Beispiel #1
def test_CheckMulType():
    "Qobj multiplication type"

    # ket-bra and bra-ket multiplication
    psi = basis(5)
    dm = psi * psi.dag()

    nrm = psi.dag() * psi
    assert_equal(, 1)
    assert_((abs(nrm) == 1)[0, 0])

    # operator-operator multiplication
    H1 = rand_herm(3)
    H2 = rand_herm(3)
    out = H1 * H2
    out = H1 * H1
    out = H2 * H2

    U = rand_unitary(5)
    out = U.dag() * U

    N = num(5)

    out = N * N

    # operator-ket and bra-operator multiplication
    op = sigmax()
    ket1 = basis(2)
    ket2 = op * ket1

    bra1 = basis(2).dag()
    bra2 = bra1 * op

    assert_(bra2.dag() == ket2)

    # superoperator-operket and operbra-superoperator multiplication
    sop = to_super(sigmax())
    opket1 = operator_to_vector(fock_dm(2))
    opket2 = sop * opket1

    opbra1 = operator_to_vector(fock_dm(2)).dag()
    opbra2 = opbra1 * sop

    assert_(opbra2.dag() == opket2)
Beispiel #2
    def testOperatorListState(self):
        expect: operator list and state
        res = expect([sigmax(), sigmay(), sigmaz()], fock(2, 0))
        assert_(len(res) == 3)
        assert_(all(abs(res - [0, 0, 1]) < 1e-12))

        res = expect([sigmax(), sigmay(), sigmaz()], fock_dm(2, 1))
        assert_(len(res) == 3)
        assert_(all(abs(res - [0, 0, -1]) < 1e-12))
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, N, correct_global_phase=True,
                 sx=None, sz=None, sxsy=None):
        sx: Integer/List
            The delta for each of the qubits in the system.

        sz: Integer/List
            The epsilon for each of the qubits in the system.

        sxsy: Integer/List
            The interaction strength for each of the qubit pair in the system.

        super(SpinChain, self).__init__(N, correct_global_phase)

        self.sx_ops = [tensor([sigmax() if m == n else identity(2)
                               for n in range(N)])
                       for m in range(N)]
        self.sz_ops = [tensor([sigmaz() if m == n else identity(2)
                               for n in range(N)])
                       for m in range(N)]

        self.sxsy_ops = []
        for n in range(N - 1):
            x = [identity(2)] * N
            x[n] = x[n + 1] = sigmax()
            y = [identity(2)] * N
            y[n] = y[n + 1] = sigmay()
            self.sxsy_ops.append(tensor(x) + tensor(y))

        if sx is None:
            self.sx_coeff = [0.25 * 2 * np.pi] * N
        elif not isinstance(sx, list):
            self.sx_coeff = [sx * 2 * np.pi] * N
            self.sx_coeff = sx

        if sz is None:
            self.sz_coeff = [1.0 * 2 * np.pi] * N
        elif not isinstance(sz, list):
            self.sz_coeff = [sz * 2 * np.pi] * N
            self.sz_coeff = sz

        if sxsy is None:
            self.sxsy_coeff = [0.1 * 2 * np.pi] * (N - 1)
        elif not isinstance(sxsy, list):
            self.sxsy_coeff = [sxsy * 2 * np.pi] * (N - 1)
            self.sxsy_coeff = sxsy
Beispiel #4
def test_unitarity_known():
    Metrics: Unitarity for known cases.
    def case(q_oper, known_unitarity):
        assert_almost_equal(unitarity(q_oper), known_unitarity)

    yield case, to_super(sigmax()), 1.0
    yield case, sum(map(
        to_super, [qeye(2), sigmax(), sigmay(), sigmaz()]
    )) / 4, 0.0
    yield case, sum(map(
        to_super, [qeye(2), sigmax()]
    )) / 2, 1 / 3.0
Beispiel #5
    def test_known_iscptp(self):
        Superoperator: iscp, istp and iscptp known cases.
        # Check that unitaries are CPTP.
        # The partial transpose map, whose Choi matrix is SWAP, is TP but not
        # CP.
        W = Qobj(swap(), type='super', superrep='choi')
        assert_(not W.iscp)
        assert_(not W.iscptp)
        # Subnormalized maps (representing erasure channels, for instance)
        # can be CP but not TP.
        subnorm_map = Qobj(identity(4) * 0.9, type='super', superrep='super')
        assert_(not subnorm_map.istp)
        assert_(not subnorm_map.iscptp)

        # Check that things which aren't even operators aren't identified as
        # CPTP.
        assert_(not (basis(2).iscptp))
Beispiel #6
    def add_annotation(self, state_or_vector, text, **kwargs):
        """Add a text or LaTeX annotation to Bloch sphere,
        parametrized by a qubit state or a vector.

        state_or_vector : Qobj/array/list/tuple
            Position for the annotaion.
            Qobj of a qubit or a vector of 3 elements.

        text : str/unicode
            Annotation text.
            You can use LaTeX, but remember to use raw string
            e.g. r"$\\langle x \\rangle$"
            or escape backslashes
            e.g. "$\\\\langle x \\\\rangle$".

        **kwargs :
            Options as for mplot3d.axes3d.text, including:
            fontsize, color, horizontalalignment, verticalalignment.
        if isinstance(state_or_vector, Qobj):
            vec = [expect(sigmax(), state_or_vector),
                   expect(sigmay(), state_or_vector),
                   expect(sigmaz(), state_or_vector)]
        elif isinstance(state_or_vector, (list, ndarray, tuple)) \
                and len(state_or_vector) == 3:
            vec = state_or_vector
            raise Exception("Position needs to be specified by a qubit " +
                            "state or a 3D vector.")
        self.annotations.append({'position': vec,
                                 'text': text,
                                 'opts': kwargs})
Beispiel #7
    def testExpandGate3toN_permutation(self):
        gates: expand 3 to 3 with permuTation (using toffoli)
        for _p in itertools.permutations([0, 1, 2]):
            controls, target = [_p[0], _p[1]], _p[2]
            controls = [1, 2]
            target = 0

            p = [1, 2, 3]
            p[controls[0]] = 0
            p[controls[1]] = 1
            p[target] = 2

