal(TileStamp) def __init__(self, toolManager, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.mStampsByName = QMap() self.mQuickStamps = QVector() for i in range(TileStampManager.quickStampKeys().__len__()): self.mQuickStamps.append(0) self.mTileStampModel = TileStampModel(self) self.mToolManager = toolManager prefs = preferences.Preferences.instance() prefs.stampsDirectoryChanged.connect(self.stampsDirectoryChanged) self.mTileStampModel.stampAdded.connect(self.stampAdded) self.mTileStampModel.stampRenamed.connect(self.stampRenamed) self.mTileStampModel.stampChanged.connect(self.saveStamp) self.mTileStampModel.stampRemoved.connect(self.deleteStamp) self.loadStamps() def __del__(self): # needs to be over here where the TileStamp type is complete pass ## # Returns the keys used for quickly accessible tile stamps. # Note: To store a tile layer <Ctrl> is added. The given keys will work # for recalling the stored values. ## def quickStampKeys(): keys = [ Qt.Key_1, Qt.Key_2, Qt.Key_3, Qt.Key_4, Qt.Key_5, Qt.Key_6, Qt.Key_7, Qt.Key_8, Qt.Key_9 ] return keys def tileStampModel(self): return self.mTileStampModel def createStamp(self): stamp = self.tampFromContext(self.mToolManager.selectedTool()) if (not stamp.isEmpty()): self.mTileStampModel.addStamp(stamp) return stamp def addVariation(self, targetStamp): stamp = stampFromContext(self.mToolManager.selectedTool()) if (stamp.isEmpty()): return if (stamp == targetStamp): # avoid easy mistake of adding duplicates return for variation in stamp.variations(): self.mTileStampModel.addVariation(targetStamp, variation) def selectQuickStamp(self, index): stamp = if (not stamp.isEmpty()): self.setStamp.emit(stamp) def createQuickStamp(self, index): stamp = stampFromContext(self.mToolManager.selectedTool()) if (stamp.isEmpty()): return self.setQuickStamp(index, stamp) def extendQuickStamp(self, index): quickStamp = self.mQuickStamps[index] if (quickStamp.isEmpty()): self.createQuickStamp(index) else: self.addVariation(quickStamp) def stampsDirectoryChanged(self): # erase current stamps self.mQuickStamps.fill(TileStamp()) self.mStampsByName.clear() self.mTileStampModel.clear() self.loadStamps() def eraseQuickStamp(self, index): stamp = if (not stamp.isEmpty()): self.mQuickStamps[index] = TileStamp() if (not self.mQuickStamps.contains(stamp)): self.mTileStampModel.removeStamp(stamp) def setQuickStamp(self, index, stamp): stamp.setQuickStampIndex(index) # make sure existing quickstamp is removed from stamp model self.eraseQuickStamp(index) self.mTileStampModel.addStamp(stamp) self.mQuickStamps[index] = stamp def loadStamps(self): prefs = preferences.Preferences.instance() stampsDirectory = prefs.stampsDirectory() stampsDir = QDir(stampsDirectory) iterator = QDirIterator(stampsDirectory, ["*.stamp"], QDir.Files | QDir.Readable) while (iterator.hasNext()): stampFileName = stampFile = QFile(stampFileName) if (not continue data = stampFile.readAll() document = QJsonDocument.fromBinaryData(data) if (document.isNull()): # document not valid binary data, maybe it's an JSON text file error = QJsonParseError() document = QJsonDocument.fromJson(data, error) if (error.error != QJsonParseError.NoError): qDebug("Failed to parse stamp file:" + error.errorString()) continue stamp = TileStamp.fromJson(document.object(), stampsDir) if (stamp.isEmpty()): continue stamp.setFileName(iterator.fileInfo().fileName()) self.mTileStampModel.addStamp(stamp) index = stamp.quickStampIndex() if (index >= 0 and index < self.mQuickStamps.size()): self.mQuickStamps[index] = stamp def stampAdded(self, stamp): if ( or self.mStampsByName.contains( # pick the first available stamp name name = QString() index = self.mTileStampModel.stamps().size() while (self.mStampsByName.contains(name)): name = str(index) index += 1 stamp.setName(name) self.mStampsByName.insert(, stamp) if (stamp.fileName().isEmpty()): stamp.setFileName(findStampFileName( self.saveStamp(stamp) def stampRenamed(self, stamp): existingName = self.mStampsByName.key(stamp) self.mStampsByName.remove(existingName) self.mStampsByName.insert(, stamp) existingFileName = stamp.fileName() newFileName = findStampFileName(, existingFileName) if (existingFileName != newFileName): if (QFile.rename(stampFilePath(existingFileName), stampFilePath(newFileName))): stamp.setFileName(newFileName) def saveStamp(self, stamp): # make sure we have a stamps directory prefs = preferences.Preferences.instance() stampsDirectory = prefs.stampsDirectory() stampsDir = QDir(stampsDirectory) if (not stampsDir.exists() and not stampsDir.mkpath(".")): qDebug("Failed to create stamps directory" + stampsDirectory) return filePath = stampsDir.filePath(stamp.fileName()) file = QSaveFile(filePath) if (not qDebug("Failed to open stamp file for writing" + filePath) return stampJson = stamp.toJson(QFileInfo(filePath).dir()) file.write(QJsonDocument(stampJson).toJson(QJsonDocument.Compact)) if (not file.commit()): qDebug() << "Failed to write stamp" << filePath def deleteStamp(self, stamp): self.mStampsByName.remove( QFile.remove(stampFilePath(stamp.fileName()))
class ObjectTypesModel(QAbstractTableModel): ColorRole = Qt.UserRole def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.mObjectTypes = QVector() def setObjectTypes(self, objectTypes): self.beginResetModel() self.mObjectTypes = objectTypes self.endResetModel() def objectTypes(self): return self.mObjectTypes def rowCount(self, parent): if parent.isValid(): _x = 0 else: _x = self.mObjectTypes.size() return _x def columnCount(self, parent): if parent.isValid(): _x = 0 else: _x = 2 return _x def headerData(self, section, orientation, role): if (orientation == Qt.Horizontal): if (role == Qt.DisplayRole): x = section if x==0: return"Type") elif x==1: return"Color") elif (role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole): return Qt.AlignLeft return QVariant() def data(self, index, role): # QComboBox requests data for an invalid index when the model is empty if (not index.isValid()): return QVariant() objectType = if (role == Qt.DisplayRole or role == Qt.EditRole): if (index.column() == 0): return if (role == ObjectTypesModel.ColorRole and index.column() == 1): return objectType.color return QVariant() def setData(self, index, value, role): if (role == Qt.EditRole and index.column() == 0): self.mObjectTypes[index.row()].name = value.strip() self.dataChanged.emit(index, index) return True return False def flags(self, index): f = super().flags(index) if (index.column() == 0): f |= Qt.ItemIsEditable return f def setObjectTypeColor(self, objectIndex, color): self.mObjectTypes[objectIndex].color = color mi = self.index(objectIndex, 1) self.dataChanged.emit(mi, mi) def removeObjectTypes(self, indexes): rows = QVector() for index in indexes: rows.append(index.row()) rows = sorted(rows) for i in range(len(rows) - 1, -1, -1): row = rows[i] self.beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), row, row) self.mObjectTypes.remove(row) self.endRemoveRows() def appendNewObjectType(self): self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), self.mObjectTypes.size(), self.mObjectTypes.size()) self.mObjectTypes.append(ObjectType()) self.endInsertRows()
class AutoMapperWrapper(QUndoCommand): def __init__(self, mapDocument, autoMapper, where): super().__init__() self.mLayersAfter = QVector() self.mLayersBefore = QVector() self.mMapDocument = mapDocument map = self.mMapDocument.Map() touchedLayers = QSet() index = 0 while (index < autoMapper.size()): a = if (a.prepareAutoMap()): touchedLayers|= a.getTouchedTileLayers() index += 1 else: autoMapper.remove(index) for layerName in touchedLayers: layerindex = map.indexOfLayer(layerName) self.mLayersBefore (map.layerAt(layerindex).clone()) for a in autoMapper: a.autoMap(where) for layerName in touchedLayers: layerindex = map.indexOfLayer(layerName) # layerindex exists, because AutoMapper is still alive, dont check self.mLayersAfter (map.layerAt(layerindex).clone()) # reduce memory usage by saving only diffs for i in range(self.mLayersAfter.size()): before = after = diffRegion = before.computeDiffRegion(after).boundingRect() before1 = before.copy(diffRegion) after1 = after.copy(diffRegion) before1.setPosition(diffRegion.topLeft()) after1.setPosition(diffRegion.topLeft()) before1.setName( after1.setName( self.mLayersBefore.replace(i, before1) self.mLayersAfter.replace(i, after1) del before del after for a in autoMapper: a.cleanAll() def __del__(self): for i in self.mLayersAfter: del i for i in self.mLayersBefore: del i def undo(self): map = self.mMapDocument.Map() for layer in self.mLayersBefore: layerindex = map.indexOfLayer( if (layerindex != -1): self.patchLayer(layerindex, layer) def redo(self): map = self.mMapDocument.Map() for layer in self.mLayersAfter: layerindex = (map.indexOfLayer( if (layerindex != -1): self.patchLayer(layerindex, layer) def patchLayer(self, layerIndex, layer): map = self.mMapDocument.Map() b = layer.bounds() t = map.layerAt(layerIndex) t.setCells(b.left() - t.x(), - t.y(), layer, b.translated(-t.position())) self.mMapDocument.emitRegionChanged(b, t)
class AutoMapperWrapper(QUndoCommand): def __init__(self, mapDocument, autoMapper, where): super().__init__() self.mLayersAfter = QVector() self.mLayersBefore = QVector() self.mMapDocument = mapDocument map = self.mMapDocument.Map() touchedLayers = QSet() index = 0 while (index < autoMapper.size()): a = if (a.prepareAutoMap()): touchedLayers |= a.getTouchedTileLayers() index += 1 else: autoMapper.remove(index) for layerName in touchedLayers: layerindex = map.indexOfLayer(layerName) self.mLayersBefore(map.layerAt(layerindex).clone()) for a in autoMapper: a.autoMap(where) for layerName in touchedLayers: layerindex = map.indexOfLayer(layerName) # layerindex exists, because AutoMapper is still alive, dont check self.mLayersAfter(map.layerAt(layerindex).clone()) # reduce memory usage by saving only diffs for i in range(self.mLayersAfter.size()): before = after = diffRegion = before.computeDiffRegion(after).boundingRect() before1 = before.copy(diffRegion) after1 = after.copy(diffRegion) before1.setPosition(diffRegion.topLeft()) after1.setPosition(diffRegion.topLeft()) before1.setName( after1.setName( self.mLayersBefore.replace(i, before1) self.mLayersAfter.replace(i, after1) del before del after for a in autoMapper: a.cleanAll() def __del__(self): for i in self.mLayersAfter: del i for i in self.mLayersBefore: del i def undo(self): map = self.mMapDocument.Map() for layer in self.mLayersBefore: layerindex = map.indexOfLayer( if (layerindex != -1): self.patchLayer(layerindex, layer) def redo(self): map = self.mMapDocument.Map() for layer in self.mLayersAfter: layerindex = (map.indexOfLayer( if (layerindex != -1): self.patchLayer(layerindex, layer) def patchLayer(self, layerIndex, layer): map = self.mMapDocument.Map() b = layer.bounds() t = map.layerAt(layerIndex) t.setCells(b.left() - t.x(), - t.y(), layer, b.translated(-t.position())) self.mMapDocument.emitRegionChanged(b, t)
class TilesetDock(QDockWidget): ## # Emitted when the current tile changed. ## currentTileChanged = pyqtSignal(list) ## # Emitted when the currently selected tiles changed. ## stampCaptured = pyqtSignal(TileStamp) ## # Emitted when files are dropped at the tileset dock. ## tilesetsDropped = pyqtSignal(QStringList) newTileset = pyqtSignal() ## # Constructor. ## def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) # Shared tileset references because the dock wants to add new tiles self.mTilesets = QVector() self.mCurrentTilesets = QMap() self.mMapDocument = None self.mTabBar = QTabBar() self.mViewStack = QStackedWidget() self.mToolBar = QToolBar() self.mCurrentTile = None self.mCurrentTiles = None self.mNewTileset = QAction(self) self.mImportTileset = QAction(self) self.mExportTileset = QAction(self) self.mPropertiesTileset = QAction(self) self.mDeleteTileset = QAction(self) self.mEditTerrain = QAction(self) self.mAddTiles = QAction(self) self.mRemoveTiles = QAction(self) self.mTilesetMenuButton = TilesetMenuButton(self) self.mTilesetMenu = QMenu(self) # opens on click of mTilesetMenu self.mTilesetActionGroup = QActionGroup(self) self.mTilesetMenuMapper = None # needed due to dynamic content self.mEmittingStampCaptured = False self.mSynchronizingSelection = False self.setObjectName("TilesetDock") self.mTabBar.setMovable(True) self.mTabBar.setUsesScrollButtons(True) self.mTabBar.currentChanged.connect(self.updateActions) self.mTabBar.tabMoved.connect(self.moveTileset) w = QWidget(self) horizontal = QHBoxLayout() horizontal.setSpacing(0) horizontal.addWidget(self.mTabBar) horizontal.addWidget(self.mTilesetMenuButton) vertical = QVBoxLayout(w) vertical.setSpacing(0) vertical.