Beispiel #1
def d2_rho_heterodyne(A, rho_vec):
    todo: cythonize, docstrings
    M = A[0] + A[3]
    e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(M, rho_vec, 0)
    d1 = spmv(M, rho_vec) - e1 * rho_vec
    M = A[0] - A[3]
    e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(M, rho_vec, 0)
    d2 = spmv(M, rho_vec) - e1 * rho_vec
    return [1.0 / np.sqrt(2) * d1, -1.0j / np.sqrt(2) * d2]
Beispiel #2
def test_QobjEvo_expect_rho():
    "QobjEvo expect rho"
    N = 5
    t = np.random.rand()+1
    vec = np.random.rand(N*N)+1 + 1j*np.random.rand(N*N)
    mat = vec2mat(vec)
    qobj = Qobj(mat)
    cqobjevos, base_qobjs = _rand_cqobjevo(N)

    for op_ in cqobjevos:
        op = liouvillian(op_)
        Qo1 = op(t)
        assert_allclose(cy_expect_rho_vec(, vec, 0),
                        op.expect(t,vec,0), atol=1e-14)
        assert_allclose(cy_expect_rho_vec(, vec, 0),
                        op.expect(t,mat,0), atol=1e-14)
        assert_allclose(cy_expect_rho_vec(, vec, 0),
                        op.expect(t,qobj,0), atol=1e-14)

        assert_allclose(cy_expect_rho_vec(, vec, 0),
                        op.expect(t,vec,0), atol=1e-14)
        assert_allclose(cy_expect_rho_vec(, vec, 0),
                        op.expect(t,mat,0), atol=1e-14)
        assert_allclose(cy_expect_rho_vec(, vec, 0),
                        op.expect(t,qobj,0), atol=1e-14)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            op.expect(t, mat[:-1, :-1], 0)

    tlist = np.linspace(0,1,300)
    args={"w1":1, "w2":2, "w3":3}
    data1 = np.random.random((3,3))
    data2 = np.random.random((3,3))
    td_obj_sa = QobjEvo(_random_QobjEvo((3,3), [0,3,2], tlist=tlist),
                       args=args, tlist=tlist)
    td_obj_m = QobjEvo(_random_QobjEvo((3,3), [1,2,3], tlist=tlist),
                       args=args, tlist=tlist)
    t = np.random.random()
    td_obj_sa = td_obj_sa.apply(spre)
    td_obj_m = td_obj_m.apply(spre)
    rho = np.arange(3*3)*0.25+.25j
    td_obj_sac = td_obj_sa.copy()
    v1 = td_obj_sa.expect(t, rho, 0)
    v2 = td_obj_sac.expect(t, rho, 0)
    v3 = cy_expect_rho_vec(td_obj_sa(t, data=True), rho, 0)
    # check not compiled rhs const
    assert_allclose(v1, v3, rtol=1e-6)
    # check compiled rhs
    assert_allclose(v3, v2, rtol=1e-6)

    td_obj_mc = td_obj_m.copy()
    v1 = td_obj_m.expect(t, rho, 1)
    v2 = td_obj_mc.expect(t, rho, 1)
    v3 = cy_expect_rho_vec(td_obj_m(t, data=True), rho, 1)
    # check not compiled rhs func
    assert_allclose(v1, v3, rtol=1e-6)
    # check compiled rhs func
    assert_allclose(v3, v2, rtol=1e-6)
Beispiel #3
def test_QobjEvo_expect_rho():
    "QobjEvo expect rho"
    N = 5
    t = np.random.rand()+1
    vec = np.random.rand(N*N)+1 + 1j*np.random.rand(N*N)
    cqobjevos, base_qobjs = _rand_cqobjevo(N)

    for op_ in cqobjevos:
        op = liouvillian(op_)
        Qo1 = op(t)
        assert_allclose(cy_expect_rho_vec(, vec, 0),
                        op.expect(t,vec,0), atol=1e-14)
        assert_allclose(cy_expect_rho_vec(, vec, 0),
                        op.expect(t,vec,0), atol=1e-14)
        assert_allclose(cy_expect_rho_vec(, vec, 0),
                        op.expect(t,vec,0), atol=1e-14)
        assert_allclose(cy_expect_rho_vec(, vec, 0),
                        op.expect(t,vec,0), atol=1e-14)
        assert_allclose(cy_expect_rho_vec(, vec, 0),
                        op.expect(t,vec,0), atol=1e-14)
        assert_allclose(cy_expect_rho_vec(, vec, 0),
                        op.expect(t,vec,0), atol=1e-14)