            U = toffoli(N=3, controls=controls, target=target)
            ops = [basis(2, 0).dag(),  basis(2, 0).dag(), identity(2)]
            P = tensor(ops[p[0]], ops[p[1]], ops[p[2]])
            assert_(P * U * P.dag() == identity(2))

            ops = [basis(2, 1).dag(),  basis(2, 0).dag(), identity(2)]
            P = tensor(ops[p[0]], ops[p[1]], ops[p[2]])
            assert_(P * U * P.dag() == identity(2))

            ops = [basis(2, 0).dag(),  basis(2, 1).dag(), identity(2)]
            P = tensor(ops[p[0]], ops[p[1]], ops[p[2]])
            assert_(P * U * P.dag() == identity(2))

            ops = [basis(2, 1).dag(),  basis(2, 1).dag(), identity(2)]
            P = tensor(ops[p[0]], ops[p[1]], ops[p[2]])
            assert_(P * U * P.dag() == sigmax())
Beispiel #8
 def test_stinespring_dims(self):
     Stinespring: Check that dims of channels are preserved.
     # FIXME: not the most general test, since this assumes a map
     #        from square matrices to square matrices on the same space.
     chan = super_tensor(to_super(sigmax()), to_super(qeye(3)))
     A, B = to_stinespring(chan)
     assert_equal(A.dims, [[2, 3, 1], [2, 3]])
     assert_equal(B.dims, [[2, 3, 1], [2, 3]])
Beispiel #9
    def case_is_clifford(self, U):
        paulis = (identity(2), sigmax(), sigmay(), sigmaz())

        for P in paulis:
            U_P = U * P * U.dag()
                self._prop_identity(U_P * Q)
                for Q in paulis
Beispiel #10
    def case_is_clifford(self, U):
        paulis = (identity(2), sigmax(), sigmay(), sigmaz())

        for P in paulis:
            U_P = U * P * U.dag()
            out = (np.any(
                np.array([self._prop_identity(U_P * Q) for Q in paulis])
        return out
Beispiel #11
def qubit_clifford_group(N=None, target=0):
    Generates the Clifford group on a single qubit,
    using the presentation of the group given by Ross and Selinger


    N : int or None
        Number of qubits on which each operator is to be defined
        (default: 1).
    target : int
        Index of the target qubit on which the single-qubit
        Clifford operators are to act.


    op : Qobj
        Clifford operators, represented as Qobj instances.

    # The Ross-Selinger presentation of the single-qubit Clifford
    # group expresses each element in the form C_{ijk} = E^i X^j S^k
    # for gates E, X and S, and for i in range(3), j in range(2) and
    # k in range(4).
    # We start by defining these gates. E is defined in terms of H,
    # \omega and S, so we define \omega and H first.
    w = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi / 8)
    H = snot()

    X = sigmax()
    S = phasegate(np.pi / 2)
    E = H * (S ** 3) * w ** 3

    for op in map(
          # partial(reduce, mul) returns a function that takes products of its argument,
          # by analogy to sum. Note that by analogy, sum can be written partial(reduce, add).
          partial(reduce, mul),
          # product(...) yields the Cartesian product of its arguments. Here, each element is
          # a tuple (E**i, X**j, S**k) such that partial(reduce, mul) acting on the tuple
          # yields E**i * X**j * S**k.
          product(_powers(E, 3), _powers(X, 2), _powers(S, 4))

        # Finally, we optionally expand the gate.
        if N is not None:
            yield gate_expand_1toN(op, N, target)
            yield op
Beispiel #12
 def TestUserNoise(self):
     Test for the user-defined noise object
     dr_noise = DriftNoise(sigmax())
     proc = Processor(1)
     proc.tlist = np.array([0, np.pi / 2.])
     result = proc.run_state(rho0=basis(2, 0))
     assert_allclose(fidelity(result.states[-1], basis(2, 1)),
Beispiel #13
    def test_chi_known(self):
        Superoperator: Chi-matrix for known cases is correct.
        def case(S, chi_expected, silent=True):
            chi_actual = to_chi(S)
            chiq = Qobj(chi_expected,
                        dims=[[[2], [2]], [[2], [2]]],
            if not silent:
            assert_almost_equal((chi_actual - chiq).norm('tr'), 0)

             [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]])
             [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]])
        case(qeye(2), [[4, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]])
        case((-1j * sigmax() * pi / 4).expm(),
             [[2, 2j, 0, 0], [-2j, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]])
Beispiel #14
 def add_states(self, state, kind="vector"):
     """Add a state vector Qobj to Bloch sphere.
     state : qobj
         Input state vector.
     kind : str {'vector','point'}
         Type of object to plot.
     if isinstance(state, Qobj):
         state = [state]
     for st in state:
         if kind == "vector":
             vec = [expect(sigmax(), st), expect(sigmay(), st), expect(sigmaz(), st)]
         elif kind == "point":
             pnt = [expect(sigmax(), st), expect(sigmay(), st), expect(sigmaz(), st)]
Beispiel #15
def test_QobjHerm():
    "Qobj Hermicity"
    N = 10
    data = np.random.random(
        (N, N)) + 1j * np.random.random((N, N)) - (0.5 + 0.5j)
    q = Qobj(data)
    assert_equal(q.isherm, False)

    data = data + data.conj().T
    q = Qobj(data)

    q_a = destroy(5)
    assert_(not q_a.isherm)

    q_ad = create(5)
    assert_(not q_ad.isherm)

    # test addition of two nonhermitian operators adding up to a hermitian one
    q_x = q_a + q_ad
    assert_hermicity(q_x, True)

    # test addition of one hermitan and one nonhermitian operator
    q = q_x + q_a
    assert_hermicity(q, False)

    # test addition of two hermitan operators
    q = q_x + q_x
    assert_hermicity(q, True)

    # Test multiplication of two Hermitian operators.
    # This results in a skew-Hermitian operator, so
    # we're checking here that __mul__ doesn't set wrong
    # metadata.
    q = sigmax() * sigmay()
    assert_hermicity(q, False, "Expected iZ = X * Y to be skew-Hermitian.")
    # Similarly, we need to check that -Z = X * iY is correctly
    # identified as Hermitian.
    q = sigmax() * (1j * sigmay())
    assert_hermicity(q, True, "Expected -Z = X * iY to be Hermitian.")
Beispiel #16
def test_QobjHerm():
    "Qobj Hermicity"
    N = 10
    data = np.random.random(
        (N, N)) + 1j * np.random.random((N, N)) - (0.5 + 0.5j)
    q = Qobj(data)
    assert_equal(q.isherm, False)

    data = data + data.conj().T
    q = Qobj(data)

    q_a = destroy(5)
    assert_(not q_a.isherm)

    q_ad = create(5)
    assert_(not q_ad.isherm)

    # test addition of two nonhermitian operators adding up to a hermitian one
    q_x = q_a + q_ad
    assert_hermicity(q_x, True)

    # test addition of one hermitan and one nonhermitian operator
    q = q_x + q_a
    assert_hermicity(q, False)

    # test addition of two hermitan operators
    q = q_x + q_x
    assert_hermicity(q, True)

    # Test multiplication of two Hermitian operators.
    # This results in a skew-Hermitian operator, so
    # we're checking here that __mul__ doesn't set wrong
    # metadata.
    q = sigmax() * sigmay()
    assert_hermicity(q, False, "Expected iZ = X * Y to be skew-Hermitian.")
    # Similarly, we need to check that -Z = X * iY is correctly
    # identified as Hermitian.
    q = sigmax() * (1j * sigmay())
    assert_hermicity(q, True, "Expected -Z = X * iY to be Hermitian.")
Beispiel #17
    def TestDecoherenceNoise(self):
        Test for the decoherence noise
        tlist = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
        coeffs = [np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])]