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) vertical.addLayout(horizontal) vertical.addWidget(self.mViewStack) horizontal = QHBoxLayout() horizontal.setSpacing(0) horizontal.addWidget(self.mToolBar, 1) vertical.addLayout(horizontal) self.mNewTileset.setIcon(QIcon(":images/16x16/document-new.png")) self.mImportTileset.setIcon(QIcon(":images/16x16/document-import.png")) self.mExportTileset.setIcon(QIcon(":images/16x16/document-export.png")) self.mPropertiesTileset.setIcon( QIcon(":images/16x16/document-properties.png")) self.mDeleteTileset.setIcon(QIcon(":images/16x16/edit-delete.png")) self.mEditTerrain.setIcon(QIcon(":images/16x16/terrain.png")) self.mAddTiles.setIcon(QIcon(":images/16x16/add.png")) self.mRemoveTiles.setIcon(QIcon(":images/16x16/remove.png")) Utils.setThemeIcon(self.mNewTileset, "document-new") Utils.setThemeIcon(self.mImportTileset, "document-import") Utils.setThemeIcon(self.mExportTileset, "document-export") Utils.setThemeIcon(self.mPropertiesTileset, "document-properties") Utils.setThemeIcon(self.mDeleteTileset, "edit-delete") Utils.setThemeIcon(self.mAddTiles, "add") Utils.setThemeIcon(self.mRemoveTiles, "remove") self.mNewTileset.triggered.connect(self.newTileset) self.mImportTileset.triggered.connect(self.importTileset) self.mExportTileset.triggered.connect(self.exportTileset) self.mPropertiesTileset.triggered.connect(self.editTilesetProperties) self.mDeleteTileset.triggered.connect(self.removeTileset) self.mEditTerrain.triggered.connect(self.editTerrain) self.mAddTiles.triggered.connect(self.addTiles) self.mRemoveTiles.triggered.connect(self.removeTiles) self.mToolBar.addAction(self.mNewTileset) self.mToolBar.setIconSize(QSize(16, 16)) self.mToolBar.addAction(self.mImportTileset) self.mToolBar.addAction(self.mExportTileset) self.mToolBar.addAction(self.mPropertiesTileset) self.mToolBar.addAction(self.mDeleteTileset) self.mToolBar.addAction(self.mEditTerrain) self.mToolBar.addAction(self.mAddTiles) self.mToolBar.addAction(self.mRemoveTiles) self.mZoomable = Zoomable(self) self.mZoomComboBox = QComboBox() self.mZoomable.connectToComboBox(self.mZoomComboBox) horizontal.addWidget(self.mZoomComboBox) self.mViewStack.currentChanged.connect(self.updateCurrentTiles) TilesetManager.instance().tilesetChanged.connect(self.tilesetChanged) DocumentManager.instance().documentAboutToClose.connect( self.documentAboutToClose) self.mTilesetMenuButton.setMenu(self.mTilesetMenu) self.mTilesetMenu.aboutToShow.connect(self.refreshTilesetMenu) self.setWidget(w) self.retranslateUi() self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.updateActions() def __del__(self): del self.mCurrentTiles ## # Sets the map for which the tilesets should be displayed. ## def setMapDocument(self, mapDocument): if (self.mMapDocument == mapDocument): return # Hide while we update the tab bar, to avoid repeated layouting if sys.platform != 'darwin': self.widget().hide() self.setCurrentTiles(None) self.setCurrentTile(None) if (self.mMapDocument): # Remember the last visible tileset for this map tilesetName = self.mTabBar.tabText(self.mTabBar.currentIndex()) self.mCurrentTilesets.insert(self.mMapDocument, tilesetName) # Clear previous content while (self.mTabBar.count()): self.mTabBar.removeTab(0) while (self.mViewStack.count()): self.mViewStack.removeWidget(self.mViewStack.widget(0)) #self.mTilesets.clear() # Clear all connections to the previous document if (self.mMapDocument): self.mMapDocument.disconnect() self.mMapDocument = mapDocument if (self.mMapDocument): self.mTilesets = for tileset in self.mTilesets: view = TilesetView() view.setMapDocument(self.mMapDocument) view.setZoomable(self.mZoomable) self.mTabBar.addTab( self.mViewStack.addWidget(view) self.mMapDocument.tilesetAdded.connect(self.tilesetAdded) self.mMapDocument.tilesetRemoved.connect(self.tilesetRemoved) self.mMapDocument.tilesetMoved.connect(self.tilesetMoved) self.mMapDocument.tilesetNameChanged.connect( self.tilesetNameChanged) self.mMapDocument.tilesetFileNameChanged.connect( self.updateActions) self.mMapDocument.tilesetChanged.connect(self.tilesetChanged) self.mMapDocument.tileAnimationChanged.connect( self.tileAnimationChanged) cacheName = self.mCurrentTilesets.take(self.mMapDocument) for i in range(self.mTabBar.count()): if (self.mTabBar.tabText(i) == cacheName): self.mTabBar.setCurrentIndex(i) break object = self.mMapDocument.currentObject() if object: if object.typeId() == Object.TileType: self.setCurrentTile(object) self.updateActions() if sys.platform != 'darwin': self.widget().show() ## # Synchronizes the selection with the given stamp. Ignored when the stamp is # changing because of a selection change in the TilesetDock. ## def selectTilesInStamp(self, stamp): if self.mEmittingStampCaptured: return processed = QSet() selections = QMap() for variation in stamp.variations(): tileLayer = variation.tileLayer() for cell in tileLayer: tile = cell.tile if tile: if (processed.contains(tile)): continue processed.insert(tile) # avoid spending time on duplicates tileset = tile.tileset() tilesetIndex = self.mTilesets.indexOf( tileset.sharedPointer()) if (tilesetIndex != -1): view = self.tilesetViewAt(tilesetIndex) if (not view.model()): # Lazily set up the model self.setupTilesetModel(view, tileset) model = view.tilesetModel() modelIndex = model.tileIndex(tile) selectionModel = view.selectionModel() _x = QItemSelection(), modelIndex) selections[selectionModel] = _x if (not selections.isEmpty()): self.mSynchronizingSelection = True # Mark captured tiles as selected for i in selections: selectionModel = i[0] selection = i[1], QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) # Show/edit properties of all captured tiles self.mMapDocument.setSelectedTiles(processed.toList()) # Update the current tile (useful for animation and collision editors) first = selections.first() selectionModel = first[0] selection = first[1] currentIndex = QModelIndex(selection.first().topLeft()) if (selectionModel.currentIndex() != currentIndex): selectionModel.setCurrentIndex(currentIndex, QItemSelectionModel.NoUpdate) else: self.currentChanged(currentIndex) self.mSynchronizingSelection = False def currentTilesetChanged(self): view = self.currentTilesetView() if view: s = view.selectionModel() if s: self.setCurrentTile(view.tilesetModel().tileAt( s.currentIndex())) ## # Returns the currently selected tile. ## def currentTile(self): return self.mCurrentTile def changeEvent(self, e): super().changeEvent(e) x = e.type() if x == QEvent.LanguageChange: self.retranslateUi() else: pass def dragEnterEvent(self, e): urls = e.mimeData().urls() if (not urls.isEmpty() and not e.accept() def dropEvent(self, e): paths = QStringList() for url in e.mimeData().urls(): localFile = url.toLocalFile() if (not localFile.isEmpty()): paths.append(localFile) if (not paths.isEmpty()): self.tilesetsDropped.emit(paths) e.accept() def selectionChanged(self): self.updateActions() if not self.mSynchronizingSelection: self.updateCurrentTiles() def currentChanged(self, index): if (not index.isValid()): return model = index.model() self.setCurrentTile(model.tileAt(index)) def updateActions(self): external = False hasImageSource = False hasSelection = False view = None index = self.mTabBar.currentIndex() if (index > -1): view = self.tilesetViewAt(index) if (view): tileset = if (not view.model()): # Lazily set up the model self.setupTilesetModel(view, tileset) self.mViewStack.setCurrentIndex(index) external = tileset.isExternal() hasImageSource = tileset.imageSource() != '' hasSelection = view.selectionModel().hasSelection() tilesetIsDisplayed = view != None mapIsDisplayed = self.mMapDocument != None self.mNewTileset.setEnabled(mapIsDisplayed) self.mImportTileset.setEnabled(tilesetIsDisplayed and external) self.mExportTileset.setEnabled(tilesetIsDisplayed and not external) self.mPropertiesTileset.setEnabled(tilesetIsDisplayed and not external) self.mDeleteTileset.setEnabled(tilesetIsDisplayed) self.mEditTerrain.setEnabled(tilesetIsDisplayed and not external) self.mAddTiles.setEnabled(tilesetIsDisplayed and not hasImageSource and not external) self.mRemoveTiles.setEnabled(tilesetIsDisplayed and not hasImageSource and hasSelection and not external) def updateCurrentTiles(self): view = self.currentTilesetView() if (not view): return s = view.selectionModel() if (not s): return indexes = s.selection().indexes() if len(indexes) == 0: return first = indexes[0] minX = first.column() maxX = first.column() minY = first.row() maxY = first.row() for index in indexes: if minX > index.column(): minX = index.column() if maxX < index.column(): maxX = index.column() if minY > index.row(): minY = index.row() if maxY < index.row(): maxY = index.row() # Create a tile layer from the current selection tileLayer = TileLayer(QString(), 0, 0, maxX - minX + 1, maxY - minY + 1) model = view.tilesetModel() for index in indexes: tileLayer.setCell(index.column() - minX, index.row() - minY, Cell(model.tileAt(index))) self.setCurrentTiles(tileLayer) def indexPressed(self, index): view = self.currentTilesetView() tile = view.tilesetModel().tileAt(index) if tile: self.mMapDocument.setCurrentObject(tile) def tilesetAdded(self, index, tileset): view = TilesetView() view.setMapDocument(self.mMapDocument) view.setZoomable(self.mZoomable) self.mTilesets.insert(index, tileset.sharedPointer()) self.mTabBar.insertTab(index, self.mViewStack.insertWidget(index, view) self.updateActions() def tilesetChanged(self, tileset): # Update the affected tileset model, if it exists index = indexOf(self.mTilesets, tileset) if (index < 0): return model = self.tilesetViewAt(index).tilesetModel() if model: model.tilesetChanged() def tilesetRemoved(self, tileset): # Delete the related tileset view index = indexOf(self.mTilesets, tileset) self.mTilesets.removeAt(index) self.mTabBar.removeTab(index) self.tilesetViewAt(index).close() # Make sure we don't reference this tileset anymore if (self.mCurrentTiles): # TODO: Don't clean unnecessarily (but first the concept of # "current brush" would need to be introduced) cleaned = self.mCurrentTiles.clone() cleaned.removeReferencesToTileset(tileset) self.setCurrentTiles(cleaned) if (self.mCurrentTile and self.mCurrentTile.tileset() == tileset): self.setCurrentTile(None) self.updateActions() def tilesetMoved(self, _from, to): self.mTilesets.insert(to, self.mTilesets.takeAt(_from)) # Move the related tileset views widget = self.mViewStack.widget(_from) self.mViewStack.removeWidget(widget) self.mViewStack.insertWidget(to, widget) self.mViewStack.setCurrentIndex(self.mTabBar.currentIndex()) # Update the titles of the affected tabs start = min(_from, to) end = max(_from, to) for i in range(start, end + 1): tileset = if (self.mTabBar.tabText(i) != self.mTabBar.setTabText(i, def tilesetNameChanged(self, tileset): index = indexOf(self.mTilesets, tileset) self.mTabBar.setTabText(index, def tileAnimationChanged(self, tile): view = self.currentTilesetView() if view: model = view.tilesetModel() if model: model.tileChanged(tile) ## # Removes the currently selected tileset. ## def removeTileset(self, *args): l = len(args) if l == 0: currentIndex = self.mViewStack.currentIndex() if (currentIndex != -1): self.removeTileset(self.mViewStack.currentIndex()) elif l == 1: ## # Removes the tileset at the given index. Prompting the user when the tileset # is in use by the map. ## index = args[0] tileset = inUse = # If the tileset is in use, warn the user and confirm removal if (inUse): warning = QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Warning,"Remove Tileset"),"The tileset \"%s\" is still in use by the map!" %, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, self) warning.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) warning.setInformativeText("Remove this tileset and all references " "to the tiles in this tileset?")) if (warning.exec() != QMessageBox.Yes): return remove = RemoveTileset(self.mMapDocument, index, tileset) undoStack = self.mMapDocument.undoStack() if (inUse): # Remove references to tiles in this tileset from the current map def referencesTileset(cell): tile = cell.tile if tile: return tile.tileset() == tileset return False undoStack.beginMacro(remove.text()) removeTileReferences(self.mMapDocument, referencesTileset) undoStack.push(remove) if (inUse): undoStack.endMacro() def moveTileset(self, _from, to): command = MoveTileset(self.mMapDocument, _from, to) self.mMapDocument.undoStack().push(command) def editTilesetProperties(self): tileset = self.currentTileset() if (not tileset): return self.mMapDocument.setCurrentObject(tileset) self.mMapDocument.emitEditCurrentObject() def importTileset(self): tileset = self.currentTileset() if (not tileset): return command = SetTilesetFileName(self.mMapDocument, tileset, QString()) self.mMapDocument.undoStack().push(command) def exportTileset(self): tileset = self.currentTileset() if (not tileset): return tsxFilter ="Tiled tileset files (*.tsx)") helper = FormatHelper(FileFormat.ReadWrite, tsxFilter) prefs = preferences.Preferences.instance() suggestedFileName = prefs.lastPath( preferences.Preferences.ExternalTileset) suggestedFileName += '/' suggestedFileName += extension = ".tsx" if (not suggestedFileName.endswith(extension)): suggestedFileName += extension selectedFilter = tsxFilter fileName, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self,"Export Tileset"), suggestedFileName, helper.filter(), selectedFilter) if fileName == '': return prefs.setLastPath(preferences.Preferences.ExternalTileset, QFileInfo(fileName).path()) tsxFormat = TsxTilesetFormat() format = helper.formatByNameFilter(selectedFilter) if not format: format = tsxFormat if format.write(tileset, fileName): command = SetTilesetFileName(self.mMapDocument, tileset, fileName) self.mMapDocument.undoStack().push(command) else: error = format.errorString() QMessageBox.critical(self.window(),"Export Tileset"),"Error saving tileset: %s" % error)) def editTerrain(self): tileset = self.currentTileset() if (not tileset): return editTerrainDialog = EditTerrainDialog(self.mMapDocument, tileset, self) editTerrainDialog.exec() def addTiles(self): tileset = self.currentTileset() if (not tileset): return prefs = preferences.Preferences.instance() startLocation = QFileInfo( prefs.lastPath(preferences.Preferences.ImageFile)).absolutePath() filter = Utils.readableImageFormatsFilter() files = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self.window(),"Add Tiles"), startLocation, filter) tiles = QList() id = tileset.tileCount() for file in files: image = QPixmap(file) if (not image.isNull()): tiles.append(Tile(image, file, id, tileset)) id += 1 else: warning = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning,"Add Tiles"),"Could not load \"%s\"!" % file), QMessageBox.Ignore | QMessageBox.Cancel, self.window()) warning.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Ignore) if (warning.exec() != QMessageBox.Ignore): tiles.clear() return if (tiles.isEmpty()): return prefs.setLastPath(preferences.Preferences.ImageFile, files.last()) self.mMapDocument.undoStack().push( AddTiles(self.mMapDocument, tileset, tiles)) def removeTiles(self): view = self.currentTilesetView() if (not view): return if (not view.selectionModel().hasSelection()): return indexes = view.selectionModel().selectedIndexes() model = view.tilesetModel() tileIds = RangeSet() tiles = QList() for index in indexes: tile = model.tileAt(index) if tile: tileIds.insert( tiles.append(tile) def matchesAnyTile(cell): tile = cell.tile if tile: return tiles.contains(tile) return False inUse = self.hasTileReferences(self.mMapDocument, matchesAnyTile) # If the tileset is in use, warn the user and confirm removal if (inUse): warning = QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Warning,"Remove Tiles"),"One or more of the tiles to be removed are " "still in use by the map!"), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, self) warning.