Beispiel #1
 def _is_in_list(web_address):
     address = get_from_cache(web_address)
     if address is None:
         address = AccessWhiteList.objects(address=web_address).first()
     if address:
         return True
     return False        
Beispiel #2
 def _cache_controlled(*args, **kw):
     _request_key = None
     ''' search for cache key in the @cache annotation. return  key value '''
     _cache_key = get_cache_key(kwargs)
     if _cache_key:
         ''' generate request key based on cache key. returns None if nil '''
         _request_key = make_request_key(_cache_key, kw)
         if _request_key:
             start_execution_time = time.time()
             ''' get value from cache '''
             cache_response = get_from_cache(_request_key)
             end_execution_time = time.time()
             if cache_response:
                 ''' calculate execution time '''
                 if DEBUG_LEVEL:
                     dt = int((end_execution_time - start_execution_time)*1000)
                     if dt>2:
                         print "WARNING: To get value from cache took "+str(dt)+" msecs to execute"
                 return cache_response
     ''' return original function ''' 
     response = viewfunc(*args, **kw)
     ''' save key in cache if key is valid'''
     if _request_key:
         ttl = get_key_ttl(kwargs)
         if ttl == 0:
             ttl = five_minutes_in_seconds
         save_in_cache(_request_key, response, ttl)
     return response