        # Time-dependent
        decnoise = DecoherenceNoise(sigmaz(),
        noise_list = decnoise.get_noise(2)
        assert_allclose(noise_list[0].ops[0].qobj, tensor(qeye(2), sigmaz()))
        assert_allclose(noise_list[0].ops[0].coeff, coeffs[0])
        assert_allclose(noise_list[0].tlist, tlist)

        # Time-indenpendent and all qubits
        decnoise = DecoherenceNoise(sigmax(), all_qubits=True)
        noise_list = decnoise.get_noise(2)
        assert_(tensor([qeye(2), sigmax()]) in noise_list)
        assert_(tensor([sigmax(), qeye(2)]) in noise_list)

        # Time-denpendent and all qubits
        decnoise = DecoherenceNoise(sigmax(),
                                    coeffs=coeffs * 2,
        noise_list = decnoise.get_noise(2)
        assert_allclose(noise_list[0].ops[0].qobj, tensor(sigmax(), qeye(2)))
        assert_allclose(noise_list[0].ops[0].coeff, coeffs[0])
        assert_allclose(noise_list[0].tlist, tlist)
        assert_allclose(noise_list[1].ops[0].qobj, tensor(qeye(2), sigmax()))
Beispiel #18
def TestNoisyPulse():
    Test for lindblad noise and different tlist
    coeff = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])
    tlist = np.array([0., 1., 2., 3.])
    ham = sigmaz()
    pulse1 = Pulse(ham, 1, tlist, coeff)
    # Add coherent noise and lindblad noise with different tlist
    pulse1.spline_kind = "step_func"
    tlist_noise = np.array([1., 2.5, 3.])
    coeff_noise = np.array([0.5, 0.1, 0.5])
    pulse1.add_coherent_noise(sigmay(), 0, tlist_noise, coeff_noise)
    tlist_noise2 = np.array([0.5, 2, 3.])
    coeff_noise2 = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
    pulse1.add_lindblad_noise(sigmax(), 1, coeff=True)
        sigmax(), 0, tlist=tlist_noise2, coeff=coeff_noise2)

        pulse1.get_ideal_qobjevo(2).ops[0].qobj, tensor(identity(2), sigmaz()))
    noise_qu, c_ops = pulse1.get_noisy_qobjevo(2)
    assert_allclose(noise_qu.tlist, np.array([0., 0.5,  1., 2., 2.5, 3.]))
    for ele in noise_qu.ops:
        if ele.qobj == tensor(identity(2), sigmaz()):
                ele.coeff, np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4]))
        elif ele.qobj == tensor(sigmay(), identity(2)):
                ele.coeff, np.array([0., 0., 0.5, 0.5, 0.1, 0.5]))
    for c_op in c_ops:
        if len(c_op.ops) == 0:
            assert_allclose(c_ops[0].cte, tensor(identity(2), sigmax()))
                c_ops[1].ops[0].qobj, tensor(sigmax(), identity(2)))
                c_ops[1].tlist, np.array([0., 0.5, 1., 2., 2.5, 3.]))
                c_ops[1].ops[0].coeff, np.array([0., 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3]))
Beispiel #19
def qubit_clifford_group(N=None, target=0):
    Generates the Clifford group on a single qubit,
    using the presentation of the group given by Ross and Selinger


    N : int or None
        Number of qubits on which each operator is to be defined
        (default: 1).
    target : int
        Index of the target qubit on which the single-qubit
        Clifford operators are to act.


    op : Qobj
        Clifford operators, represented as Qobj instances.

    # The Ross-Selinger presentation of the single-qubit Clifford
    # group expresses each element in the form C_{ijk} = E^i X^j S^k
    # for gates E, X and S, and for i in range(3), j in range(2) and
    # k in range(4).
    # We start by defining these gates. E is defined in terms of H,
    # \omega and S, so we define \omega and H first.
    w = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi / 8)
    H = snot()

    X = sigmax()
    S = phasegate(np.pi / 2)
    E = H * (S**3) * w**3

    for op in map(
            # partial(reduce, mul) returns a function that takes products of its argument,
            # by analogy to sum. Note that by analogy, sum can be written partial(reduce, add).
            partial(reduce, mul),
            # product(...) yields the Cartesian product of its arguments. Here, each element is
            # a tuple (E**i, X**j, S**k) such that partial(reduce, mul) acting on the tuple
            # yields E**i * X**j * S**k.
            product(_powers(E, 3), _powers(X, 2), _powers(S, 4))):

        # Finally, we optionally expand the gate.
        if N is not None:
            yield gate_expand_1toN(op, N, target)
            yield op
Beispiel #20
 def TestChooseSolver(self):
     # setup and fidelity without noise
     init_state = qubit_states(2, [0, 0, 0, 0])
     tlist = np.array([0., np.pi/2.])
     a = destroy(2)
     proc = Processor(N=2)
     proc.add_control(sigmax(), targets=1)
     proc.pulses[0].tlist = tlist
     proc.pulses[0].coeff = np.array([1])
     result = proc.run_state(init_state=init_state, solver="mcsolve")
         fidelity(result.states[-1], qubit_states(2, [0, 1, 0, 0])),
         1, rtol=1.e-7) 
Beispiel #21
    def testExpectSolverCompatibility(self):
        expect: operator list and state list
        c_ops = [0.0001 * sigmaz()]
        e_ops = [sigmax(), sigmay(), sigmaz(), sigmam(), sigmap()]
        times = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)

        res1 = mesolve(sigmax(), fock(2, 0), times, c_ops, e_ops)
        res2 = mesolve(sigmax(), fock(2, 0), times, c_ops, [])

        e1 = res1.expect
        e2 = expect(e_ops, res2.states)

        assert_(len(e1) == len(e2))

        for n in range(len(e1)):
            assert_(len(e1[n]) == len(e2[n]))
            assert_(isinstance(e1[n], np.ndarray))
            assert_(isinstance(e2[n], np.ndarray))
            assert_(e1[n].dtype == e2[n].dtype)
            assert_(all(abs(e1[n] - e2[n]) < 1e-12))
Beispiel #22
    def testExpectSolverCompatibility(self):
        expect: operator list and state list
        c_ops = [0.0001 * sigmaz()]
        e_ops = [sigmax(), sigmay(), sigmaz(), sigmam(), sigmap()]
        times = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)

        res1 = mesolve(sigmax(), fock(2, 0), times, c_ops, e_ops)
        res2 = mesolve(sigmax(), fock(2, 0), times, c_ops, [])

        e1 = res1.expect
        e2 = expect(e_ops, res2.states)

        assert_(len(e1) == len(e2))

        for n in range(len(e1)):
            assert_(len(e1[n]) == len(e2[n]))
            assert_(isinstance(e1[n], np.ndarray))
            assert_(isinstance(e2[n], np.ndarray))
            assert_(e1[n].dtype == e2[n].dtype)
            assert_(all(abs(e1[n] - e2[n]) < 1e-12))
Beispiel #23
 def test_user_defined_noise(self):
     Test for the user-defined noise object
     dr_noise = DriftNoise(sigmax())
     proc = Processor(1)
     tlist = np.array([0, np.pi / 2.])
     proc.add_pulse(Pulse(identity(2), 0, tlist, False))
     result = proc.run_state(init_state=basis(2, 0))
     assert_allclose(fidelity(result.states[-1], basis(2, 1)),
Beispiel #24
    def TestControlAmpNoise(self):
        Test for the control amplitude noise
        tlist = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
        coeff = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])