    tlist = np.linspace(0,1,300)
    args={"w1":1, "w2":2, "w3":3}
    data1 = np.random.random((3,3))
    data2 = np.random.random((3,3))
    td_obj_sa = QobjEvo(_random_QobjEvo((3,3), [0,3,2], tlist=tlist),
                       args=args, tlist=tlist)
    td_obj_m = QobjEvo(_random_QobjEvo((3,3), [1,2,3], tlist=tlist),
                       args=args, tlist=tlist)
    t = np.random.random()
    td_obj_sa = td_obj_sa.apply(spre)
    td_obj_m = td_obj_m.apply(spre)
    rho = np.arange(3*3)*0.25+.25j
    td_obj_sac = td_obj_sa.copy()
    v1 = td_obj_sa.expect(t, rho, 0)
    v2 = td_obj_sac.expect(t, rho, 0)
    v3 = cy_expect_rho_vec(td_obj_sa(t, data=True), rho, 0)
    # check not compiled rhs const
    assert_allclose(v1, v3, rtol=1e-6)
    # check compiled rhs
    assert_allclose(v3, v2, rtol=1e-6)

    td_obj_mc = td_obj_m.copy()
    v1 = td_obj_m.expect(t, rho, 1)
    v2 = td_obj_mc.expect(t, rho, 1)
    v3 = cy_expect_rho_vec(td_obj_m(t, data=True), rho, 1)
    # check not compiled rhs func
    assert_allclose(v1, v3, rtol=1e-6)
    # check compiled rhs func
    assert_allclose(v3, v2, rtol=1e-6)
Beispiel #4
def d1_rho_photocurrent(A, rho_vec):
    Todo: cythonize, add (AdA)_L + AdA_R to precomputed operators
    n_sum = A[4] + A[5]
    e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(n_sum, rho_vec, 0)
    return 0.5 * (e1 * rho_vec - spmv(n_sum, rho_vec))
Beispiel #5
def _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne(L, rho_t, t, A_ops, dt, dW, d1, d2, args):
    .. note::

        Milstein scheme for homodyne detection.
        This implementation works for commuting stochastic jump operators.
        TODO: optimizations: do calculation for n>m only

    A_len = len(A_ops)

    M = np.array([A_ops[n][0] + A_ops[n][3] for n in range(A_len)])
    e1 = np.array([cy_expect_rho_vec(M[n], rho_t, 0) for n in range(A_len)])

    d1_vec = np.sum([spmv(A_ops[n][7], rho_t)
                     for n in range(A_len)], axis=0)

    d2_vec = np.array([spmv(M[n], rho_t)
                       for n in range(A_len)])

    # This calculation is suboptimal. We need only values for m>n in case of
    # commuting jump operators.
    d2_vec2 = np.array([[spmv(M[n], d2_vec[m])
                         for m in range(A_len)] for n in range(A_len)])
    e2 = np.array([[cy_expect_rho_vec(M[n], d2_vec[m], 0)
                    for m in range(A_len)] for n in range(A_len)])

    drho_t = _rhs_rho_deterministic(L, rho_t, t, dt, args)
    drho_t += d1_vec * dt
    drho_t += np.sum([(d2_vec[n] - e1[n] * rho_t) * dW[n, 0]
                      for n in range(A_len)], axis=0)
    drho_t += 0.5 * np.sum([(d2_vec2[n, n] - 2.0 * e1[n] * d2_vec[n] +
                            (-e2[n, n] + 2.0 * e1[n] * e1[n]) * rho_t) * (dW[n, 0] * dW[n, 0] - dt)
                            for n in range(A_len)], axis=0)

    # This calculation is suboptimal. We need only values for m>n in case of
    # commuting jump operators.
    drho_t += 0.5 * np.sum([(d2_vec2[n, m] - e1[m] * d2_vec[n] - e1[n] * d2_vec[m] +
                          (-e2[n, m] + 2.0 * e1[n] * e1[m]) * rho_t) * (dW[n, 0] * dW[m, 0])
                            for (n, m) in np.ndindex(A_len, A_len) if n != m], axis=0)

    return rho_t + drho_t
Beispiel #6
def d2_rho_homodyne(A, rho_vec):

    D2[a] rho = a rho + rho a^\dagger - Tr[a rho + rho a^\dagger]
              = (A_L + Ad_R) rho_vec - E[(A_L + Ad_R) rho_vec]

    Todo: cythonize, add A_L + Ad_R to precomputed operators
    M = A[0] + A[3]

    e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(M, rho_vec, 0)
    return [spmv(M, rho_vec) - e1 * rho_vec]
Beispiel #7
def _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne_single(L, rho_t, t, A_ops, dt, dW, d1, d2, args):
    .. note::

        Milstein scheme for homodyne detection with single jump operator.