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) warning.setInformativeText("Remove all references to these tiles?")) if (warning.exec() != QMessageBox.Yes): return undoStack = self.mMapDocument.undoStack() undoStack.beginMacro("Remove Tiles")) removeTileReferences(self.mMapDocument, matchesAnyTile) # Iterate backwards over the ranges in order to keep the indexes valid firstRange = tileIds.begin() it = tileIds.end() if (it == firstRange): # no range return tileset = view.tilesetModel().tileset() while (it != firstRange): it -= 1 item = tileIds.item(it) length = item[1] - item[0] + 1 undoStack.push( RemoveTiles(self.mMapDocument, tileset, item[0], length)) undoStack.endMacro() # Clear the current tiles, will be referencing the removed tiles self.setCurrentTiles(None) self.setCurrentTile(None) def documentAboutToClose(self, mapDocument): self.mCurrentTilesets.remove(mapDocument) def refreshTilesetMenu(self): self.mTilesetMenu.clear() if (self.mTilesetMenuMapper): self.mTabBar.disconnect(self.mTilesetMenuMapper) del self.mTilesetMenuMapper self.mTilesetMenuMapper = QSignalMapper(self) self.mTilesetMenuMapper.mapped.connect(self.mTabBar.setCurrentIndex) currentIndex = self.mTabBar.currentIndex() for i in range(self.mTabBar.count()): action = QAction(self.mTabBar.tabText(i), self) action.setCheckable(True) self.mTilesetActionGroup.addAction(action) if (i == currentIndex): action.setChecked(True) self.mTilesetMenu.addAction(action) action.triggered.connect( self.mTilesetMenuMapper.setMapping(action, i) def setCurrentTile(self, tile): if (self.mCurrentTile == tile): return self.mCurrentTile = tile self.currentTileChanged.emit([tile]) if (tile): self.mMapDocument.setCurrentObject(tile) def setCurrentTiles(self, tiles): if (self.mCurrentTiles == tiles): return del self.mCurrentTiles self.mCurrentTiles = tiles # Set the selected tiles on the map document if (tiles): selectedTiles = QList() for y in range(tiles.height()): for x in range(tiles.width()): cell = tiles.cellAt(x, y) if (not cell.isEmpty()): selectedTiles.append(cell.tile) self.mMapDocument.setSelectedTiles(selectedTiles) # Create a tile stamp with these tiles map = stamp = Map(map.orientation(), tiles.width(), tiles.height(), map.tileWidth(), map.tileHeight()) stamp.addLayer(tiles.clone()) stamp.addTilesets(tiles.usedTilesets()) self.mEmittingStampCaptured = True self.stampCaptured.emit(TileStamp(stamp)) self.mEmittingStampCaptured = False def retranslateUi(self): self.setWindowTitle("Tilesets")) self.mNewTileset.setText("New Tileset")) self.mImportTileset.setText("Import Tileset")) self.mExportTileset.setText("Export Tileset As...")) self.mPropertiesTileset.setText("Tileset Properties")) self.mDeleteTileset.setText("Remove Tileset")) self.mEditTerrain.setText("Edit Terrain Information")) self.mAddTiles.setText("Add Tiles")) self.mRemoveTiles.setText("Remove Tiles")) def currentTileset(self): index = self.mTabBar.currentIndex() if (index == -1): return None return def currentTilesetView(self): return self.mViewStack.currentWidget() def tilesetViewAt(self, index): return self.mViewStack.widget(index) def setupTilesetModel(self, view, tileset): view.setModel(TilesetModel(tileset, view)) s = view.selectionModel() s.selectionChanged.connect(self.selectionChanged) s.currentChanged.connect(self.currentChanged) view.pressed.connect(self.indexPressed)
class TileLayer(Layer): ## # Constructor. ## def __init__(self, name, x, y, width, height): super().__init__(Layer.TileLayerType, name, x, y, width, height) self.mMaxTileSize = QSize(0, 0) self.mGrid = QVector() for i in range(width * height): self.mGrid.append(Cell()) self.mOffsetMargins = QMargins() def __iter__(self): return self.mGrid.__iter__() ## # Returns the maximum tile size of this layer. ## def maxTileSize(self): return self.mMaxTileSize ## # Returns the margins that have to be taken into account while drawing # this tile layer. The margins depend on the maximum tile size and the # offset applied to the tiles. ## def drawMargins(self): return QMargins(self.mOffsetMargins.left(), + self.mMaxTileSize.height(), self.mOffsetMargins.right() + self.mMaxTileSize.width(), self.mOffsetMargins.bottom()) ## # Recomputes the draw margins. Needed after the tile offset of a tileset # has changed for example. # # Generally you want to call Map.recomputeDrawMargins instead. ## def recomputeDrawMargins(self): maxTileSize = QSize(0, 0) offsetMargins = QMargins() i = 0 while(i<self.mGrid.size()): cell = tile = cell.tile if tile: size = tile.size() if (cell.flippedAntiDiagonally): size.transpose() offset = tile.offset() maxTileSize = maxSize(size, maxTileSize) offsetMargins = maxMargins(QMargins(-offset.x(), -offset.y(), offset.x(), offset.y()), offsetMargins) i += 1 self.mMaxTileSize = maxTileSize self.mOffsetMargins = offsetMargins if (self.mMap): self.mMap.adjustDrawMargins(self.drawMargins()) ## # Returns whether (x, y) is inside this map layer. ## def contains(self, *args): l = len(args) if l==2: x, y = args return x >= 0 and y >= 0 and x < self.mWidth and y < self.mHeight elif l==1: point = args[0] return self.contains(point.x(), point.y()) ## # Calculates the region of cells in this tile layer for which the given # \a condition returns True. ## def region(self, *args): l = len(args) if l==1: condition = args[0] region = QRegion() for y in range(self.mHeight): for x in range(self.mWidth): if (condition(self.cellAt(x, y))): rangeStart = x x += 1 while(x<=self.mWidth): if (x == self.mWidth or not condition(self.cellAt(x, y))): rangeEnd = x region += QRect(rangeStart + self.mX, y + self.mY, rangeEnd - rangeStart, 1) break x += 1 return region elif l==0: ## # Calculates the region occupied by the tiles of this layer. Similar to # Layer.bounds(), but leaves out the regions without tiles. ## return self.region(lambda cell:not cell.isEmpty()) ## # Returns a read-only reference to the cell at the given coordinates. The # coordinates have to be within this layer. ## def cellAt(self, *args): l = len(args) if l==2: x, y = args return + y * self.mWidth) elif l==1: point = args[0] return self.cellAt(point.x(), point.y()) ## # Sets the cell at the given coordinates. ## def setCell(self, x, y, cell): if (cell.tile): size = cell.tile.size() if (cell.flippedAntiDiagonally): size.transpose() offset = cell.tile.offset() self.mMaxTileSize = maxSize(size, self.mMaxTileSize) self.mOffsetMargins = maxMargins(QMargins(-offset.x(), -offset.y(), offset.x(), offset.y()), self.mOffsetMargins) if (self.mMap): self.mMap.adjustDrawMargins(self.drawMargins()) self.mGrid[x + y * self.mWidth] = cell ## # Returns a copy of the area specified by the given \a region. The # caller is responsible for the returned tile layer. ## def copy(self, *args): l = len(args) if l==1: region = args[0] if type(region) != QRegion: region = QRegion(region) area = region.intersected(QRect(0, 0, self.width(), self.height())) bounds = region.boundingRect() areaBounds = area.boundingRect() offsetX = max(0, areaBounds.x() - bounds.x()) offsetY = max(0, areaBounds.y() - bounds.y()) copied = TileLayer(QString(), 0, 0, bounds.width(), bounds.height()) for rect in area.rects(): for x in range(rect.left(), rect.right()+1): for y in range(, rect.bottom()+1): copied.setCell(x - areaBounds.x() + offsetX, y - areaBounds.y() + offsetY, self.cellAt(x, y)) return copied elif l==4: x, y, width, height = args return self.copy(QRegion(x, y, width, height)) ## # Merges the given \a layer onto this layer at position \a pos. Parts that # fall outside of this layer will be lost and empty tiles in the given # layer will have no effect. ## def merge(self, pos, layer): # Determine the overlapping area area = QRect(pos, QSize(layer.width(), layer.height())) area &= QRect(0, 0, self.width(), self.height()) for y in range(, area.bottom()+1): for x in range(area.left(), area.right()+1): cell = layer.cellAt(x - pos.x(), y - pos.y()) if (not cell.isEmpty()): self.setCell(x, y, cell) ## # Removes all cells in the specified region. ## def erase(self, area): emptyCell = Cell() for rect in area.rects(): for x in range(rect.left(), rect.right()+1): for y in range(, rect.bottom()+1): self.setCell(x, y, emptyCell) ## # Sets the cells starting at the given position to the cells in the given # \a tileLayer. Parts that fall outside of this layer will be ignored. # # When a \a mask is given, only cells that fall within this mask are set. # The mask is applied in local coordinates. ## def setCells(self, x, y, layer, mask = QRegion()): # Determine the overlapping area area = QRegion(QRect(x, y, layer.width(), layer.height())) area &= QRect(0, 0, self.width(), self.height()) if (not mask.isEmpty()): area &= mask for rect in area.rects(): for _x in range(rect.left(), rect.right()+1): for _y in range(, rect.bottom()+1): self.setCell(_x, _y, layer.cellAt(_x - x, _y - y)) ## # Flip this tile layer in the given \a direction. Direction must be # horizontal or vertical. This doesn't change the dimensions of the # tile layer. ## def flip(self, direction): newGrid = QVector() for i in range(self.mWidth * self.mHeight): newGrid.append(Cell()) for y in range(self.mHeight): for x in range(self.mWidth): dest = newGrid[x + y * self.mWidth] if (direction == FlipDirection.FlipHorizontally): source = self.cellAt(self.mWidth - x - 1, y) dest = source dest.flippedHorizontally = not source.flippedHorizontally elif (direction == FlipDirection.FlipVertically): source = self.cellAt(x, self.mHeight - y - 1) dest = source dest.flippedVertically = not source.flippedVertically self.mGrid = newGrid ## # Rotate this tile layer by 90 degrees left or right. The tile positions # are rotated within the layer, and the tiles themselves are rotated. The # dimensions of the tile layer are swapped. ## def rotate(self, direction): rotateRightMask = [5, 4, 1, 0, 7, 6, 3, 2] rotateLeftMask = [3, 2, 7, 6, 1, 0, 5, 4] if direction == RotateDirection.RotateRight: rotateMask = rotateRightMask else: rotateMask = rotateLeftMask newWidth = self.mHeight newHeight = self.mWidth newGrid = QVector(newWidth * newHeight) for y in range(self.mHeight): for x in range(self.mWidth): source = self.cellAt(x, y) dest = source mask = (dest.flippedHorizontally << 2) | (dest.flippedVertically << 1) | (dest.flippedAntiDiagonally << 0) mask = rotateMask[mask] dest.flippedHorizontally = (mask & 4) != 0 dest.flippedVertically = (mask & 2) != 0 dest.flippedAntiDiagonally = (mask & 1) != 0 if (direction == RotateDirection.RotateRight): newGrid[x * newWidth + (self.mHeight - y - 1)] = dest else: newGrid[(self.mWidth - x - 1) * newWidth + y] = dest t = self.mMaxTileSize.width() self.mMaxTileSize.setWidth(self.mMaxTileSize.height()) self.mMaxTileSize.setHeight(t) self.mWidth = newWidth self.mHeight = newHeight self.mGrid = newGrid ## # Computes and returns the set of tilesets used by this tile layer. ## def usedTilesets(self): tilesets = QSet() i = 0 while(i<self.mGrid.size()): tile = if tile: tilesets.insert(tile.tileset()) i += 1 return tilesets ## # Returns whether this tile layer has any cell for which the given # \a condition returns True. ## def hasCell(self, condition): i = 0 for cell in self.mGrid: if (condition(cell)): return True i += 1 return False ## # Returns whether this tile layer is referencing the given tileset. ## def referencesTileset(self, tileset): i = 0 while(i<self.mGrid.size()): tile = if (tile and tile.tileset() == tileset): return True i += 1 return False ## # Removes all references to the given tileset. This sets all tiles on this # layer that are from the given tileset to null. ## def removeReferencesToTileset(self, tileset): i = 0 while(i<self.mGrid.size()): tile = if (tile and tile.tileset() == tileset): self.mGrid.replace(i, Cell()) i += 1 ## # Replaces all tiles from \a oldTileset with tiles from \a newTileset. ## def replaceReferencesToTileset(self, oldTileset, newTileset): i = 0 while(i<self.mGrid.size()): tile = if (tile and tile.tileset() == oldTileset): self.mGrid[i].tile = newTileset.tileAt( i += 1 ## # Resizes this tile layer to \a size, while shifting all tiles by # \a offset. ## def resize(self, size, offset): if (self.size() == size and offset.isNull()): return newGrid = QVector() for i in range(size.width() * size.height()): newGrid.append(Cell()) # Copy over the preserved part startX = max(0, -offset.x()) startY = max(0, -offset.y()) endX = min(self.mWidth, size.width() - offset.x()) endY = min(self.mHeight, size.height() - offset.y()) for y in range(startY, endY): for x in range(startX, endX): index = x + offset.x() + (y + offset.y()) * size.width() newGrid[index] = self.cellAt(x, y) self.mGrid = newGrid self.setSize(size) ## # Offsets the tiles in this layer within \a bounds by \a offset, # and optionally wraps them. # # \sa ObjectGroup.offset() ## def offsetTiles(self, offset, bounds, wrapX, wrapY): newGrid = QVector() for i in range(self.mWidth * self.mHeight): newGrid.append(Cell()) for y in range(self.mHeight): for x in range(self.mWidth): # Skip out of bounds tiles if (not bounds.contains(x, y)): newGrid[x + y * self.mWidth] = self.cellAt(x, y) continue # Get position to pull tile value from oldX = x - offset.x() oldY = y - offset.y() # Wrap x value that will be pulled from if (wrapX and bounds.width() > 0): while oldX < bounds.left(): oldX += bounds.width() while oldX > bounds.right(): oldX -= bounds.width() # Wrap y value that will be pulled from if (wrapY and bounds.height() > 0): while oldY < oldY += bounds.height() while oldY > bounds.bottom(): oldY -= bounds.height() # Set the new tile if (self.contains(oldX, oldY) and bounds.contains(oldX, oldY)): newGrid[x + y * self.mWidth] = self.cellAt(oldX, oldY) else: newGrid[x + y * self.mWidth] = Cell() self.mGrid = newGrid def canMergeWith(self, other): return other.isTileLayer() def mergedWith(self, other): o = other unitedBounds = self.bounds().united(o.bounds()) offset = self.position() - unitedBounds.topLeft() merged = self.clone() merged.resize(unitedBounds.size(), offset) merged.merge(o.position() - unitedBounds.topLeft(), o) return merged ## # Returns the region where this tile layer and the given tile layer # are different. The relative positions of the layers are taken into # account. The returned region is relative to this tile layer. ## def computeDiffRegion(self, other): ret = QRegion() dx = other.x() - self.mX dy = other.y() - self.mY r = QRect(0, 0, self.width(), self.height()) r &= QRect(dx, dy, other.width(), other.height()) for y in range(, r.bottom()+1): for x in range(r.left(), r.right()+1): if (self.cellAt(x, y) != other.cellAt(x - dx, y - dy)): rangeStart = x while (x <= r.right() and self.cellAt(x, y) != other.cellAt(x - dx, y - dy)): x += 1 rangeEnd = x ret += QRect(rangeStart, y, rangeEnd - rangeStart, 1) return ret ## # Returns True if all tiles in the layer are empty. ## def isEmpty(self): i = 0 while(i<self.mGrid.size()): if (not return False i += 1 return True ## # Returns a duplicate of this TileLayer. # # \sa Layer.clone() ## def clone(self): return self.initializeClone(TileLayer(self.mName, self.mX, self.mY, self.mWidth, self.mHeight)) def begin(self): return self.mGrid.begin() def end(self): return self.mGrid.end() def initializeClone(self, clone): super().initializeClone(clone) clone.mGrid = self.mGrid clone.mMaxTileSize = self.mMaxTileSize clone.mOffsetMargins = self.mOffsetMargins return clone