        # use external operators and no expansion
        dummy_qobjevo = QobjEvo(sigmaz(), tlist=tlist)
        connoise = ControlAmpNoise(ops=sigmax(), coeffs=[coeff], tlist=tlist)
        noise = connoise.get_noise(N=1, proc_qobjevo=dummy_qobjevo)
        assert_allclose(noise.ops[0].qobj, sigmax())
        assert_allclose(noise.tlist, tlist)
        assert_allclose(noise.ops[0].coeff, coeff)

        dummy_qobjevo = QobjEvo(tensor([sigmaz(), sigmaz()]), tlist=tlist)
        connoise = ControlAmpNoise(ops=[sigmay()],
        noise = connoise.get_noise(N=2, proc_qobjevo=dummy_qobjevo)
        assert_allclose(noise.ops[0].qobj, tensor([qeye(2), sigmay()]))

        # use external operators with expansion
        dummy_qobjevo = QobjEvo(sigmaz(), tlist=tlist)
        connoise = ControlAmpNoise(ops=sigmaz(),
                                   coeffs=[coeff] * 2,
        noise = connoise.get_noise(N=2, proc_qobjevo=dummy_qobjevo)
        assert_allclose(noise.ops[0].qobj, tensor([sigmaz(), qeye(2)]))
        assert_allclose(noise.ops[1].qobj, tensor([qeye(2), sigmaz()]))

        # use proc_qobjevo
        proc_qobjevo = QobjEvo([[sigmaz(), coeff]], tlist=tlist)
        connoise = ControlAmpNoise(coeffs=[coeff], tlist=tlist)
        noise = connoise.get_noise(N=2, proc_qobjevo=proc_qobjevo)
        assert_allclose(noise.ops[0].qobj, sigmaz())
        assert_allclose(noise.ops[0].coeff, coeff[0])
Beispiel #25
def x_gate(N=None, target=0):
    """Pauli-X gate or sigmax operator.

    result : :class:`qutip.Qobj`
        Quantum object for operator describing
        a single-qubit rotation through pi radians around the x-axis.

    if N is not None:
        return gate_expand_1toN(x_gate(), N, target)
    return sigmax()
Beispiel #26
    def set_up_ops(self, N):
        Generate the Hamiltonians for the spinchain model and save them in the
        attribute `ctrls`.

        N: int
            The number of qubits in the system.
        # sx_ops
        for m in range(N):
                Pulse(sigmax(), m, spline_kind=self.spline_kind))
        # sz_ops
        for m in range(N):
                Pulse(sigmaz(), m, spline_kind=self.spline_kind))
        # sxsy_ops
        operator = tensor([sigmax(), sigmax()]) + tensor([sigmay(), sigmay()])
        for n in range(N - 1):
                Pulse(operator, [n, n+1], spline_kind=self.spline_kind))
    def add_states(self, state, kind='vector'):
        """Add a state vector Qobj to Bloch sphere.

        state : qobj
            Input state vector.

        kind : str {'vector','point'}
            Type of object to plot.

        if isinstance(state, Qobj):
            state = [state]
        for st in state:
            if kind == 'vector':
                vec = [expect(sigmax(), st), expect(sigmay(), st),
                       expect(sigmaz(), st)]
            elif kind == 'point':
                pnt = [expect(sigmax(), st), expect(sigmay(), st),
                       expect(sigmaz(), st)]
Beispiel #28
    def TestNoise(self):
        Test for Processor with noise
        # setup and fidelity without noise
        rho0 = qubit_states(2, [0, 0, 0, 0])
        tlist = np.array([0., np.pi / 2.])
        a = destroy(2)
        proc = Processor(N=2)
        proc.tlist = tlist
        proc.coeffs = np.array([1]).reshape((1, 1))
        proc.add_ctrl(sigmax(), targets=1)
        result = proc.run_state(rho0=rho0)
                                 qubit_states(2, [0, 1, 0, 0])),

        # decoherence noise
        dec_noise = DecoherenceNoise([0.25 * a], targets=1)
        result = proc.run_state(rho0=rho0)
                                 qubit_states(2, [0, 1, 0, 0])),

        # white noise with internal/external operators
        proc.noise = []
        white_noise = RandomNoise(loc=0.1, scale=0.1)
        result = proc.run_state(rho0=rho0)

        proc.noise = []
        white_noise = RandomNoise(loc=0.1, scale=0.1, ops=sigmax(), targets=1)
        result = proc.run_state(rho0=rho0)
Beispiel #29
    def testPulseConstructor(self):
        Test for creating empty Pulse, Pulse with constant coefficients etc.
        coeff = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])
        tlist = np.array([0., 1., 2., 3.])
        ham = sigmaz()
        # Special ways of initializing pulse
        pulse2 = Pulse(sigmax(), 0, tlist, True)
            tensor(sigmax(), identity(2)))

        pulse3 = Pulse(sigmay(), 0)
        assert_allclose(pulse3.get_ideal_qobjevo(2).cte.norm(), 0.)

        pulse4 = Pulse(None, None)  # Dummy empty ham
        assert_allclose(pulse4.get_ideal_qobjevo(2).cte.norm(), 0.)

        tlist_noise = np.array([1., 2.5, 3.])
        coeff_noise = np.array([0.5, 0.1, 0.5])
        tlist_noise2 = np.array([0.5, 2, 3.])
        coeff_noise2 = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
        # Pulse with different dims
        random_qobj = Qobj(np.random.random((3, 3)))
        pulse5 = Pulse(sigmaz(), 1, tlist, True)
        pulse5.add_coherent_noise(sigmay(), 1, tlist_noise, coeff_noise)
        qu, c_ops = pulse5.get_noisy_qobjevo(dims=[3, 2])
        assert_allclose(qu.ops[0].qobj, tensor([identity(3), sigmaz()]))
        assert_allclose(qu.ops[1].qobj, tensor([identity(3), sigmay()]))
                        tensor([random_qobj, identity(2)]))
Beispiel #30
    def test_chi_known(self):
        Superoperator: Chi-matrix for known cases is correct.
        def case(S, chi_expected, silent=True):
            chi_actual = to_chi(S)
            chiq = Qobj(chi_expected, dims=[[[2], [2]], [[2], [2]]], superrep='chi')
            if not silent:
            assert_almost_equal((chi_actual - chiq).norm('tr'), 0)