    A = A_ops[0]
    M = A[0] + A[3]
    e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(M, rho_t, 0)

    d2_vec = spmv(M, rho_t)
    d2_vec2 = spmv(M, d2_vec)
    e2 = cy_expect_rho_vec(M, d2_vec, 0)

    drho_t = _rhs_rho_deterministic(L, rho_t, t, dt, args)
    drho_t += spmv(A[7], rho_t) * dt
    drho_t += (d2_vec - e1 * rho_t) * dW[0, 0]
    drho_t += 0.5 * (d2_vec2 - 2 * e1 * d2_vec + (-e2 + 2 * e1 * e1) * rho_t) * (dW[0, 0] * dW[0, 0] - dt)
    return rho_t + drho_t
Beispiel #8
def sop_H(A, rho_vec):
    Evaluate the superoperator

    H[a] rho = a rho + rho a^\dagger - Tr[a rho + rho a^\dagger] rho
            -> (A_L + Ad_R) rho_vec - E[(A_L + Ad_R) rho_vec] rho_vec

    Todo: cythonize, add A_L + Ad_R to precomputed operators
    M = A[0] + A[3]

    e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(M, rho_vec, 0)
    return spmv(M, rho_vec) - e1 * rho_vec
Beispiel #9
def sop_G(A, rho_vec):
    Evaluate the superoperator

    G[a] rho = a rho a^\dagger / Tr[a rho a^\dagger] - rho
            -> A_L Ad_R rho_vec / Tr[A_L Ad_R rho_vec] - rho_vec

    Todo: cythonize, add A_L + Ad_R to precomputed operators

    e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(A[6], rho_vec, 0)

    if e1 > 1e-15:
        return spmv(A[6], rho_vec) / e1 - rho_vec
        return -rho_vec
Beispiel #10
 def expect(self, t, vec, herm=0):
     if self.cte.issuper:
         return cy_expect_rho_vec(self.__call__(t).data, vec, herm)
         return cy_expect_psi(self.__call__(t).data, vec, herm)
Beispiel #11
def _smesolve_single_trajectory(data, L, dt, tlist, N_store, N_substeps, rho_t,
                                A_ops, e_ops, m_ops, rhs, d1, d2, d2_len, dW_factors,
                                homogeneous, distribution, args,
                                store_states=False, noise=None):
    Internal function. See smesolve.

    if noise is None:
        if homogeneous:
            if distribution == 'normal':
                dW = np.sqrt(
                    dt) * scipy.randn(len(A_ops), N_store, N_substeps, d2_len)
                raise TypeError('Unsupported increment distribution for homogeneous process.')
            if distribution != 'poisson':
                raise TypeError('Unsupported increment distribution for inhomogeneous process.')

            dW = np.zeros((len(A_ops), N_store, N_substeps, d2_len))
        dW = noise

    states_list = []
    measurements = np.zeros((len(tlist), len(m_ops), d2_len), dtype=complex)

    for t_idx, t in enumerate(tlist):

        if e_ops:
            for e_idx, e in enumerate(e_ops):
                s = cy_expect_rho_vec(, rho_t, 0)
                data.expect[e_idx, t_idx] += s
      [e_idx, t_idx] += s ** 2

        if store_states or not e_ops:
            # XXX: need to keep hilbert space structure

        rho_prev = np.copy(rho_t)

        for j in range(N_substeps):

            if noise is None and not homogeneous:
                for a_idx, A in enumerate(A_ops):
                    dw_expect = cy_expect_rho_vec(A[4], rho_t, 1) * dt
                    if dw_expect > 0:
                        dW[a_idx, t_idx, j, :] = np.random.poisson(dw_expect, d2_len)
                        dW[a_idx, t_idx, j, :] = np.zeros(d2_len)

            rho_t = rhs(, rho_t, t + dt * j,
                        A_ops, dt, dW[:, t_idx, j, :], d1, d2, args)

        if store_measurement:
            for m_idx, m in enumerate(m_ops):
                for dW_idx, dW_factor in enumerate(dW_factors):
                    if m[dW_idx]:
                        m_expt = cy_expect_rho_vec(m[dW_idx].data, rho_prev, 0)
                        m_expt = 0
                    measurements[t_idx, m_idx, dW_idx] = m_expt + dW_factor * \
                        dW[m_idx, t_idx, :, dW_idx].sum() / (dt * N_substeps)

    if d2_len == 1:
        measurements = measurements.squeeze(axis=(2))

    return states_list, dW, measurements
Beispiel #12
def d2_rho_photocurrent(A, rho_vec):
    Todo: cythonize, add (AdA)_L + AdA_R to precomputed operators
    e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(A[6], rho_vec, 0)
    return [spmv(A[6], rho_vec) / e1 - rho_vec] if e1.real > 1e-15 else [-rho_vec]