class Tile(Object): def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(Object.TileType) l = len(args) if l==3: image, id, tileset = args self.mImageSource = QString() elif l==4: image, imageSource, id, tileset = args self.mImageSource = imageSource self.mId = id self.mTileset = tileset self.mImage = image self.mTerrain = 0xffffffff self.mProbability = 1.0 self.mObjectGroup = None self.mFrames = QVector() self.mCurrentFrameIndex = 0 self.mUnusedTime = 0 def __del__(self): del self.mObjectGroup ## # Returns the tileset that this tile is part of as a shared pointer. ## def sharedTileset(self): return self.mTileset.sharedPointer() ## # Returns ID of this tile within its tileset. ## def id(self): return self.mId ## # Returns the tileset that this tile is part of. ## def tileset(self): return self.mTileset ## # Returns the image of this tile. ## def image(self): return QPixmap(self.mImage) ## # Returns the image for rendering this tile, taking into account tile # animations. ## def currentFrameImage(self): if (self.isAnimated()): frame = return self.mTileset.tileAt(frame.tileId).image() else: return QPixmap(self.mImage) ## # Returns the drawing offset of the tile (in pixels). ## def offset(self): return self.mTileset.tileOffset() ## # Sets the image of this tile. ## def setImage(self, image): self.mImage = image ## # Returns the file name of the external image that represents this tile. # When this tile doesn't refer to an external image, an empty string is # returned. ## def imageSource(self): return self.mImageSource ## # Returns the file name of the external image that represents this tile. # When this tile doesn't refer to an external image, an empty string is # returned. ## def setImageSource(self, imageSource): self.mImageSource = imageSource ## # Returns the width of this tile. ## def width(self): return self.mImage.width() ## # Returns the height of this tile. ## def height(self): return self.mImage.height() ## # Returns the size of this tile. ## def size(self): return self.mImage.size() ## # Returns the Terrain of a given corner. ## def terrainAtCorner(self, corner): return self.mTileset.terrain(self.cornerTerrainId(corner)) ## # Returns the terrain id at a given corner. ## def cornerTerrainId(self, corner): t = (self.terrain() >> (3 - corner)*8) & 0xFF if t == 0xFF: return -1 return t ## # Set the terrain type of a given corner. ## def setCornerTerrainId(self, corner, terrainId): self.setTerrain(setTerrainCorner(self.mTerrain, corner, terrainId)) ## # Returns the terrain for each corner of this tile. ## def terrain(self): return self.mTerrain ## # Set the terrain for each corner of the tile. ## def setTerrain(self, terrain): if (self.mTerrain == terrain): return self.mTerrain = terrain self.mTileset.markTerrainDistancesDirty() ## # Returns the probability of this terrain type appearing while painting (0-100%). ## def probability(self): return self.mProbability ## # Set the relative probability of this tile appearing while painting. ## def setProbability(self, probability): self.mProbability = probability ## # @return The group of objects associated with this tile. This is generally # expected to be used for editing collision shapes. ## def objectGroup(self): return self.mObjectGroup ## # Sets \a objectGroup to be the group of objects associated with this tile. # The Tile takes ownership over the ObjectGroup and it can't also be part of # a map. ## def setObjectGroup(self, objectGroup): if (self.mObjectGroup == objectGroup): return del self.mObjectGroup self.mObjectGroup = objectGroup ## # Swaps the object group of this tile with \a objectGroup. The tile releases # ownership over its existing object group and takes ownership over the new # one. # # @return The previous object group referenced by this tile. ## def swapObjectGroup(self, objectGroup): previousObjectGroup = self.mObjectGroup self.mObjectGroup = objectGroup return previousObjectGroup def frames(self): return self.mFrames ## # Sets the animation frames to be used by this tile. Resets any currently # running animation. ## def setFrames(self, frames): self.mFrames = frames self.mCurrentFrameIndex = 0 self.mUnusedTime = 0 def isAnimated(self): return not self.mFrames.isEmpty() def currentFrameIndex(self): return self.mCurrentFrameIndex ## # Advances this tile animation by the given amount of milliseconds. Returns # whether this caused the current tileId to change. ## def advanceAnimation(self, ms): if (not self.isAnimated()): return False self.mUnusedTime += ms frame = previousTileId = frame.tileId while (frame.duration > 0 and self.mUnusedTime > frame.duration): self.mUnusedTime -= frame.duration self.mCurrentFrameIndex = (self.mCurrentFrameIndex + 1) % self.mFrames.size() frame = return previousTileId != frame.tileId
class MapScene(QGraphicsScene): selectedObjectItemsChanged = pyqtSignal() ## # Constructor. ## def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.mMapDocument = None self.mSelectedTool = None self.mActiveTool = None self.mObjectSelectionItem = None self.mUnderMouse = False self.mCurrentModifiers = Qt.NoModifier, self.mDarkRectangle = QGraphicsRectItem() self.mDefaultBackgroundColor = Qt.darkGray self.mLayerItems = QVector() self.mObjectItems = QMap() self.mObjectLineWidth = 0.0 self.mSelectedObjectItems = QSet() self.mLastMousePos = QPointF() self.mShowTileObjectOutlines = False self.mHighlightCurrentLayer = False self.mGridVisible = False self.setBackgroundBrush(self.mDefaultBackgroundColor) tilesetManager = TilesetManager.instance() tilesetManager.tilesetChanged.connect(self.tilesetChanged) tilesetManager.repaintTileset.connect(self.tilesetChanged) prefs = preferences.Preferences.instance() prefs.showGridChanged.connect(self.setGridVisible) prefs.showTileObjectOutlinesChanged.connect(self.setShowTileObjectOutlines) prefs.objectTypesChanged.connect(self.syncAllObjectItems) prefs.highlightCurrentLayerChanged.connect(self.setHighlightCurrentLayer) prefs.gridColorChanged.connect(self.update) prefs.objectLineWidthChanged.connect(self.setObjectLineWidth) self.mDarkRectangle.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) self.mDarkRectangle.setBrush( self.mDarkRectangle.setOpacity(darkeningFactor) self.addItem(self.mDarkRectangle) self.mGridVisible = prefs.showGrid() self.mObjectLineWidth = prefs.objectLineWidth() self.mShowTileObjectOutlines = prefs.showTileObjectOutlines() self.mHighlightCurrentLayer = prefs.highlightCurrentLayer() # Install an event filter so that we can get key events on behalf of the # active tool without having to have the current focus. QCoreApplication.instance().installEventFilter(self) ## # Destructor. ## def __del__(self): if QCoreApplication.instance(): QCoreApplication.instance().removeEventFilter(self) ## # Returns the map document this scene is displaying. ## def mapDocument(self): return self.mMapDocument ## # Sets the map this scene displays. ## def setMapDocument(self, mapDocument): if (self.mMapDocument): self.mMapDocument.disconnect() if (not self.mSelectedObjectItems.isEmpty()): self.mSelectedObjectItems.clear() self.selectedObjectItemsChanged.emit() self.mMapDocument = mapDocument if (self.mMapDocument): renderer = self.mMapDocument.renderer() renderer.setObjectLineWidth(self.mObjectLineWidth) renderer.setFlag(RenderFlag.ShowTileObjectOutlines, self.mShowTileObjectOutlines) self.mMapDocument.mapChanged.connect(self.mapChanged) self.mMapDocument.regionChanged.connect(self.repaintRegion) self.mMapDocument.tileLayerDrawMarginsChanged.connect(self.tileLayerDrawMarginsChanged) self.mMapDocument.layerAdded.connect(self.layerAdded) self.mMapDocument.layerRemoved.connect(self.layerRemoved) self.mMapDocument.layerChanged.connect(self.layerChanged) self.mMapDocument.objectGroupChanged.connect(self.objectGroupChanged) self.mMapDocument.imageLayerChanged.connect(self.imageLayerChanged) self.mMapDocument.currentLayerIndexChanged.connect(self.currentLayerIndexChanged) self.mMapDocument.tilesetTileOffsetChanged.connect(self.tilesetTileOffsetChanged) self.mMapDocument.objectsInserted.connect(self.objectsInserted) self.mMapDocument.objectsRemoved.connect(self.objectsRemoved) self.mMapDocument.objectsChanged.connect(self.objectsChanged) self.mMapDocument.objectsIndexChanged.connect(self.objectsIndexChanged) self.mMapDocument.selectedObjectsChanged.connect(self.updateSelectedObjectItems) self.refreshScene() ## # Returns whether the tile grid is visible. ## def isGridVisible(self): return self.mGridVisible ## # Returns the set of selected map object items. ## def selectedObjectItems(self): return QSet(self.mSelectedObjectItems) ## # Sets the set of selected map object items. This translates to a call to # MapDocument.setSelectedObjects. ## def setSelectedObjectItems(self, items): # Inform the map document about the newly selected objects selectedObjects = QList() #selectedObjects.reserve(items.size()) for item in items: selectedObjects.append(item.mapObject()) self.mMapDocument.setSelectedObjects(selectedObjects) ## # Returns the MapObjectItem associated with the given \a mapObject. ## def itemForObject(self, object): return self.mObjectItems[object] ## # Enables the selected tool at this map scene. # Therefore it tells that tool, that this is the active map scene. ## def enableSelectedTool(self): if (not self.mSelectedTool or not self.mMapDocument): return self.mActiveTool = self.mSelectedTool self.mActiveTool.activate(self) self.mCurrentModifiers = QApplication.keyboardModifiers() if (self.mCurrentModifiers != Qt.NoModifier): self.mActiveTool.modifiersChanged(self.mCurrentModifiers) if (self.mUnderMouse): self.mActiveTool.mouseEntered() self.mActiveTool.mouseMoved(self.mLastMousePos, Qt.KeyboardModifiers()) def disableSelectedTool(self): if (not self.mActiveTool): return if (self.mUnderMouse): self.mActiveTool.mouseLeft() self.mActiveTool.deactivate(self) self.mActiveTool = None ## # Sets the currently selected tool. ## def setSelectedTool(self, tool): self.mSelectedTool = tool ## # QGraphicsScene.drawForeground override that draws the tile grid. ## def drawForeground(self, painter, rect): if (not self.mMapDocument or not self.mGridVisible): return offset = QPointF() # Take into account the offset of the current layer layer = self.mMapDocument.currentLayer() if layer: offset = layer.offset() painter.translate(offset) prefs = preferences.Preferences.instance() self.mMapDocument.renderer().drawGrid(painter, rect.translated(-offset), prefs.gridColor()) ## # Override for handling enter and leave events. ## def event(self, event): x = event.type() if x==QEvent.Enter: self.mUnderMouse = True if (self.mActiveTool): self.mActiveTool.mouseEntered() elif x==QEvent.Leave: self.mUnderMouse = False if (self.mActiveTool): self.mActiveTool.mouseLeft() else: pass return super().event(event) def keyPressEvent(self, event): if (self.mActiveTool): self.mActiveTool.keyPressed(event) if (not (self.mActiveTool and event.isAccepted())): super().keyPressEvent(event) def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent): self.mLastMousePos = mouseEvent.scenePos() if (not self.mMapDocument): return super().mouseMoveEvent(mouseEvent) if (mouseEvent.isAccepted()): return if (self.mActiveTool): self.mActiveTool.mouseMoved(mouseEvent.scenePos(), mouseEvent.modifiers()) mouseEvent.accept() def mousePressEvent(self, mouseEvent): super().mousePressEvent(mouseEvent) if (mouseEvent.isAccepted()): return if (self.mActiveTool): mouseEvent.accept() self.mActiveTool.mousePressed(mouseEvent) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, mouseEvent): super().mouseReleaseEvent(mouseEvent) if (mouseEvent.isAccepted()): return if (self.mActiveTool): mouseEvent.accept() self.mActiveTool.mouseReleased(mouseEvent) ## # Override to ignore drag enter events. ## def dragEnterEvent(self, event): event.ignore() ## # Sets whether the tile grid is visible. ## def setGridVisible(self, visible): if (self.mGridVisible == visible): return self.mGridVisible = visible self.update() def setObjectLineWidth(self, lineWidth): if (self.mObjectLineWidth == lineWidth): return self.mObjectLineWidth = lineWidth if (self.mMapDocument): self.mMapDocument.renderer().setObjectLineWidth(lineWidth) # Changing the line width can change the size of the object items if (not self.mObjectItems.isEmpty()): for item in self.mObjectItems: item[1].syncWithMapObject() self.update() def setShowTileObjectOutlines(self, enabled): if (self.mShowTileObjectOutlines == enabled): return self.mShowTileObjectOutlines = enabled if (self.mMapDocument): self.mMapDocument.renderer().setFlag(RenderFlag.ShowTileObjectOutlines, enabled) if (not self.mObjectItems.isEmpty()): self.update() ## # Sets whether the current layer should be highlighted. ## def setHighlightCurrentLayer(self, highlightCurrentLayer): if (self.mHighlightCurrentLayer == highlightCurrentLayer): return self.mHighlightCurrentLayer = highlightCurrentLayer self.updateCurrentLayerHighlight() ## # Refreshes the map scene. ## def refreshScene(self): self.mLayerItems.clear() self.mObjectItems.clear() self.removeItem(self.mDarkRectangle) self.clear() self.addItem(self.mDarkRectangle) if (not self.mMapDocument): self.setSceneRect(QRectF()) return self.updateSceneRect() map = self.mLayerItems.resize(map.layerCount()) if (map.backgroundColor().isValid()): self.setBackgroundBrush(map.backgroundColor()) else: self.setBackgroundBrush(self.mDefaultBackgroundColor) layerIndex = 0 for layer in map.layers(): layerItem = self.createLayerItem(layer) layerItem.setZValue(layerIndex) self.addItem(layerItem) self.mLayerItems[layerIndex] = layerItem layerIndex += 1 tileSelectionItem = TileSelectionItem(self.mMapDocument) tileSelectionItem.setZValue(10000 - 2) self.addItem(tileSelectionItem) self.mObjectSelectionItem = ObjectSelectionItem(self.mMapDocument) self.mObjectSelectionItem.setZValue(10000 - 1) self.addItem(self.mObjectSelectionItem) self.updateCurrentLayerHighlight() ## # Repaints the specified region. The region is in tile coordinates. ## def repaintRegion(self, region, layer): renderer = self.mMapDocument.renderer() margins = for r in region.rects(): boundingRect = QRectF(renderer.boundingRect(r)) self.update(QRectF(renderer.boundingRect(r).adjusted(-margins.left(),, margins.right(), margins.bottom()))) boundingRect.translate(layer.offset()) self.update(boundingRect) def currentLayerIndexChanged(self): self.updateCurrentLayerHighlight() # New layer may have a different offset, affecting the grid if self.mGridVisible: self.update() ## # Adapts the scene, layers and objects to new map size, orientation or # background color. ## def mapChanged(self): self.updateSceneRect() for item in self.mLayerItems: tli = item if type(tli) == TileLayerItem: tli.syncWithTileLayer() for item in self.mObjectItems.values(): item.syncWithMapObject() map = if (map.backgroundColor().isValid()): self.setBackgroundBrush(map.backgroundColor()) else: self.setBackgroundBrush(self.mDefaultBackgroundColor) def tilesetChanged(self, tileset): if (not self.mMapDocument): return if (contains(, tileset)): self.update() def tileLayerDrawMarginsChanged(self, tileLayer): index = item = item.syncWithTileLayer() def layerAdded(self, index): layer = layerItem = self.createLayerItem(layer) self.addItem(layerItem) self.mLayerItems.insert(index, layerItem) z = 0 for item in self.mLayerItems: item.setZValue(z) z += 1 def layerRemoved(self, index): self.mLayerItems.remove(index) ## # A layer has changed. This can mean that the layer visibility, opacity or # offset changed. ## def layerChanged(self, index): layer = layerItem = layerItem.setVisible(layer.isVisible()) multiplier = 1 if (self.mHighlightCurrentLayer and self.mMapDocument.currentLayerIndex() < index): multiplier = opacityFactor layerItem.setOpacity(layer.opacity() * multiplier) layerItem.setPos(layer.offset()) # Layer offset may have changed, affecting the scene rect and grid self.updateSceneRect() if self.mGridVisible: self.update() ## # When an object group has changed it may mean its color or drawing order # changed, which affects all its objects. ## def objectGroupChanged(self, objectGroup): self.objectsChanged(objectGroup.objects()) self.objectsIndexChanged(objectGroup, 0, objectGroup.objectCount() - 1) ## # When an image layer has changed, it may change size and it may look # differently. ## def imageLayerChanged(self, imageLayer): index = item = item.syncWithImageLayer() item.update() ## # When the tile offset of a tileset has changed, it can affect the bounding # rect of all tile layers and tile objects. It also requires a full repaint. ## def tilesetTileOffsetChanged(self, tileset): self.update() for item in self.mLayerItems: tli = item if type(tli) == TileLayerItem: tli.syncWithTileLayer() for item in self.mObjectItems: cell = item.mapObject().cell() if (not cell.isEmpty() and cell.tile.tileset() == tileset): item.syncWithMapObject() ## # Inserts map object items for the given objects. ## def objectsInserted(self, objectGroup, first, last): ogItem = None # Find the object group item for the object group for item in self.mLayerItems: ogi = item if type(ogi)==ObjectGroupItem: if (ogi.objectGroup() == objectGroup): ogItem = ogi break drawOrder = objectGroup.drawOrder() for i in range(first, last+1): object = objectGroup.objectAt(i) item = MapObjectItem(object, self.mMapDocument, ogItem) if (drawOrder == ObjectGroup.DrawOrder.TopDownOrder): item.setZValue(item.y()) else: item.setZValue(i) self.mObjectItems.insert(object, item) ## # Removes the map object items related to the given objects. ## def objectsRemoved(self, objects): for o in objects: i = self.mObjectItems.find(o) self.mSelectedObjectItems.remove(i) # python would not force delete QGraphicsItem self.removeItem(i) self.mObjectItems.erase(o) ## # Updates the map object items related to the given objects. ## def objectsChanged(self, objects): for object in objects: item = self.itemForObject(object) item.syncWithMapObject() ## # Updates the Z value of the objects when appropriate. ## def objectsIndexChanged(self, objectGroup, first, last): if (objectGroup.drawOrder() != ObjectGroup.DrawOrder.IndexOrder): return for i in range(first, last+1): item = self.itemForObject(objectGroup.objectAt(i)) item.setZValue(i) def updateSelectedObjectItems(self): objects = self.mMapDocument.selectedObjects() items = QSet() for object in objects: item = self.itemForObject(object) if item: items.insert(item) self.mSelectedObjectItems = items self.selectedObjectItemsChanged.emit() def syncAllObjectItems(self): for item in self.mObjectItems: item.syncWithMapObject() def createLayerItem(self, layer): layerItem = None tl = layer.asTileLayer() if tl: layerItem = TileLayerItem(tl, self.mMapDocument) else: og = layer.asObjectGroup() if og: drawOrder = og.drawOrder() ogItem = ObjectGroupItem(og) objectIndex = 0 for object in og.objects(): item = MapObjectItem(object, self.mMapDocument, ogItem) if (drawOrder == ObjectGroup.DrawOrder.TopDownOrder): item.setZValue(item.y()) else: item.setZValue(objectIndex) self.mObjectItems.insert(object, item) objectIndex += 1 layerItem = ogItem else: il = layer.asImageLayer() if il: layerItem = ImageLayerItem(il, self.mMapDocument) layerItem.setVisible(layer.isVisible()) return layerItem def updateSceneRect(self): mapSize = self.mMapDocument.renderer().mapSize() sceneRect = QRectF(0, 0, mapSize.width(), mapSize.height()) margins = sceneRect.adjust(-margins.left(),, margins.right(), margins.bottom()) self.setSceneRect(sceneRect) self.mDarkRectangle.setRect(sceneRect) def updateCurrentLayerHighlight(self): if (not self.mMapDocument): return currentLayerIndex = self.mMapDocument.currentLayerIndex() if (not self.mHighlightCurrentLayer or currentLayerIndex == -1): self.mDarkRectangle.setVisible(False) # Restore opacity for all layers for i in range(self.mLayerItems.size()): layer = return # Darken layers below the current layer self.mDarkRectangle.setZValue(currentLayerIndex - 0.5) self.mDarkRectangle.setVisible(True) # Set layers above the current layer to half opacity for i in range(1, self.mLayerItems.size()): layer = if currentLayerIndex < i: _x = opacityFactor else: _x = 1 multiplier = _x * multiplier) def eventFilter(self, object, event): x = event.type() if x==QEvent.KeyPress or x==QEvent.KeyRelease: keyEvent = event newModifiers = keyEvent.modifiers() if (self.mActiveTool and newModifiers != self.mCurrentModifiers): self.mActiveTool.modifiersChanged(newModifiers) self.mCurrentModifiers = newModifiers else: pass return False
class TileStampManager(QObject): setStamp = pyqtSignal(TileStamp) def __init__(self, toolManager, parent = None): super().__init__(parent) self.mStampsByName = QMap() self.mQuickStamps = QVector() for i in range(TileStampManager.quickStampKeys().__len__()): self.mQuickStamps.append(0) self.mTileStampModel = TileStampModel(self) self.mToolManager = toolManager prefs = preferences.Preferences.instance() prefs.stampsDirectoryChanged.connect(self.stampsDirectoryChanged) self.mTileStampModel.stampAdded.connect(self.stampAdded) self.mTileStampModel.stampRenamed.connect(self.stampRenamed) self.mTileStampModel.stampChanged.connect(self.saveStamp) self.mTileStampModel.stampRemoved.connect(self.deleteStamp) self.loadStamps() def __del__(self): # needs to be over here where the TileStamp type is complete pass ## # Returns the keys used for quickly accessible tile stamps. # Note: To store a tile layer <Ctrl> is added. The given keys will work # for recalling the stored values. ## def quickStampKeys(): keys=[Qt.Key_1, Qt.Key_2, Qt.Key_3, Qt.Key_4, Qt.Key_5, Qt.Key_6, Qt.Key_7, Qt.Key_8, Qt.Key_9] return keys def tileStampModel(self): return self.mTileStampModel def createStamp(self): stamp = self.tampFromContext(self.mToolManager.selectedTool()) if (not stamp.isEmpty()): self.mTileStampModel.addStamp(stamp) return stamp def addVariation(self, targetStamp): stamp = stampFromContext(self.mToolManager.selectedTool()) if (stamp.isEmpty()): return if (stamp == targetStamp): # avoid easy mistake of adding duplicates return for variation in stamp.variations(): self.mTileStampModel.addVariation(targetStamp, variation) def selectQuickStamp(self, index): stamp = if (not stamp.isEmpty()): self.setStamp.emit(stamp) def createQuickStamp(self, index): stamp = stampFromContext(self.mToolManager.selectedTool()) if (stamp.isEmpty()): return self.setQuickStamp(index, stamp) def extendQuickStamp(self, index): quickStamp = self.mQuickStamps[index] if (quickStamp.isEmpty()): self.createQuickStamp(index) else: self.addVariation(quickStamp) def stampsDirectoryChanged(self): # erase current stamps self.mQuickStamps.fill(TileStamp()) self.mStampsByName.clear() self.mTileStampModel.clear() self.loadStamps() def eraseQuickStamp(self, index): stamp = if (not stamp.isEmpty()): self.mQuickStamps[index] = TileStamp() if (not self.mQuickStamps.contains(stamp)): self.mTileStampModel.removeStamp(stamp) def setQuickStamp(self, index, stamp): stamp.setQuickStampIndex(index) # make sure existing quickstamp is removed from stamp model self.eraseQuickStamp(index) self.mTileStampModel.addStamp(stamp) self.mQuickStamps[index] = stamp def loadStamps(self): prefs = preferences.Preferences.instance() stampsDirectory = prefs.stampsDirectory() stampsDir = QDir(stampsDirectory) iterator = QDirIterator(stampsDirectory, ["*.stamp"], QDir.Files | QDir.Readable) while (iterator.hasNext()): stampFileName = stampFile = QFile(stampFileName) if (not continue data = stampFile.readAll() document = QJsonDocument.fromBinaryData(data) if (document.isNull()): # document not valid binary data, maybe it's an JSON text file error = QJsonParseError() document = QJsonDocument.fromJson(data, error) if (error.error != QJsonParseError.NoError): qDebug("Failed to parse stamp file:" + error.errorString()) continue stamp = TileStamp.fromJson(document.object(), stampsDir) if (stamp.isEmpty()): continue stamp.setFileName(iterator.fileInfo().fileName()) self.mTileStampModel.addStamp(stamp) index = stamp.quickStampIndex() if (index >= 0 and index < self.mQuickStamps.size()): self.mQuickStamps[index] = stamp def stampAdded(self, stamp): if ( or self.mStampsByName.contains( # pick the first available stamp name name = QString() index = self.mTileStampModel.stamps().size() while(self.mStampsByName.contains(name)): name = str(index) index += 1 stamp.setName(name) self.mStampsByName.insert(, stamp) if (stamp.fileName().isEmpty()): stamp.setFileName(findStampFileName( self.saveStamp(stamp) def stampRenamed(self, stamp): existingName = self.mStampsByName.key(stamp) self.mStampsByName.remove(existingName) self.mStampsByName.insert(, stamp) existingFileName = stamp.fileName() newFileName = findStampFileName(, existingFileName) if (existingFileName != newFileName): if (QFile.rename(stampFilePath(existingFileName), stampFilePath(newFileName))): stamp.setFileName(newFileName) def saveStamp(self, stamp): # make sure we have a stamps directory prefs = preferences.Preferences.instance() stampsDirectory = prefs.stampsDirectory() stampsDir = QDir(stampsDirectory) if (not stampsDir.exists() and not stampsDir.mkpath(".")): qDebug("Failed to create stamps directory" + stampsDirectory) return filePath = stampsDir.filePath(stamp.fileName()) file = QSaveFile(filePath) if (not qDebug("Failed to open stamp file for writing" + filePath) return stampJson = stamp.toJson(QFileInfo(filePath).dir()) file.write(QJsonDocument(stampJson).toJson(QJsonDocument.Compact)) if (not file.commit()): qDebug() << "Failed to write stamp" << filePath def deleteStamp(self, stamp): self.mStampsByName.remove( QFile.remove(stampFilePath(stamp.fileName()))
class TileLayer(Layer): ## # Constructor. ## def __init__(self, name, x, y, width, height): super().__init__(Layer.TileLayerType, name, x, y, width, height) self.mMaxTileSize = QSize(0, 0) self.mGrid = QVector() for i in range(width * height): self.mGrid.append(Cell()) self.mOffsetMargins = QMargins() def __iter__(self): return self.mGrid.__iter__() ## # Returns the maximum tile size of this layer. ## def maxTileSize(self): return self.mMaxTileSize ## # Returns the margins that have to be taken into account while drawing # this tile layer. The margins depend on the maximum tile size and the # offset applied to the tiles. ## def drawMargins(self): return QMargins( self.mOffsetMargins.left(), + self.mMaxTileSize.height(), self.mOffsetMargins.right() + self.mMaxTileSize.width(), self.mOffsetMargins.bottom()) ## # Recomputes the draw margins. Needed after the tile offset of a tileset # has changed for example. # # Generally you want to call Map.recomputeDrawMargins instead. ## def recomputeDrawMargins(self): maxTileSize = QSize(0, 0) offsetMargins = QMargins() i = 0 while (i < self.mGrid.size()): cell = tile = cell.tile if tile: size = tile.size() if (cell.flippedAntiDiagonally): size.transpose() offset = tile.offset() maxTileSize = maxSize(size, maxTileSize) offsetMargins = maxMargins( QMargins(-offset.x(), -offset.y(), offset.x(), offset.y()), offsetMargins) i += 1 self.mMaxTileSize = maxTileSize self.mOffsetMargins = offsetMargins if (self.mMap): self.mMap.adjustDrawMargins(self.drawMargins()) ## # Returns whether (x, y) is inside this map layer. ## def contains(self, *args): l = len(args) if l == 2: x, y = args return x >= 0 and y >= 0 and x < self.mWidth and y < self.mHeight elif l == 1: point = args[0] return self.contains(point.x(), point.y()) ## # Calculates the region of cells in this tile layer for which the given # \a condition returns True. ## def region(self, *args): l = len(args) if l == 1: condition = args[0] region = QRegion() for y in range(self.mHeight): for x in range(self.mWidth): if (condition(self.cellAt(x, y))): rangeStart = x x += 1 while (x <= self.mWidth): if (x == self.mWidth or not condition(self.cellAt(x, y))): rangeEnd = x region += QRect(rangeStart + self.mX, y + self.mY, rangeEnd - rangeStart, 1) break x += 1 return region elif l == 0: ## # Calculates the region occupied by the tiles of this layer. Similar to # Layer.bounds(), but leaves out the regions without tiles. ## return self.region(lambda cell: not cell.isEmpty()) ## # Returns a read-only reference to the cell at the given coordinates. The # coordinates have to be within this layer. ## def cellAt(self, *args): l = len(args) if l == 2: x, y = args return + y * self.mWidth) elif l == 1: point = args[0] return self.cellAt(point.x(), point.y()) ## # Sets the cell at the given coordinates. ## def setCell(self, x, y, cell): if (cell.tile): size = cell.tile.size() if (cell.flippedAntiDiagonally): size.transpose() offset = cell.tile.offset() self.mMaxTileSize = maxSize(size, self.mMaxTileSize) self.mOffsetMargins = maxMargins( QMargins(-offset.x(), -offset.y(), offset.x(), offset.y()), self.mOffsetMargins) if (self.mMap): self.mMap.adjustDrawMargins(self.drawMargins()) self.mGrid[x + y * self.mWidth] = cell ## # Returns a copy of the area specified by the given \a region. The # caller is responsible for the returned tile layer. ## def copy(self, *args): l = len(args) if l == 1: region = args[0] if type(region) != QRegion: region = QRegion(region) area = region.intersected(QRect(0, 0, self.width(), self.height())) bounds = region.boundingRect() areaBounds = area.boundingRect() offsetX = max(0, areaBounds.x() - bounds.x()) offsetY = max(0, areaBounds.y() - bounds.y()) copied = TileLayer(QString(), 0, 0, bounds.width(), bounds.height()) for rect in area.rects(): for x in range(rect.left(), rect.right() + 1): for y in range(, rect.bottom() + 1): copied.setCell(x - areaBounds.x() + offsetX, y - areaBounds.y() + offsetY, self.cellAt(x, y)) return copied elif l == 4: x, y, width, height = args return self.copy(QRegion(x, y, width, height)) ## # Merges the given \a layer onto this layer at position \a pos. Parts that # fall outside of this layer will be lost and empty tiles in the given # layer will have no effect. ## def merge(self, pos, layer): # Determine the overlapping area area = QRect(pos, QSize(layer.width(), layer.height())) area &= QRect(0, 0, self.width(), self.height()) for y in range(, area.bottom() + 1): for x in range(area.left(), area.right() + 1): cell = layer.cellAt(x - pos.x(), y - pos.y()) if (not cell.isEmpty()): self.setCell(x, y, cell) ## # Removes all cells in the specified region. ## def erase(self, area): emptyCell = Cell() for rect in area.rects(): for x in range(rect.left(), rect.right() + 1): for y in range(, rect.bottom() + 1): self.setCell(x, y, emptyCell) ## # Sets the cells starting at the given position to the cells in the given # \a tileLayer. Parts that fall outside of this layer will be ignored. # # When a \a mask is given, only cells that fall within this mask are set. # The mask is applied in local coordinates. ## def setCells(self, x, y, layer, mask=QRegion()): # Determine the overlapping area area = QRegion(QRect(x, y, layer.width(), layer.height())) area &= QRect(0, 0, self.width(), self.height()) if (not mask.isEmpty()): area &= mask for rect in area.rects(): for _x in range(rect.left(), rect.right() + 1): for _y in range(, rect.bottom() + 1): self.setCell(_x, _y, layer.cellAt(_x - x, _y - y)) ## # Flip this tile layer in the given \a direction. Direction must be # horizontal or vertical. This doesn't change the dimensions of the # tile layer. ## def flip(self, direction): newGrid = QVector() for i in range(self.mWidth * self.mHeight): newGrid.append(Cell()) for y in range(self.mHeight): for x in range(self.mWidth): dest = newGrid[x + y * self.mWidth] if (direction == FlipDirection.FlipHorizontally): source = self.cellAt(self.mWidth - x - 1, y) dest = source dest.flippedHorizontally = not source.flippedHorizontally elif (direction == FlipDirection.FlipVertically): source = self.cellAt(x, self.mHeight - y - 1) dest = source dest.flippedVertically = not source.flippedVertically self.mGrid = newGrid ## # Rotate this tile layer by 90 degrees left or right. The tile positions # are rotated within the layer, and the tiles themselves are rotated. The # dimensions of the tile layer are swapped. ## def rotate(self, direction): rotateRightMask = [5, 4, 1, 0, 7, 6, 3, 2] rotateLeftMask = [3, 2, 7, 6, 1, 0, 5, 4] if direction == RotateDirection.RotateRight: rotateMask = rotateRightMask else: rotateMask = rotateLeftMask newWidth = self.mHeight newHeight = self.mWidth newGrid = QVector(newWidth * newHeight) for y in range(self.mHeight): for x in range(self.mWidth): source = self.cellAt(x, y) dest = source mask = (dest.flippedHorizontally << 2) | ( dest.flippedVertically << 1) | ( dest.flippedAntiDiagonally << 0) mask = rotateMask[mask] dest.flippedHorizontally = (mask & 4) != 0 dest.flippedVertically = (mask & 2) != 0 dest.flippedAntiDiagonally = (mask & 1) != 0 if (direction == RotateDirection.RotateRight): newGrid[x * newWidth + (self.mHeight - y - 1)] = dest else: newGrid[(self.mWidth - x - 1) * newWidth + y] = dest t = self.mMaxTileSize.width() self.mMaxTileSize.setWidth(self.mMaxTileSize.height()) self.mMaxTileSize.setHeight(t) self.mWidth = newWidth self.mHeight = newHeight self.mGrid = newGrid ## # Computes and returns the set of tilesets used by this tile layer. ## def usedTilesets(self): tilesets = QSet() i = 0 while (i < self.mGrid.size()): tile = if tile: tilesets.insert(tile.tileset()) i += 1 return tilesets ## # Returns whether this tile layer has any cell for which the given # \a condition returns True. ## def hasCell(self, condition): i = 0 for cell in self.mGrid: if (condition(cell)): return True i += 1 return False ## # Returns whether this tile layer is referencing the given tileset. ## def referencesTileset(self, tileset): i = 0 while (i < self.mGrid.size()): tile = if (tile and tile.tileset() == tileset): return True i += 1 return False ## # Removes all references to the given tileset. This sets all tiles on this # layer that are from the given tileset to null. ## def removeReferencesToTileset(self, tileset): i = 0 while (i < self.mGrid.size()): tile = if (tile and tile.tileset() == tileset): self.mGrid.replace(i, Cell()) i += 1 ## # Replaces all tiles from \a oldTileset with tiles from \a newTileset. ## def replaceReferencesToTileset(self, oldTileset, newTileset): i = 0 while (i < self.mGrid.size()): tile = if (tile and tile.tileset() == oldTileset): self.mGrid[i].tile = newTileset.tileAt( i += 1 ## # Resizes this tile layer to \a size, while shifting all tiles by # \a offset. ## def resize(self, size, offset): if (self.size() == size and offset.isNull()): return newGrid = QVector() for i in range(size.width() * size.height()): newGrid.append(Cell()) # Copy over the preserved part startX = max(0, -offset.x()) startY = max(0, -offset.y()) endX = min(self.mWidth, size.width() - offset.x()) endY = min(self.mHeight, size.height() - offset.y()) for y in range(startY, endY): for x in range(startX, endX): index = x + offset.x() + (y + offset.y()) * size.width() newGrid[index] = self.cellAt(x, y) self.mGrid = newGrid self.setSize(size) ## # Offsets the tiles in this layer within \a bounds by \a offset, # and optionally wraps them. # # \sa ObjectGroup.offset() ## def offsetTiles(self, offset, bounds, wrapX, wrapY): newGrid = QVector() for i in range(self.mWidth * self.mHeight): newGrid.append(Cell()) for y in range(self.mHeight): for x in range(self.mWidth): # Skip out of bounds tiles if (not bounds.contains(x, y)): newGrid[x + y * self.mWidth] = self.cellAt(x, y) continue # Get position to pull tile value from oldX = x - offset.x() oldY = y - offset.y() # Wrap x value that will be pulled from if (wrapX and bounds.width() > 0): while oldX < bounds.left(): oldX += bounds.width() while oldX > bounds.right(): oldX -= bounds.width() # Wrap y value that will be pulled from if (wrapY and bounds.height() > 0): while oldY < oldY += bounds.height() while oldY > bounds.bottom(): oldY -= bounds.height() # Set the new tile if (self.contains(oldX, oldY) and bounds.contains(oldX, oldY)): newGrid[x + y * self.mWidth] = self.cellAt(oldX, oldY) else: newGrid[x + y * self.mWidth] = Cell() self.mGrid = newGrid def canMergeWith(self, other): return other.isTileLayer() def mergedWith(self, other): o = other unitedBounds = self.bounds().united(o.bounds()) offset = self.position() - unitedBounds.topLeft() merged = self.clone() merged.resize(unitedBounds.size(), offset) merged.merge(o.position() - unitedBounds.topLeft(), o) return merged ## # Returns the region where this tile layer and the given tile layer # are different. The relative positions of the layers are taken into # account. The returned region is relative to this tile layer. ## def computeDiffRegion(self, other): ret = QRegion() dx = other.x() - self.mX dy = other.y() - self.mY r = QRect(0, 0, self.width(), self.height()) r &= QRect(dx, dy, other.width(), other.height()) for y in range(, r.bottom() + 1): for x in range(r.left(), r.right() + 1): if (self.cellAt(x, y) != other.cellAt(x - dx, y - dy)): rangeStart = x while (x <= r.right() and self.cellAt(x, y) != other.cellAt(x - dx, y - dy)): x += 1 rangeEnd = x ret += QRect(rangeStart, y, rangeEnd - rangeStart, 1) return ret ## # Returns True if all tiles in the layer are empty. ## def isEmpty(self): i = 0 while (i < self.mGrid.size()): if (not return False i += 1 return True ## # Returns a duplicate of this TileLayer. # # \sa Layer.clone() ## def clone(self): return self.initializeClone( TileLayer(self.mName, self.mX, self.mY, self.mWidth, self.mHeight)) def begin(self): return self.mGrid.begin() def end(self): return self.mGrid.end() def initializeClone(self, clone): super().initializeClone(clone) clone.mGrid = self.mGrid clone.mMaxTileSize = self.mMaxTileSize clone.mOffsetMargins = self.mOffsetMargins return clone
class MapScene(QGraphicsScene): selectedObjectItemsChanged = pyqtSignal() ## # Constructor. ## def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.mMapDocument = None self.mSelectedTool = None self.mActiveTool = None self.mObjectSelectionItem = None self.mUnderMouse = False self.mCurrentModifiers = Qt.NoModifier, self.mDarkRectangle = QGraphicsRectItem() self.mDefaultBackgroundColor = Qt.darkGray self.mLayerItems = QVector() self.mObjectItems = QMap() self.mObjectLineWidth = 0.0 self.mSelectedObjectItems = QSet() self.mLastMousePos = QPointF() self.mShowTileObjectOutlines = False self.mHighlightCurrentLayer = False self.mGridVisible = False self.setBackgroundBrush(self.mDefaultBackgroundColor) tilesetManager = TilesetManager.instance() tilesetManager.tilesetChanged.connect(self.tilesetChanged) tilesetManager.repaintTileset.connect(self.tilesetChanged) prefs = preferences.Preferences.instance() prefs.showGridChanged.connect(self.setGridVisible) prefs.showTileObjectOutlinesChanged.connect( self.setShowTileObjectOutlines) prefs.objectTypesChanged.connect(self.syncAllObjectItems) prefs.highlightCurrentLayerChanged.connect( self.setHighlightCurrentLayer) prefs.gridColorChanged.connect(self.update) prefs.objectLineWidthChanged.connect(self.setObjectLineWidth) self.mDarkRectangle.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) self.mDarkRectangle.setBrush( self.mDarkRectangle.setOpacity(darkeningFactor) self.addItem(self.mDarkRectangle) self.mGridVisible = prefs.showGrid() self.mObjectLineWidth = prefs.objectLineWidth() self.mShowTileObjectOutlines = prefs.showTileObjectOutlines() self.mHighlightCurrentLayer = prefs.highlightCurrentLayer() # Install an event filter so that we can get key events on behalf of the # active tool without having to have the current focus. QCoreApplication.instance().installEventFilter(self) ## # Destructor. ## def __del__(self): if QCoreApplication.instance(): QCoreApplication.instance().removeEventFilter(self) ## # Returns the map document this scene is displaying. ## def mapDocument(self): return self.mMapDocument ## # Sets the map this scene displays. ## def setMapDocument(self, mapDocument): if (self.mMapDocument): self.mMapDocument.disconnect() if (not self.mSelectedObjectItems.isEmpty()): self.mSelectedObjectItems.clear() self.selectedObjectItemsChanged.emit() self.mMapDocument = mapDocument if (self.mMapDocument): renderer = self.mMapDocument.renderer() renderer.setObjectLineWidth(self.mObjectLineWidth) renderer.setFlag(RenderFlag.ShowTileObjectOutlines, self.mShowTileObjectOutlines) self.mMapDocument.mapChanged.connect(self.mapChanged) self.mMapDocument.regionChanged.connect(self.repaintRegion) self.mMapDocument.tileLayerDrawMarginsChanged.connect( self.tileLayerDrawMarginsChanged) self.mMapDocument.layerAdded.connect(self.layerAdded) self.mMapDocument.layerRemoved.connect(self.layerRemoved) self.mMapDocument.layerChanged.connect(self.layerChanged) self.mMapDocument.objectGroupChanged.connect( self.objectGroupChanged) self.mMapDocument.imageLayerChanged.connect(self.imageLayerChanged) self.mMapDocument.currentLayerIndexChanged.connect( self.currentLayerIndexChanged) self.mMapDocument.tilesetTileOffsetChanged.connect( self.tilesetTileOffsetChanged) self.mMapDocument.objectsInserted.connect(self.objectsInserted) self.mMapDocument.objectsRemoved.connect(self.objectsRemoved) self.mMapDocument.objectsChanged.connect(self.objectsChanged) self.mMapDocument.objectsIndexChanged.connect( self.objectsIndexChanged) self.mMapDocument.selectedObjectsChanged.connect( self.updateSelectedObjectItems) self.refreshScene() ## # Returns whether the tile grid is visible. ## def isGridVisible(self): return self.mGridVisible ## # Returns the set of selected map object items. ## def selectedObjectItems(self): return QSet(self.mSelectedObjectItems) ## # Sets the set of selected map object items. This translates to a call to # MapDocument.setSelectedObjects. ## def setSelectedObjectItems(self, items): # Inform the map document about the newly selected objects selectedObjects = QList() #selectedObjects.reserve(items.size()) for item in items: selectedObjects.append(item.mapObject()) self.mMapDocument.setSelectedObjects(selectedObjects) ## # Returns the MapObjectItem associated with the given \a mapObject. ## def itemForObject(self, object): return self.mObjectItems[object] ## # Enables the selected tool at this map scene. # Therefore it tells that tool, that this is the active map scene. ## def enableSelectedTool(self): if (not self.mSelectedTool or not self.mMapDocument): return self.mActiveTool = self.mSelectedTool self.mActiveTool.activate(self) self.mCurrentModifiers = QApplication.keyboardModifiers() if (self.mCurrentModifiers != Qt.NoModifier): self.mActiveTool.modifiersChanged(self.mCurrentModifiers) if (self.mUnderMouse): self.mActiveTool.mouseEntered() self.mActiveTool.mouseMoved(self.mLastMousePos, Qt.KeyboardModifiers()) def disableSelectedTool(self): if (not self.mActiveTool): return if (self.mUnderMouse): self.mActiveTool.mouseLeft() self.mActiveTool.deactivate(self) self.mActiveTool = None ## # Sets the currently selected tool. ## def setSelectedTool(self, tool): self.mSelectedTool = tool ## # QGraphicsScene.drawForeground override that draws the tile grid. ## def drawForeground(self, painter, rect): if (not self.mMapDocument or not