        yield case, sigmax(), [
            [0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 4, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0]
        yield case, to_super(sigmax()), [
            [0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 4, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0]
        yield case, qeye(2), [
            [4, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0]
        yield case, (-1j * sigmax() * pi / 4).expm(), [
            [2, 2j, 0, 0],
            [-2j, 2, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0]
Beispiel #31
def _spin_hamiltonian(N):
    from qutip.tensor import tensor
    from qutip.operators import qeye, sigmax, sigmay, sigmaz
    # array of spin energy splittings and coupling strengths. here we use
    # uniform parameters, but in general we don't have too
    h  = 1.0 * 2 * np.pi * np.ones(N) 
    Jz = 0.1 * 2 * np.pi * np.ones(N)
    Jx = 0.1 * 2 * np.pi * np.ones(N)
    Jy = 0.1 * 2 * np.pi * np.ones(N)
    # dephasing rate
    gamma = 0.01 * np.ones(N)

    si = qeye(2)
    sx = sigmax()
    sy = sigmay()
    sz = sigmaz()

    sx_list = []
    sy_list = []
    sz_list = []

    for n in range(N):
        op_list = []
        for m in range(N):

        op_list[n] = sx

        op_list[n] = sy

        op_list[n] = sz

    # construct the hamiltonian
    H = 0

    # energy splitting terms
    for n in range(N):
        H += - 0.5 * h[n] * sz_list[n]

    # interaction terms
    for n in range(N-1):
        H += - 0.5 * Jx[n] * sx_list[n] * sx_list[n+1]
        H += - 0.5 * Jy[n] * sy_list[n] * sy_list[n+1]
        H += - 0.5 * Jz[n] * sz_list[n] * sz_list[n+1]
    return H
Beispiel #32
def _spin_hamiltonian(N):
    from qutip.tensor import tensor
    from qutip.operators import qeye, sigmax, sigmay, sigmaz
    # array of spin energy splittings and coupling strengths. here we use
    # uniform parameters, but in general we don't have too
    h = 1.0 * 2 * np.pi * np.ones(N)
    Jz = 0.1 * 2 * np.pi * np.ones(N)
    Jx = 0.1 * 2 * np.pi * np.ones(N)
    Jy = 0.1 * 2 * np.pi * np.ones(N)
    # dephasing rate
    gamma = 0.01 * np.ones(N)

    si = qeye(2)
    sx = sigmax()
    sy = sigmay()
    sz = sigmaz()

    sx_list = []
    sy_list = []
    sz_list = []

    for n in range(N):
        op_list = []
        for m in range(N):

        op_list[n] = sx

        op_list[n] = sy

        op_list[n] = sz

    # construct the hamiltonian
    H = 0

    # energy splitting terms
    for n in range(N):
        H += -0.5 * h[n] * sz_list[n]

    # interaction terms
    for n in range(N - 1):
        H += -0.5 * Jx[n] * sx_list[n] * sx_list[n + 1]
        H += -0.5 * Jy[n] * sy_list[n] * sy_list[n + 1]
        H += -0.5 * Jz[n] * sz_list[n] * sz_list[n + 1]
    return H
Beispiel #33
def test_heom():
    heom: Tests the HEOM method.
    Q = sigmax()
    wq = 1.0
    lam, gamma, w0 = 0.2, 0.05, 1.0
    tlist = np.linspace(0, 200, 1000)
    Nc = 9
    # zero temperature case
    beta = np.inf

    Hsys = 0.5 * wq * sigmaz()
    initial_ket = basis(2, 1)
    rho0 = initial_ket * initial_ket.dag()
    omega = np.sqrt(w0 ** 2 - (gamma / 2.0) ** 2)
    a = omega + 1j * gamma / 2.0

    lam_coeff = lam ** 2 / (2 * (omega))

    options = Options(nsteps=1500, store_states=True, atol=1e-12, rtol=1e-12)

    ck1, vk1 = nonmatsubara_exponents(lam, gamma, w0, beta)
    mats_data_zero = matsubara_zero_analytical(lam, gamma, w0, tlist)
    ck20, vk20 = biexp_fit(tlist, mats_data_zero)

    hsolver = HeomUB(
        np.concatenate([ck1, ck20]),
        np.concatenate([-vk1, -vk20]),

    output = hsolver.solve(rho0, tlist)
    result = np.real(expect(output.states, sigmaz()))

    # Ignore Matsubara
    hsolver2 = HeomUB(Hsys, Q, lam_coeff, ck1, -vk1, ncut=Nc)
    output2 = hsolver2.solve(rho0, tlist)
    result2 = np.real(expect(output2.states, sigmaz()))

    steady_state_error = np.abs(result[-1] - result2[-1])
    assert_(steady_state_error > 0.0)
Beispiel #34
def test_QobjUnitaryOper():
    "Qobj unitarity"
    # Check some standard operators
    Sx = sigmax()
    Sy = sigmay()
    assert_unitarity(qeye(4), True)
    assert_unitarity(Sx, True)
    assert_unitarity(Sy, True)
    assert_unitarity(sigmam(), False)
    assert_unitarity(destroy(10), False)
    # Check multiplcation of unitary is unitary
    assert_unitarity(Sx * Sy, True)
    # Check some other operations clear unitarity
    assert_unitarity(Sx + Sy, False)
    assert_unitarity(4 * Sx, False)
    assert_unitarity(Sx * 4, False)
    assert_unitarity(4 + Sx, False)
    assert_unitarity(Sx + 4, False)
Beispiel #35
    def __init__(self, N, correct_global_phase=True,
                 sx=None, sz=None, sxsy=None):

        super(CircularSpinChain, self).__init__(N, correct_global_phase,
                                                sx, sz, sxsy)

        x = [identity(2)] * N
        x[0] = x[N - 1] = sigmax()
        y = [identity(2)] * N
        y[0] = y[N - 1] = sigmay()
        self.sxsy_ops.append(tensor(x) + tensor(y))

