Beispiel #1
 def union((obj1, obj2)):
     result = SomeType()
     is_type_of1 = getattr(obj1, 'is_type_of', None)
     is_type_of2 = getattr(obj2, 'is_type_of', None)
     if obj1.is_immutable_constant() and obj2.is_immutable_constant() and obj1.const == obj2.const:
         result.const = obj1.const
         is_type_of = {}
         if is_type_of1:
             for v in is_type_of1:
                 is_type_of[v] = True
         if is_type_of2:
             for v in is_type_of2:
                 is_type_of[v] = True
         if is_type_of:
             result.is_type_of = is_type_of.keys()
         if is_type_of1 and is_type_of1 == is_type_of2:
             result.is_type_of = is_type_of1
     return result
Beispiel #2
 def union((obj1, obj2)):
     result = SomeType()
     is_type_of1 = getattr(obj1, 'is_type_of', None)
     is_type_of2 = getattr(obj2, 'is_type_of', None)
     if obj1.is_immutable_constant() and obj2.is_immutable_constant(
     ) and obj1.const == obj2.const:
         result.const = obj1.const
         is_type_of = {}
         if is_type_of1:
             for v in is_type_of1:
                 is_type_of[v] = True
         if is_type_of2:
             for v in is_type_of2:
                 is_type_of[v] = True
         if is_type_of:
             result.is_type_of = is_type_of.keys()
         if is_type_of1 and is_type_of1 == is_type_of2:
             result.is_type_of = is_type_of1
     return result
Beispiel #3
 def union((obj1, obj2)):
     result = SomeType()
     if obj1.is_immutable_constant() and obj2.is_immutable_constant(
     ) and obj1.const == obj2.const:
         result.const = obj1.const
     return result
Beispiel #4
 def union((obj1, obj2)):
     result = SomeType()
     if obj1.is_immutable_constant() and obj2.is_immutable_constant() and obj1.const == obj2.const:
         result.const = obj1.const
     return result