self.mGridVisible): return offset = QPointF() # Take into account the offset of the current layer layer = self.mMapDocument.currentLayer() if layer: offset = layer.offset() painter.translate(offset) prefs = preferences.Preferences.instance() self.mMapDocument.renderer().drawGrid(painter, rect.translated(-offset), prefs.gridColor()) ## # Override for handling enter and leave events. ## def event(self, event): x = event.type() if x == QEvent.Enter: self.mUnderMouse = True if (self.mActiveTool): self.mActiveTool.mouseEntered() elif x == QEvent.Leave: self.mUnderMouse = False if (self.mActiveTool): self.mActiveTool.mouseLeft() else: pass return super().event(event) def keyPressEvent(self, event): if (self.mActiveTool): self.mActiveTool.keyPressed(event) if (not (self.mActiveTool and event.isAccepted())): super().keyPressEvent(event) def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent): self.mLastMousePos = mouseEvent.scenePos() if (not self.mMapDocument): return super().mouseMoveEvent(mouseEvent) if (mouseEvent.isAccepted()): return if (self.mActiveTool): self.mActiveTool.mouseMoved(mouseEvent.scenePos(), mouseEvent.modifiers()) mouseEvent.accept() def mousePressEvent(self, mouseEvent): super().mousePressEvent(mouseEvent) if (mouseEvent.isAccepted()): return if (self.mActiveTool): mouseEvent.accept() self.mActiveTool.mousePressed(mouseEvent) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, mouseEvent): super().mouseReleaseEvent(mouseEvent) if (mouseEvent.isAccepted()): return if (self.mActiveTool): mouseEvent.accept() self.mActiveTool.mouseReleased(mouseEvent) ## # Override to ignore drag enter events. ## def dragEnterEvent(self, event): event.ignore() ## # Sets whether the tile grid is visible. ## def setGridVisible(self, visible): if (self.mGridVisible == visible): return self.mGridVisible = visible self.update() def setObjectLineWidth(self, lineWidth): if (self.mObjectLineWidth == lineWidth): return self.mObjectLineWidth = lineWidth if (self.mMapDocument): self.mMapDocument.renderer().setObjectLineWidth(lineWidth) # Changing the line width can change the size of the object items if (not self.mObjectItems.isEmpty()): for item in self.mObjectItems: item[1].syncWithMapObject() self.update() def setShowTileObjectOutlines(self, enabled): if (self.mShowTileObjectOutlines == enabled): return self.mShowTileObjectOutlines = enabled if (self.mMapDocument): self.mMapDocument.renderer().setFlag( RenderFlag.ShowTileObjectOutlines, enabled) if (not self.mObjectItems.isEmpty()): self.update() ## # Sets whether the current layer should be highlighted. ## def setHighlightCurrentLayer(self, highlightCurrentLayer): if (self.mHighlightCurrentLayer == highlightCurrentLayer): return self.mHighlightCurrentLayer = highlightCurrentLayer self.updateCurrentLayerHighlight() ## # Refreshes the map scene. ## def refreshScene(self): self.mLayerItems.clear() self.mObjectItems.clear() self.removeItem(self.mDarkRectangle) self.clear() self.addItem(self.mDarkRectangle) if (not self.mMapDocument): self.setSceneRect(QRectF()) return self.updateSceneRect() map = self.mLayerItems.resize(map.layerCount()) if (map.backgroundColor().isValid()): self.setBackgroundBrush(map.backgroundColor()) else: self.setBackgroundBrush(self.mDefaultBackgroundColor) layerIndex = 0 for layer in map.layers(): layerItem = self.createLayerItem(layer) layerItem.setZValue(layerIndex) self.addItem(layerItem) self.mLayerItems[layerIndex] = layerItem layerIndex += 1 tileSelectionItem = TileSelectionItem(self.mMapDocument) tileSelectionItem.setZValue(10000 - 2) self.addItem(tileSelectionItem) self.mObjectSelectionItem = ObjectSelectionItem(self.mMapDocument) self.mObjectSelectionItem.setZValue(10000 - 1) self.addItem(self.mObjectSelectionItem) self.updateCurrentLayerHighlight() ## # Repaints the specified region. The region is in tile coordinates. ## def repaintRegion(self, region, layer): renderer = self.mMapDocument.renderer() margins = for r in region.rects(): boundingRect = QRectF(renderer.boundingRect(r)) self.update( QRectF( renderer.boundingRect(r).adjusted(-margins.left(),, margins.right(), margins.bottom()))) boundingRect.translate(layer.offset()) self.update(boundingRect) def currentLayerIndexChanged(self): self.updateCurrentLayerHighlight() # New layer may have a different offset, affecting the grid if self.mGridVisible: self.update() ## # Adapts the scene, layers and objects to new map size, orientation or # background color. ## def mapChanged(self): self.updateSceneRect() for item in self.mLayerItems: tli = item if type(tli) == TileLayerItem: tli.syncWithTileLayer() for item in self.mObjectItems.values(): item.syncWithMapObject() map = if (map.backgroundColor().isValid()): self.setBackgroundBrush(map.backgroundColor()) else: self.setBackgroundBrush(self.mDefaultBackgroundColor) def tilesetChanged(self, tileset): if (not self.mMapDocument): return if (contains(, tileset)): self.update() def tileLayerDrawMarginsChanged(self, tileLayer): index = item = item.syncWithTileLayer() def layerAdded(self, index): layer = layerItem = self.createLayerItem(layer) self.addItem(layerItem) self.mLayerItems.insert(index, layerItem) z = 0 for item in self.mLayerItems: item.setZValue(z) z += 1 def layerRemoved(self, index): self.mLayerItems.remove(index) ## # A layer has changed. This can mean that the layer visibility, opacity or # offset changed. ## def layerChanged(self, index): layer = layerItem = layerItem.setVisible(layer.isVisible()) multiplier = 1 if (self.mHighlightCurrentLayer and self.mMapDocument.currentLayerIndex() < index): multiplier = opacityFactor layerItem.setOpacity(layer.opacity() * multiplier) layerItem.setPos(layer.offset()) # Layer offset may have changed, affecting the scene rect and grid self.updateSceneRect() if self.mGridVisible: self.update() ## # When an object group has changed it may mean its color or drawing order # changed, which affects all its objects. ## def objectGroupChanged(self, objectGroup): self.objectsChanged(objectGroup.objects()) self.objectsIndexChanged(objectGroup, 0, objectGroup.objectCount() - 1) ## # When an image layer has changed, it may change size and it may look # differently. ## def imageLayerChanged(self, imageLayer): index = item = item.syncWithImageLayer() item.update() ## # When the tile offset of a tileset has changed, it can affect the bounding # rect of all tile layers and tile objects. It also requires a full repaint. ## def tilesetTileOffsetChanged(self, tileset): self.update() for item in self.mLayerItems: tli = item if type(tli) == TileLayerItem: tli.syncWithTileLayer() for item in self.mObjectItems: cell = item.mapObject().cell() if (not cell.isEmpty() and cell.tile.tileset() == tileset): item.syncWithMapObject() ## # Inserts map object items for the given objects. ## def objectsInserted(self, objectGroup, first, last): ogItem = None # Find the object group item for the object group for item in self.mLayerItems: ogi = item if type(ogi) == ObjectGroupItem: if (ogi.objectGroup() == objectGroup): ogItem = ogi break drawOrder = objectGroup.drawOrder() for i in range(first, last + 1): object = objectGroup.objectAt(i) item = MapObjectItem(object, self.mMapDocument, ogItem) if (drawOrder == ObjectGroup.DrawOrder.TopDownOrder): item.setZValue(item.y()) else: item.setZValue(i) self.mObjectItems.insert(object, item) ## # Removes the map object items related to the given objects. ## def objectsRemoved(self, objects): for o in objects: i = self.mObjectItems.find(o) self.mSelectedObjectItems.remove(i) # python would not force delete QGraphicsItem self.removeItem(i) self.mObjectItems.erase(o) ## # Updates the map object items related to the given objects. ## def objectsChanged(self, objects): for object in objects: item = self.itemForObject(object) item.syncWithMapObject() ## # Updates the Z value of the objects when appropriate. ## def objectsIndexChanged(self, objectGroup, first, last): if (objectGroup.drawOrder() != ObjectGroup.DrawOrder.IndexOrder): return for i in range(first, last + 1): item = self.itemForObject(objectGroup.objectAt(i)) item.setZValue(i) def updateSelectedObjectItems(self): objects = self.mMapDocument.selectedObjects() items = QSet() for object in objects: item = self.itemForObject(object) if item: items.insert(item) self.mSelectedObjectItems = items self.selectedObjectItemsChanged.emit() def syncAllObjectItems(self): for item in self.mObjectItems: item.syncWithMapObject() def createLayerItem(self, layer): layerItem = None tl = layer.asTileLayer() if tl: layerItem = TileLayerItem(tl, self.mMapDocument) else: og = layer.asObjectGroup() if og: drawOrder = og.drawOrder() ogItem = ObjectGroupItem(og) objectIndex = 0 for object in og.objects(): item = MapObjectItem(object, self.mMapDocument, ogItem) if (drawOrder == ObjectGroup.DrawOrder.TopDownOrder): item.setZValue(item.y()) else: item.setZValue(objectIndex) self.mObjectItems.insert(object, item) objectIndex += 1 layerItem = ogItem else: il = layer.asImageLayer() if il: layerItem = ImageLayerItem(il, self.mMapDocument) layerItem.setVisible(layer.isVisible()) return layerItem def updateSceneRect(self): mapSize = self.mMapDocument.renderer().mapSize() sceneRect = QRectF(0, 0, mapSize.width(), mapSize.height()) margins = sceneRect.adjust(-margins.left(),, margins.right(), margins.bottom()) self.setSceneRect(sceneRect) self.mDarkRectangle.setRect(sceneRect) def updateCurrentLayerHighlight(self): if (not self.mMapDocument): return currentLayerIndex = self.mMapDocument.currentLayerIndex() if (not self.mHighlightCurrentLayer or currentLayerIndex == -1): self.mDarkRectangle.setVisible(False) # Restore opacity for all layers for i in range(self.mLayerItems.size()): layer = return # Darken layers below the current layer self.mDarkRectangle.setZValue(currentLayerIndex - 0.5) self.mDarkRectangle.setVisible(True) # Set layers above the current layer to half opacity for i in range(1, self.mLayerItems.size()): layer = if currentLayerIndex < i: _x = opacityFactor else: _x = 1 multiplier = _x * multiplier) def eventFilter(self, object, event): x = event.type() if x == QEvent.KeyPress or x == QEvent.KeyRelease: keyEvent = event newModifiers = keyEvent.modifiers() if (self.mActiveTool and newModifiers != self.mCurrentModifiers): self.mActiveTool.modifiersChanged(newModifiers) self.mCurrentModifiers = newModifiers else: pass return False
class ObjectTypesModel(QAbstractTableModel): ColorRole = Qt.UserRole def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.mObjectTypes = QVector() def setObjectTypes(self, objectTypes): self.beginResetModel() self.mObjectTypes = objectTypes self.endResetModel() def objectTypes(self): return self.mObjectTypes def rowCount(self, parent): if parent.isValid(): _x = 0 else: _x = self.mObjectTypes.size() return _x def columnCount(self, parent): if parent.isValid(): _x = 0 else: _x = 2 return _x def headerData(self, section, orientation, role): if (orientation == Qt.Horizontal): if (role == Qt.DisplayRole): x = section if x == 0: return"Type") elif x == 1: return"Color") elif (role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole): return Qt.AlignLeft return QVariant() def data(self, index, role): # QComboBox requests data for an invalid index when the model is empty if (not index.isValid()): return QVariant() objectType = if (role == Qt.DisplayRole or role == Qt.EditRole): if (index.column() == 0): return if (role == ObjectTypesModel.ColorRole and index.column() == 1): return objectType.color return QVariant() def setData(self, index, value, role): if (role == Qt.EditRole and index.column() == 0): self.mObjectTypes[index.row()].name = value.strip() self.dataChanged.emit(index, index) return True return False def flags(self, index): f = super().flags(index) if (index.column() == 0): f |= Qt.ItemIsEditable return f def setObjectTypeColor(self, objectIndex, color): self.mObjectTypes[objectIndex].color = color mi = self.index(objectIndex, 1) self.dataChanged.emit(mi, mi) def removeObjectTypes(self, indexes): rows = QVector() for index in indexes: rows.append(index.row()) rows = sorted(rows) for i in range(len(rows) - 1, -1, -1): row = rows[i] self.beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), row, row) self.mObjectTypes.remove(row) self.endRemoveRows() def appendNewObjectType(self): self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), self.mObjectTypes.size(), self.mObjectTypes.size()) self.mObjectTypes.append(ObjectType()) self.endInsertRows()