        if sxsy is None:
            self.sxsy_coeff = [0.1 * 2 * np.pi] * N
        elif not isinstance(sxsy, list):
            self.sxsy_coeff = [sxsy * 2 * np.pi] * N
            self.sxsy_coeff = sxsy
Beispiel #36
def test_QobjUnitaryOper():
    "Qobj unitarity"
    # Check some standard operators
    Sx = sigmax()
    Sy = sigmay()
    assert_unitarity(qeye(4), True, "qeye(4) should be unitary.")
    assert_unitarity(Sx, True, "sigmax() should be unitary.")
    assert_unitarity(Sy, True, "sigmax() should be unitary.")
    assert_unitarity(sigmam(), False, "sigmam() should NOT be unitary.")
    assert_unitarity(destroy(10), False, "destroy(10) should NOT be unitary.")
    # Check multiplcation of unitary is unitary
    assert_unitarity(Sx*Sy, True, "sigmax()*sigmay() should be unitary.")
    # Check some other operations clear unitarity
    assert_unitarity(Sx+Sy, False, "sigmax()+sigmay() should NOT be unitary.")
    assert_unitarity(4*Sx, False, "4*sigmax() should NOT be unitary.")
    assert_unitarity(Sx*4, False, "sigmax()*4 should NOT be unitary.")
    assert_unitarity(4+Sx, False, "4+sigmax() should NOT be unitary.")
    assert_unitarity(Sx+4, False, "sigmax()+4 should NOT be unitary.")
Beispiel #37
def test_QobjUnitaryOper():
    "Qobj unitarity"
    # Check some standard operators
    Sx = sigmax()
    Sy = sigmay()
    assert_unitarity(qeye(4), True, "qeye(4) should be unitary.")
    assert_unitarity(Sx, True, "sigmax() should be unitary.")
    assert_unitarity(Sy, True, "sigmax() should be unitary.")
    assert_unitarity(sigmam(), False, "sigmam() should NOT be unitary.")
    assert_unitarity(destroy(10), False, "destroy(10) should NOT be unitary.")
    # Check multiplcation of unitary is unitary
    assert_unitarity(Sx*Sy, True, "sigmax()*sigmay() should be unitary.")
    # Check some other operations clear unitarity
    assert_unitarity(Sx+Sy, False, "sigmax()+sigmay() should NOT be unitary.")
    assert_unitarity(4*Sx, False, "4*sigmax() should NOT be unitary.")
    assert_unitarity(Sx*4, False, "sigmax()*4 should NOT be unitary.")
    assert_unitarity(4+Sx, False, "4+sigmax() should NOT be unitary.")
    assert_unitarity(Sx+4, False, "sigmax()+4 should NOT be unitary.")
Beispiel #38
 def test_dnorm_qubit_simple_known_cases(self):
     Metrics: check agreement for known qubit channels.
     id_chan = to_choi(qeye(2))
     X_chan = to_choi(sigmax())
     depol = to_choi(
         Qobj(diag(ones((4, ))),
              dims=[[[2], [2]], [[2], [2]]],
     # We need to restrict the number of iterations for things on the
     # boundary, such as perfectly distinguishable channels.
     assert 2 == pytest.approx(dnorm(id_chan, X_chan), abs=1e-7)
     assert 1.5 == pytest.approx(dnorm(id_chan, depol), abs=1e-7)
     # Finally, we add a known case from Johnston's QETLAB documentation,
     #   || Phi - I ||_♢,
     # where Phi(X) = UXU⁺ and U = [[1, 1], [-1, 1]] / sqrt(2).
     assert np.sqrt(2) == pytest.approx(
         dnorm(Qobj([[1, 1], [-1, 1]]) / np.sqrt(2), qeye(2)))
Beispiel #39
def dict_to_qutip(dictH):
    Converts ising H to QuTip Hz and makes QuTip Hx of D-Wave
    in the process to avoid redundant function calls.
    # make useful operators
    X = qto.sigmax()
    Z = qto.sigmaz()
    nqbits = len([key for key in dictH.keys() if key[0] == key[1]])
    Hx = sum([nqubit_1pauli(X, m, nqbits) for m in range(nqbits)])
    zeros = [qto.qzero(2) for m in range(nqbits)]
    Hz = qt.tensor(*zeros)

    for key, value in dictH.items():
        if key[0] == key[1]:
            Hz += value*nqubit_1pauli(Z, key[0], nqbits)
            Hz += value*nqubit_2pauli(Z, Z, key[0], key[1], nqbits)

    return [Hz, Hx]
Beispiel #40
    def testOperatorListStateList(self):
        expect: operator list and state list
        operators = [sigmax(), sigmay(), sigmaz(), sigmam(), sigmap()]
        states = [fock(2, 0), fock(2, 1), fock_dm(2, 0), fock_dm(2, 1)]
        res = expect(operators, states)

        assert_(len(res) == len(operators))

        for r_idx, r in enumerate(res):

            assert_(isinstance(r, np.ndarray))

            if operators[r_idx].isherm:
                assert_(r.dtype == np.float64)
                assert_(r.dtype == np.complex128)

            for s_idx, s in enumerate(states):
                assert_(r[s_idx] == expect(operators[r_idx], states[s_idx]))
Beispiel #41
    def testOperatorListStateList(self):
        expect: operator list and state list
        operators = [sigmax(), sigmay(), sigmaz(), sigmam(), sigmap()]
        states = [fock(2, 0), fock(2, 1), fock_dm(2, 0), fock_dm(2, 1)]
        res = expect(operators, states)

        assert_(len(res) == len(operators))

        for r_idx, r in enumerate(res):

            assert_(isinstance(r, np.ndarray))

            if operators[r_idx].isherm:
                assert_(r.dtype == np.float64)
                assert_(r.dtype == np.complex128)

            for s_idx, s in enumerate(states):
                assert_(r[s_idx] == expect(operators[r_idx], states[s_idx]))
Beispiel #42
    def add_annotation(self, state_or_vector, text, **kwargs):
        Add a text or LaTeX annotation to Bloch sphere, parametrized by a qubit
        state or a vector.

        state_or_vector : Qobj/array/list/tuple
            Position for the annotaion.
            Qobj of a qubit or a vector of 3 elements.

        text : str
            Annotation text.
            You can use LaTeX, but remember to use raw string
            e.g. r"$\\langle x \\rangle$"
            or escape backslashes
            e.g. "$\\\\langle x \\\\rangle$".

        kwargs :
            Options as for mplot3d.axes3d.text, including:
            fontsize, color, horizontalalignment, verticalalignment.

        if isinstance(state_or_vector, Qobj):
            vec = [
                expect(sigmax(), state_or_vector),
                expect(sigmay(), state_or_vector),
                expect(sigmaz(), state_or_vector)
        elif isinstance(state_or_vector, (list, ndarray, tuple)) \
                and len(state_or_vector) == 3:
            vec = state_or_vector
            raise Exception("Position needs to be specified by a qubit " +
                            "state or a 3D vector.")
            'position': vec,
            'text': text,
            'opts': kwargs
    def __init__(self,

        super(CircularSpinChain, self).__init__(N, correct_global_phase, sx,
                                                sz, sxsy)

        x = [identity(2)] * N
        x[0] = x[N - 1] = sigmax()
        y = [identity(2)] * N
        y[0] = y[N - 1] = sigmay()
        self.sxsy_ops.append(tensor(x) + tensor(y))

        if sxsy is None:
            self.sxsy_coeff = [0.1 * 2 * np.pi] * N
        elif not isinstance(sxsy, list):
            self.sxsy_coeff = [sxsy * 2 * np.pi] * N
            self.sxsy_coeff = sxsy
Beispiel #44
    def test_multi_gates(self):
        N = 2
        H_d = tensor([sigmaz()] * 2)
        H_c = []

        test = OptPulseProcessor(N)
        test.add_drift(H_d, [0, 1])
        test.add_control(sigmax(), cyclic_permutation=True)
        test.add_control(sigmay(), cyclic_permutation=True)
        test.add_control(tensor([sigmay(), sigmay()]))

