Beispiel #1
    def _check_area(self):
        Check if the current layout added areas cover the entire rectangle.

        Rectangle given by the extreme points for the added areas.
        self._area_rects = []
        height = self._rows + 1
        area_float_rects = []
        delta = 0.0001
        for index, area in enumerate(self._areas):
            # These areas are used with a small delta to ensure if they are
            # next to each other they will not overlap.
            rectf = QRectF()
            rectf.setLeft(area["column"] + delta)
            rectf.setRight(area["column"] + area["col_span"] - delta)
            rectf.setTop(height - area["row"] - delta)
            rectf.setBottom(height - area["row"] - area["row_span"] + delta)
            rectf.index = index
            rectf.plugin_ids = area["plugin_ids"]

            # These areas are used to calculate the actual total area
            rect = QRectF()
            rect.setRight(area["column"] + area["col_span"])
            rect.setTop(height - area["row"])
            rect.setBottom(height - area["row"] - area["row_span"])
            rect.index = index
            rect.plugin_ids = area["plugin_ids"]


        # Check if areas are overlapping!
        for rect_1 in area_float_rects:
            for rect_2 in area_float_rects:
                if rect_1.index != rect_2.index:
                    if rect_1.intersects(rect_2):
                        raise SpyderAPIError(
                            "Area with plugins {0} is overlapping area "
                            "with plugins {1}".format(rect_1.plugin_ids,

        # Check the total area (using corner points) versus the sum of areas
        total_area = 0
        tops = []
        rights = []
        for index, rect in enumerate(self._area_rects):
            area = abs(rect.width() * rect.height())
            total_area += area
            self._areas[index]["area"] = area

        if total_area != max(rights)*max(tops):
            raise SpyderAPIError(
                "Areas are not covering the entire section!\n"
                "Either an area is missing or col_span/row_span are "
                "not correctly set!"