class EditPolygonTool(AbstractObjectTool): NoMode, Selecting, Moving = range(3) def __init__(self, parent = None): super().__init__("Edit Polygons"), QIcon(":images/24x24/tool-edit-polygons.png"), QKeySequence("E")), parent) self.mSelectedHandles = QSet() self.mModifiers = Qt.KeyboardModifiers() self.mScreenStart = QPoint() self.mOldHandlePositions = QVector() self.mAlignPosition = QPointF() ## The list of handles associated with each selected map object self.mHandles = QMapList() self.mOldPolygons = QMap() self.mStart = QPointF() self.mSelectionRectangle = SelectionRectangle() self.mMousePressed = False self.mClickedHandle = None self.mClickedObjectItem = None self.mMode = EditPolygonTool.NoMode def __del__(self): del self.mSelectionRectangle def tr(self, sourceText, disambiguation = '', n = -1): return QCoreApplication.translate('EditPolygonTool', sourceText, disambiguation, n) def activate(self, scene): super().activate(scene) self.updateHandles() # TODO: Could be more optimal by separating the updating of handles from # the creation and removal of handles depending on changes in the # selection, and by only updating the handles of the objects that changed. self.mapDocument().objectsChanged.connect(self.updateHandles) scene.selectedObjectItemsChanged.connect(self.updateHandles) self.mapDocument().objectsRemoved.connect(self.objectsRemoved) def deactivate(self, scene): try: self.mapDocument().objectsChanged.disconnect(self.updateHandles) scene.selectedObjectItemsChanged.disconnect(self.updateHandles) except: pass # Delete all handles self.mHandles.clear() self.mSelectedHandles.clear() self.mClickedHandle = None super().deactivate(scene) def mouseEntered(self): pass def mouseMoved(self, pos, modifiers): super().mouseMoved(pos, modifiers) if (self.mMode == EditPolygonTool.NoMode and self.mMousePressed): screenPos = QCursor.pos() dragDistance = (self.mScreenStart - screenPos).manhattanLength() if (dragDistance >= QApplication.startDragDistance()): if (self.mClickedHandle): self.startMoving() else: self.startSelecting() x = self.mMode if x==EditPolygonTool.Selecting: self.mSelectionRectangle.setRectangle(QRectF(self.mStart, pos).normalized()) elif x==EditPolygonTool.Moving: self.updateMovingItems(pos, modifiers) elif x==EditPolygonTool.NoMode: pass def mousePressed(self, event): if (self.mMode != EditPolygonTool.NoMode): # Ignore additional presses during select/move return x = event.button() if x==Qt.LeftButton: self.mMousePressed = True self.mStart = event.scenePos() self.mScreenStart = event.screenPos() items = self.mapScene().items(self.mStart, Qt.IntersectsItemShape, Qt.DescendingOrder, viewTransform(event)) self.mClickedObjectItem = first(items, MapObjectItem) self.mClickedHandle = first(items, PointHandle) elif x==Qt.RightButton: items = self.mapScene().items(event.scenePos(), Qt.IntersectsItemShape, Qt.DescendingOrder, viewTransform(event)) clickedHandle = first(items) if (clickedHandle or not self.mSelectedHandles.isEmpty()): self.showHandleContextMenu(clickedHandle, event.screenPos()) else: super().mousePressed(event) else: super().mousePressed(event) def mouseReleased(self, event): if (event.button() != Qt.LeftButton): return x = self.mMode if x==EditPolygonTool.NoMode: if (self.mClickedHandle): selection = self.mSelectedHandles modifiers = event.modifiers() if (modifiers & (Qt.ShiftModifier | Qt.ControlModifier)): if (selection.contains(self.mClickedHandle)): selection.remove(self.mClickedHandle) else: selection.insert(self.mClickedHandle) else: selection.clear() selection.insert(self.mClickedHandle) self.setSelectedHandles(selection) elif (self.mClickedObjectItem): selection = self.mapScene().selectedObjectItems() modifiers = event.modifiers() if (modifiers & (Qt.ShiftModifier | Qt.ControlModifier)): if (selection.contains(self.mClickedObjectItem)): selection.remove(self.mClickedObjectItem) else: selection.insert(self.mClickedObjectItem) else: selection.clear() selection.insert(self.mClickedObjectItem) self.mapScene().setSelectedObjectItems(selection) self.updateHandles() elif (not self.mSelectedHandles.isEmpty()): # First clear the handle selection self.setSelectedHandles(QSet()) else: # If there is no handle selection, clear the object selection self.mapScene().setSelectedObjectItems(QSet()) self.updateHandles() elif x==EditPolygonTool.Selecting: self.updateSelection(event) self.mapScene().removeItem(self.mSelectionRectangle) self.mMode = EditPolygonTool.NoMode elif x==EditPolygonTool.Moving: self.finishMoving(event.scenePos()) self.mMousePressed = False self.mClickedHandle = None def modifiersChanged(self, modifiers): self.mModifiers = modifiers def languageChanged(self): self.setName("Edit Polygons")) self.setShortcut(QKeySequence("E"))) def updateHandles(self): selection = self.mapScene().selectedObjectItems() # First destroy the handles for objects that are no longer selected for l in range(len(self.mHandles)): i = self.mHandles.itemByIndex(l) if (not selection.contains(i[0])): for handle in i[1]: if (handle.isSelected()): self.mSelectedHandles.remove(handle) del handle del self.mHandles[l] renderer = self.mapDocument().renderer() for item in selection: object = item.mapObject() if (not object.cell().isEmpty()): continue polygon = object.polygon() polygon.translate(object.position()) pointHandles = self.mHandles.get(item) # Create missing handles while (pointHandles.size() < polygon.size()): handle = PointHandle(item, pointHandles.size()) pointHandles.append(handle) self.mapScene().addItem(handle) # Remove superfluous handles while (pointHandles.size() > polygon.size()): handle = pointHandles.takeLast() if (handle.isSelected()): self.mSelectedHandles.remove(handle) del handle # Update the position of all handles for i in range(pointHandles.size()): point = handlePos = renderer.pixelToScreenCoords_(point) internalHandlePos = handlePos - item.pos() self.mHandles.insert(item, pointHandles) def objectsRemoved(self, objects): if (self.mMode == EditPolygonTool.Moving): # Make sure we're not going to try to still change these objects when # finishing the move operation. # TODO: In addition to avoiding crashes, it would also be good to # disallow other actions while moving. for object in objects: self.mOldPolygons.remove(object) def deleteNodes(self): if (self.mSelectedHandles.isEmpty()): return p = groupIndexesByObject(self.mSelectedHandles) undoStack = self.mapDocument().undoStack() delText ="Delete %n Node(s)", "", self.mSelectedHandles.size()) undoStack.beginMacro(delText) for i in p: object = i[0] indexRanges = i[1] oldPolygon = object.polygon() newPolygon = oldPolygon # Remove points, back to front to keep the indexes valid it = indexRanges.end() begin = indexRanges.begin() # assert: end != begin, since there is at least one entry while(it != begin): it -= 1 newPolygon.remove(it.first(), it.length()) if (newPolygon.size() < 2): # We've removed the entire object undoStack.push(RemoveMapObject(self.mapDocument(), object)) else: undoStack.push(ChangePolygon(self.mapDocument(), object, newPolygon, oldPolygon)) undoStack.endMacro() def joinNodes(self): if (self.mSelectedHandles.size() < 2): return p = groupIndexesByObject(self.mSelectedHandles) undoStack = self.mapDocument().undoStack() macroStarted = False for i in p: object = i[0] indexRanges = i[1] closed = object.shape() == MapObject.Polygon oldPolygon = object.polygon() newPolygon = joinPolygonNodes(oldPolygon, indexRanges, closed) if (newPolygon.size() < oldPolygon.size()): if (not macroStarted): undoStack.beginMacro("Join Nodes")) macroStarted = True undoStack.push(ChangePolygon(self.mapDocument(), object, newPolygon, oldPolygon)) if (macroStarted): undoStack.endMacro() def splitSegments(self): if (self.mSelectedHandles.size() < 2): return p = groupIndexesByObject(self.mSelectedHandles) undoStack = self.mapDocument().undoStack() macroStarted = False for i in p: object = i[0] indexRanges = i[1] closed = object.shape() == MapObject.Polygon oldPolygon = object.polygon() newPolygon = splitPolygonSegments(oldPolygon, indexRanges, closed) if (newPolygon.size() > oldPolygon.size()): if (not macroStarted): undoStack.beginMacro("Split Segments")) macroStarted = True undoStack.push(ChangePolygon(self.mapDocument(), object, newPolygon, oldPolygon)) if (macroStarted): undoStack.endMacro() def setSelectedHandles(self, handles): for handle in self.mSelectedHandles: if (not handles.contains(handle)): handle.setSelected(False) for handle in handles: if (not self.mSelectedHandles.contains(handle)): handle.setSelected(True) self.mSelectedHandles = handles def setSelectedHandle(self, handle): self.setSelectedHandles(QSet([handle])) def updateSelection(self, event): rect = QRectF(self.mStart, event.scenePos()).normalized() # Make sure the rect has some contents, otherwise intersects returns False rect.setWidth(max(1.0, rect.width())) rect.setHeight(max(1.0, rect.height())) oldSelection = self.mapScene().selectedObjectItems() if (oldSelection.isEmpty()): # Allow selecting some map objects only when there aren't any selected selectedItems = QSet() for item in self.mapScene().items(rect, Qt.IntersectsItemShape, Qt.DescendingOrder, viewTransform(event)): if type(item) == MapObjectItem: selectedItems.insert(item) newSelection = QSet() if (event.modifiers() & (Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.ShiftModifier)): newSelection = oldSelection | selectedItems else: newSelection = selectedItems self.mapScene().setSelectedObjectItems(newSelection) self.updateHandles() else: # Update the selected handles selectedHandles = QSet() for item in self.mapScene().items(rect, Qt.IntersectsItemShape, Qt.DescendingOrder, viewTransform(event)): if type(item) == PointHandle: selectedHandles.insert(item) if (event.modifiers() & (Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.ShiftModifier)): self.setSelectedHandles(self.mSelectedHandles | selectedHandles) else: self.setSelectedHandles(selectedHandles) def startSelecting(self): self.mMode = EditPolygonTool.Selecting self.mapScene().addItem(self.mSelectionRectangle) def startMoving(self): # Move only the clicked handle, if it was not part of the selection if (not self.mSelectedHandles.contains(self.mClickedHandle)): self.setSelectedHandle(self.mClickedHandle) self.mMode = EditPolygonTool.Moving renderer = self.mapDocument().renderer() # Remember the current object positions self.mOldHandlePositions.clear() self.mOldPolygons.clear() self.mAlignPosition = renderer.screenToPixelCoords_((self.mSelectedHandles.begin()).pos()) for handle in self.mSelectedHandles: pos = renderer.screenToPixelCoords_(handle.pos()) self.mOldHandlePositions.append(handle.pos()) if (pos.x() < self.mAlignPosition.x()): self.mAlignPosition.setX(pos.x()) if (pos.y() < self.mAlignPosition.y()): self.mAlignPosition.setY(pos.y()) mapObject = handle.mapObject() if (not self.mOldPolygons.contains(mapObject)): self.mOldPolygons.insert(mapObject, mapObject.polygon()) def updateMovingItems(self, pos, modifiers): renderer = self.mapDocument().renderer() diff = pos - self.mStart snapHelper = SnapHelper(renderer, modifiers) if (snapHelper.snaps()): alignScreenPos = renderer.pixelToScreenCoords_(self.mAlignPosition) newAlignScreenPos = alignScreenPos + diff newAlignPixelPos = renderer.screenToPixelCoords_(newAlignScreenPos) snapHelper.snap(newAlignPixelPos) diff = renderer.pixelToScreenCoords_(newAlignPixelPos) - alignScreenPos i = 0 for handle in self.mSelectedHandles: # update handle position newScreenPos = + diff handle.setPos(newScreenPos) # calculate new pixel position of polygon node item = handle.mapObjectItem() newInternalPos = item.mapFromScene(newScreenPos) newScenePos = item.pos() + newInternalPos newPixelPos = renderer.screenToPixelCoords_(newScenePos) # update the polygon mapObject = item.mapObject() polygon = mapObject.polygon() polygon[handle.pointIndex()] = newPixelPos - mapObject.position() self.mapDocument().mapObjectModel().setObjectPolygon(mapObject, polygon) i += 1 def finishMoving(self, pos): self.mMode = EditPolygonTool.NoMode if (self.mStart == pos or self.mOldPolygons.isEmpty()): # Move is a no-op return undoStack = self.mapDocument().undoStack() undoStack.beginMacro("Move %n Point(s)", "", self.mSelectedHandles.size())) # TODO: This isn't really optimal. Would be better to have a single undo # command that supports changing multiple map objects. for i in self.mOldPolygons: undoStack.push(ChangePolygon(self.mapDocument(), i[0], i[1])) undoStack.endMacro() self.mOldHandlePositions.clear() self.mOldPolygons.clear() def showHandleContextMenu(self, clickedHandle, screenPos): if (clickedHandle and not self.mSelectedHandles.contains(clickedHandle)): self.setSelectedHandle(clickedHandle) n = self.mSelectedHandles.size() delIcon = QIcon(":images/16x16/edit-delete.png") delText ="Delete %n Node(s)", "", n) menu = QMenu() deleteNodesAction = menu.addAction(delIcon, delText) joinNodesAction = menu.addAction("Join Nodes")) splitSegmentsAction = menu.addAction("Split Segments")) Utils.setThemeIcon(deleteNodesAction, "edit-delete") joinNodesAction.setEnabled(n > 1) splitSegmentsAction.setEnabled(n > 1) deleteNodesAction.triggered.connect(self.deleteNodes) joinNodesAction.triggered.connect(self.joinNodes) splitSegmentsAction.triggered.connect(self.splitSegments) menu.exec(screenPos)
class FrameListModel(QAbstractListModel): DEFAULT_DURATION = 100 def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.mFrames = QVector() self.mTileset = None def rowCount(self, parent): if parent.isValid(): _x = 0 else: _x = self.mFrames.size() return _x def data(self, index, role): x = role if x == Qt.EditRole or x == Qt.DisplayRole: return elif x == Qt.DecorationRole: tileId = tile = self.mTileset.tileAt(tileId) if tile: return tile.image() return QVariant() def setData(self, index, value, role): if (role == Qt.EditRole): duration = value if (duration >= 0): self.mFrames[index.row()].duration = duration self.dataChanged.emit(index, index) return True return False def flags(self, index): defaultFlags = super().flags(index) if (index.isValid()): return Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt.ItemIsEditable | defaultFlags else: return Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled | defaultFlags def removeRows(self, row, count, parent): if (not parent.isValid()): if (count > 0): self.beginRemoveRows(parent, row, row + count - 1) self.mFrames.remove(row, count) self.endRemoveRows() return True return False def mimeTypes(self): types = QStringList() types.append(TILES_MIMETYPE) types.append(FRAMES_MIMETYPE) return types def mimeData(self, indexes): mimeData = QMimeData() encodedData = QByteArray() stream = QDataStream(encodedData, QIODevice.WriteOnly) for index in indexes: if (index.isValid()): frame = stream.writeInt(frame.tileId) stream.writeInt(frame.duration) mimeData.setData(FRAMES_MIMETYPE, encodedData) return mimeData def dropMimeData(self, data, action, row, column, parent): if (action == Qt.IgnoreAction): return True if (column > 0): return False beginRow = 0 if (row != -1): beginRow = row elif parent.isValid(): beginRow = parent.row() else: beginRow = self.mFrames.size() newFrames = QVector() if (data.hasFormat(FRAMES_MIMETYPE)): encodedData = stream = QDataStream(encodedData, QIODevice.ReadOnly) while (not stream.atEnd()): frame = Frame() frame.tileId = stream.readInt() frame.duration = stream.readInt() newFrames.append(frame) elif (data.hasFormat(TILES_MIMETYPE)): encodedData = stream = QDataStream(encodedData, QIODevice.ReadOnly) while (not stream.atEnd()): frame = Frame() frame.tileId = stream.readInt() frame.duration = FrameListModel.DEFAULT_DURATION newFrames.append(frame) if (newFrames.isEmpty()): return False self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), beginRow, beginRow + newFrames.size() - 1) self.mFrames.insert(beginRow, newFrames.size(), Frame()) for i in range(newFrames.size()): self.mFrames[i + beginRow] = newFrames[i] self.endInsertRows() return True def supportedDropActions(self): return Qt.CopyAction | Qt.MoveAction def setFrames(self, tileset, frames): self.beginResetModel() self.mTileset = tileset self.mFrames = frames self.endResetModel() def addTileIdAsFrame(self, id): frame = Frame() frame.tileId = id frame.duration = FrameListModel.DEFAULT_DURATION self.addFrame(frame) def frames(self): return self.mFrames def addFrame(self, frame): self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), self.mFrames.size(), self.mFrames.size()) self.mFrames.append(frame) self.endInsertRows()