        # qubits circuit with 3 gates
        setting_args = {
            "SNOT": {
                "num_tslots": 10,
                "evo_time": 1
            "SWAP": {
                "num_tslots": 30,
                "evo_time": 3
            "CNOT": {
                "num_tslots": 30,
                "evo_time": 3
        qc = QubitCircuit(N)
        qc.add_gate("SNOT", 0)
        qc.add_gate("SWAP", targets=[0, 1])
        qc.add_gate('CNOT', controls=1, targets=[0])
        test.load_circuit(qc, setting_args=setting_args, merge_gates=False)

        rho0 = rand_ket(4)  # use random generated ket state
        rho0.dims = [[2, 2], [1, 1]]
        U = gate_sequence_product(qc.propagators())
        rho1 = U * rho0
        result = test.run_state(rho0)
        assert_(fidelity(result.states[-1], rho1) > 1 - 1.0e-6)
Beispiel #45
    def set_up_ops(self, N):
        Generate the Hamiltonians for the spinchain model and save them in the
        attribute `ctrls`.

        N: int
            The number of qubits in the system.
        self.pulse_dict = {}
        index = 0
        # single qubit terms
        for m in range(N):
                Pulse(sigmax(), [m + 1], spline_kind=self.spline_kind))
            self.pulse_dict["sx" + str(m)] = index
            index += 1
        for m in range(N):
                Pulse(sigmaz(), [m + 1], spline_kind=self.spline_kind))
            self.pulse_dict["sz" + str(m)] = index
            index += 1
        # coupling terms
        a = tensor([destroy(self.num_levels)] +
                   [identity(2) for n in range(N)])
        for n in range(N):
            sm = tensor(
                [identity(self.num_levels)] +
                [destroy(2) if m == n else identity(2) for m in range(N)])
                Pulse(a.dag() * sm + a * sm.dag(),
                      list(range(N + 1)),
            self.pulse_dict["g" + str(n)] = index
            index += 1
Beispiel #46
    def test_decoherence_noise(self):
        Test for the decoherence noise
        tlist = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
        coeff = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])

        # Time-dependent
        decnoise = DecoherenceNoise(sigmaz(),
        dims = [2] * 2
        pulses, systematic_noise = decnoise.get_noisy_dynamics(dims=dims)
        noisy_qu, c_ops = systematic_noise.get_noisy_qobjevo(dims=dims)
        assert_allclose(c_ops[0].ops[0].qobj, tensor(qeye(2), sigmaz()))
        assert_allclose(c_ops[0].ops[0].coeff, coeff)
        assert_allclose(c_ops[0].tlist, tlist)

        # Time-indenpendent and all qubits
        decnoise = DecoherenceNoise(sigmax(), all_qubits=True)
        pulses, systematic_noise = decnoise.get_noisy_dynamics(dims=dims)
        noisy_qu, c_ops = systematic_noise.get_noisy_qobjevo(dims=dims)
        c_ops = [qu.cte for qu in c_ops]
        assert_(tensor([qeye(2), sigmax()]) in c_ops)
        assert_(tensor([sigmax(), qeye(2)]) in c_ops)

        # Time-denpendent and all qubits
        decnoise = DecoherenceNoise(sigmax(),
                                    coeff=coeff * 2,
        pulses, systematic_noise = decnoise.get_noisy_dynamics(dims=dims)
        noisy_qu, c_ops = systematic_noise.get_noisy_qobjevo(dims=dims)
        assert_allclose(c_ops[0].ops[0].qobj, tensor(sigmax(), qeye(2)))
        assert_allclose(c_ops[0].ops[0].coeff, coeff * 2)
        assert_allclose(c_ops[0].tlist, tlist)
        assert_allclose(c_ops[1].ops[0].qobj, tensor(qeye(2), sigmax()))
Beispiel #47
def test_dnorm_qubit_known_cases():
    Metrics: check agreement for known qubit channels.
    def case(chan1, chan2, expected, significant=4):
        # We again take a generous tolerance so that we don't kill off
        # SCS solvers.
            dnorm(chan1, chan2), expected,

    id_chan = to_choi(qeye(2))
    S_eye = to_super(id_chan)
    X_chan = to_choi(sigmax())
    depol = to_choi(Qobj(
        dims=[[[2], [2]], [[2], [2]]], superrep='chi'
    S_H = to_super(hadamard_transform())

    W = swap()

    # We need to restrict the number of iterations for things on the boundary,
    # such as perfectly distinguishable channels.
    yield case, id_chan, X_chan, 2
    yield case, id_chan, depol, 1.5

    # Next, we'll generate some test cases based on comparisons to pre-existing
    # dnorm() implementations. In particular, the targets for the following
    # test cases were generated using QuantumUtils for MATLAB (

    def overrotation(x):
        return to_super((1j * np.pi * x * sigmax() / 2).expm())

    for x, target in {
        1.000000e-03: 3.141591e-03,
        3.100000e-03: 9.738899e-03,
        1.000000e-02: 3.141463e-02,
        3.100000e-02: 9.735089e-02,
        1.000000e-01: 3.128689e-01,
        3.100000e-01: 9.358596e-01
        yield case, overrotation(x), id_chan, target

    def had_mixture(x):
        return (1 - x) * S_eye + x * S_H

    for x, target in {
        1.000000e-03: 2.000000e-03,
        3.100000e-03: 6.200000e-03,
        1.000000e-02: 2.000000e-02,
        3.100000e-02: 6.200000e-02,
        1.000000e-01: 2.000000e-01,
        3.100000e-01: 6.200000e-01
        yield case, had_mixture(x), id_chan, target

    def swap_map(x):
        S = (1j * x * W).expm()
        S._type = None
        S.dims = [[[2], [2]], [[2], [2]]]
        S.superrep = 'super'
        return S

    for x, target in {
        1.000000e-03: 2.000000e-03,
        3.100000e-03: 6.199997e-03,
        1.000000e-02: 1.999992e-02,
        3.100000e-02: 6.199752e-02,
        1.000000e-01: 1.999162e-01,
        3.100000e-01: 6.173918e-01
        yield case, swap_map(x), id_chan, target

    # Finally, we add a known case from Johnston's QETLAB documentation,
    # || Phi - I ||,_♢ where Phi(X) = UXU⁺ and U = [[1, 1], [-1, 1]] / sqrt(2).
    yield case, Qobj([[1, 1], [-1, 1]]) / np.sqrt(2), qeye(2), np.sqrt(2)
Beispiel #48
    CPTP, expand to arbitrary dimensional systems, etc.
    return Qobj(dims=[[[2], [2]], [[2], [2]]],
                inpt=array([[1. - pe / 2., 0., 0., 1. - pe],
                            [0., pe / 2., 0., 0.],
                            [0., 0., pe / 2., 0.],
                            [1. - pe, 0., 0., 1. - pe / 2.]]),

# CHANGE OF BASIS FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------
# These functions find change of basis matrices, and are useful in converting
# between (for instance) Choi and chi matrices. At some point, these should
# probably be moved out to another module.

_SINGLE_QUBIT_PAULI_BASIS = (identity(2), sigmax(), sigmay(), sigmaz())

def _pauli_basis(nq=1):
    # NOTE: This is slow as can be.
    # TODO: Make this sparse. CSR format was causing problems for the [idx, :]
    #       slicing below.
    B = zeros((4 ** nq, 4 ** nq), dtype=complex)
    dims = [[[2] * nq] * 2] * 2

    for idx, op in enumerate(starmap(tensor,
        B[:, idx] = operator_to_vector(op).dag().data.todense()

    return Qobj(B, dims=dims)
Beispiel #49
    TODO: if this is going into production (hopefully it isn't) then check
    CPTP, expand to arbitrary dimensional systems, etc.
    return Qobj(dims=[[[2], [2]], [[2], [2]]],
                inpt=array([[1. - pe / 2., 0., 0., 1. - pe],
                            [0., pe / 2., 0., 0.], [0., 0., pe / 2., 0.],
                            [1. - pe, 0., 0., 1. - pe / 2.]]),

# CHANGE OF BASIS FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------
# These functions find change of basis matrices, and are useful in converting
# between (for instance) Choi and chi matrices. At some point, these should
# probably be moved out to another module.

_SINGLE_QUBIT_PAULI_BASIS = (identity(2), sigmax(), sigmay(), sigmaz())

def _pauli_basis(nq=1):
    # NOTE: This is slow as can be.
    # TODO: Make this sparse. CSR format was causing problems for the [idx, :]
    #       slicing below.
    B = zeros((4**nq, 4**nq), dtype=complex)
    dims = [[[2] * nq] * 2] * 2

    for idx, op in enumerate(
            starmap(tensor, product(_SINGLE_QUBIT_PAULI_BASIS, repeat=nq))):
        B[:, idx] = operator_to_vector(op).dag().full()

    return Qobj(B, dims=dims)
Beispiel #50
    def test_known_iscptp(self):
        Superoperator: ishp, iscp, istp and iscptp known cases.
        def case(qobj, shouldhp, shouldcp, shouldtp):
            hp = qobj.ishp
            cp = qobj.iscp
            tp = qobj.istp
            cptp = qobj.iscptp

            shouldcptp = shouldcp and shouldtp

            if (
                hp == shouldhp and
                cp == shouldcp and
                tp == shouldtp and
                cptp == shouldcptp

            fails = []
            if hp != shouldhp:
                fails.append(("ishp", shouldhp, hp))
            if tp != shouldtp:
                fails.append(("istp", shouldtp, tp))
            if cp != shouldcp:
                fails.append(("iscp", shouldcp, cp))
            if cptp != shouldcptp:
                fails.append(("iscptp", shouldcptp, cptp))

            raise AssertionError("Expected {}.".format(" and ".join([
                "{} == {} (got {})".format(fail, expected, got)
                for fail, expected, got in fails

        # Conjugation by a creation operator should
        # have be CP (and hence HP), but not TP.
        a = create(2).dag()
        S = sprepost(a, a.dag())
        yield case, S, True, True, False

        # A single off-diagonal element should not be CP,
        # nor even HP.
        S = sprepost(a, a)
        yield case, S, False, False, False
        # Check that unitaries are CPTP and HP.
        yield case, identity(2), True, True, True
        yield case, sigmax(), True, True, True

        # The partial transpose map, whose Choi matrix is SWAP, is TP
        # and HP but not CP (one negative eigenvalue).
        W = Qobj(swap(), type='super', superrep='choi')
        yield case, W, True, False, True

        # Subnormalized maps (representing erasure channels, for instance)
        # can be CP but not TP.
        subnorm_map = Qobj(identity(4) * 0.9, type='super', superrep='super')
        yield case, subnorm_map, True, True, False

        # Check that things which aren't even operators aren't identified as
        # CPTP.
        yield case, basis(2), False, False, False
Beispiel #51
 def overrotation(x):
     return to_super((1j * np.pi * x * sigmax() / 2).expm())
Beispiel #52
 def set_up_ops(self, N):
     super(CircularSpinChain, self).set_up_ops(N)
     operator = tensor([sigmax(), sigmax()]) + tensor([sigmay(), sigmay()])
         Pulse(operator, [N-1, 0], spline_kind=self.spline_kind))
     self.pulse_dict["g" + str(N-1)] = len(self.pulses) - 1
Beispiel #53
    def test_known_iscptp(self):
        Superoperator: ishp, iscp, istp and iscptp known cases.
        def case(qobj, shouldhp, shouldcp, shouldtp):
            hp = qobj.ishp
            cp = qobj.iscp
            tp = qobj.istp
            cptp = qobj.iscptp

            shouldcptp = shouldcp and shouldtp

            if (hp == shouldhp and cp == shouldcp and tp == shouldtp
                    and cptp == shouldcptp):

            fails = []
            if hp != shouldhp:
                fails.append(("ishp", shouldhp, hp))
            if tp != shouldtp:
                fails.append(("istp", shouldtp, tp))
            if cp != shouldcp:
                fails.append(("iscp", shouldcp, cp))
            if cptp != shouldcptp:
                fails.append(("iscptp", shouldcptp, cptp))

            raise AssertionError("Expected {}.".format(" and ".join([
                "{} == {} (got {})".format(fail, expected, got)
                for fail, expected, got in fails

        # Conjugation by a creation operator should
        # have be CP (and hence HP), but not TP.
        a = create(2).dag()
        S = sprepost(a, a.dag())
        case(S, True, True, False)

        # A single off-diagonal element should not be CP,
        # nor even HP.
        S = sprepost(a, a)
        case(S, False, False, False)

        # Check that unitaries are CPTP and HP.
        case(identity(2), True, True, True)
        case(sigmax(), True, True, True)

        # Check that unitaries on bipartite systems are CPTP and HP.
        case(tensor(sigmax(), identity(2)), True, True, True)

        # Check that a linear combination of bipartitie unitaries is CPTP and HP.
        S = (to_super(tensor(sigmax(), identity(2))) +
             to_super(tensor(identity(2), sigmay()))) / 2
        case(S, True, True, True)

        # The partial transpose map, whose Choi matrix is SWAP, is TP
        # and HP but not CP (one negative eigenvalue).
        W = Qobj(swap(), type='super', superrep='choi')
        case(W, True, False, True)

        # Subnormalized maps (representing erasure channels, for instance)
        # can be CP but not TP.
        subnorm_map = Qobj(identity(4) * 0.9, type='super', superrep='super')
        case(subnorm_map, True, True, False)

        # Check that things which aren't even operators aren't identified as
        # CPTP.
        case(basis(2), False, False, False)